Assimilated Part 2: Cyborgs Fight Back

Story by protoborg on SoFurry

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#1 of Random Stories

After reading Assimilated, I thought a colab would be a good idea. whitecrow323 (http://wh...

After reading Assimilated, I thought a colab would be a good idea. whitecrow323 ( and I decided to do two sides to the same story. This is the story from the perspective of the canines.

The only reason this story was not ready sooner was because life got in the way. I hope you enjoy my story as much as you did whitecrow's. It takes a while for the sex to appear, but be patient. It is there.


Colonel Canis, First Armored Division

Present Location: Canidae Home World, Military HQ

Current Date: November 29th

Current Time: 14:15 hours

"Lieutenant, report."

"Sir, our spies on Earth have not report in yet."

"When was the last time we got a report, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, the last report we received was more than a week ago."

"How long??"

"Eight Earth days, sir. Solar flare activity in that system may have something to do with it, but we can't be certain of the real reason."

I did some quick calculations in my head. Every spy is supposed to report in every 6 Earth hours. If the spies had not reported in eight days that meant it had been...

"...Thirty-two missed reports?! Why are you just now telling me this, soldier?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't want to disturb you, sir. I know you have enough to deal with right now what with the war not going well in the Felidae Sector."

"You are quite right, Lieutenant. I do have a lot on my plate. However, that is no excuse for failing to alert me to this problem. Consider yourself on report."

"Yes, sir. I do have the final transmission from one of our spy-bots on Earth. It seems the transmission was delayed due to the way in which the agent had to smuggle it out of the system."

"Let's hear it, Lieutenant."

"Yes, sir."

The Lieutenant played a message recorded by one of our spies.

"We are surrounded by cats of various kinds. They came out of nowhere. They're storming the building. It won't be long till they find us. We must evacuate the planet. They will kill..."

[Loud screeching then static then silence.]

Apparently, the Felines were on Earth after all. It was as we had feared. Feline agents were assimilating mammalians all over the galaxy. We were not the only ones who were at war with the crazy cats. They targeted Earth due to its serious lack of technology. We had to do something to stop them here. We would not fall to the insidious felidae. There will be no more loss of life. Sadly, our spy on Earth was no more.

He was now a Feline foot soldier. The spybot had, thankfully, continued its mission to record the activities of its master until its master was no more. The Canine who had been operating the little drone was able to sneak the drone out on a garbage scow with instructions to deliver its report to military command on the home world.

December 6th, 10:30 hours

"Warning! Warning! Potential hostile presence. Repeat possible hostile presence detected."

"Computer, report."

[Alien spacecraft detected in orbit. Orbital defenses ineffective. Recommend deploying fast attack fighters to outer orbital perimeter. Repeat deploy fast attack fighters to outer defense perimeter.]

"Identify craft in orbit. Is it Feline?"

[Affirmative. Spacecraft conforms to Panthera __Leo-class capitol ship. Recommend launching Canis Lupus-class ship immediately. Repeat recommend launching Wolf command ship.]

"Affirmative. Launch Wolf command ship and prepare my shuttle for departure. I intend to see this battle's end myself."

[Confirmed. Command shuttle ready for boarding immediately.]

I headed to the launch bay and boarded the shuttle up to the command ship, CSS Wolf. The Wolf is our most powerful command carrier. It is not the biggest, but it contains our most powerful weaponry. Every single experimental weapon had been installed on the behemoth. We had hoped to never have to use it, but it looked like, not only would we need to use it, we would need to bring some of our retired command carriers out of mothballs. Hopefully this one Lion-class ship would not be too tough to defeat.


December 6th, 02:30 hours

The felines had reinforced their hull since the last time we had faced this class of ship. This proved to be our downfall. We hardly made a dent in the ship while our fighters were decimated. The escape shuttles were allowed to return to the planet's surface to deliver a message. The cats told me, as the senior command officer in the battle, that if I wanted to survive the coming battle, I would have to recommend the total and utter surrender of my people. I, of course, said whatever they seemed to want to hear. I wouldn't actually recommend that, but I was willing to say it in order to escape complete destruction. Once on the ground again, I quickly returned to the command center and began to work up a new plan. The cats would not take MY planet without a fight.

