Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#100 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire


Life has been very trying and difficult as of late for the survivors of the cataclysm. In the distant past, the Time Hunters along with Sir Ram and Mara tried to destroy ONE to prevent its arrival on Counter Earth. They only succeeded in resurrecting some who had perished the day of the fall. In the present the residents of the Lost City (near World 5) faced an incursion from two separate enemies. During the same time their friends in the nomadic colony (far to the west of World Three) were being hunted by the KLIS. Meanwhile Kala and her vigilantes were facing increasingly stronger enemies trying to defend their territory (in World Two). And while all that was happening, a frenemy (in World Four) brought home an ancient weapon he had recently unleashed....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)

Day 204 (12:30 PM Juke's Trading Post in the Great Plains far west of World ONE.)

"Progress update!" A mongoose boy said anxiously to a set of legs sticking out from underneath the red prototype.

"Not much has changed from when you asked me last little beastial." Jeremiah Juke responded slightly annoyed.

"Mr. Juke we need to get this hover vehicle operational as soon as possible!" My little brother said while thumping his boomerang in his paw.

"Perhaps that is why the bear woman left you three here with me." Jeremiah said as he continued to weld the underbody of the hover vehicle. "This is going to take some time!"

"Corbin welding is delicate work." Our resident spring hare said to the mongoose boy.

"In other words it is going to take as long as it is going to take." The little mongoose said sheathing his weapon.

"That's right. We needed to be patient once the severed portion of the prototype is reattached to the chassis we can then start to repair the circuits between the two." I said hopefully.

"And then return the hover vehicle to operation." Arugula said.

"It would help if you three weren't hounding me." Mr. Juke replied as he continued to work.

"Fine. I brought some things to do just in case." Corbin said walking off.

"Homework?" Arugula asked.

"Yeah, but not from Ms. Una. It is more of a personal project." The little boy said cryptically sitting down on the porch thumbing through some books. "Well, at least the weather is nice."

"Alex, spring hare."

"It is Arugula Mr. Juke." The ninja warrior said correcting him.

"Yes, well tell me why are you three and that bear woman so anxious to get this hover vehicle operational? Did the other two in your possession become disabled?" The shop owner asked.

"No. We have just come to realize what a valuable asset having operational hover vehicles are, especially in this day and age." I said smiling.

"Alex! You know by saying that he is going to increase what he wants as compensation for his services!" The female beastial said chastising me.

We traded glances with the shop owner as he peeked out from underneath the red hover vehicle smiling.

"Well... my customer base has fallen off considerably in the last few months. I mean in the days after the empire's collapse business was brisk. Now not so much any more just monsters, a lot of them."

"I fear that is because those who survived world fall initially died during the winter, became monster chow or were taken by the entity." I said to the grey haired man with the scar on his cheek.

He waved his hand at us indicating that he was going to need assistance from Arugula and myself.

"We ran into a family of monsters not far from here some months ago- quite xenophobic, they tolerated humans, but despised beastials; it turned out that they had escaped from captivity and just wanted to be left alone."

"Yeah the Walkers. Constance, Buddy and Trance. They come in from time to time looking for the oddest things." Mr. Juke said. "Now if you two could hold the front of the vehicle steady while I finish up."

"Yeah." I replied.

"Of course." Arugula said.

"So Mr. Winter you were saying that your hover vehicles were valuable?"

"For fetching supplies, exploration and defense." I said to the reformed con artist, opportunist and smuggler.

"Defense? You are saying that these are former weapons of the empire which your group reappropriated as a means of defense. I take it that it must be quite dangerous where you live."

"Yes." Arugula said.

"We have some hostile neighbors near by Jeremiah. The first is the entity and its minions who have discovered where we live and are trying to harvest everyone in our community." I said to the shop owner.

"And your community is trying to fight back?"

"Yes." The female ninja said.

"We also have another enemy. A monster colony and their ruler. Last week we took in three refugees from there and when we did, we became their enemy." I replied. "They attacked us the following day just after we finished fighting off an invasion from the entity and its minions."

