Just another day

Story by Fallenwolf94 on SoFurry

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#1 of Beastly

Just a short story set in my Visual novel universe. This is about Lorenzo a seemingly simple if gruff and depressed Nightclub owner. Sadly nothing is ever simple in the city of Redwood is it?

It was raining again, Lorenzo could hear it even inside the booming Bar. The loud droning music inside was upbeat and party inducing, Full of Techno beats and bass. It still didn't raise Lorenzo's mood. He was stuffed up inside his office with a bottle of whiskey against sitting against on top of his desk.

*I really should stop drinking* He thought to himself before tipping the bottle over an old fashioned glass cup on his desk, whiskey flowed forth till the bottle was emptied.Lorenzo tosses it into the little metal wastebasket beside his desk. He then lifts the small glass next to his lips, the ice softly clinking against the side of the glass.

For a brief moment Lorenzo thought back to an old promise he had made... Flashes of a woman's face flashed through his thoughts, Her beautiful dark hair was like ebony and glimmered when the light hit it just right. She had been part of the light in his life. Ironically, despite the war against humans he had fought in, His first true love had been none other than a human.She had helped him learn to love again after the war and now she was gone and all he had was... rage, Frustration, Sadness? Maybe a bit of all three was closer to the truth.

"Fuck it" Lorenzo muttered to himself before taking a quck swig from his glass. The liquid was strong filling the wolves strong senses and despite this seeming routine for a moment he nearly gagged as he finished it off. He could feel the burning in his throat yet a familiar warmth spread throughout his stomach. The bottom of his chin was wet, a few drops dripping down his dark brown beard. He coughed roughly trying to relieve the bit of burning still in his throat. For a moment he thought he might barf but the feeling passed and he could already feel his lingering migraine fading away.

It seemed like it took more and more each night for the wolf to get away from his thoughts, from memories he'd rather forget. The Antidepressants he was given did little to help his mood and he didn't feel like talking to somebody would help anything. Who could possibly understand what it was like to lose somebody so precious and to such reckless violence. Lorenzo could feel his blood rising, a small growl escaping his lips as he slammed a fist against his desk in anger.

He thought better of it and opened one of the drawers pushing aside papers and bills before managing to find a pill bottle. The Script taped onto it was faded and torn despite being fairly recent. He popped the safety tap open and shook until a pill landed into his hands, he thought better of it and shook until he had another one. He grinned sheepishly as he noticed the big red sticker that warned about taking with alcohol beverages.

Without wasting any time Lorenzo held his head back while dumping the pills into his mouth, thankfully the pills were rather small, about the size of a penny each and tasting just as bad. He managed to use the rest of the whiskey in his glass to help them slide down. And he shuddered for a moment.

*Welp now it's time to have some fun, I guess this will be a good night* Lorenzo thought to himself, a smirk forming on his normally stoic face. A tiny part of him felt guilty, he had always been heavily against drugs but this was a legal drug and it wasn't his fault if he had found ways to make the Medicine more effective It was their fault and besides he needed to be a good host. He knew what it was like to need some brightness.

People wouldn't expect such a stoic and large creature like Lorenzo to be such a party animal but on the rare occasions he didn't feel depression he had been crazy and wild. Even more so back in the day and it was times like these he wanted nothing more to do then lose himself. He was an animal after all and what better place than a club then to show it off~

Without wasting anymore time Lorenzo sat up from his black leather chair,squeaking coming from the chair shortly before he hissing as the padded seating reformed itself. Lorenzo was glad he had shelled out the money for the greater support. He refused to admit it but deep down lorenzo knew the Alcohol binging hadn't been doing wonders for his waistline. He had a growing gut that was almost as big as a bear. The rest of his body, thankfully hadn't suffered as greatly.

Lorenzo stretched heavily, feeling a small breeze down below as his belly stuck out from underneath his buttoned up short sleeve shirt. He grunted a bit in surprise, grumbling shortly afterward as he pushed the shirt back down best as he could. "I really need to start washing my clothes better, this is getting ridiculous" Lorenzo muttered to himself a bit as he gave his belly a small slap, he squirmed slightly as he felt it wobble a bit, his cheeks turning redder.

Lorenzo unbuttoned the last button below on his shirt, hoping the material would hang enough to cover up his stomach a bit more, Without wasting any more time he closed the door behind him stepping into his private bathroom which was across the hall from his office. He fumbled into his Sand brown colored cargo pants managing to rummage through discarded gum wrappers, pocket change and his wallet before he found what he needed. Wasting no time to unlock the door, he slammed it shut behind him, flicking the light on a moment later.

The Bright lights, nearly made him blind, a moment before his eyes adjusted to them. The bathroom was small but comfy walls covered in polished wooden planks with the floor being colored with dark grey tiles shined to near perfection. Lorenzo looked at himself in the mirror hanging over the sink.