[Warning! Unknown technology detected. Repeat unknown feline technology detected.]


[Unknown technology has been pinpointed in the northern sector of the northern continent.]

"Explain these energy readings."

[Current readings do not correspond to known phenomenon. Readings indicate there is some unknown device cloaking the area.]

"Elaborate. What about these readings is indicative of a cloaking device?"

[Current readings indicate a very large area of reduced EM emissions that does not correspond to any known phenomena. The area of reduce EM radiation also does not comply with readings of the unknown technology. Further data unavailable, indicating cloaking device is masking certain readings. Further investigation recommended.]

"Lieutenant Jones, please bring me a list of our best recon agents."

"Yes, sir."

The Lt. brought in a data pad with a very short list of the potential spies who could carry out this mission. The soldiers in questions were currently available for the mission so I called them into the briefing room to brief them on what the mission was.

"Men, we have a problem. I'm sure you have all read the reports from our spies on Earth by now. You most likely also know of our rousing defeat at the hands of the Lion-class ship in orbit. It seems that ship was actually leading an invasion of massive proportions. At least, we think it is since their cloaking technology, while on par with our own tech, is giving us serious issues with determining what they are planning. I need you men to find out what these...," and here I shuddered, "...cats are doing here. I need you to figure out how they could possibly be successfully cloaking their tech. Finally, I need you to find out how we can stop them from doing to our world what they did on Earth. Any questions?"

"Sir," a soldier had raised his hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Bullet?"

"Sir, what are we looking for exactly?"

"We obviously do not know. We suspect that something massive landed in this sector." I turned to point to the area of reduce EM radiation. "There is an unusual amount of radiation missing from this area. The EM levels should be fifty times what we are registering here. We need to figure out what they are hiding there. We also need to find a way to penetrate that cloaking field. Primarily so we can see them, but also so we can use the technology ourselves. Keep in mind this could be a major military instillation. They clearly do not want to be noticed."

"Sir," Delta asked. "Is there anything else we should be aware of?"

"The cats have been seen assimilating all manner of humans with what appear to be tentacles. We do not know the nature of these tentacles, but we suspect the inject some sort of nanites into the victim. Once injected, the process is relatively quick. I advise you to avoid these tentacles at all costs. if you could get a sample of the nanotech they use to 'assimilate' their victims, that would not be a bad thing. Unless there are any further questions. dismissed."

Beta Team looked at each other with trepidation as they filed out of the briefing room. Rumors of nanotech being used by the felines had been circling among the military and civilians for sometime now. To have the rumors confirmed only served to heighten the tension of the war. Beta Team had their orders, though. They knew they might be the only hope the Canines had for stopping this horrendous war.

December 6th, 02:40

As Beta suited up, they exchanged strained conversation. They all knew that they could be walking into some sort of trap. They also knew that if they didn't take this mission that the world would likely become just another part of the Feline bid to conquer the whole galaxy. Every Canine knew the Felines were nothing more than cold-blooded conquerors who sought only to elevate themselves while lowering everyone else beneath their steel feet. No one alive today would ever forget the first reports that came in from the outlying colonies when the cats attacked. Once Beta Team was ready, they boarded the transport and headed to the drop zone.

Sgt Bullowski aka Bullet., First Armored Division

Present Location: Canidae Home World, Northern Continent

Current Date: December 6th

Current Time: 14:15 hours

It took the recon team several days, but we were able to finally locate the feline craft in one of the larger forests. They had clearly landed some time ago as the tracks around it were fairly shallow from the slight breeze that blew through the area. Delta, Hunter, and Blitz took the south side while Commchatter, Flare, and I took the north.

"Beta Team, report."

