Puzzle Heart - Chapter 7

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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Klaus and Scotty get down and dirty... again!

I kept it hidden from him the whole of the boat ride back, and all of that night. I wasn't about to spoil something that drove me nuts to think about.

I don't think he slept much, as he was constantly on at me trying to get me to reveal what I wanted.

"I'll do it, whatever it is. Whatever you want, Scotty."

"Oh I know you will." Now I was growing awful cocky, using that flashing grin as my sign of dominance. There was nothing else I could use. I wasn't big enough of body or of personality to laud it over Klaus in any other way. I had my masculine whims, my ways and my means; and all I had to do was tell him.

That was so awesome. He was willing to do anything for me; to please me in any which way he could. It was a wonderful feeling to know that he did it because he wanted to, because it gave him as much of a kick as it would give me a hard-on that wouldn't quit. It was over a small breakfast of fruit and tea that I finally let on.

Klaus had started to get all moody and anxy in waiting for me to ask of him what I planned to ask. It had got to the point of him pacing up and down, the tea cup firm in his grip, his eyes full of excitement and bemusement at what I could possibly want.

"I want you..."

"Yeah? Yes?" Down he comes, rushing to kneel before me like an excited cub being told by his mum and dad where they were going on holiday or some shit.

"If you'd let me finish." I cross my paws in a fake huff, lifting my muzzle away. "Sorry... do carry on." He was such a fidgety sod, unable to keep himself to himself, and barely able to keep those beautiful white sleep trousers from tenting every thirty seconds.

"I want you to go spend your day, afternoon too, working out."

Klaus frowned, sitting back from his cross-legged position.

"But... but Scotty you're not a big fan of that kind of stuff."

"I know... but I want you to go do it."

"But... didn't you want to explore? I'm up to going back to the park and hiking."

"I have a better idea." I got to my feet, his gaze launching up at me with a mixture of confusion and sadness that I hadn't seen in a long time; and now I pressed my right footpaw to the middle of his chest and pushed him backwards, seeing him tumble gently to the wooden floor. "you've made me so desperately horny over the past few days, that I can barely stand."

"Well... ooof, thhh.... Why didn't you say so?" Klaus lifted himself back to prop to his elbows, grinning naughtily back at me, "I can make sure you can't sit for weeks!"

"Naughty dog!" I stood over him now, the tails of my dressing gown loose and dripping like snow cotton waterfalls suspended above Klaus's nose, "you're gonna go have fun today, get really worked up but not worn out. And then you're gonna' come back here at five, and show me all your... _hard_work."

I dropped my gown at that point, standing over him barefurred, my paws crossed like an angry school teacher demanding obedience.

"Yes sir!" Klaus growled and reached to kiss my knee; but I just padded away, sure to swish my tail high to give him a good view of what he was working towards.

"Oh and Klaus?"

"Yes babe?" He was licking his chops and leering at me, I could feel it burn.

"No showers, OK?"

This was gonna' be good.

I had really set myself a tall task, behaving that is. I'd just sent my subject-of-affection out for a day of exercise with my mind going a mile a minute, playing over the thoughts of his body. I had to admit that just thinking about it meant the day was tough to get through.

I mean, how do you busy yourself, keep your paws away from your dick when all your daydreaming concentrates on the sweat dripping slowly down his back, inching over his hardening member and falling in sweet, saltiness from that luscious, nubby tail?

Lucky beads of sweat, that's all I could think of!

In my attempts at remaining flaccid and half-sane, I flumped our case onto the bed and strolled a paw through to the bottom. There was a zipped flap at the back that Klaus didn't know about, and I just remember grinning as I took out what was hidden.

Hmm, well it's not edible per se, but we shall see, I murmured to myself, gazing at just the skimpiest white thong I had been able to put my paws on in a very sneaky shopping excursion in Hong Kong. Against the caramel wood and blue sky, it was a mere shred of fabric, almost wet in the midday light, my paws scrunching it gently as I bit my lip. Putting it on would bring me to the point of no return. I'd have to wait 'til later, or else I'd have to present my mate to be with an impromptu cotton package of my own cum; there's no way I'd be able to hold it in.

