Chapter 13 “Justice of my own”

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#14 of Book 1: The Dark Sound Of Steel

Chapter 13

"Justice of my own"


Charlie Winchester was banging the overseer's locked door, yelling rather loudly.

"Calvin, open this fucking door!"

There was no answer. The adrenaline-filled dog was getting more frustrated than he already was, somewhat slightly confused that there were no guards around the place. Normally, Elliot would be guarding a door. The dog banged the door again.

"I swear on my fucking life if you are in there and act like you are not! -"

No answer to be heard. The old dog huffed a bit and listened against the door without hearing a sound from the other side.

"Fuck this shit." he blurted out after a quick moment of hesitation.

He started to tinker with the lock system and cursed by himself as bypassing this lock would need more than half of hours of work. And his tinker fingers were not as they used to.

"Not a fucking chance, I'm going to find and kill that piece of shit lynx and shove that bible in his-"

"Mister Winchester... What on earth do you think you are doing?"

Charlie stopped tinkering right away with the mechanism next to the door, looking at the way of the unknown caller.

The female approaching was Jacob's mother, Miss Ellie Evergreen. The female German shepherd was looking at him with a rather weirded out and concerned expression, walking slowly up the stairs.

"... Ellie. I, uhh... I'm in the middle of something, what brings you here?" The old dog said, trying to fix his attitude into usual politeness, as hard as it clearly was due to what was going on right now.

"... Well, you for instance. I was just walking by and heard your yelling all the way down the stairs." The female dog said carefully.

Charlie sighed slightly in frustration, trying to relax despite on held up rage.

"... Ah... I see. Well, let's just say that I have something talk about with Calvin." The dog said, pointing briefly at the door.

The dog nodded slowly and smiled a bit puzzled.

"... I can hear and see that. So much you were about to invite yourself in there?"

The dog spoke quietly, feeling like he really had no time for this conversation.

"... Well, I knocked first. You must have heard that. I, look, Ellie. I'm sorry if I scared you out, but I-"

"Maybe a little bit, but the other reason I came when I heard you, was to come and tell that Calvin isn't here. But I know where he is. Saw him this morning." The dog explained casually with a smile.

"Ellie, where is he?" Charlie asked right away with a rather too aggressive tone, ready to hunt.

"He is with his... Brother in law." The girl said carefully, looking a bit concerned at the way Charlie was behaving.

"... He is with Randall?" Charlie spoke slowly, getting ready to move fast.

"Yes. He is having a tournament of chess at the senior hall with him. They are trying to play three rounds and see who is better. Rather exciting." The woman said, trying to smile despite the intense eye contact the dog was giving.

"... He is playing a chess tournament with Randal as we speak? You sure about this?" Charlie asked with a serious tone.

"Uuuuh, yeah. I just told I came from there, silly. You okay, Charlie? You look kind of... Tense?" The dog had to ask, clearly feeling something off from the dog.

Charlie looked down at the floor for a moment in quick thought and started to walk past Ellie.

"... I'm good. I got to go. Excuse me. You have a nice morning, Ellie. Thanks for telling me." The dog said, starting to jog the stairs down.

"You going to follow the match?" Ellie asked hesitantly, turning around.

"You could say that again!" Charlie said loudly.

"... Alright, hey, be a sweetie and tell my husband that he needs to come over and help me with this one machine down the decks. The air filtration system needs some adjust-" Ellie began after Charlie.

"I doubt that I bump into Robert anytime soon, Ellie. Sorry, busy morning! -" Charlie let out, just about to disappear behind the corner to jog down more stairs.

"But he is in the senior hall as well, I'm sure you can find him rather easily!" Ellie yelled out with small frustration, the dog ignoring her so far. But this time, Charlie stopped at the end of the stairs. He turned around quickly and spoke out.

"... What? Why is Rob there?"

"... Rob and every other guard as well. Well, most of them anyway. Elliot and Xavier were not there... But all the other guards are following the match as well. I guess it's Calvin's own funny way to make them admire him moreover his strategic planning. It is kind of like leading the vault, no? Or am I reaching?" Ellie explained with her arms crossed.

"... Why?"

"... I guess that Calvin just wanted to smear his ego of winning for many people as possible. Most adults are in that hall right now." Ellie said, shrugging her shoulders.


"... Are you sure you are okay, Charlie?... Wait... Charlie is that... Is that blood on your paws?" Ellie suddenly said, squinting her eyes to see better.

The dog looked down on his hands and spoke out quickly as he snapping out from the moment of deep thinking.

"... W-wha- Y-yeah this... Small cut. Accident. Just... It's okay, I need to go!" Charlie yelled out, quickly running behind the corner and his job steps echoing as the sheppy yelled after him.

"Charlie, if you are injured, you should see Amir right away-!"

"I'm fine! I have to go!" Charlie yelled out like everything was okay, Ellie hearing the last of his steps fade away soon.

She gave a slow look at the overseer's door and then at the floor, muttering by herself.

"Well... that was odd."

(F.E.A.R. [OST] #22 - Hostage Situation)

Charlie knew that things might go bad for him... So, he had to prepare. This situation was an obvious trap for the dog. It was clear to him. Randal would tell Calvin what he tried to do, in which case Calvin would react or figure out something. He would never just let his brother in law to be trialed. Calvin had to be on the same boat. Charlie didn't fully know what game the weasel was trying to play here, trying to hold a chess tournament. But one thing was clear. Having most guards in the hall meant that they were not there to watch a match... They were there because Calvin ordered so. For protection.

He knew that Charlie was coming for him. It was obvious. He surrounded himself with people too, to be sure that if anyone tried something, there would be a lot of witnesses. But one thing he didn't know. Charlie had all the evidence needed. He could order Calvin to contact the med bay and get a statement from the bunny himself. Or even better, Niles himself. Which would end up with Calvin and Randal having a lot of pressure and demand from answer by everyone in the hall. The two were involved in a possible murder attempt. That was no small deal to have in the vault. It would be taken seriously.

But Charlie knew that he had to take control of the situation head on like he always did. He was in charge. And he was going to see that Randal meet the justice of his own today.

Something that was a long time coming, especially when Charlie now knew what kind of man Randall really was.

He wasn't going to let someone like that live in this place... And he was not going to fuck this up.

So, he needed one last thing before heading towards his problem head-on.

He needed insurance.

He needed his gun.

The old dog ran and turned left from the next corner, reaching his own quarters soon. The moment he arrived in the hallway, leading his family quarters, the dog stopped.

Something was wrong. A detail that struck him.

"... What the fuck?"

He looked at the hallway floor. There was no blood. The whole hallway smelled of soap.


The dog slowly started to approach his door looking around the place in small paranoia. Someone had been here. Someone had cleaned the hallways. At this hour. It made no sense. The cleaning happens only during mid-day...

Why would someone-

The dog stopped just as he was about to open his door.

His finger slowly removed itself from the button.

Calvin was trying to get rid of the blood for a reason.

Charlie's mind started to work on full speed, making sense of what was going on. If Calvin had someone clean the floors... It would be clearly getting rid of the evidence.

Who could have volunteered for such a thing?

Blood on the floors is a rather alarming thing for anyone and raises to of questions, guard or no. It had to be Xavier... That fucking piece of shit weasel must have bribed him somehow. But cleaning all this was not a one-man operation... Unless it was still ongoing.

The dog knew that every moment counted now. Calvin was once again playing against him. It all came together to him.

He clicked the door open and stormed into the room.

There was no one there. The cautious dog looked on the floor and saw no blood anywhere. The smell of soap was heavy. Someone had been in here somewhat hour or two ago.

The dog hesitated for a moment and spoke.

"Dion!? Ryan?!"

No answer. They were not here. Most likely hanging out with their friends, clueless about what was going on.

No time to waste. Charlie ran into his room, quickly making his way next to the nightstand cabinets. He roughly pulled the drawer out and saw the gun untouched, the full clip lying next to it. Fully loaded.

The dog took two seconds of mental questioning if this was necessary... And came to answer "just in case".

Charlie quickly grabbed the gun, taking the clip with his other hand and loading it in. With few clicks and chamber check, the gun was ready to go. He closed the drawers and without any more hesitation, sprinted out of his family quarters.

As he started jogging on the hallway with his gun in his paw, he whispered quietly to himself.

"Keep your head clear... Keep it clear. And remember who you were... And still are."




(Mass Effect Emotional Suite [Version 3])

Charlie felt as the sand was cutting all over them, his eyes staring the amazing lock mechanism rolling into motion in front of him. The vault fifty-five door was opening up, rolling to the left side slowly and loudly.

The more the metal moved from their path, the more light it started to cut into the sandstorm. The bright ray of light almost blinded Charlie momentarily, the husky covering his face with his paws for a moment.

"My god... The electricity is still ongoing in there... These things were really built to last, Charlie..." Rex spoke in awe, looking at the lobby of the vault reveal itself. Charlie didn't answer, trying to make his eyes used to the strong brightness in the otherwise dark sandstorm.

The metallic door finally rolled all the way to the side, stopping.

Rex spoke on the frequency momentarily.

"You won't believe this... Scribe Emily was right. It's here... And it has power. You can start escorting them over here, copy."

"... Alright. Over and out, Rex." The voice answered on the line, relieved by the good news.

Rex turned to look at Charlie, the husky still staring at the lobby in front of him in disbelief.

"... They coming here."

"... I know."

The loud, echoing the sound of an alarm system of some sort was ringing inside, the noise carrying heavily outside.

Charlie laid his gun down, slowly starting to walk towards the place. Rex followed right after in a second, raising up his rifle and having a strict aim at the door.

"... Do you think this place has food like she said?"

"... Let's hope that it does... If it doesn't... I have to come back here one last time to give a supply run if Owen agrees to-"

"He won't," Charlie said angrily, walking closer to the entrance.

"... You know that we can't be seen coming here. Every last of Abraham's bounty hunters, bandits, and god knows who else, will not stop until your family is gone-"

"They have tried before... They didn't succeed than-"

"You have kids... And right now, Charlie... We are weak. We have to do everything we can to even protect your wife." Rex explained with a sad tone.

The slight moment passed, Charlie speaking quietly with heavy and emotional tone.

"... I tried to convince her to come with us. I tried. I tried so hard, and she..."

"I know... I know... But Charlie. Without her... We are lost. The brotherhood will fall. And then... There is no one left to protect anyone in this godforsaken place-"

"The war is over, Rex. I stopped it with one bullet. I had to...."


"I killed the man I loved like a brother! There is no more war-"

"The war is never over, you know that! You have lived out here long enough, all the since your birth, to know that. How long till someone takes Abraham's place? How long till these bandits ravish this land again under the new rule? How long till they aim their hatred on us and the people when they can't find you? And even if they would, they wouldn't stop there. That is what they do... And we are still outnumbered."