"Beta Team here. So far no guards. It seems they don't think anyone can find them here. Over."

"Roger, Beta Team. We got nothin' over here, either. Over."

"Affirmative, Bullet. We will rendezvous on the east side and begin the interior recon. Over"

"Roger, Beta. Bullet, out."

I could not believe they would actually be that naive as to think no one would spot them here. I suppose if you landed a cloaked ship in enemy territory, you would likely not bother guarding it, either. As I passed a window in the structure, I noticed a chamber that appeared to be where the escaped canines had been held during their attempted assimilation.

Currently, there were three canines being held by what appeared to be mechanical tentacles. This confirmed what the rescued canines had told us. It appeared these poor canines were unconscious. I imagine it was probably easier for the stupid cats to assimilate their victims when the captive was unconscious. The canines were not unconscious for long, though.

Soon two cats entered the room, although one of them looked unusually small for the species. I can understand how the canines might have been just a little annoyed with being held against their will. I would have been too. We are a proud species. We do not take captivity very well. It might also be that these canines were from some religious sect that held cats as evil beings.

"Beta Team, change of plans. Rendezvous at my position. Repeat, rendezvous at my position. Over."

"Acknowledged, Bullet. Eta 2 minutes. Over."

"Understood. Bullet, out."

I placed a small recording device on the window and activated an uplink to base. I also started recording locally everything that went on inside that room. It seems the felines double team their victims. One of the flea-bags forced some sort of ring into the mouth of one of the captives. The ring held the canines mouth open in... no, it couldn't be. Yes... it is. The ring had the poor canine's mouth held in the perfect shape to suck a cock.

It was at this point the rest of my recon team showed up. I placed them around the immediate area to cover me while I ran surveillance on the room where the assimilation was going on. The poor canine had no time to react to being gagged before they began to fuck him. I rechecked the video feed and continued to watch the horrible things going on inside the building.

It was all I could do to not rush into to the room and try to help the poor bastards. I knew if we tried to do that, we would only be giving the felines more captives. I was helpless to watch the assimilation taking place. It was several minutes before the cats began to show any signs of stopping. They seemed to cum at roughly the same time inside the canine's ass and mouth.

He choked briefly on the sludge entering his throat. Some of the grey mess dripped from his mouth. I got a magnified look at the stuff. It appeared to be just as the escaped canines had described; a grey soupy mess that most likely contained millions upon millions of nanites. The poor canine was humiliated by being raped in such a manner and by such a being as a male cat.

As the two cats finished Cumming in the poor canine's mouth, he attempted to cough up the mixture. Unfortunately, the cat had sealed his mouth with its cock. Some sort of connection points began to appear on the canine's body. The cats removed the still unconscious canine-turned-feline to another room. I had no idea what they were going to do to him, but I didn't think it would not be pleasant.

The cats returned and put the other two canines through the same routine. They too were taken to another room to await their fates. It was at this point that I decided simple recon wouldn't cut it. I had to come up with a plan to rescue at least one of those unfortunate canines. I signaled the team to move toward the room the canines had been taken to after the assimilation.

I cut through the tough glass window with a plasma torch I had brought with me. I hoisted my team through the window and pulled myself in. The room we were in had two exits. I had seen one of the cats go through each door. The west exit lead away from the room our former brothers had been taken to so we headed east.

"Delta, get that door open. Hunter, see if you can tell me how many cats are in the next room. Blitz, figure out what those tentacles do and how they work. Commchatter and Flare, guard the west exit."

"Affirmative, sir."

We worked for several minutes in our attempt to get into the next room. While the others did their respective tasks, I uplinked to command to report on the situation and get further orders. I was hoping the cats would not notice the spike in EM radiation form this room. Of course, I don't imagine they would have been monitoring for such things as they obviously felt they were secure here. They had no reason to suspect we had broken in.

"Colonel, there are no cats presently in the next room. We are clear to precede, sir."

"Delta, how long till that door is open?"