I had no idea when he'd be back, so I just pottered around our tropical hidey-hole dressed in one of Klaus's short sleeved shirts. The thing drowned me, but it smelled of him so it made the waiting and the very fact of being here in paradise all the more fulfilling. I could never do this alone, not in a million years. It was one of many things I pondered as I took grateful slurps of fresh pineapple juice, stood out on the deck of our villa in the sea-born breeze , my nose softly grated by the power of the sand, the sea and the tartness swilling around my maw. How could I have ever got so lucky, standing here in the classy surroundings of a top Thai hotel, sipping the best juice, wearing fuck all in the late afternoon sun... and waiting upon a hunk of British dog to come back and pleasure the living daylights outta' me!?

Ow! Fuck that hurt! I had been the silly fox as per usual and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Sure enough, I just managed to yank a hair or two out of my right forepaw and nothing more. No disastrous dream sequence where I wake up and I'm alone again. Man, I really couldn't stand that. I didn't ever want this to change. And fuck me, if this was a coma, all this beautiful hedonism, someone please cellotape the plug to the wall; heck, melt the fucker to the socket!

I don't ever want to leave.

Now me being me, I am not the most patient of foxes, nor do I just dismiss things off-paw. I worry myself into a stupor about the smallest of things, especially when it comes to my lover. I just didn't want Klaus to be disappointed with what he was presented when he came back in from his day. So I waited for the sun to melt into the sea before I started showing my impatience, pacing and biting my nails as that huge globe of colour fading away into the salty ether like a forgotten orange popsicle. We had the hugest double-bed you could ever imagine, pristine in white sheets and held by a carved wooden frame, a brilliant centerpiece to our hideaway out in the orient; and I just couldn't stop fiddling with the damned thing.

First I'd just squash a paw onto its surface, before shuffling the sheets to make sure they were square, before sitting carefully on the edge with my footpaws crossed, then my paws apart, then lying down on it... oh for fuck sake! I just wanted him so bad by this stage. Walk through that god damned door and fuck me hard! I knew Klaus wasn't stupid, and I could tell deep down that this was his revenge for my little deception of sorts. I'd send him away to work with me as the prize when he got back, and in turn he would drag out his absence as long as he could possibly dare. He knew and still knows very well that I hate waiting for absolutely anything, let alone to get my ass seen to! All the while my mind is wondering whether the time was right to slip on my special underwear, knowing that my libido wouldn't stand it for very long with them on.

Fuck I am so stupid sometimes. I can see myself now, remember how I just adjusted myself here there and everywhere; shirt off the shoulders, shirt off entirely, lain on my front, on my back, rump in the air, head to an elbow and a sly smile. Every possible combination, and nothing felt right. I was hot, stuffy and desperate for a good hard romp!

Where the fuck is he? It was about ten o'clock Bangkok time when my mind started switching from pleasure to worry. I had braved to put on that thong, feeling the fabric slip up between me, tight on front and back. Man that felt so fucking good! It was only when I had started to tease myself with the thong string, pulling it tighter under my tail and whimpering with bit lip, that I heard a sudden burst of gulls squawking. Someone or something had disturbed them. I froze solid, my footpaws turned in on themselves and my eyes wide as though shot; and I don't know why either, cos' I knew very well that it was him. I turned slowly to gaze out of our room and down onto the beach and there, padding slowly along the sand, was a tall, dark figure wearing just a pair of white sport shorts. His silhouette was cut from the sea like an Egyptian fresco, walking casually along the midnight-blue shore in tune with the very cogs of nature in its height of machining purity.

He was the automation I needed. He was the epitome of maleness that I craved. His was the sex that hung there, carried by muscle and blood, that made me bend and melt. Thank you, Jesus!

I felt my footpaws go weak and my dick go instantly hard, stretching the already damp white fabric, my sight drowned in comfy blues, blacks and tropical bottle greens. The wooden veranda of our hotel room framed his approach so beautifully, capturing every purposeful stride like a dumb camera, knowing my every dream and fantasy was wandering this way. He would soon climb those steps and hold me. He'd soon climb his muzzle up the underside of my tail and eat me. He'd soon be inside me to the hilt. Oh fuck, why did everything have to go in slow motion! I reckon that, in my mind, I was already smoking that clichéd after-sex cigarette after a bout that lasted all fucking night long. Why the fuck I was so impatient, I don't know! I mean, he was mine after all. I was going to get him, no matter the time of day or night. I was going to feel his presence and hear his voice in my head as we screwed in the romantic nighttime.

I leant back against the open door, one footpaw to the frame as he approached, letting the delicious warm breeze blow my open shirt and tail with abandon. If he was gonna' show off, I wanted to as well.

