Black Beauty, But Ironically.

Story by rainbowtouch on SoFurry

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This is a story, commissioned by the sofurry user 'Whatevaa'

It's a fairly simply transformation story involving a lesbian couple, a genetically engineered stallion and some light BDSM themes. You know, the typical stuff. There is some futanari action towards the climax and I imagine this qualifies as a "bad end", depending on the type of person you are. There was another so-called 'more depraved' iteration of this story. I was re-written to be a bit more intimate/compassionate during the start of the transformation scene. If you would prefer it the other way, PM me and I'll send it to you directly. Hope you enjoy reading regardless!


There was dull hum in the air - almost silent, electronic yet vibrant; as though the spacious mansion that stood in the middle of the McMaster estate was, itself, alive. In many ways it was, and the lady of the house had gone through great expense to make it so.

Rachel McMaster was, in many ways, her father's daughter. She was a visionary - where others saw impossibility, she saw potential for a new avenue towards success. Like her father, she possessed insight into the way the world ought to have worked as well as having inherited his uncanny ability to work around what others would call 'limitations'.

Just like her father did, and as her grandfather had done before him, Rachel had spent most of her adult life amassing a large amount of wealth. The majority of the past two decades had been dedicated to that endeavor without much care towards comfort, or family, or even love. She was - by every other measurable standard - a successful businesswoman but, unlike her father and grandfather before her, she had yet to fulfill her duty as the only child by propagating the McMaster line.

Tonight, Rachel sought to distract herself from that reality as she laid in her bed and breathed a sigh of relaxation while parting her thighs. Everything in her bedroom was to her liking: the floor was covered in large tiles of imported marble; handsewn, exotic drapes of purple and gold lined the room, drawn back to let the warm Summer air circulate through the open windows; the furniture was intricate, made of rare types of wood that could scarcely be found anywhere civilization had touched and scarred the landscape. Everything was exactly to her liking, even the young woman whose lips now placed soft, delicate kisses upon Rachel's vulva.

Tina Sullivan was Rachel's newest flame and also the one that had shared her bed for the longest. A young girl of nineteen, the two had met only a few months prior. Rachel had been immediately smitten with the young blonde whose freckled skin and green eyes contrasted her own suntanned tone and raven hair.

Rachel had been quite the beauty when she was younger. The number of men who sought to claim her as their own numbered in the hundreds - if not for her beauty, then for access to her family's fortune. As she grew older, her slender, athletic form evolved into a sultry womanhood. Not unlike fine wine that had grown more delectable with age.

She was fairly tall, standing at five-feet-nine-inches; her hair was black, long and wavy, reaching down just past her shoulders if she ever let it loose - which she only did in the privacy of her own home; her breasts we large and well-shaped with dark-brown, puffy nipples that stuck out prominently when Rachel was even the slightest bit aroused; her stomach was not flat but held a slight amount of fat, the rest of which was distributed around Rachel's hips, thighs, and accounted for much of her plump backside.

Tina was practically the opposite. The mousy young woman was barely an inch over five feet tall and had the personality to match her small stature. She had a pointy, slightly-upturned nose, high cheekbones, and soft features which gave her an almost elf-like appearance. Unlike Rachel, Tina's breasts were quite small, barely a handful in her own hands, with nipples that seemed not to have matured very much past the budding stage - flat, but small and incredibly sensitive.

Tina's slender shape meant that she fit well between Rachel's thighs as the two engaged in their nightly lovemaking. Now that all the workmen, servants, and hangers-on had departed the estate for the night, Rachel was able to relax and indulge in what was perhaps her favorite vice: the hungry mouth of a younger, much less experienced woman.

"Right here," Rachel whispered as she reached between her legs and drew her lips apart right before Tina's face. "Suck on it, just like I taught you."

Tina halfway bit her lower lip as she looked on. Even in the dim light that streamed in through the open windows, she could see clearly as Rachel exposed the most sensitive parts of her cunt. The perfectly manicured fingers spread her labia to reveal the hole from which Rachel's thick, pearly nectar flowed freely. Above it, however, was what Tina needed to pay attention to.

Rachel's engorged clitoris stood out after she had carefully used her fingers to draw back the hood of skin that kept it concealed. It was larger than most women's - something which made Rachel feel only a little bit more confident - and had become so engorged with arousal that it practically throbbed as blood rushed between her legs.

A soft moan escaped Rachel's lips as she brushed Tina's hair away from her face. Just as she had been instructed, she gently licked at the older woman's clitoris before pursing her lips around it and sucking hard. Rachel's fingers went from gentle caresses to grabbing the back of Tina's head as she used the obedient tongue for her own pleasure.

Tina wasn't the only lover Rachel took, but she was by far the most eager to please. Most nights ended up just like this one: Rachel laid back with parted thighs while her girlfriend serviced her diligently.

At the beginning, Tina was nothing more than a shy, insecure virgin. Not unattractive, but certainly at a crossroads where her budding femininity could have been wasted on a man.

Rachel tossed her head back and used both hands to secure Tina's head between her legs. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as she held her moans. There was no reason to let Tina know how good a job she was doing. Not yet. Instead, Rachel deliberately kept herself on the edge, going so far as to wrap her thick, muscular thighs around her girlfriends head so that her face was smothered in her dripping wetness. When she could finally restrain herself no more, she erupted in climax - quite literally - and stained Tina's face with a gushing spray of liquid that dripped off her chin when Rachel finally let her loose.

Orgasm had always been somewhat shameful for Rachel. The overwhelming pleasure was strange to her - like surrender, climax felt too much like defeat - yet, as Tina crawled over her body and pressed her own slender nakedness against Rachel's, she couldn't help but feel at ease. That was something new to her.

She looked down as Tina took advantage of the momentary lapse in her usual, domineering attitude and sucked on Rachel's nipple. Her torso rested over Rachel's midriff as she parted her legs and slowly gyrated her waist against the outside of the older woman's thigh. Rachel's wide hips and feminine shape promised many pleasures for Tina, though she had been denied most of those for quite some time now. That was mainly for Rachel's amusement as she loved seeing Tina squirm.

Despite everything, Tina was quite satisfied. Well, not exactly. She was incredibly frustrated, but satisfied by it. She wasn't very comfortable with her sexuality; not so much her emerging lesbianism, but the submissiveness and borderline masochism that came with being Rachel's lover.

It was not long ago that she was completely inexperienced when it came to sex. Her fantasies had been juvenile and undeveloped, much like the clumsy manner in which her slender fingers sought to ease the ache between her legs when late-night desires lit her loins on fire.

Rachel had changed that. She opened Tina's world to new possibilities and new experiences. How desire could turn to a need to serve or frustration could be a reward. Under Rachel's guidance, continuous, overbearing pleasure of consecutive orgasms came to be feared as a brutal punishment while over-the-knee spankings became a cherished pleasure that the young woman looked forward to. Even as she humped impotently at Rachel's side, her bare bottom still remained bruised and blemished from the hiding Rachel had given her for the night's foreplay.

"You know I don't like it when you do that," Rachel groaned. It was true. Mostly. Her nipples were not particularly sensitive or, at least, not receptive to sexual pleasure. They were large and oddly shaped, almost like marshmallows, yet Tina sucked on the one she held in her mouth as though it was a pacifier. "Nothing's going to come out, no matter how hard you suck."