"Sir, I have it."

"Good job. Let's move people."

As we entered the room, I began to get a very unpleasant feeling that the cats would be returning very soon. I noticed only two of the three former canines were present. I guess they had taken one to be retrained or reprogrammed or something. I figured this was a perfect chance to free the two canines from their bonds.

"Get those two down and hurry. We need to get out of here before the damn cats come back. I don't particularly want to be a cat for the rest of my life."


"What is it, Blitz?"

"We can't get them down."

"Why the fuck not?!"

"The tentacles from the other room are here too. The tentacles are indestructible. I suspect that body armor they are wearing is too."

"Well can you release them at all?"

"I can trick the system to think they are ready for whatever reprogramming they need. That should release them. It will take time, though, to run the release cycle and it can only release one of them at a time. I don't think we have time to release them both."

"I guess we will only be able to save one of them. Fine, release that one." I said as I pointed to the cheetah. "He seems to be more awake."

"I would recommend we create a distraction so that they don't come back here before we can escape."

"What about the fellow we free? How is he supposed to escape?"

"He should be able to reach the extraction point. I will upload it to his core memory just in case he does escape. The information will be encrypted so the cats can't access it."

"Good work. Delta, find some way to create a distraction. We don't want those damn cats to find us here."

"Yes, sir."

"I want that distraction in.... How long, Blitz?"

"Sir, I estimate it will take approximately five minutes for the sequence to complete."

"You heard him, Delta. You got four minutes to create that distraction."

"Yes, sir."

"Now let's move, people. We haven't got a whole lot of time here."

Blitz activated something on a nearby computer as Delta raced form the room in search of something to create a diversion with. The other four of us made our way back out through the window in the assimilation room. I radioed command to let them know of our situation. They were less than pleased with my report, but did not blame me or my team. In fact, the general hinted that we might all be receiving medals for our work.

I thought it prudent to head to the extraction point without further delay so that we could meet up with Blitz, Delta, and the escaped cheetah. The extraction point was a mile form the edge of the compound and through some rather tough terrain so I figured it would be a good idea to get there as soon as possible. I didn't want to miss the chopper or the rest of the team.

Half an hour later, as we ran through the jungle toward the extraction point, we heard the distinct sounds of a massive explosion. It seems the cats don't want anyone to find out what they are doing. I can't say as I blame them. I wouldn't want the planet I am conquering to know I am doing so, especially if the natives are resistant to my methods of taking over. I could just imagine the size of the hole that huge compound would leave behind. It's just too bad we would not get to study the facility in more detail. It could really help us against the cats. That was probably why they destroyed it.

As I had no idea where the cats would go next, I suggested to Command that we track their energy pattern. Of course, since they had no idea we were on to them, the cats never bothered to change the energy readings. They just continued to "cloak" themselves. It did take us several weeks to figure out the actual frequency of their cloak. Once we had it, though, we made certain we could track them anywhere on the planet. I didn't like having to sacrifice the populations of the smaller islands and atolls, but I did see that we didn't really have much choice. After all, we wanted the cats to reveal their plan for our planet.

It is still amazing the cats actually believed we could not communicate with those islands they had taken. They had apparently forgotten that we had their technology available to us to study. All we had to do was reverse engineer the comm. channel from their technology. We did not want to alert the cats to their impending defeat. It was their assimilation technology that ultimately led to their downfall, but I am getting ahead of myself.

The final tally, when the cats had finished with the islands, was roughly 20 million canines lost to the enemy. It was heartbreaking, but unavoidable. We are at war with the cats, after all. The war was clearly not going in our favor. Then again, the cats were being exceptionally sneaky so they had the advantage. We lost our smallest continent shortly after they took the last island nation. Somehow they managed to get hold of a research rocket on one of the larger islands. The loss of the research facility was a major blow to our effort to combat the cats, but it was the loss of the rocket that hit me the most. I hate to lose such an important military advantage.