"Hey there stranger!" I grinned as I saw him reach the bottom of the steps, his paws wet and sandy, his fur mixing with the night as though he were made of it; but he said nothing. Klaus just stood there, a determined, sly, almost anxious look on his muzzle.

And then it hit me. It must've been the change in wind direction or something, cos' it almost gave me a frickin' nosebleed. The scent that wafted from him was just indescribable. I didn't know what he'd been doing all day long, and I really didn't care. Whatever he'd done to prepare for me was everything and more besides. The mix of sweat and musk was overwhelming, a high of piquant, day-old fluids that were softly drying on his spiking fur to gift his energy to the evening air; and to me! Why the fuck would he need to speak?! I mean, Christ almighty, this was heaven! And he knew it, the jammy bastard! There was a cutting smile that launched from his muzzle as he came up the steps, the boards creaking ever so slightly under the weight of his muscle, his paw reaching out to me like a beckoning ghost. My eyes were half closed, my nose snuffling at a million miles an hour, my brain reduced to absolute mush in the wake of the smell.

"I... I..." I stuttered like a lost cub, my ears pinning back in reverence. This was too good for my poor innards to take. You know when you get real excited in that way, I mean really excited, and it ends up making you almost unable to function? Well that's precisely what I felt like in that moment.

There Klaus was, his paw outstretched to me, his fur glistening wet in the midnight and his shorts so beautifully full and transparent and freakin' musky; and I could barely move, forced to lean my weight back against the wall, before propelling myself up and forward. He lead me back into our room and turned me round. I just felt my maw go dry, trying to gasp as I wandered awestruck paws along the veins across his arms. Oh fuck, he was flexing now, showing off in the dark, allowing me to lick his body, feeling the heat and smell of his crotch smoke up between us. The combination was going to be too much. I started to whimper like the little bitch I am, begging for more of the good stuff. The really stinking good stuff! He started doing the same with me, forcing my paws away before tracing his own along my arms.

It was only then that I had noticed how much more bulky I had become. Must've been all this hiking and walking and food and hot sex! He slipped the shirt from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor, leaving me standing there in a tented thong with the most desperate look on my face. And still he said nothing, just placing both paws on my shoulders and pushing gently down. It was the most eerie yet arousing thing I have ever witnessed. I just complied, my eyes sinking with my body to lay fixed stares on his package, half-hard under that thin fabric. All my mind could think was 'oh my god, he's gonna slip them off, oh fuck here it comes'. It sprang out of there, barely able to believe its luck as it was released from its damp, if sporty, prison. That fuckin thing was huge; I don't think I'd ever seen him this big. And just to tease me more, he flexed again, leaning upward with a heave and a whine, revealing that rippling stomach in layers of truffle and black, his dick throbbing and pulsing in the moonlight. Every vessel, every perfectly imperfect stretch mark on that huge dong was revealed, filling out still with his all, bringing him harder than ever I could wish to witness.

I think I must've mumbled something, perhaps wanting him or wanting his cock, cos' the next thing I knew he had come right out of his posing with a grin, before inching over and kneeling over my prone body.

"You've had your turn" he growled, "now it's mine, and you're gonna' take it hard!

My mind was thinking he was gonna flip me over and shove that thing up my ass; but no, Klaus had other ideas. He pushed me down into the bed with a snarl before kneeling his loins right over my muzzle, sitting himself on my face! I just went cross-eyed, feeling my crotch start to give way already. The smell was amazing, my mate's huge balls cuddled across the bridge of my muzzle, the most perfect, tight tailhole doused in a gorgeously horrid sweat placed at the tip of my nose. I wanted to feel him flex, to see that perineum go like the piston that he is. I started imagining him coming, and that just got my heart racing and my voice whining for release.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes!" I moaned, my senses completely sodden with dog musk. Klaus's grinned was audible, just knelt there with a paw rubbing up and down his shaft.

"You approve?" he murmured slyly, the room filled with just the slick rub of his wanking and the seashore swash outside.

And I honestly don't remember saying anything in reply, just rounding my paws on his thighs to almost bring him closer, if that was at all possible. My tongue started on the bittersweet musk, running right between him and teasing those balls to tighten.

"Oh baby."

He was moaning now, starting to a finish, his paw going faster and faster as if riding me. Ride my muzzle you fucking dirty hound!

