Don't You Know Who I Am? - Part Eight

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#8 of Don't You Know Who I Am?

Having finally discovered how he came to be on this very, very intimate cruise, Prince Jahir finally gets some answers... though perhaps not the ones he was expecting. <3

This story was written for Gamerfox as part of my Patreon request days for November. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, and public nudity and sexuality, in spaaaaaace!

Don't You Know Who I Am? - Part Eight

The promenade of the interstellar cruise liner was set on two levels, and it was from the upper level that several figures watched spurts of cum raining down, a raccoon even laughing and moaning softly as she found herself streaked by the seed as it fell, the two friends she was walking with immediately grinning and moving to help clean her up with their tongues. Several other figures looked up at the source of the falling cum, and their ears twitched, their cheeks flushed, and their own nether regions throbbed and ached with excitement at what they saw.

Bent over the upper promenade's railings, his face a picture of bliss as his cock twitched and spurted in a long, drawn out orgasm at the behest of both the hand wrapped around its shaft and the cock of a second figure driving deep into his ass, was a hyena. And behind him, the one provoking such outright ecstasy within him, the one making the lean figure yelp, and wail, and writhe in the throes of helpless orgasm, was a tiger. Arjun, or rather in this case Jahir as he truly was, and as he was known to his advisor and dear friend from back home in the Cirran Star Empire, let slip a roar of his own as he shuddered and began to unload deep into Ezekiel's ass, barely a minute after he had first grabbed the hyena and proceeded to share what no words could possibly have explained, but which this venue gave him the perfect method to express without speech.

Now though, as the two of them shuddered and grunted their way through their pleasure, Arjun finally gave voice to the reason why he'd reacted as he had. The reason why he was buried balls deep in his closest friend, and why Ezekiel, indeed why both of them were here on this cruise at all.

"Y-you... you did this, Zeke..."

The tiger moaned breathlessly as his cock twitched and unleashed another thick ribbon of cum deep into the hyena's tight rear.

"You're t-the... the one who organised the vacation, and... o-oh god, sent me here of all places. Here, without my knowing what this cruise really was, on purpose, didn't you?"

Accusatory as his words might have sounded though, his tone of voice was rich with joy, with pleasure, and with unbounded gratitude. Ezekiel didn't answer immediately of course, too busy, too overwhelmed with the final moments of his ongoing orgasm at the Prince's hand. When finally they both settled in the wake of that first sudden, wild fuck though, and continued to rest there against the railing with Arjun still buried in Ezekiel's rear and both his hands now simply cradling the hyena around his midsection, the secret Prince's advisor nodded, and whispered over his shoulder even as he felt Arjun gently pecking, kissing at the side of his neck.

"I did, Sire. Uh, S-Sir. Mr Sol."

The hyena blushed as after spending so long crafting Arjun's secondary identity, he found himself unable to overcome the social programming of more than a decade spent in the Prince's service.

"I... y-you needed a break. A real break. I could see how heavily the burden of your duties was weighing upon you, h-how conflicted you were, the more involved you grew with handling political matters in the Empire. Sir, I... I know you've always tried your very best to remain in touch with the people. To recognise your privilege, your wealth, a-and... and to use it for the good of all, r-rather than the few in your duties. But, as the Queen has placed more duties on your shoulders, a-and as you learn more about the other figures who wield power in the Empire; people more motivated by maintaining or ascending their current station than b-by doing good for the citizens they are meant to serve... I've seen the look in your eyes. The sorrow. T-the... the hopelessness, like you worry you won't be able to hold their greed in check, and keep the Empire the flourishing beacon it is, where everyone can rely on their planetary government to assist them not only in their times of need, but... t-to help their passions come to life, to encourage them in the arts, the sciences, whatever they wish to do with their lives so long as it enriches and emboldens others."

By the time Ezekiel fell silent, Arjun's cock was no longer inside him, nor quite so hard as it had been despite his relatively recent imbibing of one of the cruise's blue stamina boosting tonics. Turning within the tiger's arms and facing the Prince head on, the hyena blushed.

"S-sorry... I guess the truth can be a bit of a boner killer."

Arjun snorted in amusement, but nodded ruefully both at that comment, and at what Ezekiel had said to him.

