To Give Chase Part 2

Story by Aren19 on SoFurry

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The day after Chase ate his boyfriend, he's starting to wonder if the process can be reversed. Luckily, he met an experienced pred that can help him!

This is an emergency commission for EGKangaroo over on FA

Characters are (c) Me

"You can set it down over there," says Chase. He rubs over his squirming belly as the delivery men place his new couch where his old one used to be. "Gotta love same-day delivery. Thanks so much. Here, for your troubles." Chase fishes out two twenty-dollar bills and hands them to the two men, one a fellow wolf and the other a rabbit. The rabbit takes a look at Chase's belly and runs out the door. Chase leans towards the other wolf. "Is he okay?"

"He's nervous around preds. Can't say I blame him, the husband didn't get me lunch today. If it weren't for the next delivery I'd have a belly to match yours." The black wolf prods Chase's belly. The contents, Dean, his boyfriend and a deer, squirm against the fingers. He presses back against them, giving out muffled pleas.

Chase rubs his belly as Dean squirms inside. "Who's to say you can't afterward?"

The black wolf winks at Chase. "That's the plan. The next one is a big one, a dining table and six chairs! I can't do it all myself." The black wolf walks out the door.

Chase hollers at him, "Just be careful or he won't be yours anymore."

"Oh, don't worry," he says, turning back, "If anyone starts licking their lips, I'm claiming him right then and there, won't care about the workload. See ya around!"

Chase nods and plops on the couch. He could never afford one of those pred couches before and didn't see the need in one either until yesterday. Chase and Dean lived together as boyfriends for four years. Until yesterday, Chase never ate another soul. The world he and Dean both live in is where their animal instincts are celebrated and feared. No one judges; it's how their world works. Yesterday, his predator instincts kicked in for the first time and he devoured his boyfriend while the two entertained their weekly tradition of watching a documentary every Friday night. They rented, "Hunter," a wolf eating habits documentary. It was only day two and Chase has questions about his new life.

He wonders how long Dean is going to stay in his belly, if it's too late to reverse the process of what he's doing, and what the nature of their relationship is if he can let Dean out. He still cares for the deer, but the world order is the way it is for a reason. He pulls out Jo's card from his pocket. He twirls it in his paw. The front has his name and number and on the back has a "Pred Meet and Greet" group. Chase takes his phone out from his other pocket and dials Jo's number. It only rings once before Jo picks up.


"Jo? It's Chase. I don't know if you remember me, it was only for a few minutes. You delivered my Chinese and I-"

"Ate your boyfriend! Of course, I remember! I always remember good bellies like yours. How's he doing?"

Chase idly drums along his belly. Dean presses his antlerless head against the roof of Chase's stomach in response. "Mmmmf, MMMMMFFFFF!" Try as Dean can, his protests come out muffled.

"Oh, I can hear him just fine. This is, what, day two and not a full twenty-four hours yet, right?"

"Yeah. The struggles are nice enough." Chase drums his fingers along Dean's head.

"Oh, trust me, his struggles will only grow. Just wait until the full twenty-four hours hit."

"Say, Jo? I have a lot of questions regarding this."

"The whole pred thing? Only natural. You've probably blocked out most of the lessons in school and from your family. Feel free to come on by whenever. I'm having a few buds come over tonight, but if you want to come earlier and ask something more private, come on by. My address is-"

Chase quickly grabs a pen and paper. He writes down Jo's address and tears the piece of paper off. "Got it. I'm going to leave now and will see you in a few."

"Roger that! See you later, Chase!" Jo hangs up and Chase pulls the phone from his ear. He rushes off to the car outside the house. Dean's body thumps side to side as Chase's belly wobbles to and fro. Chase stares at Dean's car. The pair only had one car since that's all they could afford.

Chase opens the driver's door and tries to climb in. His belly makes things difficult as he tries to squeeze in. The wolf turns around and inserts his butt first. The muscle butt squeaks in just fine, but Chase's stomach catches at the sides of the door, squeezing Dean against the belly walls and further into the acids. "What are you doing out ther-"

"Mmfff, mm mm MMMFFF!!!" Because of the belly separating the two, Chase could never make out what Dean was trying to tell him. Chase holds his left pectoral, rubbing his heart. The wolf never felt this guilty before. He knows it was the right thing to do in their society, but Dean was still his boyfriend.

