Furryless Exchange

Story by katemarquet on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

A recent commission and followup to Black Card, Broken Exchange involving the transformed girls from there getting revenge.

Michael and Andrew were getting dressed while the girls were laying splayed out on the bad, feeling spent after the second round of fooling around left them reeling. Both were panting when they heard their former bosses triumphantly address them.

"And we'll be back tomorrow to make sure you two don't forget us. Have fun between now and then if you can," Michael laughed while pulling up his pants.

Andrew was still staring at Ashley as he got dressed. "I'll be thinking of that all tomorrow while at negotiations. This is gonna be fun," he said with a ravishing smile.

The two girls looked at each other from across the room, stuck somewhere between anger that that they were changed and the rather hot and bothered feeling that was lingering through their bodies. The men left and soon after a massive donkey man along with a horse woman entered.

"Come along. Time to wash up," the horse woman said in a no-argument-to-be-had sort of tone.

Ashley and Cecilia were pushed into the showers before the water was turned on at full blast. The two girls stank of sex and its leftovers and were not done for the day either. They had to entertain some big wig before they would be allowed to eat properly again.

"Go dry off and put on the clothing that was left for you, okay?" the horse woman barked orders at them and they did their best to comply.

With all their fur, drying took a while and both were not too proud to admit they may have licked at themselves somewhat while drying off. It came surprisingly naturally, especially for Ashley. The outfits they found on their bunks were barely outfits at all, as both wore lacy teddies that hardly hid their nipples or crotch.

"This is our life from now on," sighed Cecilia while she could not help but lick at her arm.

Ashley sighed too. "I never though the horny side of me would be the side to win out."

The two girls got into their skimpy lingerie and briefly modeled for the other.

"I look good?" Ashley asked, turned and showed off her wagging tail above her perky and plump ass.

"You look fucking adorable, hun," Cecilia with with an agreeable smile.

The two girls left the room and marched down the hall and back to the room that felt like a bordello to wait for this apparent big spender. The two lounged together and whispered back and forth about how many of the other girls here were likely like them. At least once. Most seemed to love or revel in their work while Ashley and Cecilia only seemed to when in the heat of the moment.

"Maybe we'll get broken in like the rest of them?" Cecilia asked her friend nervously.

"No. At least not until we get out revenge," Ashley lamented.

"Revenge? Are you serious? How is that going to happen when we're stuck in this place for the next few years, maybe our lives, as these furry sluts?" Cecilia asked in a strained whisper.

"We'll think of something, I don't know," Ashley said exacerbated as she was trying to think of the answer to that question.

It was another hour before he came in.

He was a large man in his late 60s, possibly of Arab descent but had no accent to speak of. He entered the room through the VIP doors and walked around with one of the mistresses, this one a mouse, with a big smile on his face.

"At least he isn't as gloomy as some of the others," Ashley found herself musing.

"He's older though," Cecilia observed while drinking some of the watered down wine that was provided to them all.

When he reached them he had a brief word with the mistress before walking closer.

"Now, now, now, look at you lovely things," he said with a big, sappy voice.

Ashley couldn't help but want to flirt a little. "Did you hear that, C? He thinks we're lovely."

Cecilia was a little surprised by her friend sounding so natural in the role. "Well, we are pretty cute," she found herself agreeing.

"Just adorable. And new too, I hear?" he asked with a brimming smile.

The lupine and feline girls nodded their heads, not knowing what else to say.

"Good, good. I'll be seeing you shortly then," he laughed.

The two girls gulped deeply but smiled and nodded all the same, knowing they would get in trouble if they did not. As soon as the man left the room, minders came and brought them to a large room that made the one they were in when they first changed seem like nothing at all. This room was lavished in gold and had an otherwise sleek modern design, with large beds with black frames and white pillows and cushions.

"Get in the bed on the right, the both of you," the minder said and the two girls obliged quickly. They soon realized they were not alone.

From a back door came two more girls, each of them looking confused and somewhat modest like Ashley and Cecilia were. The first was a girl crossed with some sort of rabbit, based on her whiskers, nose, and large, flopping ears. Her fur was mostly gray and white, with some dark brown splotches around her ass and lower back. Her body was tight and hot as well, with a perky tail above her perky bum.

The second was a similar cross between a woman and a squirrel of some kind. Her tail stuck out behind hide her, pluming and sticking up while the small girl attached to it seemed frightened and confused. They were told to get on the bed and "look sexy" by the same wolf man that took Cecilia over the edge.

The four girls were then left in a room by themselves.

"I don't belong here," the squirrel girl broke down and started to cry while her partner tried to comfort her, for what little that did.

"None of us do," Ashley said, speaking up as she heard footsteps nearing the door. Her ears twitched. "But what choice do we have?"

Just then the door opened and in walked the same larger older man from before with the mistress mouse behind him.

"Ladies, meet Mr. Sadin. He will be your master for the evening, so do anything and everything he says, understood?" the mistress asked in a tone that said she wasn't asking.

"Yes ma'am," they all said in relative unison. The wolf man was soon back with a chair that looked comfortable, and he set it up a few feet in front of the man and in full view of the two beds.

"Is there anything else, Mr. Sadin?" the mistress asked.

"Four, no, five bottles of your finest champagne. Things are rather tight in here," he said as he saw a bit of fear in each girl's eyes. Even Ashley and Cecilia were unsure what this man had in mind for all of them. Their worst imagination saw them all in a death match scenario but thankfully this was not to be.

"Of course," the mistress said as she bowed and saw herself out of the room.

The man smiled in a while that said it could also have been indigestion. He rocked from side to side in the chair in an effort to get comfortable. Finally finding that right position, he looked over the girls again.

"Some of you look fit to topple," he joked as he looked at Ashley. The girl was trying to seem confident but her nerves showed though.

"Some of us haven't even been girls for twenty-four hours," Ashley spoke up, looking down at her ample chest and the tits hanging there.

"And what's your name, girl?" Mr. Sadin asked with a brimming smile.

"Ashley," she responded, trying to act natural.

"You're a feisty girl, Ashley. I'm well aware you're all new. That's a good reason why you're here. I like the girls who are still discovering their bodies. They're the more interesting ones," he said with a quick lick of his lips.

"Wh-what do you want us to do?" the rabbit girl asked, looking innocent as could be.