"It is the truth though. But... Zeke, my dear friend, my counsel... why this?"

The tiger gestured around them, and they both glanced over towards a kiosk a little way along the upper promenade where various sex toys were available for hire, a chubby bat currently sitting in a comfortable reclining chair beside the booth, testing a rather powerful looking wand style vibrator while a wallaby presumably there with her as a lover stood close by, panting as she tweaked one of her stiff nipples with one hand, and worked a fleshlight-like device over her throbbing cock with the other.

Blushing, Ezekiel and Arjun looked back at one another, and the hyena smiled bashfully.

"I... I wanted to show you freedom. There were a dozen places on my shortlist. A holiday commune on Del'ziare Beta, where you live in total harmony with the planet through a bonding experience with the planet's symbiotic microfauna. An artist's retreat on Station K-591, where prose, poetry, music, sculpture, drawing, even cookery are taught by members of a culture who believe that creativity is the tangible expression of soul. I even considered sending you to Hylon. The gases in that planet's atmosphere trigger a unique reverberation in the structure of the planet's core mineral groups, and create a constant, low level telepathic field. The planet's people have no secrets from one another, and no judgement when ill or intrusive thoughts are shared, just a desire to help understand and work through whatever had caused those thoughts to arise. Wherever I sent you though, I... Jah-... uh, Arjun, I just wanted to show you what it is that the best parts of yourself are striving for. Why it's so important that you don't give up, that you don't let yourself be dragged down to the level of selfish, greedy individuals like those you sometimes have to work with in your duties to the Empire."

A group of six figures ran by, squealing with laughter, on their way to some event or another elsewhere along the promenade. Cocks bounced at full mast, breasts jiggled, flesh and fur moved giddily, freely and with such beauty regardless of the age or shape or species of its owner. Ezekiel and Arjun watched them pass, and the hyena smiled warmly to the Prince as Arjun trembled slightly, and the tiger's flagging arousal began to swell and stiffen once again.

"Our society learned long ago that a purely profit driven, wealth focused system of society was incapable of functioning without harming the majority of its members for the benefit of the minority occupying the most wealth. And while we still use currency, just as the company that runs these cruises does, it exists now in a state where it serves as a distribution network. A way to share and provide people with resources, and to let them allocate those resources to whatever their needs and wants require. Even here, did you know that for every room purchased on this cruise, another is gifted to an interested party who might not have been able to afford the ticket? But, nothing marks those tickets as different. Nothing separates any standard visitor from someone who has been brought here through the spending power of others. Because, wealth is no measure of whether someone deserves a chance to experience freedom like this, or not. To experience love, passion, pleasure, joy in such obscene abundance... one shouldn't be forced to toil, and struggle, and fight just to afford the privilege."

Ezekiel looked deep into Arjun's eyes, and blushed as he saw wonder, and tears glimmering within the Prince's hues.

"I know you believe that, m-my... my dear friend. And, that's why I brought you here. Why I chose this place for you to relax, and experience life away from your duties. So that when you return to them, you will have an even clearer understanding of what it is that you're working to not only protect and preserve, but to advance to ever greater heights. So that next time you find yourself dealing with someone whose motives are less selfless, you will remember that there are billions upon billions of people out there in the Empire who love and trust and care just as you do, and that it is them you represent, not the wealthy who come to your door with propositions of how to increase your wealth, and theirs by proxy."

Feeling the topic growing a little weighty once again, the hyena chuckled.

"Well, that, and I kinda thought you could do with getting laid."

The tiger snorted with helpless laughter at that last comment, and a moment later Ezekiel was wrapped up in his arms once again, their bodies pressed together, cocks firm and twitching against each other, while their muzzles locked in a deep and lengthy kiss.

"And of course, you had to come along too. To... what, keep an eye on me from afar?"

Arjun teased as he pulled back from that kiss, only to peck Ezekiel on the tip of his nose and grin as the hyena's face burned scarlet.

"I... w-well, it's just... protocol dictates t-that at least one royal guard remains w-with the Prince at all times. A-and, as you know, you had me inducted into the guard specifically s-so you wouldn't have to have some military person with a weapon close at hand."

