[Commission] A Toy's Purpose: Celebration

Story by Nemo0690 on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Commissioned by Hiddenxibalba

Fifth story of the Toy-verse, part 1 of 3.

Another year has ended. As the Toys and Masters of Zootopia gather to indulge in each other while counting down to the New Year, Nick Wilde searches the wild party for the one who gave him his invite. But the glowing lights and masks that dance through the mansion halls hide darker secrets, which the figure stalking the fox may decide to finally reveal. What exactly is a Toy's purpose?

Warning: this story is based heavily on the works of FA: Slug , and so will get very depraved very quickly. As always, please check the tags before reading.

If you like what I've written and are interested in commissioning something, please feel free to head on over to the adult info tab of my profile for more information. If you have any questions or would like to chat about ideas, don't hesitate to get in contact; even when commission are closed, my PMs are always open.

And hey, if you want to support my writing and feel so inclined, I'm also accepting tips at the link down below. Any little bit is helpful and greatly appreciated!https://paypal.me/Nemo0690

Light classical music played through the dimly-lit hall of the manor, drifting through the air along with the chaotic murmur of hundreds of animals all conversing in a large space. The New Year's party was in full swing, guests schmoozing with each other as wine and spirits flowed freely. Here and there, a few pred mammals excused themselves while making their way through the crowd, trays of hor d'oeuvres balanced precariously in their paws as they made sure the guests' bellies and glasses remained full. A large banner hanging over the stairway down into the pit of gathered partygoers proudly proclaimed it to be the '93rd Annual Masters' Ball', and all along the walls were massive flat-screens displaying highlights of the year: an entire year of preds being debauched, used, and whored out by their prey Masters.

It was into this cacophonous pandemonium that Nick Wilde, officer of the ZPD, descended. His usual wide, charismatic, playful smirk remained firmly in place on his lips as he shot the occasional finger-guns at a partygoer who called out to him in welcome, but inside a knot of anxiety was twisting his gut. He'd heard about these kinds of parties--gatherings for Masters to play with their Toys--but this was the first one he'd been invited to. His eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the one who had invited him; the one who had sidled up to him after the last debriefing of the year, dismissing the other ZPD officers and then pushing a sealed envelope into the fox's paws with a wide grin of his own. Chief Bogo.

Of course, that was easier said than done with everyone at the party masked and cloaked in long, billowing robes that hid some of their forms more thoroughly than others.

Well, that wasn't entirely accurate. The prey mammals--the Masters--were all dressed in their costumes; that rotund figure over there accosting a pred serving boy must be Officer Higgins, and Nick could guess at the identities of a few other officers he'd seen around the ZPD station. The preds, meanwhile--the Toys, like Nick--were dressed only in their collars and a smile; Nick had been stripped, collared, and leashed at the door, and it was actually a relief for the fox to see that he wasn't the only pred showing off the goods to the gathering of Masters.

Nick glanced over to a ring of cloaked Masters clustered off to the side around Officer Snarloff. The bear was on his hands and knees, groaning and roaring in bliss as he was pounded from behind by a massive-cocked elephant; Nick recognized that girthy shaft, that had to be Officer Trumpet rutting the squirming polar bear. Snarloff gasped at a particularly deep thrust, and his ears showed a burning pink through his white fur as he blew a load of cum all over the tiled floor. One of the watching Masters--the mammal's hand working under his cloak, no doubt stroking his own erection--called out for Snarloff to 'lick it up!', and Snarloff eagerly shuffled backwards--was allowed to shuffle backwards by Trumpet--to obey.

Nick looked to a tall, lanky figure standing by the buffet table when he caught a whining squeak from beneath its robes. The figure noticed Nick's glance and chuckled, reaching down to bundle up and lift his robes; he revealed the long, slender legs of an antelope, as well as the naked otter suckling on the prey male's long, slender erection. Wasn't that the otter from the Nighthowler case? Nick grinned, taking a moment to watch the smaller male burying his broad, soft, cute-looking snout in the antelope's pubic fur before letting his gaze wander away.