It turns out the cats planned to use the nuclear warhead in the rocket to create an EMP. The EMP would disrupt all ground communication. It turns out the EMP also disabled our weapons. You would think we would have shielded our weapons against such things. I guess our engineers didn't think of such an attack. Had they taken that into consideration, we might not be at a disadvantage. It's just too bad I can't court-martial them now that they have been assimilated. I suppose being assimilated and converted into cats is punishment enough. But I digress.

What amazed me was the swiftness of the cats' attack after the coast was pulsed with the EMP. They were ashore and assimilating in mere moments. I imagine they will be thoroughly surprised when we start fighting back. Again, I am getting ahead of myself. As it turned out, the troops they fought at the beach head were totally ineffective at repelling the enemy. I imagine it is rather hard to fight an enemy that is EMP-proof when your weapons are neutralized by an EMP. Our soldiers are not used to having to resort to conventional weapons. They were completely outnumbered as well. It was brutal from my perspective.

Our soldiers reported seeing demons emerge from the ocean only to transform into the cats. They attempted to fire on the cats. But our weapons had been neutralized. Lacking any experience in hand to hand combat, the field commanders, started improvising. Ten and twenty year veterans of hundreds of wars on dozens of planets in our solar system were reduced to gibbering primitives in the face of the enemy. It was painful to watch as I knew many of them personally. In fact, I had given many of them their commands.

It took the cats all of 12 hours to overwhelm the coastal cities. It wasn't till nightfall that they managed to approach the inland cities. Of course, they still met little useful resistance from our forces. During the assault on the civilian population, our forces in the only major military installation managed to ready every flight worthy aircraft available. The facility had been hardened against EMP as it was our most important facility. Actually, we have one of those bases on every continent. It typically houses our main military command for that continent. The central command for all military activity on our planet is housed in our largest continent. That is where I am stationed.

I continued to monitor the situation as the cats moved inward toward the base. With each city they took, we saw victory grow more distant. It looked as though we would loose the planet entirely until one of our scientists made a remarkable breakthrough. We had long since managed to ferret out the enemy comm. signal. What had not been able to do was figure out the technology itself. That changed soon after our smallest continent was completely assimilated.

The aircraft that had escaped the invasion of the cats were able to get scans of the felines' armor up close and personal. Even the planes the cats managed to bring transmitted the frequency of the enemy jamming device. We could now begin to maybe get a slight bit of a foothold possibly. It was rather fun to watch the cats' faces every time one of their plans fails to work the way they expected.

I imagine the cats had not expected us to be able to use our aircraft. They seemed to be prepared for an all out ground only battle. They weren't prepared for an aerial battle as they seemed rather upset that we got as many people out as we did by air. They seemed to want to avoid downing the aircraft in such a way as to injure anyone aboard. I imagine it would be rather hard to assimilate a dead dog. Our choppers escaped successfully, but not most of our planes. Damn cats keep taking more and more of us!

I thought it prudent to keep the general public in the dark until we had a handle on how to defeat the cats once and for all. We took stock of our gains and losses to the horrid creatures who had invaded our planet. We had lost most of the smaller island chains and all of the large ones. We lost our smallest continent. On the other hand, we did gain a rather significant advantage in the form of their most precious technology.

It always amazes me just how gullible the enemy really is. They actually thought the news broadcasts we were feeding them were real. While it is true we were limiting the flow of information to the media, we were not controlling it the way the fake feeds might have implied. We don't do that to our citizens. Besides, we are far too honest to try to fool the public with political BS. Three thousand years of development has taught us that honesty is far more powerful than any lie could ever be.

Fuckin' cats will never understand our true strength! But I digress. The point being the fake news had the cats thinking the public were still in the dark as to what we faced. The conspiracy nuts were out just as vehemently as the cats believed. They were just not spouting the crap the cats thought they were. The conspiracy they WERE spewing was that the government was responsible for the arrival of the cats. No one really ever believes those lunatics. They ARE entertaining. It was especially so when they mentioned the invasion of the large mostly unpopulated continent in the southeastern quad. Talk about being completely off the mark. The nuts actually thought the cats had been sent there to unearth the aliens that had landed fifty years ago. Supposedly, THOSE aliens were advanced scouts for the cats. It always gives me a chuckle.