The tiger chuckled at Ezekiel's response, but raised an eyebrow.

"And what does protocol say about lying to a member of the Imperial family, about leaving them in the care of unvetted strangers, about Princes sharing copious sex with many, many partners, some of whose names he might not even have gleaned from their time together?"

Ezekiel's face burned hotter and hotter.

"Well, S-Sir... protocol isn't everything..."

Arjun grinned.

"I'll remind you that you said that next time you're dressing me for a formal event, and you try to explain why I need to wear so many layers of attire even in the middle of summer. Though... who knows, after visiting here, I may change the dress code when I'm King. All nude banquets, clothing optional galas concluding in an orgy for all those who wish to participate. How do you think the rest of the Imperial court would react to that, hmm?"

As he spoke, his right hand fell between their bodies, and wrapped around both their stiffened cocks. Slowly, teasingly Arjun began to stroke them in unison, stimulating the shafts not just with his paw but against one another at the same time. The hyena shuddered and his face grew redder still, Arjun laughing warmly once again when he finally croaked an answer.

"T-that... a-aahh, that depends. A-ah... am I invited?"

Arjun grinned, and leaned forward to kiss Ezekiel gently, adoringly once more.


He murmured, licking his lips in delight.

"But... don't worry, my friend. You've still got, what... twelve and a half days to fully convince me?"

One more time the two men looked around the promenade. At the laughing, beaming, naked figures wandering all around. At the figures pressed against walls or lying on the floor, writhing in rapture with a companion or two or three. At the glass fronted rooms housing a variety of wonderfully varied, lewd activities, all occupied by friends, lovers, and complete strangers lost in a shared experience of absolute ecstasy. Soon enough though their eyes returned to one another, and lingered there, transfixed as their cocks continued to grind and hump together, faces flushing, muzzles panting louder and more giddily by the moment.

"A-ahh... yes, m...mhh... my Prince..."

Ezekiel moaned helplessly, blushing and shuddering as the tiger growled at him playfully, pecked him on the lips yet again, and shook his head with a teasing murmur.

"Mmmm, nope... not right now, I'm not."

Barely a minute later though as their pleasure began to build towards even greater heights, the hyena whimpered again, instinct driving him to address the tiger as he had for the past decade.

"God, J-Jahir... your cock f-feels so fucking good..."

The tiger grinned, moaned, and rocked his hips all the more urgently against Ezekiel's own in response.

"Ahh, s-so... god, yeah... so does yours. But, I'm not Jahir. I'm not your Prince. And, when you scream my name... and you're gonna, Zeke. When you scream it... I want you to scream the right one."

Ezekiel's toes curled as he felt the tiger's pre-cum dribbling against the tip of his own twitching, dripping wet shaft.


He whined helplessly, mind too clouded, too foggy with bliss to think straight even though he knew that for all his teasing, the tiger really did want to leave his royal title behind him for the remainder of the cruise.

"That's still not it..."

The undercover Prince growled, humping harder, stroking faster.


Ezekiel whined as his own hips began to buck against the tiger's in return.

"Better, but, still not it."

The tiger moaned, lifting his free hand to stroke the hyena's face, and kissing him lovingly on the lips once more before continuing in a husky, longing whisper.

"Zeke, you're my closest friend. My dearest confidante. And now... now, my lover, too. You made this identity for me. You picked it out of all the possible names in all the galaxy, hand chosen just for me, here and now. Forget the Prince. Forget the Empire. Forget protocol. Look in your heart, and tell me... Zeke, don't you know who I am?"

Ezekiel grunted as just a moment later, both he and the tiger drove one another over the edge with their grinding, throbbing cocks. Their backs arched. Their free arms clutched giddily at one another, and as with a strangled roar the tiger began to paint Ezekiel's belly with cum while the hyena did the very same to his dear friend, to his lover who looked so happy, so free from all the trappings of his life beyond the cruise liner, Ezekiel had no choice but to throw back his head, and howl his gratitude to the tiger for all around them to hear.

"Aahhhhgodyess! _Yes!! A-aahh... Arjun! C-cum with me! Oh god, cum with me! Yesssss! _"

By Jeeves

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