Ultimately, he chose his path of a predator and Dean will always be by his side. The deer kicks behind him, shoving Chase into the car and into the driver's seat. Chase moves his legs, but can't get them past the door. He sighs and rubs over his stomach. The wolf's eyes move towards a 'Pred' button on the driver's door. Chase closes his eyes, remembering what the button does.


One year ago.

Dean drives up to his house and honks the horn. Inside, Chase rubs his head as he rises from their bed. He opens the window and sees a shiny silver car basking in the sunlight. "Whoever you are, we don't want any." Chase reaches for the window to close it and go back to sleep.

Dean rolls the window down and looks up at his wolf. "Chase, it's me! I bought a new car!"

Chase's eyes widen as he slams the window and runs out of the house. He practically pounces his boyfriend as Dean leaves the car. "Are you insane? We can't afford this."

"You can't afford it, but I can. Check it out! It's got a retractable roof, a DVD player in the back seat, and a-"

"A pred button." Chase traces his index finger against the word pred. He presses the button, but nothing happens. "You should take this back if this button doesn't work. What does it do anyway?"

"First of all, the car is off," Dean reaches forward, puts the key in the ignition, and turns the car on, "Second, it does this," Dean shoes Chase's finger away from the button and presses it. The driver's seat moves back and the passenger seat disappears, becoming a car that a wide person could easily drive.

"Okay, that's cool! But why did you get this car?" Chase glances at Dean who shies away, turning around and rubbing his arm. "Dean?"

"C-c'mon, Chase, you know why." Dean turns and heads towards the house.

Chase grabs Dean's paw and brings him into a tight hug, kissing his forehead. "I'm not letting you become food. You're mine and every predator in this whole world will have to fight me."

Dean melts into Chase's embrace, brushing his antlers against Chase's cheeks as he nuzzles into the wolf's bare chest. "Oh, Chase."


Chase opens his eyes as his belly thrashes around in the tight compartment. The wolf presses the button and watches as the driver's seat expands while the passenger's seat disappears. The pedals stretch out to fit the wide wolf belly. Inside the belly, Dean sighs as the acids recede from his entire body and he's allowed to breathe in the foul air he's forced to accustom with.

As the car finishes its preparations for Chase to drive, the wolf pulls out of the driveway and towards town. His phone gives him directions as Chase pets over his exposed stomach. Inside, Dean holds his legs and presses his head against Chase's pets. The deer misses his wolf's furry fingers drumming along his head and longingly wants his partner's affection, but as prey, his feelings are mixed between the desire to be with his wolf and the desire to get away from this belly that's processing him into food. Dean lurches forward as Chase comes to a complete stop. The wolf and deer arrive at Jo's home.

Chase walks up to the suburban white house and reaches for the knocker, admiring the crocodile with its mouth wide open and tongue sticking out. Chase notes the feathers adorn the side of the brass crocodile's face as he grabs the tongue and knocks the door with it. "Door's open!" comes a booming voice from within. Chase opens the door and walks inside.

"Feel free to take your shoes off and leave them by the door. I'm in the living room." Chase complies with who he suspects is Jo's voice and takes his sandals off. "Oh, shirt too if you're wearing one. Might as well let the little guy breathe a bit more!" Chase reaches for his shirt and looks down. He didn't realize until now he just drove over to Jo's house in just his pajama bottoms. The wolf shrugs and walks forward along the carpeted hallway.

Chase passes by the stairs leading up to the bedrooms he imagines as he walks up to Jo rubbing his belly on the couch. The green scaly looks up and cracks a smile. "Chase! Welcome to my home." The crocodile stands and rushes over to the wolf, hugging him and rubbing his back. Chase shivers at the sudden attention, but returns the hug, pressing his belly against Jo's.

During the hug, the stomach around Dean squeezes in on him. He pushes back against the walls and hears a faint sound. Dean presses his ear against the stomach wall in front of him, but the sound is gone. As he presses his face forward to try and hear more, the space around him loosens and he hears the belly around him growl and churns away. He bleats inside and thrashes.

"Mmmmmfff, MMM MMMPH!" Chase rubs over his belly as Dean moves around. The wolf looks at Jo's belly and sees slight movement, but not as active as yesterday. Chase reaches his paw out to touch the crocodile's belly. His fingers twitch as he feels the heat radiating off it as he gets closer.

