Abyssus Abbey Chapter 11: A Whisper

Story by PenDarke on SoFurry

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#11 of Abyssus Abbey

No rest for the wicked. Tuco returns to Abyssus Abbey only to find himself cursed by a new devil, and he's starting to lose control

Chapter 11: A Whisper

Tuco followed the taste of Rigby's scent through the halls of the Abbey. Hob was not with him; the little imp had cowered away from the hollow gaze of the Gasen watching the western gate, and had pleaded and begged Tuco not to enter. When Tuco passed beneath the stone creature's gaze without incident, Hob gaped and groveled and declared his master the slyest and most cunning of all devils, a compliment which had left Tuco feeling extremely conflicted. The imp had sworn to find him later, within the walls of the Abbey, and Tuco had proceeded without him.

It was still early, and the halls of the Abbey were empty and quiet, so he heard Rigby's voice from some distance away and tracked it down the stone corridors that lead to the Brothers' dormitories. He came across the clockwork man standing outside one of the Brother's rooms, hand braced against the cracked-open door as though to stop it from closing.

"Brother, you do not understand," he was saying. "The boy is out there alone in the cold and rain, with little to protect him. If the cold doesn't kill him, the wildlife will. We must take a troop out now to--"

"Rigby," Tuco called down the hallway. "It's all right. I made it back safely."

The figure turned and peered through the low candlelight. "Tuco? But--" He turned back to the door. "No, it seems he has managed to return on his own. Thank you, Brother. My humblest apologies for interrupting your repose." The cracked door closed and Rigby came down the hallway.

He looked up, and Tuco's skin prickled as he realized how small Rigby looked now. He'd been significantly taller than Tuco before, and now the top of his head reached somewhere around Tuco's chest. He looked almost childish, his head tilted up, eyes wide. "What in blazes happened to you?" He shook his head. "I do not want to know, do I?"

"Even I don't truly understand it," Tuco said. His tail swayed behind him, betraying his anxiety. "I feel like I'm being played with, and all I can do is try to adapt. I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable for you."

Rigby looked him up and down and then glanced upward at the Gasen. "You made it here without alarm. And I haven't forgotten what you did for me. I never will. Do not feel too ashamed or awkward, Tuco. Despite all that has happened to you, you seem to have kept your mind and your soul. See that you continue to. You would not like to see what has happened to the Brothers and apprentices who have been confined to the Throat."

"Thank you for trying to get people to help. Is it all right if I don't come to classes today? I think I might need some food and sleep."

"Go." Rigby motioned him on. "You have earned it, Tuco Witchywine. Er. You may wish to... withdraw your tongue before joining the others."

"Oh!" Tuco covered his mouth with one hand. He'd become so reliant on the scents from his tongue that he'd forgotten it was hanging out on its own, and he had to remind himself how to withdraw it and keep it behind his fangs.

He followed the hallways back to the apprentice dorms, marveling at how much smaller they seemed. He still could not reach the ceilings, as they had been crafted for inhabitants far more changed than he, but he still felt as though somehow he had entered a claustrophobic version of the Abbey, the walls closer together, the candles and sconces that had once burned high above his head now at eyeline. He stopped in the apprentice refectory and after his first bite of ham and bread realized how truly ravenous he was. He positively gorged himself, consuming three heavy plates worth of food and licking them clean before the gnawing hunger in his stomach went away.

He had to reach down to open the door to the apprentice dormitory, and though he tried to be quiet moving through it, his footsteps thudded heavily, and his long tail swayed on its own, knocking against bedframes and tables and leaving a wake of sleepy, confused apprentices behind him. He had to duck down to step through the door to the hallway of private dormitories, and his horn tips still caught the top of the door frame and tore two chunks of wood out of it.

He opened the door to his private room and ducked lower to step inside. Pike was there, lying on his side on Tuco's pallet, his ears folded back, his arms around one of Tuco's blankets, face buried into the bunched fabric. Tuco crept into the room and settled down on the pallet as quietly as he could. He was too tall for it now, and even with his horns pressing up against the wall, his large feet still protruded off the far end by a foot. There were not enough blankets to cover him.

Pike stirred and opened sleepy brown eyes. "Tuco?" he mumbled. "You're back." Awareness settled in slowly. "You're enormous. And--is that a tail?"

"Yep. Now we both have one."

