The Junkman

Story by systmaticwzl on SoFurry

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Originally published in Sinister Sheets as a non-furry story by Thurston Howl Publications. I turned this into a furry story as I'm working on a horror collection called Carnage. I recommend grabbing a copy of the anthology.

Purchase Link:

The Junkman

The cold stabbed his fur as he walked out from the airport. Gordy cursed the venture into new territory, setting his bags down and scanning for his ride, yet finding only an empty roadway. He patted down his pockets trying to find a pack of cigarettes, yet only finding only loose change and crumpled receipts from meals he had during layovers.

His body craved the taste of tar and ash--craved the act of taking a small stick and setting it between his lips. The image of smoke filling his lungs as he let out a large sigh became an all too repeating fantasy for him as he started to regret his decision to quit more and more. Yanking his phone out of his jacket pocket, he swiped it on and sent a text, "I'm here. Goddamn it's fuckin' freezing out here."

"Almost there, baby. Can't wait to finally see you in the flesh <3" he read back to himself. The message warmed him a little, but it did nothing to keep him from quaking in the dark northern cold. His hands shuffled furiously as he put his phone in his pocket, the ruffled them through his short black hair. His antlers hung high over his head, something he'd always been proud of. To most deer, the larger the antlers, the larger the cock.

He waited in the cold with a patience unknown to him before. Not one to enjoy freezing, he stood under the flickering airport lights, the glowing nature of his red fur coming out every time the lights shut off. He was a blend of red and white, could be seen easily in the dark. His golden eyes stare down the pathway and see a car approaching. It wasn't expensive, a beat-up sedan for the modest person living anywhere in the country. Its dark grey exterior shown dull under the piss poor airport lighting. He couldn't hear the car as it neared him, a plane taking off in the background as he stared right into the headlights.

He quickly latched onto his gym bag and stood at the edge of the sidewalk, but feared it made him look too eager, yet at the same time he was really anxious to get in the car. Fears of being catfished bubbled along his arms, giving him tiny goosebumps as he couldn't see the driver from the distance.

His eyes glared in the headlights as the car settled in front of him. A smile wide as his face spread like cracks in the earth as he stared at his lover through the windshield. Everything matched, the sky blue of the coyote's fur, ashes in his eyes, the snow on his chest. Every picture, every chatlog, everything matched. "Perfection." The word left his lips as he meandered to the car and opened the backseat to toss his luggage. He hopped into the passenger seat, rubbed his hands to get warm, keeping himself from attacking his lover with first time kisses and stranglehold hugs. "Ash, oh my god," was all he said staring at the pale blue coyote in the driver's seat. A wave of emotions flooded him. It was as if his brain short circuited, not able to say anymore than he just spoke. Flurries of excitement, and relief fused with him.

Ash put his hand on Gordy's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss, a small slip of tongue pushing past Gordy's lips. Before Ash could pull away, Gordy pushed in for a second kiss, he had been longing for too long and needed more to quench his fix. He savored every single moment, they're breaths hard, heavy as Gordy placed his hand on his lover's face, pushing away strands of his hair. Strands of fur dance in the air like cigarette smoke; a lingering gift to the air as they could not keep themselves apart. Their lips battled each other until suddenly the car behind them screamed. Their horn bleeding out like a gutted pig in the cold, northern night.

Broken apart at last, Ash smiled and put the car in drive, speeding off. Gordy rolled the window down and flipped off the car behind them as if to say, "don't ever fucking bother us like that again." A passive aggressive gesture.

"How was your flight?" Ash asked as he fiddled with the GPS on his phone.

Gordy stretched his neck, ears flattening in the process as he curved it to one side, rolling it back and then curving it to the other side, letting out a large sigh. "Shitty, but everything's better now that I'm with you," he said with a wink. Ash shook his head and let out a small chuckle.

"You never said you were cheesy." He responded.

"You never said you were a cute coyote, but here we are." Gordy put his hand on Ash's as they drove through the blackened streets. "So how eager were you to see me, finally?" he followed, trying to drown out the silence and the car's worrisome squealing.

Ash placed a hand on Gordy's thigh and gripped firmly in response. His thin hands seemed fragile to Gordy, as if he could pull ash's hand by a finger, and it would plop off like an apple from a tree. His eyes traveled slowly up his partner's arm, a finger following swiftly behind. Gordy let out a heavy sigh as he took in the feel of Ash's smooth fur on his, a small sensation he had wanted more than a cigarette since he landed.

As the car pulled into the driveway of Ash's home, a slow jazz oozed from the speakers. Gordy hummed low to the rhythm, moving in to kiss Ash before he could shut off the car. A quick peck, Gordy sung low, "I gave my heart to you, the one that I trusted," a second peck, their breath connecting as his tongue slid inside then retracting swiftly, "you brought it back to me all broken and busted." He let a small chuckle escape his lips as Ash finally shut off the car. He didn't want to move away, heads connecting, he wanted to stay in the moment, but the cold winter seeped through. "I didn't take you for someone who liked jazz." Gordy said as Ash opened the car door.

Ash put his hand on Gordy's cheek and smiled softly, "I don't. Spotify must have messed up on me. But now I know you do."

