Family Dynamic: New Agenda (2)

Story by Taiconan on SoFurry

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Danny, a Leopard and skinny young man, has recently been accepted off the streets by Teita, a bobcat scientist who is apparently working on a cure for some kind of developing bone disease. Danny isn't sure he can trust Teita, but still feels safer with him than any of the other "kind souls" that have helped him so far. Teita seems to be absorbed in his work... what could he be doing that has him so preoccupied? Only time will tell...


ADULT MATERIAL BELOW! DO NOT CONTINUE IF BELOW THE AGE OF 18! Or whatever... Welp did all I can do. Characters are based off a fursona of mine and a friend's so any similarities to other stories or characters is coincidental... seriously... I don't peruse this site that much. >.>

Let us begin!


=|= The next day...

Danny awoke slowly as the unwelcome sun blared it's warmth and light on his face. He rolls over instinctively and realizes he's wrapped in cloth! 'A-a bed?!' He opens his eyes blearily, rubbing them as he tries to get a feel for his new location...


The room was nearly all white. It was then that he remembered where he was last night, and now wondered why he wasn't out in the street. The soft silky sheets were a welcome change to the harsh dumpsters and cold cardboard shelters he'd normally wake up in. The bobcat from yesterday had kept his word and given him his own room to sleep in! But where exactly was "here?" A digital clock flashed on the bed-side table, displaying it's only function in green LED lights, "7:12..." he whispers aloud.

He gets a better look at his new sleeping arrangement. A large dresser whose highest drawer was about shoulder height to him sat alone in the corner. A closet beside that lay open, revealing a slew of even more white clothing and outfits hanging in it. "W-what the..." Danny cocks his head with intrigue at the strange apparrel as it was what he was wearing under the covers, "Where the hell am I?" he thinks aloud.

"Ah! You're awake!"

Danny flails as he whips around to see the source of the voice, hitting the floor in his frantic maneuver! "HOLY-*whump!* Ack!" Teita had walked in silently from the hall and now stood over him with his white lab coat and round spectacles, not flinching from the exhuberant motion. The leopard blinks, staring wide eyed at Teita who is now looking down at him with an eyebrow raised and bearing a cheeky smile. "Are you all right, Danny?"

They begin the cognative testing... What feels like hours pass and finally the annoying questions come to an end, leaving the cat with a bit of a headache. Teita however seats Danny on the bed and continues to poke and prod. Muttering this and that as he occasionally asks things like, "Take a deep breath, please..." and "Lift your leg..." Consistantly deflecting or ignoring his subject's questions until finally Danny's mind begins to wander...

"Why is he doing this? Am I some sort of lab rat now? Am I gonna be testing shit to see if it's 'fit for public use' or something?! Why don't I just leave before this gets any weirder?" Teita speaks up before Danny can voice this thought, "Make a fist and say, 'harbor-weasel-mugger' please."

Danny blinks in disbelief, looking back over his shoulder at the bobcat pinching the scruff of his neck, "W-what?" Teita chuckles to himself and resumes his strange stroking and prodding. "Joke. Was wondering if you were paying attention."

The examination finally ends and the clock reveals that it is well into 12 o' clock. Danny's stomach rumbles which draws a raised eyebrow from Teita. "Oh yes! I'm sorry. I forgot breakfast, didn't I..." He stands and makes for the door. "Wait here, please."

30 minutes pass. If Teita hadn't locked the door behind him, the leopard wouldn't have hesitated to leave the room. But one glance out the window reveals the room was on the fourth or fifth floor. The window was NOT an option, unless he wanted to die... "Meh, it's a plan B." he says with a frown and sighs, pacing back towards the door, pulling the blanket tighter around him.

=|= Meanwhile...

Teita shakes his head as he struts down the white hall, finally on his way back to his subject with a plate of freshly scrambled eggs and cheese, toast, and a few small strips of bacon. "forget to feed him... pah... I didn't forget to feed him..." He mumbles as he turns his head and sticks his tongue out at his co-worker's empty office. " you~!" he says with a huff.