His "hair" was a bit unkempt looking, looking blown out from over the top of his head a slightly lighter brown then the reminder of his fur. Though his eyes seemed brighter in the light they shone with a small hint of orange like crystallized amber. Dark circles around his deep set eyes showed the lack of sleep.. A heavy frown formed on his face noticing this.

Despite the warmth emitting from them they were set inside a deep stern face. Lorenzo tried to smile in the mirror, the smile was awful though instead making him look like some creeper, he pouted returning his face to his more stoic and frown set face. He attempted to move his lips up slightly, Giving himself a small smirk. It was good enough.

He began to run a hand underneath his chin and he felt his foot tapping against the floor, unwillingly. He let out a small murr as he closed his eyes before he slammed his foot down a bit hard. He hated the fact under the chin was one of his weak spots, It made him feel like an actual dog. He didn't need reminders he wasn't a full human he was just a furry. He was reminded this enough without doing it to himself. He continued to run a paw through his coarse fur around his chin, Noticing small speck of grey. Unsure he plucked a hair out wincing slightly from the pain.

He held the hair up to the light and felt his stomach drop a bit, it was grey. More like silver but grey. It made Lorenzo's heart stop and he could feel himself growing angrier before he sighed in defeat. It was useless, he was getting older. He guessed he should be thankful he didn't have more Grey fur. He was at an age of 45 with his 46th birthday being in a few months he guess he should be happy we went this long without a noticeable grey.

The thought of getting older still saddened Him though. It had been many years since he had somebody special and he didn't plan to find anybody else but even so despite the sadness in himself something about dying alone with nothing going on made him all the more depressed, he hadn't thought it possible but there it was.

He continued to look over himself noticing his Large belly, that hang slightly over his waist line and he swore he could hear gurgling from it. As if he needed to eat anymore.

Lorenzo tended to stress eat and drink a lot and despite knowing this wasn't healthy for him it was the only thing he could really do to distract himself. Well that and video games.

He hadn't been much of a video gamer before, Lately over the past few months though he had been playing more and more of them. Usually ending his nights with a beer or 3 on the side table with a controller in both of his hands. He had been really growing fond of shooters and fighting games and in fact he had even held a few small game nights at the bar. Honestly Lorenzo was a bit Embarrassed about it, even more so he was actually pretty good at it more than a few times being told he should try to join the local fighting tournaments in the city. He always refused of course and reminded his customers to keep it quiet.

It didn't take much for them to keep quiet of course after all Lorenzo had a rather fearsome Appearance.Besides his large and growing gut the rest of him was strong and large thankfully. The fur on his arms was thinner outlining the heavy muscles underneath. His legs were large and heavy thanks to his late night runs, A side effect of his Mostly insomnia laden nights. Ironically his butt was a bit larger than the norm which always made wearing normal Boxers a hassle to the point Lorenzo had started wearing jock straps. While he felt embarrassed about it at first, over time it felt liberating, it was the next best thing to wearing almost nothing at all down there. Sometimes Lorenzo thought about how much he enjoyed being at home, on cool late nights. He'd sit on his balcony of his house feeling the cold night air blow through his fur and more then once he had stood there nude feeling the Open air and sky over him.

Lorenzo was never worried about anybody noticing him. For one Lorenzo's House was on the edge of the city. Guarded on two sides by dense woods. The closest house to him was a good mile away. It was conflicting for Lorenzo on one hand he enjoyed the nightlife sometimes, but usually he preferred to be alone, Just him and nature. There were many times Lorenzo would stare into that Darkness of Trees and wonder what if he decided to just let everything go? Despite the 200+ years since Nearly all animals had gained sentience, There were still others that chose to act like beasts and remain isolated from humanity. Sometimes when Lorenzo couldn't drown out his thoughts and memories of the war or his Wife he envied them. They didn't have anything to worry about, Just survival. No worries, no fear, just instincts...

Lorenzo knew his Wolf blood was one of strength and pride. He told himself many times when he would take one of his monthly camping trips, Maybe this camping trip he wouldn't return to the city. He would become a King of the Mountains Free from his

regrets and worries.His previous ancestors Had been kings well more like pack leaders but still, They had been strong and fierce. Lorenzo sighed as he his next trip would end the same. Something always drew him back to the city. Maybe it was Responsibilities but to what and who?

Granted his bar was just about the only one that catered specifically towards , That was the intention after all. A place for Anthros to relax without worrying about prosecution and bigotry. But Lorenzo felt like this was simply a dream even amongst Anthros there had been Upheaval. Lorenzo only had to think about The group Nature's Children to realize no matter who or what it seemed like everybody fought. It seemed like People just loved to fight one another.

