"Moo For Me" - Story by Kaz

Story by kazthehusky on SoFurry

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This was literally the most fun I had writing a story in a long time. The fetishes lined up so nicely with what I'm used to writing. What a kinky client this was. I definitely hope they come back for more! ;)













Phew! That should cover all the warnings. Thanks for reading, and be sure to drop a comment, fave or even PM me if you like! I'm always open for more commissions as well~ ?

"Moo for Me" - Story by Kaz

Chapter 1: Watching

There was something about cattle farms that drew Rhys's attention. For years now, the concept of such a place was fascinating enough to him that he'd go out of his way to be around them. He didn't know why just yet, he couldn't explain the deeply satisfying feeling he got in his gut when he watched animals grazing in an open pasture. It was just...right.

The tall white-skinned crux had built a sort of nest for himself just outside of the biggest cattle farm he'd ever seen. The woods offered the perfect cover, and there was a natural hillside cave he was able to repurpose into a makeshift shelter. He'd had a home a long time ago, long forgotten as he'd left to live free in the wild.

He often didn't go near cities or large gatherings of people due to the state of his body and clothing. Living on his own in the wild didn't leave much room for things like hygiene. He was sure to get some odd looks and disgusted noises from people if he went anywhere near civilization anymore. So he lived a life of thievery at night, taking what he needed and avoiding detection.

His makeshift burrow was fairly interesting in terms of its contents. Being a thief and not being able to purchase decorations or furnishings for his 'home', Rhys had to make ends meet, he had to make do with whatever he could find. The style across the items he'd collected was so vastly different.

Near the back of the hollowed out earthen structure was a simple bed. That had been an interesting item to get back to his home. He'd nearly gotten caught nicking the used mattress and boxspring set from a dumpster behind some big furniture store. Luckily for him, they'd seemingly forgotten to tear it apart so it wouldn't be usable. He'd been sure someone had seen him hauling off the items, but they didn't say anything to him.

Back in his home, he'd set up the mattress and boxspring on the ground, a raggedy old blanket he'd found strewn over it. He didn't have a pillow, so he usually balled up his clothes when he slept to make up for it. Next to the bed was a tiny table he'd nicked from outside of a thrift shop of sorts, it was lightweight and easy to carry.

He'd even managed to collect various candles for lighting, a book or two so he could keep himself amused and entertained. The centerpiece of his hodgepodge collection of belongings though was the large ornate mirror. That one, he'd actually taken out of the back of somebody's pickup truck. He'd almost dropped the heavy mirror multiple times. It was a standard floor to ceiling mirror, antique and expensive for sure.

He loved ogling himself in the mirror throughout the day, staring at his markings and noting how similar he was to the grazing cows he watched longingly. Why did he watch them so closely? He didn't know...Some nights he'd get naked and put on one of his diapers he'd taken from some poor lady's cart outside of a grocery store.

Rhys had a thing for the crinkly clothing items. Being that he didn't particularly have a toilet anyway, wearing them was more than just a fetish. It had become functional. Some days he'd wear only the diaper and spend hours rubbing himself in the mirror, smiling at the crinkly renditions of happy, bright colors and patterns. One of his favorite diaper packs had cute dog mascots from a popular kids television show. Those were some of his favorite!

Standing there and ogling himself, sharp black bands around his arms, legs and chest. He'd press on the diaper and make soft sounds of happiness at the comforting crinkles. One of his diapers had colors that matched his fluffy chin-length purple hair, giving him another thing to love about them. Some days he'd pretend he was an anthro cow, running his fingers over the black and white patterns on his body. It was so much like the cowhide, he imagined. He'd never actually touched one so he wasn't sure, but after years of living like this, visually his body resembled the matted, scruffy hide of a cow.

Another day just like any other saw Rhys standing in front of the mirror as the sun was rising, the crux having lit a few candles so he could see properly. He yawned and reached back to scratch his back, grunting as he blinked the sleep from his eyes, grinning at himself in the mirror. The whites of his eyes were a deep crimson, his irises bright green. It was slightly unsettling a bit, but to him it was beautiful. He brought his hands up to his head, running his fingers through his tousled purple hair, stroking up the length of his huge ears, white with black bands on the outside of them. At the tip they were curled like a shepherd's crook in typical crux fashion, completely black at the curled tip.

His thoughts trailed as he ran his fingers over his diaper, shuddering as the crinkly material made its tell-tale sound. He had a strange feeling that today was going to be a good day. No, a _great_day. Soon enough, the sun was high enough in the sky that the light filtered into his small den. The crux finally tore his eyes away from the ornate mirror, making his way out of the den and creeping towards the edge of the woods.

This was his favorite part of any day, when he could spy on the farm cattle undetected, nobody yelling at him and shooing him away. Hell, he doubted the farmhands or owners even knew he existed. He was just that careful.

He stepped through the underbrush and pushed aside the last low-hanging branch in his way, his breath catching as he surveyed the sprawling pasture before him. The animals were dotted all across the open field, grazing lazily. There were horses and cows, sheep and even a few goats. As he surveyed the animals, he got that funny tight feeling in his chest again that came with his little 'hobby'. Just a bit of a flutter.

He reached down and itched his belly, watching one of the horses nearby flick its regal head back, tossing its mane in the process. Such majesty! Such beauty! He imitated the motion and giggled at his own silliness, his purple hair tossing ever-so-lightly with the motion. His eyes shifted from one horse to another, watching the afternoon sun gleam off of their shiny coats. These animals were well cared for at the very least.

His eyes finally landed on a large cow, not too far away from where he was standing. She had her rump turned towards him, calmly chewing on a thick wad of cud, tail swishing to and fro idly. His eyes raked over her glossy hide, tracing the muscular legs of the proud farm animal. She was just so...perfect!