Nick saw Delgato making his way towards a group of robed and masked Masters standing off to the side, eagerly moving into the arms of one while another groped the lion's pert, perky ass. Delgato's paws were all over the Masters'--admittedly very built and muscular-looking, even under their flowing costumes--chests and sides and down to their crotches. One of the shorter males lifted his robes to reveal a fat, gargantuan equine length that Delgato immediately grasped with a purr Nick could hear from clear across the room. The fox looked away, and saw Clawhauser front-and-center at the stage along one wall where a pair of burly tiger dancers were putting on a show; that is to say, Clawhauser was practically laying his top half over the edge of the stage--gazing up at the tigers with adoration as naked as the trio of felines were--with his tail hiked up and his plump ass spread open wide for the line of partygoers behind him. Over to the side, Nick could see Wolfard and Grizzoli making out with each other; the two wolves were grinding the erections that were slowly pushing free from their sheaths together, while another ring of Masters around the pair cheered them on.

Nick eyes drifted over the tableaus of debauchery in the sea of masked prey and naked preds, feeling the throb in his crotch; his cock was poking from its pouch, eager to make its presence known to his hosts. There was only one problem; Nick couldn't see any sign of Chief Bogo.

The invitation made it clear that the fox was to present himself--and he had a very good idea of what that meant--to the cape buffalo as soon as he arrived. And Nick, ever the good, eager Toy, wanted to follow the Master's orders before allowing himself to indulge in mingling. His gaze swept over the crowd, and then moved back for another pass--his training in the ZPD coming to him for a moment even through the wafts of musky funk already starting to fill the crowded hall--but he still couldn't catch sight of any figures that matched the Chief's profile.

So caught up with his search was he that Nick didn't notice the shambling, hunched partygoer approaching him until a wizened, cloth-wrapped arm slung itself over his shoulders. "Looking for something, little pet?"

Nick jerked in surprise, and then slipped his mask of grinning confidence back onto his face as he leaned back against the other mammal's body. He tried to feel out the Master's shape beneath the costume; what species was he? The voice that had broken the pred out of his thoughts was dry, hoarse, crackling like dead leaves on the sidewalk; how old was this guy? Not that Nick had any problems with age. A cock was a cock--big or small, equine or knotted or fat as an elephant's--and the time spent playing with it to get older Masters going was only a bonus in his eyes. "Just taking everything in, sir. Fancy setup, huh?"

"Mmm." The throaty, almost crooning hum from beneath the other male's mask accompanied the Master's groping, exploratory hand as it stroked down Nick's back to settle comfortably on the fox's rump. Without even needing to be told, Nick hiked his tail up and spread his legs to push back against the contact; a dry, indulgent cackle shuddered through the Master's body as a long, thin finger began to trace up and down the cleft of the pred's firm, supple ass. "I'm glad you approve, little pet." The other male's voice grew softer, more intimate, as his free hand moved around to caress Nick's chest. "I always look forward to this time of year. Filling my hall with my fellow Masters and the Toys they've gathered." Down to Nick's belly, drawing a whimper from between the fox's slack lips. "Sampling the new blood..." Through Nick's pubic fur and teasing over his sheath, always shying away from the throbbing flesh of the pred's shaft. "Allowing males to indulge in every little one of their desires..."

Nick's breath hitched as a claw slipped into the opening of his sheath, tugging at the sensitive flesh, and he leaned more heavily against the Master that was molesting him. Despite his apparent age, the fox could feel the strength in the older male's frame. And just how elaborate was the Master's costume under those robes? He grunted, finding a more comfortable place to settle that didn't have odd, uncomfortable protrusions, and craned his neck up to look at the Master's masked face. "So you're the host of this shindig?"

"I am indeed." The proximity, the shift in position, allowed the Master to slip a finger into Nick's hole. Nick whined, low and soft and showy for Master, and clenched his ring before relaxing and letting the dexterous digit push into his hot, needy depths to the knuckle.