"So what did you do?" Mr. Juke asked entranced.

"Two of our warriors had to fight their horde while waiting for help. The enemies they faced were formidable and numerous; they tried fighting paw to paw but soon realized they were outmatched and overwhelmed. They dove into the silver prototype activating forward and aft weapons and spun the vehicle 360."

"When help did arrive, both warriors were shaken up, the hover vehicle damaged and its weapons cache was nearly depleted." The spring hare said.

"Did you win?" Jeremiah asked.

"Our enemies were crushed. We allowed the few survivors to return back to their colony and their ruler with their tails tucked between their legs, dispirited, humiliated and defeated." I said pointedly. "Their generals vowed revenge. We then spent the next three days burying their dead. It was then that the leadership of our community and our own warriors realized for our continued survival it was necessary to have the hover vehicles operating to augment our forces."

"So these prototypes as you call them are the thin line between your continued existence and annihilation. Hmm.. How interesting." Mr. Juke said finishing his work.

"Actually we had a third enemy at one point, but they were absorbed by ONE." Corbin volunteered as he scribbled something in one of his books.

(That must be a very involved homework assignment.)

Arugula and I inspected Mr. Juke's workmanship.

"It looks very nice. We can also use the deflectors to shore up the prototype's structural integrity if need be. Arugula."

"Right." The spring hare said diving under the red coupe. "My what a mess."

For the next couple of hours the she beast would be fixing components that were severed or disconnected when the nose of the prototype was separated from the rest of the vehicle. Arugula wasn't Mara, but she was the best we had.

And so...

"Try now." The she ninja said from underneath the prototype.

I hopped into the driver seat and Jeremiah in copilot seat as the red prototype powered on and came back to life.

"All right that's good!!!" I shouted as I placed my right hand on the dashboard.

**Not authorized.* *

"That is right my clearance was revoked." I pouted.

"And why was that?" Mr. Juke asked.

"I was labeled a pre-rebel for dissenting with the high master towards the empire's end. How to get authorization... Hmm... I know." I said picking up a communication cube Lady Ursa had left for the three of us. "Feleen I need your help with something."

"Right away Alex." A female fennec said issuing a series of commands to the automated assistant.

*Recognized Alex Winter medic Lost City*

*Recognized Corbin Mongoose archaeologist Lost City*

*Recognized Arugula Spring Hare warrior Lost City*

"Now we are getting somewhere. Automated assistant run a complete diagnostic of system operations for the hover vehicle. Then run a weapons diagnostic and then open up a channel with our auxiliary site." _ _

"Not so fast Alex. I have only been able to restore a few links." The she beast warned me.

"Right. I will start with the last item first."

*Right Mr. Winter. Communication established.*

"Feleen come in. Can you hear me? How is the channel?!"

"Yes Alex. It is a little worse than the cube." The fennec said appearing on screen.

"Remarkable a sentient artificial construct." The reformed con artist, opportunist and smuggler next to me said.

"More like a sentinel. She keeps a watch on the goings on in World One and World Five."

"Speaking of that there is something happening at the Diamond City." The lady fennec announced.

"Show us Feleen."

"Diamond City?" Mr. Juke said.

"Yes it is the structure that entity built over the remains of World One. For all intents and purposes it is now World ONE."

"For all intents and purposes it is under attack." The fennec sentinel countered.

"Oh my." The white haired man said to me.

"Arugula, Corbin!" I shouted alerting my companions as Feleen continued to display the image from her camera west of the city.

"That's, just, just wow." The little mongoose boy said.

The irregular structure Lady Ursa, Cladius and I had visited previously was being attacked by... Claudius. The twenty five foot tall homunculus acting like it was in a one sided wrestling match bashing, punching and kicking the structure's tower while a second twenty five foot homunculus was fighting off avian warriors trying to defend it.

"All ONE has to do is have its minions touch that thing and it is over." I said.

"They have tried Alex, the homunculus are impervious to both of them." The fennec sentinel responded.