His eyes lingered on her plump dangling udder, watching the teats jiggle with every move she made. He started feeling something strange but familiar, was that...arousal? He hadn't really been able to put a name to the feeling until now, his belly tightening as the warm feeling spread over him, his eyes dragging away from the engorged udder and up higher.

As the cow's tail flitted side to side to deter the presence of the flies, he caught a glimpse of her meaty cunt. The flaps here were glistening just a bit more, moist and soft. He turned his sensitive nose up into the wind and sniffed hard. He blushed crimson as he could swear he smelled the moist folds of flesh from here. Almost as though the cow was in heat.

His eyes traced along the soft wrinkles of the cow's rippling anus, his tongue hanging out as he felt himself start to tent his diaper, the soft crinkling sound only adding to the arousal he was feeling. He just couldn't take it anymore, he had to take care of his 'problem'.

He tugged out his engorged cock, letting it slip through his fingers as he kept his eyes perfectly trained on the cow's hindquarters. His jerking motions were quick and eager, his tongue hanging out more still, the purple muscle twitching as he longed so desperately to taste the cow, to smell her closer. His mind began constructing wild fantasies as he jerked himself, using his free hand to rub across his diaper, letting the crinkling noises stimulate him more.

Just as he was about to unload, the cow's tail flagged high and her anus opened wide, pushing out a sloppy slurry of green cow manure, and Rhys's eyes went as wide as they could go. He even gasped as he gripped the base of his cock tightly, feeling the spasms of orgasm set in. The thick muddy cow pie hit the grass just as his cum sprayed hard onto the ground before him, leaving him shuddering and sniffing, definitely able to smell this new scent on the wind.

The idea of mating a wild animal had never occurred to him like this - his fascination with them had been purely visual until this very moment. He looked down at his pulsing sweaty cock, the pool of cum on the grass between his feet was evidence that he wanted so much more than just to look. He felt ashamed of the wild dirty fantasies playing out in his mind, but at the same time he wanted to explore them.

There was no better setting than a farm to live out animalistic fetish fantasies, after all. He carefully slipped back into his den, flopping down onto his bed and gasping hard. How on earth was he going to get into the place without being seen? It was a hopeless fantasy, a pointless exercise in lust. There was no way he'd make it in, much less out, without being detected. He sat up a little straighter as he remembered the farm was unmanned after a certain hour of the night, with the owners fast asleep. That...that might just work, actually. He'd have just enough time to slip in, mess around with an animal or two and make a clean escape just before sunrise. Oh god....

Chapter 2: Approaching

Rhys felt as though time was passing slower than usual. Anticipation has a funny way of doing that. From the moment he'd laid eyes on that particular bovine beauty earlier that morning, he knew she was the one. He had to have her. A feeling unlike anything he'd ever experienced took over his body, every fiber of his being was hungry for this one specific cow. He could still smell her, even if it was only in his mind.

Until now, Rhys had just felt a desire to be among the cattle, to be one of them. He'd likened his body markings to theirs, imagined what life would be like with an udder. Now, he felt a new purpose. A strange new desire controlling every part of him. He knew what he wanted now, and nothing was going to stand in his way.

For a good part of the day he just laid in his bed, turning over a possible course of action again and again in his mind. What if he got caught? Well, he'd rather get caught like this than stealing something from some local store. At least he'd get caught in the midst of his strongest fantasy. He wondered what he'd feel when he slipped into the cow's leathery, moist folds.

When the sun finally began to lower, he found himself sitting up ramrod straight in his bed, his chest heaving as sweat beaded up on his brow. This was it. He'd been waiting all day, struggling against his lust. As he pushed himself off of the bed, he blushed deep crimson when the strain in his bladder made itself known to him.

He swallowed hard. It wasn't as if the cow would be sentient enough to think anything at all about his smell, or a loaded soggy diaper. So he let his tension go for a moment and did as he always had - he let go of his bladder. The warmth spreading through his groin was almost sensual to him as he imagined it coming from the cow instead.

Urine pooled up in his diaper under his balls and soaked into the absorbent fabric of the diaper, crinkling softly as it soaked up his waste. He made sure none of his candles were burning, creeping out into the growing dusk, his heart pounding near painfully. Tonight would be a night he'd remember for the rest of his life. He'd finally join himself with the most beautiful cow he'd ever laid eyes on.

He trembled slightly as he slipped through the underbrush, coming across the same spot he'd been that morning, peeking through the leaves as the sun slowly lowered, taking the light away and revealing a star-studded sky. The soft moonlight was more than strong enough for him to see clearly, and his eyes focused on the large farmhouse manor on the other end of the massive property.

Lights were still on in the house, but one by one they were going out. His excitement grew as he watched his window of opportunity grow. He wasn't too familiar with the morning routine of the farmhands, but he knew they got out and about early in the morning, just before the sun would rise. That meant he only had a few hours to live out his most primal and thrilling of fantasies. A smug grin stole across his face as he stepped out into the open field just beyond the pasture. That would be all the time he needed.

Hopping the pasture fence wasn't too difficult. After all, this place wasn't built as a prison, nor was it fortified at all. Just a simple wooden farm style fence. Every step he took let out soft crinkling from the fabric of his soaked diaper. He could feel the damp interior rubbing against his genitals, making him shift every few steps as he got a bit itchy. The one downside to the diapers...they brought discomfort after being used for a while.

Once in the huge field, he began making his way towards the large barn structure in the center of the massive pasture. He stopped as he caught the same smell he'd smelled this morning. Looking down at the ground, his eyes widened and his blush intensified a bit as he realized he'd found the creamy cowpie the cow had made, still soft as it spread out over the grass here.

Without thinking, he stepped right into it with his bare feet, immediately feeling the disgusting wet squelch as it rushed between his toes and smeared over his feet. His sharp-clawed toes writhed into the muddy cowpie as he let the smelly waste completely smear the underside of his feet, the smell intensifying as he played in literal cow shit. Such a degenerate...