Tina looked up as though shocked. Whatever trance-like state of submissiveness she had entered washed away as embarrassment replaced her half-lidded, lustful expression. "Sorry," she said in a diminutive, high-pitched voice. It carried a hint of an accent, revealing her to be far less cultured than one would assume at first glance.

Indeed, Tina came from very humble origins. At one point, she had been nothing more than a rural girl who held dreams of being a world-famous equestrian. Naturally, that was something almost impossible for a girl unfortunate enough to be born of a poor family in some faraway mountainous region. Her family had just enough money to let her chase what was destined to be a dying dream, yet it could not be denied that she was incredibly skilled. That, or magnificently talented; Rachel did not see much distinction between the two.

What she did see was a thing of beauty - something she had to possess at any cost. She introduced herself but, as was to be expected, Tina already knew who she was. Rachel McMaster was, of course, the owner of the McMaster Estate and no young equestrian could not know her by name.

For many generations, the McMaster family had bred horses. In fact, that they bred and produced the best racehorses in the world had been undeniable fact for almost a century, and they had the wealth to prove it. Money was no issue and it didn't take much for Rachel to maneuver herself as a sponsor for Tina. Now the young woman rode horses professionally, as she had always dreamed, and Tina possessed something she cherished more than the majority of even the most impressive stallions in her vast stables.

Yet, as Tina curled at her side and drifted off to sleep, Rachel couldn't help but feel unsatisfied. Despite her success, and her fame, and the breakthroughs she had made in her profession, she was unsatisfied. She gently stroked Tina's hair and pondered to herself. The high of her orgasm had subsided and she was once again in possession of her wit, mind as cold as steel. Even then, she was aware that what she felt for Tina was the closest thing to love she had ever experiences - even if she refused to say so out lout.

Still, it wasn't enough.

The fact of the matter remained that there was something Rachel was missing in her life. It was the one thing that her money and influence couldn't buy her: she wanted a child. Needed it, in fact. It had been her grandfather's last wish, one that she had disregarded in her youth, yet now, as she laid beside her lover, she couldn't get his words out of her head. As it had done for months, sleep evaded her.

She tutted and rolled to her side so she could plant a kiss on the sleeping Tina's forehead, a romantic gesture she dared not exhibit while the young woman was awake. She was quick to spoil, after all. Yet, as the young woman slept, Rachel put her brain to work on a solution to her latest problem.


There was a gathering on the McMaster Estate. It mostly consisted of the workmen and staff who were trained to deal with the stock Rachel owned. Despite their skill and experience, there was tension in the atmosphere. As Rachel cut her way through the sea of people to make her way through to the front of the crowd, she paid no mind to the nervous whispers of those around her.

Before them stood a huge trailer, much larger than any that had ever visited the estate. While the crowd kept their distance, Rachel approached rather boldly. Four uniformed handlers busied themselves around the trailer. They weren't estate staff, but worked for the company that provided the genetic engineering services that Rachel used. They moved to the rear of the trailer and one operated a panel which caused the ramp to descent while the others saw to unlocking the gate..

Rachel was visibly excited, and grew more so as the thunderous steps inside the container could be heard. The unit rocked and wobbled, several joints creaking as the creature inside pushed them almost past their operational limits. There was a collective gasp as the horse emerged, only to be quickly restrained and led down the ramp by those who had raised it since birth.

Zeus was the result of the genetic research that Rachel had invested in. The largest, naturally bred horses barely stood at his shoulder while his jet black hide almost shone for how sleek and neat it was. His musculature was more than impressive - far beyond what nature would deem possible or necessary - and by practically all records, he was at the pinnacle of physical prowess.

"Look at him," Rachel said as she clasped her hands together, holding them with her fingers intertwined just before her face. There was a giddiness in her voice, as though she was a child who had just been given an expensive new toy. In fact, that is all Zeus was.

Zeus was fast, yes, and his stamina already legendary, but he was unnatural. Selective breeding was one thing, but Zeus was the product of genetic engineering on such a level that he no longer qualified as a horse by any scientific standard. He was an abomination, and Rachel as all the more thrilled for it.

Tina was not far away and remained in place as Rachel moved forward to inspect her newest possession. His mane was long and luxurious, as was his tail. There was one imperfection on his body which were the blood-red eyes that gave him a fierce, almost demonic look. Yet, Rachel felt no fear as she approached him. He was powerful enough to pull free of those who guided him but his temperament was that of a perfectly docile animal. As Rachel drew nearer, he turned his massive head towards her and studied her with an almost intelligent gaze.

He was perfect.

"What are we going to do with this...thing?"

The voice that spoke was that of Marcus Olsen, Rachel's senior stable hand. He, like his father before him, had worked on the McMaster Estate for his entire life. All of Rachel's finest horses were taken care of by him, personally. A task for which he was richly compensated. As she turned towards him, Rachel could tell he was intimidated by Zeus.

"We are going to care for him. And we're going to breed him."

Marcus shook his head. "This thing can't be cared for here," he protested. "There's not enough space in any of the stables. Just feeding him would require an entire trough, the size of the big bastard."

"Then get him an entire trough!" Rachel snapped. She wasn't angry, but running the estate required a certain firmness of tone, especially when Marcus insisted on challenging her every decision. She did not hold it against him; he was a master of his craft and, in some ways, certainly knew better. But, for all his knowledge, she trusted that he would make her wishes work. He had to. That was his job.

Marcus muttered, cursing under his breath. "I'll need to clear out the main stable. Break some things down...I really wish you'd have told me you were bringing the beast today. I knew he would be bigger than most but...Christ, woman."

"Do whatever you need to do," Rachel said. "Buy whatever you need to buy. Break whatever you need to break. I want this horse stabled and fed by sundown. I want all the facilities he needs provided for by tomorrow."

"This horse is a gamble, Rachel. He'll eat a hole in the pocket of anyone who tries to feed it," Marcus said. "Even yours." He had that familiar warning tone in his voice that let Rachel know that she was at a crossroads. She was making a decision where either Marcus' knowledge or her will would pay off in the end. Eventually, one of them would be proven right. Usually that was Rachel, but only because she could force Marcus to make sure she got her way.

"He's going to make us millions," Rachel said in retort. "One day. You'll see."

Marcus didn't respond but barked orders to the group who quickly dispersed to make sure his instructions were carried out. Meanwhile, Zeus' handlers escorted him to the enclosure where he would be kept separate from the other horses. Each of his steps, a deep impression was left in the earth, as though the ground itself was reshaped by his mighty stride.

As Rachel looked on, Tina approached. She was wearing very conservative clothing in the form of a turtle-neck sweater and a skirt that fell well past her knees. This sort of clothing was almost her uniform as Rachel controlled every aspect of her appearance, down to the smooth-shaven pubis between her legs. On the other hand, Rachel was dressed rather casually in a tight, checkered shirt and a pair of skinny jeans that disappeared into a pair of heavy, brown boots.

"Am I going to ride that?" Tina asked.

"Perhaps," Rachel muttered. "Think you can handle it?"

"I don't think I should."

"Why not?"

"He seems scary. As though he won't let anyone ride him."

"All horses are like that," Rachel said with a smile, "before they get broken in." As she spoke, Rachel looked at Zeus' hindquarters, past the long swishing tail to the pair of black balls that hung between his legs. He had not been gelded, just as she requested. "It'll be a challenge, but I think you're up to it. Don't disappoint me."

