Heratsu's Heat [Part 2]

Story by Rakuras on SoFurry

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Claws ran through the fur of her other arm, scrubbing into the lengthy, wet bundle she had grown out further than most delphox she had seen prior. It was her style, afterall, and she did have cause to stand out today as her body shook against the river's heat sapping chill yet the real heat still laid trapped within her. Cold showers never worked when one was in season, of course, and the fetters and striping along the "cufflet" of her arm fur looked like a water color painting running through the paper and bleeding into the violet hues nearby.

Even though she stood out for the rare variety of fur color she was born with the exacting look of her natural fur never looked proper to her. It was always so wild, flame-like and prone to wiggling out at uncomfortable times and sticking out at odd angles. Thus through the years she took to trimming and dying her fur in such a way she almost wore her coat as a full gown, the white of her belly fur extending down between her thighs to mimic an under dress. Proud of that as she ran her fingers through to make certain the matting her morning distraction came out smoothly, she then adjusted her belt line and checked where she normally wore her travel pouch. It had become so common for her to wear it and she kept forgetting to take it off that she was noticing the belt's strap was leaving a groove about her hip and molding her furred dress out to have a pillowy top once more much to her annoyance. Always fussing about how big her hips were after six children was common place during her bathing.

But at the very least her bust was not drooping and peeking out from underneath her neck-drawn fluff anymore after that last trim she had in town. The dear chespin was an able groomer and barber but when he was dealing with someone as comely and amply robust sd she he didn't quite keep his composure and trimmed far too high. Maybe "accidentally" as his paws did end up cupping underneath her bosom a pair of times during her trim. He was rather apologetic about it, discounting her to half the usual for the mistake (and a personal bonus during his break...) though she was forced to wear a mock top for over a month! But he was so charming and quite skilled with his hands otherwise...

Shaking her head as the seething heat ran up along her inner thigh at those memories, she pressed down hard against her bosom covering fur to adjust it before her breathing presented the underside of her rounding, annoyed breasts. At this rate she really was likely to pounce the first male that she came across in the woods, even if he were a feral...

Crossing her arms about her middle and pushing in against those thoughts, she distracted her stomach and womb in the same go with the shifted pressure so she could focus on finishing her bathing. It didn't take more than a quarter hour for her to become distracted again once she traced her claws along the inside of her thighs and the moment she accidentally traced over her swollen, puffed out and needy nether lips she was lost for another quarter hour. The cackling echoes carried far in the otherwise quiet morning but not a single soul dared to investigate the witch's desperate calls and cries of lust.

The guild hall was as noisy as ever the moment she stepped foot inside town- she could hear it at the outskirts even this early in the morning! And larger than normal troubled brewed as she noticed the usually active line of stalls now utterly vacant. Not even Rantun the alchemist was manning his stall this morning which was a sure sign trouble was right along her path and she had no capacity to handle guild problems when her own were falling to the ground behind her then sizzled atop the cobblestone pathway. Her tail went from a pleased and wanton upward curve down to a defeated droop the second she took the signs in. No, there was no reason to go inside as she was likely to be anything more than an unwelcome distraction at best.

Looking skyward at the early day's sun and then to the wider valley, she scanned for any couriers or delivery birds on the way even as the merchant's row beckoned her for another reason. The residual noise of the busy businesses made her smile, the psychic imprints of yesterday's highs and lows etched every step she took and the emotions that ran alongside her as she took the round trail towards the civil and housing side of town was pleasant. She had only one destination and choice now to sate the scents that trailed behind her for any could be male to easily and eagerly pick up.

It was a brief walk, short alleyways in a tiny town and finally to the first place she found herself on her knees before the start of winter. It called her to return, breath growing heavy as her heart pounced in anticipation of what she'd find within. Most every town had a place like this, where active eyes were asked to look away and all folks were welcome to go there when their bodily needs arose. She was no different as her eyes turned glossy, a bidden, calm smile stretched across her face. It was a mistake to go and welcome anyone, she always considered the sire the deciding point of giving in or holding off her needs...

But this time it was making her lose focus, the steps into the alley a blur as she sat and drank in the passions and ecstacy that was soaked into the still warm stones beneath her feet. There were cast away blankets and pillows to be freely used and she kept her attention distracted as she adjusted them, preparing her love nest to appease the growing warmth she was adding to the alcove. Her needy mind piled them well enough to where the moment she lay back she sank into them and the plushness of her backside, hips and thighs was well supported.

Legs wide, the invitation obvious to anyone who would choose to follow her or to look into the alley-locked den, and she waited. It seemed forever, pawing over her slick folds that wept cruel, desperate tears of moisture calling for anyone to claim her. To mate her. To breed her. And he never came. No one followed her, the trail as cold as the cushion beneath her after another hour. Her self control span back on her, legs humping the air as the pool of fluids had grown thick enough that both her hind paws were feeling the cold seep into them doubly fast. It was going to be a miserable day it seemed.

The sudden flash of movement brought her out of her tear soaked muttering, eyes clouded as she tried to rub them clear to see the small, blue furred electric rodent hung above her staring down from its vantage on the wall.