I just couldn't take this. I really couldn't. I hurtled my tongue up his ass as I grabbed his nub, stifling my orgasm as I spurted. Klaus yelped as I grabbed him, violated his musky hole, the patter of his own hot stream of cum shooting across the sheets. I could feel it spatter over my ears, the mix of his ending growl and the smell of his essence all over me was un-frickin-believable!

"Rub it into my fur!" I yelped, bucking as I saw his perineum flex and spasm, knowing he'd released a tide straight over my ears and onto the bed, "fucking cover me in it!"

"Mmm that's dirty!" And now I could feel his wet paws get even wetter, stroking my tender ears as they lay there in surrender; they were just visible between his thighs.

"Ohhhhhh man"

My voice was just a sleepy, disbelieving murmur at this point, my visage stained and wet, my eyes half-closed and training longing stares at spent dobie nuts.

I mean, how the fuck was he supposed to top that?!

To say I was awestruck at his amazing willingness to please me, at the lengths to which he was going to give me the most incredible nights of my life, was an understatement. I had this gone-out, positive-q sign on my muzzle the whole of the following day, my nose watermarked and punched with the stamp of Klaus's magnetic scent. He'd carved it into me, driven me insane with the waiting, before giving me the release of my dreams.

"I'd... I'd always wanted you to do that." I ventured as we snuggled up together in the cramped but cosy economy seating of our next flight.

"You coulda just told me you know?!"

"I know, but it's a bit..."

"Filthy? Naughty? Downright, disgustingly erotic?"

I frowned at him before pulling the blanket up over my head to hide.

"Hey? Hey Scotty babe?"

"What?" That was kinda muffled now as I was... well, not regretting last night, but starting to wonder whether I was a bit of a perv.

Klaus's big black paw inched the sheet away from my shyness, my ears bending back and my gaze training out of the tiny oval plane window.

"Babe, whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. I looooooved last night."

"You... you did?"

"Well sure I did. I loved feeling you let go all down my back, feeling you beneath me having the time of your life."

I just smiled. Perhaps I was a little tired having to leave Thailand so early to get to our next hideaway. Capping off our time in Koh Samui with the romp we had was wonderful, but I didn't want to come across as clingy or needy or anything. I wanted to be stronger, to be a more dominant lover perhaps. I slept on these thoughts pretty much the whole of the way across sea and land.

We landed in Christchurch and Christ almighty was it nice to be somewhere where everyone spoke English.

"Oh but hang on, I bet if you ask that hung stud, he'd tell you what he could do to you in Maori." Klaus had grabbed my paw and pointed my strained eyesight through the crowd as we travelled slowly along the travellator.

"Are you for real?!" I smirked and blushed as I saw to whom he was referring.

As we got closer, things were a lot clearer. And OK, the wolf in the very, very short dress doing the Haka at the airport as a welcome to us "ke" was - admittedly - hot.

"What was that?" Klaus put his left paw to his ear in jest.

"He's hot" I mumbled quickly, gazing sideward to distract myself with advert after advert.


"OK OK, he's hawt! Real hawt!" I pouted and crossed my paws as we passed the dancing wolf by.

Bastard! He knows very well that I like to look but not touch, that is so long he gives me the same respect. My mate just giggled to himself, his tight jeans revealing the wag of his not-so-apologetic tail to all who could feel and smell his confidence. I tagged along, happy to be in his shadow; and fuck, we could have fun and tease without things having to result in tears. I was growing as a fox, as a partner who could handle someone a lot more cheese to my chalk, a lot more run to my walk and a heck of a lot more fuck to my lovemaking.

"Hey, I make love to you." He whined indignantly as we took to sitting back in departures to catch our connector, almost begrudgingly handing me the coke he'd got me from the vending machine.

I just slanted a smile at him, trying to tempt the "truth" out of him.

"I just..." He took to his seat and sipped gently at this green tea, the tiny bag as a paper and string buoy to the refreshment, "I just make my love to you really,really hard!"

He sure did, and I love it. I'd become the tease, or perhaps I had always been that way. I sipped my drink and giggled through the fizzy caramel of each thirst-quenching slurp, knowing that my mate was as sincere as he could ever possibly be. Above everything, I was really lucky to have him, to be sat here half way across the world waiting for the cogs, fuel and metal of commercial aviation to whisk us onward into the blue New Zealand skies.