The man smiled and moved his chair a little closer, scraping the bare floor as he did.

"I would very much like to see the two of you pair off with each other and do a bit of exploration of the other. Perhaps the wolf with the rabbit, eh? Cat with the squirrel seem fitting?" he offered with a smile.

The girls all looked at each other and remembered the rules. Cecilia stayed where she was while the rabbit switched with Ashley. Once together, in walked a burly-looking hyena man with the wolf in tow, both carrying two buckets of ice with champagne lovingly sitting in each. The man stood up and thanked the men, tipping them generously as they passed and as he took out one of the bottles.

"You can get started, ladies," he said as he inspected the bottle.

Ashley turned to the squirrel girl and smiled. "I'm Ashley, by the way," she said as she leaned in and kissed the somewhat shocked at first but slowly leaned into it squirrel girl.

"Jason- I mean, Jasmine," she said clumsily.

"You're new too?" Ashley asked as she tenderly laid down next to the girl, fluffing her tail up as she went.

"Yes. We couldn't pay the other night and," she stammered, unable to finish.

Instead, Ashley tried to calm her a little bit by rubbing down the woman's body.

They continued to whisper.

"I haven't... really had a chance to, really, be a woman yet," Jasmine said as she bit her lip.

"My experience is... brief," Ashley said for herself, looking the girl up and down closely. "But I'm sort of just admiring you and trying not to think about the cunt between my legs."

The squirrel was somewhat taken by the bluntness of Ashley and after glancing over and seeing the man's eyes on her, decided to roll back and start kissing Ashley rather abruptly. Their tongues traded saliva as they let their hands explore the other and their fur rubbed.

Meanwhile, on the other bed, Cecilia was admiring the bun's rather ample features while the bunny girl herself mostly just laid back.

"I'm Cecilia," she greeted, kissing at the bunny girl's chest.

She took a few moments reply with "Lilly," at last in a squeak of a voice.

"I guess you're not here willingly either?" Cecilia asked closely as she came up on the girl's muzzle.

Lilly licked her lips and tried to act calm but was clearly nervous. "First time out in this... body."

Cecilia looked her up and down and couldn't help but be impressed. It seemed every girl minted here was a catch by any account. Rubbing her ear in between two of her fingers, Cecilia couldn't help but admire Lilly's buxom frame.

"I've barely been this way for twenty-four hours," Cecilia tells the girl. "And I've learned we're definitely not the ones in control here."

The bunny girl looked nervous and glanced around the room, as if looking for escape but there was none. The old man was looking at her expectantly so she did the only thing she could and turned to start making out with Cecilia. The two started slowly, quickly, fluttering kisses before both started to melt into the role a bit more.

The two started to make out, with their bodies getting more worked up in the friction between them.

"That's it, girls. Explore and find out what your new bodies are all about," Sadin said while pouring himself a glass of bubbling champagne. "Find that new level of enjoyment that your bodies have now.

All the girls looked at him then and then back at each other.

"Yes, you used to be all men, no doubt. But now you're ladies of the night, if you will. Some of you more nocturnal than others perhaps, but you're made for pleasure now. So why don't you enjoy each other some?" Sadin continued with a smile, sounding like he was granting them freedom.

Ashley worked her way on top of Jasmine, soon spreading her legs and bringing a careful hand up her inner thigh. Cooing, she licked the squirrel girl's furry ears.

"Stop," Jasmine said playfully. "You're tickling me."

"Am I?" Ashley asked as she brought her finger up to Jasmine's slit.

Judging by the gasping way that Jasmine reacted, it was her first time with any sort of action down there and she was unsure what to do.

"Are you scared?" Ashley asked, feeling her heart beat faster as she looked down at the rather attractive squirrel girl.

Biting her lip, the girl answered, "No, not scared. Just, strangely turned on." The admission came with a flutter of her big green eyes. They stared into Ashley's and they soon melted on each other, making out deeply as their hands explored every sensitive nook and cranny on their bodies. It was not long before both were moaning and very much enjoying the pleasure.

On the other bed, things were going more slowly as the rabbit girl and Cecilia's nerves were showing. They looked over at their compatriots and saw them having no trouble so they tried again.

"Maybe I should be on top?" Lilly asked, a crack of a smile breaking her otherwise downtrodden face.

"Sure," Cecilia answered as they slowly changed positions until the girl was comfy on her face. The long, floppy ears of the rabbit hung down like fuzzy curtains around Cecilia's face. "You're very cute from this angle."

"You're not too bad yourself," Lilly smiled back.

Then Cecilia suddenly felt a warm touch at her slit not even noticing the rabbit sneak her hand down below earlier. Her eyes raised and she moaned softly as the careful hand of the rabbit pushed in and found her clit.

"Do you like that, wolfy?" she asked Cecilia as she started to howl softly at the pleasure she was feeling.

"Oh yeah, you're doing good," Cecilia said as she rested her head back and continued to enjoy the rabbit's touch.

Mr. Sadin sat back in his chair sipping champagne, and watched the girls do as he willed.

For the next hour or so, the girls continued to do what they were compelled to: make out with each other and explore their bodies. Ashley felt herself opening up more and becoming even more comfortable in her body. She would attempt to purr but couldn't manage it well, though Jasmine seemed to like it. When the squirrel went down on the feline, Ashley had a hard time keeping it together.

"There, there, there!" she would moan as the squirrel practically nibbled away at the girl.

On the other side, the two girls were trying to rub their new parts together and were managing pretty well.

"Oh Cecilia," Lilly would moan as they got hotter and hotter, fur rubbing against fur. Their breasts bounced as they worked the other, more taken with pleasuring the other than themselves. They would kiss when they could but mostly their mouths remained open, gasping for air as the pleasure grew and grew.

Sadin seemed delighted when Lilly started to moan loudly as an orgasm took her. It wasn't long after that her partner, Cecilia, started to get off too. The sensations caused their bodies to shake, toes to curl, eyes to cross, and tongue to stick out. It took several minutes for them to cool down, but when they did, Mr. Sadin handed the girls a glass of champagne each.

"Very nice show, ladies," he told them as both were still trying to catch their breath.

"Thank you, sir," Cecilia said with a panting smile.

"Of course, master," Lilly said before blushing. "Sorry, not sure why I said that."

"I think I know," the man tittered with a smirk.