"... Rex... You ever wonder if this place... Our home... Is it not worth fighting for after all? I think about that, every single day. Why is the brotherhood needed here? Why can't we go somewhere where we could be stronger? Texas is a lost cause-"

"Nothing is a lost cause. It's just as worse everywhere else-"


"But I do... Charlie. And so, do you... You have always known. This is the only life we got... But it doesn't have to be the same for your kids." Rex said emotionally, trying to talk sense into his riled-up friend.

Charlie closed his eyes for a moment, trying to control his emotions, knowing that Rex was always there to be the voice of a reason for him, whether he asked for it or not.

"... But to hide the rest of life in a vault... I can never see her again." Charlie said with a broken voice.

"... Charlie, you don't know that. Things might... Things might always change up here and-"

"Even trying to convince me with that lie is going straight against the things you just said to me... nothing changes up here... We all just fight."

"... But you don't have to fight anymore... You can finally rest, Charlie... You have earned it more than any of us. How many bad people have you killed to protect this place?"

".... there were few good ones as well," Charlie said with a sad tone.

Rex didn't answer to that, looking at his friend and turning his gaze back towards the vault.

They were almost inside, Charlie gazing at the place, feeling his paw touch the cold metal of the vault's doorway, shortly looking behind him. The sounds of his children yelling around in the sandstorm for their father were coming closer, Charlie knowing that this would be it. Rex was looking at the dog in sympathy, knowing that this was going to be hard to witness from the side.

"Charlie I just want you to know that-" Rex began.


The scream made Charlie react like lightning, turning back to look inside and aiming his handgun up, almost even firing in jumpscare. Rex quickly flinched as well, aiming his rifle inside the lobby.

There was a man inside the vault lobby, looking straight at them.

Rob Evergreen was right at the end of the entrance, holding his gun in his shaky hands, looking at the two like they were unreal.

Before Charlie and Rex realized, the people started flooding into the entrance from the open door behind Rob, guards swarming inside.

Now about eight people were starting to take defensive positions, all of them raising their guns up.

"CHARLIE?!" Rex yelled in focus, the dog beside him knowing the situation was bad.

They both counted the people in disbelief of the confusing and unexpected situation, Rex knowing that if the men would start firing, Charlie would maybe be able to bring a few down before dying in the line of fire. But their petty guns would do nothing against the power armor he was wearing.

The situation had gone from zero to a hundred really quickly Charlie almost not able to breathe as he stared at the people with wide eyes.

These guards were scared. It was all over them. Charlie had never seen people look at him like these men did. It was like they were witnessing a miracle of some sort right in front of them.

"DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER!" Rob warned loudly.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO FIRE! PUT THE GUNS DOWN!" Rex yelled right back.

Before either of them noticed, paladin Willis was right next to them, the lynx holding a laser pistol and aiming at the enemies.


"WE HAVE MORE MEN! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" One of the guards yelled.

The situation was about to go off.

"Dad!" Ryan suddenly yelled, running behind his father and gripping his leg, looking in front of him at the people with wide eyes. Slowly, Dion arrived right beside his brother, gasping as he saw people aiming guns at them.

"Jesus Christ... They have children with them..." One of the guards spoke with an amazed tone.

"CHARLIE! What is going on-?" Emily asked with an alarmed tone, walking next to Charlie. The moment she saw the people inside, terrified and giving nervous looks at each other, she slowly turned to look at her husband and whispering.

"How..." She spoke like what they were seeing was insane.

The husky looked at his wife, answering slowly as he turned to look back at them.

"... I don't know, love... But those are real people."

"Scribe Emily, orders! How do we proceed?" Rex asked, his trigger finger inching as he realized that their head scribe was now in a line of possible gunfire.

"... I..." For the first time, Emily didn't know what to do.

"They might start firing... I can cut down two of them very fast." The lynx assured with his steady aim.

"On hold. It's scribes call." Rex commanded.

Suddenly, another person rushed into the room behind the guards, staring at them and his jaw-dropping.

A weasel in a blue suit was looking at the people in front of him... And he clearly was getting freaked out.

Charlie inhaled slowly as the tense situation just waited a moment to escalate... And he did his move.

"Rex... Willis... Do not shoot." He said quietly, starting to walk.

"Charlie, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Rex asked with an alarmed tone.

"You are not going in there!" Emily commanded, looking at her husband in worry.

There it was. That smile that Charlie always gave to her, assuring everything was alright. It lasted only a brief moment, making Emily choke on her words and Charlie just nodding, whispering to her.

"I love you."

He then slowly gave a look for Ryan to let go of him.

The small fox kit nodded his head from side to side, not on board with what his father was about to do.

"Ryan... Nothing bad will ever happen to me. Super dad... Right?" Charlie reminded.

The sniveling child holding his leg slowly started to let go.


"You know I do," Charlie said calmly.

He turned his gaze back at the men.

Charlie slowly lowered his gun, entering inside with careful steps and the guards now starting to yell at him.



Charlie did stop, only about five meters away from where the guards were standing. It was rather warm inside the lobby, him feeling the slight temperature change in the air. The shaky guns made him nervous... Yet he was looking at the eyes of each of the guards in the room. And he knew the cold fact within a few seconds.

These men were not killers. He could recognize if they were.

"SHOOT HIM!" The weasel yelled, the guards looking at him nervously.

The weasel looked at the guards in panic and repeated himself louder.


"IF THEY DO THAT, YOU ALL DIE!" Rex yelled firmly.

"DO NOT HURT MY DAD!" Dion yelled with a shaky tone.

Emily was too scared to talk in between in the crazy situation, even if she trusted that Charlie knew at least somewhat what he was doing... He always had a plan... Yet, she whispered to Rex.

"Paladin... If any of these men fire a shot... You shoot them all down." She said, meaning it. She didn't come this far to see her loved husband being cut down where he stood in front of her kids. Even she was now holding the grip of her small pistol.

"Everyone... I know this is crazy... Most like the craziest situation I have been in... Judging by your faces... I'm sure you can all relate." Charlie started to talk with a friendly voice.

"Are you... Are you a god of some kind?" One of the guards asked with shaky paws.

A small part of Charlie wanted to even laugh, but this situation was not fit for it. He spoke with an honest and humble tone.

"No... I am just a man, like all of you."

"What are you all waiting for?! Shoot!" The overseer commanded once more, looking at Charlie like he was a monster. He didn't believe this friendly act at all.

"JESUS, CALVIN, THEY HAVE KIDS!" Rob yelled like the man had lost his mind.

"Demons!" Calvin yelled like that was a more possible case.

"... Look... I'm going to lay my gun on the floor right now... And we are all going to calm down... Can we do that?" Charlie asked politely, truly not wanting this situation to go into a drastic way. He

"... No. They have guns aimed at us!" One of the guards reminded.

"I know... I know... And the reason for that is that they are just as scared of you, as you are of them."

"T-they don't look or sound scared!" One of the guards said.

Charlie slowly started to lower his gun, everyone's eyes following him steadily and Charlie knew he would die from one wrong move. The only thing was saving him now was his guts telling him that these men did not want to kill anyone. Unlike the man who had arrived at the scene, still yelling at his guards.


"They are doing the right thing... Which is not escalating the situation any further than it needs to go. I don't want people to die... Nor do they."

Charlie slowly let go of his gun, rising slowly back up from his knees and relaxing his arms. He looked at the terrified man in front of him.

"Your name... Was Calvin, right?... Who is in charge of this place?" Charlie asked politely.

"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" The weasel yelled.

"He is." Rob suddenly said, giving annoyed look at the weasel for not having guts to answer the question as the protector and man in charge.

"... I figured... Calvin... Listen to me... A responsible leader always puts his people first... But he also knows when it's time to get hostile... And when it's time to make a peaceful approach." Charlie slowly explained.

"And what on earth is your name then?!" Calvin asked after a while of hesitating.

"... My name is Charlie Winchester. Behind me... Stands my wife... And my two children. Their name is Dion and Ryan."

"... I do not believe you! This is a trap!" Calvin yelled, still giving the men the look of disappointment and his body language still telling them to fire.

"I can figure out why you would think that, Calvin... But I'm ready to prove all of you otherwise."

Charlie slowly turned to look at his family, giving a slight nod at the two paladins who had followed the situation.

Rex just gave a denying nod, not trusting the people inside.

"Emily... If he isn't going to trust me on this... I expect you to." Charlie said with a loving tone.

Emily was emotional, looking at Calvin with a warning look for a brief moment, wondering if this would work out. She looked at Rex, thinking about it. She then nodded.

Rex and Willis slowly turned their guns down completely.

Charlie turned to look at the guards again, speaking.

"... This is the best way for everyone. I am not here to hurt anyone-"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Calvin asked strictly, not liking the way this unknown dog was getting inside his guard's heads.

Charlie turned to look at Calvin, speaking.

"... Is... Is this all of you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is this all of the people inside this vault? You all look about the same age as me... How did you all get in here? And why are you all so in disbelief like I am not real?"

Calvin didn't answer anything. Rob slowly started to lower his gun. Calvin gave a warning look and spoke.


"No. Calvin... This is not a monster... This is just a man. And those are actual kids. Can't you see that? They even speak plain English." Rob stated, slowly starting to walk towards the dog.

Charlie now slowly smiled a bit and spoke.

"A voice of reason... Why would you all even act such away in the first place? None of this makes sense? How did you open this door to get in?"

"... Mister... Winchester? -"


"... Charlie... We didn't open the door. We were born here. So it was my father... And his father before him. And his father... before him."

"... Impossible." Emily whispered, the two paladins slowly starting to walk towards the entrance in awe, noticing the situation getting calmer.

"You are telling that... That we-"

"You are the first people in the history of this place to open this door since its beginning from time far unknown to us," Rob explained.

"... The great war." Charlie said in disbelief.

"... That's what's it is called?" Rob asked.

"... That is the name we know it by, yes. Everyone knows the tale. It's thought to every child that is born as part of history." Charlie explained.

Rob finally arrived in front of Charlie, his scared mood slowly fading and his heart still pumping from awe.

"MEN! Do not lower those guns!" Calvin kept ordering as the people were walking inside...

Yet everyone started to hesitate, slowly lowering their firearms the moment they saw the two kits walk inside, holding the paws of their mother.

"YOU! I've had it with your yelling. No one is shooting anyone. We are here just to talk." Charlie said, having enough of the overseer's attitude.

The weasel shut himself up, the guards flinching a bit from Charlie's tone, yet still lowering their guns steadily.

"Dad?" Dion asked in the confusion of what was going on.

"Everything is alright, Dion," Charlie spoke warmly as he turned his gaze to look at his son.