Speaking of planes and whatnot, our connection wasn't! That is, Klaus neglected to tell me that this end of the airport was a heliport for those blasted things with spindly fucking insect propellers! I really am no huge fan of them as you can gather. But heck, it was the only way to get where he had planned on us staying - apparently!

Tiny globes of glass and plastic hovering and speeding over the land at a billion miles an hour are not going to be at the top of the list of my favourite modes of transport. I couldn't complain though; I just had to cling to Klaus's left forepaw real tight until we could land. And OK so it was real pretty out there, cruising over the mountains before coming into our destination. The green and grey mixed with the deep navy of the rivers and nearby ocean was incredible to see; and although my nose was stuck on the smell of alcohol - I'd taken one look at the departure board and out the window before heading to the bar to dose myself up good - I could feel that New Zealand was going to be one of those sensory experiences that would forever stay with me. If, and that's a big 'if', I could get over myself and let my tail loose a little. I just couldn't help but think that I was acting as though dragged along on every adventure, showing my inexperience and my unfamiliarity with culture, whereas Klaus felt right at home pretty much everywhere.

He made connections to get us where we needed to be, made eyes at all kinds of tail to get the very best of the best service and was knowledgeable about everything. I made myself a plan to throw myself into this, to go with the flow a little more and perhaps surprise my mate a time or two. Needless to say, the testing of said confidence came pretty darn quick!

"Are you kiddin' me?!"


"That is not the name of the airport, baby.... Is it?" I looked at him, bent over with giggles, "Is it?"

"It really is! See?"

Sure enough on the map, his paw pointed out Pukaki Airport.


"Really really!"

"Everywhere we go, it's a new fetish. It's a holiday of horniness."

Klaus just grinned at my mirth, elbowing me gently with that naughty nature.

"If you want me to grab some lads and give you that, you just let me know!"

Now, I can't say that I hadn't thought about it, but heck, to say it out loud and here, in New Zealand, would've been a tad disrespectful and rather puerile. I kept my muzzle shtum and just played over thoughts of a bevy of hunky hounds spraying me with spunk. Best airport name ever!

There was no haka-performing wolf here either which was a major letdown! Nah, I'm just kidding! I was just glad to have my footpaws on solid ground once again, and to sit back in the comfort of a large taxi van as we were driven up to the YHA in the shadow of Mount Cook.

"Ah that's the stuff!" I flump muzzle-down into the comfy, if rather plain, duvet, "I've missed you."

"We never sleep in the things. We're always humpin'!" "Doesn't mean I can't... I mean... shut up." I mumble as I roll over, my tail flopping over myself as I closed my eyes, "mmm this is bliss. Quiet too."

"Just you wait." Klaus smiled. He was still stood by the door for some reason, "aren't you comin'?"

"Coming? Where are we going?" I sat up on the bed, paws propped to the sheets as I stared quizzically at my mate.

"Oh man, you really thought we were staying here?!"

"Well, yeah." I frowned, "but now you've put it like that, I'm starting to dread assuming anything."

"Quite!" Klaus chuckled and opened the larger of our two cases, pulling something tubular and canvass-y from its packed depths, "surprise!"

"Oh no! Nooooooo way!" I started shaking my head and slung myself back onto the bed, making snow-foxes in the sheets, "no no no no no, not camping! Klaus baby, I want my bed!"

"But you still can..." He hovered over me now, stood smiling righteously down at me. I just pulled the covers over my muzzle again, "just this time you'll have the sheet way above you, the grass below and the stars even higher."

I sighed, murmured into the pillow like a dying engine, resigned to the fact that the room we had padded into was a mere illusion.

"You're cruel, you know that?!"

"Ahhh come on, it'll be fun." He sat down on the duvet next to me, looking at me from upside down, "besides, it'll mean more fresh air and adventures in a whole new ecosystem."

"Yay!" Wow, I can come across really well as sarcastic sometimes; and I fuckin' meant it!

"Welllllll, you know, all those days we'll be out in the wilderness, there'll be plenty of exercise, and naked sunshine and sweaty workouts and... musky dog."

I shot up from the bed, gazing ahead at the door way before my paws rounded on myself and took a hold of Klaus's paw to lead him quickly out towards our bags.

"Did I ever tell you that I looooooove camping?!" I gestured floridly as we made a comical dash for it. I could see Klaus just shaking his head in a giggly frame of mind. Man, I am such a fox!