"What?" Lilly asked.

"You're simply taking on more and more of your submissive tendencies. You may have lacked them as a man, maybe, but here you are made to be subservient to whomever wishes to control you," Sadin spoke carefully and never rushed when speaking. "But I'm a bit different than the rest here, I think you'll find."

Ashley's snout was buried in Jasmine's cunt and the squirrel girl was shouting and moaning loudly, causing Mr. Sadin to stop talking to the other girls in order to watch.

"See how they have fully given into each other? They're loving this and each other, and themselves. It's so wonderful and beautiful to watch," Mr. Sadin said as he sipped the last of his champagne. As he slowly walked back to his chair, Ashley jumped up off the bed.

"So all you do is watch?" Ashley asked.

Mr. Sadin took his time to answer, instead preferring to sit and open the box of cigars next to him. He cut the tip of it, smelled it from end to end, and then stuck it in his mouth. "I enjoy watching and knowing. There is no greater ecstasy than that which comes with control and a certain degree of punishment."

"P-punishment?" Lilly said in a shivering voice.

"Heh, like you, my dear. Coming to a place where you couldn't afford their services landed you in quite the pickle, didn't it? You're being punished as we speak but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I know I do," Sadin smiled.

"But what about me? Us?" Cecilia asked with a bit more concern.

"You mean you and the tigress?" Sadin wanted to clarify.

Cecilia nodded.

"You're no different from the rest, so I hear. Not able to pay for your pleasure, were you?"

Cecilia shook her head. "We were simply played for fools, sir. We had the money but our bosses, they, they canceled the card and trapped us here. It was," she sighed, "most unfortunate. But it's not our fault!"

Mr. Sadin was amused by this at first. "Oh, is that so? So you're here, trapped, because of this treachery?"

Cecilia nodded. She looked over at Ashley to have her agree but the girl was still busy using her new, longer tongue to tease Jasmine to the brink of orgasm.

"Ash! Ashley!" Cecilia said while giving her friend's tail a tug to get her attention. Finally Ashley removed her snout which was wet and covered in goo, almost. The tigress licked her face with her tongue and seemed to finally come back to reality.

"Yes?" Ashley asked sweetly, using her finger to clean the excess from her nose.

Before Cecilia could speak again, Mr. Sadin held up his cigar and everyone quieted. He then turned to Ashley. "Come, girl," he told her before sitting back in his chair.

She walked up to him carefully before, judging by the motion of his eyes, getting on her knees to his left and looking up at him as if he was her whole world.

"Now tell me, girl, how did you wind up in this place?" Sadin asked tenderly.

Ashley looked over at Cecilia first and then back to Sadin. "Tricked by our bosses into thinking everything would be paid for. Everything, they said. Then we came to find out the card was reported stolen and that they had planned this the entire time! They hired us just so we'd end up... here," she finished, trying not to sound dismissive towards present company.

Sadin then stroked his chin in thought for a few moments before saying, "Ladies, enjoy the drinks and relax together. I need to think."

Knowing they had to oblige him, they each poured new glasses and laid back on the beds, talking about the lives they used to have.

Jasmine and Lilly had both been software engineers looking for some fun on vacation when they wound up in the service of this bordello. They found Ashley and Cecilia's story even worse than their own situation.

"That really stinks," Lilly said as she played with her breasts idly.

"Yeah. They played you two like fiddles," was Jasmine's observation.

"Thanks," a somewhat deflated Ashley replied.

It was another few minutes of Mr. Sadin sitting there smoking before he clicked a hidden button on the side of his chair. No less than ten seconds later, the mouse mistress was there and at the man's side.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Sadin?" she asked in a bubbly sweet voice.

"I wanted to inquire about where these two girls, the wolf and cat, came from exactly. From what they tell me, there was some trickery involved. Is this true?"

The mistress's expression changed a bit, frowning slightly and shooting the two girls dagger looks before composing herself back to a lively smile. "We're not at liberty to discuss other customers'... situations because-"

"My dear," Sadin interrupted, taking the cigar out of his mouth and rolling it between his fingers, "do you know who I am?"

"Yes, Mr. Sadin. Of course," the mouse was quick to answer.

"We're literally in my own private suite here on a block of land that I own. I was flown here, from my private jet, driven here in my Royals, and parked in my own personal garage beneath the building. I could buy out all your other clients and the debts of your current girls, leaving you womanless and broke and still have enough money left over to pave my bowling alley gold. If I want to know something that goes on here then I will be told. Is that understood?" He spoke carefully and at a measured pace, never raising his voice or sounding cruel, but the sheer weight of his words was undeniable. As much could be seen pushing down on the mistress's back, forcing her to bend.

"Yes, I understand sir. Sorry, sir," she apologized, bowing her head.

"Now, to my question," he began again.

"There was an arrangement made between the headmistress and two businessmen from America. I was not involved in the process, so I can't speak to details, but two Americans paid well to have these two turned into women and allowed us to keep them at our disposal," the mistress answered rapidly.

"So these men will be returning, probably tonight, to be with the girls again?" Sadin asked, cigar now back in his mouth.

"Yes, sir," the mouse answered.

This caused the man to bristle with an excitement that he quickly contained with practiced class. "If you could, get the headmistress in here for me. I'd like to discuss some things with her. You can take the ladies out and clean them up. Those two especially since they'll be used later tonight," he said with a smirk towards Ashley.

"Of course, sir. Right away." With that the mistress clapped twice and motioned for the girls to go out the back door. Without another word, they all complied though Cecilia looked back at the man, wondering what his game was, just as the headmistress made her entrance.

Again, the girls were all washed, cleaned and dried before they were allowed a small meal before bed. The whole time they were being eyed by higher ups for some suspicious reason that they assumed had to do with Mr. Sadin. Once in their bunks, Ashley sighed as she stared up at the bottom of Cecilia's cot.

"You think we're gonna get in trouble?" Ashley pondered out loud.

"Probably. I feel like those were things that we were not supposed to talk about," Cecilia replied from above as she carefully touched and explored herself.

"But he asked! What else were we supposed to do?"

"Lie, I guess," Cecilia said nonchalantly.

Ashley thought on that for a moment before another idea popped in her head. "What if means to buy us?"

"Like, as his sex slaves?" Cecilia tried to clarify.