Giving these thoughts to the wind, Lorenzo decided he had been in the bathroom long enough, He grabbed the brush on the sink combing his hair a bir, even brushing the side muttons he had, brushing them down and giving him a less Beast from the east look and a more werewolf like visque. Lorenzo looked at himself in the mirror and smirked, he was going to enjoy himself tonight or at least try to. It was rave night after all.

Lorenzo managed to close the door behind him and started to walk down the hall before a quick and graceful Orange and green blur blew past him, with a meaty smack he held onto the Multi colored blur. It was Freddy his best worker and According to freddy his master. Then again Freddy was a bit of an idiot... his loveable idiot though. Freddy was panting a bit, his olive leather shorts, shining even under the dim lights of the backroom hall. It suited Freddy well honestly, along with those he had on leather straps that kept the Shorts from sliding off his thin and lanky frame.

Lorenzo could already tell there was some trouble, he rubbed his forehead thankfully the stuff he took was keeping him mellow. "Yes Freddy, my favorite worker" He added a bit of sarcasm to that last part, but freddy took no heed of the words.

"Ohh boss~ where have you been you're missing out on rave night, Don't you want to watch everyone dance and have fun. In fact there's a bar fight right now, i love watching men fight~" Freddy's tail started thrashing wildly behind him, Lorenzo had tried to help him get that thing under control but it never seemed to work. Lorenzo couldn't ever stay mad at him for too long though, despite his rather sociable Demeanor towards the customers, Lorenzo knew that Freddy had a sort of innocence to him. It was one of the biggest reasons Lorenzo had taken him under his wing, he was a small light in this otherwise dreary and dark world.

"... A BAR FIGHT!, I leave for a few minutes and this happens!" Lorenzo growled out the words a small rumbling forming in his chest and throat despite his previously relaxed mood.

"Well actually you were gone for almost an hour, people got bored. Even though you don't really interact with the customers enough~, Are you afraid or something i mean people like a big

strong bear well wolf~" Freddy began to rub Lorenzo's muscles, and Lorenzo could feel his body growing a bit ridgid.

Lorenzo gently pushed Freddy's arm off of him. "Listen you know i'm not much of a people person, but I at least need to make sure people are having a good time, it keeps the money flowing and Makes sure you get good tips" Lorenzo began to walk down the hall, his steps echoing despite the carpeted floor.

Meanwhile in the bar, it was far louder and livelier than usual. A group of customers had circled around the dance floor, a makeshift cage to contain the animals or errr participants in the center. Lorenzo had managed to push the crowd aside and groaned when he noticed one of them.

One of them was just your basic Dog,Looked to be a Labrador Retriever, With a dark black coat that seemed to shine against the backdrops of colored spotlights and colored tile flooring. He seemed to be well built, a tall and slight muscle tone to his body. He had on a simple t-shirt with some kind of Furry band on it, with some faded skinny jeans on. His fur seemed well groomed and his long floppy dog ears were pierced with many small piercings.

He seemed a bit flustered, trying his best to back up from the large brown mountain that seemed to be pushing him closer and closer to the edge of the makeshift crowd. Lorenzo rubbed his temple, despite the recent semi high he had felt a few minutes ago. The large mountain was in fact a bear, though Lorenzo tended to call him the mountain for short and He didn't seem to mind at all. The bear's name was actually Ricardo.

Ricardo was huge even compared to other Bears, standing in at a very impressive height of 9 and ½ feet. He towered over pretty much everyone save for a few elephants and even then the height was rather close. He was not only tall but big too weighing in at a massive 900 lbs. Even for most bears 700 was about the biggest. Lorenzo knew he had to get his clothes custom made from the chats he'd have at the bar with him. Lorenzo had a love/hate relationship with the guy. He was a great customer and had a great sense of humor but when he got drunk he was bad, more than a few times Lorenzo had to replace a shelf or two at the bar from him.

Ricardo was the reason Lorenzo had to actually reinforce parts of the floor such as the dance floor, and bar planks with steel underneath. It had been worth it in the end but it still didn't do much when the bear had his drunken rage. Lorenzo started clapping his hands together." Alright, alright move out of the way, unless you want to get trampled", Lorenzo's voice came out loud and demanding and the crowd seemed to recognize it, moving out of the way.

Ricardo barely seemed to notice the crowd dispersing, he tried to wobble over heavily towards the Black lab, heavy thump sounds emitting from the dance floor. His large belly wobbling heavily while his shirt rode up a bit over the top of his belly. Lorenzo groaned as he noticed Ricardo's fully erect cock, pushing against his jeans heavily. Without wasting any time Lorenzo

got in front of the Bear.