Tina nodded. As usual, she was eager to please her mistress and lover. "Yes, ma'am," she said obediently.

"Good girl," Rachel said. "Good girl."


Despite the considerable effort, Zeus had been successfully housed in the large barn nearest Rachel's house. It was several minutes away by foot and, as Rachel sat at the large, wooden desk in her home office, she couldn't help but feel her attention being drawn towards the ominous structure that stood in the distance.

The servants and workers had once again departed, returning to their homes or the estate barracks that Rachel had constructed far enough away to maintain her privacy and solitude. Her evenings were often spent working on some aspect of her business but she would normally be finished by now. Dinner and some intimacy with Tina - who certainly lurked nearby and awaited Rachel's call - was the typical manner in which she ended her day. But not tonight.

Tonight, Rachel pretended to work. She did so until Tina appeared at the door, knocking three times on the doorframe as she had been trained to do, before waiting patiently to be acknowledged. Rachel wasn't busy, but did not immediately give Tina her attention.

"What is it?" she said, finally looking up from the glowing screen that she had been focused on for the past several minutes.

"I was wondering," Tina muttered, her voice barely louder than a whisper as she spoke carefully, "...wondering if it was okay for me to go to bed without you?"

Rachel sighed as though disappointed but this had been exactly what she was waiting for. "Did you finish your chores?"

"Yes, mistress," Tina replied, her cheeks blushing as she did. There was no shortage of servants during the day to keep the house clean, despite how large it was, and many of the other responsibilities were managed by an automatic home maintenance system. Rachel found chores for her young girlfriend in any of the repetitive, monotonous tasks that Tina was expected to perform diligently on a daily basis.

"Good," Rachel said as she leaned back in her comfortable office chair. She was still dressed as she had been earlier, except now the top buttons on her shirt were undone to expose her inviting cleavage. "Come over here."

Tina shifted her weight nervously before slowly crossing the room to approach Rachel's desk. She seemed unsure of what to do next, but finally made her way to where Rachel sat, trailing her fingers across the hardwood surface as she did.

Rachel glanced down to see that Tina's other hand had clutched the fabric of her skirt. "Lift it," she said, rolling her chair forward until her knees sandwiched the younger woman's slender legs.

Tina blushed again but was obedient. Both hands pulled at her clothing until she lifted the hem of her skirt past her waist to reveal her white, cotton panties. There was an obvious dampness at her crotch which betrayed Tina's modesty.

"I'm sorry," Tina whispered, apologizing as Rachel's fingers slid between her legs and sank into the soft fabric covering her pussy.

"Sorry for what?"

Tina shuddered as Rachel peeled the panties to side and probed her moist slit. "Sorry for," she hesitated, "b-being wet."

"For being a horny little slut," Rachel corrected her.

"Y-yes, ma'am."

Rachel drew her fingers away and quickly smacked Tina's backside. "Get to bed and go right to sleep, do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," Tina repeated, embarrassed, before leaving the room.

Rachel waited in her office for several minutes more as she observed Tina through the surveillance system. She watched as Tina entered their bedroom and stripped to nothing but her panties before donning a light, silk vest and crawling into bed.

Tina was unaware of the cameras around the house - or, perhaps, she knew that Rachel watched from afar - as she took advantage of her time alone and masturbated for several minutes before falling asleep as instructed.

Rachel didn't mind. She would punish Tina appropriately once the time came. For now, she needed her girlfriend to fall asleep which, after only a short time, she finally did.

At last, Rachel was alone. Despite her love for Tina, she needed this time. Connecting with others had never been her strong suit. She could handle those she worked with or who worked for her quite well, but only for so long. She needed the loneliness to remind herself that she wasn't like others - that she was above them. Even if it wasn't true, it was the only thing that kept her sane.

She shut off her computer and left the room, not heading towards her bedroom but exiting the house through a service entrance on the level just below her office. If anyone were to encounter her, she would simply say she was taking a late-night stroll through her property. She was entitled to, after all.

Tonight, Rachel made her way to the stables - specifically, the one nearest to her home where Zeus was kept. The door was already unlocked, though it would have been a simple matter to open it had Rachel needed to.

She made her way inside and listened to Zeus' footsteps as he plodded around the space they had made for him.

There was no light as she entered but that was quickly remedied through the flip of a switch. The stable could normally house several horses, but the barriers and barricades between enclosures had all been removed to facilitate Zeus. Now, the massive horse moved freely, approaching from the far side as it noticed its owner.

Rachel wasn't afraid. She had been around horses her entire life, many were far more temperamental than Zeus. She knew that she was safe around him. After all, she was the one who designed him.

As he drew closer, she placed a hand on his snout, having to reach up much higher than she normally would. He didn't recoil from her touch but instead became incredibly calm, as an unnatural stillness came over him. "That's a good boy," Rachel whispered as her other hand pressed against his flank.

She could feel the short fur that covered his hide, as well as the rippling muscles underneath. Each breath that Zeus took caused his torso to expand and his entire body felt tight - as though he was a rocket, ready to take off at any moment.

Rachel leaned in close and placed her lips against his neck, kissing it not only once, but several times as she continued stroking his body to keep him calm.

This was Rachel's most shamefully kept secret. While she had operated as an open and out lesbian for many years, her proclivities had leaned towards the unnatural ever since she had been a young woman.

It began many years ago, when she returned to the estate during a Summer break and took the task of bathing her first stallion. She found the process exhausting and had quickly became irritated. She had left home to get away from such responsibilities, and had just resolved to leave again at first opportunity when she first noticed the magnificence of a horse's cock.

That night, so long ago, she couldn't get the image of the equine penis out of her mind. She masturbated with it dancing on the edge of her thoughts, always threatening to invade her typical fantasies. For as long as she tried not to think about it, satisfaction evaded her until, finally, she succumbed to her darker thoughts. She had her first squirting orgasm then, and since that night her desires for horses had only grown stronger.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered to Zeus. The horse studied her with one large, red eye but there was no indication that he understood what she had said. Rachel liked to think differently. Everything about him had been enhanced, even his intelligence. Somewhere underneath his wild nature, there was a connection waiting to be made.

She moved her hand over his back towards his hindquarters where she felt his powerful tail swish back and forth. She was teasing herself. She knew that what she wanted was close but the guilt she usually felt kept her still.

What would someone think if they saw her right now? Or in five minutes?

Her heart raced. The thrill and taboo were too much for her to handle as fork of her legs grew hot and damp. Finally, she could wait no longer and reached under Zeus' body to feel his penile sheath. It only took a few seconds of stimulation for his cock to drop, reaching halfway to the ground as gravity acted on the almost-two-foot-long phallus.

An involuntary whimper escaped Rachel's lips. Perhaps, she wasn't quite the lesbian she thought she was. She sank to her knees and took Zeus' cock in her hands, marveling at its beauty.

The cock was not only long but incredibly thick, thicker than her forearm - almost equal in girth to one of Tina's slender thighs. It was dark colored, not jet black like the rest of his body, but stained with traces of both light and dark brown. The mottled texture was something Rachel had always admired and, as she traced her fingers along the patterned skin on Zeus' cock, he only grew stiffer, longer, and thicker.

Zeus was not the first stallion she had engaged with. She knew how to touch him. She was gentle, careful, and calm. Even as her heart raced in anticipation towards her new toy, she remained very diligent in her handling of the horse's penis. After all, she had dedicated a not-insignificant amount of her wealth towards creating this beauty.