The sleepiness fled from Pike and he rolled over and leaned up on one elbow. "Good God. Your horns are longer too. But... you look very fine now. Still... massive, but better proportioned. What happened to you?"

"I defeated Belphegor," Tuco said. "And made a friend. I'll tell you all about it." He cupped Pike's shoulder in one hand and slid it down his side. "You look so little now." His tail curled around and slid down the fur of Pike's back, flicked through the rabbit-man's spade tail, and then nestled beneath, sliding up and down gently through the cleft of Pike's rump. Pike's gasped and he gazed up at Tuco questioningly. He had gone instantly erect.

"The tail kind of... does what I want," Tuco said apologetically. "Even if I try to stop it."

Pike buried his face in Tuco's chest, his ears flicking. "So you want me now?" he asked, muffled.

"I guess I do." Tuco pulled his friend into his arms. He felt so small now, and it made Tuco feel protective of him, as though with his strength he could shelter Pike from all the world's ills.

Plus it had been three days in the wilderness and the rain with no relief, and while he had lain with both Etreon and Pike in the days before, it had been awkward and uncomfortable trying to relax with them when his body had felt so bloated and ill-fitting. Now he felt strong, powerful. He rolled onto his back, lifted Pike easily to his face and plunged his tongue into Pike's rump, making the rabbit-man yelp in pleasure and surprise, arching his back as Tuco slickened him up.

Tuco gave him a fangy grin and dried his tongue with long strokes up Pike's chest, holding him easily with both arms before lowering him onto his eager erection. Pike groaned his name and dragged his claws down Tuco's chest and sides as Tuco sunk inch after inch into him, the rabbit's own slender erection nestling in the lines between Tuco's abdominals as Tuco held him close. He began to rock gently into Pike, and as he did so, his tail curled around and found Pike's neck, coiling around it once, twice, like a collar, his spaded tip discovering Pike's parted teeth and pushing between them. The rabbit groaned and sucked on Tuco's tail tip as though it were a cock being fed to him. His clawed fingers gripped behind Tuco's lats and held tight as he bucked against Tuco's muscled belly, sliding around his cock, his hot depths squeezing as Tuco fucked him.

He came, his climax a small, desperate twitching against Tuco's stomach, little hot splashes briefly slickening Tuco's skin before they were soaked up by Pike's fur. He groaned and yelped in overstimulation as Tuco continued to fuck him, and after a short time Tuco withdrew, unsated but pleased to have pleasured his friend so deeply. He rested with both heavy arms around PIke as the rabbit panted and clung to him, and eventually his own erection subsided enough that he drifted into slumber.

After a long while he awoke, and Pike was gone. The blankets had been carefully arranged over him to keep him warm, but they were not enough to cover him, and he was shivering. The room reeked of sex on top of his own stink of sweat and the dirt of travel. Reluctantly, he got to his feet, collected his rags, the blankets, and pallets, and put them all outside the hallway to be cleaned, retrieving fresh pallets and bedclothes from the storage nearby.

On his way to the washroom, naked, he came across Etreon in the dormitory. The apprentice was pure white in color, and his skin was vapory and fluffy, like clouds. When he saw Tuco, his eyes went as wide as thunderheads. "Hello, Etreon," tuco said with a smile. He stepped right up to his friend, whom he now towered over, forcing Etreon to stare directly into his chest. "I grew a little. I hope you don't mind."

And much to his surprise, Etreon made a ragged little series of gasps. "Al--Alkeides," he stammered and then buckled over, his hands gripping at Tuco's sides as he shook. When he looked up again, his cheeks were a brilliant red, and without another word he scurried off to the washroom.

Tuco didn't even have to loose his tongue to catch the unmistakable odor of come.

He spent a long while lounging in the washroom since nearly all the other apprentices were in studies, or conscripted into copying old manuscripts if they could read and write well enough. Etreon and two others were the only ones present, and Etreon kept stealing furtive looks toward Tuco and then reddening, which with his vaporous complexion looked like a sunset across his cheeks. Tuco smiled and settled himself into the largest bath, relaxing completely for what felt like the first time in weeks. He rested the back of his head against the edge of the tub, let his arms float out to either side, and closed his eyes. He desired nothing, craved nothing. His stomach was full, he'd gotten enough sleep, and for the moment, at least, no one was out to get him. Another devil would come for him soon, he supposed, but eventually Hob would find him in the Abbey and they could worry about that then. For now, he deserved a moment of peace. He drifted into a contented half-slumber, opening his eyes only when something touched his tail and his cock, only to see that his tail had coiled around his semi-hard erection and begun to tug lightly, lazily, and that seemed fine, too.