"Charlie... I do not know if this is custom from that place... But... I want to make sure that you really are what you claim you are, just to ease Calvin up here."

Charlie didn't understand at first, looking at the Raccoon in slight confusion, until he was finally in arms reach of him.

He handed out his paw as a suggestive paw shake.

Charlie let out a small exhale of amusement, slowly handing his paw out.

"Yes... It is a custom here as well."

For a moment, Rob thought his paw might catch on fire from contact... but it didn't it was just fur and flesh, the raccoon exhaling in relief and everyone now having their guns totally lowered down.

They both shook hands for a short moment. Rob turned to look at Calvin and spoke with a smile.

"Seems pretty much like us after all, wouldn't you agree?"

"... Those scary... Metal men need to keep their distance. They make me uncomfortable." Calvin said, eyeing the two paladins in their power armors nervously.

"... Trust me, there is a normal face under this suit just like the dog in front of you... Only more handsome." Rex spoke.

Charlie couldn't help a small chuckle, letting go of Rob's paw finally and looking back at Emily. The fox was smiling, feeling like she could finally breathe as the situation had come to a peaceful conclusion. Which was very rare in Charlie's case.

"So... Winchester. Tell me why are you welcoming yourself here by force and armed?" Calvin questioned right away.

Charlie gave a rather annoyed look at Calvin, knowing he wasn't going to like this person, but held his manners in check in order for the best possible outcome.

"... Do you people here have water... Food? I mean... If you have lived here for generations... That would be the only-"

"Are you here to rob us?!" The weasel asked in panic. Charlie sighed in frustration, explaining as he did saw a glimpse of worry briefly from such an idea on guards' faces.

"No. Absolutely not... But this situation... Demands for me to know it. Do you all get by in here enough to live?" Charlie asked politely.

"... We do." One of the guards in the corner answered.

"... In that case... I am here to ask a humble favor... Me and my kids... We came here for a purpose... We... We are looking for a home... And I am serious when I'm asking... Did we come to a place where that could be possible?"

All of the guards traded surprised gazes, Calvin, clearly not liking this odd request. It was all over his face.

"... No." Calvin said strictly.

Before even any of the guards started to argue such a harsh answer, Charlie spoke with intense eye contact.

"... Me and my kids right here... they have no other place to go. If we stay out there... We will die. Getting in here was our last chance... And we didn't know that there would be a soul alive in here. Instead... I am looking at eight men around by eye count. And that means that you are doing more than okay if your ancestors have lived here. So, are you saying to me that you don't have enough room for us to sleep?... Enough food to keep us alive... Or medicine to keep us healthy? Is that why you are saying NO to me? As a responsible leader that just doesn't have enough things to share?"

Calvin was now quiet, Rob giving him a questioning look.

"... I..." Calvin tried to speak, the question really not leaving him space to argue. And that made Charlie only surer that the situation was not bad enough with them to not take them in.

"Excuse me if I step by boundaries, Calvin... But I speak for all of us here when I say that we are doing more than okay to get by down here. Three people accommodation is easy, and you know that."

"... You are right, Rob. You are overstepping your boundaries." Calvin said harshly.

"And you are being very fucking unpleasant to listen right now. Is this how you talk to your men when they mutually disagree with you?" Charlie asked, his annoyance on Calvin growing.

"YOU DON'T SPEAK TO-" Calvin began in anger.

"Calvin... Let it go. We can take them in. And each one here knows that. Stop making this situation worse. You are supposed to be a responsible overseer. What damage does three more people cost?" A wolf guard said in annoyance to the overseer.


"We got those. You clearly just do not like the man for some reason-" Rob reasoned.

"I do not trust him!"

"Calvin, we are told to obey your orders and protect you with our lives... But I am not going to reject a man asking for a safe home for his children when you damn sure know we can offer it. Am I right, guys?" Rob asked, looking behind him at his guard friends.

Slowly, all of them nodded in agreement, making Calvin boil inside but not speak a word anymore.

Charlie exhaled, smiling at that and tapping Rob's shoulder.

"Good men. Thank you. These are my sons... Dion... And Ryan." Charlie said looking behind him and the two walking beside him slowly from behind their mother.

Rob chuckled, looking at the two boys and slowly bending down, Dion slightly scared but Ryan just looking at the raccoon calmly.

"Hello. Dion. Ryan... You know... You are going to have a lot of friends here. My son will most likely get along with you two just fine." Rob told with a friendly tone.

"... Friends... How many kids live here?" Charlie asked in amazement.

"About twenty-two by the latest count," Rob stated.

"Twenty-" Charlie couldn't even finish, giving a short laugh at that. He could have never imagined hearing any place having such a number of children. Raising children out in the wasteland was far from what he imagined from the raising of these kids getting. Charlie asked straight away.

"How many adults?"

"About sixty. If you count in the people over the age of twenty around."

"... That just sounds..."

"Unreal." Emily finished, walking next to Charlie and looking around the room.

"This is my wife, Emily Winchester." Charlie presented.

"... Lovely to meet you, miss Winchester... Charlie... You spoke of three people... If this is your wife..." Rob began in confusion.

"... She... Yeah, I forgot to mention her." Charlie spoke. But the look of sadness on the face of Charlie begged for him not to push that further, giving a suggestive look at his sons.

For a moment, Rob understood. She wasn't coming. But the kids needed to believe that she was.

"... Right. Four it is. Umm... So-"

"FOUR?!" Calvin asked loudly in frustration.

Everyone ignored the riled-up weasel.

Charlie took a deep breath, trying not to punch the weasel who didn't get what was going on. He then spoke to Rob.

"Rob... How about you and the others take a tour and show the kids around the place? My friends here in their metal suits are going outside. They will be leaving this place and all of you, alone. That should ease the mind of... Overseer as well. I need to have a talk with my wife." Charlie said, trying not to sound emotional. The female fox gave a short gaze at her husband, not saying anything.

Rob nodded at that.

"Yeah... Your father has the right idea... I think that a tour is in order, what do you say you two?" Rob asked kneeling down on Ryan's and Dion's level.

"A tour? Is this place big?" Ryan asked with shiny eyes.

"It's huge, Ryan. Will take hours to go the whole place through." Rob assured.

"And... You said that you have friends for us? This is the best birthday ever!" Dion said happily with an innocent smile with an adorable tone, wagging his tail excitedly.

"Hahaha! Your birthday huh?" Rob asked with a smile.

Charlie nodded at that, knowing this was going to be the worst birthday a child could ever have. Emily just held her emotions in check, having planned Dion's birthday very differently.

"How old are you turning, big man?"

"Nine!" Dion said proudly.

"Wooow... That is the same age as my son. Indeed, Dion. I have a son called Jacob. He will surely like you."

"He has a cool name," Dion stated excitedly.

"I'm sure he is happy to hear that from you. Come along now, boys." Rob chuckled.

"This is madness..." Calvin stated quietly.

Charlie spoke to Rob before he left.

"Hey... Rob."

The raccoon turned around, the two children turning around as well to look at their father.

"Mutual agreement. Right?" Charlie asked with all seriousness, looking Rob and then the weasel who looked uncomfortable.

Rob didn't get it first, after a while understanding that Charlie's gaze was more of a warning. That he wasn't going to take the kids hostages or anything crazy.

"... Nothing bad will happen to these boys. I swear it on my mother, mister Winchester... But you guys should start to welcome yourselves in already... Because keeping that vault door open is going against our...-"

"RULES. It's a health and security hazard. I don't even want to know what's out there, and neither do people around here. Got it? Just... Get this thing going and close that door." Calvin stated firmly and inpatient.

Charlie looked at Emily after a moment, the fox already staring at him and they both knew.

This was the moment.

A moment that they both feared ever since the sentence to escape was given to Charlie. The moment Owen struck the table and made up his mind. The man that Charlie hated more than anyone in this world.

They would have to separate at this moment... And neither of them had the earthly idea if they would ever see each other again.

And it was starting to get to them.

"Mom." Dion suddenly said, breaking the intense and emotional gaze between his parents.

"Yes, Dion?" She asked, collecting herself to appear calm.

"You... You are coming with us down there now, right?" He asked with a hopeful tone, innocent blue eyes staring at his mother.

"I... Y-yeah. Plans changed, sweetheart. I... I will make it with you after all... I just need to grab something from the machine we came with here... And I'll come right back behind you." Emily started to explain.

"You will?!" Ryan yelled out of happiness, rushing to hug his mother. Emily gasped and smiled, closing her eyes and starting to ease her kids down, both of them looking so full of joy.

Charlie couldn't look at the situation anymore, slowly starting to walk towards Calvin.

As both kids now rushed to their mother before their promised tour around the vault, Charlie used to opportunity approach Calvin and talk to him so that the kids wouldn't hear.

The weasel tensed up, scared that the dog was coming so close. All the guards observed Charlie now in small sudden worry, wondering what was the dog doing now. But Charlie just stopped in front of Calvin, looking behind him quickly at his wife and the kids, then turning back to the weasel. He spoke quietly.

"She... She isn't coming. I... I need a... I need a moment with my wife... And then I'll promise... That you can close that door. I swear it. These men with me will take their leave as well with her. Just... Just take my kits down there... And act like everything was normal... I don't want to make it painful and slow farewell for them... Just... Give me one last moment with her before you close the door. Promise me." Charlie spoke.

Yet this time... The gaze was not serious. It was sad, apologizing and just something to stir sympathy slightly inside Calvin's mind. The weasel was quiet for a moment, clearing his throat and looking at the guards next to him.

"Alright men, time for us to get back to the vault. We will keep the door open for now... Until Ms. Winchester can fetch whatever she needs and gets back in here."

Charlie gave a thankful look for the first time at Calvin, the weasel yet turning to look at him with seriousness before seeing his guards nod at his words.

"Make it quick."

Charlie didn't answer.

Calvin spun his finger in a circle motion and turned around, talking.

"Now, Evergreen, you take the responsibility of these two kits of his. I need to go and write this day down on data logs and make preparations for thr-... Four new residents. Move."

"Got it, Calvin." Most agreed, Rob turning to look at Emily.

Charlie tried not to.

Both kits were just hugging their mother, crying out of happiness as the odd behavior of their mother and talks about her not maybe coming having being cast aside. She had promised to join them after all. Everything was fine in the world.

The mother fox sniffed, whispering things to her sons that neither Rob or Charlie could understand.

Overseer, along with other guards were disappearing from the room as neatline.

Rex and Willis were both quiet, observing the situation from the side. Rex was glad of the helmet he was wearing... Because this wasn't easy for him to witness either. For almost ten years he had known Charlie... And never seen him broken, seeing a whole new side to a man he thought as the toughest man in the wasteland.

Yet now... He was too scared to even watch his sons talking to their mother.