"Possibly, though he only likes to watch. Maybe we'd just be maids?" Ashley said hopefully.

"I don't really want to be someone's personal slave," Cecilia said sadly.

"We might not have much of a choice in the matter, Cecil," Ashley said, already reflecting on what such a life would entail. How rapidly things had changed over the last two days and they were likely about to get even more ragged.

The two continued to fret and worry about their future until they were finally able to fall asleep. Ashley had sexual dreams of a sort she wasn't used to. This led to her body squirming under the covers as she rubbed herself while her eyes remained shut. Cecilia, though, hardly even budged in her sleep.

It felt like only a few hours of sleep had passed when both were woken up by the mouse mistress.

"Come on, up and up, ladies," the mouse said as she stirred either girl from their rest.

Again clothing was provided to them that was little more than extremely skimpy lingerie. Once dressed, they were taken to a small room where food was provided. The small meal was mostly rice and noodles and was over before they even got to savor any of it.

"This way, come on," the mouse said after only a few minutes.

Again they were in the cramped hallways being led to, they thought, the main chamber but instead they took some extra turns before winding up someplace somewhat familiar: the room in which they were transformed. They looked around at the two beds and felt a familiarity that was both comforting and scary.

"You there," the mouse instructed Ashley, pointing to the bed on the right, "and you there," she told Cecilia. Either girl went to their respective bed and laid down. "Your clients will be coming in soon. Treat them as you normally would and show the utmost class. When the headmistress enters, you are to cease any action you were currently locked in and stand here," she pointed to a spot between the two beds, "at attention. Is that understood?"

Neither seemed to catch the drift of what they were doing this but they nodded all the same, knowing that disobeying wasn't really an option.

The mistress left soon after and the two girls were made to wait for another fifteen minutes before the door opened at last and their hearts dropped into their stomachs.

It was Andrew and Michael, looking tanned, wearing sunglasses with big grins and large mixed drinks in their hands. They seemed to be having the time of their lives and the next party that would happen would be with the two girls.

"Good evening, ladies," Michael greeted before taking a long sip of his margarita.

"So happy to see you two again," Andrew said with a big, goofy grin on his face.

The two girls looked at each other from across the room and felt ashamed.

"Remember, we're paying customers so you have to treat us properly," Michael reminded them as he approached, a stiffy already showing in his pants. "Now come over here, Ashley, and take my pants off."

The girl's ears couldn't help but lower somewhat before she nodded and obliged. She walked over to Michael and got on her knees. Her heart was racing and there was still anger towards her former boss for what they did to them. As she undid his pants, she let them slide around his feet, before tugging the man's briefs down. His cock bobbled in front of her before she took him in her padded hand.

"As for you," Andrew meanwhile said as he approached Cecilia before sitting down on the bed, a glass of liquor in his hand, "do a little dance and strip for daddy, okay?"

The wolf girl nodded and walked to the space at the end of the bed in front of where he was standing. She began a dance that started in her hips and moved down her legs while her hands started groping at her own body.

Ashley's muzzle was soon full of Michael's cock and her vision was either of his somewhat hairy waist or of him looking down at her when she turned her beautiful big eyes upward. Her amber eyes were just the thing that Michael wanted to see as he reached down and grabbed the back of the girl's head. Before she knew it, he was thrusting into her mouth and more and more saliva was dripping from her mouth.

"You like that, you dirty slut? You enjoying your new lives as simple animal whores?" Michael asked while Ashley felt her entire mouth filled with cock. The taste of pre was on her tongue but it didn't seem like Michael would be finishing anytime soon.

Part of Ashley wanted him to defile her completely and just leave her there, spent and used. Another part of her wanted revenge, but was stifled by horniness and a lack of options for how to get back at them.

Cecilia gradually took off her bra before slipping her panties down and fingering herself for Andrew's pleasure. It wasn't long before he had his cock out and was lightly stroking himself to the sight.

"This is our last night in the country, girls. After this, you're on your own for however long you're stuck here. Years I think it was?" he laughed.

Upon hearing this, both of the girls felt a bit worse and more trapped than they already were. What would their families think? What would happen to their lives? Would they be forgotten? Would people look for them? All pressing questions, but paled in the moment to the arousal of both the women and their charges.

Michael finally pulled Ashley's feline head from his cock, with strands of spit connecting the two while some excess even rolled down from her nostrils. He then bent down and picked her up. After tossing her onto the bed, he stripped off his shirt and crawled onto the bed. He spread her legs and immediately set upon trying to eat her out, though his tongue was nothing like the girl from yesterday. He also only spent a little while below before crawling up on top of her, licking his lips and his cock teasing her tight entrance.

"You ready for it, baby?" he asked Ashley as the girl braced herself for him.

"Yes," she whimpered.

"No, no, no. That's yes, master," he said from his commanding position over her with a sneer on his face.

At the same time, Cecilia was being made to crawl up on top of Andrew until she was squatted between his legs, her hand on his cock. She let a single drop of spit fall from her mouth and fall down the head of his cock to act as a little bit of lubrication for her hand job.

"That's a good, girl. I know I hired you for a reason," Andrew joked as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

It was then, while both girls were beginning to submit, that the door opened. Both turned their heads and saw a woman in a black dress enter with her chin up and all the grandeur in the world. She was a cat mix but something different than Ashley and looking a fair bit more cruel. She looked at either bed and either girl.

Remembering the instructions from the mistress about when the headmistress entered, both immediately crawled off their respective guy and went to the space between the two beds. They stood up straight and tried to be at the ready.

"Hey, what the shit, you bitch?" Andrew said as he sat up and yelled at Cecilia. "Get back over here now!" he commanded.

Cecilia did her best to resist the urge to obey as she watched the headmistress walk in and look over the two men in their beds. She then turned her attention to the girls. Coming right up to them, she looked them up and down, as if assessing their entire worth based on looks alone.

"You're both quite exquisite," the headmistress said, tracing her finger over their shoulders and breasts, her own lips a scarlet red that came close to almost kissing Ashley before backing away.

Michael, on the other hand, was getting quite perturbed.

"What the fuck is going on? Who the fuck are you?" he asked, jumping out of the bed and not bothering to put any clothes on.

The headmistress sucked in a short breath before turning to Michael. She looked him up and down and assessed the man without much thought. "I am the Headmistress of this bordello. You've dealt with my subordinates in the past but I'm here on a matter of one of our higher end clients."

