The Broken Road - Chapter 1

Story by Ser Jonny Bean McGoatpants on SoFurry

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#1 of The Broken Road

In the year 2077, the world stands in tattered disarray.  Factions divide the masses, riots and violence are commonplace, all over the "Metas": Individuals with mutant abilities that transcend the norm.  Criminal cutthroats and back-door business deals rule the day, as Corporations lord their tyrannical power over life and death itself. Logan, Captain of the Meta Safety Coalition, fights to maintain order and justice, facing down threats from without and within, and struggling to see the point of it all.  Until one rainy night he crosses paths with a little Class 1 Meta named Sendo, with a seeming penchant for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Friday, July 12th, 2077

Logan could taste something hot and sickly sweet in his mouth, with an accent of iron, and his teeth started to itch. Then, in the whistling wind he could hear the whisper, creeping into the back of his mind; Turn away. His tongue ran over his gums and cheeks, to see if he bit himself from the force of the van he and his team rode in. Turn. Away.

No wounds or gashes anywhere, then the taste faded, but a static in the air drew his fur on end. It's just the static from the storm... But... "Turn. Away." He sucked his lips to his teeth, and his eyes peered from his visor around the other fifteen men and women who'd been assigned to his task force. "Who said that?"

"Who said what, sir?" he heard through the static on his helmet radio, a voice sweet like honey. "Is... everything alright captain? You've got a look..."

Looking at his face in the rain streaked window, highlighted by the dim red cabin light Logan saw his lips pursed, making his thin muzzle look much thinner, those teal eyes pulled wide. "Oh... sorry, thought I heard something." His throat was sandpaper, and no matter where his tongue prodded in his mouth he couldn't find where that taste came from. "Thought I just... tasted something... off."

A nervous laugh came. "Tasted, captain? You aren't scared, are you?"

"Joker, Bloodhound's instincts are why he is captain," came that tender voice again. "Sir, if you don't feel--"

"No, Jana, it's fine." He looked to the cheetah, a slender figured woman, the shortest on his team, meeting her amber eyes. " I'm just.... Anxious. This is a critical mission for the Coalition, and I just..." ... Know something bad will happen... But he bit that bitter omen back. His face stretched into a smile. "I just can't wait for the medal." A round of chuckles was shared amongst his men, but Logan's smile faded, and the well of dread flooded back up like icy water in his throat.

Light flashed through the cabin windows, carving out the jagged outlines of collapsing apartments etched out on the New Mexico desert, their pocked faces hollow with shattered windows gaping like toothy mouths, the shattered walls framing decayed hovels, with wisps of paper swimming through the air in a hard breeze.

It felt like something was itching in his toes, pulling them to guide him into a run. But where would I go? He looked down at his knees, bouncing slowly. I'd... just come back here anyways. I could run as long as I wanted, it'll always circle to this point.He glanced to the window again, to see his face lit red. And I wouldn't be different. Still this... mask.

Below, the floor started to rumble, shocking Logan from his spiraling mind.. "Bumpy ride, guys and gals," the driver twanged, a smooth drawl. "Gettin' close, better saddle up and get yer nerves goin' cuz it's bandit country."

"Terry, what did I tell you about mission appropriate terms?" Those honey words sang dark with disapproval, and a hum of chuckles surged over the team.

"Jana, Jana, it's 'bout keepin' ya'll in a good mood! Anyways, E.T.A. in five, people."

Logan straightened up, as did his team, their rifles coming to hands as they slid their firing pins, set the magazines tight in their holsters, and bumped fists and shoulders. "Alright, remember the target is at the top of the complex," Logan's voice hummed over the comms with deep, steady cadence. "Room 888. We're to move quick and quiet, keep our heads low and eyes peeled. He may very well know we're coming, but it's too late to back out now. Any witnesses will be contained by a solo operative until the target is secured in A.V. There aren't many people at mission local, but be prepared to babysit. Groups of 4, and remember the riot shields. Above all, remember lethal is a last. Resort. Got it?"

There was a collective "HOORAH!" among the team, fists pumping up through the air. Logan found himself smiling, no thinner than a pencil drawn line. He felt his back settle into the divider of the driver's seat and rear cabin, before shifting sideways slightly, and the light squeal of the brakes as they came to a stop. The doors swung out, and the crashing of thunder and rain roared into the cabin, like the night itself was telling them they were not welcome. Goggles slid over their faces, briefly flashing green to adjust to night vision. Logan took a shield from the soldier at the very end, and him and the one on the right braced them as their boots sloshed into the silt. They pressed through the alley the van parked in, and found the designated breach just a few feet on. Logan scanned, and finding no movement, waved his hand.