"Mmf. I-I'm flattered you'd pick me out of this crowd, Master." A wave of heat washed over Nick's face at the aroma--the thick, masculine musk--that wafted from beneath the Master's robes. Strong. Pungent. And honestly, maybe a little bit rank; but Nick had smelled worse, and was still eager to fill his lungs with another male's scent. He breathed in deep and pressed in close to the other mammal as Master's one finger was joined by another. Stretching him. Plunging in deep, and then swirling around his flexing pucker. Teasing all around that spot within him, but never quite brushing against it. Even as the fox lost himself in the pleasure Master was giving him, his mind swimming through the haze of Master's musk, thoughts of Chief Bogo--and more than just the usual lustful fantasizing about the buffalo's fat dick in his throat and ass and cumming all over him--still lingered. "Um, I'd be even happier to service you... any way you'd like..." The fox's voice turned throaty as he looked over the hidden figure, wondering what it looked like--how big master's cock and balls were, how firm his muscles, how thick the fur in his underarms and chest and crotch--under the other male's cloak. He cleared his throat. "But, uh, I am looking for something. Uh, someone. Is the Chief anywhere around here?"

"Bogo?" Another soft cackle. "Ah, yes. We were actually discussing you earlier, little pet."

"Me, specifically? ...S-sir?"

"Indeed." A third finger joined the digits slowly working in and out of Nick's hole. "He's told me all about how well you've taken to your new position. How eager you are to perform..." The fingers of Master's free hand formed a tight, nearly-crushing ring around the base of Nick's forming knot, and another whimper caught in the fox's throat. "What a good little cum-guzzling whore you are."

"I try, sir." Fuck, this guy was good; well, all males were good in Nick's eyes, but none of the other Masters had been able to get him melting so fast. The fox's legs shook, and it took every ounce of his concentration to force his lolling tongue into the shape of words. "Wh-where is he, sir? I wanted to ask him... something... but if you like, I can service you both." It had been too long--a week or so--since Nick had handled two Masters at the same time, and he yearned for the throbbing and twitching fullness in his gullet and hole; or maybe the feeling of being stretched and filled and rutted by two fat, thick, dribbling cocks at once. Nick wasn't picky.

"You don't need to worry about him. We discussed a few other matters, and I left him to take care of some business." The Master affected a light, dismissive tone, and then his masked face leaned in close to brush against Nick's throat and cheek. "Though I'll take your offer of service, little pet. It's been a long time since I've fucked a Toy as enthusiastic as you."

Again, a waft of rich, cloying scent drifted from beneath Master's robes to cloud Nick's mind. The fox breathed it in eagerly, his erection pulsing against Master's one hand as his passage clamped around the working fingers of the other. Nick was allowed to pull himself out of the other male's arms, but only because master seemed to know what the fox had in mind. The pred's shaky legs dropped out from beneath him, and he fell onto all fours with his hips and tail hiked up high; he presented himself like a female in heat right there on the tiled floor. "Please, sir, I'm begging you. Use me..." The needy whine in his voice drew a few low chuckles from the prey mammals nearby, but Nick didn't care; he needed this, and at this point had grown completely shameless about letting his desires be known.

"Mm, such a good boy. A good whore. A good little pet..." Two thin, clawed fingers tapped Nick's shoulder before Master's hand held itself out expectantly, and the Toy knew to offer the handle of his leash to the other male. The slack leash was pulled taut, and Nick's dribbling erection jumped and pulsed between his spread thighs as the rough leather of the pred's collar dug into his throat; he gagged, and his mind swam, but still the fox moaned in bliss. He was a good Toy. Even if it hurt, he was made to pleasure his Masters and entertain every single one of their whims.

That was his purpose, after all.

Shuffling from behind. Sharp claws digging into his flanks as his asscheeks were pulled wide open, baring the loose, flexing pucker under his tailbase. Air flowing over the sensitive flesh--a deep sniff--and a shaky groan of approval from Master at the scent clinging to his hole. The looming male hummed and took in another lungful as his thumbs worked over the fox's clenching rim. "You stink of whoredom, little pet. How many cocks have you taken?"

"I've lost count, sir." A proper Toy's answer.

Master chuckled, and then Nick's breath hitched as something smooth, round, and massive pushed against his pucker. A buttplug? A dildo? He couldn't tell right off hand; all the fox could tell was that it was being shoved up under his tail until it finally popped through his ring to stretch his insides in the way Nick had come to love. The pred hissed and moaned, bucking his hips backwards as the plug settled inside him; it had to be at least as thick as an elephant's malehood. "Here's to another year of filling this little cunny of yours with seed, little pet."

