Amazing Discovery

Story by Vulpine_RedFox on SoFurry

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"This is Surface Lander calling Flight Deck, I'm on final approach and about to enter the planet's atmosphere...." Burrow waited for a response, "...I need the go-ahead!" , "This is the Flight Deck, ah, ahead you go *snicker*". Burrow rolled his eyes " Yeah funny, beginning radio silence" with that he flipped a switch and the instant silence that followed made his ears ache. The Lander glided easily into the atmosphere with no resistance and, once below the cloud level, Burrow began searching for a suitable landing space, "That looks good enough" he said and set the craft down in a relatively small open area with large rocks on one side and small tree-like plants on the other.

Burrow started the scans that would tell him if the air was breathable, then stood up and stretched his tall Lapine frame. His race, the Lapines, had mastered space travel just under two centuries ago and have since discovered other life forms on planets around the galaxy, most of them are very similar to the rabbits in their basic evolution, like the Equine population of the planet Garon or the Feline's on Quartwo the differences between all of the species are obvious but the similarities are far more notable. This planet however seemed to have been 'hiding' , as the lapine astrologists had jokingly put it, and was discovered by a trade ship returning from the home world of the Procyon people. How exactly it had been missed was confusing to say the least because the planet was more than twice the size of any of the others in the known galaxy.

The scan came back positive so Burrow headed towards the ramp, picking up his standard non-lethal sidearm, not bothering to put on his shoes he just padded down the ramp and onto the surprisingly soft grass, as well as into the heat of the sun. "Damn, I'll need to take this off" he said removing his black and silver flight suit and leaving just his light grey vest and shorts, although Burrow's own fur was black it didn't attract as much heat as the suit so he was instantly comfortable again. Burrow threw the suit onto the floor of the retracting ramp and decided to check out the plants nearby, taking his time to feel the ever-so-soft grass on his paws.

"Hmmm", Burrow frowned "These look like pine trees... Wait a sec' they are, the locals must breed them, that's why they're so small", he got down on his hands and knees for a closer look "But these trees aren't in straight rows", Burrow thought for a few seconds with his cute bunny butt sticking up for all the world to see, and then it dawned on him, "Of course, it's so obvious, these are baby pine trees and this area has been seeded to grow the forest back, that's why there aren't any big trees around", Burrow stood and shook his head at how obvious it all was now and began his way into the waist-high trees, only pausing to turn on the Lander's cloak using his remote.

Travel wasn't hard through the dense growth but it was difficult, especially whenever Burrow stepped on one of the many sharp weeds dotted around, weeds themselves that looked almost like trees. When he eventually came to a clearing of sorts he decided to rest and slowly sat down, suddenly a loud sound pierced his left ear and he jerked around just in time to see a miniscule bird darting from the nearest pine tree, Burrows jaw dropped, there was no denying what he'd just seen but he still needed more proof, roughly shaking his head he gripped the pine tree and snapped it in two, with more effort than he expected. Angling the tree Burrow tried hard to count the rings, and even though he'd broken the tree rather than cut it, he could definitely see more than enough rings to confirm that this was indeed a fully grown pine tree.

Burrow's mind reeled and he seemed to lapse into semi-consciousness, until he suddenly spotted a dark object through the trees, it was large and unmoving but too square to be a rock 'or a hill or mountain or whatever!!' Burrow thought, his mind not able to cope with all of this, he got up and started pacing in what little space he had. "Ok...Ok...Ok........Ok...Ok so this is all like back home...only tiny, right?" "Wait who am I talking to?", Burrow sat down again, closed his eyes and began to calm himself. When he opened his eyes his little freak-out moment was behind him and he looked at the object, which he'd already deduced to be a building, with a rather calm expression, he stood up and made his way carefully towards it.

The knee-high, two story log cabin trembled slightly despite Burrow's attempts to move softly, his job normally required him to meet with the indigenous people as openly and straightforwardly as possible, however Burrow knew how he'd react if a he saw a giant strolling directly towards his house, and smartly chose not to reveal himself straight away. He got down on all fours and leaned in to look through the top-left most window on the front of the house, what he saw was a shock. There in the centre of the room was a 'claw-foot' bathtub with someone in it, this being was facing away from the window and Burrow could barely see what appeared to be a set of headphones that were built to fit the strange triangular ears of this person.

Whatever their species this person was similar to the Lapines in the same way as any of the other people discovered. Burrow wanted a closer look at this 'specimen' and chose the direct approach. The poor little thing didn't know what hit it as Burrow smashed his fist into the room and dragged the whole bath out. Now, Burrow is the least likely bunny to have a malicious streak, so he carefully scooped the now terrified little creature out of the bath then let the porcelain slip and hit the ground with a heavy thud. Burrow was now able to take a good look at the squirming little body in his open hand "Well now, you're a male, that much is obvious", Burrow licked his lips as he looked between the male's legs, his total body size was about six inches and the sheath and balls down there were huge.

Burrow held the male's chest with his thumb as he continued his examination "A bit like the Canines on Kaht and very much like the Lupines on Reksar, only with red fur all over apart from the white covering your front..." Talking more to himself than anything, " ...And you also have black from your knees down, your elbows down as well as black ears, interesting" " Oh and of course this tail of yours, so big and fluffy and with a cute little white tip. You are just so adorable" Burrow felt his sheath swell and his tail start to twitch, " Uh oh, now you've gone and made me horny" he said, with a bit too much enthusiasm , because although this guy didn't seem to understand the Lapine language he'd noticed the change in tone and was frozen, looking at Burrow with a pricelessly horrified expression on his face.