"Hey, hey! You're that witch, right?" it asked, squirming in place as they clung on just outside breathing range of the delphox.

"If rumors are to be believe, yes." she answered, dryness and annoyance in her voice once she could crane her neck and and meet them eye to eye. The instant glance underneath and between their claws showed nothing dangling and her mind scowled at the return of her disparate thoughts.

"Good! Great even! Nobody in town knows what to do about the dungeon that erupted this morning. A-and there aren't many fire types in town so can you help us?" she asked, eyes wide, hopeful and characteristically oblivious about the scents that drifted around her.

"... no." was Heratsu's answer, closing her eyes and draping the longest section of fur from her arm across her face. Her taste was fresh upon her lips and slick lines of it stained her once cleaned fur. It teased her further even as her thoughts fell into fatigued blackness joined by bodily exhaustion from the constant barrage of her nethers as she just wanted to be over this, to be satisfied finally.

"B-but the town needs you!" the pachirisu continued, clawing down closer then nosing through the fur across the delphox's face. "If the scouts are right then nobody else can handle it without melting. You have to help us, please!"

The air between them sparked as the delphox's unseen eyes wavered in focus before the pyroclasm about her danced high. Blue-hot flames bounded around her, her lust drunk fluids sizzling then evaporating into a murky steam within seconds before every inch of the hidden alcove was draped in the same deadly fire. A blue veil surrounded the uplifted and levitating electric rodent as she was hauled free of her perch and spared the flames that scalded the brick wall she had just been clinging to. Her eyes were wide, terrified as she hadn't more than the blink of an eye to consider what was going on before she found herself floating.

Realization sank in and her jaw opened, front teeth gnawing and moving against nothing as the shriek of shock was nearly silent. The gulp and clenching of herself against her tail was all she could manage as she was held aloft by the magical powers of the witch. Muffled, unintelligible muttering was joined by the quick defensive jolts of sparks coming from her body that barely eeked out a half a foot before they were lost in the steam soaked air. The smell finally smothered her, the delphox's heat and needs apparent and a second series of self-directed mutterings into her tail were all she do before she felt the world spin and swirl around. She cracked her eyes open, slowly as the vertigo of being thrown around like a stuffed animal made her dizzy and she came eye to eye with the witch.

"I said no and you should understand why, pest." the delphox spat, body shuddering and quaking with rage as the flames seared the room and a thin ring of blue energy circled her purple iris. Two moves at once was usually not an issue for her but her body was fighting her at every step even as she tried to intimidate the squirrel pokemon before her. "Now you're going to suffer quite the punishment for your intrusion and ignorance."

"P-p-please have mercy, m-miss! Mistress! Madam!" came the quick, desperate voice that was riddled with panic. Wavering, the pachirisu curled up tighter against her tail, sparks sliding along her fur instinctively yet being crushed inward only to cause her limbs to twitch and shudder from the self inflicted shocks.

"Mistress, hmm?" the phox considered aloud, tone devilishly lush for the ire soaked into it. She breathed out, warm as an idle thought trickled against her as fresh nectar gushed from her flower below. She felt the squirming and sensed the sparks of electricity bundling over her could be prey. That was perfect, she considered as she pressed her nose to the smaller pokemon's and let her fierceness and annoyance return. "I'll forgive you on one, single condition."

"Anything! Anything as long as I don't get cursed!" she cried out, unthinkingly about the ramifications of such a statement.

"Anything? Perfect!" the delphox purred out, smiling toothily as she placed her paw atop the electric-type's head and pushed her down to the upturned white, middle section of her furred dress. Her nethers were widening then clenching to her thoughts, hips arching as the pachirisu watched those petal spread apart as if trying to reach out for her. "You're going to help me get control of this hunger deep inside me as my heat would never allow me to help the town in its current state so you have a choice. Either be my plaything, my toy until I'm satisfied and able to think clearly or embrace my deepest blight and accept your curse with good graces like a lady should."

"La-" she started to question, eyes going wide as the winking folds spread out with the cold breath of her words reaching them. She tried to look around, finding her head locked firmly in place by the spellcraft that kept her aloft, and realizing once the blue flames were snuffed out where she was. That place, the lover's nest of the town. She'd needlessly and obliviously barged in while tasked with searching for helpful fire-types. All too late to save her from the curse.

She slumped, her tail dangling as she turned her eyes pleadingly up towards the still smirking delphox's face, and then down at the fluid streaked folds before her. Eyes up and down repeatedly, starting to open her mouth as she considered then reconsidered the demand as she took the delphox's figure in at the same time. What was she going to do?

With the poor dear's body language so obvious Heratsu leaned up and forward, kneeling atop the pile of pillows that were (mostly) cleaned of her fluids from her cleansing inferno. Face equally as wavering from her confident and intimidating behavior, she snapped her fingers and a warm trickle of blue flame danced underneath the electric-type in front of her. Spiraling up and around her tail, the poor dear squirming like she were about to be baked alive, yet the mother of many shushed her and planted a small kiss atop her head. The paled, chill flames wiped at the tears that were starting to trace along the pachirisu's jaws, never once too intense to scald or bake the smaller pokemon.