"Alright... alright, I'm... I'm going to need a moment with dad now... And then I'm going to visit outside briefly and come back... You both okay letting mommy go for a while? Hmm... My brave little boys?" Emily asked, begging in her soul for both to leave or she would break down from lying to her own sons so cruelly. But she had no choice. It would make everything easier.


"I hope the room is big!" Ryan said excitedly.

"how do you know we get a room?" Dion asked excitedly.

"Because they said the place was big!" Ryan said back like his brother was dumb poking tongue out at him.

"Mooom!" Dion said in an annoyance.

"Hey... You... Be nice to your brother, alright? He is your older so you have to respect him more. Now... You two go along. Mommy loves you both so much... O-okay?" Emily spoke, her voice getting shaky by the end of her words, every second feeling too painful.

She leaned in to close her eyes, giving a kiss on both of her son's foreheads, Charlie having turned around, staring at the situation in silence. Rob waited patiently, not daring to say anything as he knew what was truly going on.

"You two get going with mister Evergreen now. Mom and I need to talk grown-up stuff." Charlie spoke after gathering enough voice for it.

"Fiiine." Ryan groaned.

"... Mom, what did you forget behind? Can't we come with you?" Dion asked innocently.

"I... N-no. It's... You two just go. Mommy got's this. I have Rex and Willis with me. You two better go and fun. Reserve the best places for us. Like negotiation with the kind man here. I know I can count on you two." Emily chuckled, tear falling down her cheek.

"You got it, mom!" Ryan said, saluting for her mom like a soldier, Dion rolling his eyes and speaking.

"We can try."

"Hey... You two... Move along with Rob here. Okay? Dad commands." Charlie chuckled, both kits nodding and giving final hugs at their mother.

After few seconds lasting in the intense hug, both kits let go of Emily.

They both start to race beside Rob, the raccoon chuckling as he started to walk towards the open door.

"Now, the first level will be out possibly biggest one."

"Cooool-" Ryan spoke in awe.

As the brown-furred husky followed with his gaze at his sons, he saw Dion briefly stopping by the door. He turned around and spoke at Emily as he was beside Rob, smiling brightly.

"You are the best mom ever."

Emily felt as her lip trembled, every piece of her fighting against bursting out to cry in front of her sons as she was still on her knees.

"... Thank you, Dion..." Emily whispered back.

Within a few seconds... Ryan and Dion were gone with Rob.

The metal door closed after them, leaving the awkward silence.

Only noise left... Was the loud gust of sandstorm outside, still spreading sand all over the lobby floors.

It didn't take long. Only five seconds... And Emily broke down.

She started to cry as hard as she could, loudly yelling in a desperate and broken voice, Charlie quickly running to her.

Rex and Willis looked at each other in silence, knowing that this was not their place to be.

"Charlie, we... We will...-"

"Yeah, got it." Charlie nodded, wrapping his arms around his trembling and panicking attack having wife.

The two started to turn around, lifting their guns up as they had to distance themselves from the personal conversation that was about to happen, about to walk fair distance out in the sandstorm to still keep the area secure.

Both men in their metal suits started to walk, Charlie trying to calm Emily down desperately. Rex suddenly turned around slowly, speaking with an emotional and respectful tone.

"... Charlie."

The brown-furred husky lifted his gaze to look at the badger, wondering what on earth would the badger want to say in the middle of this situation.

Rex was quiet for a while and spoke.

"... It was the greatest of honor to fight beside you and know you, Winchester. I've never meant anything as much as I do when I say that... Farewell, comrade."

"... Goodbye, Rex." Charlie said formally, trying to smile but couldn't really. The sorrowful noises of her wife made the situation not fitting for such.

Yet, Charlie did spoke after a moment of silence.

Rex... I can't ever repay the things you did for me... But I will always remember you." Charlie spoke with intense gaze.

"... I know." Rex said with a somber tone, looking down for a moment.

He stood still, feeling like he wanted to say something. But Emily's loud crying brought him into realization that no more needed to be said between them. Rex only gave quick, respectful salute, along with Willis. They both then turned around... And slowly disappeared into the sandstorm.

Charlie gazed longingly after the two paladins disappearing into the storm, waking up back into the situation as Emily was crying.

"I CAN'T DO THIS!" She finally let out, starting to cry loudly.

"Hey...Hey... Love... Look at me!" Charlie tried to help, calming his loved one down desperately. He always needed to be the strong one in these situations... Expect this time it was harder than ever.


"I KNOW, I know... I know. Please, P-please just LOOK AT ME!" Charlie yelled, placing his paws on Emily's cheeks gently and making the fox stutter things he couldn't understand for a moment. She still wasn't looking.


Charlie shook the shoulders of his wife slightly as she lifted up her gaze to finally look at him.

"I've never lied to them like this!" Emily yelled in panic after a brief silence, shaking and crying all over Charlie's leather jacket.

"Calm down!... I know it hurts... I know..." Charlie said, taking Emily closer and brushing the back of her head, giving her a moment.

She needed more than a few.

The silence and crying continued until Charlie was sure he could finally start talking.

The gentle eyes stared into her crying ones. She felt herself slowly somewhat settle her emotions as Charlie kept caressing her.

Charlie began talking with a desperate and living tone that made him shed a tear as he spoke.

"You still have a choice-"

"No... You know I can't-" Emily said, cutting her gaze from Charlie and side nodding her head.

"But you can!... You know you can." Charlie tried to press.

"Charlie... Don't do this... Don't make me think about it-" Emily whimpered.

"They need their mother... I can't do this alone-" Charlie spoke like he was truly scared.

"Charlie... I make a difference... If I don't stay... Everyone might die-"

"Then let them die," Charlie said like it didn't matter.

"... Love-" Emily began, party shocked but partly expecting such an answer deep down.

"We... Are a family... Out there... It means nothing! But in here... We can be happy... We can start over... Isn't that what we dreamed about?"

"... Charlie... The war is not over... And I'm going to do everything to stop it... And once it's over... And I have swayed Owen's mind... Like you know I will-"

"Honey, you can't know that, you won't know that! He hates me-"

"But he doesn't hate me... And you know... I will maybe even become overseer one day and-"

"Emily... Owen will rather kill you before letting anyone take his place... He killed Simmons to get what he wanted-"

"He didn't, Charlie-"


"... You want to believe that just because it's him."


"You once told me... Ten years ago... When we met... That you would take me back to that place... Once everything is over. That one beautiful place with the trees... The fields... And that pond."

"... Honey, that was then... This... I can settle for living underground, only if you-"

"No... We need to go back there one day... That is where I want to live the rest of my life with you. I will make Owen see-"

"You won't-"

"Charlie... You have never doubted me before... You always believed in me... One day... We will see again. You have to believe that. I do. For our kids. For everything. Do not lose hope-"

"HOW CAN I NOT?! I cannot even be a father to my kits! All I've known is fighting and killing! How do you expect me to do this alone?!" Charlie yelled in a desperate tone, standing up and now looking at Emily like he was going to fail if she was not there for him.

The fox dried her tears for a while, looking at the panting and scared husky emotionally.

They both were quiet for a while until Emily whispered.

"Because I've seen your heart... And I know you. That is why I fell in love with you. You are a good man, Charlie... You always have been-"

"I haven't-"

"You have. To me... And you will be to our kids as well... I trust you... And I need you to trust me. To see you again... I need to save whatever is left from this place now. With the brotherhood. And with the rest that agreed to help."

"... Texas is a lost cause, Emily. Their wows to help us and their suffering and battles were done the moment I shot-... When I ended it. Now, they return to their everyday lives like nothing happened-"

"... You always knew how to lie... But not to me. You just want to say what makes you feel worst. But there is so much more to people left in this place... And they won't forget what you did to them. I won't forget." Emily spoke from the heart.

Charlie didn't answer, knowing it was true. He just stood there, looking at his wife while crying. She spoke again.

"... It will take a long time... But you will come back to me... You always will, Charlie... But only when me, Owen and the brotherhood... Have restored the order and the people have done their duty."

"Emily... "The dog spoke, breaking to cry as he still stood there, his voice breaking.

"I don't want to live without you. Don't make me do it." The dog begged.

"... You are the strongest person I know-" Emily began desperately, starting to cry as well as he had never seen her husband this weak but only once.

"Not without you," Charlie answered.

The husky slowly moved his paw towards the fox on the ground as a gesture.

"Please..." Charlie begged.

Emily slowly took the paw, lifting herself up and trembling as the intense, sorrow-filled eye contact begged her to come with him.

She looked at him for a long time... And Charlie could see it.

For a moment.

For a brief moment... She was about to change her mind.

Until she didn't. She closed her eyes, sniffing loudly and holding her husband's paw, talking quietly.

"I'll never forget you... Charlie."

Charlie broke down from the final say that the fox had in the situation, knowing he had to accept it.

He took Emily in, both starting to cry as they hugged each other. Charlie held her in his arms with all he got, inhaling her scent and begging for this all just to be a horrible nightmare he would wake up from any moment, having her on the bed, sleeping next to him.

But it wasn't happening... All there was... Was this moment.

And the noise came.

The alarm and the blinking lights, warning out of something coming into motion.


"No...!" Charlie begged loudly once more, crying with Emily.

"SCRIBE EMILY! I'm SORRY BUT YOU NEED TO LEAVE!" Rex yelled from the sandstorm in half panic, realizing what was about to happen.

"Emily!" Charlie begged, not wanting to let go.


The brief moment of Emily distancing herself a bit to look at her crying husband, both looked at each other in silence... And they knew it was now or never again.

They both leaned in, closing their eyes and kissing each other as gently as they could.

The countdown kept going... And Rex kept yelling, approaching the doorway.

The kiss felt like it lasted for ages... When it was only five seconds... Everything else became non-existent.

Emily had to wake up... And not give in, or she would stay in here forever.

She let go, gasping and whispering as she held her paw on the dog's cheek.

"I love you, Charlie!"

"I love you, Emily-"


Emily suddenly started to walk slowly backward, Charlie looking after her longingly as she cried out.

"I'll come to you! You have to trust me-"

"EMILY PLEASE STAY-" Charlie began, not wanting to hear a promise she couldn't keep.

"You need to look after them and protect them! Promise me, Charlie! Promise me you take care of our babies! -" Emily began in panic, time running out.

"I-I promise, Emily!" Charlie spoke, but he knew that he didn't truly even know if he meant it.

"I'm so sorry, Charlie! I'm so sorry!" She cried out loudly in panic as she rushed to the door where Rex was already waiting with Willis, both quickly grabbing her as the door started to move.



The alarm sound spoke one more time, Emily still looking behind her as she was dragged away in the sandstorm.


And before the two could even yell anything to each other anymore...

There was nothing left but a final gaze they could share at that brief second...

Until all the noise was gone.