His breath caught as he stepped out of the ruined cowpie, most of it clinging to the underside of his feet as he began making his way across the field again. He crouched low so that he might hide himself better. Even though all the lights in the big house were now off, there was no telling if anybody might be watching, standing on the wraparound porch for a last cigarette before bed or something of that nature.

It felt like an eternity had passed when he finally reached the barn, already hearing and smelling the animals within. The structure was massive, the wide double barn doors large enough to accommodate multiple animals at the same time. He swallowed hard as he grasped the iron handle on the massive door, praying that it wouldn't be locked.

His heart soared into his throat as the door lurched open slightly with a screech of metal on metal. He stopped moving and held his breath, hearing a few of the animals making concerned noises. He wasn't worried about that, though. He was more worried about whether the sound had been heard up at the house or not. True, the barn blocked Rhys from view of the house but that sound had been awfully loud...

As his heart beat painfully in his chest, thudding so fast he thought it might explode, he peeked around the edge of the barn. Breathing a tense sigh of relief as he noticed none of the lights had come on. There were no movements coming from the house that he could see. Perfect. Now, back to that pesky door.

The crux decided against opening the door any more than it already was, not wanting to risk any further noises. Sure, one might've escaped the notice of the farm owners but multiple loud obvious metallic noises might cause them to come scurrying out to the barn with a loaded twelve-gauge.

The opening he'd made was just big enough for him to squeeze through, his cowshit-smeared feet squelching on the cool concrete ground inside, immediately getting a clump of hay stuck to them as well. Once inside, he blinked, sniffing the air greedily and nearly moaning at the scent alone. It was just as he'd imagine, everything he'd hoped for.

He could smell the sex of the animals, their parts exuding the most primal of hormones in clouds that stunk up the barn, mingling with the earthy stench of various animal manure. The smell of hay mixed in nicely to create that telltale 'farm musk' that he'd dreamed of living in. Now he was here, surrounded by it, and he didn't know if he could control himself much longer.

The stalls were massive, the animals in various states of rest. One or two of the horses were still awake, grazing from feed bins and nickering nervously. The hay-strewn concrete floor was illuminated by a single day-glo lightbulb on a string above the stalls, right in the center. It left some of the massive barn in darkness, but Rhys could see well enough.

His eyes scanned the rows of stalls frantically as he stepped further into the barn. He had to find his beau, the beautiful bovine beast. She would be his, he would take her carnally, he would make love to her. The concept alone already forced a tent in his piss-soaked diaper, the crux gritting his teeth as his eyes swept over the animals.

No, not that one. That one looked good, but she wasn't his moo. That mare had a pulsing dripping pussy, she might feel good....but he had to keep his focus! His head started to swim as he struggled to fight the urges coming over him. Just when he thought he might bust a nut from sniffing the animalistic stink alone, his eyes landed on his beautiful cow, and he knew she was the one from earlier.

He couldn't describe how he knew, but he did. Her beautiful glossy hide was glinting in the dim light, tail swishing to keep the flies off just like earlier. And that smell. _God that smell._Rhys shuddered and made his way over to her stall, finally getting a good look at her eyes as she turned the huge orbs his way, lazily munching on cud.

"Ohhhh, yes...my beautiful baby...god you're gorgeous..." He was shaking violently as his fingers fumbled with the lock on the stall, managing to pull it open enough to slip inside, dropping the heavy metal lock back in place as he stared openly at the cow, now just a few inches away from her. A soft deep moo sent a shudder of pleasure up his spine as his shaky breath caught multiple times, almost causing him to cough.

His trembling fingers landed on her back, stroking up and down the cow's coat gently, staring the animal in the eyes. It had no sentience and didn't understand. It was just stupidly watching him in the way a farm animal would. He was staring into the eyes of a lover however. He was being sensual even, leaning in to carefully rest his forehead against the cow's, closing his eyes and massaging her face, feeling the strong muscles in her jaw flex as she chewed on the lump of cud.

He planted a soft kiss on her nose, groaning as his hands continued wandering. He was kneading, massaging and feeling the cow up as best he could from his current position. Yes, god yes this was the one. This was what he'd been waiting all day for, and now she was his. He almost didn't know where to begin, there was so much! He would have to be fast though...

Chapter 3: Glorious Bonding

Rhys felt his breath catching as he shakily moved further down the length of the cow. She was every bit as beautiful as he'd perceived. His hands trailed down her glossy coat until he was at her flank. He crouched down now, running his hand down towards her udder, pulling his hand back at the heat coming off the bulbous organ. It was so fleshy, a bit on the greasy side. He shuddered as he stroked the side of the udder, earning a questioning sound from the cow.

His fingers tweaked one of the teats, tugging at it and earning a thick spurt of milk. He leaned his head down and opened his mouth, gripping the teat and repeating the process, squirting a thick creamy froth of milk directly into his mouth, shuddering at the taste. He couldn't stop himself from leaning up and taking the teat into his mouth, his sharp teeth grazing the delicate flesh as he suckled ravenously on it for a few moments, drinking down the healthy crop of milk until he was satisfied.

He wiped his lips on his arm and got to his feet again, still crinkling softly from his diaper as he made his way around back of the cow. Here was where the issue presented. She was taller than he could handle on his own. He'd need some type of stool or something to stand on so he could be at the level he needed to be. First though...

He held up her tail and stared directly at her mound, letting out a soft moan as the smell hit him dead in the face. A clenching puckered butthole rested comfortably above her beautiful moist folds. As he brought a hand up to caress the flesh, he could feel the heat radiating inches away from her plot. He shuddered and stroked along the folds, watching the lips wink and flex at his touch. God, she was a beauty!

He shoved his face under her tail then, forcing his snout just inside her vaginal opening, huffing hard as he took in her animalistic feminine scent. The sudden contact and partial penetration caused the cow to moo loudly, stamping her back feet a bit nervously. He brought a hand up to rub her flank reassuringly. _Don't worry babe...I'll make you feel good..._He felt his drool pooling on his tongue before dripping to the ground. He was absolutely ravenous for her!