Burrow just giggled and switched the again-struggling figure to his left hand then used his right to pull down the grey shorts, exposing the head of his massive hard on as the length slid out. Soon it had reached it's full potential and was proudly jutting out, big black and throbbing to Burrows heartbeat as pre dribbled out of the slit and rolled down the front where it gathered at the crown ready to drop. Almost before he knew he was doing it Burrow moved his hand just in time for the large drop to land square in the face of the little canid, instantly soaking his upper body. Laughing Burrow then compared his length to the little guy and confirmed his previous assumption, he was about six inches tall give-or-take and that made him an inch and a half shorter than his rabbit-hood. This was very arousing as well as pleasing, Burrow was above average as far as male lapines, there were many who were larger still but Burrow was proud of his attributes.

A sudden thrashing against his sensitive glans made him jump, he'd let his hand stray too close and had paid the price for being distracted 'One I'd gladly pay again' Burrow thought as he pressed his hand up against himself, cupping it around the head and sealing in the thrashing creature. Eyes half lidded and goofy grin, Burrow was in heaven . His bliss was interrupted by a message from his tailhole and that message was 'I'm missing out back here' still slightly lost in the moment Burrow absently thought of what he could use as a dildo of some sort, 'A tree maybe... or my gun... no', then it dawned on him. Burrow removed his hand from his sensitive tip and grinned slyly down at his 'captive' who looked back inquisitively "So you want to know what I've got planned do you? Well you'll just have to wait and see" Burrow said as he moved into more of a crouched position then reached behind himself.

Lifting his tail up he bore the male straight towards his tailhole and, without hesitation, used his thumb to force it's head inside. Instantly satisfied with just that Burrow let go and left the little guy kicking and thrashing , a thought entered his mind and Burrow reached into the house and withdrew the bathroom mirror straight off the wall. After a quick moment positioning himself and the mirror, which he'd placed upright against the edge of the damaged wall, Burrow now had a full view of his tailhole with his playmate's shoulders sticking out. Horny as hell Burrow grabbed the male's waist an pushed until the shoulders slipped in, pinning the poor guy's arms by his sides therefore making it impossible to get himself out.

Getting closer to climax Burrow gripped his shaft and began pumping, feeling a different kind of movement Burrow turned back to the mirror and watched as his new vibrator was pulled deeper every time his tail twitched, it wasn't long before the lucky little fellow was in up to his waist and Burrow just couldn't hold back any longer. Closing his eyes Burrow let out a grunt and climaxed, managing to coat his face with the first few eruptions, he'd never felt an orgasm like that in his life, and his sex life was hyper-active. Bathed in the afterglow Burrow looked to the mirror again, all that was visible was a pair of black paws and a white tail tip, just that sight alone caused him to have another orgasm that made the canid disappear completely.

Burrow sat down then flopped onto his back, further sealing the male inside himself, though the struggles were still strong as Burrow lay blissfully, face still covered in his own seed. Stretching his arms Burrow's hand hit something solid and metallic that put up little resistance, but he paid it no attention. Getting up Burrow picked up his shorts and put them on, the little guy would survive the trip back to the Lander where he was. A short time later Burrow was taking his time walking up the ramp, it just felt so good to feel his passenger moving around with each step. Another short time, and shower, later Burrow was sitting at the control panel starting his radio message "This Surface Lander calling Flight Deck I've finished my surface investigation" "This is Flight Deck what can you report?", Burrow was relieved to have someone sensible on the other end this time" "Well I..." "Hold on a second, we've just managed to fix the Vid-Phone".

Burrow switched over to the Video Phone and the brown Lapine face of his commanding officer and best friend appeared on the small screen, "Good to see you again Burrow" "You too Rift", "So is this planet inhabited?". Burrow glanced over at his new 'bedroom friend' who was passed out inside a tray on the specimen table and sighed "No sir this planet doesn't have any indigenous peoples", Rift looked a little disappointed "I see... well is the planet hospitable, are there any resources we can get from it?" Burrow didn't think, he just answered "I'm afraid not sir, the air here is toxic and the planet has no available resources , at least none that we could use anyway". This time Rift sighed "Very well then..." He then perked up " Well at least now we'll be home sooner, and you and I can finally act like friends again, seriously the last time we did anything together was, when, high school?" Burrow laughed " Yeah it has been a while, anyway I'll see you soon...Sir" Rift gave a wink before the screen went blank.

Burrow suddenly felt very guilty and he glanced over at his little companion 'He'd have friends who would miss him'. He'd lied earlier because he knew what would've happened if anyone else found out about these tiny people, a whole galaxy of giants from a number of planets coming down to experiment and do tests, trampling the vegetation and possibly even the people themselves and when the public found out they'd be abducted and sold as pets, there planet turned into a zoo or a theme park. Burrow just couldn't have lived with that, but at least now the planet would be off limits for everyone. As for his little friend, Burrow took him back to the house in the woods, cleaned up the area, then burnt the house down. When the little canid was safely placed on the ground in front of where the bathroom had been, Burrow found the headset and lay it next to him. As he walked away from the smouldering house, Burrow heard sirens that could have only been the local Emergency Services and smiled to himself, his new friend may have lost everything in that fire but at least he'd have friends to help him. And when he woke up the pieces would be easy to put together and his encounter with a giant rabbit would be dismissed as a dream.