"What the hell are you talking about? We paid up and we want our time!" Andrew huffed as he thought he knew where this was going.

"Indeed you did but your time has been bought by someone else a few times over," and with that she snapped her fingers. The door behind her opened and in walked a rather massive looking stallion man followed by a beefy looking bull dude. Behind him, Mr. Sadin.

"What the hell is this shit?" Michael asked upon seeing the men enter. The stallion man walked nearer to Michael while the bull reached Andrew quickly and grabbed the man by the wrist.

"You two were big spenders but you've been bought out, effectively. I'm here to tell you that you'll be joining the bordello as our newest members, all for the delight of Mr. Sadin here," she said in a royal manner that seemed to sound like she treated the men as done already.

"Wh-wh-what are you saying?" Andrew asked with a growing worry and concern.

The headmistress turned her head and smiled at the man. "It means, my good man, you won't be a good man for much longer. More a bad woman if anything," she smirked before starting to laugh louder, to which the burly anthro males also started to chuckle.

It was then that Andrew tried to make a run for it. He slipped his hand from the loose grip of bull and made a run for the back door. Surprisingly, he reached it and pulled it open, dashing into the hallway.

The mistress let out a short huff and looked at the bull man. He nodded without saying a word and took off after Andrew.

Meanwhile Michael took a different tactic.

"Wait, wait. You can't do this, I thought we had a deal?" he said to the woman.

"We don't deal in contracts. Just money. And he has far more than you ever will," the headmistress said, smiling at Mr. Sadin.

"B-b-b-but your reputation!" Michael tried to move out of the shadow of the horse man but was unable.

"Will remain intact while you two disappear into our new stocks of girls," the headmistress said as she turned from Ashley and Cecilia, who were both cracking smiles now, and walked over to Mr. Sadin. She snapped her fingers and a moment later a padded and quite regal looking chair was brought in along with a table, a box of cigars, and a bottle of wine.

"Girls? You need girls?" Michael grasped onto desperately to save his own hide. "I have two, no, like, five other employees I could get you. Just give me two, no, no, a week! Please!" he begged.

"You'd rather sacrifice others than take on the responsibility yourself?" Mr. Sadin asked in his typical controlled manner.

"I'll get you more girls than you'll ever need! Please! Just not me! I have a, a, a family and life and-" but the mistress only needed to look at him with a sideways glance to silence him.

"What a shark you are," Mr. Sadin commented, clipping the end off his cigar. "I've seen men like you before, plenty of them. The world won't miss another." At that he motioned for the headmistress to come nearer and she obliged, walking over to him with a sexy strut before bending over and lending him her ear.

He whispered something to her, pointing at Michael and then to Andrew's empty bed. The mistress nodded and saw herself out quickly. Mr. Sadin remained with the slightest of smiles on his face.

A few minutes passed, with Michael still desperately trying to offer up other employees when Andrew was brought back by the bull, still trying to kick and pull himself from the massive beast's grip.

"Lemme go! You can't do this to me! Do you know who I am?" Andrew said before he was tossed with little effort by the bull man onto the bed where he nearly bounced right off of it. The bull snorted and cracked his knuckles which was threat enough for Andrew to not try to run again.

A minute later and the headmistress returned. She needed to only look at the beast men once for them to spring into action, grabbing either man and holding them down on the bed. The mistress walked up to the two girls and handed them a syringe each.

"Ladies, you have the pleasure of administering these men their fates. And I want you to help them transition into their new forms with the help of your respective bit of man meat," the headmistress said, winking at the stallion.

The headmistress then went over to Mr. Sadin to again whisper words back and forth before she exited, but not before shooting both Ashley and Cecilia a knowing look.

It then dawned on Ashley and Cecelia what was happening. They looked at each other and smiled before practically skipping over to their respective beds. Cecilia jumped onto the bed carefully, edging over on her knees closer to Andrew until she was nearly on top of him. The bull then held the squirming man down so she could, with a huge smile, inject him in the arm.

Across the room, Ashley was watching Michael trying to free himself from the strong and impervious grip of the stallion. He managed to roll himself over but this only allowed Ashley the perfect target, sticking the needle into the man's bare, white ass and sinking the plunger down.

"You like that, Mikey?" Ashley teased until every drop was emptied into the man.

"Lemme go! I don't deserve this!" Andrew cried, half muffled by the sheets.

"I can think of few more fitting of their fate than you, Michelle," Mr. Sadin said as he puffed his cigar and chuckled heartily.

It was then that Andrew began to bubble up with tears. "Please, just let me go. I'll give you everything I have just, just don't do this to me!"

"Still trying to slither your way out of things, Andrea?" Sadin said as he turned to look at the other man. "I think the both of you will be better for this in the end," he said as both men started to feel their skin heat up.

"I'm, I'm burning up!" Andrew complained as he was tugging his shirt as a flop sweat was starting on his forehead.

"Oh yeah, that's the first feeling you get," Cecilia said as she grinned from ear to ear, her tail wagging excitedly behind her. She looked down his body, passed his heaving chest and to his pants where his pants were tented up. "And that would be the next sensation."

She smiled and used her one hand to undo his pants until she had his member out and in her palm. Cecilia started to stroke him, causing the man to moan as his balls pulsed with a strange energy. Then, against any will of his own, he began to orgasm, which seemed to delight both Cecilia and the bull who was looking on.

"What's... happening to... me?" Andrew struggled to get out as he looked down at himself. He watched, while feeling as hard as a rock, and with Cecilia's hand lovingly stroking him, as his member shrunk with every successive spasm. Unseen by him, his balls were also shrinking as they emptied out every drip of seed in him.

A very similar scene was happening across the room though Ashley didn't have to touch Michael at all for the man to explode like an oil platform. The girl delighted in watching the man's cock slowly shrink as well, with his pubic hair receding somewhat as the skin around his crotch got smoother. Michael tried to sit up to see what exactly was happening to his manhood but Ashley pushed him to his back.

"No, no, no. No peeking!" Ashley tutted while delighting in her former boss's change.

It did not take long for the several inches of Michael's penis to diminish to barely more than a nub while his minuscule testicles pulled up inside of his body. His scrotum smoothed and gradually became the lips of an opening slit. To Michael, it felt like someone was massaging his crotch from the inside and it felt almost nauseating.