Shadows darted from the van, figures in all black armored uniforms, each melding into the blanket of night. In one solid line they slid to the door. Two passed it, braced on the wall, and gave the thumbs up. Logan's breath steamed in the cold with each slow draw, as his back pushed from that rough plasterboarded wall, and was the first to press through the door.

Swinging wide, a gout of steam pouring from behind the door, the slender Fennec strolled slowly back into the living room, tusselling furiously, pausing every now and again to snuffle at his forearm. Finally, Sendo thought, I don't freaking stink of that mess anymore! Work had been its own kind of hell for a good while, but being forced to clean that damn cesspit of a back bathroom by himself was all he could take. He vigorously scrubbed his snowy locks, whipping that hair about as he went, being keen to be done with drying as soon as he could; bring on the weekend! Humming a small tune to himself, as he made his way into his bedroom, bumping that door aside with a hip, mid-stride, he tossed his towel aside, onto his bed and grabbed a shirt. A quick sniff twisted his face in disgust, and he quickly whipped it into the nearby hamper. Another try, though this time less brazen, it smelled a little stale; not particularly bad, but definitely ready to join its brethren. As he tossed that in as well, he snagged another. A tentative snuffle turned into a deep little huff; fresh and clean, thank gods. He wiggled into the loose little T-shirt with a bit of a grin. He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning across items hanging out of his dresser. He pondered the boxer briefs, his little jaw jutting out a bit, lips pursed into a thoughtful pout, but then he just snatched up the pair of shorts from the other drawer with a shrugging grin. Satisfied with a nice, laid back fit, his little white eyebrows raised as one more item came to mind, as he fished it off the little hook near his mirror: A thin silver chain, with a tiny, yet rather detailed little leaf pendant which shone brightly. He pulled it gingerly over his head, adjusting where it sat in the mirror. He smiled as it caught the light.

His eyes traced upwards slightly, catching his own gaze, and steadily, his smile began to fade. What good did these bring? Threads of shimmering steel weaved into his irises, two gems refracting the light. His little eyebrows bunched and fell, and soon he was glaring at that reflection. Horrid things... With a sharp huff, he tore his gaze away, stalking back into the living room again. Brought me nothing but trouble.

His little white toes plodded on into the well-worn carpet as he brought a hand to his face. Wisps of anger yet remained, though they seemed to wane as he made his way to his couch. He unceremoniously flopped back upon it with a ragged sigh. It's been weeks, he thought, but finally, finally! Two actual whole days off! A smile curled into life on his face once more, no sense wasting it being angry... He took a deep breath, stretching his arms and back, and relaxed as he puffed it out. He had almost succeeded in melting into something like limp spaghetti draped over the sofa, when his ears perked. Even from the other side of the apartment, he could hear someone approach his door. He sat up, scooping his sungoggles off the opposite armrest as he heard a gentle tapping. He wasn't sure what to expect, as he strapped them on, pulling the lenses over his eyes, but he hoped it wasn't going to mess with his plans to relax. He turned the knob and peered out.

Like a warm sun rising from a dark horizon, a smile that could melt the polar ice caps spread over Haruki's face, that soft featured rabbit standing outside Sendo's door. A thin finger drew her long black locks from her eye and tucked it behind a long ear, which drooped forward slowly, as a little glimmer shone through her dark eyes as she met his obscured eyes. He could almost feel like she could look right through them, like her gaze could pierce all his defenses. She covered her lips with a giggle, as she didn't take her eyes from his goggles for even a second. "Hey, Sendo, how was your day?" She almost sang the words, crisp and sweet in his ears. She was only about as tall as Sendo himself, but those legs from her short plaid skirt were curved and muscled, tracing gracefully like fine arcs to hips that could bear many children, yet she slimmed up around her waist, her modest cut tank top seeming made for girls with... more up there, but still worn straight and wrinkle free and matched the same black and white checkered plaid pattern.