It was a few weeks later that I noticed the new "ad" on the cat fetish site I like to frequent. It is widely known that there are those among us who do not fear other species in the universe. While it is not generally a respected fetish, it is not exactly reviled, either. People just don't mention they like cats in mixed company. It is like telling strangers you like to fondle pups on the tube. I am getting off track. As I said, I noticed a new ad on the site and it turned out to be one of the cats attempting to "recruit" canines to their cause.

I decided to use this to our advantage. I know several soldiers who are in fact cat-lovers. My brother is one. Hell, I used to be one. I asked one of my cat-lover friends if he would be willing to volunteer to be assimilated by the cats. He was initially hesitant, but I managed to convince him it would not be so bad. Besides, he would be monitored on a secure frequency the entire time. We may not be able to get him out, but we would be able to prevent others from being assimilated against their will.

I activated the surveillance equipment we had installed in our volunteer, Joe. He was pacing nervously at the end of the alley where he was to meet the cat that placed the ad. It was not a long wait. A figure in a duster and hood approached from the far end of the alley. As he came closer, he could be seen to be only slightly taller than Joe. The cat, which appeared to be a jaguar or similar species of cat, said "Come this way, my sweet little canine friend." Joe must have been especially nervous now. Joe is a German shepherd, but he still has reason to be nervous. None of our kind had seen an actual cat in centuries.

Joe followed the cat into a secret door. I noted the location of the door for later retrieval. The cat asked Joe why he would want to be one of them. Joe gave his honest answer that he was curious what it was like. He explained about feeling lonely until he came across the websites and chat rooms. The jaguar placed a mattress on the floor and guided Joe to it. It seems Joe's genuine desire to be a cat was enough to convince the cat to be gentle during the assimilation process.

The jaguar coated his phallus in some sort of lubricant. He apparently cared for his soon-to-be ally. The experience would likely be a rather pleasant one for Joe. As the jaguar pressed into Joe's tailhole, Joe began to pant in sheer pleasure at the experience. Joe waited for the moment he would be claimed by the jaguar. He didn't have long to wait as the cat slowly slid his member into Joe's ass. Joe howled at the fire of pure joy he felt in his tight tailhole. The cat compounded Joe's bliss by playing with his nipples. Joe pleaded for the cat to continue. He was not disappointed as the cat began to thrust in and out in a steadily increasing rhythm.

Every stroke into his hole made Joe's cock grow more. He twitched every time the jaguar touched his prostate. Joe's knot grew steadily to its maximum size in hormonal expectation of tying his partner. It mattered not that Joe was the one being tied. The jaguar had seemingly reached his peak because he was not long in cumming. Joe was filled to the brim with the nanites the cats used to assimilate their victims. The cat squeezed Joe's cock behind his knot at the same time. This forced a mighty howl of ecstasy from Joe's lips.

Once Joe had been filled to the top with nanites, the jaguar pulled out. The cat then aimed his mighty silver rod at Joe's head. He said "Open wide my lovely sub. I want to complete your transformation to perfection." Joe was more than happy to comply. Joe was doing his best to swallow all he was given. I imagine they were both rather beyond noticing as they seem completely overwhelmed with pleasure.

Joe was now lifted into place amongst the tentacles coming from the wall. It seems our initial conclusion about the tentacles was wrong. Joe was yipping with pleasure by this point. Each piece of armor that was applied pulled forth another yip. Joe's original coloration was slowly changing from brown and black patches to orange with black spots. The jaguar waved as Joe's head was covered with something.