He pulled himself back, his muzzle coated in her vaginal secretions, the stinky musk of a feral cow completely soaking his facial fur. He shuddered and tried not to cum on the spot, searching frantically for some kind of...aha! The milking stool! His eyes landed on it and he quickly planted it behind the cow, carefully getting on top of it, having to balance himself with both hands on her rump, squeezing her back and stepping back down. He'd have to slide the stool closer...

With the stool exactly where he needed it to be, he climbed back up and now he could easily press his diaper-clad crotch up against her mound, the wet heat smearing over his crotch. He couldn't help himself, he had to grab her tail, tugging it and thrusting his hips, his erection pressing insistently at his diaper. Due to the size of cow pussy, his diaper-clad erection slipped inside of her for just a moment, and that was all it took to make something else happen.

With the first few inches of his cock buried in her wet depths, his hand tugging her tail forced an unfortunate clenching from her anus. There was a spluttering series of wet farts and the air ripened severely around him. He looked down and swallowed hard as he watched her anus blossom open almost in slow motion, the dark green waste pushing out in a slurry just as it had earlier.

His erection had pulled his diaper just far enough away from his waist in the front to create an opening. Due to his position, there was only one place for the waste to really go. Sure, it splattered down around his feet and legs, hitting the ground in a messy pile. Though a good portion of it started falling right into his diaper, increasing the weight by a lot.

He moaned out and leaned over the cow, hugging her and rubbing his face against her soft hide, the mushy warmth smothering his cock and balls, oozing between his thighs and filling out his diaper more by the second. Gods it was hot, literally! The steaming cow dung soon filled his diaper so much that it began to sag down his waist, and within moments it had fallen off completely, just as her bowel movement ended.

The crux was panting now, his shit-smeared groin grinding up against her plot. Every time he pressed his groin forward, there was a soft squish as remnants of the bowel movement lingered, smushed around by his eagerness. His erection teased at her flaps now, and he knew his prize was just inches away. He growled hard and squeezed tightly around the cow's midsection, thrusting his hips forward and nearly cumming on the spot.

While the external opening of the cow's vagina was loose and sloppy, especially with the mound of cow manure he was using as lube, the inside was tight and warm. Wet and begging for more. It was an almost unbearably humid suction deep inside as he pushed himself all the way to the hilt, feeling his balls slap against her shitty taint.

He tossed his head back and struggled against the primal cry threatening to wrench from his throat. Holy fuck this was so much better than he ever thought it would be! His shaking hands held tightly to her flanks as he started bucking, pounding into that ripe shitty cow pussy like his life depended on it. Each powerful thrust forward buried his entire thick cock in her depths, his balls slapping noisily against her shit-smeared taint.

She was making strange sounds now, almost as if she was enjoying the act. He liked to think she felt good. It made this so much better. He wasn't just fucking some wild animal in the dead of night. He was passionately making love to his beautiful bovine lover, lit by moonlight. Consummating their forbidden love. He was claiming her in the most bestial way possible, and she wanted him as much as he needed her.

His mind ran wild as he started bucking harder still, creating a sloppy wet slurry of her cunt, pushing mounds of her own shit into her deep canal, sliming it up with her own vaginal fluids. It was messy, it was heated, it was disgusting but it was love. True love. The truest of love, one might argue. His purpose was this, he needed to breed her. To pump her fertile womb full of his alpha sperm.

As his thrusts intensified, he felt his balls slapping higher up against her taint, tapping the bottom of her wrinkled folds as they lifted, preparing to deliver the life-giving load of baby batter churning away inside. His entire lower half was speckled in dark green cow shit now, his feet and ankles coated in hay. He was a bull, he was the alpha bull. He was in command here. She belonged to him!

He finally pulled his hips back and couldn't contain the lust, leaning over her and arching his back, priming for one last powerful buck. "Oh god yes...moo for me baby! All for me!" He cried as quietly as he could into her ears, pushing himself forward as hard as he could and feeling an alarming pressure on his groin as he dug deeper than before.

His balls had pushed hard enough with the force of that thrust that they disappeared into the cow's cavernous interior, squeezed by her inner walls just as much as his cock was being milked by her needy tunnel. His eyes rolled back and he found himself letting out a series of...well, frankly hilarious mooing noises. As if he were truly one of them, he brayed like a cow, his cock head exploding deep inside.

The force of the orgasm certainly could be felt by the cow, not used to such a powerful jet of fluids deep inside of her. She rolled her eyes and dropped the cud, letting out her own loud moo as she was flooded, her womb opening for the torrent of cum, filling her entirely. He was so productive that cum started to squirt out behind him, rushing past his balls and squelching out from the force of the climax.

It went on for what felt like years, millennia. The best orgasm of his life, the most fulfilling moment of his existence. He was breeding her, truly breeding her. She was his now in every possible way and nothing would come between them now. As his trembling arms clung to her belly and he rested his head on her back, he was suddenly struck with the knowledge of his species and exactly what they existed for.

He pulled himself upright, still buried inside her cum-sloppy pussy, breathing heavily as he tugged hard, wrenching his balls out of her with a sickening 'pop', his cock following and leaving her to ooze his cum as he stepped down shakily from the stool, surveying his work. Cruxes were a genetic anomaly that existed for one thing only, and he started grinning as he watched this begin to happen.

Cruxes existed to breed - to procreate. Their sole purpose was to impregnate anything that moved and force it to birth a new generation of cruxes to do the same. Their DNA was such an amalgamation that it was compatible with literally every DNA sequence in existence. In short, they could fuck anything from any species or gender and it would become pregnant with their young. Where a human might cum in a cow's pussy and call it done, something wondrous was going to happen now with the pairing of a crux and a cow.