Her nose twitched slowly as she caught that sweet scent of his shampoo, her head suddenly drawing forward, close enough where Sendo could smell a whisper of peaches on her as well. "I was... kinda bored, honestly, and I figured you weren't doing much right now." She rocked slowly from her toes to the balls of her feet, her plush toes drumming softly on the ground. She crossed her arms behind her back, her toothy smile slowly drawing closed, but her lips etched thin with that smile. "There's this movie that just came out on DVD... wanna watch it with me?" With that, her head slowly tilted to the side, before her body leaned into the doorway, against the oaken frame, her ears drooped to one side and that luscious fall of raven black hair fell over her eye again. From beneath that curtain of silky strands, he could see a smoulder, like a red coal in the bottom of a hearth, with her pupils the black ash only half covering what could be most devious radiating his way.

But down below, Sendo could almost hear the soft creak of wood planks depressing under steps, but it could have meant people walking about their apartments. Logan held up his hand, and his party came to a stop. He realized they were moving too quickly, too eager to get things done, and he peered about. No one yet, but he signaled for them to slow, keeping their sight lines tight to every corner, and crept like black through black. Up each flight of stairs seemed too slow, his legs burning to thunder up, but he held back his breath... Until he saw a power panel in just the next stairwell. He took a short gasp at an idea, and frantically motioned an agent over to it. His hands motioned through the plan: 'When we're through that floor, cut the power. It's only two more floors 'till we get our mark.' A silent nod answered, and Logan gave a grim smile. He motioned his group to follow.

The Fennec's breath hitched, as he felt his cheeks flare to life. Oh gods! He chided himself internally, N-no way... H-Haruki?! Yet here she was in all her demure glory. He was admittedly glad he wore his tinted goggles sometimes; especially when he couldn't help but stare, at those eyes, that hair, those sensuous body lines... He had to swallow a little, hearing his heartbeat raging in his ears. His eyes widened a bit as something, else, made him suddenly self-conscious of his choice of lower attire, shifting slightly to hide a bit more behind the door. It was even more difficult to get his thoughts in order, as she slid gingerly against the door frame, now mere inches from his face. That light dusting of peaches, mixed in her already gently sweet and spicy scent, left his mind swimming. That luxurious tone of her voice...

Wait... voice? Voice! Yes, you moron; she was actually talking to you! Say something! Sendo yelled at himself in the chamber of his mind. "...Uh..." he barely managed, fighting to keep a waver even out of that much, his mouth hanging wide. Smooth one, genius! Try again! His cheeks were probably brighter than the hallway lights by now, but he pressed on. He cleared his throat, and drew in a deep breath, a smooth excuse to savor her lovely scent again, "...that would be awesome..." A wince tightened his lips together, those enormous flaps of his ears tucking down.

'Awesome'? Really? Can you be any more of a dork?!

Shut up...

Oh, nice; waste some time arguing with yourself, while she sits there.


Besides... what did she want again? A movie...right?

The whole time Sendo was internally screaming to say something, Haruki's smile stayed so serene, so patient, the only motion she made was that finger reeling in the tussles of defiant hair from her face again, that warm intent beaming from her eyes still radiant. Despite his doubts for what he said, he heard a warm bubbling of a giggle from her throat, her fingers over her mouth again. "I... hope you don't mind that it's an anime... It's supposed to be really cool, though!" She started pushing from the door, eyes still squarely on his goggles for just a moment...

Just before everything went dark. A high pitched rush of air came from Haruki, and the CRACK of thunder seemed to shake the very roof above them. Sendo felt a sudden, tight squeeze around him, the delicate softness of the body squishing to his telling him that it was Haruki. He felt her heart pounding right into his chest, her bosom so plush despite the modest size. "Wh-what... D-damn rain! Fucking--" she cursed, such a harsh sound scraping against her sweet voice.

Logan and his line kept tight to the wall, half the squad facing out to the side. Coming to the first bend in the hall, he carefully peeked, his night vision visor leaving the hallway clear as day. He saw two figures just in the middle. He sighed, and slowly motined for his team to carry on. Please... just stay where you are. Don't make my job any harder. Logan could hear the thrum of his heart over the rain pouring outside. They seemed too tied up, the feminine figure snuggled tight to something with the biggest ears Logan has seen, so as quiet as a whisper he motioned his team around... They passed, one by one, mere feet away, his breath daring not to leave his throat else the other two hear them. He couldn't decide to watch where he was going, or to watch them. Don't... move. Stay there. He was barely at Haruki's back, and he could pick out Sendo's round face shape, struck in awe by being in the arms of this strange woman...