And the layers of steel broke them apart forever.


(F.E.A.R. [OST] #32 - Redirection)

The dog opened up the door that would welcome him into the senior hall. The place where he would dine every single day with his friends. The moment the metal moved from his way with the dark sound of steel, sounds of life filled his ears, despite him having focused tunnel vision on his task.

The laughing, chatting, sounds of eating and gossiping was heavy all over.

Like every other morning.

But this time, people had been moving the dining tables and chairs away from the middle, making a gathering circle around something.

The dog immediately stopped, looking around himself and scanning the room. The guards around the place were stationed close to the four different exits out of the place. Overall, the mood seemed calming and cheery. And for the first time, it disturbed Charlie. At this moment, everyone needed to know what was going on... And he was going to make sure that everyone heard.

Suddenly, the dog heard the friendly and brotherly voice next to him.

"Chaaaarlie man, where have you been all morning? Hasn't no one told about what is going on? Randal has already lost the first match to Calvin right there. This is rather cool, to be honest. Seeing Calvin spend time among the people and not sulking in his office. You know?"

"..." Charlie had ignored pretty much everything said, slowly turning his gaze from the cheery crowd on the person next to him.

Rob Evergreen was smiling to him, waiting for some kind of a take on what he had just said.

The old dog was just looking at him. Rob had no idea either, clearly. What had happened... Or what was about to happen.

"Eeeey, Charleeeeyy. What's good, man? Yo, you sweaty or what? You on a morning jog or something?" Some other approaching guard asked Charlie right away with a smile.

"Might do some good for you too, Mel. You getting round." Rob snorted out with smirk.

"Fuck off, man." Mel, the otter said right back with a smile and showed middle finger for the raccoon.

"Yo, daydream much? Charlie, are your hands covered in mud, or did you work with oil?" Mel continued to ask, not realizing that the mess on Charlie was dried up blood.

Rob hadn't noticed much yet, looking down on Charlie's right side.

"What? Since when has Charlie done maintenance w-"

That's as far as Rob got... Until he ended up staring Charlie's palm wrapped tightly around the handle of his shining, black Sig Sauer handgun.

The raccoon went really quiet. His mouth opened up a bit. Mel gave a puzzled look at Rob, wondering what he was staring at with such a look.

"Rob, what?"

"... Charlie... Is that... What I think it is?" The raccoon asked nervously, hoping his eyes were seeing things.

... The dog gave a short look at the raccoon, the gaze making Rob realize that something was very wrong with the dog.

"... Unfortunately." Charlie said quietly with a cold and somber tone, giving a slow nod.

Rob looked alarmed, taking a slow step back from Charlie as he spoke out quietly.

"... C-Charlie, yo... W-what are you doing man?" He asked with a confused tone, feeling like he was suddenly about to shit himself.

"... What? What is he holding?" Mel asked, feeling like they were running a prank on him or something.

"... A gun." Rob answered quietly, not taking his eyes off his friend.

"..." Mel didn't answer, lifting an eyebrow as he looked at Charlie.

The dog was looking at Rob still, contemplating if he should say anything at all or explain himself. Because things were about to get ugly.

"... Charlie, I don't like the way you are looking at me right now." Rob said quietly, feeling a bit on the edge as he had never seen such a gaze from the old dog before.

"... Yo, Rob you scaring me here. Is he really carrying a-"?

"I'm not fucking around, Mel. He is holding a gun. Charlie... Are you okay? -"

"... It's a long story. I can only hope you will forgive me this afterward." Charlie said quietly.

"... What... Do you mean by that, man?" Rob asked carefully, expecting some explanation following right after.

Charlie looked at the gun in his hand a bit, biting his tongue slightly in anxiety as he stared at the crowd, maintaining his focus.

The otter had moved slightly to Rob's way, only to see that Charlie was really holding a lethal weapon in his hand. The otter looked at the dog worriedly right away and didn't figure out what to say about it.

The dog spoke quietly, taking his gaze back to the crowd from staring at Rob.

"... Rob... Mel. You two have always trusted me. Since the day when I stepped in here with my children. So, trust me once again... Because I am about to set a few things straight right now with the two in the middle of that crowd."



"... Charlie, you are freaking me out. Put the gun away, man." Rob said right away with a hesitant tone.

"If this is a joke, you got us good. But don't go freaking out people with a gun in hand like this-" Mel began with awkward smirk, trying to really hope that Charlie would stop the scary attitude.

"Randal tried to kill his own son. Niles is in the med bay right now... And I just saved his life. The blood on my hands is Niles's." Charlie said bluntly, feeling like that was all to be said.

"... Wowowow, hold on-" Rob began in confusion, seeing that Charlie was starting to walk towards the crowd.

"Excuse me," Charlie said coldly, not having patience to explain what had happened. Because the two would not believe him anyway. But they might, after witnessing what was going to happen next.

"C-Charlie, I can't let you walk anywhere near Calvin with a gun in hand-"

Rob began, trying to speak sense for his good friend as he laid his paw on Charlie's shoulder.

The dog smacked it away, turning around quickly and speaking.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"..." Rob was now looking a bit scared, realizing that his casual and happy day had turned to something completely else, as the look on the dog's face told it so. Charlie was here to do something drastic. And he was rather scared to find out what was going to happen. The old dog looked like he was about to here to do only one thing.

Murder someone.

"For the sake of us being friends, I ask you two to trust me on this. Don't try to come between me and Calvin." The dog warned as a final word.

Charlie slowly turned around again, keeping his focus and walking towards the crowd.

The two nervously looked after Charlie, feeling anxiety rising in the air. Mel slowly whispered.

"S-should we... T-try to stop him?"

"... Mel, he has a gun." Rob hissed back in a scared tone.

"... Did he really just say that... Randal tried to kill Niles?" Mel asked like it made no sense.

"... That is what he said." Rob answered quietly.

"You believe anything like that would be true?" Mel asked carefully.

"... Randal is a priest; godly man doesn't do something like that." Rob convinced but sounding unsure.

"But alcoholic might," Mel stated quietly.

Rob looked at Mel in question for a moment, not answering the remark. He then spoke quietly as he followed the slowly walking Charlie push himself into the mass of people, making way into the middle.

"... I have never seen him like this... He is scaring the shit out of me." Mel said quietly with a worry.

"Me too... I don't know what to do." Rob agreed.

"... I swear, if he starts shooting, I will run." Mel said without hesitation.

"... Mel, we are sworn to protect the overseer with our lives." Rob hissed like it was their duty.

"You think Calvin would take a bullet for you?" Mel asked, looking at Rob like he was overdoing it.

"He is not going to shoot Calvin. Don't fucking scare me more than I already am." Rob hissed, feeling a bit panicked.

"Man, he already made it clear this all has something to do with Calvin. He sure looks like he is about to do something bad right now." Mel hissed right back.

"... Fuck, we have to follow. Just... Stay cautious." Rob said, starting to jog right after Charlie and towards the crowd.

"You really think he would have the guts to shoot anyone?" Mel whispered.

"As if I fucking knew... Shit... This is bad. This is really fucking bad." Rob muttered, the two now starting to shove people aside as well, making their way after Charlie.

The dog pushed himself finally through all the people circling the center of the hall, some a bit confused about Charlie's behavior as he was pushing people aside. He didn't apologize even once or act discreet at all. Everything around him was just blurry noise.

"Hey, Winchester. No need to step on toes, man." Some male sheep said in slight annoyance, sipping from the beer bottle and turning back to watch the match.

Charlie then saw the two, his blood starting to pump just from seeing the man he was looking for.

Randal was sitting right at his line of sight, focusing on the chessboard with a somewhat nervous gaze. He was sweating visibly. The first thing to notice was how the old lynx's right eye had a visible bruise on it. Clearly out of Niles's self-defense. Charlie knew without hesitation that the old lynx was waiting for him. That is why the nervousness was there. It had nothing to do with the board game in front of him.

Calvin's back was against Charlie, so he wasn't aware of the old husky's presence yet. The people around the table started to slowly give odd gazes at Charlie, mainly because of the way the old dog was looking right at Randal. It was so intense and hateful visibly that you could not ignore it. No one had yet seen the object Charlie had in his paw, because he was holding it behind him slightly out of sight.

The old dog just stood there without saying a word, Calvin moving his pawn forward.

"Your turn, priest man." The weasel said with a warm tone like nothing was going on.

As the nervous and sweating old lynx cleared his throat, he then tried to snap back into the game... Until he saw the man staring at him.

The quick nervous glance out of paranoia had hit right this time. Charlie was standing behind Calvin, looking Randal right in the eye. He was huffing visibly, the look already telling how bad his day was going to be for him.

The old lynx's eyes widened visibly, his heart starting to hammer. The fear got to him. He would know that Charlie would arrive here sooner or later and find him. Maybe be slightly angry. But he never truly knew the old dog. Nor had ever even seen him agitated at all.

This look that Charlie was giving him was making him almost shit himself. This dog was not here to play games.

"W-Winchester... W-why are you looking at me like that, I-if I may ask?" The old lynx asked, almost so scared that he was about to stop talking halfway.

The weasel opposite of the lynx closed his eyes, giving a slight smile and getting the look of determination. Charlie had arrived. It was time to play a role... And get his mind fully on the situation. Control it. You are the overseer.

The weasel slowly turned around, looking at Charlie right away.

"Oh? Charlie. You here to follow the game like others, eh? Some personal space would be good. If you would mind?" Calvin asked, trying to make Charlie seem rather awkward, as he was so much closer to the match than other people from the circle.

Charlie's eyes turned slowly from Randal to Calvin, the old lynx feeling like he had held his breath underwater during whole eye contact.

The weasel had it easier. He had seen Charlie angry and pissed a thousand times over. So, he was already expecting to see Charlie riled up. Calvin kept himself composed, speaking with a small chuckle.

"... Are you okay, Winchester? I asked kindly if you would like to move back a bit? Or did you have something say? Because you look like it. I'm in the middle of a game here with my brother in law, so... How about you-"

Charlie slowly brought his gun on sight, making sure that Calvin saw it. Just like that, Calvin froze...

And his confident smile died.

Charlie clicked the hammer in the back of his gun loudly... And now everyone knew exactly what he was holding.

The reaction came.

People started to spread and slowly back away from around the table, starting to give out confusing yells at Charlie's direction.

"He has a gun!"

"What the fuck?!"

"Winchester, what are you doing?"

"He has a freaking weapon!"

"Is that blood on his hands?!"


The old dog didn't react into anything the panicking crowd was throwing in his way.

"Wait, what?!"

"Charlie! What is the meaning of this?!"

Those were the two guards that had arrived right on the scene through the crowd after hearing all the yelling about a gun.

Before long, every guard was surrounding the table.

