Love of the Irish One

Story by Colord44 on SoFurry

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#803 of Other Stuff

Now it's Natsuki's turn with my version for her world to engage in love and passion. While this one may not be as long as others, the feelings are true and still felt. Enjoy.

Natsuki belongs to:



Read description first.


Love of the Irish

That One Night

It then became January and for Nicholas and Natsuki, things were about to heat up and become more loving and passionate for the couple. They were both more than ready to take the next step in their relationship and get into bed. Nicholas being a guy had long since envisioned it. But for Natsuki, it was during this month she really wanted that from the love of her life. However it wouldn't be until the middle of the month that the chance finally came for the two. The time found them having gone out on a loving date. The Scottish Collie was wearing a pink dress with very thin strings and the necklace her boyfriend had gotten her at Christmas. He had on a nice outfit as well. The couple had left the restaurant just happy and with her giggling. This was due to the date having gone so well. "You're in a good mood babe," the male said to her with a grin.

"Because me love, I have ye," she cooed in her cute Scottish accent. The Scottish Collie felt this night had been perfect so far and didn't want it to end.

They got into his car and the male started the engine. "So now what my dear?" he asked. "You ready to head back?"

"Yes... but not mine," she stated, getting blush.

"Wait... you mean...?" the fosky replied, hardly wanting to believe it. Could this be the night like he had dreamed of?

"I... honey, I want to continue this at ye place," Natsuki said, looking at her boyfriend straight in the eyes.

He was stunned but then smiled. "Is that so? Here, let's just get back home first and then talk about this, okay?" His girl nodded. They were quiet on the way back. In their heads they were just thinking about what was going to happen and while excited, a little nervous. Luckily it wasn't too long before they pulled up at their homes in the apartment complex.

"We're here..." Nicholas said softly.

"Yes..." The two looked at the other and smiled. The Scottish Collie leaned in to kiss him. Their lips met and that made their nervousness disappear and to be replaced with love and lust. Their tongues fought in an intimate dance while her paws brought her guy in as close as possible. His fell to her juicy ass and cupped the cheeks despite the dress his girl wore.

They pulled back with loud gasps. "Oooooh me love..." Natsuki cooed.

The male licked her cheek and the female giggled. "Shall we babe?" he asked her. She kissed his cheek and they got out. The couple made their way up to his place while holding paws. The fosky got the door unlocked and they went in. Locking it, the two found the other's mouth. With a moan, the Scottish Collie began to undo the buttons of his shirt. The purse with her was dropped next to it as that article of clothing fell to the flood. The male managed to get her up against one of the walls of the living room behind the sofa. The guy kissed her neck with love, the thin strings of the female's dress already moved off of Natsuki's shoulders. More of her juicy luscious tits were exposed.

"Ohhhh..." the Scottish Collie moaned as boyfriend got a sensitive spot.

"Shall I get a condom?" he then asked. "I have some in my room."

"I'm on the pill, no need for them," she managed to tell him. Despite being Catholic, the canine was pretty loose with her religion in terms of using protection.

"Then let me take you my dear..." They were lost in the passion and love for the other as they made their way to the male's large bed.

They made it and the male eased the female up on the piece of furniture. But it was here that Nicholas paused. "You ready for this?" he asked softly.

"I'm more than ready," Natsuki replied. "I want to feel it all me first time."

"Wait..." the male said, surprised. "You're...?"

"Yes, a wee virgin. And I want ye to be the one that takes that from me."

Nicholas smiled and leaned in to nuzzle her, causing the Scottish Collie to giggle. "Then I will give you the most loved filled time of your life," the long-haired fosky whispered. "Although... be patient with me, this is my first time to..."

"Oh?" his girl replied. "Ye a wee virgin to?"

"Yeah but if there is someone I want to give it to, it's you."

Natsuki smiled. "Well then... show me what ye can do..."

The male nodded and got his pants and shoes off. Now down to just boxers, he also got his glasses and both of their necklaces off. Now it came time and the male moved her strings fully down to reveal his girl's tits in all their glory. The male saw them, glorious and the nipples were standing up. "Wow... you are just so beautiful," he said softly.