He drifted in the eternally hot water, barely paying attention as other apprentices came and went, and by the time he finally opened his eyes and decided it was time to dry off and do other things, the light had faded from the narrow windows and candles were lighting themselves. The washroom was empty. He stretched lazily in the tub and hefted himself up, water running down his chest and back. It felt good just to have freedom of movement in his limbs again. He was about to step out of the tub when something red and pulsing moved across the ceiling, like lights inside the stones. It was only there for a moment, but as it vanished behind the opposite wall, there was a whisper: "Incubus."

The sound seemed to lodge itself in Tuco's chest, vibrating inside him like a trapped bird. He rubbed uselessly at his chest with both hands, but the feeling was deep inside him, deeper than his lungs, and then it started to move downward. It tickled when it passed through his stomach, almost making him giggle despite himself, and then it sunk lower, between his legs. There was a pulse, a strange throb, in his balls and it moved all the way up his limp cock, and as it did, his cock rose with it. He staggered a little in the tub, leaning over to grip the sides as the sensation overwhelmed him. Another pulse, and his erection stiffened further. Then a third, and he was achingly erect, and the strange feeling of something trapped inside him dissipated, but it was replaced with an intense and overwhelming arousal. He hadn't climaxed in days; even in his tryst with Pike earlier he'd been too tired to work himself to release, and now he needed to. His balls felt painfully full, his shaft was hard as iron and beginning to leak.

Tuco gave a quick, desperate look around and then tugged on his cock with one hand, nearly buckling from pleasure and the arousal that overwhelmed him. Slickness painted his fingers and he leaned over in the bath, bracing himself with his free hand and stroking quickly. His tongue hung nearly to the water as he pleasured himself, and sent him the residual scents of many other apprentices who had found release in the washroom themselves, an odor which only seemed to spur his own eagerness. He groaned, arching his back as he pulled at his cock, and his tail spade grazed lightly up the insides of his thighs, teasing him, moving over his scrotum and making it prickle with pleasure. He stroked faster, wanting to finish before anyone else came in and found him there, and as he did, his tail slid higher, wriggling between the thick globes of his rump. And then, as he rode the edge, his tail pushed suddenly inside him, making him gasp with shock at the sensation. Unerringly it found a center of pleasure inside him and pressed into it hard, forcing a climax from him. He barked a sudden yelp of surprise and ecstasy as his cock jerked, spitting thick wads of come into his bathwater over and over, and for a moment all he could think about was the pleasure of release.

When his hips finally stopped twitching he climbed out of the tub and dried himself, waiting for his erection to subside, listening to the gurgle as the enchanted basin drained and refilled itself with clean, scented water. By the time it had finished, though, his erection was no softer than before, still jutting upward, and the urges of his arousal were thrumming through him no less intensely. This was unusual for him; typically he could release once or twice a day; he'd managed five times once when he'd been very worked up, but almost never twice in a row. He tried a few ineffectual ways of tying a towel around his waist, but they all rubbed teasingly against his flesh and made his cock flex hard beneath it. Bemused, Tuco discarded the towel and went to relieve his arousal again above the holes for waste. He closed his eyes as he tugged at himself, thinking of Pike's tight rump around his cock, thinking of Etreon riding, kissing across his chest and calling him Alkeides. He fantasized about Hhalbor, who was strong and athletic and protective. Tuco had never dallied with him in part because of the thick pelt of barbed quills that grew all down his back, but in fantasy it didn't matter; the quills were unable to scratch Tuco's skin and Tuco's horns clattered against Hhalbor's antlers as they mated. His mind drifted from apprentice to apprentice, thinking about how he might seduce each of them and share this pleasure: Braxus, the giant apprentice with the lower body of a wolf; Erlin, the wasp-winged one who certainly hated him; even Rigby, rutting into his mechanical body and turning his head around and around to feel his body grow tauter and more vigorous as they mated.