Rhys's eyes widened as a cummy mixture of shit and vaginal fluids ran down his inner thighs, his eyes focused on the cow's rapidly swelling belly. She was going to bear his young now, whether she understood what was happening or not. Such was the beauty of their bonding...It was perfect, without flaw and it had been the highest point in his life to breed such a compelling pussy...

Chapter 4: His Clutch

Rhys stared at his beautiful lover for a few moments, watching her pussy flex, the lips slapping together in a cummy, shitty mess. It was so incredible, he was struggling to breathe normally as he relived the pleasure of what he'd just done. His shit-filled diaper was on the floor nearby, and he grinned, grabbing it and dragging it away from the cow as he watched her belly gurgle and swell.

The cow's eyes widened and she let out a panicked moo as her belly bulged to keep up with the impossibly fast pregnancy growing within her. Rhys crouched down beside her, feeling his spent cock slap against his thighs as he brought his hands up to caress her rapidly growing belly. He could hear the soft wet gurgling coming from inside as her body struggled to accommodate what he'd just done to her.

The mooing got more frantic and frightened as the pregnancy rounded out her belly to its peak, touching the ground as it finished growing, her sloppy cunt making strange squelching noises as it bucked and flexed, trying to contain what was growing inside of her. Rhys knew she wouldn't be able to hold it long.

He cooed gently at her as he stroked her belly, standing and heading behind her again. He watched her lips beginning to spread as a torrent of slime poured out of her, splattering onto the ground and leaving long, sticky strands from the puddle up to her cunt. He held her tail up as she began to moo louder still, stamping her feet in fear as her pussy began to blossom, the crown of a beautiful light purple egg could be seen beginning to emerge.

Rhys held his hand out underneath the cow's cunt as it started to push out. It was slowed due to the sheer size of the egg, the thing was about the size of a football as it passed through her canal, causing a squirt of vaginal fluids to splatter directly onto Rhys's face as the egg passed the halfway mark, the cow almost gasping in relief as it slipped out and fell into his hand with a warm 'splat'.

He felt his eyes widen as he set the huge egg down, wondering what on earth he was going to do with them. There wasn't any obvious answer for how to get them home. As the birthing contractions intensified, he realized he was going to be here for a while, and he had to make sure he got himself and all of these eggs out in one piece...

He gritted his teeth as he realized the only solution. Praying for the strength it would take to pull this off, he sat the egg upright on the ground, his hand slimy with the cow's fluids and the egg slime as he braced one hand around the base, hoping it would stay upright enough for him to do this. He shuddered as he spread his legs and crouched down over the egg, keeping himself close enough to her to hold out his hands for the next egg.

With a grunt, he sat down, pressing forcefully against the slick crown of the egg. Thankfully, the shell was more than thick enough to withstand such pressure. His anus was immediately coated in the mixture of cum, egg slime and bovine vaginal fluids, creating the perfect lubricant for the smooth-shelled egg. He felt it pierce his hole and let out a soft moan, holding his ass cheeks open wide and grunting in effort as he pushed down harder. He had to get it inside!

Just as he watched the cow's pussy push out another egg, he lost his balance and all of his weight came down on the egg. It was forced up into him so fast he didn't even have time to register the pain, only the pleasure of being so full, his hand flying to his belly as he felt hay stick to his ass, the crux using the other hand to catch the next egg from the cow's puss, setting it down and struggling to stand.

As he repeated the process with a second egg, he felt the first one force deep into his body, his belly sagging just a bit as the foreign object bloated him out. His legs were quaking and trembling. If he wasn't careful, he'd be cumming again any second...if even a little of it made its way into the cow's body, he was going to be here for a hell of a lot longer.

The next egg didn't seem to want to come out, and the pained noises his beautiful babe was making caused him to grunt and crouch behind her a bit, peering into her cavernous opening. He could see the colorful egg lodged sideways deep inside her opening as she struggled to push it out. He glanced down at her belly and wondered just how many more of these eggs there could be.

He reached up both of his hands, letting go of his heavy gut as he plunged both arms into the cow's warmth and mashed his face into her asshole, smearing cowshit along his muzzle to mingle with the thick vaginal spunk already stained into his fur there. He moaned into her heated anus and couldn't resist a lick up the shit-encrusted wrinkled folds while he grappled the egg inside her canal, managing to push it back into alignment, feeling her entire body quake with the force of her vaginal contractions.

He yanked his arms free, now dripping in slime as he looked at her belly. Already it was beginning to shrink. He supposed the size of the eggs was what made her so bloated. There were perhaps only a few more inside of her. Still, he had to take them all home without leaving a trace behind. He had an idea...one that he might regret but he had to figure something out to make this process easier on the both of them.

The crux pulled that stool back up behind the cow and stood, groaning as one of the two eggs inside his body mashed his prostate and he nearly blew his load. He cradled his belly as he turned and bent over, pushing his ass back up against the cow's mound. He could feel her slimy wet folds slipping and sliding around his own taint and asshole, slathering him in slime. Now, he just had to catch the egg at the right angle...

As he felt the hard crown of the next egg bulging out, he quickly realigned his anus so that the egg was pressing tightly against him. The insane pressure as the cow struggled to push it out would've knocked him over if he hadn't been prepared. The mooing intensified again and he joined in, his eyes watering as this time he felt every bit of the pain from his anal stretching, the egg was passing into his body much slower than the first and second eggs had...

He wasn't sure he could take it as his anus gaped wider than ever before, the massive third egg ripping him open as it pushed into his ass. Still, the concept of what was happening was enough to keep him going. His beloved babe, the beautiful bovine was literally laying eggs inside his butthole! This was more than he could've ever hoped for.

The egg slid in with a disgusting squelch, his asshole trying to close up around the wide end of it and failing, resulting in a gush of vaginal discharge shooting right up his asshole behind the egg, his eyes widening as he felt it. His belly bloated a bit more as that third egg slid inside, knocking the first two further inside of him.