Eli, Rob, Mel, Sax, Tony, Richard, and Tamir, were all on the scene.

Rob and Mel were both standing rather close behind Charlie, realizing shit was about to go down.

The people that had pressed themselves close to the walls and exit doors now were carefully observing the situation from the side. It was clear that everyone was terrified. Charlie Winchester was one of the kindest and most loved people in the vault. And right now, he was not acting like the man they knew at all. Most didn't know Charlie even possessed a personal gun of his own.

Charlie returned to look back at Randal with the same killing gaze he had been before. He was running his paws on the handle of his Sig Sauer almost as an itch.

He wanted to just shoot Randal in the head right now.

The old lynx was trembling, realizing that it was time to start quietly praying.

"... Winchester... I would like an explanation right now." Calvin stated, trying not to get nervous as the situation had gone a bit extreme. He had not expected Charlie to actually walk into the hall with a gun. And the dog was looking more than mentally unstable. Instead of an arrogant and overconfident approach, he had to put his mind into a rather careful one.

"So would I," Charlie said coldly and quietly.

"... Winchester... Put the gun down. Right now. You are scaring people." Calvin ordered, trying not to sweat under pressure.

"Charlie... Put it down, man. Fucking hell." Rob said from about four feet behind Charlie, begging his friend to stop whatever this was.

"Winchester. Drop the gun on the floor. Now." Sax, the large tiger ordered strictly.

The dog had zero intention of doing that... And instead of dropping it down... He slowly raised his arm.

And he aimed the gun right at Randal.

"EYEYEYEY WOWOWOWOO!" Mel began in panic behind Charlie, all of the guards now thinking that Charlie had lost his mind. No one would reach him in time to stop him from shooting Randal right in the face.

"Charlie!!! Stop this right now!" Tamir, the old otter yelled in horror.

Calvin had lost the last of his poker face as he realized that he had read Charlie completely wrong. This dog was here to do more than call them out for a crime. He was here to serve the justice of his own.

"C-Charlie come ooon man, put the gun away... I'm begging you... You are scaring everyone shittless right now. Stop aiming that gun at Randal!" Eli pleaded desperately, approaching the dog a bit hesitantly from the left side.

"Are you going to confess what you have done... Or do I spell it out for everyone in here?"

Charlie represented the question towards Randal, the old lynx too terrified to answer.

The weasel gave a quick look at Randal right away, his expression telling the obvious.


But the scared look Randal gave back at the weasel with a quick second told that he was going to break. He didn't want to be shot down.

The crowd started to yell in between.





Charlie had enough of the noise around him and yelled out, his speech full of emotional rage.

"EVERYONE IN THIS HALL! The man that is sitting right in front of us... Is a child beating lunatic! He tried to kill his own son right in this vault, right in his own room while he was asleep!"

The expressions and words slowly started to make themselves out, Calvin shaking his head and trying to yell on top of the growing chatter.

"He has lost his mind! Randal would never-"

Charlie cut him off like he didn't even exist.

"Niles Hovan had crawled to my doorstep, bleeding and crying! He was almost dead. He had been stabbed by a broken bottle in his leg. It was a miracle he had managed to keep himself conscious! That kid was begging me to save his life! And I rushed to wake up Amir with Niles in my hands, bleeding all over me! Together, me and Amir took him to the med bay and saved his life just barely!"

"LIES!" Calvin yelled desperately, knowing this was going wrong. Charlie was doing everything that was expected, but the people were already whispering loudly about the possibility of such an accusation being true.


Calvin was actually getting furious now because his life depended on it. Randal was literally pissing under the table right now, about to break as the guilt on his face told it all. But if he would break... It would lead to Calvin being part of it too, the weasel not knowing how much Randal was going to confess in his fear.


The weasel was interrupted in the middle of his screaming to everyone, as Charlie with a quick move swiped the handle of his gun, hitting Calvin straight in the face with it. The weasel's nose broke, the impact throwing him off the seat and on to the floor.

All of the guards now panicked, sax running to attend his overseer on the floor with Tony.

"CHARLIE!" Rob yelled, too scared to approach the dog or do anything.

Charlie yelled right at the weasel on the ground as the man held his nose in total pain and disbelief.

This wasn't a game anymore. Charlie was going to get the truth out from either one. He was ready to go violent as needed.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." The dog said without any remorse.

"YOU HIT ME!" Calvin yelled in disbelief holding his nose and wincing.

"You were in on this, weren't you?! There is no fucking way that Randal didn't tell you what he did!" Charlie yelled in anger.

"My brother in law would never hurt his own son, you crazy mutt!" The weasel yelled back, still keeping himself in play. The old lynx was not handling this well. He was about to cry. Not from what he did... But he was scared of Charlie and being publicly executed. Calvin's plan was not going as the weasel had tried to plan it. Charlie was out for blood, not for conversations. Randal knew he wasn't going to get himself out of this with words. He tried to desperately hope for Calvin to save him from the situation... But seeing him on the floor and bleeding made this look like a situation that would not end in their favor.

"ADMIT WHAT YOU DID!" Charlie yelled, ignoring Calvin and aiming the gun quickly back at Randal, making everyone catch a heart jump again.

But people sure were talking. It was clear that no one would throw accusations like this out of thin air. Winchester had never shown signs of mental illness or behavior of this kind, let alone accusing people of anything.

Rob slowly walked around Charlie in safe distance, giving the old dog a nervous look as he spoke quietly.

"Randal... Are you going to say anything at all to what Charlie is accusing you of?"

"... Where were you last night, Randal?" Mel asked quietly, trying to slide into the situation with a timid approach.

Now that Randal was being looked by pretty much everyone as the loud chatter was going on, he was about to break totally.

The people from the crowd yelled.

"RANDAL! Answer!"

"Charlie for Christ's sake don't shoot him!"

"I don't think any father would do such a thing!"

"He is a priest!"

"Shouldn't this require a trial and investigation!?"

"Charlie put the gun down!"

"Randal, just say something!"

Charlie was slowly turning the situation in his favor and felt relief in it, as much as he just wanted to shoot Randal and be done with it.

Randal finally did something. He slowly with shaky knees started to get out of his seat, Charlie's burning gaze following the lynx the whole time. Calvin was looking at his brother in law with a warning look, yelling in between before the old lynx would say anything.

"Where is your proof, Winchester! Randal has never hurt anyone! Yes, he is a priest with a drinking problem, but he would never-"

"Calvin, you are done talking. You. Speak." Charlie said firmly, aiming his words at Randal.

The old lynx felt his whole-body shake, feeling like he was going to pass out. Calvin was still trying to protect their lies, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to confess to the crime... But he knew that the wrong answer might lead to a bullet. Charlie was more than agitated enough to go that road.

The old lynx shed a tear of fear as he closed his eyes and spoke.

"... W-Winchester, I would never hurt my son."

Calvin felt a small victory inside him.

The old lynx was too scared to even look at Charlie right now. For a reason.

The old dog bit a wound in his tongue, nodding his head to the side a bit as his finger was itching on the trigger.

"... This the way you want to go with this?" Charlie asked from the lynx, like it would be the final question to hear.


The old dog looked right next to him slowly, the agitated expression making the raccoon shiver slightly. It was Rob. He was now a bit too close, but his eyes were pleading and scared, the shaky tone speaking.

"I've known you for ten years... And you are the wisest man I know... But look around you. You are terrifying everyone."

"The man tried to kill his son. These people have not gone through the same fear by far as the boy that almost died in my hands this morning." Charlie said coldly.

"... O-okay man. Let's... Let's assume that Randal did what you said, for a moment here... He still deserves a fair trial. Come on, Charlie. You know it is the right way to go. Don't kill anybody. Just... Put the gun down and we will talk. Okay? Just... Give us a breather here, and we just... Handle this situation calm and civil, right? Please... Please." The raccoon pleaded, having scaredly but surely gathered enough courage to walk right next to the old dog in arms reach.

Charlie contemplated. He knew that Rob was trying to be a voice of reason to him. He had that right. But even the idea of Randal breathing for one more day was the same as letting Niles live in fear. He didn't want this lynx anywhere near a minor anymore. Even looking at him made him disgusted.

"..." Charlie said nothing as he slowly started to lower the gun down.

The tension kept ongoing. Charlie tried to calm down. Finally, Charlie had given his arm a rest from pointing the gun at anyone. But the same hateful look was still drilled into Randal's soul.

"... Mel... Don't try." Charlie said with a serious tone.

He had heard the otter slowly approach from behind and other side of the dog, looking for a moment to possibly snatch the gun from him. Everyone had been looking the whole time but didn't try to warn Charlie. They just wanted that weapon out of his hands to feel safer.

"Shit, aight, aight. Fuck..." Mel said quietly, throwing his hands in the air as surrender and backed away from the old dog again.

Calvin stood up from the ground, holding his bloody nose and speaking.

"Now... If you are quite done with-"

"This is far from done," Charlie said right away.

"As your overseer... I command you to-"

"You want me to break something else?" Charlie asked with an agitated tone right away, giving the warning look at Calvin.

"Y-you... You have no proof, Winchester... I-I've done nothing wrong. I- I knew that you never liked m-me and w-we've had our d-differences-"

Charlie slowly turned to look at Randal, who was finally talking back to him. But once again, the gaze Charlie gave made the lynx cut his defense off.

"You have to be the worst fucking father to have existed-" Charlie began, his fist trembling.

"Charlie-" Rob began and winced nervously.

"You fucking coward... You really trying to feed me with that bullshit and deny all of it?" Charlie asked as he looked at the old lynx.

"Charlie..." Mel began scaredly. The dog was heating up again.

Randal now actually yelled with tears in his eyes, trying to find defying anger from inside of him.

"I-I swear, I saw m-my son this morning a-at his room! H-he w-was getting a cold a-and he told he would g-go to Amir-"

"Lie's on top of lies-" Charlie began with a disgusted tone.

Calvin slowly realized that Randal was actually playing the role of an innocent rather well in his fear for bullet.

The people and their yelling and chatter were ongoing. Calvin knew they still had a chance here.

He then spoke loudly with representing tone as the guards helped him up from the floor finally.

"Winchester, you have no evidence whatsoever about such a crime! Why don't you stop intimidating everyone and give us something that makes us believe you! See?! You got nothing! Just your filthy accusations!"

Charlie closed his eyes for a moment in total annoyance.

"What did I tell you about talking, Calvin?-" The dog warned.

"Charlie, take it easy, please... Calvin is right. I-if Niles had been stabbed, there should have been blood on the hallways, right?" Rob asked carefully, knowing that it would be the most likely cause.


And soon the wave of negative answers came without a single one saying they had seen blood anywhere.

Charlie opened his eyes and yelled at Calvin.