Nick's ears and cheeks burned. Cunny. A hole to be bred, fucked, filled with load after load of thick, sticky, virile prey cum. A few of the Masters had called his ass that, and Nick had always played along; but something about hearing the word crooned in that crackling voice made his knees weak and his crotch throb. It felt right coming from this Master. "Thank you, sir." He heard shuffling behind him once more, and a tug on his leash brought Nick back up to his feet. The shifting of the heavy, thick thing in his guts--putting harsh, constant pressure on that sweet spot within him--made his cock dribble a constant, steady stream of precum that dripped to the floor between his hindpaws.

"I've an idea, little pet. Something I'm sure you'll really like." Nick could feel the wide grin hidden beneath Master's mask. Another tug on his leash made the fox follow behind the other male as they joined a stream of people heading towards a pair of double doors leading out of the hall.

"Sir?" Nick new better than to ask where they were going; it wasn't his place to question his Masters' whims, even if curiosity burned under the heady, musky fog clouding his brain.

"Mmmmm..." That almost-whining hum burbled in Master's throat once more. "We've a special show for this year's ball. A guest who's agreed to grace us with his presence for a little... display." Nick couldn't stop his ears from pulling flat against his skull at the sliver of cruel delight in the other male's voice. "Come, it's about to begin."

Finnick let out a heavy sigh as he was lead into the room by one of those cloaked freaks who'd greeted him when he first arrived at the remote mansion. He looked around, taking in the sights; the large, rectangular, deep pit in the center of the room--a drained pool?--and the guests of this shindig--prey mammals dressed up in masks and robes, and preds naked and collared and leashed and fuck was that Wilde?--gathered around it. Finnick's ears pulled back as they burned; he wasn't sure what kind of Eyes Wide Shut shit he'd gotten into. But he'd been promised a fat payout, one bigger than any other offer the fennec had received since he'd started putting out like this, and that was what mattered.

"Go on." The prey mammal leading him--he was pretty sure that was a hippo--patted Finnick on the back and nearly sent the tiny male tumbling down into the dry pool. Finnick snarled at the fucking oaf, and climbed down the ladder into the pit. That set of double doors that had been added to the far wall of the pool was concerning, but the fennec had seen--participated in--weirder shit than this impromptu arena setup. He didn't know what these freaks had in mind--gangbang, probably, but with who; and would the prey mammals gathered around the edge of the pool and looking down at him just be watching, or would they jump down to participate?--but the traitorous throb in his crotch at the anticipation of finding out set his teeth on edge. Ever since that fucking job with the Manechester assholes, he'd been feeling like this; feeling heat--arousal--gathering in his gut every time he did gay shit. He didn't enjoy it, dammit. It was just a gay-for-pay side hustle. He wasn't thinking about who would stride through those doors, whip their dick out, and make him suck them off while the audience watched.

While Nick watched.

Finnick glanced towards the other fox, taking in Wilde's nudity. How Nick was collared and leashed like the rest of the present preds; how the other fox's cock--his long, fat shaft, with the thick knot already popping free from its pouch--dripped and throbbed and bobbed between his thighs as Nick shifted from foot to foot. Was he in on this shit? Why hadn't he told Finnick anything? It'd been way too fucking long since they'd hustled together, and Finnick was wondering what had happened to his former partner since the larger fox had gone straight; not that he missed the asshole or anything.

The fennec definitely wasn't thinking about what it would be like to 'hustle'--to do all the gay shit he definitely hadn't started enjoying getting paid for--with the red fox once more now that they'd seen each other like this.

The cloaked figure holding Nick's leash was the one to step forward, clearing his throat and silencing the milling audience. "Gentlemammals. Masters and Toys. My sweet, darling little pets..." Was he the ringleader of this little freak show? "Another year has passed us by, and we've gained so many new members of our ranks." The figure's masked face turned, and judging by the shifting in the crowd every single present mammal could feel the weight of his gaze. "In celebration, I've arranged a special show for you all tonight. One starring young Mr. Finnick"--the tiny fox snarled; he wasn't a fucking kid, dammit, even if he could pass for one--"and a certain special guest. Please, relax and enjoy yourselves!" Quite a few of the crowd murmured and laughed at the words; their cloaks were tented with their erections, and some rubbed themselves through the cloth while others lifted their robes up to stroke their lengths openly.