Of all things; it wasn't the sudden darkness, or the harsh cacophony outside that gave him a start, it was that soft body meeting his own. His arms hovered for a second, an odd tension at her touch. But, something seemed to tell him it was okay, as he gently embraced her, a goofy smile spreading, hidden in the dark. "It's alright," he muttered, softly over her head, the guarded tension melting away, "I'm not going anywhere..." Something about this, felt ... calm... felt right. And he could feel an odd sensation swell in his chest, as he craned his head down, in her direction, unable to see, but knowing she was there, her warmth seeping away the chilled agony brought by the day.

But as much as her softness soothed that tension away, a pressure gripped at the back of his mind. He couldn't shake it, and his eyes groped at the blackness around them. His ears perked reflexively, something pushing him to listen. Meanwhile, his left hand reached next to him, to confirm his position in his doorway. "Perhaps..." he offered gently, "it would be better... to come in and sit for a while?" Whatever skulked in the darkness, Sendo felt the inside of his home, Haruki in arm would have been a better ground to stand against it.

Feeling the tender grasp of Sendo's arms around her, it squeezed a giggle from Haruki, the grasp of hers around him only grew tighter, like he was just struggling himself into a trap. "Mmm.. oh my brave hero," was the coo that rumbled right into his ear, that tone of fright seeming to have melted right away, from his own tender and warm touch, or from something hot inside her, Sendo could not tell.

Logan could see that slight tension through the fennec's frame then, that tingle in the back of his own neck rising, like a bad smell had just hit him in the nose. Then... Sendo's hand vanished behind the door... His rifle came level, aimed right between his eyes, and not a blink later the six agents next to him all bared arms on the diminutive target. The roaring heartbeat in Logan's ear slowed to a distant hum, the sound of the rain pattering on the window filled his world again... And he waited. It's not between us... Just go inside.

Giggling softly into his ear, at those tender words, Haruki's fingers drew up her hero's back, tips just soft little breathes whispering to each side of his spine. It's like she felt the tension in his body too, trying to rub it away. "But... My movie," he could almost hear the pout. "Tell ya what I'll go get my DVD player! It's got batteries..."

Shit. No. Don't. Logan tensed all over again, locked tighter than a vice... no, more like a spring.

"I'll just..." An arm released from him, and into her purse. She flicked out her phone.

Beating. Turn back.

Flash... His goggles flicked to red as the light burst from her phone.


Logan's entire body exploded forward, his dark figure popping into existence from the dim light. His right arm cocked firmly around Haruki's neck with a blur Sendo couldn't hope to follow, her mouth agape but coughing as the sleeper lock choked off her screams. His left released that long rifle, letting it drape back on its strap, as a pistol whipped from his chest holster, cocked against the weight of his riot shield buckled to it. Sendo could see them, masked, black phantoms that had been skulking in the darkness the entire time, all training rifles on him. The one mere feet from Logan held a finger to their mask, signifying to be silent. Then... flicked their gun, to motion them inside. He could see the faintest of movement beyond where the light reached.

Haruki looked to Sendo, her eyes brimming with tears, that sweet light she sent his way now dark with fear. Her breath seemed even still, just shallow, restricted. But Logan too was pointing at him to go in.

The caress of Haruki's voice over his ear, the soothing rubs along his back drew a content sigh from Sendo, but didn't melt away the cold in his chest. "Maybe we should still--" But the light burned his eyes in an instant... What... his mind screamed, the hell? What the hell?! Whatthehell!?! His eyes, splayed wide beneath his goggles, flicked first to Haruki, then to the gun. Fear rose up in his gut, starting to clench at his insides. He was trembling, stuck for a moment between terror and complete panic. He slowly opened his hands, non-threateningly, backing slowly back into his apartment, pleading vainly with his obscured eyes to Haruki. Please... No... he looked back to the skulking phantoms keeping pace as he silently shuffled backwards, don't hurt her... His throat caught; he wanted to speak, to plead, anything... but that adamant sign of silence... would he get them killed just for talking? This was too cruel, seeing Haruki dangle so close by, within arms reach, but he dare not grab at her, not if it would put her in even more jeopardy. His ears twitched and swiveled, with a slight focus he swore he could hear a light shuffle of even more feet passing his door. He slowed his shuffle, and soon met an expected resistance as his heel bumped into his couch. It was to come sooner or later... Right? His entryway being already dark from the outage, he assumed the two he was facing down might have brought a few extra; there was certainly the space, but he shuddered a little at that notion. Take what you want, he urged in his head, just please... Don't hurt her.