The crux was gasping now as he felt her birthing contractions continue. A quick glance back told him that there might only be two eggs left now. Gripping her flanks tightly, he bore down as he felt the next egg pressing against his exhausted anus, passing into his body much easier now that he was loosened and prepared.

He thought he was going to pass out. The intense pressure in his belly was impossible! He didn't know if he could carry the eggs for very long inside of himself...this might've been too much. Still, he was almost done, there was no turning back now. He gritted his teeth and held tighter than ever as he felt that final egg, lucky number five, pushed into him and widened his anal passage for the last time, knocking the others so deep inside he could make out individual bulges in his swollen belly from them.

The crux let go of the cow's flanks and fell forward off of the stool, bracing himself as he came to his knees, gasping and spluttering, looking back at the cow and marveling at her intense arousing beauty. Even now...with a bellyful of his own eggs he wanted to go for another round. He grunted and shook his head. No. He had to get home with his prize before his body exploded. The last thing he needed was to be caught with a weird clutch of eggs in the barn next to a clearly freshly-bred cow.

He grunted and got to his feet, his knees wobbling and feeling like jelly as he grabbed his cowshit filled diaper, pulling it on with a wet squish. Completely coating his ass cheeks, inner thighs, balls and cock in semi-fresh cowshit, he used one hand to hold the diaper on while the other cradled his massive pregnant belly. Don't worry baby, I won't forget you. He thought to himself as he slipped out of her stall, locking the door and struggling to make it out of the barn.

His trek across the field was much more clumsy and slow, and he practically had to roll over the fence instead of just hopping it like before. Already he was leaking thick anal slime into his diaper, mingling with the manure there as he struggled against his body's natural contractions. His body wanted those eggs out and it wasn't going to be long before they forced their way.

He felt as though he barely made it to his den before he let his diaper drop and got onto all fours, heaving and sweating as his manure-caked ass spread open, a spray of anal egg slime splattering the ground as his clutch began to pass out of his body, just as painfully as it had been for the cow. In the safety of his den, he could make all the noise he wanted, and boy did he made a lot of it.

When the final egg passed out of his body, he thought he might pass out, rolling over and laying directly on the manure-filled diaper, feeling it squish up his back and further stain his body. His chest was heaving, his slimy eggs resting just a few feet away, the prize of his coupling with his beautiful cow. And yet, as he lay there, he realized the sun wasn't coming up yet...he still had time. Already his thoughts were returning to the moo and another round of breeding...He needed more...

Chapter 5: Round Two

Rhys moved quickly as the realization that he could have more of his precious moo baby ran over him. He bolted to the door, wincing as his gaping anus tried to recover from the abuse he'd just put it through. The cool night air breezed through his hair, carrying with it the scent of the farm. A scent he'd come to love.

He vaulted that fence like his life depended on it, huffing and puffing as he crossed the field as quickly as possible. He wasn't sure exactly how much time was left before sunrise, but he knew the farm would start stirring soon and that meant people would be up and about, surely the barn would be one of their first stops as they came out of the house.

The excitement of the danger, the risk of being caught was taboo enough not even considering everything else he was currently doing. The thought of the massive clutch of eggs he'd left behind in his 'den' sent another shiver up his spine. He'd really done that. He'd shoved football sized eggs that had just come out of a steamy cow pussy deep into his own asshole, birthed them out back at the den and sprinted back like nothing had even happened. The adrenaline coursing through his body was part of the reason he was keeping up with all of this.

His heart surged up towards his throat as he slipped into the still-open door. He'd have to remember to shut the door when he left this time. If he escaped without detection tonight, he might be able to come back again another night for his lover. The feeling of living out a pure fetish fueled fantasy was unlike anything he'd ever experience. His body was on fire! Every nerve ending in his body was tingling. He had found his purpose...

The crux's nose twitched as the raunchy smell of his previous breeding slapped him hard in the face. At this point, a few more of the other animals were awake, making excited noises. It was clear the scent of cum and breeding was sending the other animals into a rut. He felt a rush of pride as he surveyed his handiwork. A true alpha male, he'd stirred lust in every animal in that barn, even the males.

He practically wrenched the lock from the gate to his sweetheart's pen, his tongue already hanging out as he fell to his knees behind her. His hands clapped against her flanks and he pushed his face forward, immediately feeling his entire face sink into the cummy sloppy mess of her cunt. He was shocked and surprised at just how much of his head wedged into her cavernous puss. God, he didn't know if he could last very long at all.

He felt her slimy juices running down his face, a mixture of his own cum and hers making his world reek of sex. He could feel her entire body vibrate as she let out a soft moo of surprise, not expecting to be filled again so soon. Hormones raged, his libido threatened to swallow him whole as he motorboated her floppy folds, feeling the wet meaty flaps slap against his face.

Pulling back, he let out a shudder as the cool air hit his face and made it steam from her fluids alone. Crazed lust in his eyes, he stepped back onto his breeding perch, nearly falling onto her back as he bent over and thrust his entire groin into her depths. His balls were slurped into the tight warmth as before with a loud slurp, the crux's body shaking violently at the sudden heat around his genitals. Fuuuuck, she was just as good this time as she was a few minutes ago!

He rubbed her flanks in gentle circles as he got to work. The wet fart-like sounds from her pussy echoed around the stables, the beautiful moo stamping her feet and braying out, joining the other animals in heated breeding calls while the crux fucked her with his entire crotch, slipping his balls in and out with vigor.

His thrusts splattered the cow's vaginal fluids down his legs, washing away most of the cow shit he'd pretty much bathed in not long ago. Of course, the bottoms of his feet were still smeared in it, adding to the musky stink in just the perfect way. In fact, he didn't think it'd be the same without the stench of the manure.