Jo rolls his eyes and grabs Chase's paw, placing it firmly on his upper stomach. "Go ahead, give it a feel. My old boss sure puts on the pounds." Chase complies and feels around, groping the hefty belly. The dove inside barely puts up a fight anymore compared to last night. The occasional bulges and shoves are canceled out with the loud gurgle coming from around the bird.

"Wow, he's almost gone?" Chase places his other paw on Jo's stomach. He gropes and moves his paws around, lifting it up to feel how heavy and pressing his face against it. The dove inside is too weak to notice what Chase is doing. He believes it's the belly finishing him off as he pushes softly against the churning walls and acids.

"He wasn't a hefty fellow and I'm a big guy that needs food now, so he won't. I've also done this before compared to you." Jo reaches out and fondles Chase's belly. Dean feels the pressure from outside, recognizing it as someone else's hands by the lack of affection. Dean head butts the hands, but Jo continues his examination. "Not a full twenty-four hours and he's still going. It's hard to tell how much longer you'll have him given your age, how many times you've done this, and, I'm assuming, your flat stomach to boot."

Chase backs away and sits on the couch behind Jo. "About that, I want to talk about Dean." Jo sits next to Chase and puts a hand on his Chase's thigh. Chase clasps his paws together and avoids Jo's gaze. "How do I get him out?"

Jo takes his hand back and stares at the wolf. "Um, well, you can't." Jo rubs over Chase's belly. "Once you eat someone there's no point in trying to reverse the process." Chase faces Jo. The crocodile reaches to Chase's face and brushes away a tear. "I know he's your boyfriend, but when we all entered this world we knew that certain things are avoidable. I'm not saying your relationship was doomed from the start, but someone would have taken him."

"I was supposed to protect him and now-" Chase sniffles and wipes away a tear. "Our relationship started on a lie."

"What do you mean?" Jo places his hand back on Chase's thigh.

"We met online and he wanted to meet in person after two months of talking. I wasn't truthful in saying who I was. He has a fear of wolves, but he was just so cute I had to."


Four years ago.

Dean waits at a circle table in the middle of a restaurant, "Le Veggie," a restaurant tailored for herbivores. He shuffles in his seat and looks around, eagerly awaiting his date. His profile is just what he was looking for in a man; romantic, likes veggies, and prey like him! He pulls his phone out and clicks on Chase's profile. He examines the rabbit's picture, a white hare with a carrot sticking out of his mouth. "He's so cute!" He starts writing his message when a wolf approaches him.

"Dean?" The deer looks up and feels all the blood in his body rush out. He feels cold, confused, and scared. "I'm Chase."

"N-no you're not. You can't be Chase." The deer stands up and throws his napkin on the table. "Chase is a white rabbit! He's supposed to meet me here!"

"I knew you wouldn't accept my invite if you knew I was a wolf so I-"

"You catfished me? That is a new low, even for preds. Wouldn't even give me the kindness of getting a head start so you were gonna pounce me and then leave. Well, you won't catch me!" Dean turns around, but before he gets his footing to sprint, Chase grabs his wrist. Dean turns towards Chase and cowers. He stares at Dean, watching the wolf's mouth. "Just get it over with!"

Dean closes his eyes and shivers, but instead of the warm embrace of a tight mouth and scrapes from pointy teeth, he's enveloped in the wolf's arms. Chase kisses Dean on top of his head. Dean opens his eyes and looks at Chase's face. The wolf smiles and kisses Dean on the lips. The deer's ears perk back up as he continues to stare at this creature, this wolf that wants to defy the laws of nature. "I don't understand."

"Your profile said you hate wolves and I tried to find others, but none were as cute as you are." Chase pulls back the chair Dean was sitting in before. "Have dinner with me, just this one date, and if you feel nothing, I won't bother you again. Please."

Dean sits back down and Chase pushes his chair back in. "You won't eat me?"

"I won't eat you. Promise." Chase sits opposite Dean and picks up his menu, looking over the choices. Dean smiles and does the same while glancing back at Chase.


Chase wipes away more tears as the fall down his face. Jo wipes away a few that he can catch. "Chase, it'll get better, I promise. Trust me when I say you never forget your first." Jo reaches behind his back and pulls out his wallet. He opens it and takes out a four quick shot picture from a photo booth and hands it to Chase. The wolf looks at the sequence in the pictures. It's Jo, but he's skinnier and he's with a toucan. In the first picture, they're hugging and in the next, they're kissing. In the third, Jo has the toucan halfway down his gullet and in the last, the toucan is squirming in the belly that Chase recognizes. Chase looks back at Jo and the crocodile smiles. "You never forget your first."