Right on Sendo's heels, Logan followed him inside, arm still locked around Haruki's neck, the riot shield on his arm held on by straps, with his side arm drawn and trained on Sendo. A light from the helmet flicked on, harsh in Sendo's eyes. When the lowly fennec bumped into the couch, the gun flicked down twice, telling him to sit. When he did, his arm released Haruki, mercifully, finally, she seemed to understand as she quickly plopped down next to Sendo. Her arms kept tight around her stomach, before reaching up to touch her tender neck as she coughed for air. But she kept silent otherwise, her eyes spread so wide her face may have been swallowed up by them, as she gazed at two more figures following suite, and more made a line around the door, two looking in, two looking out... and still more passing. Their footsteps seemed too quiet for any normal person to have, Sendo noticed, even being so close to him, the pattering rhythm of the rain on his window loud by comparison. Like a black tower above them, Logan's red eyed goggles passed like a cold finger over them, before a single word finally hushed the roaring silence between them. "Identification." his baritone word rolled out harshly clear, his hand held out to them. Logan's mouth was a thin, hard line, like a parent sucking their teeth at a child who just couldn't do what they were told. Why didn't you just go inside? Why... Damnit things would have been far easier, you idiots.

Haruki looked to Sendo, brows rose high, her lips slightly parted, those long ears falling back behind her head. She then fished her wallet from her purse, pulling out her I.D., placing the plastic square in that black gloved hand.

As thankful as he was to see her released, a cold chill shot through his core on the demand of Identification. He groped at his empty pockets, feeling only his slender thigh under the thin fabric. In the helmet light's gentle glowing reflection off of nearby surfaces, he noted the vague silhouette of his wallet. He offered a small, sheepish grin and pointed nearby to the counter near the door. He figured they didn't want him going anywhere anyway. He closed his eyes, not that anyone but himself noticed, and he kicked himself mentally. If it wasn't for the goggles... he played those last moments a few different ways in his head. No, any reaction he made when he saw Logan erupt from the dark would have gone much worse, he imagined. His little brows furrowed, everything was going great, he thought, how did it come to this? His eyes flicked back to Haruki, who now radiated concerned tension. He wanted to ease that, to do something, to not still feel like a totally useless lump at this moment.

For a moment, Logan's lips seemed to grow tighter on his face than Sendo could think possible, before a sigh drew out, separating that stern line. "Goggles," he gruffed out at Sendo, as a quick series of hand signals had one of the soldiers who followed him in bringing the wallet to him. Flipping it out, after Sendo had revealed his eyes to Logan, and it was only a brief time before Logan set them back on the little stand next to Sendo's couch. He turned away, on his heel. He motioned to the two others in the room, pointing two fingers at them, holding them to his eyes, then flicking the forked fingers to the two on the couch. They stood now at the center of the room, with Logan being flanked by the line that had guarded the door, before the portal closed... And Sendo could hear the tiniest creaks in the floorboards as they left.

Darkness once more fell over the room, and Sendo could hear... One coming close... and a little click... A new, soft blue light filled the room once more, the figure placing a portable lamp on the table where the I.D.s were. The figure lifted their visor, a cheetah, and distinctly feminine, with softly rounded cheeks, a thin chin... but her eyes, so cold like gazing into the arctic sea... a blue so deep and empty. Haruki seemed to shiver as they passed her, and the cheetah handed her the phone she dropped in the panic. Haruki shook her head with a flutter of her dark locks, before placing it back in her purse.

The other, who stood more than a head above the cheetah had also removed the visor, a tiger, who had a long scar trailing from beneath an eyepatch, like a ruin of red barren earth going clear to his chin. Despite the hideous mark, an easy smile came to his lips as his emerald eye focused on both of them, regarding them with a vague apathy. "Now... Sorry about that, kids," he chuckled low, words almost scratchy. "We just got something big going on and we can't have interference." He reached out with a hand, and Sendo could see a chair from his kitchen table squeak across the floor as the chair moved all its own. The tiger sat in it, with a creaking protest from the weight. "Now... just don't do anything, and there won't be a problem, mkay? Jana--" the cheetah shot him a look that could have killed Sendo "--I'm gonna take a nap, alright, just watch them?"