"My that is an interesting development." Arugula said.

"TWO is winning against ONE!!" Corbin shouted.

"It appears a new player has entered the game." Mr. Juke replied. "Now what will happen if TWO wins?"

"World domination- probably." I replied.

"Well that is what big brother and I heard when Cladius released the creature from its confines."

*It appears that some time has past since I have been active.* The automated assistant said as Arugula continued patching more damaged systems.

"Yes." I replied. Almost eight months.

*What happened to the junior knights that were operating the prototype Mr. Winter?*

"They didn't make it, their remains were found on a mountain between World Two and Four."

"And the red prototype was severely damaged." The little mongoose volunteered. "We are still trying to put it back together."

"And determine how much damage it sustained. What is the last thing you remember?" I asked the automated assistant.

*Odette and Doest were sent to try to stop a protest at a local park. As we arrived at the scene protestors were mysteriously sucked into the sky as this weird cloud approached from the north. We tried to save as many as possible but were pulled upward into the lower atmosphere right along with them. Odette and Doest went offline. I assumed control of the prototype but could not pilot it back to the planet as it had been pulled into space. We made several small orbits before reentering the atmosphere. I tried to regain control but couldn't. My program went offline until just now. I assume we crashed.*

"You mean to tell me that this prototype was thrown into outer space?!" I said shocked.

"Incredible given the condition the hover vehicle was in. It was amazing that it survived at all!" Mr. Juke said.

*Observe.* The automated assistant said displaying footage from the prototype's last mission.

The images even though they were eight months old were so surreal. We watched as the protesters were pulled into the atmosphere by some unknown force 10,000 feet, 30,000 feet. I watched as they suffocated before reaching the upper atmosphere of the planet and dying. It was too much for my passenger.


"Well we now know that the front mounted camera survived. What else?"

"That is the best I can do Alex." The spring hare said emerging from underneath the vehicle. "Except for the front, the chassis is largely intact. I did what I could for the circuitry."

*Running diagnostics. Complete. The prototype is operating at 74% efficiency.* The automated assistant announced.

"What about hover mode and hydrofoil mode?"


"Eww!!!" Corbin shouted after watching Jeremiah puke. "What did you do to Mr. Juke?!"

"He saw the footage from the prototype's last mission." I said.

"How bad?" The little mongoose asked.

"The bodies of the luckless are still up there orbiting the planet." I said solemnly.

"What about weapons?" The spring hare asked.

*See for yourself.*

"That is close to a full complement." Arugula said reading the display. "There is a problem though the deployment tubules from the trunk to the side-pods have been damaged."

"So there is no way of launching grenades or missiles." I said.

"But anything stored within the side-pods should be fine." Arugula said.

Hearing that, my little brother jumped into the passenger seat, pressed the third toggle switch on the weapon's console. The copilot monitor and keyboard emerged from the glove compartment. He started typing furiously.

*Surveillance probe engaged.*

"YES!!!" We shouted in unison as Corbin started scanning the immediate area in front of the trading post 20 feet, 100 feet, 500 feet, 1 mile.

"Hmm.... I am detecting something Alex."

"It is not a tornado is it?! We are in the plains after all and this area is very active." I asked.


As Corbin said that two beings materialized in front of the trading post. Both appeared to be humanoid and very familiar. The first being was a male six and a half feet tall, grey skin, stern looking face, yellow eyes, black hair, bare chested and wore brown shorts with a leather belt. Oh yeah, and he had four arms.

The second being was slightly shorter with blue skin with light blue horizontal stripes on its limbs. A female maybe? Her 'hands' and 'feet' were jet black. She also had a tail, black hair, yellow eyes and a face that was devoid of features. It looked more like a mask.

"Who are those?!" Arugula asked.

"Enemies. Dawn, my mistress and I dealt with them the last time we were here." I said pressing the third button in the column of buttons on the weapons console.

*Side-pods engaged*

The creatures seemed to recoil as we prepared to defend ourselves.

"Alex, beastials! It is alright." Jeremiah said emerging from his store. "Much has transpired since you were last here. These two are customers."