His phone begins to buzz, breaking his train of thought, "W-wha? oh!" he pulls the phone from its holster and blinks. He whispers in shock, "From Orion?!" He sits on the spot and places the food in front of him, pressing buttons with one paw while he covers his mouth with the other. "W-what did I do?! I haven't even started with this subject yet... I haven't made any big..." the content in the message stops him mid-sentence. About a minute passes as he re-reads it a third time and beams a big smile. "Finally..."

=|= In the Bedroom...

Danny groans in time with his stomach and bumps his head against the wall in time with his words, "Where - is - that - stupid - guy" He blinks when the thumping continues after he'd stopped butting his against the white paint, "O-oh! uhhh. Come in?" danny blinks, rubbing his forehead embarassed. Danny was confused. Even though he was locked in, the scientist waited until he replied before opening the door. Who is this guy?

"So sorry to keep you waiting!" The bobcat smiled apologetically and set the food down. "I-it's fine." Danny replied half-heartedly with inquisitive eyes on the plate before him. " took you forty minutes to make bacon and eggs?" He asked tentatively.

Teita frowned and sighed, "I burnt the eggs the first time, and second time I ended up setting the plate on fire with bacon grease. And the thir-" He sees the look he's getting from Danny and clears his throat, "...lets just say, I don't cook very much."

The leopard takes a bite, the fluffy eggs looked good and even if they tasted like anything BUT eggs, he doubted he would object. The first bite is still warm and isn't half bad, he had obviously used way too much cheese but it was definitely edible. The young feline smiles and begins to scarf down the food, Purring happily between his large gulps.

Teita seems preoccupied in his thoughts as he stares at the happy cat stuffing his face. There is so much preparation to be done. So many materials to call for. He blinks when he realizes that Danny had finished and was staring at him again. "O-oh! Here, this too." He hands over a large mug filled to the brim with cool milk. "Some of the research I'm doing involves bone density. I may need to keep you on a much higher intake of calcium and a few other supplements. Monthly samples of your periosteum, along with collagen density should give me the numbers I need..."

His voice trails off and his eyes fall to the floor as he strokes his chin in quiet contemplation. Danny is about to interrupt his thoughts, but decides he'd rather slug the milk he'd been handed. Teita leaves the room silently as Danny finishes his drink. The cat looks back just in time to see the door close and the click of the lock meeting his ears.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

=|= An hour later

Danny had taken to scratching little doodles in the bed frame to amuse himself. He is suddenly regretful of it when Teita returns, staring at the bed as if unsure how to process the event. After a long painful silence, Danny finally speaks up, "I-I'm sorry..." Teita blinks, as if this too was not what he expected, "O-oh! It's no problem, It's my own fault for not bringing this down sooner..."

He places the small bundle on the bedside table. "This should provide better entertainment than the... bed." Danny blushes and cuddles deeper into his blanket, eyeing the stack of magazines and the pad of paper. "Th-thank you..." He was grateful for them, but is so embarassed he hadn't waited a little longer for his return. He had broken a claw during his first drawings too, and though it hadn't hurt, this should have tipped him off to stop.

Teita smiles warmly at him, walking over to ruffle the fur on top of his head, "Well, be a little patient. Dinner will come soon, and then tomorrow, we begin..." He turns to leave, Danny felt strangely warm and fuzzy inside, something that had become foreign to him since he'd been out on the streets. He stares longingly into the bobcat's eyes before barely uttering, "o-okay..." Teita misses the vulnerable stare completely, his thoughts absorbed on what was to come that week. "Excellent! Sleep well!" He said absent mindedly before leaving the room. Dinner never came that night... But still, Danny found it easy and even wonderful, to fall asleep in a warm bed, in a safe place... well safer than a back-alley at least... And so far not asking him to do... "that"

Danny's thoughts drift into aimlessness as he starts looking through his reading material and soon falls fast asleep.


=|= Day comes again...

Danny had passed out while eyeing a rather shapely doe in the magazine on his lap last night. He rolls over again, the sun beating down on his forhead again. "Wh-?" He opens his eyes in a little surprise. He was still indoors? In a warm bed? And not starving? This wasn't a dream... yesterday had been kind of a blur. But today, he seemed more aware of all that had happened. He began to cry softly under the covers. Finally, he was somewhere that felt like a sanctuary... finally he could feel a moment of weakness without prying eyes. In between his quiet sobs of joy he whispered to himself, "thank you... thank you..."