"Help this guys nuts, We were having a good time and then I bought him a drink and then he got really touchy, I teased him a little and then suddenly he was trying to pull my pants down!" The labs voice came out shaky, and Lorenzo could hear the trembling coming from him. Despite the labs well built figure he wasn't surprised he was shaking from the bear.

"I'm guessing you've never been here before, or you would know that big guy over there is one of the worst people to give drinks to, how many did you buy him anyway?" Lorenzo was facing the lab now with an eyebrow raised.

The lab gave a sheepish grin, trying to avoid looking directly at Lorenzo's eyes. "Um only like three...." He tried to whisper the last words but Lorenzo heard him them all the same.

"And let me guess you got him the strongest drinks we sell right?"

"Umm y..yeah" The black lab's ears drooped a bit, and he seemed a bit sullen. Lorenzo felt bad for him, but just a little bit. He slapped him upside the head. A very light slap but the Black lab had tears in his eyes all the same.

"S-sorry... we were having a good time and..." The black lab had tears running down his face, and lorenzo had to look away.

"Alright, alright stop crying it makes you look like a baby nobody wants a big baby, just hang behind him i'll take care of him." Lorenzo tried his best to comfort the Black lab, rubbing the back of his head a bit.

"O-ok, sorry" The black lab wiped the tears from his eyes, with the back of his hand, but followed Lorenzo's lead and stood behind him.

Lorenzo walked up to the bear, and he stopped in front of him, giving a friendly wave. "Hey there big guy, anything going on up there?"

Ricardo stopped for a minute, letting out small belch before slapping his own gut, causing his belly to jiggle like jello, sending ripples up his body. Lorenzo was ready to gag as he smelled the alcohol breath that emitted from ricardo. There was something not right about him, normally when drunk he couldn't keep his mouth shut, more so than usual.

Lorenzo craned his neck up looking up at the big behemoth. He could smell a hint of iron and could see his nose was trickling a little bit of blood. His face seemed almost feral and scared? He ended up dropping on all fours, the whole floor shaking heavily the sudden movement caused the back of Ricardo's pants to split in the back. Another time Lorenzo would have laughed but right now he could tell something wasn't right. This wasn't just a drunk big bear this

was something more.

"Alright big guy, I need you to calm down. What's gotten into you?" Lorenzo stood in front of the Black lab whose legs were shaking like thumbleweeds. He was hoping this guy wasn't stupid enough to run, he wasn't sure what was going on with Ricardo but he knew it wasn't anything good and the last thing he needed was for the lab to make any sudden movements.

Of course what lorenzo hoped for and wanted didn't seem to matter much. The Lab tried to run off the dance floor.

The bear despite his cloudy eyes seemed to sense his prey perfectly and dove at the lab, Lorenzo stupidly stood in front of him. In the blink of an eye he got on all fours himself quickly kicking off his Shoes and thanking god he decided to go with cargo pants for the night, the stretchy material helping him stay on all fours. He quickly shoved The lab out of the way not a moment too soon he felt a car hit him.

For a moment Lorenzo didn't feel anything, it was almost like his spirit had been taken out of his body and then the pain hit him. Hard. It was a pain that took the breath out of his lungs and he could feel a bruised rib or two. He fell against the floor rolling across the floor. He heard a loud roar, The bear was on top of him and without thinking kicked as hard as he could against one of the forelegs of Ricardo causing him to fall with a heavy thud onto the dance floor. He could hear the loud thud and crack of the dance tiles. And for a moment Lorenzo could feel a crushing pain in his chest, And it wasn't from the cracked ribs. He knew that it was going to cost him a good chunk of money he didn't have to get the tiles and lights replaced. Right now though he needed to try and handle this, quick.

Ricardo was struggling to get up now, roaring as his legs slid against the paned glass. Lorenzo walked up to Ricardo he could see Blood flowing more freely from his nose and even a bit from his mouth, The Club had mostly cleared now and Lorenzo thought it was for the best.

"Ricardo, i don't know what you took but you need to snap out of it. Come on big guy you're not looking too good" Lorenzo walked up to ricardos face who was still struggling to get up. For a moment ricardo seemed to look at him with understanding, the pupils in his eyes returning. Lorenzo started breathing a sigh of relief, right before he was scratched against his face hard.

All Lorenzo could feel was a searing white hot pain where his left eye was. Almost immediately, His left eye, or what remained of it was filled with warm red. Fresh blood was flowing down the left side of his face, matting into his thick sand brown colored fur.Thankfully Lorenzo had reeled back right as the blow came, Avoiding being slashed across his entire face. But Lorenzo couldn't think about that right now as he screamed from the pain and current partial blindness in his left eye. Without Wasting any time Ricardo had lunged forward, it was a lazy unorganized leap only causing him to fall back down right on top of Lorenzo.