Rhys gripped her tail and tugged, forcing her vaginal walls to convulse and clench around his groin, the crux's chest heaving as he struggled to maintain his breathing, thrusting so fast the stool beneath him started to wobble and his hips began to ache. He couldn't help but let out another attempt at a moo, braying along with his lover as she took every inch of him and then some.

"Yessss baby. God I love you! You're so beautiful and perfect...now moo for me, moo for your alpha...take my cock and love it...god I'm gonna rut you pregnant again babe...." He convulsed again briefly as she clenched down on him, almost like she heard and understood him, like her pussy was trying to suck him deeper. Fuck, if he had more time he'd put more of his body inside her.

However, he knew his time was very short. He couldn't risk getting caught. If she was going to lay another clutch of eggs, this had to happen now. He had to get her going so he could disappear safely into the night. He had to ---

His thoughts stopped and his mind went blank in a daze of frenzied lust, his cock spasming as he dumped another oversized load of cum deep inside, bloating out her belly once again from the sheer amount of the cum. His eyes rolled back and he dug into her flanks so hard he nearly drew blood. As it was, he did leave a few gouges on both sides of her flank from his sharp claws.

Another powerful orgasm sent jets of thick crux cum splattering back over his groin and legs, mingling with her juices in that salty sweet bitter cocktail that only made things hotter for him. He could feel every vein in his thick cock throb as he dumped into her guts, knowing he'd have another clutch soon thanks to his increased potency.

It once again felt like an eternity before his cum finally stopped spraying inside the sloppy moo like a firehose, but in reality it was only a few minutes. His cock was already starting to soften after the massive load, slipping out and leaving a sloppy thick trail of cum from the tip of the head back to her folds. She was bucking her cunt now, the lips squelching together noisily and squirting back his own cum.

He struggled to step down off of the stool, finding himself on the ground on his rump, wheezing as he braced himself on his wrists, staring up at her flexing pussy, his eyes once again fixating on her slowly swelling belly.

This time, he was sure something must be wrong. Instead of the smooth rounded shapes he could make out before, her belly was oddly misshapen, and the sounds of the moos coming out of her now weren't the same pleasured ones from earlier.

Rhys crawled on his knees over to the rapidly engorging cow's belly, bringing up a shaky hand to rest against the leathery hide, jumping back and staring in awe at the belly as he watched and felt it move. Yes, something had definitely pressed out against his touch for just the briefest of seconds. What?!

He swallowed hard as a thick slimy spurt of an unknown fluid shot out of her pussy then, splattering against the walls and floor noisily, the fluids were reddish in hue but mostly opaque white or off grey. What on earth? It carried with it a new smell, a stronger smell. It reminded him of the thick jelly-like mucus that came out of his butthole after a long playtime...

He sniffed the air and carefully crawled back to her snatch, standing up and staring at it a little closer now. What was making that fluid? Why was her belly moving like that...was she going to be okay? There was a bit of concern that he might've injured his baby, or worse. After all, those eggs were pretty big, even for a sloppy cow pussy.

However his fears were soon abated as he jumped back in near horror, unable to stop himself from staring at what was happening to his sweet moo's puss. The folds were quivering and spreading wide apart, her moos getting louder and more insistent as she tried to push out whatever was inside of her. It didn't want to come.

He gasped and grabbed one of the flaps of her cunt, pulling it open and leaning down nervously to stare inside, trying to confirm what he sort of already knew. This was nothing like the first time with the eggs, this was something entirely different. However, she was definitely pregnant and definitely in the process of trying to give birth...

Those fluids coupled with the movement in her belly were what gave it away for Rhys. Her birthing fluid had splattered out and now she was trying to give birth to something...something horrific. His eyes widened as he stared inside of the cow, the light hitting the strange creature he was looking at as it began to crown, causing the moo's puss to ripple and flex as the thing's head became visible.

It had the face of its mother, the shape of a cow's head, blunt thick muzzle ending in a leathery snout, but then the part that shocked Rhys was what came next. He watched two slime-smeared miniatures of his very own ears slide out along with the thing's head. A rough buck from the cow's pussy sucked whatever it was back inside fully, leaving the orifice to wink and flex around its head. He couldn't believe this...was that some sort of...freaky abomination hybrid he'd created with the cow?!?

Chapter 6: A New Family

Rhys bit his lip as he struggled to decide what to do. Clearly, his moo was suffering and struggling to birth this abomination. But what in the world was it? Half cow, half crux? Some sort of genetic aberration? Whatever it was, it was causing his moo pain. No, he had caused his moo pain. He had to stop it, and he'd heard enough about animal husbandry to know what came next.

He gritted his teeth and looked away for a moment, trying to take away the lust and arousal he was feeling. This wasn't a sex act, he told himself. He was helping deliver his children! A wholesome moment that shou---nope. His arms sank into wet sloppy cum-filled cow pussy and he actually came again, totally overtaxed from the entire situation as his thick bucketloads of cum poured lazily out over his lap and the ground, creating quite the pool. Some of it had even shot onto the cow's legs.

He shuddered as he tried to feel his way around the life he'd created within the poor cow, tugging and groaning from the sheer effort. Was her vaginal canal actually _sucking this thing back inside?_He didn't know it was going to be this hard...he thought it'd just be arms in, baby out and move on. But he was actually having to exert some force here, his fingertips grasping around the young, finally freeing its head and watching its eyes blink open, a flutter in his heartstrings as he saw they were identical to his own.

The child drew its first breath then, being wrangled out of its bestial mother's flabby sticky pussy by a horny dad who'd rather be fucking the moo more rather than helping her birth. He gritted down on his teeth as another deluge of slime poured out along with the newborn, gently lying it on the floor and panting, looking down at it.

The newborn was definitely an equal hybrid of cow and crux. It had hooves on its feet, curled claws on its hands. The ears were curled, but it had the face of its mother. The markings were bovine in nature. Just big ol' black splotches on an otherwise white hide. And it was hide, not fur. The leathery soft hide was slicked in the fluids surroundings its birth, from head to toe it was soaked, slimy and sticky.