Finnick's attention was drawn away from the display above as the double doors across from him swung open. At least he'd finally be able to get this over with. The fennec fox drew himself up--as much as his small stature would allow--and crossed his arms as he watched his apparent partner for this show step into the pit with him.

Finnick blinked. He stared. He didn't scream, but he could feel it pushing up from his knotting, twisting stomach to catch in his throat. That wasn't a fucking mammal.

The creature--the beast--loped forward on all fours like the preds who'd gone savage in that incident a while back; like one of their feral ancestors. Of course, that was where the similarities to any kind of mammal Finnick had ever seen ended. Its sharp-beaked, skeletal, almost insect-like head was crowned with a large, flat, sharp crest that arced over its back. It didn't have any eyes--just two long, wriggling, tentacle-like antennae where eyes should be--or fur; its skin was smooth and dull black and looked almost like scaly plating in places, especially the ridges along its spine and sides and the base of its lashing, forked tail. There was a thick, plump, fleshy sac around its neck, looking almost like one of the collars the pred males up above were wearing. And the thing was definitely male; between its hind legs, swinging hanging heavily from its underbelly, was a pair of gargantuan balls and a monolithic, alien shaft that rose from its plump sheath to fill the stale air of the room with its cloying, musky stench.

When mammals are faced with danger, they usually find themselves subject to three different instincts: fight, flight, or freeze. On the mean streets of Zootopia, freezing in the face of a threat could get you iced or worse; and--despite Finnick's pride as a male--the fennec fox knew there was no way in hell he'd be able to fight that big, growling, prowling monster.

And so, Finnick chose flight. He turned on his heel and bolted towards the ladder up the side of the pool wall--towards safety--as the watching crowd jeered at his yells--not screams, definitely not--of panic. Of course, more of those cloaked assholes were there to meet him--to shove him backwards, blocking his escape from the creature--and no matter how hard he fought Finnick couldn't break through.

A massive paw batted against the tiny fox, sending Finnick to the tiled floor at the bottom of the empty pool with a grunt and a pained wheeze. The fennec pushed himself to his hands and knees, ignoring the pain--ignoring the whooping and catcalling from above--as he tried to crawl away from the beast. He heard another growl. A hiss. A spatter as something thick, wet, and gooey struck his back.

Musk. Thick, raunchy male musk. Like a million pair of underwear that hadn't been washed in months--years--being shoved into his face at once. Like the rich male-stink of balls and cock and ass multiplied a hundred-fold. Like a thousand sweaty, aroused males rutting and being rutted as they filled the air with the scent of sex. Rank. Cloying. So fucking good.

Finnick's mind swam as his limbs dropped out from underneath him. He panted and groaned, rolling over onto his back, and sat up. The fennec could only watch, frozen, as the creature lumbered forward. Its tentacle-antennae wriggled, starting to glow, and


He felt good.

He felt hot. Giddy. Aroused.

A moan slipped from between Finnick's slack lips as he stared at that beautiful light. He could see more of that thick, viscous, delicious-smelling liquid--spit? Some kind of venom? Finnick couldn't get his hazy, scattering thoughts in order--dribbling from the creature's jaws. His gaze dropped--tried to pull away from that hot, captivating light, only to be drawn back like metal to a magnet--to his mate's fat, needy cock. Those balls, filled with seed ready to pump into him. That shaft, ridged and spiked and so fucking sexy. The precum--and what was that soft, slimy, pale thing pushing out of his mate's wide piss slit?--flowing down the steaming length and pooling between his mate's hind legs.

Finnick knew what he needed to do.

His paws grasped the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and off and tossing it away. Then they moved to the fly of his pants, pulling it open and shoving the useless obstruction down his thighs. His thumbs hooked into his boxers, pushing those down his legs too, and he kicked the last of his clothing away to completely bare his nude, supple eager body. As his torso leaned back and his hips lifted, his paws finally came to rest on the back of his thighs, holding his legs up and open. His hole pulsed. His cock throbbed on his stomach, wetting his fur with his own pre.