While Rachel funded the research and provided much of genetic material required - one way or another - the science and mechanisms that facilitated Zeus' birth was largely beyond her understanding.

His DNA was assembled from the greatest racehorses living on the planet - some who commanded prices in the tens of thousands for only a sample of their sperm - which was then used to create many embryos. The embryos were then infected with a man-made virus, not deadly, but one designed to further shape and promote his growth.

The process had been a failure time and time again, but now both Zeus and his magnificent cock stood as testament to the wonders of science and the possibilities it could offer.

Rachel couldn't hold herself back any longer.

She was already naked, her clothes remaining forgotten on the floor as she crouched low beneath Zeus' body. There was no way she could accommodate his length or girth, but she could still pleasure him and receive his emissions. She was, after all, a lowly horse-slut, eager to please the magnificent beast that stood before her.

She took his cock in both hands and kissed at his flared tip. His urethra was stained with the scent of stale urine but she diligently cleaned it by inserting her tongue as far as it could go. There was no length Rachel wouldn't go towards when it came to pleasing Zeus. Not only had he been designed to be the perfect racehorse, but the virus that lived in his blood had another, secret function. Right now, it infested his balls, changing the very nature of his equine sperm so that it could, potentially, impregnate her.

This was the solution that Rachel had come up with regarding her biological clock screaming at her to reproduce. As much as she wanted a child, she couldn't bear to be dominated and inseminated by a man. A horse, however - a majestic, powerful animal which no man could measure up to - of course such a creature would be worthy of populating her womb. Money, as well as science driven by lax ethics, had made that a possibility for her. She only needed to extract the virile horse-cum the way she knew best: by lavishing every inch of Zeus filthy, animal cock with her kisses and affection.

By the time Rachel drew her mouth away from Zeus' cock, her throat and nostrils stung with the taste and scent of his musk. Her eyes watered, yet her cunt ached like it had never done before. She held his cock with one hand and hungrily sucked on the rim of his flared tip while simultaneously playing with her pussy. Her fingers rubbed furiously at her stiff clitoris which stood out prominently and begged for attention.

More than once, small mouthfuls of almost-clear fluid dribbled from the opening at the top of the horse's prick. It was salty and the smell of it was almost enough to make Rachel drunk with lust. She would extract every last drop of Zeus' precum before letting her jaw fall slack so the runny liquid dribbled off her chin to cover her tits and plump stomach. When it leaked down between her legs, she desperately rubbed her cunt, shoving two - then three - fingers in her hole to mix their essences together.

The more she used her fingers to massage the precum into her pussy, the better Rachel felt. It was as though her sex was on fire and she felt as though not being able to rub it for only a second would result in her losing her mind. Her clit was rock hard and welcomed the the abuse as her fingertips darted furiously from the entrance to her cunt, sinking all the way past her second knuckles, before she would pull out and use her own, sticky juices to massage her throbbing bead.

Delicious pre-ejaculate now streamed from Zeus. He was fully erect, now over two feet long, and caused Rachel's forearm to burn as she struggled to handle it. Still, she didn't give up on sucking. Her jaw ached and tongue felt numb from the constant licking. Her lips tingled from the saltiness of his precum, yet she couldn't stop herself from suckling on the tip of his shaft.

She pressed her lips to his urethra once more before opening her mouth wide to drag her tongue along the length of Zeus' prick. The horse shifted its weight, several times moving not more than half a step in either direction. Other than that, however, it seemed to pay its owner no mind.

Rachel, in the other hand, was lost in her debauched service to the animal. She was no on all fours, hands and knees stained by the mess on the barn floor as she used her mouth to pleasure Zeus rod. She sucked on his tool, moving from the tip of is cock to his balls while licking off every piece of filth she could find on the surface his rod. By the time she was done, it practically shone as a result of her dedication. For her work, she was finally rewarded by a warm bath of horse jizz that vomited across her face and chin.

Rachel moaned loudly as she directed the tip of the firehose cock towards her breasts and stomach. Being drenched in horse cum made her feel like a proper barn-slut and she scooped several handfuls of the thick, gelatinous semen off her skin before desperately shoving it into her cunt.

Zeus' cock shriveled as it had done its job, but Rachel's had just begun. She laid on her back and scraped as much cum as she could into her hole. Her legs were in the air and she used both hands, fitting one fist into her hole before kneading the horse's modified cum against her womb. If desire alone could guarantee her impregnation, she would have carried the horse's child by morning.

The sounds she made were repulsive. Other than the obscene, lustful, animal-like moans that bellowed from her throat, she shamelessly shoved her hands into her cunt well past the wrist. Her pussy stretched to fit and allowed most of her forearm into herself while both her pussy juice and Zeus' cum dripped down over her asshole to be wasted on the barn floor.

Several times she came, more than once squirting into the air as she convulsed in climax. It had never before felt this good. The fire that burned in her belly only moments before hand been replaced with an ache and a desire - an itch that could not be satisfied.

Rachel fisted her cunt aggressively, twisting her hand inside herself until she churned her hole into a frothy mess. Thick cream clung to her wrist and oozed onto the floor but she didn't stop. She simply couldn't. She orgasmed again, and again, and again, as her labia grew puffy and inflamed, swelling over her hand until the pressure around her wrist was so immense that she feared not being able to pull it free.

Even then, she persisted. She persisted until she lost track of time or how many times she had made herself orgasm. She was lost in the pleasure and the desire to be bred. Her cunt had become swollen, and was tighter than it had ever been. Yet, its tightness only made the act of working her knuckles deep in her own hole all the more pleasurable. When Zeus' cum had become too dry to continue playing with, Rachel rolled towards him to start the process all over again. Her ritual continued all night, until the horse's balls were fully drained. It was only when Rachel sucked and sucked, only to find that Zeus could ejaculate no more, did she come to her senses.


The first thing that Rachel became aware of was the soreness in her muscles. She was exhausted. Her skin was sticky, with the straw and bits of dirt she had rolled in while in the throes of pleasure now clinging to her. Hair drenched in horse cum and matted by dirt, she looked exactly as one would expect a woman who laid with horses to.

Next was the exhaustion. Her forearms burnt from exertion and her jaw ached. Her tongue was numb from the constant licking and her lips swollen after sucking on Zeus' cock for what felt like hours. She was hungry, sleepy, and quickly grew cold all over her body for the exception of one place.

The itch that had been so pleasant while she fisted herself had not left. In fact, it had grown in intensity, becoming almost maddening. Rachel struggled to her feet and sought to get her clothes on. She would normally clean the area after she was done but, tonight, she was in no condition to. She was half-lidded, almost blind with lust, and found it difficult to stand on two feet now that her labia had grown so large and puffy that just putting her legs together proved difficult.

Not only had her labia become swollen, it had grown dark and almost-rubbery in texture as well. Rachel resigned to move on all fours as she crawled across the barn floor. Each time she dragged her knee forward, the pressure on her inflated pussy lips caused her to spasm until she moaned loudly even after only moving a few inches. She couldn't even make it to her clothing before she felt like she had no choice but to satisfy her desires once more.

Rachel was terrified. She was horny - so incredibly horny. Hours had passed in the barn yet she seemed rooted to the spot. She wanted nothing more than to feel pleasure but sunrise was only an hour or so away.