"Did you forget discretion?" she hissed, a sound so vile it came from the deepest pits of Sendo's nightmares. "Try and sleep, and I'll take out your other eye. May as well, since you aren't going to use it." Jana turned back to the other two. "Want something done right..." She grumbled with a wrinkle of her face.

Haruki had found her hand on Sendo's arm again, her touch shaking so softly. "Sendo," she whispered, the quiver in her voice breaking through softly, "I--"

"I said..." the tiger broke out, a fierceness that froze Haruki there. "Don't. Do. Anything." The snarl tainting his words was heavy. Haruki's grip seized tighter like a vice on Sendo's arm, her lips now closed so tight her mouth might have just vanished.

This was hell, it had to be. He had risen and touched Heaven, and was slammed back down to Earth, in the blink of an eye. Sendo's eyes flicked back to Haruki. The blue light drained all color away, giving her a stark pallor, deepening the look of terror in her eyes. Ice settled over his heart at the sight, weighing him with that want to trade away himself just for her sake. It was true that he barely knew her, only ever catching glances of her from afar, but that look she gave him only moments ago. Slowly, gingerly, with great caution not to rouse another guttural growl their way, his free hand came to rest on hers, now gripping his arm for dear life. He gave a firm little squeeze and a nod, hoping his intent still carried, though his eyes were obscured. He lingered, looking to her, desperately wanting to pull the fear away, as though it was a veil, something tangible he could just bunch up and toss in the trash. Trash... His mind lingered on that word, as his thumb gently stroked over the fur of Haruki's hand. Trash... He felt an odd twinge inside... something buried in the fear that was tying his insides in a knot... was smoldering. Trash... Harder, and with more intent it came, this feeling kindling; growing. Trash... His little face began to contort, his lips drawing up in a disgusted line, as his brows seemed intent on crushing the goggles upon his face. Trash... His eyes, still hidden, scanned the room, glossing over the Cheetah woman, instead boring into the larger Tiger as they fell upon him. His little jaw set, his upper lip tightening. Indignation flared to life in his chest, and without looking, he gave Haruki's hand another firm squeeze.

It was almost like the tiger could hear exactly what Sendo screamed silently in his mind, as when his eyes fell to the tiger, he could see a fury smouldering like a fire in his one eye, that relaxed position seeming to tense in an instant, like he could leap from the chair at any moment. His brows furrowed down, crossing, his lips tight and frowning. "Take the girl back to her apartment," were the words that snarled from his throat.

Jana started at him, those shimmering blue eyes seeming to go... Almost a deep purple then, but then returned to that frozen blue as she marched to Haruki without a word. "Orders are orders, miss." Her tone was low, almost polite, as she offered her hand to Haruki, who gave a long glance to the fennec, those eyes seeming to gloss over, her lips parting as if to say something, shutting, but then finally:

"I'll... Be okay Sendo, alright?" Even as the terror had left her eyes dark, she put on a warrior's smile, giving his hand a squeeze, before letting go. "It'll... It'll be okay," was the quavering, faint words she said before she was marched out by Jana. She didn't even dare look back, as the door shut behind them.

That snarling beast was on his feet the second the latch clicked shut, like it was a switch being flicked inside his brain that shocked his body to life. His frown parted with a snarling toothy look, as he stalked to Sendo, a flick of his hand sent that chair he was sitting in scratching back over the floor, knocking into the table it once sat at, causing it all to spill over, just as his rifle coming mere inches from the fennec's face. His free hand slid down to grab Sendo's I.D. off the side stand, pulling it to his good eye. He dropped it, then, and even as Sendo couldn't think someone's eyes would burn so much with a foul hatred, the tiger's single eye could sear a hole right through the back of his head. His face twisted up into that frown, his brows now high, and the blood curdling gurgle of his growl buzzed deep in his chest. "Mutant," he spat at the small fennec. "Show me your eyes." That gun pressed firm into his sternum, enough pressure to push him back into the cushion.