Nicholas went down to fondle them, causing the canine to moan in pleasure, to feel her boyfriend do this. "Ooooohhh honey..." she moaned.

The male didn't stop, but went for her left nipple to lick and suckle the rubbery end. The Scottish Collie gasped at what he was doing and her head went back a little. Nicholas then did the same thing to her other tit giving his girl even more pleasure. But after doing this and switching back and forth, the male pulled off of her. "Let's get that off babe," Nicholas told the female.

He managed to get Natsuki's dress fully off and placed carefully to the side. Now she was just in panties. But her eyes were letting the male know it was alright and to keep going, The fosky was able to slip the panties off and finally saw Natsuki fully naked. She blushed slightly but still had her smile. "You like love?" she cooed, tilting her head to the side cutely.

"My god..." was all the male could whisper, hardly believing that this beauty was all his. Nicholas saw her pussy and knew how to start to bring her pleasure. His head went down and began to lick and kiss his way south.

Natsuki squirmed, giggling. "Love, that tickles!" she said.

"Sorry babe," he replied after pulling back. "Here, let me make it up to you..."

Her legs were spread and the male saw his target. Nicholas went for it, his tongue swiping her virgin flower from bottom to tip. It made the female arch her back and gasp. The fosky then flicked the top a few times before beginning to eat her out. "NNNHHH; OH ME GOD!" she cried out with pleasure. The male didn't say anything but started to go harder, stronger, and faster with his licking. She tasted so good and he was able to taste her virgin juices.

Natsuki in the meantime didn't want this to end. This felt so good and her tongue came out in a pant. Then Nicholas got a really sensitive spot and her body jerked while her back arched. The male then stuck his tongue fully into her pussy, licking at the inner walls. "YES! AH! KEEP GOING! DON'T STOP!" she begged him.

Nicholas had no intention of stopping. He could taste that her juices were beginning to flow more which meant his girl was slowly getting closer. The male pulled his tongue in and out really quickly which really caused Natsuki to gasp and moan in pleasure. Her body jerked from side to side again along with her head. Her moans were become more and more passionate as her juices began to flow more. It was a sign that the female was getting closer. The fosky on the inside was smiling that he was doing well. And he could make his girl have an orgasm that was her first from someone else. And that was what was going to happen. "NICHOLAS!" Natsuki gasped loudly. "I... I'M SO CLOSE...!" The male ate her out with renewed vigor.

And then a minute later it happened. "OH FUCK I..." the female began and then arched her back and cried out as she orgasmed. Nicholas lapped up his reward which were her tasty juices. Once the male had gotten them all, he pulled back, licking his lips.

"How was that babe?" Nicholas asked.

The Scottish Collie was left gasping but she managed to come down from her orgasm. She opened her eyes to look at him with love. "Ohhhh me love..." Natsuki cooed. "That was so wonderful... I... I love ye...

Her arms brought him in so she could hug and kiss his cheek. "As I love you," the fosky said back to her softly.

The female sighed happily. But then she felt what was going on down below. "Hmmmm... seems a wee little laddie wants to play," Natsuki stated seductively, feeling her boyfriend's erection straining against his boxers.

Here she placed his paws on him and Nicholas allowed his girl to move him so they could trade places. The female spotted her prize all but unclothed and got his boxers off with a grin. Natsuki tossed those to the side and saw her guy's dick hard and ready. "My, my," she cooed. "Ye wee friend is ready love..."

The female smiled at the male and her mouth came forward to take him in, brushing some long strains of hair back. "Uggghhhh oh god..." Nicholas groaned.

The Scottish Collie giggled at his response which was muffled due to her mouth having his dick in it. Natsuki began to lick and suck on his meat before going down further. Despite being a virgin, this was more on instinct and it felt good for the fosky. "Mmmm... good girl..." he managed to praise her before grunting again.

It was what the female canine aimed to do. After all, Nicholas had done so well on her it was only fair. Natsuki pulled off and licked the head with her canine tongue before pulling off and jerked her boyfriend a little. "Mmmm, ye love?" she cooed. "How am I doing?"

"Freaking... great..." he managed to grunt.

"Then just wait... I'll show ye how much I love ye..." The canine then went back to blowing him. Only this time she managed to get him fully in.