"You think you are so fucking smart, huh?! It is obvious that you had Xavier and Elliot clean the hallways while I was attending to Niles! How fucking stupid do you think I am?!" Charlie yelled in rage, all the guards flinching slightly and Sax stepping slightly in front of Calvin for protection, staring at the dog with a warning look for not trying to hit the weasel again. It had no effect on Charlie, even if the tiger was a foot higher than him.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Winchester!" Calvin yelled back in anger.

"Of course, you are not going to admit it to all these people! You do anything to maintain your position!" Charlie yelled right back.

"As any overseer would! But I have not ordered my guards to do any cleaning, because there haven't been any stabbings! YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" Calvin pressured, knowing that it was really the case.

People kept on talking loudly... And Charlie was done with this.

"NO PROOF, HUH?! THEN HOW ABOUT THE BLOOD ON MY CLOTHES?!" Charlie yelled like that was the most obvious clue. His sleeves were covered in dried and dark red, along with few splatters on his legs.

Mel muttered carefully.

"M-maybe tomato sauce?"

"l-l mean it could be blood, but-" Rob began, Calvin cutting him off.

"For all I know, that is oil! It is not my fault that you don't wash your clothes like normal per-"

Charlie felt his patience arriving in its end and he raged in frustration.

"Oh, the hell with you coward and this piece of shit! -"

Charlie took his gun out again and pointed it right at Randal, everyone jumping once more from a scare.

"NONONONO- I- I haven't done anything to m-my loved Niles!-" Randal began screaming, begging for his life.

The old dog quickly started to walk towards the lynx steadily with his gun up, Calvin yelling in panic.


The guards didn't move a muscle. This dog was ready to shoot anyone that tried something.

The rageful dog was now pointing the barrel between Randal's eyes, the gun only a few inches from contact. Randal closed his eyes and screamed as his knees wobbled.


"Okay, priest. These are your last words, so make them a fucking prayer." Charlie said coldly, circling around the old lynx and grabbing him by the back of his neck with a grip that could kill.

Suddenly, he started to walk and dragged the old lynx forcefully with him, laying the gun down. People were yelling at him, scared that Charlie would pull the trigger.






"WINCHESTER!!! I ORDER YOU TO STOP! IF YOU KILL HIM, YOU WILL BE CAST AWAY FOR MURDER!-" Calvin yelled until Charlie yelled right back at him, pointing the gun at his way.


Suddenly, it got to Calvin what Charlie was possibly about to do... And instead of anger and desperation over this dangerous situation... He felt this as a chance to make Charlie look like a madman. Now... The rest was up to luck... And the two guards that were not in this hall. But surely, Calvin did shut up. Because Charlie meant what he said.

Charlie slammed the old lynx against the wall, the people gathering closer to that area, yelling Charlie to calm down. Begging for him to stop this.

Rob was actually sprinting now towards Charlie from behind, trying to take his chance to grab the gun. But just as he was about to leap, the old dog turned around with quick reaction, pointing the gun at Rob and making him freeze solid.

"Don't... Even... Try."

"Charlie, we need you to stop waving that gun around!-"

"I will as soon as this is over with. EVERYONE! Pay attention to what happens next! You wanted the proof?! I'll give you proof. We hear from the victim himself!" Charlie yelled, pointing at the intercom on the wall with his gun and nodded at Randal's way.

"Talk to your son," Charlie ordered.

"W-what?!" Randal asked, too scared to know what was going on.

"You are not deaf. But you are about to be dead unless you do as I say." Charlie said, yelling at the lynx again.


"H-he might n-not be there anymore! I-if he h-had a c-cold, Amir most likely j-just gave h-him pills and sent h-him o-on his-"


The gun went off in Charlie's paw, echoing in the hall. It made everyone quickly yell scaredly in reaction, some ducking down and closing their eyes. Charlie had fired a warning shot at the roof.

Randal had frozen totally, a stream of piss going down his pants as Charlie now slowly pointed the smoking barrel at him again.

"Talk. To. Him." Charlie warned, not listening jabbering from the lynx anymore.

Instead of ongoing chatter and yelling, the hall had gone quiet as a tomb. No one barely gave a breath. Calvin was looking at his shaking brother in law now scaredly, knowing his only wish was for this to work... Or Randal's brains would be on the wall. If Niles would tell what had happened and be convincing about it... It would be enough for Charlie to make the call. The crime Randal would become guilty of, was serious enough for two sentences. Death or banishment. And everyone knew which one Charlie would choose.

This was all or nothing.

The shaking and scared lynx slowly walked towards the intercom, having his paw in surrender and muttering a prayer.

He slowly pressed the button on the device. There was a possibility to contact only a few places from the hall, but Amir's button was the first one.

Everyone observed, holding their breath.

Randal pressed the button.

There was no answer first. Just static noise.

Randal felt the sweat pouring down as he prayed.

"God, strike down this man and save my life, please... I'll never drink again if you do."

The line opened up. And a voice came.

"A-Amir's Clinique. I-is there an emergency?" The rabbit asked with a stutter.

Amir rarely stuttered.

He was nervous.

Charlie heard it from his tone.

The lynx spoke back with a shaky voice.

"N-no emergency, A-Amir. Everything is okay... T-this is priest Randal on the line." The lynx spoke.

"... A-alright?"

"... L-look, I'm in a middle o-of a rather... B-bad situation here. Ch-Charlie requested me to contact your line... I-is my son in there?" Randal asked, trying to keep himself together.

"... N-Niles? Yes... Yes, he is here." Amir said back, having pretty much a good idea what was going on in the other end. But his end was worse.

Xavier was pointing a gun right at his cheek, while Niles was sitting in front of him, tied to a chair. Elliot was holding a gun at his head as well, duct tape covering the young lynx's mouth. Tears were falling down on the boy's cheek out of fear.

"... O-okay. Good... D-did you give him s-some medicine?" Randal asked carefully.

"... W-what?" Amir asked with a confused tone.

"H-he had a cold this morning, s-so did he check in to a-ask help?" Randal questioned, rubbing his nose bridge and feeling the gunpoint still at him.

"..." There was no answer on the line first. Charlie was confused, not understanding why Amir was acting like this.

"... Amir... I-is my son okay?" Randal asked.

"... H-he..." Amir hesitated.

Charlie knew that something was up. He felt it in his bones. Calvin slightly felt a smile grow on him. A hopeful one.

The old dog now quickly approached the intercom, making the old lynx flinch as he spoke on the line.

"Amir, this is Charlie on the line. What is going on?"

"O-oh, Winchester... I-I... Everything is... I mean... Nothing is going on." Amir mumbled back stumbling on his words under pressure and feeling the barrel squeeze against his cheek harder.

"... Put Niles on the line, please. I would like to speak with him." Charlie asked with a focused tone.


Everyone was intensively following from the side what was going on. This must have been the scariest situation overall that the people of this vault had taken part of. Besides the alarm sound of the vault door opening ten years ago.

There was no answer for a moment... And a small sound of tape ripped could barely be heard.

After a few static noises, Charlie spoke on the line in question.


Two seconds passed.

"M-mister Charlie?"

"I'm here, Niles. I'm here. Everything is fine. As much as you will hate this, you have to talk to your father now. He is right next to me. You have nothing to fear." Charlie said, trying to find the calming tone from inside as hard as it was right now.

"O-okay..." Niles said, swallowing loudly on the line, as he was staring at two guns now pointing at Amir who had duct tape over his mouth.

Charlie took a step back from the booth, pointing his gun at Randal again. These future seconds would determine Randal's life.

The old weasel swallowed, trying to ignore the death threat aimed at his way, begging that Calvin was orchestrating his move on the other end. He knew it was his last hope.

"... Niles... You are going to need to tell me something right now. There are people listening around me... And I need you to tell everyone the truth when I ask this..." Randal spoke with a somber tone, feeling the wave of guilt and hurt go through him just by hearing the scared voice of his son.

"... O-okay, dad..." Niles spoke, holding his tears as he had to make a right call... Or the bunny doctor in front of him would die because of all this... And possibly him after.

"... Charlie... W-Winchester claimed that... That I hurt you, my son. That I... Tried to do something terrible... He is pointing a gun at me as we speak... And I am scared to death, God forgive me. Please. Please, Niles. I love you. You know that... And I would never... You were fine this morning, we... Before you went to Amir, we... We ta-talked about that bedtime your mom always wanted you to hear... So, I read it to you sometimes five times a week... A-about Snow and castles, remember?"


The line was quiet. Niles was genuinely feeling somehow hollow after hearing such. Even if it was all a lie, his father sounded genuinely like he was begging for his son to forgive him. He didn't know if emotion was coming with real and truly loving, or if it was just him being scared of facing the consequences of his crime.

Niles closed his eyes for a moment, sniffing loudly. Amir's eyes were filled with terror as he wished for Niles to save his life... Even if meant nothing but straight failure for Charlie's journey for harsh justice.

The lynx sniffed loudly, his jaw trembling a bit as he spoke.

"Yeah... I... I remember."

Randal exhaled, Calvin slowly approaching and listening with everyone.

Charlie was having a brainstorm right now and the realization slowly coming to him, knowing that the worst possible case was indeed on motion.

"... Niles... I love you, you know that. We have had our differences, from time to time... But I would never try to murder anyone... And you out of everyone know me the most. Niles... Tell everyone if I would ever be capable of doing something so hateful towards you?" Randal asked and closed his eyes.

Charlie nodded to the side, already knowing what was coming. His paw trembled in anger as he bit his teeth together. Calvin was holding his breath.

"... I,.. I don't know w-why Mr Winchester would s-say... I'm okay, dad... I'm... I'm just having a flu. Everyone, I'm... There is nothing to worry about. A-Amir gave me medicine and...-"

Niles sniffed again in between his words and took a calm breath, feeling the guilt and self-hate wash over him for having to betray the man who saved his life over saving someone else's life.

"I'm feeling otherwise okay. I'll have to go train with Ryan later... After breakfast. "Niles explained carefully like it was just another day.

"That is fine, son... That is... I'll talk to you later then... Niles... Thank you for making everyone know you are alright... I ... I love you, son." Randal whispered gently, feeling like he could finally breathe.

"... I love you too dad." The somber and hesitant voice spoke back with the apologizing tone clearly aimed at someone else than his father.

Charlie didn't even need to turn around to know that Calvin was smiling. From ear to ear, that shit-eating grin was glooming on him.

Randal was taking quick breaths of relief, slowly turning his scared sidegaze at Charlie's way.

He still had not laid down his gun.

The crowds of people looked at Charlie like crazy. They were whispering already for the guards to take Charlie in possible custody or mental check. And mainly for someone to take the gun away. Charlie had nothing to gain anymore. He had played right into Calvin's pocket, fully.