Once the conversion finished, Joe looked in the mirror that had been brought into the room. He seemed to be excited by what he saw. The jaguar said "Your conversion is not yet complete. We just need to do the programming." I started to worry that they might have found the nanobugs. Apparently, Joe was a little worried too as the jaguar said "Do not worry. I will not erase your free will. You will merely be given the skills necessary to your task as my sub and as a soldier in our campaign. Your programming will be much like mine." That did ease my mind a bit. Joe was now connected to the tentacles for programming.

Unfortunately, the programming interfered with the connection to the nanobugs. The final interaction was my sending the self-destruct command to the nanites processor core. This would prevent the cats from learning of our subterfuge. We had learned from their mistakes and would not allow our technology to fall into their hands. The last thing I heard before the nanites disintegrated was the cats' leader telling the jaguar that he had done a good job converting Joe. It was a sickening sound. Poor Joe. He did volunteer, but still.

As the interface faded, I contemplated what I had learned of the cats. They seemed to find any advantage they could. They were not shy about sex, at least as far as converting their victims went. It seemed odd that I had only observed MM sex. Surely, the cats had females. If they did, I would not be the one to see them as I had other things to attend to. Our conversion process was well under way as well. We had learned from the enemy and we were not going to be outclassed. If they wanted to win this war by stealing our citizens, they were going to have to try a hell of a lot harder.

We had also managed to get our fledgling cloning program rolling. It was deemed important enough to actually get government backing. Where the cats used sex to make more cats, we used clones made from volunteers. Every clone we made was put into suspended animation until it was time to "activate" them. We would send them into battle against the cats instead of the originals. The clones were just as well trained as their originals, but they were willing to fight to the death. The originals would fight until they believed the fight was won or lost. Not many soldiers would actually keep fighting if they thought they had lost the battle.

The cloning process is actually fairly straight forward. It requires both parties to be assimilated to at least some extent. The greater the degree of assimilation the easier it is to create the clones. Every cloning produces two clones; one male, one female. The clones are perfect fighting "machines". They fight until they win or die. Of course, they can also be sent out to replace important people who cannot be lost to the felines.

The cats never realized the new "recruits" were merely clones designed to be assimilated. The telemetry the clones sent back before being assimilated was invaluable in our war against the cats. It should be noted that the cats still to this day think they managed to assimilate real Canines. Makes me laugh every time I think about it. But, I digress. The feline menace was getting stronger. Our reports indicated they were going to try the nuclear missile strike thing again. We were, of course, ready for them.

The felines were carefully fed a steady diet of misinformation about our nuclear capabilities. The actual number of missiles we had available was much larger than the felines were led to believe. We, of course, allowed the felines to "steal" the weapons. When it came time for the missiles to be detonated over the target, we would disarm them and send false telemetry to the launch site. The attacks were supposed to take out our comm systems and transit systems. That simply would never happen.

All canine facilities were now well-shielded from any form of EM radiation. Two of the five missiles they launched failed to transmit the false data so we had to destroy them. The other three did successfully transmit the bogus information. We had to evacuate the nonclone canines in the areas that were "affected" by the missile attacks. The unaffected areas, of course, put up resistance. We had to make it look good for the felines. We didn't want them to know they were fighting clones or discover that we were evacuating all canines to our colony ship.

Our coastal cities were the first to be attacked. Everywhere you turned, artillery could be heard as we "made our final stand" against the cats. The lead we were putting downrange did seem to slow the cats' advance. However, they were still moving inland at an annoyingly quick pace. The fact that our civilian populations were seen "scrambling" for transport out of the cities was all part of the plan. The civilians left in those cities were just more clones. I was tasked with keeping the felines occupied until all the real civilians and military and government personnel could escape to the colony ship.

As the cats progressed further into the city center, they encountered a large number of civilian clones along with a contingent of clone soldiers. The "Soldiers" put up a fight as the "civilians" fled toward the colony ship. Most of those civilians were assimilated and provided us with further information about the felines and their dirty tricks. Every clone the cats added to their own ranks provided us with ways of keep our ranks high.