Nicholas was high up in the clouds as he began to pant from what his girl was doing. He had dreamed of her doing this for so long and now the love of his life was sucking him off right here and now. The fosky was just laying back and letting Natsuki do her thing. And thanks to her mouth and tongue sucking him with such love along with his actions from earlier and wanting this, the guy was feeling the need for release. Nicholas was trying to hold back but with such a naturally talented girl, it was hard to do so. The Scottish Collie in the meantime could feel his dick throbbing and was reading herself. Despite being a virgin, she knew what could shoot out of a male. It was why she was on the pill to begin with. "Honey... I'm getting... ugh... close," the male grunted.

Natsuki increased with what she was doing. All to get him to cum. And that's what happened some seconds later. The male threw his head back in a silent yell as his seed came out in a rush. His girl felt it and began to swallow it, not missing a drop as it was something she found she already liked the taste of. Only when Nicholas was finished did she pull off with a happy smile. "Mmmm that was good," she cooed after his seed was fully swallowed.

The male got his breath back and reached out with his right paw to touch her face. "That was amazing," he replied. "You did so well."

His girl smiled and grabbed his paw that was touching her. "Awwwww ye sweet love," Natsuki cooed. "I'm so happy ye think so."

She laid down next to him with a smile. "So... what now?" the female asked. Nicholas saw her big bushy tail and shapely ass. His paws went down and grabbed the ass cheeks and Natsuki felt that.

"Oh ye naughty boy," she playfully scolded her boyfriend. "Grabbing me arse."

"I didn't see a sign that said not to," the male shot back playfully to his girlfriend. His paws began to squeeze the cheek, rubbing them and the Scottish Collie began to whimper with pleasure. That gave the male an idea and he pulled them apart so he could get a finger to her tail hole to rub that area.

Natsuki felt him do that and winced, letting out a gasp. "Ooooh... please... more of that..." she moaned. "I... I like that..."

"What, this?" he replied, and did it again. His girl had the same reaction and he got excited.

"Yes... what is that love?"

"Here, get up to the pillows babe."

The Scottish Collie was on her stomach and looked back to him. "Now what?" she asked, not sure where this was going.

"Just relax babe..." The fosky then went near her ass and spread her cheeks again. He saw her tail hole and his tongue came out. The male began to rim that area.

"Ooooooohhhh...." The female moaned in pleasure, surprised that something could feel that good with that hole.

"Mmmm you like?" the male asked, pulling back to ask that. Nicholas then resumed.

"Ooooooooohhh..." the female moaned louder before whimpering with pleasure. "Yessssss.... I love it.... Mmmmm..."

Nicholas kept this up for a good minute before pulling back. His paws rubbed her ass cheeks with love before moving to the table that was on the right of his bed. "Here, let's get something to help out," he said and grabbed some lube for anal. The guy then stopped. "Er... do you want to continue? We don't have to do anal if you don't want..."

The female smiled at him. "I may be a wee virgin and never tried it but from what you did I know I'll like it..." Her eyes narrowed with love and lust and rose her rear up to shake at him.

"You like?" she cooed. "Like looking at me arse?"

"Very much," the fosky replied and got her hole ready by squirting some of the lube on her tail hole before rubbing it in with a finger. This brought pleasure to Natsuki who moaned. When that hole was ready, the guy put the lube to the side. He then positioned himself above her, his dick hovering above that hole.

"If it's too much, just let me know..." he told her before going forward. The head began to penetrate that hole. But the fosky would be slow at first since Natsuki had never done this before. He pulled back and penetrated several times before inserting himself more in her anal passage. The Scottish Collie felt the pain but also a strange and enjoyable sensation that felt good.

"Ahhhhh...." Natsuki moaned with pleasure.

Nicholas heard that and knew he was good to go so the guy started thrusting back and forth, loosing up her tight anal passage. The Scottish Collie began gasping and moaning, letting her boyfriend know that she was enjoying the anal. "God... tight..." he grunted and began to go harder and faster.

"AH! MMM! OH!" the canine cried out. She was used to the pain by now and could enjoy the pleasure and enjoyment of this.