Just getting her clothes on was a struggle but Rachel managed it and made her way back to the house while halfway dressed. Once back in the house, she locked the door behind her and made her way to the bathroom adjoining her bedroom, being careful not to wake Tina as she did. Rachel was confident that Tina would still be asleep but also knew that she quite a light sleeper. This was doubly true when she had been forced to go to bed without Rachel next to her. Taking great care to stash her clothes away before stepping into the shower Rachel spent a long time under the almost scalding-hot spray until she once again felt clean.

Finally, Rachel was able to relax. Her muscles were soothed and the scent of Zeus and his cum was washed free from her, yet the annoying itch - the desire to pleasure herself that spread from between Rachel's legs - persisted.

It was more than mere arousal. As she showered, Rachel was almost powerless to stop her fingers from wandering between her thighs. The more she probed her swollen, throbbing slit under the premise of cleaning herself, the more of the thick, milky-white nectar escaped her hungry hole.

Rachel would have been terrified if she wasn't so busy stroking herself. She climaxed, and climaxed again. Each time, a dribble of sweet cream squirted from between her legs, mixing with the water at her feet before swirling down the drain.

Eventually, her fingers were unable to bring the satisfaction she so desperately craved. Rachel exited the shower and dried her skin, though leaving her hair wet and plastered against her back, before she made her way back to the bedroom where Tina slept.


Tina had always been the type of person to sleep all through the night. That was with the exception of the rare occasions where Rachel's late-night urges demanded that the young woman wake up and put her well-trained tongue to use.

Maybe it was Rachel not coming to bed for hours when normally she would join Tina within a reasonable amount of time. Maybe it was the feeling of a firm grip at her waist, turning her to her back before Rachel's kisses upon her lips. Whatever it was, she was certainly not going to complain after having fallen asleep unsatisfied.

"Mmm..." Tina moaned as she struggled to break free of sleepiness' embrace. Rachel sucked on one of her lower lips, biting it just a little in just the way she knew Tina liked it. It was a subtle display of control which made Tina melt, both mentally and between the legs.

Tonight, however, Rachel seemed to be in a rare mood. Rather than mere intensity, her kisses were hungry and desperate, and Tina was barely awake when she felt her neck, small breasts, and stomach being placed under the assault of Rachel's mouth.

"Baby?" Tina had just barely managed to open her eyes and looked down to where Rachel had her panties already down her slender thighs. "What are you doing?" she sighed. "It's late."

She looked on, intrigued, as Rachel rose to her knees and crawled forward so that her body hovered over her. There wasn't much to see because of the darkness but Tina could tell that Rachel was naked. She laid between Tina's parted thighs and kissed on her neck again before moving her lips upward so she could whisper softly.

"I'm just a little horny," Rachel muttered, "I need you tonight."

Tina blushed at Rachel's forwardness and was grateful for the darkness as a result. Despite the bluntness of the statement, she couldn't deny that the desperation in Rachel's voice was very arousing to her.

She was unable to adequately respond, especially when Rachel's next move was to suck intensely on her neck - on just the right spot that made Tina's toes curl as she drew both legs up to wrap them around her lover's waist.

"I'm sleepy," she complained, knowing fully well that Rachel wouldn't care.

Rachel let out a soft growl from within her throat, the perfect mix of desire of displeasure that made Tina gasp as the older woman eased her weight off of her. "Come here," Rachel whispered. Rising to her knees once more, she grabbed Tina's forearms and pulled her upwards until she had been sat on Rachel's thighs.

Tina was unsure of how to respond other than to wrap her legs more tightly around Rachel's hips. Similarly, she embraced Rachel's neck as she felt both strong hands moving down the small of her back to cup her backside.

"What's gotten into you tonight?" Tina asked, finally able to find her voice. As she spoke, she felt Rachel pulling her panties back up so they covered her ass once more, even if they sat askew on her hips.

Groaning as she leaned backwards was Rachel's response. Tina struggled to orient herself properly but was soon content to be laying atop her girlfriend with her face buried in Rachel's cleavage.

"I just want to make love tonight," Rachel said. Each word dripped with lust and a genuine, desperate need for sex that took Tina by surprise.

"Make love?" Tina giggled as she laid her head against Rachel's chest. She could hear her heartbeat. It was rapid, nervous, not unlike Tina's had been the first time she had been taken in this same bed. "You've never asked me to do that before."

"You don't want to?" Rachel asked. She almost sounded dejected, but that was by design.

"No! I mean..." Tina bit her lip and sat up, straddling Rachel's hips as she placed her hands against her girlfriend's broader chest. "I think I need you to teach me how..."

Rachel reached upwards and took Tina by the back of the neck, squeezing slightly, before she pulled her in for a long, slow kiss. By the time their mouth's separated, Tina was already breathing heavily with her tongue hanging loose after having wrestled with Rachel's.

"Rachel," Tina whispered, using her girlfriend's name for the first time in what must have been weeks.

"Yes?" Rachel replied.

"I want to do anything for you," Tina pleaded, reiterating, "anything."

Even as she spoke, Rachel's fingers moved from Tina's neck to over the silk tank top that covered her torso. "Do what you always do," she said, finally. "Kiss me."

"Where?" Tina asked.

Rachel pointed to her own neck, saying, "here."

Tina leaned forward, placing her lips at the point of Rachel's finger before kissing her skin. She sucked gently as she felt Rachel writhe beneath her. In all the times they had fucked, a single touch was never enough to make Rachel break her stoicism. Far less to have Tina feel her thick, curvaceous body writhing between her thighs.

"Lower," Rachel said, moving her hand down her breasts and stomach while Tina followed instruction. It was like a game. Each patch of skin or point on her body that Rachel pointed out, Tina lavished with sweet kisses upon the sensitive flesh. There was little more to it but she enjoyed Rachel's reactions greatly, especially as her lips were guided closer to where her heavy, feminine scent originated.

As Rachel's hands moved over her slit, Tina was certain something was wrong. She knew the size and shape of Rachel's pussy. She knew it intimately. Everything from the length and thickness of Rachel's labia to the position of her inner lips and the placement of her clitoris. Tina had, of course, serviced Rachel's cunt diligently for the majority of the past year. Yet, now, it was almost unrecognizable to her.

Rachel didn't seem at all confused and used her fingers to peel her swollen lips apart. She was wet, so incredibly wet that her sticky moistness filled the air with a lewd sound as strands of thick pussy juice almost glued her now thickened, rubbery flaps together.

"Eat me," Rachel sighed as Tina hesitated. She had already shifted downwards and was on her knees, face hovered mere inches from Rachel's pussy, yet she couldn't bring herself to press on. Something felt wrong. Even Rachel's scent had changed.

Tina looked down. Rachel's pussy had transformed into something grotesque, yet that was where the thick aroma of overpowering femininity came from. The musk intoxicated her, filling her nostrils and making her mind feel sluggish and hazy. It was as though she had drank too much expensive wine and now she couldn't help but wonder what the blackened, rubbery labia would feel like between her lips.

Rachel sighed as Tina lowered her head and then cried out in pleasure as her horse-cunt was attended to. Finally, she had gotten what she was craving and was able to relax as someone else - anyone else - took control and gave her pleasure. She ran both hands through her own hair while Tina dove deeply between her legs. Giddy pleasure wracked her body and she made sure to move her hands to the back of Tina's head in order to keep her there.