His heart had jolted at the gruff order to remove Haruki, and much of him pulled in vain as she had walked out. She was leaving, and an odd mix twisted down into the emotions that had such drive mere moments before. That bravery she held filled him with a glint of warmth... But chilling fear flooded through him. That fear in her eyes, so opposite her lovely and bright features... That look, as she looked away... Time seemed to slow, as his mind raced, a staccato of those little glimpses, little snippets of briefly passing, the gentle lilt of her sweet voice. Then, through this warmth, dark, ominous clouds swirled, tearing through horrible hypotheticals, while her voice screamed more and more distraught... prison... pain... even... He swallowed, almost audibly, as a brief thought flashed through his mind: That Cheetah woman... Jana, was it? Something urged him to settle; in their brief encounter, she seemed to be the more level-headed, dutiful type. A tiny trickle of hope crept down his spine as his door closed; only to flare into shock as the Tiger pounced. He was alone, and that feeling settled like a cold lump in his gut, but he felt she was going to be okay. A small glimmer of solace washed over him, though ice felt like it was enclosing his heart. At least she'll be alright, he mused, grimacing as the rifle pressed hard into his chest, Even if... I don't see her again...

He regarded that scarred, snarling visage, the pale blue light bending garish shadows over it, intensifying the Tiger's stare. "So..." he puffed out a tight breath, a hint of exasperation in his voice, "This again..." Like a pond freezing over, a flat coolness sheemed his face. He slowly raised his hands to his face, grasping his goggles. No big shock here, he thought, sliding them up to rest high on his brow line, pushing his dangling bangs back a bit, but at least it's more or less on my terms. He blinked his eyes open, focusing again on this big gnarled brute, the difference in tinting painting even finer lines on his face. Sendo's eyes sparkled in the dim light, his fibrous irises reflecting it in all directions, like tiny polished little metal threads. And those glittering little eyes now bore down on the soldier once again, this time openly, "...better you do what you need to me, and leave Haruki alone." As stern as he wanted to be, he could feel it all crumbling. The little prickles of wispy fear slithered up from the pit within, trailing through him, tugging at his neck muscles, setting his brow with a tiny quiver, clenching his teeth harder.

The tiger stared him down, that gaze unwavering as Sendo removed his goggles. Revealing those iridescent irises, the tigers lips twisted again... Upward, his face half between a grimace and a smile. His lips parted, as if to speak... But as Sendo's recourse dug into his ears, a look of... shock? He took a step back, and for what could have either been a single moment or the rest of the night, all they could hear was the sound of the rain drumming at the walls.

And then he laughed. "Hurt... hurt her? Why... you got some guts, doncha kiddo?" His words were stifling his chuckle, as if this were a joke to him. "No, no no, she's gonna see tomorrow, and I'll only wish her the sun shine bright on her future." A crack in that steely grimace splintered wide into a smile on his lips. "Heh... She.... actually reminds me of my daughter." Underneath that grisly, jagged face... there was a softness that broke through, following that half hearted smile. The tiger grabbed onto something just beneath beneath his chin, and a tug drew it up from the neck... A pale silver locket glittered in the pale light, and with a flick it opened. He swiped for the I.D. again, this time Haruki's, and he held the two closer together. A strangely... warm smile drew over his lips, and there was a glimmer of a younger memory in his eye.

He turned both to Sendo, then. "See? Don't they look like two little peaches in a tree? Well, as much as a rabbit and a tiger can." It was striking, a tiger girl no older than six had the same dark eyes still glimmering with such wonder, a smile that could eat her whole face, and those rounded cheeks deep with a dimple.

As the Tiger chuckled, Sendo's little white brows shot up with shock. While he mentioned that he wished Haruki nothing but the best, his sparkling little eyes flopped shut, and the little Fennec's breath surged from him in a quiet gale of relief. Thank Gods... As he blinked back up to the soldier, a tremor of apprehension rippled back across his hide watching him paw away inside his uniform. His little shoulders sagged slightly as the towering feline produced the locket.

"Actually..." he offered, seeing the two side by side, "...yeah, I can see what you mean." A small grin wavered into life upon his lips, "And she is adorable." The whiplash of tone his captor took stood harshly from that anger he saw... and the hanging implication of being a mutant, gnawing at him. One of his hands travelled slowly to his own neck, fluttering his tiny pendant in thought for a moment.

"Ain't she?" the tiger beamed, but as he lifted the locket away from Sendo's view, closing it again, and dropping it into his shirt, his face overcasted by another frown, his eyes dropped to the floor a moment. His eyelid slitted down over his eye and Sendo could think a glisten would form.... But all too quickly from that cloud, anger seemed to thunder forward again, face twisted into that hate he bore on Sendo earlier. A swift jerk of his hand grasped Sendo by his shirt, and he could feel all his weight being hoisted like it was nothing. His vision was filled with that raging visage, somehow an even greater light of agonizing fury shining in his eyes.