He had completely broken the long-known image of him in the eyes of everyone his age in the vault 55. People were still scared of him very visibly and wondering why Charlie was still not putting down his gun.

They didn't even know the rage that was burning inside Charlie right now like an ember. He had let emotions take control and slipped. The rational thinking had been in fog as he had underestimated Calvin completely.

He had lost.

Calvin cleared his throat awkwardly as he arrived next to Charlie's side with Mel and Rob. Both of Charlie's guards' friends were now looking at Charlie with worry and disturbed expressions, wondering if this had been a mental breakdown over something that they had not paid attention to. The man had just screamed to everyone, threatened to kill a man, hurting the overseer and creating panic.

Without any evidence in return or a solid reason.

"... Charlie, it is time to put that gun down now, wouldn't you agree?" Calvin asked smugly from the said, trying to sound professional.

"Charlie, listen to the overseer, please. Come on, man. You've done enough." Rob said to the husky with a calming but still very disappointed tone.

None of the people around Charlie saw the truth of the situation... And Calvin had played the situation in his favor all the way.

The fire in Charlie's eyes kept burning on, the gaze still drilled to the old lynx in front of him.

But slowly and steadily... Charlie started to lower his gun.

He knew that in his emotional outburst, he had fucked up. Niles telling what happened was the last hope... And Calvin had clearly made a move to change that.

The old husky had not paid attention to his surroundings too much first but noticed that Xavier and Elliot were missing from the area...

So, it led him to the conclusion that they had some part in this.

He had to make things right... Because he was not going to let this one go.

"This is not over." Charlie finally said calmly and hatefully, having totally lowered his gun now, taking the finger off the trigger.

"... Excuse me, Winchester?" Calvin asked, knowing that the defiance was still in the husky fully. But he needed to know if Charlie was dumb enough to literally tell his next move.

As Randal could finally breathe, his back against the wall and still on edge, the whispering got louder around the place. Most were questioning from the lynx if he was okay due to raised sympathy... And other ones were people whispering that Charlie was dangerous and not fit to teach young ones anymore.

That got to him. He tried not to act like he didn't hear what was being said, but now that the adrenaline was falling down and the reality of the outcome started to be clear to him... He was finally paying attention to the words of others.

Charlie cleared his throat and took the attention of the room again, Calvin wiping his bloody nose and wincing in agitation over the pain spike it inflicted.

"Randal. You and I both know what you did to your son. I know the weasel right here is in with whatever plan you twisted fucks have created to get out of the loop... But this is not over. I will get the evidence out of this. And then you are both being buried in front of these people."

Calvin nodded his head from side to side in frustration, playing calm and collected as he spoke back.

"Winchester... Within the recent fifteen minutes, you have already broken enough rules to be held accountable in trial. So no, this is not over. That you can count on."

"..." Charlie didn't say a word, slowly turning to look at Calvin in question, people now being on the edge as the unpredictable behavior of Charlie's had been experienced enough for one day. Calvin wasn't clearly scared anymore of the dog and spoke boldly, trying to regain the control and his usual voice of authority.

"That's right. You hit your overseer. You were waving around a lethal weapon without hesitation. You threatened my guards. You caused fear for the vault residents. You threatened to murder me and my brother in law. You threw hurtful accusations... And you did all this without any solid proof to show to condone your actions. What you did was the most disturbing thing I'm sure many here had ever witnessed... And as the overseer of this vault... I demand rightful justice." Calvin spoke, people nodding in agreement.

Charlie slowly started to approach Calvin with small steps, measuring the weasel from head to toe and stopping right in front of him, the guards getting nervous again. Sax, the big tiger was giving Charlie a warning look not to try anything anymore, Charlie ignoring it.

"... Justice?" Charlie repeated like the word from Calvin was about to make him wave a gun around again.

"... Justice." Calvin repeated back, trying to act bold under measuring eyes.

"... And what are you going to do, hmm? What is this power you think that you possess right now? Tio has been under your unprofessional teaching for one day, and he would already be better overseer than you. I am going to enjoy when I get the evidence to bring you down and have someone deserving lead this place. While you will be cast out from here to live where I came from. I will kick you out there myself. And that... Calvin... Will be the meaning of Justice."

Charlie saw the visible agitation now take over Calvin, as the dog pressured his words with some much self-trust that Calvin knew Charlie would forever be a problem and a threat after this. He had to take control again.

"You... You have disrespected me enough for your own good. Your trial begins tomorrow over your crimes. We shall see then if these people who are eyewitnesses of your madness, will support either letting you get away with all you did... Or kick you out to feel safe as we should."

"... Yeah... We will see. But your plan isn't going to work out. Because I still have time. All of these people that I have known for ten years... They will see the truth." Charlie said as final words.

"Show is over. My apologies. Enjoy the chess match of two murderers." Charlie said, giving a final and murderous look at Randal's way, the old lynx avoiding eye contact right away, slowly having scooted away from the intercom and closer behind Calvin for protection.

The husky turned around and walked past Rob and Mel, both guards giving a look at each other, wondering the same time if they should follow and talk with Charlie about all this.

But before the husky had barely managed to walk a few steps, Calvin spoke loudly after him.

"Where do you think you are going?!"

"To make sure that Niles is alright, you soon to be dead piece of shit," Charlie said bluntly.

"No... You won't." Calvin said back with the same blunt tone.

That didn't stop Charlie... But something else did. The moment Charlie had arrived at the door where he entered into the hall from... The door opened in front of him.

And soon, he was staring at the barrel of two guns, pointing right in his way.

Elliot and Xavier were standing side by side, Charlie freezing his movement and measuring the unexpected situation with caution.

Calvin smiled and yelled at Charlie's way.

"I told you that I demand justice! You are not going anywhere near my family. Niles is completely fine, as everyone surely heard... And the last thing I allow for you to do is to stroll around my halls with a gun in hand. No. You are going to be taken into custody, rightfully so. You will be kept under guard in your family quarters."

Charlie slowly turned around, looking at the people who had no intention of being on Charlie's side in the situation. They were scared of him. Charlie knew it and felt hurt because this was not supposed to go this way. Calvin was really putting him under the pressure now.

As the people remained quiet, Charlie closed his eyes for a moment.

"Now... Winchester. Drop your gun. And let these guards escort you peacefully to your room." Calvin presented like there was nothing more to discuss.

Charlie didn't react in the slightest. He was being driven into a corner.

If he would not get even a day to collect some proof over Randal's actions, being supervised by guards in his room the whole time... He would lose.

He would end up losing the trial and get kicked out back to wasteland, or detained and treated as someone to control for years to come. Along with his profession of a teacher, taken away from him.

Calvin had made his move... And now, Charlie had to make his.

"Winchester! You heard the overseer Marston! Drop. Your. Weapon." Xavier yelled from behind Charlie, the weasel's nervous paws running on the pistol.

The old husky spoke back to Calvin.

"Calvin. Is this the way you want to proceed? It's not going to end well for you."

"Winchester... Quit talking big already like you have something to prove. Give Xavier your gun and do as you are said. It is over!"

"... Fine. As you wish." Charlie said with a despised tone.

He just had to come up with a plan. He wasn't going to win people over on his side if he kept acting more and more hostile. He had already made things bad enough.

He knew that there had to be a way out of this... And he had something on his side that held weight.

Every young student of his.

Their voice counted... And they would riot before letting Calvin kick him out of the vault.

He had to play in Calvin's pocket for now... And think that he was winning. He had to put trust in the youth for this one.

And for Niles to come up with the truth publicly tomorrow. Hopefully.

Charlie didn't even turn around as he flipped the gun by the handle and holding the middle, offering it to anyone coming to his side. With few rushed steps and sweep of an arm, Xavier took the gun from Charlie.

And finally,... Everyone felt like they could rest easy. The people started talking loudly and scattering around a bit. Calvin was shaking Randal's hand and gave him comforting pats on the shoulder, which already being disrespectful sign for Charlie that he had been played. But he had to grit his teeth for now and take it.

Rob was approaching Charlie with Mel in intentions to hold his arms... But Charlie spoke before they could do it.

"Don't... I can walk to my room myself. No need to hold hands."

"Aight... Cool... Just... Let's make this easy, buddy." Mel said quietly, Rob talking to Xavier and Elliot.

"You two can stop pointing the guns at him already, he isn't going to do anything, as you can see."

Elliot was nervously lowering his gun... And as Charlie turned around, he could see something was up. Elliot looked rather bothered and somewhat traumatized. He wasn't scared of Charlie, as he had no idea what exactly had happened in the hall earlier... But Charlie knew that something was bothering Elliot.

"... You were there, weren't you?" Charlie asked from Elliot.

The cat opened his eyes in small scare, not answering to the husky who tried to fish out the answer from him. Xavier spoke.

"Winchester. Shut up, and quit talking to Elliot. Rob, I intend to keep my gun on this man the whole time. Overseer wishes so, and I see it nessacery as well."

"Fine... Just keep the safety on. Jesus, this day..." Rob sighed, nodding his head.

Just as Charlie was about to give in, muttering in frustration... Someone yelled at him.


Charlie, along with all the guards, turned around to see who yelled.

It was Randal. Calvin was next to the stressed but now surprisingly determined-looking lynx, smiling.

The old lynx continued. He looked hesitating for a moment over what he was about to say... But Charlie had lost all the leverage over the situation. So, he gathered his courage to speak out.

"You!... You owe me an apology!"

Charlie felt like the world just stopped. He had not heard this one right.

"... You pointed me with a gun and acted like a monster towards a father who loves his son! Calvin might be fine with trial, but you owe me an apology, man to a man!"

Charlie felt his mouth open a bit in disbelief of what he was hearing, his eyes opening slowly and his heart starting to hammer.

"... What... What did you say?" Charlie asked, sounding emotionless.

"... You owe me an apology! In the eyes of the god and these good people, you have to make amends! Apologize for what you did! YOU OWE ME THAT!"

People looked rather uneasy, few wondering if Randal was pushing it, but few thinking it was indeed reasonable.

Calvin spoke the final word on top with his arms crossed, nodding in agreement.

"Hear hear! More than reasonable."

Charlie felt like the noise of the people became nothing.

The rage in him was true... And it was pure.

The air around him stopped... The time felt like it lost its meaning... And his vision felt like it was aimed at only one poor and unfortunate soul, looking back at him with determined gaze, trying to publicly humiliate Charlie and smear the loss on his face.

Charlie closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

There was no more clear thought over the idea of consequences.

It meant nothing. Not anymore.

The moment Charlie opened his eyes slowly, balling his hand into a fist so intense that his claws dug in, cutting wounds into his palm...

The look already told Rob and Mel in front of him that Charlie was burning.

He was not about to be escorted anywhere... Or held... Or detained.


There was about to be a dead person in this hall.

And it was not going to be Charlie.