He was ready for his mate to breed him.

The creature purred as it stepped forward, looming over the miniscule fox, and the watching crowd cheered and moaned at the sight of the beast's erection twitching and dribbling as it neared its target. And that pale, smooth thing pushing free from the thing's piss slit wriggled and finally dropped with a wet plop onto the tile floor. Some of the Masters leaned in to whisper and murmur to each other. Others groaned in perverted arousal at the sight, either pumping their own throbbing shafts or grabbing a nearby Toy to use for their pleasure. Finnick, his scattered thoughts still drifting through a haze of delicious breeding musk, ignored the worm inching its way towards the pool of precum the beast left in its wake; instead, the fennec reached down to grasp the gargantuan shaft being offered to him as his mate shuffled closer.

Thick and long. Hot. Pulsating with the creature's heartbeat and feral, bestial arousal. Finnick took a deep breath of its rank, cloying scent, and let out a belly-deep moan as his paws caressed every inch of the monstrous--literally--cock. He felt over the ridges along its length, pushed down to tease his fingertips over and into the plump pouch of the thing's sheath--where a few more small, slimy worms brushed over the fox's pawpads as they slithered around the base of the creature's member--and then gripped behind the spiny, flared head to push it against his hot, needy pucker.

So big. So thick. He'd taken so many cocks--lifted his tail and been rutted like the horny, eager slut he was--but never one this gargantuan. For a moment, he worried that he wouldn't be able to take the full thing; that his mate wouldn't be able to grind those heavy, full balls against his tailbase while pumping him full of seed. He couldn't even see that sexy, seductive light shining at the tips of his mate's antennae in this position; the sexy beast had moved over him, wrapping its forepaws around his hunched back while rocking its hips against him.

Finnick blinked as the thick fog in his mind cleared for a moment. He looked down at himself, and felt like a stranger in his own head as he took in the sight of his leaking erection and his paws pulling that fat cock against his hole. The fennec groaned, nose wrinkling at the cloying stench surrounding him, and tried to put his thoughts back in order. What had he been doing?

The beast grunted, and its member jumped as a thick glob of precum gushed out over Finnicks crotch and rear. The fennec could feel something--multiple somethings--writhing within the slime, wriggling towards the clenching ring under his tail. His pucker tingled, itched, burned as the things--worms? Was this fucking thing infected with something? Was it trying to infect him?--pushed into him.

A surge of heat ran deep into him along the length of his passage, slamming into his gut like a fist. His balls drew up, tightened, and his cock jumped as the tiny fox teetered on the precipice of orgasm. His thoughts slipped through his fingers once more to sink back into the mire of rank, mouthwatering musk. Finnick could feel a strange numbness--a paralysis--spreading through his lower body; it loosened the ring of his pucker and the inner walls of his passage, allowing the creature's cocktip to finally pop past his body's defenses.

Finnick screamed. His arm wrapped around the huffing, scaly body covering him, and his paws clutched at the ridges and scutes running down his mate's sides. He came, coating his chest and stomach and the creature's underbelly with spurt after spurt of his own pleasure. And as the fennec's clamping and relaxing passage worked around it, the creature pushed its hips forward to sink its erection into Finnick.

Deep. Deeper. Deeper still. The tiny male writhed and squirmed as he was filled past his breaking point and beyond. It should have torn something inside him--maybe even pushed through his other end as the creature impaled the fennec on its throbbing, twitching girth--but somehow all Finnick could feel was an inferno of pleasure. All he could feel was that length pushing into his depths to stretch and strain his passage. All he could feel was his mate's cock marking him, claiming him, ready to fill him with seed again and again as those massive balls drained themselves into his bowels.

It was his purpose.

Finnick let out a deep groan of bliss as his mate began to rock into him. Again and again. In and out. That thick cock grinding against his loosely-clenching inner walls and putting constant pressure on that spot within him; that spot that never failed to turn him into an eager, cum-guzzling slut every time it was touched or hit or played with. His own hips twitched as they tried to push up against every one of his mate's slamming thrusts, and he felt the vibrations of the sexy beast's tender purring through his own panting frame. A nuzzle against the crown of his head, a lick of his mate's lolling tongue--smearing his face with more of that delicious slime that reeked of male-stink--and a deep croon from within the creature's own rumbling throat.