It was bearing the same sort of tail that Rhys had, but the most concerning thing was between its legs. It was sporting a full-sized penis that was almost as large as a normal adult male's equipment. Beneath the shaft however was an udder. A fully teated udder, already bulging and leaking a bit. But wait, that wasn't milk coming out of the crux's newborn's teats. That was...

He jumped back a little and gasped. Was that cum? His monstrosity of a child had a cock and udder, was half cow, half crux and its teats were leaking actual cum? The stringy sticky substance was unmistakable to Rhys. After all, he did routinely jerk off and splatter his spunk all over the place. Not to mention he'd just flooded cow pussy with his cum twice. He definitely knew the texture and look of real cum.

He'd deal with the strangeness of whatever the thing was later. He could hear the roosters beginning their early morning crowing. Fuck, this was taking way longer than it was supposed to! He had to be out of here soon or it was all over. He tried not to think about what the farmers would do to him. They'd take one look at the strange child next to him, their ruined cow's pussy and then they'd put the crux out of his misery.

He shuddered as he brought his eyes back to the cow's belly, feeling them go wide in supreme shock. It was already almost fully back to normal size again. Just one young and a whole bucketload of the birthing slime? No way, there had been five eggs. There had to be more inside of his baby, his precious moo.

The gentle fluttering kick in the cow's belly that was definitely visible told him that there was indeed more in there. He took a deep breath and slid his arms in deep, soon enough he was buried all the way to the shoulder as he felt her wet sticky warmth threaten to suck him in. It had to be in here somewhere.

The moments wore on until he found his child's head, grunting and beginning the strenuous tug of war with the cow's pussy, feeling it fight to retain custody of the misshapen child. Sweat beaded up on his brow and his arms slipped free a few times. Being completely coated in cow pussy slime didn't do wonders for trying to maintain a grip on anything.

He finally succeeded in tugging the child free, the cow's pussy much more giving after birthing one young hybrid. The other slid neatly into Rhys's waiting arms, dribbling slime into the growing pool spreading across the barn floor.

Another quick glance back at the cow's belly told Rhys that this was it. The buck stopped here. Plus, with the roosters' getting more insistent with their crowing the farmers would be' round any second now. Fuck! What was he going to do with his two new 'children'? He couldn't just leave them here with the cow...the farmers would slaughter his offspring.

He set the second down next to the first and stare down at them, biting his lip. He had to keep them now, but what the hell did he know about raising children. Especially children that were genetic mutations with giant penises and udders for balls...it was going to be a difficult experience that much was for sure.

His ears perked up and uncurled a bit as he heard the telltale signs of door slamming shut. Oh jesus. They were coming, coming to the barn. Any minute now several human farmers would walk in and discover this...monster with their prize cow, having turned her into some weird form of breeding station.

Rhys tried to concentrate but with all the noise his precious moo was making, that was going to be pretty difficult. He supposed there was only really one option for those two mutant babies. He had to take them home, and they would have to live with him and learn the ways he lived life.

He reached down and scooped one up, cradling it against his side and staring down at those beautiful eyes that matched his perfectly. It wasn't making any noise...was that normal for a newborn? Rhys had somehow thought that they would make a lot more noise than they actually do.

With his other arm, he carefully scooped up the other, holding both of them tightly to one of either of his sides, carefully raising himself and staring longingly down at his lover. The gorgeous cow...he wouldn't be able to see her for some time. He thought about taking her with him, but that wouldn't work at all. His little den in the forest couldn't hold her at all, and she'd just wander off. He'd lose her forever.

Still, with the state he left her pussy in he might never see her again anyway. It was a risk he had no choice but to take now as he jumped to his feet, carefully cradling his 'children' in either arm. He swallowed hard as he slipped towards the open door, just as he heard the clanging of metal from behind him. Oh fuck...somebody was opening the other barn door!

He managed to squeeze through holding his children, barely making it out into the field and shutting the barn door he'd snuck in from before he heard the heavier doors behind him open up. That was definitely a close call, but he wasn't out of the proverbial woods yet.

Sneaking through the field was much more difficult with two...living beings under Rhys's arms. Didn't help that he was entirely sore from his night of debauchery and it was finally beginning to set in. Crossing the fence this last time, it was almost killer. He very nearly dropped one of his 'young'.

Leaving his fantasy behind, he struggled into the woods and did his best not to drop his young, slipping into his den and finally being able to set them on the bed. He collapsed onto the ground before the bed, heaving and staring up at them. Didn't they do anything at all? The entire run back to the den they had been silent, just comfortably relaxing in his arms. Now they were both staring down at him, dripping cum from their strange, strange anatomy right onto his arm.

He thought about saying something to them, but they wouldn't be able to understand anything he was saying. Not without years of teaching. It wasn't every day that two strange creatures like this were bred, so he didn't even have any idea on how to teach them, help them grow other than perhaps to treat them like regular children in every regard?

These thoughts and more swept over him as he finally passed out, the sun just peaking above the woods as the roosters finished their crowing. The last thing he remembered before he fell asleep was that these farmers were in for one hell of a surprise with the cow. Rhys hadn't had any time to even wipe his cum out of her snatch. He'd barely made it out in once piece.

Hours and hours he slept, until the sun was nearly setting again. He sat up with a jolt, his dreams having been turbulent and strange. After everything he'd done, witnessed and said today had been so taxing it was hard to move.

Just as he sat up to rub his aching forehead, he looked around, panic setting in as he realized the children were nowhere to be found. The children...the ones he'd pulled out of his hot cow pussy. And how about the huuuuge mess that he'd made, brought home and left behind. He shrugged just as his eyes fell upon five broken purple egg shells scattered across the floor...Oh dear....

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