"Oh God, please, let me go!" Michael cried out just as his nub penis shrunk further until it disappeared into the new folds of his growing cunt.

"No, I don't think we'll be doing that," Sadin said, still enjoying his cigar. "I'm getting a great deal of personal enjoyment knowing you two are suffering for what you did to these poor, beautiful creatures."

Ashley and Cecilia bristled at that, both looking over at Mr. Sadin and smiling their thanks. While it didn't seem like their own fates would change, at least the people that had put them there were getting their just rewards.

Andrew's hand came up and tugged at his collar, trying to let out some of the heat he felt. His own pussy was formed and looked nubile. Cecilia could not help but use her fingers to part the lips so she could find Andrew's new clit and rub it. When she did, the man's eyes strained, toes curled, and his nipples went hard under his shirt.

"You enjoying that, hun?" Cecilia asked, looking down at his face to gauge his reaction.

For his part, Andrew did not know exactly how to feel as the sensation of having his clit rubbed like his cock was super sensitive while still not being there. He moaned and shut his eyes, likely wishing for her to both continue and stop.

The bull then reached down and grabbed a hold of Andrew's shirt and yanked it abruptly, ripping it open. At first it wasn't clear as to why he did this until the heaving chest of Andrew was revealed to have some extra bounce to it.

"Awwwww, someone is growing their breasts, aren't they?" Cecilia teased.

"B-b-breasts?" Andrew stuttered and he looked down.

At first he didn't see them, just thinking that it was his heavy breathing causing the jiggling of skin, but soon it was hard to deny that he had at least A cups that were growing. Strangely, his nipples gradually ghosted and disappeared into his flesh, leaving him with swelling round orbs. He managed to free his hands from his sides and grab his chest just as they swelled into B cups.

Then came the crack and shift of bone, his ribs hurting while the hair of his chest and stomach started to recede dramatically. Also quite noticeable was his thinning hairline which Cecilia delighted in, knowing how much care and attention Andrew always put into his hair and grooming. The bull must have noticed this as well since he reached over the man's head and brushed away nearly half of the man's black strands.

Andrew could then feel the cold against the bare spots of his head and started to panic.

"Let me go! Lemme go!" he cried before struggling again. The bull only needed to place a hand on the man's chest and lean into it for Andrew to be effectively immobilized.

"Don't fight it so much. You may find yourself enjoying it," Cecilia said down to him with a smirk.

Michael was meanwhile dealing with quite the stranger type of feeling. He was desperately trying to get his hands down under his ass to feel what was happening but the stallion wouldn't let him go. Finally Ashley seemed to recognize something was occurring and helped turn the man over. Once she did, she smiled.

"Looks like someone is getting their tail," she noted while also seeing that her former boss's ass was looking plumper and more feminine.

"Tail?" Michael gagged while his ears were starting to get more pointed.

What started as merely a small nub was growing bigger at its base while the skin looked sweaty and glistening. As it got longer, near the tip of the tail, two fins started to emerge poking out in opposite directions. Stranger still, the flesh of it was looking more and more like a faded green color. Both Ashley and the stallion looked at each other and smiled while Michael squirmed.

Soon Michael felt a burning behind his nipples. He wanted to roll over but couldn't, so instead he had to feel what were becoming his new breasts get fatter and fatter. He did manage to push himself up with his arms a little, but he simply looked down and saw his own growing cleavage before he dropped down again.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," he muttered into the pillow as his eyes got a wide, thousand yard stare to them.

Ashley watched his back as muscles under his flesh got smaller as his overall frame seemed to shrink while becoming certainly more feminine. Also, while Andrew lost his hair, Michael felt his scalp come alive as it felt like more hair was growing out. Indeed, his brunette locks were getting longer, stretching down the back of his neck, while the roots almost started to turn an aquamarine blue shade.

Andrew's torso continued to crack and shift, reducing his overall muscle mass while his stomach slimmed and slimmed. What came next, though, shocked the hell out of the man.

It began with an ache in the back of his hand. He held both hands up in front of his eyes, watching his veins pulse under his taut and sweating skin while his nails started hurting considerably. First the roots turned a dark color before a vague blue tint started to fade into his nails. While his hands became more dainty and almost manicured, his nails got longer and longer.

"Such lovely hands," Cecilia noted, taking one of them into her own hands and admiring them for the more feminine look they had. The man's wrists were thinning along with the rest of his arms, all getting slimmer and the skin smoother.

Andrew's panic was about to get worse when he started to feel like his neck was cramping. Instead of the pain going away, he felt his neck get longer, cracking as it did so. The man tried to speak but found the discomfort too much to manage.

"Help!" he managed just barely, with his voice sounded raspy and stretched almost.

"What was that?" Cecilia teased as she watched in delight as the man's body was looking more properly feminine but also not human either. She had a good notion of what was happening to him and planned on enjoying every inch of the change.

"Help pleassssse," the man hissed as his tongue stuck out of his mouth slightly.

The bull chuckled and pulled the man down further on the bed, admiring the curves Andrew now had while also enjoying the man losing himself. More of Andrew's hair shedded off onto the sheets until at last he was bald.

That his facial features were softening would come as no surprise but Andrew could feel his nose throbbing while his eyes felt like they were bulging out. Soon a short muzzle was also vaguely apparent to be growing from the man's face, while his breasts below were still getting bigger and more full looking.

Andrew's hips were now curvaceous along with his fat ass, which only helped to increase the appeal the changing man had to the bull looking him over.

"He's coming along so nicely, wouldn't you say?" Cecilia asked the bull who simply smiled and snorted.

Michael's ears were now longer but had a look like no other to them. Much like his now two foot long tail that was sprouting yet another fin down the length of it, his ears looked aquatic as well with high points and flesh that was, like his tail, turning a pale green.

Not unlike his partner, Michael was taking on much more feminine curves and looks, with barely any resemblance to a man remaining at this point.

"Michelle, Michelle, Michelle," Ashley said, running her hand up and down Michael's changing back. "This is definitely a very fitting fate for you. And a very nice body,"

"Very nice," the stallion, in a deep, rumbling voice, agreed.