=|= Meanwhile, five levels above...

"^Access granted! Welcome Doctor Noma." The feminine computer announced, unsealing the lab before Teita. "Thank you, T.O.R.I." The bobcat bristled with excitement and fear as cool fog rolled out of the open door. Beyond this door was the key to his discovery! Behind this threshold, he would unlock the secrets of this underground menace! And perhaps, even make a new life for himself. This was his chance to have everything he'd ever wanted... everything...


Danny groans, finally electing to roll out of bed and change his outfit. He had obviously had a wet dream or something of the sort as his underwear was damp. The leopard looks down at the magazine as he puts on his fresh clothes. It had fallen to the floor in his morning shuffle and lay open on a page he hadn't seen yet. "W-whoa..." A few pages had turned and there in the photo posed an incredibly well built Oscelot. A string bikini barely hiding the naughty bits as it stretched over her curves and her semi-thick fur masking the strings holding it together. The image made Teita blush and instinctively press his paws into lap as he sat back down on the bed.

It had been at least two months since he last willingly pawwed off. But now, for once in a long while, the urge was upon him... He was almost unsure how to begin again, as his mind combed over the seductive female's frame.


"^First task complete. Syringe loaded, sterilized, and ready for use."

Teita smiled in approval, looking over at the pneumo tube that hissed and opened, revealing his prize. "Excellent." He continues typing into the main console before him, which hums and flickers with incredible power. "T.O.R.I. Run one more test. I want this transformation to be temporary... I am entering new subject parameters. Find optimal functionality without exceeding safe saturation levels."



Danny swallows, his throat dry and his heart steadily pounding faster. His paws unconsciously knead his lap with soft and rhythmic circles. How much he wanted to lose himself in those large lucious breasts. Surrounded in that perfect pelt as it's soft velvet texture teases his sense of touch. That perfect feminine aroma teasing his nose. Her soft breath and quiet moans teasing his ears...



He groans softly and pulls the hem of his pants down. His shaft springs free and flings a drop of pre across the room, laying a thin strand of the naughty fluid across the dirty picture!


"^Program complete. Field interaction maximized. Upload bandwidth calibrated... synthesizing."

"Load it in the syringe in Pneumo tube 1, and run the protocol in the background at all times until activation. Then, upon activation, return it to the primary task in queue." He presses a few keys and turns to leave, grabbing the small injection on his way by and carrying a laptop under his arm. T.O.R.I. announces as he departs, "^ Confirm remote control through portable unit...?" he shouts back into the lab as the door starts to close behind him, "Confirm!"


Danny's paw runs tentatively over his length, making every barb flick as his digits pass over them. "A-ahn..." His vision blurs as his mind's eye lets him feel her close embrace. His heart races as his paw runs faster and faster over the very sensitive rod! His imagination bringing the sexy girl to life as he feels the opportunity to be sensitive and vulnerable in privacy...


Teita comes bursting into the room without warning! Danny staring in shock with his member in both hands! Teita is surprised he is awake, but does not let this stop him. He puts his laptop down and crosses the room. Danny frantically pulls up his shorts and looks away from Teita in sheer embarrassment! The bobcat stops a foot before the beet red leopard and suddenly falls to his knees so he is eye level with him. They share a moment, staring into each other's eyes... Teita's mind a wash of calculations and risks as Danny awes the struggle behind his new friend's eyes. Suddenly Teita leans forward, hugging Danny...

The leopard is too surprised to respond at first, but soon wraps his arms around him too... feeling truly safe for the first time in months. "W-what is-?" Danny stops, A sharp pain ran through his neck... a slight numbness and a gush of something thick into his shoulder... He had just injected something into his neck! The leopard is about to object and cry out when everything suddenly shuts down, and he passes out.

Teita stands, smiling warmly. "If you awaken... we'll be truly happy..." He walks right back out the door, taking his laptop as he speaks to the hallway, "T.O.R.I. Activate the program."



Views are appreciated, Comments are treasured... Cums are an unexpected bonus! ^-^