The pleasures and seductions ran through his head, all enticing, all delightful, and then he slid his tail inside himself again and almost roared as he climaxed, his hips bucking as he spattered the wall behind the seats with as much come as he'd done before. Then he went to clean off his tail and cock, panting with happiness and the exertion.

But still his arousal would not fade. Still his erection would not wane. It had to be something related to the lights in the ceiling. Some devil had changed him again? What had that word meant, incubus? And where was Hob? A spike of panic pierced the blanket of arousal that enfolded him. He wrapped several larger towels around his middle, trying to cinch them tightly to hold his erection flat against his hip, and hurried out of the washroom.

In the dormitory, a little hunched over, he selected several of the clothes made for larger apprentices and went to his room to dress. His nose wrinkled. It still smelled like his sex with Pike earlier. The larger tunic and robes fit better than they had his previous too-thick build, but it still pulled around the arms and shoulders, so he opted for the torn-off sleeves look he'd opted for before. Idly, he wondered if every night there was some frustrated group of demons irritably sewing all the clothes back together. No one had ever seen the clean clothes show up; they were always just there every morning, smelling of new wool with just a hint of brimstone.

When he returned to the main room, apprentices were all filing in together, talking in low voices. Several of them pointed in his direction, but no one said anything directly to him. He did see Erlin staring in his direction, though, and felt an uneasy pang of worry. After a moment, Pike wandered in, and Tuco waved him over and then went back to his room.

"Well, that was interesting," Pike said, closing the door behind him. "Apparently Walstein has elected to leave his service at the Abbey. Purely of his own choice."

"Well, it was," Tuco said, feeling a little defensive. "I don't know how to explain it, but... he got what he needed. I think he's happy now."

"That may be, but what everyone else saw is you leaving with someone who you didn't like, and coming back without him. And now he's gone forever. Rigby is swearing up and down that you did nothing, but I don't think anyone's convinced."

Tuco sighed. "Well, I could tell some kind of lie that would convince everyone, but I'd rather not toy with other people's minds like that. It doesn't feel right. And maybe if they think I did something to Walstein they'll be more cautious around me."

"Or they'll try to jump you. Scared people don't behave wisely, Tuco. Trust me." He perked his ears. "What was it you wanted, anyway?"

Wordlessly, Tuco pulled open his robe.

Pike looked down at his erection and raised his brows. "Twice in one day? You spoil me, Tuco."

"No, it--" Tuco clenched his teeth and tried to ignore it as his tail helpfully decided to coil around his own length. "--it won't go down, Pike."

"So just work it out! Or I can do it for you."

"I already did! Twice! And it... made no difference. I didn't even need a rest."

Pike gave a low whistle and sauntered forward, licking his lips. "So what you're telling me is that you can come over and over again without stopping."

"I don't know. I think so. I... I want to, continuously. It's distracting."

"Did anything happen?"

"There was a light moving through the ceiling when I was in the washroom. It said a word. Incubus. Does that mean anything to you?"

Pike tilted his ears back, dropping to a crouch in front of Tuco. "I don't think so. Though it sounds familiar. Maybe something in ritual? I could ask one of the Brothers." He inhaled. "You know, I really like this new height of yours, Tuco. Crouching like this puts you right in front of me. Did you want me to try to help you out with it?"

Need flooded through Tuco's veins. "Oh, God. Yes. Please."

Pike tilted his head to one side and gave Tuco's aching erection a lick, the coolness of his tongue leaving a streak of blessed relief. He looked up and down at Tuco again and then back at Tuco's cock, staring at it with a thoughtful expression.

"What?" Tuco asked, leaning back against the wall and gripping it at with need.

"Nothing, I just--whoa," Pike said suddenly.

Tuco leaned forward in time to see his erection flex, swelling slightly larger, and then bob as he relaxed the flex... but he didn't reduce in size. Instead, his cock flexed again, harder, stretching out a little longer, growing a little thicker, and again relaxed.

Pike gazed at it with a rapt expression as it extended again, as if reaching for his nose. "Are--are you doing this?"

"No," Tuco groaned through clenched teeth. "What happened--ahhhh--what did you do?"

The rabbit-man rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I might have been thinking a little how it was a shame that this hadn't grown with the rest of you. I imagined it a few inches longer and--whoa." He broke off as Tuco's cock expanded in size again, its tip kissing Pike's nose and leaving a long, clear string of pre connecting the two.