Michael could next feel his nose, which had already shrunk to a cute button on his face, get even smaller and feel like it was melting down to his lips before a discomfort started in his jaw. This was when his own muzzle started to protrude, taking with it his nostrils and lips. Inside of his mouth, his tongue could rub against his teeth and he could feel them getting sharper.

His hair was longer now, with blues seeping into every strand while it plumed larger. More of his skin felt slick and looked wet to the touch as he continued to perspire, or at least he felt like that was what was happening.

With a slim belly, shapely hips, perky breasts, and a voice that was sounding sweeter and softer by the minute, it was hard to make an argument anymore that Michael, or even Andrew, was a man anymore. Certainly they lacked the gear between the legs for that distinction but it was the overall look of their body that caused Mr. Sadin to speak up.

"My dear girls," he began, drawing the attention of Ashley and Cecilia, "and brutes," he added for the bull and stallion, "if you could, to make their transition all the easier, make sure to treat them as women now because that's certainly what they are.

Both of the newly changed girls heard this and shut their eyes, wishing that it were not true.

"May we break them in?" the stallion asked with a heady grin.

Sadin considered this for a long moment, preferring to puff his cigar rather than answer.

"Once they're done, yes. Allow the girls to help," he added with a smile.

Ashley and Cecilia nodded towards the man in the chair, knowing they owed him their revenge.

Andrea's tail was now starting to sprout from just over her ass and was soon growing at a rapid rate, forcing the girl onto her side as to allow enough room for it to grow. She gritted her teeth when it would go through a spurt of growth, getting longer and longer behind her. To add to things, her tongue was also getting longer until she finally had to let it start sticking from her mouth. This was when the end of it split gradually and the entire thing thinned. That it had turned a soft blue was something that Andrea noticed and grew increasingly nervous about.

But if that was her first concern, nothing would prepare her for what came next.

It started like little pricks of pins against the skin on the back of her hand. When Andrea inspected them more closely, she noticed a patch of skin looked... wrong. Running a trembling finger over them, they felt like small scales. They had a light blue hue to them and worst of all, they seemed to be spreading.

More prickling sensations broke out over her skin from her ass, to her thighs, to her feet, neck, and even her own nose. She crossed her eyes and looked down her new snout and saw darker colored blue scales growing there.

Both Cecilia and the bull were delighted by this growing development.

Meanwhile Ashley was watching a dorsal fin start to push it way out of the flesh of Michelle's back. It had the same green coloring as much of the rest of her, though splotches of faded-looking skin spread on her chest and belly, along with the underside of her long tail. It was clear now that the girl was some strange mix of busty petite and shark, with more emphasis on the busty girl part.

It was then that the stallion grabbed the girl by the ankles and tugged her all the way to the edge of the bed. Her feet were small and padded, with her feet seemingly forced up to the balls of her toes. Unlike Andrea, whose feet were now scaled and clawed, with dark blue nails, Michelle's were more dainty, if a bit bestial in design.

"I feel so, so, oh my!" Michelle was caught off guard by the soft and sweet voice she now had. It had only the vaguest hints of the man she used to be.

The stallion licked two of his thick fingers and then reached down to grope at Michelle's new, perfectly slimmed down pussy. This caused the new girl to feel a strange wave of conflicting feelings from pleasure to guilt and shame to a strange growing enjoyment. She feigned biting her lower lip to prevent herself from smiling from the pleasure.

She thought she was careful but Ashley caught it.

"Mmmmm, you like that don't you? The feeling of someone fingering you, using you. I think you'll like feeling powerless and used," Ashley tittered with a big grin. She too joined in on teasing the man by sliding two arms under the shark girl's and using her hands to fondle Michelle's new breasts "So big and full you are. A proper woman!" she whispered hotly into her ear.

Michelle squirmed and tried not to smile or say anything that was crossing her mind.

"It's not stopping! It's not stopping!" a panicked Andrea exclaimed as the range of blue scales covered her gradually. The coloring ranged from darker to lighter blues on her back and tail, to some pale blue streaks on her chest down to her waist and cunt to make a lighter underbelly of sorts, which was very much reminiscent of a snake.

As if to cement that fact, skin around the base of her elongated neck started to stick out more. It bloomed, gradually, giving Andrea cause for concern but at the same time there was nothing she could do to stop it. While this was happening, her ears slowly shrank until they were little more than small holes on either side of her head.

"Oh, you're really growing out," Cecilia giggled as the cobra-like hood, flush with scales and more blue coloring, got bigger and bigger. It extended up Andrea's neck and up the back of her head where the hood really got wide. "I think you're looking very cute now, Andrea. What do you think, stud?" she asked the bull.

He smirked and turned to look back at Mr. Sadin. The older man nodded and seemed to give his permission.

It was as the transformation was finally beginning to finish up that the bull grabbed Andrea by either ankle and pulled her closer to the edge of the bad. He also spread her legs to get a better look at the scaled little cunt there. Reaching down, he fingered her lightly, watching the former man try to square away what had happened along with the strange feelings going through his body.

Now a shark girl with new hormones pumping through her veins, Michelle appeared to be a very good catch. Her mind was addled by the sensations of being groped by the stallion and Ashley.

"You like it, don't you?" Ashley whispered loudly into Michelle's ear.

The shark tried to stay quiet but it was difficult. The feelings were so good and the heat was so welcome that Michelle was having a hard time thinking straight. Her mind was feeling loose and wobbly, as the mental changes started to kick in.

"They were dosed with a particular batch of the formula made to dull their mental faculties while their senses are somewhat... heightened for pleasure," explained Mr. Sadin as he stood up from his chair at last. He walked over towards Michelle who's eyes were now a vivid violet color that made them stand out from the rest of her body. The girl looked shocked but at the same time somewhat pacified.

"She looks just about ready," Ashley said, biting her lip and looking at Mr. Sadin.

The man looked the shark girl up and down as if drinking in her looks, then he turned and simply touched the stallion man on the arm. That was signal enough for the stallion's cock to start emerging from his sheath as he grinned and turned his attention to Michelle.

While Michelle was being racked up, Andrea's hood was finishing, being slightly thicker near the top but adding to the overall lovely lines of the girl. Inside of her slithering face, Andrea found herself unable to look away from the well endowed bull in front of her as intrusive and dirty thoughts began bubbling up her mind.

Mr. Sadin inspected the girl with his eyes, judging and weighing every bit of her until he seemed satisfied.