Lorenzo could feel his body being crushed, with his Crushed ribs rubbing against one another. Lorenzo was in so much pain, he felt like his mind was leaving his body. It was getting harder for him to focus and it was taking almost all of his mental fortitude not to pass out. Lorenzo didn't know how much longer he was going to last, unless....

"No that's out of the question, I don't know how well I'll be able to control myself" Lorenzo's inner thoughts were a bit over the place now, But even then he knew the last thing he needed to do was lose control. Ricardo started snapping his jaws at Lorenzo's face, the only thing keeping him back was Lorenzo as he lifted him off his body best as he could. He could feel his vision in his one good eye, growing darker and fuzzier.

*if i don't end this soon, this isn't going to end well for either of us, The police are just looking for a reason to kill Anthros these days* Lorenzo grunted heavily, as He continued holding Ricardo's immense body away from him best as he could. Ricardo sent a roar at Lorenzo that would have sent much smaller men crapping their pants, and for a moment Lorenzo was thankful he had fought in the Anthropomorphic liberation war, he had seen plenty of shit that would have driven other people mad and even had ended up breaking a few of his friends.

He could feel his heart pounding heavily and quickly, too quickly to be safe. If this kept up he was going to have no choice but to change. Bits of spittle and blood splattered against the wolf's face, blood? Lorenzo wasn't sure what he had been given, but he knew it couldn't have been simple alcohol. Lorenzo could hear the heavy pounding and wheezing emitting from The bear and he knew if he didn't stop this soon. This bear wasn't going to make it. Despite the hot steamy breath emitting from The large mountain of a bear, it was nothing compared to the heat Lorenzo felt inside of himself. His body felt like it was burning up as his heartbeat grew louder and louder, he could feel the primal more animal part of his brain opening up and he knew he didn't have much time.

Growling heavily underneath his breath, a low rattling sound that filled his whole throat with its rumbling sound. Lorenzo pushed hard against Ricardo's massive frame. For a moment ignoring the pain he was in, He pushed more and more without thinking about it. he managed to lift ricardo almost a foot away from him before quickly rolling from underneath of him.

Ricardo took a breath moment to catch his breath, filling the burning and soreness in his muscles relieved for a brief moment. It wasn't long before He heard a week grumble from Ricardo and without thinking about it, he headbutted The large bear, so hard in fact he sent him slamming off the dance floor, he could hear the scraping of the bear's claws against the dance floor but right now the only thing that was on Lorenzo's mind was Knocking down this large behemoth.

There was a loud crunch as the bear, slammed through the small Fenced in post that seperated the Dance floor, from the Bar, The sound of cracked hardwood splintering as nearly 900lb's of heavy muscle and bulk were slammed against the bar counter. The bear's head snapped back

hard against rows of glass bottles and wooden shelves, a sickening crunch being heard from the bears head. For a moment Lorenzo was worried he had killed Ricardo, Before that thought was snuffed out with anger and frustration, A beastal Feeling of His ancestors blood flowing through him stronger than ever made him snuff those feelings of compassion.

Wasting no time at all he moved closer to the bear, The bear wasn't moving but he could hear his faint heartbeat. Suddenly Lorenzo heard some rumblings from the remains of the bar counter, Lorenzo crouched down on all fours, Barely in a rational human brain. The only thing on Lorenzo's mind was survival he started to leap behind the counter, before he saw a shaky Orange and white colored fox.

"Boss, can i get up now?" Freddy's voice came out less like a frightened Bystander and more like an annoyed boyfriend. Despite the carnage around him, Somehow Freddy still looked good, if a little bit dirty.

Lorenzo growled out a bit, his body shaking violently, spasms attacking his body. A moment later Lorenzo managed to choke out a sentence. Freddy didn't know about Lorenzo's issue and the last thing he needed was for something else to worry about with him. This was his issue and his alone. Freddy was almost like a son to him and he refused to make him worry about him more than he already did.

Lorenzo could already feel his body healing itself, a massive influx of heat filling his body almost painfully hot like a steam pipe. Lorenzo knew his body was trying it's hardest to heal himself and he let it do its job. He ignored the sickening pop he heard inside his head as he felt and heard his crushed ribs snap back into place and Without being able to hold it in, Lorenzo vomited hard.

Freddy started to leap over the bar counter, right before he was grabbed by Ricardo.

"Freddy!" Lorenzo screamed out, before slumping back down, his body has used all its energy. He was on his hands and knees, and he was about to watch Freddy die in front of him. He couldn't let this happen again. Lorenzo forced himself to his knees spitting out a small bit of vomit in his mouth and ran at the mountain, his legs screaming in protest. His head felt like it was filled with weights and despite his body healing itself, he still could barely see out of his left eye.