Fortunately, the ploy work perfectly as we were able to get 99% of the canines off the continent. The majority of the ships we launched were decoys as we figured the felines would attempt to capture them. The decoy ship were filled with clones. We knew they would not want to shoot us down over open water. After all, you can't assimilate a dead dog. I laughed as I watched the felines looking rather frustrated. Nothing quite as hilarious as three hundred thousand pissed off cyborg cats.

As the majority of the cats began a siege against our final unassimilated continent, the remaining cats were mopping up the "stragglers". The cats surrounded our continent with their ships. I imagine they hoped we would surrender when we ran out of resources. They even tried defoliants. That just meant it would be harder to find any unprotected civilians as it forced us to live inside near our greenhouses and underground farms. We outlasted the siege engines and blockade of the cats for an impressive 11 months before THEY got tired of the waiting. I think it was the information their "spies" provided them that ultimately led to their abandoning the siege.

We had reverse engineered a very large portion of the feline technology. It was likely this fact that made the felines decide to call off their siege and turn to invasion. I bet the cats thought they were unstoppable. To paraphrase an evil man, "wait 'til they get a load of us." We built the colony ship to get off the planet because we were tired of dealing with the stupid cats. We could easily have defeated them now that we had reverse engineered their technology. We just didn't feel like fighting for a dead world... well, dead to us. We were finishing the colony ship as the cats were readying their assault on our remaining continent.

The felines were completely unprepared for an all-out invasion, but attempted one any way. Of course, they met very few clones on their way to the site of the colony ship. The closer the cats got to the launch facility, the more resistance they encountered. Although, it wasn't until they got within 30 miles or so of the launch facility that the true resistance was encountered. The clones at this point had been told to treat the cats as an infection that they would cure.

The clones were at least 5000 in number. Mostly clones of the soldiers with 30 years or more of experience, they knew they had to cleanse our planet of these evil creatures. The launch was scheduled to take place without them, but they had volunteered to fight the remaining cats in a bid to save those of us who were left. These clones were far more prone to suicide attacks than any of our other clones. This ensured the cats believed we were desperate to save ourselves. These "impassioned volunteers" were the greatest trickery we pulled off against the cats. It still tickles me pink to think the cats actually fell for it. Those are some REALLY stupid furres.

The launch compound was only guarded by civilian clones and some razor wire. The cats took little notice of the fence or the civilians. The cats only wanted to take out our ship before we could launch. The civilian clones ran for the ship the moment they caught sight of the felines. Of course, they would never reach it as they were merely a distraction as we made final launch preparations. We reached orbit shortly after the entire civilian clone population of the compound was assimilated.

The colony ship set course for the Crab Nebula. It was the nearest radiation source we could find. Many of us in command figured the cats would be reluctant to follow us into such a place. It turns out we were right. As we engaged the Faster Than Light drive, I took one last look at the planet that had been my home all my life. It had been my weak attempt at a joke to name the colony ship Noah's Ark. The last reports we got from our planet were of the mop up operations the cats were engaged in.

The final report actually came from our leaders. We didn't clone them as punishment for allowing our home world to be taken by such a pathetic enemy. They reported being taken into a room where they were stripped naked. They reported they were face to face with leaders of the invasion. It didn't take long for the process to be completed. I really didn't think I would ever miss them. After all, they were responsible for all of us being forced to leave our home and find a new life in the Crab Nebula. I hoped the cats programmed them to be slavishly obedient. That would be karmic justice for their crimes against Caninekind.

We came out of FTL at the outer edge of the Crab Nebula. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen... other than the first winter sunrise over the Flea Mountains. As the Ark moved closer, I could see that this was going to be a difficult place to live. We would make it work, but it would not be easy. We would make it work so someday our descendants could reclaim the Canid Home World. I vowed to tell my children what had led to us being exiled to this somewhat inhospitable place. No Canine will ever forget what happened. In fact, it was now a holiday. We would honor "Expulsion Day" for the rest of time.