_Another hiss, pleasured and lustful and stoking the fires in Finnick's own gut. A gag, the creature's throat convulsing; that puffy, fleshy collar expanding and contracting. The creature's jaws opened wide, and a surge of slimy venom washed out to coat Finnick. _

Musk. Heat. More wriggling and writhing and squirming over him. Finnick whimpered, mouth falling open and eyes rolling back as his mind blanked out. His thoughts scattered, slipped through his fingers, sunk into the roiling mists of male-stink-tinged fog as his hips rocked mindlessly while he came and came and came and

Nick stared, eyes wide and ears pulled flat against his skull--and burning with shameful, insistent arousal--as he watched the 'special show' below. He could feel his cock pulsing against Master's teasing, stroking touch while watching Finnick getting fucked by that monster. What the fuck was the other fox doing there? Had he agreed to this? Was he a Toy like Nick was? The pred tried to push his mind through the musky fog of whispering, tittering fantasies plaguing his mind--him and Finnick playing with each other, the smell and taste of his former partner's cock and cum and ass tingling in his nose and on his tongue as the fennec explored his own body; and then the two turning to share a Master's fat, throbbing cock together--as he watched the display reach its climax.

The creature was roaring with bliss as it came. Finnick was writhing and panting as the smaller fox painted his belly with his--fifth? Sixth? Nick hadn't been keeping count--orgasm. And when the beast pulled its cock free from Finnick's gaping, destroyed ass, Nick could see the cum gushing from the tiny male's hole--and the fat, wriggling worms swimming through the thing's seed and slithering in and out of Finnick's infected entrance.

"What the fuck is this?"

"It's the fate of all my good little pets." A waft of cloying, raunchy, near-fetid musk. A crooning hum from behind. A quiet cackle as Master--the host of this party and organizer of the insane show playing out before Nick's horrified eyes--continued to molest the pred. Nick wanted to bat the other male's hands away--to turn and run from whatever the fuck this had turned into--but a good Toy stayed in place while Master was playing with him. He couldn't stop the throaty moan slipping from his lips as the fox's weakened knees made him lean heavily back against Master. "Perhaps you wish to join them, little pet?"

For one gut-wrenching, pulse-pounding moment, Nick almost said yes. He eyed the creature's still-twitching erection as it ground against Finnick's blank, blissed-out face; saw the creature sit on its haunches beside its catatonic partner, letting its cock dribble on the other male's cheeks while pale worm crawled over and into Finnick's nose and ears and gaping mouth. The monstrous length was fat and thick and gargantuan, yes, but Nick could probably take it. He could go down there, present himself for the beast, and get rutted hard and fast and deep while sucking Finnick's cock; or maybe eating the parasite-infected load of cum right out from the fennec's gaping ass. And then he could lap the seed and venom and worms off the other fox's snout and share them with his partner in a deep, passionate, tongue-wrangling kiss; all under the watchful, approving, lustful eyes of their Masters.

Nick reeled. He whimpered. He turned to bury his face in Master's robes while clutching onto the form underneath and shaking his head.

A wheezing laugh accompanied a withered hand cupping and groping and squeezing the fox's ass. "Very well. Then perhaps you'd like to take this to my chambers, then?" Nick felt something hot, thick, and pulsing brush against his stomach through the cloth; what had to be the other male's own erection.

Nick gulped and looked up to Master's masked face. "Wh-where... where's Bogo?" The Chief. He would know what was going on; could explain to the fox, and maybe help him wake up from this nightmarish wet dream. He could bury his face in Bogo's pubic fur, breathe in the cape-buffalo's masculine musk, and forget all about what he'd just been witness to.

Master let out an impatient sigh, and a shiver ran down Nick's spine. "Mmmm, alright. If you wish to see him so earnestly, I'll take you to him." That icy finger of fear shoved itself up under the fox's tail, sinking into his pucker to tease his prostate, and a spurt of precum from the pred's cock soaked Master's robes as Nick felt the grin the other male was giving him. "Come."