Suddenly A loud booming sound was heard, it sounded almost like an explosion, Splinters of wood and the heavy thump of combat boots against the floor filled the room.

"Move now!" A thick scootish accent, Demanded and without thinking about it, Lorenzo dove towards the ground, a moment later a soft whistling noise passed overhead. A few moments later A loud meaty thump was heard, Lorenzo lifted his head up slightly to see a slumped over Ricardo.

Lorenzo started to sit up, but fell back down with a massive oof. It was no use he was in too much pain and his body was too tired for him to move. Lorenzo managed to look up where the voice had come from to see it was a group of police officers or more like the Famous 7103 Advanced tactics team. They were a special police group, More akin to a private swat team but with much greater training. The turnover rate for them was said to be nearly 70%. They had been formed by the recently elected mayor.

A public outcry for a greater focus on more Anthro's in the police force had allowed the newly elected mayor, a strong powerful lion to step in and propose 7103 Advanced tactics team to the city council who had quickly agreed, Most likely to save face and Gain some brownie points with the city's mostly anthro population. It had worked though and the group was filled with both Anthro's and Humans in nearly equal order.

The Seeming leader stepped forward, surveying the scene. A normal routine for him. Before too long he pulled off the Black rubber face guard from his helmet letting it hang sideways from one end of his Swat helmet. Imeditall Lorenzo wasn't surprised that he heard such a thick accent. The Team leader was seemingly a Scootish terrier.

His head shape was almost like football turned on it's side his fur seemingly absorbing the light from his surrounding environment making him an idle stealth participant. Despite his seemingly serious demeanor, he broke into a smile when he saw Lorenzo, shaking his head playfully. Almost as if chastising a child. "Why am I not surprised my lad, here i thought you had been staying out of trouble."

Lorenzo rolled his eyes, he knew this voice and this man, it had been a few years but he could never forget it. "What this, ehh it's just a scratch it doesn't even hurt that much" Lorenzo struggled to get up and ended up back on his ass once again. Despite his body healing itself quickly, his energy wasn't coming back anytime soon, that and the fact his left eye still was partly blinded were worrying to him. He had never seen what would happen if he lost a limb or vital part with his abilities but it seemed like he might have just learned the extent of his healing. Lorenzo felt a tightness in his chest, As if he didn't look ugly and mean enough but he quickly brushed the thoughts away, maybe it was just his punishment.

"Men secure the perimeter, let's make sure everybody's safe and sound. Last thing we need is for this dump to get any more messed up." For a brief moment the hardness and tightness returned to The scootish terrier's voice, a firm no nonsense kind of tone that brokered no argument. Lorenzo remembered it well from the time in the war.

For a brief moment, the small team scattered throughout the Bar, helping the few remaining civilians to their feet.

"Always the tough guy am i right? Always trying so hard, maybe it's time you took a vacation?' The squad leader gave a small chuckle as he strode towards Lorenzo he offered a hand but,

lorenzo simply slapped it away, Prompting another chuckle from the Scootish Terrier.

"Now now, Is that any way to treat your friend?" The Scootish terrier, Knew that Him and lorenzo were fair from being friends, not after what he did during the war. Lorenzo would never forgive him for that.

Lorenzo growled loudly and for a small moment, Lorenzo thought he was going to draw his sidearm at him once again, granted it only contained a heavy dose of Animal Tranquilizer but Lorenzo had heard stories of animals being hit with heavy overdoses and Losing memory, Nerve damage, and in often the underground deep dark underbelly whispers of people ODing on the stuff and never waking up.

Thankfully The scootish terriers body relaxed a bit and he put waved a finger in front of Lorenzo's finger, chastising him like a child. "Now now do you really want to make an enemy of me?"

Lorenzo held his jaw shut tightly, not wanting to make a scene here. Despite the Hate bubbling inside his chest he knew better than to attack.. Aidan, That was his name a name he wouldn't forget and hadn't forgotten. Before anything worse could happen, Freddy moved from behind the counter and struggled to help Lorenzo to his feet. It was enough and with some heavy leaning he managed to stand up almost knocking Freddy flat onto his butt.

Thankfully Freddy's great balance kept him from falling. Lorenzo Gritted his teeth his could feel himself regaining feeling into his body but it was all sore and raw and his legs and arm muscles shook with exhaustion, struggling to keep him upright. Lorenzo knew tonight he would sleep a deep quiet peace like he hadn't in a long time.

"I didn't ask for you help, I could have gotten up on my own!" Lorenzo growled out the words, despite this he was thankful for Freedy's aid and Freddy picked up on it Immediately.