I traded glances with the spring hare and mongoose.

*Side-pods disengaged*

Mr. Juke escorted his 'customers' into his store. About ten minutes later they emerged holding two brown sacks. The grey skinned four armed humanoid hugged Jeremiah before disappearing then the shorter light blue humanoid did the same and disappeared as well.

(I guess monsters need supplies too.)

"They are quite dedicated customers." The shop owner said recomposing himself. "Now was my work completed to your satisfaction?"

"We just need to find a way to replace the shattered dome." I responded.

"The button to the right of the steering column."

I pressed it. A glass dome extended from the roof of the vehicle over us to the vehicle's nose.

(Nice work.)

"Impressed?! Then let's settle accounts." The former con artist, opportunist and smuggler said.

"It is going to be tough being without this. But it is a fair trade." I said handing Mr. Juke the cube Lady Ursa, Dawn and I had found when we retrofitted the auxiliary site.

Jeremiah readily accepted our trade. "A working communication cube. Thank you, this is a start."

"START?!" I gasped.

"Mr. Juke this was our agreement." Arugula said.

"It was, but I worked very hard to restore this hover vehicle to operational condition." The white haired man with the scar on his cheek said holding out his hand.

"How about our undying gratitude?" I said smiling.

"That will only get you so far out here in the plains."

"You know Mr. Juke you may no longer be a smuggler but the opportunist and con artist part are still present."

"Why little mongoose you wound me."

We ended up leaving the store owner with a few of Arugula's weapons and a couple days worth of food and quickly departed before he changed his mind.

And so...

"How is she handling big brother?"

"A little rough but I will manage." I said as we drove off.

*Mr. Winter I have an incoming communication from Feleen.*

"Put it through."

"Alex, Corbin, Arugula I have an update regarding the incident at the Diamond City." The fennec sentinel said solemnly.

"Yes." The little mongoose boy said.

"I think it is better that I show you."

"Very well on screen." I ordered her.

"Oh my." The spring hare next to Corbin said as the image from Feleen's camera appeared.

"Lea, Tauren, Lurie, Eon, Lian!!!" I shouted.

The Diamond City ONE's crowning achievement built a top of the remains of World One was partially destroyed by the Homunculus creature Claudius had partnered with.

"Half of it is gone!!" Corbin shouted.

"Feleen relay this information to Rhinox, Lady Barq, Shira and my mistress. Looks like Claudius is waging war against the synoptic."

"Right Alex."

"The question is if Claudius is successful then what?" The female ninja asked.

"Good question we need to head back. Automated assistant assume control of the prototype. Engage hover mode."

*Heading Mr. Winter?*

"The wilderness between Worlds Four and World Five. Corbin activate the holo-projector..."

"About that big brother..." The little mongoose said typing on the copilot monitor and keyboard. "We are close to the chasm where my... where the professor disappeared right?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Could you show me?" He asked as the red prototype took to the sky.

I directed the automated assistant to fly to the abyss where I had last seen Corbin's adoptive mother.

"Wow it is huge!" The mongoose boy said as the automated assistant landed just inside the chasm.

"I guess it does without the piles of snow." I said.

"Which way?" The spring hare asked.

"Ms. Stern went that direction." I said as Corbin retracted the dome and started to get out of the red coupe. "No, it was about a mile we aren't walking that."

I took control of the red coupe as I started to retrace the steps Corbin's adoptive mother had taken.


"Right Alex."

*Surveillance probe engaged*

"There is the second obelisk she discovered." I announced.

"I am detecting something ahead. Eight more in a weird circular formation." My little brother announced.

"Then this is the place." I said stopping the red coupe.

"Right here?" The spring hare asked getting out.

"Yeah. This was professor Stern's last known location." I said joining Corbin and Arugula to look around.

"She believed that the Lost City had a second location, a sister site and was trying to determine its whereabouts when she disappeared." The mongoose boy said to the female ninja. "I checked her notes and believe she was on to something."