"Like it?" Nicholas moaned.


"I'll give you more!" the fosky managed to growl with dominance before spanking her ass cheeks.

"AGAIN!" Natsuki told him and Nicholas did. "MORE!"

The male began to spank her, the good pleasurable kind. The couple kept the anal up, the action taking Natsuki's anal virginity. And she loved that her boyfriend was the first one to do so. And Nicholas loved the fact that something he had imagined so long at night while jerking off was being made a reality. After all, what guy didn't like to do anal to someone? But had his girl said no, the male would have respected that choice. Meanwhile her tongue was out in a pant and the female began to finger herself. This lasted a good while before Nicholas withdrew from Natsuki's tail hole and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. She murmured. "Mmmmm that was hot babe," he told his girl.

"Oooooohhhh that felt so good," she cooed back to her boyfriend. "I'd love to do anal again..."

The male grinned and then pulled back so he could flip her onto her back. Natsuki looked up him with love and lust burning in her eyes. She spread her legs for him and held out her arms. "Come darling..." the female moaned. "Don't hold back. Fuck me wee cunt... Fuck me..."

The fosky nodded and his dick went forward, finding her opening. The head found the lips and both gasped as it felt good to their virgin bodies. The male began to probe her flower and then it slipped in. "HHHHHHH; AHHHH!" Natsuki cried out, feeling her guy was in.

"I... I'm in!" he gasped and began to thrust back and forth, going in deeper each time.

"OH GOD! OH YES! FUCK ME!" the female begged the love of her life.

Her arms were up and her gorgeous tits jiggled with each thrust. Natsuki's legs were spread and wrapped around Nicholas's body. The male and her were in heaven to be connected like this. Her long white hair was a bit strewn about but even with that, the female was gorgeous in this moment. Her tongue came out in a pant again due to this. But then the couple came together to make out as these thrusts continue. Nicholas was almost to her barrier by this point. The couple then broke apart with gasps and that action caused the fosky to fully slip in and take her virginity. "NNNNNNN AAAHHHHHHH!" Natsuki cried out, feeling the pain but a second later the pleasure and ecstasy.

The couple were now truly one and together. The feeling was one that only two people truly in love engaged in passionate loving sex could be. Not the kind that was done for a quick fling, stress, or hormonal release. No, this type of sex was pure and how it was meant to be. And only a couple like this one could ever hope to experience. It wasn't due to this being a first time though, although that fact added to this. With no need to hold back now, Nicholas really thrusted in Natsuki, his dick hitting the inside of her pussy in all the right places. Despite not having the biggest tool, the male more than made up for that with how he was handling this. And the Scottish Collie wouldn't have it any other way. Her moans and gasps kept letting him know she was loving this and wanted this to go on. But then after minutes of thrusting and making out at points, the couple felt it coming. "Nicholas... I... I'm gonna...!" Natsuki gasped.

"Sammmme..." he groaned.

The fosky thrusted for all he was worth and the two came with loud cries. They felt his cum shoot into Natsuki while her juices rushed out, soaking the male's dick. The orgasm the couple had each seemed to last for minutes before they were finally able to come down. The fosky's body arched down as he emptied his balls into his girl while she arched her back, feeling him shoot his load in. The couple then were able to draw in a breath and the male was able to pull back enough to look her in the eyes with his dick in her. "Ohhhhh... oh me god..." Natsuki gasped. "That...

"That... was amazing..." the male whispered and the couple came in to kiss.

"I love ye..." the Scottish Collie said softly. Her boyfriend touched the right side of her face.

"And I love you..." The male leaned in to kiss her forehead and she sighed happily. Nicholas's dick slipped out of her, some of the cum leaking a little out of her pussy lips.

The couple snuggled together for a couple of minutes, just enjoying the other's naked self like this. Then the female spoke up. "Ye tired yet?" Natsuki asked.

"No, why?" Nicholas replied playfully.

"Come here me love; I want it again." The fosky grinned and the two kissed before making love a couple more times. The final round then ended and the two settled into his bed, happier than ever. But in the back of their minds, they knew this night would only be the first of many times for sex and looking forward to what the future held for them.


Pics will be up soon.