As Chase hands back the pictures, the front door opens and chatter fills the house up. The two men wipe their tears away as the living room is filled with three more wolves and a fox. "Hey, guys!" Jo smiles at his pred friends. He stands up and hugs each one. Chase recognizes one of the wolves as the delivery man who helped bring his couch earlier, but he's definitely fatter than earlier. The other two wolves, one red and one white, have their hands interlocked and rings on their left ring finger. The red and white fox walks right to the armchair like it is his birthright to sit there.

"So while we were waiting around for Terry to show up," the delivery wolf said, "Gerald and John here were telling me about their latest bet."

"Yeah, Gerald's cheating." John, the white wolf, pokes Gerald in the rib cage with his elbow.

"It's not cheating if I perfectly timed this to my advantage. Terry," Gerald turns his attention to the fat fox lounging in the chair, "am I cheating?"

"If I say yes will I get belly rubs?" Terry sinks further in the chair as he gets comfy. He drums along his belly, the only one that's not squirming. "I miss the attention from within and could use some more!"

Gerald rolls his eyes and notices Chase. "Another wolf? My oh my, what a small town." Gerald releases John's paw and sits next to Chase. Chase opens his mouth to speak, but Gerald presses his paws against Chase's stomach. "Oh my, so fresh, probably not even twenty-four hours yet."

Jo looks over at his clock, 7:15 on the dot. "Actually, it's twenty-four hours now."

"And how would you know that?" John asks while Jo scratches the back of his head.

Chase lunges forward as Dean inside bleats. The deer is experiencing the full effects of being inside a belly for twenty-four hours. The burning acids against Dean's fur have softened him up and kept him awake finally setting his nerves on end. Dean pushes against the stomach walls with his appendages. Chase holds his stomach, closing his eyes and panting heavily.

"Mmmmmffff, MM MM MM MFFFFF!!!" Dean's pleas come out muffled as the wolf sticks his tongue out and pants. His pajama pants begin to tent as Dean moves around inside. Gerald leans over and blushes. "Oh my, is this his first time?"

Gerald reaches out to grasp the growing erection in Chase's pants, but John quickly interferes. "Sweetie, we've talked about this. You can't just help other preds get off when they're in the middle of their first twenty-four hours. That's something to do with your partner, wouldn't you say?" John winks at Gerald and whisks him away into the side room.

"Those two are like fucking rabbits, I swear." Terry turns around in his chair and glances at the black delivery wolf. "Speaking of rabbits, Chad, how was he?"

"Well-" Chad lists off what his co-worker looked like and how he tasted to the interested fox.

Jo strolls over to Chase and cups the wolf's chin. Chase stares into Jo's eyes with lust. "What do you say we continue what we started?" Chase only responds by nodding and holding Jo's hand. The crocodile helps Chase off the couch and leads him to the stairs.

"Already, Jo?" Terry hollers at Jo as he takes Chase upstairs.

"Terry, it's okay," says Chad, "This is something you shouldn't do alone."

On their way to the bedrooms, Chase asks Jo, "Why are we leaving them? Oh my fuck! Isn't it kind of rude?" Chase finds it difficult to stop Jo in his tracks Dean's struggles keep the wolf horned up. The wolf's erection is practically ripping his pajamas off. Jo opens the door to the master bedroom. In it are two queen size beds and two nightstands. Jo sits Chase down on one and joins him.

"I guess I forgot to mention. This whole meeting is a weekend affair. We get together once a month and hangout for the entire weekend. We talk about our latest meal, play games, and just be friends. I invited you because after eating your boyfriend it seemed like you might need some. This weekend should help you." Jo places his hand on Chase's thigh again, rubbing it. "Besides, with what's happening to you right now, you really shouldn't be alone. The prey's struggles after twenty-four hours are at their highest. They desperately want to get out, but it feels so good to us that it's hard to concentrate on anything else. So, we also help each other out when needed."

Jo reaches for Chase's pajamas and hooks it below his erect member. The knot has already formed and Chase wasn't going to last much longer with the intense struggles coming from Dean. The crocodile smiles and wraps his hand around Chase and around the wolf's dick. Chase moans out, tightening his belly around Dean as the intense pleasure rises from his dick. "Oh fuck, right there!"