Tuco had never been very large--it was considered attractive to have a small endowment as in the Achaean statues of gods and heroes. But after meeting Elf and discovering a new taste for men, he had found that he and most apprentices preferred at minimum, a dick that could fill more than one hand, and his had just done that. Many lusted after much larger, and those apprentices gifted with seven or eight inches were very popular among a wide number of the group. Now Tuco was already pushing that limit, and with another straining flex of his erection, stretched beyond that. He gripped it in one hand in astonishment, and it was thick enough now that his fingers wouldn't meet on the other side. "Oh God," he groaned, shuddering at the intense sensation. "How big did you imagine it?"

Pike watched the tip of it cross-eyed as it rose up above his nose, easily nine inches in length. "About that big," he said, and then it stopped. "Wow. Do you think that was because of my wish? Is it the incubus thing?"

"I don't know," Tuco said, panting with need. "Don't wish anything else, though."

But he was too late. Pike, looking somewhat foggy with lust, was already staring at the sac beneath his now prodigious cock, and Tuco felt an almost electric pulse from his balls. "Pike," he groaned. He felt them swell, filling out the sac and stretching it, and with the swelling came an intense increase in arousal. He reached down to grip them in one hand, and they pulsed again and again, filling his grip, balls that felt as large as chicken eggs spilling out of his fingers on either side. Lust roared through his mind, and his cock gave another flex, sending an arc of clear fluid splashing across Pike's muzzle.

The rabbit licked it from his jaws with an awed expression. "Did you just--"

"No," Tuco managed, shifting from foot to foot. "That wasn't a climax." He held his left testicle in his hand and could feel it continuing to expand in his grip. "What did you do, Pike?"

"I couldn't help it," Pike breathed, and leaned down to snuffle and kiss at the other ball, his whiskers teasing Tuco's aching cock. "I just thought, you know, they should... match your new rod."

"Oh God, oh God," Tuco groaned as his orb pulsed in his hand again, and his cock jerked, splashing another arc of fluid across Pike's throat, matting the fur. The stuff ran down the underside of his shaft and across his sac, dripping onto the floor and coating his hand. It was hot and slippery. He felt another pulse, another swell, and then finally the sensation ebbed. He looked down in amazement past his newly grown shaft at a sac whose skin was stretched tight around two orbs the size of large apples. They nestled in front of his huge thighs, each far larger than his whole bulge had been only moments ago. He stood there, panting, achingly aroused, already slick and ready to fuck.

Pike leaned back. "Gorgeous," he murmured, and then his ears pricked upright. "I should get Etreon! He'd kill me if I let him miss this!" He sprang upright in one easy leap. "Don't go anywhere, Tuco. I'll be right back!"

"Go? How would I go anywhere?" Tuco muttered, but Pike was already gone. He shrugged and pulled his clothes off, tossing them to one side. They were mostly still clean, though a stream of his pre had soaked one side of his robe. He hefted his shaft in both hands, feeling its weight. "I hope thisss isn't permanent too," he told himself, but there was no one around to hear the hiss, and once his tongue was out he caught the scent of himself more strongly, and the next thing he knew, he had the end of his tongue coiled twice around his shaft, his tongue tips probing lightly at his slit. He liked the taste of his fluid: salty, almost buttery, and his cock kept giving little flexes and beading out several more droplets as he licked himself. One thing that was true was that he hoped his erection wasn't going to last forever. A few intense climaxes were fun, but he had to eat and study and sleep, and it seemed like after a while, this was going to start to ache.

The door opened a half-second after he heard the footsteps in the hallway, and Etreon and Pike caught him with his tongue lassoing his cock, but instead of blushing, he found himself giving it a few more licks and turning a playful grin in their direction. It was the arousal, he thought, overriding his sense.

Etreon staggered back a step, that sunrise lighting up his cumulus cheeks, and Tuco wondered whether he was going to spatter the inside of his tunic again, but he kept it together and came closer, breathing in deeply the whole time. "What happened to you?" he asked, staring down at Tuco's erection and oversized balls.

"I don't know. More devil enchantment, I guess," Tuco said.

Pike shrugged his slender shoulders. "I just imagined it like that... wished for it a bit, I suppose. And it grew right before my eyes."