Freddy pinched at his cheeks and teased him. "I'm sure you could have big guy err boss, But i'm sure you didn't mind the help~"

Lorenzo could feel his cheeks burning and he snapped his jaws at Freddy's hand and he reeled back his hand, But not without giggling.

Aidan gave another laugh and looked up at the Passed out Ricardo with his body sprawled all over the bar counter. "Sooo should i ask what happened here, I'm assuming somebody had a bit too much to drink?" Aidan started poking at the bear with one of his hands, The bear didn't even twitch, He was completely Unconscious.

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you're the bartender, I remember some of the drinks you made for us. Tasted like shit, But packed a pretty damn big punch" Aidan smirked, Lorenzo

swore he was trying to start a confrontation.

Lorenzo rubbed the back of his head, Trying to give his hands something else to focus on then simply grabbing this 5 ½ foot small dog and wringing his neck.Maybe alone he would have, but not knowing now that he was squad leader of The mayor's little project. Small case he ends up in jail and loses the bar, worst case he ends up dead or worse. Lorenzo felt a shiver go through his body, he knew above most others there were a lot of things worse than death.

"Actually I don't know what happened, I've seen Ricardo, that's his name. Anyway, Ricardo has been drunk more than a few times here. He usually gets a bit touchy and forceful but if you knock him upside the head a bit. He tends to snap out of it. This was different." lorenzo had folded his arms against his chest and Aidan seemed a bit interested he leaned closer towards Lorenzo, with raised eyebrows.

"Different? Different how?" Aidan looked around the room for a bit, Seemingly actually taking in the destruction around the room. Really seeing it. The ruined dance Floor, the cracked Tiles with Strobe lights sparking out.

"Well h-he didn't seem like he had his mind, well he had his mind but it was like a beast's... almost like he had lost his..." Lorenzo tried to find the right words, but he didn't have to.

"Like he lost his Humanity..." Aidan muttered the words quietly under his breath, almost Like maybe if he didn't say them outloud they wouldn't come true. Lorenzo still heard it with his one good ear, The other one being mostly deaf thanks to a Car bomb During the Civil war.

"Yeah, Like he was just a big dumb beast again." it was Lorenzo's turn to Raise his eyebrows, He didn't like the way Aidan seemed to tapping his foot now, Quickly and with no rhythm he remembered how Aidan had used to do that back in his Platoon. It usually happened when He was deep in thought, most times when he was trying to come up with Strategies.

"Aidan, Do you know something about this? What the hell is going on here?, There was a Black Labrador he claimed he only gave Ricardo a few drinks, but there's no way he didn't give him something spiked and..."

"Wait a Black labrador, What did he look like, and what was his name!?"

"Well he was Black of course, he was a bit slim but with well enough muscles"

"What was he wearing, is he still here!"

"He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that fit a bit too tightly to me and he had some earrings in his ears...I don't know where he went though, I was a bit busy Trying to Fight off the fucking bear!"

Aidan rubbed his temple for a moment, and he threw down his Sidearm angrily. He was angry. It was a sight to behold, he howled angrily, spittle flying from his mouth. His next words came out more of an angry growl deep within his throat then actual speak. "Men i need you to find A black lab, See if he's still here or if any of you remember one bring him here right now!"

Lorenzo could feel something wasn't right, there was more going on here and he was getting annoyed. He thought back to that Mindless look in Ricardo there wasn't anything there, not the Ricardo who had tried to smack Lorenzo's ass more than a few times or the Ricardo who had bought the Entire bar free drinks more than a few times, there had been just an empty shell.

Lorenzo angrily grabbed at the Thick Kevlar vest that Aidan was wearing. For a moment Aidan seemed to shock to register the grab but Lorenzo could see his brow furrow and the fur on his face bristle before he grabbed Lorenzo's hand, hard. Lorenzo felt his hand thrown off of Aidan like paper in the wind. Lorenzo was too shocked to believe this and Aidan took the time to shove him hard against one of the Marble pillars that Surrounded the ends of the Destroyed bar counter.

"A lot of things have changed, But it seems like you being a complete idiot hasn't. If you touch me again i swear you will lose Everything Your friend over there Who if he moves another fucking inch will be sitting in jail for the rest of his life for a start" Aidan spat the words out at the Feminane Fox who stopped in his tracks. The rest of the room had grown quiet and Lorenzo could hear the clicking of the safety off the guns The small Swat team had. Lorenzo held a hand towards Freddy and he sighed.

"You're still an asshole, haven't changed one bit, have you?" Lorenzo spat the words out with venom. Aidan at least had the nerve to look away a bit.

Aidan sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I've had enough of this, You can blame me all you want but I'm trying to help the anthro community. Do you think i like having to deal with this shit!?"