Once she started, Tina couldn't stop. Rachel, unlike herself, always had a very meaty, puffy vagina but this was totally different. Her folds and petals had grown large and heavy. Just sucking on one was akin to trying to fit her own fist in her mouth. Yet, as she heard the sounds of pleasure escaping Rachel's lips, she felt like she had no choice but to continue.

She stuck her tongue deep into Rachel's folds, yet found it impossible to reach into her cunt in order to lap at the source of the sweet nectar that soaked the meaty lips. Instead, she moved her tongue downwards and licked the rim of Rachel's ass until her thighs quivered and she threatened to clench them on Tina's head.

"Don't stop," Rachel gasped, "Don't you fucking stop!"

Rachel had grabbed hold of Tina's head and drawn her face upwards so that she went from tonguing her asshole to sucking on her massive clitoris. It was now the size of a large egg and felt smooth under her lips. With each beat of Rachel's heart, it seemed to throb as blood coursed through the vessels feeding the organ.

What Tina noticed most, other than the visual changes and the smell of Rachel's sex, was the heat. Every time Rachel rose to climax, a surge of heat would pulse through her loins. She noticed that same heat as it washed over her own body, spreading from her face, down her chest before it finally settled between her legs.

Rachel came once, twice, then three times. After every orgasm, the heat would grow hotter in both her cunt and Tina's - who would only grow hungrier, sucking on Rachel's clit even more firmly as she sought to stimulate Rachel's orgasms without rest. To that end, she pressed three fingers together and used them to probe between Rachel's cunt. Once she made it past the inflated lips, Tina found the warm, sticky-wet hole more than accommodating. She gasped against Rachel's cunt as her entire hand easily slipped inside and Rachel's entrance clenched on her wrist like a vice.

"That's right," Rachel grunted. "Pound my hole - just like that!"

Tina grunted as she pumped her forearm in and out. She even twisted her fist, starting at the elbow so that thick strands of Rachel's dribbling cunt juices clung to her arm before dripping to the sheets. She squirted heavily as Tina looked on in awe, struck by the intensity of the orgasm that wracked her lover's body, as well as the obvious changes that began to wash over her.

At first, it was just her skin tone. Even in the low light, it was obvious as she grew from her usual tan to a reddish-brown, starting from the center of her chest before spreading over the rest of her body. Once her face had been stained a new color, Tina noticed that Rachel's eyes were now golden-yellow.

Rachel grit her teeth and grunted loudly as her pussy clenched - another orgasm - and her breasts began to swell. It was as though two large, fleshy balloons had begun to inflate on her chest. Tina looked on in amazement as Rachel's tits - which were already quite large - doubled in size and then grew a bit more. Her brown nipples changed as well, with her areola becoming wide and bumpy while her marshmallow-sized peaks transformed into fleshy cylinders the size of soda cans.

All the while, Rachel orgasmed continuously. Her orgasms triggered the transformation and the transformation fueled her orgasms, causing her body to evolve at a faster and faster rate. As her orgasms grew more intense, Rachel's nipples bulged as pearly-white milk escaped her breasts. At first it was just a slight leak but, soon after, milk squirted out powerfully.

Tina was amazed. While Rachel orgasmed, her cunt clenched around Tina's fist, and each new contraction matched the intensity to with which the milk sprayed from her breasts.

She leaned over Rachel's body and took as much of one fleshy nipple as she could fit into her mouth. She was barely able to swallow the entire thing and coughed as warm, sweet milk rushed down her throat but, finally, it seemed as though Rachel was satisfied. Her wild cries of pleasure settled into sweet coos of contentment while Tina both pleasured and feasted on her.

Like she had done the night before, Tina continued to suck on Rachel's breast with the expectation that would be told to stop. However, Rachel seemed more than happy to have Tina suckle from her, going so far as to hold her head to her swollen nipple as the slender, young woman drank from her.

Rachel's pussy continued to clench, now more rhythmically, as her body finished its transformation. She grew taller and wider - stretching to just past six feet tall - as short, brown hairs grew from every inch of her body. Tina's eye shut as she felt Rachel's sticky skin disappear from below her, now replaced by the coarseness of her rough fur. Her face changed shape as well, growing elongated and discolored around the mouth until she had a black muzzle around her lips. However, despite her transformation, she retained much of her natural beauty. In some ways, she appeared even more attractive as her womanly features had become more bombastic and exaggerated.

Even her hair had grown longer, now a wild, luxurious mane. Her breasts and hips were larger, wider, and more inviting than they had ever been while her long legs were now immaculately toned with lean muscle. She breathed heavily and opened her large eyes to see that Tina, herself had begun to change.

Tina's changes were subtle at first. Her ears had grown longer until they stuck out from under her blond locks. Unlike Rachel's reddish-brown, her skin grew pale and pink while white fur sprouted, starting from behind her ears and growing down the nape of her neck until most of her body was covered. While Rachel's color was uniform, Tina took on a mottled appearance with patches of brown and black popping up on her body in uneven shapes.

Her size increased as well, though not to the extend Rachel had. Her clothes tore she grew; first, her breast inflated, much like Rachel's had done only a few minutes earlier. They spilled out of her silk top, tearing the fabric as her pink nipples protruded from under her white fur.

Rachel felt Tina's mouth change shape, as well as the teeth within it, and groaned as her nipple was almost crushed by the powerful new jaw muscles that grew in. Breast milk flooded out as Tina bit down, leading Rachel to toss her head back and surrender herself to the painful breast-feeding that fueled the transformation.

When her changes were almost complete, Tina fell backwards. She breathed heavily and tore the tattered remains of her top from her torso before reaching between her legs with feverish desperation. While Rachel had done the same out of an intense desire to masturbate, she could only look on with fascination as Tina spread her thighs - along with their new, massive muscles - to reveal the bulge being contained by Tina's panties.

It took no effort at all for Tina to tear her panties away so that her new sex organ could breathe. Rachel gasped. What grew from between Tina's legs was a mottled cock at least half the size of Zeus'. It was maybe a foot-and-a-half long and thicker than any man's could ever be. Not only that, but a pair of heavy, hairless balls sprung from the base of the shaft, hanging low so as to obscure Tina's asshole from view.

There was very little thought in what happened next. Rachel's eyes locked with Tina's and they both knew what needed to happen. As Rachel crawled over Tina's new body, the bed groaning under their combined weight, both women felt as though their months of impotent lovemaking would finally be taken to the next level

Rachel straddled Tina's hips as the two of them sank into the mattress. Her hands could only just barely wrap around the girth of Tina's new prick, a development which made Rachel's mare-cunt drip like a sieve as she pressed the flared tip to her entrance and squat down.

"Oooohhhhh..." Rachel groaned with delight as her mare-pussy swallowed the massive she-cock.

There was no resistance at all - as though Rachel's body was perfectly made to accommodate Tina's. She drove her hips down until half of the shaft was buried in her hole, then lifted herself off. Tina moaned as Rachel clenched on her involuntarily; the sensation of Tina's cockhead scraping her bumpy insides was just too much for her to handle.

When only the tip remained lodged in Rachel's new cunt, the two women locked eyes - Rachel's now yellow while Tina's a piercing blue - and, without a word, she impaled herself fully.

Rachel's sank as low as she could go, yelping in pain as Tina thrust upwards against her ass to leave her cheeks stinging. She grunted, placing both hands on Tina's chest as she rode her cock. Rachel's cries were matched only by the deep, masculine grunts that escaped Tina's chest, especially when Rachel squat low and grinded the cockhead against her womb.