"She seems ready, isn't that right, dear?" Sadin asked, puffing at his cigar.

Her small snout shook as she went to answer, her big, blue slit eyes on the bull and nothing else. Cecilia cozied up next to the cobra girl and started to lick at her neck as the bull got his nod from Sadin to move forward.

The stallion's cock was massive and looked like it wouldn't be able to fit inside of the tight body of the shark, but that didn't seem to deter him at all. Spreading the shark's legs, her tail made it so her torso was pushed up somewhat so that it was all the more appealing. Leaning down, the stallion licked the girl from asshole to clit with a big, fat, wet tongue and had her shuddering.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Ashley asked into Michelle's ear as the girl realized what was about to happen.

Ashley helped to brace the girl before the stallion took the mushroom tipped head of his cock and pushed it up against Michelle's cunt. A big smile across his face, he pushed in, spreading the lips of the girl and causing her to make an O face that shook as every inch was pushed inside of her.

"He's so big, isn't he?" Ashley said to the girl whose eyes were fluttering and trying to go all cross eyed from the sheer pleasure of it.

"Oh fuck, so big and hard and, and, and big," Michelle barely managed to say as she took the stallion's massive member.

The bull, an equal in terms of endowment to the stallion, was more than pleased to turn the cobra girl over and pull her by the base of the tail right up to the edge of the bed. With her plump butt showing, he pulled her up by the tail to reveal the thin slit of the reptile. Licking his lips, the bull lined himself up.

At the other end, Andrea was looking up at Cecilia who was about to delight in her former boss's fate as a dirty cock whore.

"Here is comes, hun. Better brace yourself!" Cecilia warned just the bull's cock slid in.

Andrea's long nails dug into the sheets, tearing them as it happened. She hissed into a loud moan before saying, "Oh yessssssss," with her tongue flicking out of her mouth.

Both Michelle and Andrea, once both trying to desperately free themselves from their fate were now dumbly giving in to hot desires that radiated from their new loins.

"Fuck me. Fuck me harder!" Michelle would beg, to which the stallion would happily push in a little deeper, stretching the girl to the edge of a pleasure-gasm. Their brains dulled more while the sensations of their body- bouncing breasts, plump ass and thighs, stomach bulging slightly from the massive cocks they were taking- took over and made them into something more akin to a dumb, useless slut.

"You love it, don't you? This is what you want," Cecilia would say to Andrea who would happily and dumbly nod her head.

"Oh yesssss, I'm a total whore for cock. Ssssstretch me and break me in, pleassssse!" came the words, causing Cecilia to laugh out loud before petting the girl's scaly head. She then leaned in and kissed Andrea on the lips, feeling the snake girl's new tongue wrap around her own while they made out. This definitely pleased the bull who was more than happy to watch the two.

Mr. Sadin seemed quite pleased as well as he sat back in his chair, pouring himself a glass of wine as the sounds of pleasurable moans and grunting filled the air and the smell of hot sex steamed up the room.

Ashley was now sucking at the breast of Michelle while the girl felt the immeasurable pleasure of the steady and heavy pace of the stallion. Her skin felt slick and wet almost which only led to Ashley licking her all over.

"Fuuuuuuuuck me," Michelle moaned as the previous thoughts of escape or selling out others was gone and replaced with a desire to take cock and be a cum dumpster for whomever willed it. This was reflected in her eyes which were half closed as they were locked on the sight of the stallion's rather massive balls slapping up against her tail.

And it continued like that for almost an hour, with Ashley and Cecilia enjoying their boss's new bodies with their lips and tongues, and the male beasts doing it with their cocks in varying positions. When the moment finally came for the stallion, he snorted loudly and thrust in as deep as he could to start finishing into the shark. He only allowed a couple pumps before pulling out and squirting the excess onto the waiting shark's breasts, face and open mouth. Ashley clapped as Michelle successfully reached her first female orgasm, but certainly not her last.

For Andrea, it would come not long after with her being held in the bull's massive grasp as she sat on him cowgirl style and rode his cock until the bull couldn't take it. Cecilia made sure to stand up and bend over the bull's shoulder to give Andrea a kiss as the bull's seed exploded into her. The cobra girl was reduced to a moaning, slithering pile of quivering muscle by the end.

One might have thought that this would end things but it most certainly didn't. Round two was merely beginning.

It was then, however, that the headmistress reentered, first walking to Mr. Sadin and having quiet words with him. She then snapped her fingers and looked at both Ashley and Cecilia who jumped off the bed to go and stand at attention at the same place as before. The mistress approached them both, again sizing them up and trying to seem mysterious about something.

"Follow me," was all she said before turning and heading out the main door. As they passed Mr. Sadin, he grabbed either by the wrist.

"Very lovely, girls. I hope you enjoyed watching them get what was coming to them," he said with a smile that showed off his discolored teeth.

"Very much, sir," Ashley nodded.

"Thank you, so much," Cecilia added, almost wanting to hug the man but judging that wouldn't be the best course of action.

As they were about to exit into the hall, either girl turned and looked back one last time as their former bosses were fucked into oblivion yet again, with the bull and stallion having a grand ol' time.

Once the door shut, the head mistress turned and faced the girls.

"Seems I have some good news for you. Mr. Sadin, in his boundless generosity, has decided to buy out part of your contracts with us. Instead of the ten years you were facing, you're down to six months before we release you from your debts. You should consider yourselves very lucky," she said, sucking air through her front teeth sharply.

"Oh my gosh that's, that's great!" Ashley said, almost hugging the head mistress before she pushed the girl away.

"Again, Mr. Sadin is to thank, not me," the headmistress reiterated.

Cecilia looked back at the room they had just come out of. "How long will they be here for?" she asked.

At that, the headmistress smirked. "Oh, they will be taking on your time and then some. Personally, I don't think they'll mind at all," she said.

Cecilia and Ashley looked at each other and gulped, hearing the sounds of their bosses getting fucked through the walls.

"Now come, you need to wash up. We have some clients coming later that would enjoy your services," the headmistress snapped which had the girl's standing at attention again.

"Yes, ma'am," they said together as they marched off to the showers.

The headmistress lingered in the hallway for a bit, listening to the sounds coming from the rooms around her. Fucking, love making, whoring out, whatever you wanted to call it, business was very, very good.