Aidan pointed to one of the Officers. "Newbie please see these two are Escorted Off the crime scene, I don't think you'll have any trouble, right?" Aidan looked towards both Lorenzo and Freddy. For a moment Lorenzo wanted to curse and scream, He wanted to choke the hell out of Aidan and find out just what the hell was going on here. Instead he managed to bite down on his lip and give a stiff and firm nod.

Aidan gave one of his shit eating smiles. "good , good" Aiden breathed a sigh of relief, before starting to prod at the bears Unconscious form.

Lorenzo was gently nudged to move along and Freddy followed him by his side. The officer called newbie, seemed a bit green under the gills. He was rather quiet and Lorenzo could see

him shaking and mumbling to himself. Anyone would be able to tell this guy wasn't the most confident person in the room.

Lorenzo wasn't going to make this guy's job any harder, it wasn't his fault he worked for such a horrible person. Before too long they had made it to the outside, The first thing Lorenzo felt was the warm rain that fell from the sky, He had almost forgotten it was storming outside. Thankfully It seemed the storm had let up a bit, only a light rain now falling. Despite the normal And all but abandoned Ghetto The club was at, today was anything but. Many cars were parked on the curb of the street and the Road was blocked off by Police tape and Police cruisers.

Lorenzo sighed and rubbed his head for a minute. He really tried his best to keep this place quiet and safe and he had all but failed tonight.

Freddy seemed to read his thoughts, he was good at that after all. "Lorenzo it's not your fault, you saved a lot of people probably, The cities just getting worse but it'll get better i'm sure"

Lorenzo didn't really believe what Freddy said, but he smiled all the same. Freddy had a good way of making Lorenzo feel a bit better. "Maybe, i hope so I don't think we can deal with much more of this."

Freddy gasped as he really looked at Lorenzo's face and noticed the large claw marks on his face that covered part of his left eye. "Are you ok!? We need a medic!" Freddy began waving his hands around to get a Paramedic's attention.

Lorenzo softly punched him in the gut, All the same, it was enough for Freddy to clutch at his stomach hard and whimper. "I'm fine, It looks a lot worse than it is"

Freddy sucked in a bit of Air, trying to catch his breath. "That's good because it looks terrible."

Lorenzo sneered at Freddy. 'You trying to say i'm ugly or something, You always say i'm so good looking and such a great daddy, but I guess if you don't want to keep having fun with me i could always find somebody else"

"No no, it doesn't look that bad, it gives you a Grizzled look Well more so" Freddy smiled brightly at Lorenzo and lorenzo for once found himself at a loss for words.

"Errr thanks i guess."

"You know I don't think they are going to let us back into the club tonight, Might be good to get some sleep for once, I'm pooped. Dancing and showing off is so harddddd, But I still have a little bit of energy if you're interested" Freddy's tail began to flick behind him and smacked against the rookie's face and he started to sputter.

"Hehe sorry, i don't know what's gotten into my tail, Do you like it thought~?" Freddy batted his eyelashes at The rookie cop and he rubbed the back of his head a bit.

"Um i have a girlfriend, and i'm not r-really gay.. S-sorry" The Rookie's voice came out shakey with him stumbling over his own words.

"I have to go back in now though, i'm really sorry about all that happened, and well um I just wanted to say I don't know what happened to you and The captain in the past, but honestly he really is a good guy. He's rough around the edges and he scares me a lot but he really just wants to help the city..." The rookie bowed and started to head back into the club before lorenzo said something to him.

"What's your name?" Lorenzo asked, with an unnatural soft whisper.

The rookie turned around, and despite his shaken body he responded. "It's Samuel, sir, I hope the both of you have a good night" He continued into the club, ducking under the Police tape in front of the double doors and vanished in the Dark club.

Lorenzo looked up at the sign above his club, the Large pink Letters spelled out the words Last chance. Lorenzo always remembered How he had named the club, for it seemingly being his last chance for something normal, But For the first time in a long time he thought he wasn't the only one with issues and maybe just maybe this Place Wasn't his only Last Chance. He was interrupted by his thoughts From Freddy who had wrapped his arms around one of Lorenzo's big Thick arms.

"So you're place or mine~?" Lorenzo sighed, He Knew That to Freddy it meant a lot when they were together but for him, Freddy was Just an Employee almost like the son he never had. He hated to dissapoint him and even though he was certain he wasn't gay the time he spent with Freddy was usually very uplifting. It wasn't about the sex he enjoyed, just the Intimacy between them and being able to mostly open himself up. Even so There were things he had never told Freddy and probably never would. Tonight wasn't about that though he was going to let himself relax or Let his frustration out more like and Freddy was going to enjoy it.

"My place, I got a lot of aggression to take out and I'd hate to wake your neighbors ...Pup."