Tina writhed in ecstasy as instinct drove her to lift her hips in time with Rachel's movements. It was as though her mind was a blank slate, with the only instruction she was aware of being to drive her cock into Rachel's hole until she emptied whatever it was that stirred in her balls.

While Rachel had believed that Tina's transformation was over, it seemed as though having her cocked bathed in pussy juice pushed it even further. She grew taller at first, then more muscular. Soon, she was larger than even Rachel. Her cock grew to an even more massive size - something Rachel couldn't believe, though she was ecstatic to feel her new cunt being stretched to limit.

With Tina's new size came a massive amount of power. She was able to easily sit up, even as Rachel squatted over her, and forced the brown-skinned horsewoman to her back. Rachel slammed onto the mattress - several wooden supports on the bedframe snapping - as Tina's strong hands grasped her by the ankles to lift her legs into the air.

Tina's cock was now almost two feet long and so thick that even the mare-pussy stung around the entrance in order to accommodate it. Yet, the drive to mate that guided Tina's actions cared very little for Rachel's comfort. For the first time, she was forced into a truly submissive position as the massive horse-cock that grew from between her girlfriend's legs slammed into her cunt.

Every inch pierced Rachel's body, all the way to the base. Tina was merciless, leaving only her two massive balls hanging outside of Rachel's hole.

One thrust was not enough. Tina pulled out, only halfway, and barreled her cock towards Rachel's womb again, and again, and again, until Rachel's panicked whinnies filled the night air. She was powerless against Tina's new strength, a submissive mare-in-heat while Tina was now the stallion between the two.

Even as Tina pinned her to the mattress and abused her cunt, Rachel couldn't help but be delighted. She could feel her womb descend as though desperate to get nearer to the tip of Tina's cock and the source of a potentially huge load of thick, fresh baby batter. Her belly burned and she knew the fire would never go out until Tina emptied her heavy balls into her cunt.

Despite being unable to move freely, Rachel used the muscles in her abdomen to clench on Tina as much as she could. She bucked and moaned; whinnied and cried out in pain; even going to far as trying to escape, only to be grabbed hold of and dominated further until she was forced into a mating press.

Each thrust of Tina's hips caused the bed to break more as the two women's heavy bodies clashed in heated, passionate mating. The first shot of gooey, thick horse cum was deposited then, very close to Rachel's womb.

Rachel had lost track of the amount of times Tina had slammed into her when she felt it. Tina's face contorted into an inhuman grimace as her balls tightened. Next was a sensation of calming warmth which spread through Rachel's mid-section, filling her - quite literally - from the inside with the evidence of Tina's climax.

Tina moaned loudly, neighing as her cock erupted within Rachel's walls. As her balls drained, she looked down at the satisfied look on the horsewoman who laid pinned beneath her. It was though her senses had returned as she leaned in and pressed her muzzle to Rachel's neck, biting down and kissing as she slowly drew her thick cock from the sore, stretched out, and oozing cunt.

"Tina," Rachel whimpered in a voice that wasn't quite hers. Her hands reached down and grabbed the firm muscle that now settled on Tina's backside as she pulled her in once more. "I need more. Cum in me more."

Tina's nostrils flared as she listened to Rachel's pleas. Her cock was still erect but now pressed against Rachel's stomach. "On your knees," she grunted, standing up to reveal her true size as she left the bed that had been reduced to splinters.

Rachel's ears drooped as she rolled submissively to her hands and knees before cocking her ass in the air. Tina's last load still dripped from her wet pussy, but she reached back with one hand to spread her ass apart. It was intended to be an inviting gesture but it only resulted in her being slapped hard on the hindquarters by Tina's large hand.

"Crawl," Tina said, slapping her again.

Rachel yelped and did as she was told, crawling as directed as the two horse-women made their way through the house. A slimy trail of their combined juices was left in Rachel's wake but the humiliation was nothing compared to the sound of Tina's heavy footsteps as she guided her mare outside.

Once they left the house, the pair made their way to the barn, with Rachel's hands and feet muddied as the sun rose in the distance. They entered, finding Zeus laying right where Rachel had left.

"Now," Tina said with a deeper, gruff voice, "Offer your hole to him like you did me."

Rachel crawled to where Zeus lay and turned, reaching back to grab handfuls of her own, full ass. Peeling her flesh apart caused both holes to sting and Rachel felt as though the display was futile. However, Zeus snorted as the pheromones that leaked from her cunt piqued his interest.

He stamped on the barn floor as his cock descended once more. Seeing it juxtaposed with Tina's made Rachel's tongue hang free from her mouth. While Tina was quite large, even for the most well-endowed horse, she was still nothing compared to Zeus. He circled Rachel who wondered, despite the transformation she had gone through, whether she could survive being truly bred by the stallion. It wasn't uncommon for an overly enthusiastic male to injure or even kill a female, after all.

Tina grabbed hold of Zeus' mane and gently stroked his neck as she used her newfound strength to guide the animal. Zeus didn't protest, if only because he seemed to trust that by following Tina's gentle instruction, he would be allowed to mate.

He positioned himself behind Rachel who pressed her face to the ground and raised her hips until she stood with her knees straight. Still bent at the waist, she kept her hands on her hindquarters as Tina's massive hand grabbed hold of Zeus' cock. She directed it so that his gigantic, flared tip pressed against Rachel's entrance.

The moan of pleasure that escaped Rachel's lips was enough to elicit a hint of jealousy in Tina. While she and Rachel fit snugly, yet perfectly, within one another, Zeus seemed to be the exact opposite. He mounted Rachel and struggled to find purchase with only his hind legs. When he finally did, his hips began thrusting rapidly.

There was no sense of rhythm or desire to give pleasure in the horse's movements. He was, after all, a mindless animal. Even with no conscious thought directing their efforts, Tina and Rachel were still able to give pleasure to one another while mating. Zeus was unable to harbor such concerns.

His cock re-shaped the fleshly canal of Rachel's mare-cunt to the point where she felt as though he stabbed his prick into her abdominal cavity. Her womb didn't need to descend in order to meet his tip as, when buried to the base of his shaft, the horse's cockhead crushed Rachel's cervix until there was absolutely no more room to explore within her.

"He's going to make you all loose," Tina said flatly, with a same tone of voice as though she had just discovered that a piece chocolate had been carelessly left to melt.

Rachel had not the words nor the ability to respond. She was lost in pleasure, not from Zeus' technique, but in the sheer bestial thrill of being mated by a brainless animal. All her years of sneaking into barns and stables to satisfy her urges towards the animals were nothing compared to this. Having a real stallion's cock pounding at her insides and dominating her was an absolute delight, especially since Tina was there to witness the entire thing.

Zeus didn't last long. His animal instinct to dump his load and move on meant that not a minute passed until he ejaculated in Rachel's cunt, even standing perfectly still as he did.

Rachel's knees buckled and she sank to the floor with a heavy 'thud'. Zeus' cock popped out of her, only to allow his cum to dribble out and be wasted on the floor.

A loud smack filled the room as Tina slapped Zeus on the behind so that he moved away. No words were exchanged as she used her own cock to plug Rachel's leaking hole. The sun was rising now and, any minute, the workers would return to their duties. Rachel didn't care. She was in heaven with both Zeus' and Tina's cum mixing in her belly and that same girlfriend using her stiff rod grind the contributions of both stallions into her womb to make sure it took root.

