A Date with a bear!

Story by firedrake on SoFurry

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This story is about a (male human) and a (female- grizzley

bear).The story is made up.This is my second story so

go easy on me..I hope you enjoy it.

This story starts with Michael Tupmin a male human who is 5'10" and weigh's about 200LBS with blond hair and blue eyes.

He worked as a computer engineer with which he worked twelve plus hours a day So he was always exausted.One day Michael came to work and his boss Bobby Barns called Michael to his office because Bobby saw how tired Michael was.

Bobby told Michael to sit down and told him he needed to take a couple of days off for a

vacation,so Michael said he would like to take one. Michael went home early that day.It was a warm summer day and Michael

decided to go up into the mountains to camp and go fishing for a few days.Michael packed his backpack and got everything

ready.The next day he left in his car to the mountains and got there before it got too hot.He knew a great camp site way in the

hills that had a lake about a mile from where he camps.He took everything out of his car and started walking to the camp

site he knows.

HE took a gallon of water so he did not get dehydrated.He got to his camp site about noon,the sun was very hot

by then and the gallon was empty but he got his camp set up and was happy.He set there in his shorts trying to cool

down,finally cooled down a touch he though about the lake.I can cool down by skinny dipping in the lake,thus saying he took

everything off and he saw his six inches of manhood and smiled,so Michael started to the lake with nothing but a towel on his

shoulders,but drinking a gallon of water during the hike hit him during the journey to the lake causeing him to stop and pee


He felt like he had to pee a dozen times but he got to the lake with no problems,putting his towel on a branch and getting

into the lake felt great to Michael. And further back into the woods was a female grizzley bear was walking

in woods to smell the trees checking for scents of male bears.This was her mateing season and she walked alot to see if a

male was interested,right then she stumbled onto Michael's trail and smelled a tree that Michael took a leak on,interested in the smell the bear followed the scent to the lake.

Meanwhile Michael was swimming and got tired so he got out and got his towel and started to dry himself,he started to

dry the lower half of his body first and then the blond hair next,so Michael started to dry his hair and had his towel drying his hair,when all the sudden he heard a loud cracking noise and froze! All the sudden he felt something furry touch his six inches

of manhood,he thought it was a female deer because it was there season,so he just screamed "Boo" to scare it off but the

fur did not move??

So takeing off his towel off his head he saw a grizzley bear smelling him instead of seeing a deer.Scared

he threw his towel one way and ran the other,the bear liked the scent and followed Michael.Michael ran as fast as he could

but he looked back and tripped over a tree limb and knocked the wind out of Michael.A few seconds later the bear got to

Michael but Michael was playing dead.The bear started to smell her new mate and started at his feet up to his hair,then she

started to smell his manhood again and stepped over the top of Michael,Michael was very scared but he could not control that

when the bear is rubbing against him is makeing him horney.

He did not even know what the sex of the bear even was,but she licked his manhood and then got his lined up with hers and she slowly slipped his into her,Michael felt something furry and moist touch and slide down his manhood,scared he thought the bear was eating his manhood but slowly he open his eyes and saw the bear lay down on Michael.

She started to lick his chect,face,and hair,and nuzzled his nose with her nose,Michael was not sure what was happening but in the groin area it was getting very hot and moist and he was wondering if the bear pee'd on him or messed on him?So he looked downward not really knowing what to expect,he saw the bear bunch up her legs but finally he got a glance down there and was shocked to see himself buried to the hilt in a female bear.Right then she started humping her new mate,she thrusted as hard and as deep as she could and was enjoying it alot.Michael got the idea that all he had to do was let her do it and she would leave but she humped him until he shot his load into her,several times and then tired she laid there on Michael for two days straight and humped him that long.When he finally got back to his camp packed

everything and walked as fast to his car as he could.

He came back to work a few days later looking more tired than before and

his boss saw that and wondered?? Bobby asked did you take a vacation and Michael said (bearly) one but it is safer

here and went back to work.