Etreon swallowed. "You mean if I--"

"No, don't!" Pike and Tuco both shouted together, but it was too late. Tuco felt that erotic surge flush through him again. All three stared as his cock flexed hard, lifting upward and then stretching out by at least an inch and thickening dramatically.

"Oh my God," Etreon murmured. "I can't believe it." He put both soft, oddly fluffy hands around Tuco's shaft, pulling it toward his face. He was rewarded with a splash of pre against his nose and mouth and another surge of growth that made Tuco's tip smash into his cheek. Pre soaked into the cloudy surface of his face and dripped from his white chin. He had a dazed look in his eyes. "I want to feel it happen," he declared, and then he opened his mouth wide and dove down around the head of Tuco's cock.

Pike raised his brows. "Wow. Uh, how big do think he wished it?"

Tuco couldn't even think about the question as pleasure seared through his mind; he felt the tension rise through his shaft again, straining it, and then it reeled out further, sliding itself into the back of Etreon's throat, bumping into his teeth as it forced his jaws wider. Etreon huffed through his nostrils, his eyes widening, and then Tuco's tail slid around and looped around Etreon's neck, half disappearing in the cloudlike material. With a yielding but firm tug, his tail pushed Etreon down around his cock. The apprentice took a deep breath and then swallowed, and Tuco felt the tightness of his throat squeezing around him--and then another pulse of growth and that throat got much tighter. Etreon began to struggle at that, and Tuco's tail let him go. He pulled Tuco's cock out of his throat and popped it out of his mouth just in time to avoid the next surge, as Tuco's tip mashed into his face, swelling larger than an apple.

The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming now, and even with his cock free, Tuco's climax rose with a tidal force. His horns scraped against the wall as he leaned his head back, and his cock grew one final time as he came, a thick torrent of white blasting into Etreon's face and sending him falling backward, covered in come. He groaned as his cock jerked, pulling with strange heaviness on his hips, sending white liquid shapes twisting through the air to splatter against the far wall where it put out one of the candles with a hiss. He painted the stones of his floor, left long streaks across Etreon's clothes, and then finally his climax ebbed, little spurts of come still erupting from his tip.

"God's blood," Pike swore. "I've never seen anything like that in my life. Well, except for what happened with Charley, but that's Charley, for fuck's sake. He has to wheel his family jewels around in a basket."

Tuco stood panting, trying to recover himself. His erection bobbed in front of him and while it had been large before, now it was enormous. He gripped it in both hands and could not cover it from end to end. "How big is it?" he asked with concern.

Pike stared skeptically. "I dunno. Bigger than a foot long for sure. Maybe fifteen inches? And I've seen narrower wine bottles." He glanced down. "Your balls grew again, too."

"Damn it, Etreon," Tuco groaned. "What am I supposed to do with this now?"

The apprentice blearily pushed himself to his knees. He was spattered with pre and come and his cheeks glowed brilliant red. With some effort he struggled out of his tunic. His cloudy body looked puffy and slightly amorphous, but his erection was no less obvious. "I'm sorry, Tuco. I couldn't help myself. I've always had these fantasies about enormous men, and... and you're nicer and more beautiful than any of them, and I just... I lost myself, I'm sorry." He stared at Tuco's erection. "Er... when does it go down?"

Tuco shook his head, almost trembling with arousal. "It's not. I still... I just need release so badly."

Pike stared around the room and threw his paws up in the air. "After all of that? How much can you have in you?"

Tuco reached down and hefted one of his balls. It more than filled his hand. Sakes, what had Etreon done to him? And was this reversable? "More," he said helplessly. "Maybe... maybe one more time?"

The rabbit took a deep breath. "Well. It's a welcome change from that one-time-a-day nonsense you used to suffer from."

"Can you even fit that inside you?"

Pike rolled his eyes. "Oh, I can fit that. Most of it, anyway. Never you fear. But maybe since we're both here, Etreon and I should share. I like sharing with Etreon." He grinned coyly, and then shook a finger at Etreon. "But no imagining anything else. You want Tuco to end up like Charley? Do you?"

Etreon shook his head.

"Then come over here," Pike said, crooking a finger. "And give Tuco and me a kiss."

Wide-eyed, Etreon scrambled back over, leaning closer, but Pike bent down and put his mouth on Tuco's tip. Etreon nodded in understanding and bent in to meet Pike's mouth, parting his lips to kiss around Tuco's thick head. Tuco gave a low groan and filled both their mouths with pre.