*The chasm ends at that weird oval platform and the eight structures around it.*

The two walked into the center of the platform.

"Carefull!" I shouted.

"Overwatch, I mean automated assistant are you detecting anything?" The little boy said.

*We are the only ones here Mr. Mongoose.*

"The last time there were these monsters dark humanoid looking creatures, black bodies, weird looking heads, hour glass like torsos, long limbs and red eyes they backed Dawn into the center of the eight obelisks. There was this blinding flash, she screamed and that was it." I said reminiscing that awful day.

"Big brother it was not your fault." The little mongoose boy said.

"Actually it was. I lost the probe that day and there went our tactical advantage as well as one of the leaders of the colony."

"You mean this probe?" Arugula said picking up a ringed spherical object in front of me.

I looked back at the red coupe. Its probe was still on the launch pad at its rear.

"Well screw me sideways. It came back! But how?!"

*It appears that this entire structure is some sort of transport device Mr. Winter.*

"Overwatch seemed to think so too. In fact while looking for the professor, I watched one of those creatures use it."

"What happened big brother?"

"It darted toward the platform, as it reached the center the eight obelisks glowed a hazy blue before the being disappeared in a long vertical stream of light. I stayed for hours trying to get it to activate and I couldn't."

"Things are a bit different now!" The little mongoose boy said excitedly.

Arugula and I watched as he collected the blue coupe's probe and jumped behind the driver's seat and piloted the red coupe onto the platform.

"Corbin what are you doing?!" The spring hare asked.

"Research!" The little mongoose boy said. "What are you reading?"

Arugula and I looked at each other before jumping into the passenger seat.

I looked at the returns from the probe. "I don't know what I am reading."

"Switch to infrared." The spring hare advised.

The colors we observed where the chasm ended were beyond description dancing and gyrating. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope and prism and then another kaleidoscope.

*Alert!!! The eight obelisks are illuminating! I would suggest we retreat to a safe distance.*

"Negative." The mongoose boy said to the automated assistant.

"Corbin what are you doing?!" Arugula asked.

"It has been a long four months since the professor's disappearance. It is about time we get some answers." The little boy said as if in a trance.

There was a blinding flash and long vertical stream of light.


The three of us lost all sense of time.

*Corbin, Arugula, Alex are you okay?* The automated assistant asked.

*UGH* I said from underneath the spring hare.

"What a rush!!" The little boy exclaimed.

"Corbin that was very dangerous and very foolish!" The she ninja said quite cross.

"But it proved that our theory was correct." My little brother said. "That indeed was some sort of transport device!!!"

"Where are we?" The spring hare asked.

*We appear to be on a mesa.*

"A mesa?" Corbin said looking around at the grand view.

*A mesa is an isolated, flat-topped elevation, ridge or hill, which is bounded from all sides by steep escarpments and stands distinctly above a surrounding plain. Mesas characteristically consist of flat-lying soft sedimentary rocks capped by a more resistant layer or layers of harder rock.*

"Thank you automated assistant." I said responding to the topography lesson.

The three of us stepped out of the red prototype to take in the grand view. There was a desert in one direction, mountains in another, marsh and swamp in another direction, tundra in yet another and a large forest in the distance.

"Remarkable." Corbin said took in the view. "Guys I don't think we are on Counter Earth anymore."

"Why would you say that?" I asked my little brother.

He pointed to our right. "Three moons."

"And over there two suns." The spring hare announced.

"Yeah, they kind of look nice with the copper sky." I added.

*Definitely not Counter Earth.* The automated assistant observed.

Alex Winter July 31, YOE 34 (From somewhere else in the universe.)

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)** Day 204 (Continued) "Well I have been brought full circle." I said looking around the mesa. "How?" The she ninja asked following me. "Alex was on his way...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)** _Meanwhile...._ Day 200 (9:30 PM A glacier far to the west of World Three.) "Wow, so snowy and cold." Kiwi...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)** Day 200 Continued (1:30 PM The eating place.) "So Celestine and Augustin missed a noon meeting with you...

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