They walked up the steps into the house. Gordy's breath wafted in the air like smoke as he waited for Ash to unlock the door. His eyes fumbled around, the dark of the porch overtaking him. "So, are you the junkman?" Gordy asked as they entered inside. The warmth of the house hitting his face as quickly as a strong glass of whisky. Ash looked at him with confusion, not understanding the question and Gordy smiled, "you're cuter than I expected. It's from the song, Washington sings of how she sold her heart to this junkman. He broke her heart, and she'll never love again."

Ash started to hum the song as he shed his shirt, his tail swirling to the beat as he moved into Gordy's arms. His hands brush through the deer's short red fur, trailing down and grab onto his lover's jacket. Pushing it off, he swayed as if the music were still playing in the background, then leaned in and nibbled on Gordy's ear. "I guess you'll have to find out," he responds in a whisper, pulling the man into his room. In a fit of mania, Gordy pushes his lips onto Ash's, his hands grabbing his partner's ass. Gordy had been waiting for this for months, talking about it online, sending dick pics and nudes to between each other. He wanted this man more than anything, and here in the first few moments, he got it.

Ash's hands move down towards Gordy's crotch, unzipping his jeans and sliding his hand inside. The seductive coyote teased his partner's cock, waking it up as he pushes him onto the bed. Gordy let out a mild grunt as Ash pulled away from him, sliding his pants down. His hand latched onto Gordy's throbbing member as he slid his tongue across the tip. His mouth worked hungrily along his partner's stiff shaft. Gordy's hand ran through Ash's hair, his fingers trailing through each strand he could grab before thrusting him down onto the full length of his dick. "Goddamn," the word escaped his lips as if it were his first time.

Ash pushed off and climbed onto the bed. His tongue traveled across Gordy's stomach, moving up along his chest and the curve of his neck. He landed right on Gordy's lips as he lowered his ass onto his lover's cock, using what saliva that was left. A blend of blue and red danced together on the mattress. Gordy's antler's rocked against the walls as his partner pushed himself down to Gordy's base. The coyote's moans collided with his partner's grunts as he rode him hard.

Gordy took his hands, and moved the firey fingers along his lover's back, grabbing tight as if the moment would trail off in a ball of confusion, leaving only his imagination running through the clouds. The lights never dimmed, flourescent brightness hung over them the beige white of the room. Every time he opened his eyes, Gordy thought of how this perfect sky blue clashed so hard with these meager beige walls. Ash was the best feature here, the rest could bleed away.

There was a part of Gordy that couldn't believe this was happening, that it was real. His fingers grabbed onto Ash's fur tighter. In a fit of mania, he pushed Ash onto his back, his tongue sliding along the curve of his lover's neck. Gordy rammed himself in hard, his hips pounding at a furious pace.

Gordy's hands pressed hard against Ash's shoulders, yet something odd happened beneath them. His eyes closed, he could feel his fingers slide, as if he were holding onto mush. His tongue lashed as his mouth sucked hard against Ash's neck, and soon blood seeped between his lips. Confused, Gordy opened his eyes to see if he bit his partner, yet before he could ascertain any damage, his cock started to tingle inside Ash's ass.

"I was hoping you'd be an asshole. It'd make this easier on me." He heard Ash say, and before he could respond, a sharp pain shot through his groin and up his hips. It was as if lightning struck the tip of his cock and it reached so far inside his body, his skull would explode.

His mind was a blizzard of thoughts, mixtures of pain and confusion rattled around his head. His eyes blurred his vision. He placed a hand onto Ash's chest to push away from his lover's body. He could feel it sink into the flesh, and as his vision steadied, he could see Ash's face contorting, spreading wide. Ash was a slowly becoming a plot of clay, fur and flesh spreading and tearing apart. "I guess the junkman got you tonight," his voice was distorted as Gordy finally got away. He fell off the bed and against the wall. He stared at his crotch, only to find his cock missing.

"What the fuck? Did your ass just..." Gordy shouted in confusion. "Where the fuck is my dick?" he shouted again. Ash said nothing as his body changed, his body tearing apart at his chest, teeth exposing themselves underneath. Gordy took the first thing he could grab, his shoe, and threw it at the monster before him, yet it was torn apart. He pushed himself up and tried to run for the door, yet Ash caught him, tearing Gordy's back hart with his claws. Gordy kicked back, only to have his foot bitten off in Ash's chest.

"I'm all teeth on the inside, Gordy. And fuck Christ am I hungry." Ash responded, pulling his victim close.

"What the fuck, man. What fucked up thing are you?" Gordy shouted, and Ash started to devour the rest of his leg. Gordy screamed wilder than a banshee. The pain of being eaten at this slow rate was too much for him to handle. His blood splattered all over the creature's body as he was munched on. He could taste his own ooze from throat. Gordy grew weaker, slowly not able to fight any longer. In his last fit of consciousness, he grabbed his cellphone only to pass out before he could call for help.

The beast took all of Gordy's lower half before he finally emitted his final breath. Ash's body crunched every shattered bone like a woodchipper, the blood and flesh sliding down the monster's insides. It wasn't satiated until Ash had every limb and piece of his the former lover. Within a matter of moment's Gordy was devoured, and Ash, though satiated, started searching for another victim.

I Burned the Bridges to Heaven

**I Burned the Bridges to Heaven** The room was filled with the smell of cakes and pastries, as well as coffee. Plates and silverware clanked together voraciously as the people around them ate their sweets and discussed the normal politics of the...

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