Etreon wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled shyly. "He tastes so good."

"Mmm." Pike reached out and clasped the back of Etreon's head, pulling him into the kiss again, and their tongues swirled and licked around Tuco's tip as they shared him between them. He let out a long, happy sigh and leaned back, his hips rocking, his tail swaying in the air in time to their licks and bobs and the pulses of his shaft. He felt four hands--two fuzzy and padded, two fluffy and yielding, gripping along his shaft as they kissed each other around him, working their mouths down his length and then back up to tip. One of them--probably Pike--managed to get his mouth all the way around Tuco's tip and swallow down his length a little, sending pleasure rocketing through him. Then the other managed it as well, imitating the feat, and he rocked his hips toward the suckling mouth in delight.

Then they both managed it at once, and the duplication of the pleasure sent his mind careening through a wall of pleasure so hard that it took a moment for the question, "Both?" to enter his mind. He opened his eyes. Both Pike and Etreon had their eyes closed, each suckling at the head of an enormous, pink cock... that melded into one halfway down. He opened his mouth to try to say something, to shout in alarm, but he was in the middle of two simultaneous blowjobs, and pleasure blasted the words from his mind. He could only stare, his hips flexing, as the two shafts separated more and more, all the way down to his hips, and then two thick rods were jutting upward from his loins, each with a separate man gripping it, swallowing it deep into his throat.

Look at them. They're yours. They belong to you now.

The thought rattled through him. He was connected to them in some way; he shared some strange kind of space with them. He could feel them with him in a way that he'd never felt anyone before. As though he were tangled up in them somehow. And then he climaxed for a fourth time in less than an hour. Every sensation was duplicated, every pleasure twinned; the risings of pressure within him, the aches of delicious readiness, the crescendos, the teasing across his tips that was almost too great to bear, the hungers for release, and then climaxes from two points at once, sending his mind careening into new pleasure. His shafts erupted into Etreon's and Pike's throats, eliciting twin choking sounds as they tried to manage the sudden force and volume of his come. He felt them both splutter, felt tongues squeeze as they gagged, felt his own come leaking out to run down both his shafts at once.

And the strange connection he felt to both Etreon and Pike, that power that caught in them, entangled them with him, pulled. They both cried out at the same time, spluttering his come, and both leaned back, their backs arching, their hips twitching toward him as they came too, their own erections tense as they arced their pleasure into the air toward him. As they climaxed, something else came from them--from their mouths and noses and eyes. It was light, a twisting light of folded shapes, like the reflection of daylight onto the stones of a river bridge. It warped and rolled through the air toward Tuco, drawn toward him. He could feel something in him pulling the light toward him.

As it moved out of them, both Pike and Etreon began to shrink. It was gradual, but steady; their hands covered less of his cocks, their fingers spreading apart. They shifted their knees on the floor as their hips narrowed, their legs shortened. Their heads dropped lower and lower before him.

And then the light came close to his face and entered his mouth, his nose, his eyes, and it was ecstatic. It was power, it was humanity, it was love, it was everything, and he couldn't help but pull it into him.

But Pike and Etreon were getting smaller and smaller before him, and clarity awoke in his mind. This is insane. You're a sex demon. You're devouring them even now. And he reached down inside himself, found that place where their souls intertwined with his, and tore it free. Both Etreon and Pike dropped to the floor, panting, clutching their shafts as their climaxes continued.

Tuco's body roared in protest. It wanted more. It wanted them all. It wanted to devour them completely. But even a taste had helped. The crazed arousal in him had eased. He sat up, looking down at his sweaty and soaked body, at the twin shafts that rose from his loins. They ran with thick white come even now. Neither was as large as he had been moments before, but each was easily twice the size as he'd been this morning, and both were still ready.

He ignored them. He leaned forward, shaking Pike, his tail nudging Etreon under the chin. "Are you both all right?"

Etreon gave a mad little giggle. Pike opened his eyes dreamily and murmured, "That was astounding. I never knew sex could be so intense, so wonderful, so--" He blinked and sat up, staring at Tuco's cocks. And then up at Tuco, and around at the room. Tuco guessed he had lost about a foot of his height. "Okay. Okay." he stammered. "What in the fuck just happened?"