"See, I've not the clearest head right now in my season, young one." she spoke, tone soothing, motherly with her claws circling the squirrel's head and rubbing against her broad cheeks then casting the flames away to fade. "Calling me Mistress had me consider you were asking for that and I acted on it. But you clearly don't want anything sexual, do you?"

"No, not at all!" she responded, shaking her head quickly without considering the claws that tugged into her pelt before they were quickly drawn back.

"Then I apologize for the misunderstanding, Miss...?"

"Tilly." she piped in, jaw jittering as she was still very much at the delphox's mercy.

"Miss Tilly..." Heratsu sighed out, shaking her head and placing a paw across her own forehead then raking downward. This had turned into such a mess she was barely able to consider her words calmly rather than letting the raging beast she heard demanding satisfaction butting against the inside of her skull. It was turning into a clear cut headache at this rate. "I'm a right mess as you can plainly see and I avoided the guild this morning for that exact reason. My needs still stand but you don't swing that way, right?"

"That wa-- ohhhhh. No, sorry." Tilly answered while rubbing the back of her head with a paw as she was still held aloft by the witch-phox. It didn't last, though, as she felt the cool touch of the paving stones underneath her haunches as she opened her eyes after her awkward, friendly smile. "I kinda got carried away as the heat I felt from in here was all I thought of before bounding over. I... tend not to come in here- ever- as I haven't found 'him' just yet."

"Hopefully you do." said Heratsu, nodding to Tilly before she collapsed forward atop the pillows and spread her back legs out and wide with her tail swaying temptingly atop the curve of her backside. It all stood out as a temptation to any would be men who came by, an 'accidental' offer she did solely out of habit when she was sprawled like this. "But that still leaves both of us unsatisfied."

The innuendo was clear, Tilly smiling before nearly falling into a fit of giggles as the delphox remained more calm and let her mirth show with just a silent, shaking laugh. Her life was nearly snuffed out and she was holding off tears of laughter over a dry, normal innuendo. Collecting herself and dismissively waving at the air in front of her with a bashful turn, Tilly added. "And here I was hoping I'd find someone able to handle a little bit of heat and that's exactly what you're doing already!"

The scowling delphox was less than amused by Tilly's wise crack.

A second searing was all it took for Heratsu to feel her affairs in the dead end alleyway were done, shaking her head at the whole mess even as the squirrel rested along her shoulder. The dash of reality and talking to someone for a while helped her get her thoughts back in order even as her swollen pelvis ached in a growing number of ways and angles. Step by arduous step she made her way towards the center of town, the guild, as she would only get the aid she needed there.

Resting a hand on the broad door frame to keep her from falling to her knees- a part of her feeling she should debase herself and just crawl in acting like a mad feral at this rate- she collected herself and prepared to enter. Her arrangement with Tilly gave her time as the electric-type went in first to the scramble of voices and what was an impromptu town meeting that had gone on for hours with no headway. The tiny voice that the phox barely caught as the pachirisu's was finally let address the hall and the muffled words and gasps after were all she needed to hear before her signal to enter was obvious.

She didn't get the chance to throw open the door herself before a few gentlemen filed out from the entryway of their own accord and caught the exhausted delphox under their combined arms and bodies. She felt graced to have so many able bodies near her and the glossiness returned to her eyes...

Heratsu wasn't certain when she woke up next as she felt the warmed sheets and bedspread around her hauntingly short on any would be male to keep her company or who had. No stains outside those that soaked through her own fur were surrounding her and the only sign she had another beside her was a thin tuft of pinkish and white fur. Instinctively drawn to it, she pressed her nose in and understood the scent quickly. A male absol, as she'd dreamed of but he was no longer here. The other muddled scents of the pokemon who carried her to this bed were distant memories to her fresh attention but the curled edge of a note beside her pillow in the inn's chambers was answer enough to what was going on.

Heratsu -

_The guild has put up a posting at your requested price and eagerly await you taking the job. _

Your other request did... not go over so well. But there were plenty after the meeting who said they would be willing to help you handle your season. Since it's not welcome to discuss these sorts of things in public, those interested were told to meet this evening after sun down just before the western river's first bend.

I'll take you there if needed! The inn's on the house given your circumstances so don't worry about anything else. See you later tonight. Maybe I'll find my own mate too!

- Tilly

This evening was all her racing heart had to hear, eyes closing and pressing the note to her forehead as the mental relief and calm sank back into her. And "he' was amongst those who helped bring her here, what fate she'd never once considered real. Oh she only hoped that the looks that she knew he had held a charmer beneath, someone who would be an able father and mate. It was like she was a braixen again with her first crush, rereading the letter for anything else she may have missed. But for now she could just wait as she pressed herself back and spread out wide atop the bed, taking a heavy breath of her body's need and enjoying it rather than dreading it. She finally had hope come from the awful start to her day, a dream becoming reality.