Rachel remained limp and helpless, with only enough strength remaining to keep her knees planted in the floor so that Tina could churn her insides.

Tina kept one hand on her waist as the other pressed to the small of Rachel's back in order to steady herself. Unlike Zeus, her thrusts and the manner in which she swung her hips were quite deliberate.

The room was filled with the constant smacking of firm hips against round, tight backside. The impact of Tina's powerful thrusts was so great that Rachel felt her lower back began to ache, as though the brutal assault on her insides was enough to beat her back out of shape.

Still, she focused on her stallion's pleasure. Each time Tina buried her length in Rachel's cunt, she would squeeze tight, just as she had done when she was riding. This time, however, she was not in control of the rate of insertion. Several times, she mistimed or misjudged Tina's movements, causing to clench with the wrong timing. Each of those moments was met with a firm slap on Rachel's backside until she learned to focus and control the muscles that lined the inside of her cunt.

Finally, Tina deposited the final load of the night within Rachel's hole. It was unceremonious and almost emotionless in the way Tina pressed every inch of herself inside Rachel before cumming. It was as though she sought to compete with Zeus, depositing her load as close to Rachel's womb as possible before using her flared cock cock to plunge as much of it as she could into her hungry cervix.

The pain and soreness that wracked Rachel's body was almost unbearable. However, the result of her night of raunchy animal sex was to, finally, find herself sexually satisfied.


Marcus shook hands with the gentlemen with whom he had just closed his latest deal. The small group made to depart as their convoy of vehicles pulled off and made their way down the gravel road that led out of McMaster Estate. As they disappeared into the distance, he turned to what was now his mansion and smiled happily.

As far as anyone else knew, Rachel McMaster had disappeared months ago, along with her young girlfriend. It was thought that the two eloped, leaving everything behind as they disappeared to lead the life of solitude that Rachel had become notorious for preferring.

With no children or living family, the estate fell under Marcus' control and, since then, business had been booming. To those observing from the outside, it might have seemed as thought it was Marcus' leadership that resulted in this era of new prosperity for the estate. That was mostly true. However, Rachel was still in the picture, though now working more intimately with the breeding process than anyone could have imagined.

It was Marcus who discovered both Tina and Rachel after their transformations had been completed. While others would have been greatly disturbed by the sight, he saw an opportunity to move in and assume leadership of the estate. Of course, in many ways, he was just a figurehead. Rachel was still the leader, though she barely had time to deal with trivial matters of business and logistics. Especially when mating season was in full swing.

Marcus made his way, not into his mansion, but towards the nearby stables. There was some commotion inside, which almost certainly meant that the show was already underway.

He knocked three times on the large, metal doors that led into the stables and waited for one of his employees to let him in. He was in no rush, though the cheering and jeering of the crowd of men let him know that he was, in fact, quite late to the evening's spectacle.

As he rounded the corner, he was greeted by a sight he had already grown accustomed to seeing. Tina stood tall and proud with her hands on the hindquarters of a fully-grown mare. Her long, thick horse-cock plunged into the female horse, repeatedly ramming the animal's cunt while it stood still and remained only slightly agitated. It had to be restrained in order for Tina to enjoy herself and, after several minutes of rigorous pumping, Tina's upper lip curled as she climaxed.

It was another successful insemination.

Tina had been responsible for many of the most promising young racehorses that were active in the circuit. She alone had sired dozens of foals, many of which were stabled around the platform where the breeding post had been constructed.

Without so much as a word, she crossed the room and collapsed into a pile of hay while her shoulders and chest heaved. She struggled to catch her breath as she usually did after mating but, soon enough, she would be ready to go again.

"Next up!" Marcus barked as he used a gesture of his hand to direct some workmen to remove the mare from the breeding post.

Several minutes passed and a fresh, young filly had been attached. It was to be her first breeding, something Tina had grown to enjoy very much.

The men looked on in anticipation as Tina rose to her feet and took her position once more. Despite her obvious intent to mate, her cock remained flaccid and refused to enter the mare's tight hole. Tina's nostrils flared with frustration as she looked around at the jeering men. It was not her they mocked, but what they knew came next.

"Bring her out!" A voice rang. Followed by chants of the same.

A nearby gate opened and Rachel emerged from her enclosure. She crawled on all fours, totally naked as Tina was, and approached the breeding post slowly as the men cheered on her shameful display.

Though her head hung low with humiliation, Rachel's cunt dripped with arousal and left a trail of slimy juices behind her as she approached Tina from behind.

"Do your job, you old whore," Marcus said. He snapped his fingers and Rachel rose to her knees with her face mere inches away from Tina's round backside.

Rachel pressed her muzzle up into the crevice between Tina's ass and the fullness of her thighs. Her tongue protruded outwards, tasting the sweat and salt from the stallion's balls as she debased herself in order to get her mate erect. She licked not only Tina's balls but her puckered, pink asshole as well.

Whether it was a mere physiological reaction or Tina genuinely enjoyed Rachel's new, submissive identity, her horse-cock once against grew erect. The men cheered as she snorted loudly and took the mare by the hindquarters once more. This time, without so much as a guiding hand, she pierced her latest victim all the way to the base of her cock with only a single thrust.

Once she was settled deeply into the mare's pussy, Tina humped with expert hip movements. She was slightly encumbered by Rachel who insisted on keeping her snout against Tina's taint.

While Tina continued to mate, Rachel enjoyed herself the only way she had been allowed to since it was determined that she was too old to carry a foal to term. She rose to her feet and crouched low with her knees spread wide before reaching between her legs to rub herself.

"Look at her," one of the men pointed out, "the sex-crazed old whore is getting herself again!

Another added, "Looks like she really loves the taste of her girlfriend's asshole!"

The men roared with laughter as Rachel's cheeks stung. The humiliation was almost unbearable but, amidst the laughter and mockery, her pussy released a spray of thick, sticky juices all over the floor. At the same time, Tina whinnied and smacked the mare's ass to signify that she had, yet again, successfully mated another female.

Rachel finally pulled her muzzle away from Tina's ass and licked her lips as Tina walked away without so much as a glance towards her. Between her legs swung her heavy horse-cock, something Rachel had not been allowed to experience for months now. Every day her body ached and she spent most nights desperately fisting both holes while Tina was allowed to mate with other mares for nothing more than her own entertainment. Despite her best efforts, her own hands would never be able to bring the satisfaction of having a stallion's load grinded into her.

She looked on as Tina collapsed on the hay once more and admired her body. She had grown into a stunning specimen and Rachel was forced to admit to herself that this arrangement was something she enjoyed very much.

Pegasi Breeding - Version Two

The dawn came earlier than expected. As usual, I was already awake and fully dressed by the time sunlight breached the mountains to the East to lift the morning fog. Though it was not my position, I stood atop the ramparts surrounding our newly erected...

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Pegasi Breeding - Version One

The dawn came earlier than expected. As usual, I was already awake and fully dressed by the time sunlight breached the mountains to the East to lift the morning fog. Though it was not my position, I stood atop the ramparts surrounding our newly erected...

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Red wiped the sweat dripping from his brow before taking a long, slow draught from his flask. The sun had risen to its highest point and now baked the earth with uncompromising heat. Still, even as the shadows around them shrunk and disappeared, it...

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