"I haven't even done anything, Chase." Jo chuckles a bit. "It's like being a virgin all over again, huh?" Jo releases his grip a bit and strokes softly over the leaking member. Chase pants as his breathing becomes harder and faster. His whole cock throbs with Jo's soft massage. The crocodile moves his hand down to Chase's knot and squeezes it down. Chase lets out a howl, filling the room up and releasing his load on his belly.

Inside, Dean feels the familiar sensation of Chase cumming on him as the belly tightens around him from the orgasm. He moves around inside, pushing against where the cum fell on Chase's stomach. "Mmmfff, mm mmmffff!"

"I don't think he liked that." Jo chuckles and dips his finger in one of the pools on Chase's stomach. He licks the cum off his fingers and stands up. "Well, you should rest well after that. I've got some other guests to attend to."

"There's no way you can go back down. Not with that at least." As Jo stands up, Chase reaches over and grasps Jo's erection through his sweatpants.

Jo scratches the back of his head and blushes. "Heh, was hoping you wouldn't notice. I'll take care of it in the bathroom later, no worries. It's pretty easy to get hard around guys like us. No shame either." Jo turns around to walk away again, but Chase pulls him to the bed.

"I want to help return the favor, so let me." Jo smiles at Chase's words and climbs to the head of the bed, shaking his sweatpants off in the process. Chase turns around and lies on his belly, pressing Dean against the bed and earning a kick from the deer. Jo's cock throbs for Chase as a bead of pre slides down and into Jo's slit. Chase crawls on the bed towards Jo, licking his lips. As Chase reaches Jo's cock, he opens his mouth and takes the head inside. He sucks firmly and swallows any pre he collects inside.

Chase tries to descend lower and take more of Jo's cock, but his thrashing belly is getting in the way. Every time Chase would try to press forward and take more of Jo's dick into his mouth, Dean would press against the pressure. The wolf whimpers as he takes his mouth off Jo's shaft. The crocodile smiles and stands up. "Lie on your back, we're doing this properly." Chase complies and lies on his back while Jo stands in front of him. He presses his dick against Chase's lips. The wolf opens up and Jo leans forward.

The crocodile grips the bedsheets and pushes his dick forward. His belly brushes over Chase's nose as he fucks the wolf's mouth. Chase breathes through his nose and swallows down precum as Jo has his way with the wolf. The sharp breathing from Chase causes his belly to expand and contract. Dean is submerged in acids as the belly changes shape around him. He kicks the belly walls, uncertain of what is happening outside.

Jo grunts as he presses his body down on Chase, thrusting his dick faster and harder into the wolf below him. His musk overpowers Chase's sense of smell and it's all he's allowed to breathe in with how close the crocodile's belly and crotch is in his nose. Jo thrusts forward one last time and moans out. His cock throbs inside Chase and shoots his warm cum directly down the wolf's throat. Chase is forced to swallow the whole load. Jo's cum makes its way to Chase's stomach and lands on Dean. "Mmm MMM!" The deer shakes the cum off his face and kicks the belly again.

Jo pants and slowly pulls out of Chase as his orgasm dies down. He pats the wolf's belly and sighs. "I definitely needed that, holy fuck." Chase licks his lips and smiles at Jo's dick, giving it a kiss as the member slides back into Jo's slit. "Okay, now you, you rest up. You've had a full twenty-four hours of deer in your belly. It'll get easier from here on out. I'm gonna keep my guests entertained for a bit, but I'll be back." Jo walks out of the room, leaving Chase alone.

The wolf turns himself around and lies on the bed with his head at the headrest. "Twenty-four hours with you in there, Dean. It's sad that I can't let you out, but I guess even if I could you'd never forgive me." Chase drums on his stomach as he settles on the bed. "Try to get some sleep. Jo said it'll be easier for me, but it can't be easier for you. Dean, I love you." Chase drifts off to sleep as the drumming on his belly lessens.

Inside, Dean shakes more cum off his body. As he does so, some fur comes off with it. He's not used to seeing patches of his fur gone. He's still got a lot left, but he misses his entire coat. He whimpers and presses his head against the wall behind him. He closes his eyes briefly, but the stinging acid jolts him wide awake. He hasn't slept for a full day, but time in a belly is hazy and has lost track of time. He holds his furless legs close to his body as the stomach continues its job of working over Chase's food.

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