"You. You filthy..." he seethed from clenched teeth, "you think acting humane can fool me, like how you fooled that innocent girl?" His fist shook with each word he spun, Sendo helpless to dangle in his grip. "I know... exactly what you are!" He seemed to pause, as if to let Sendo ruminate on what he was saying, but before he could think, "A monster. A demon. Something unfit to exist in the same world as the beauty of my family!"

With that anger shattering the peace that dared to settle in over Sendo, his eyes widened as the hulking Tiger snatched him up, dangling freely by the scruff of his shirt. Sendo grabbed onto his wrist, desperately trying to mitigate some pressure off his neck, spluttering a little as the cyclops shook him. He was used to it, the abuse, the insults. Hell he usually expected it, but something in that torrent stoked a flame in the little Fennec. "Figures..." he spat, glaring back at a face from his nightmares with a scowl twisting over that slender muzzle, "'s the same old song and dance." He blinked slowly, drawing in a breath, "Yeah, I know, I'm scum, right? Call me what you like..."

Scum... His brows furrowed, and his teeth grit; a word echoing through his mind. Scum... He glared down at the hand that held him fast, a queasiness churning, as it seemed so small to render him useless. Scum... Wait... His glittering eyes widened, a fuzzy thought solidifying, He... He didn't... Only moments before, this very hand had reached out for his chair...

Scum... And, never touched it, as it slid toward the tiger. But, that- A cold anger welled up in his chest, his fingers strained tighter, little joints popping lightly. This whole time... His silvery eyes slowly climbed back up to face the one raging near his snout. Scum... "You..." his voice grated, thick with disgust, "...hypocrite!" Tension rose in the back of his head, drawing his lips tight, gritted teeth showing. Scum... "I'm a demon?! This from someone who can actually do something beyond me?!" Rage flared brighter, dragging bile to the back of his throat, "Who the hell do you think you are?!" A bit of a sour irony trailed across his thoughts, twisting a goading smile onto his face, "That's why you sent her away, to protect your righteous image! You didn't want her to see you show just how full of it you are!"

With every word Sendo spat into his assailants face, the tiger stood against the tides. His fist stilled, leaving him hanging there. Where Sendo may have expected his words to erode away that will, it seemed to have worked as he closed that single eye, breaking the contact of that beam boring into Sendo. The rain ticked away the time of silence, and the fennec found himself being lowered, but just so, as the tigers shoulders sank slowly. His hand returned to his neck, clasped firmly where the locket hung beneath his uniform.

"Jinza," the tiger finally broke the tepid silence. His eye remained firmly shut, his words almost softer than the rainfall. "My name is Jinza, and no... I'm aware that..." The tightening sour in his voice rose with his words. "That I am no better than you." That eye flicked open once more, still boring the same hate. "I'm a demon, burning in hell with the rest of you. Only..." His hand on his chest balled into a fist, and shaking in a wind of anguish. "My sin... My sin is not pride. That's where you are wrong." His lips curled around his snarled teeth with the words. "I am sloth, because any pride I had was buried with my baby girl." The croak of that last sentence was between a roar and a cry, and the tears stained deep into the fur of his cheek.

"I couldn't protect her. I was so foolish... And I could have done everything. I brought her into this world filled with... With us. And I did nothing to keep her safe. It's we goddamned demons who struck something so beautiful from this ugly world, leaving only each other to rip and tear." Every fiber of that trembling visage pulled tight, rippling twisted wrinkles furrowing his fur, turning that scarred face into a ripped open wound of such pain. "So... here I am... Ripping, tearing, a damned piece of shit bringing fire to the beasts." Sendo was brought right to that grizzly, hateful, almost sobbing visage. "The damned be judged by the damned, for who knows a kind better than their own. We mad liars, thieves, murderers, and rapists should destroy each other." A growl stained those words with a sour curdle, a gurgling voice ripping with red hot iron.

His hand drew to his side, and with a quick draw... a snub nosed revolver was shoved... right into Sendo's face. "But..." his voice seemed... almost calm then, level, like all of his rage and sorrow vanished. "Maybe... Maybe today is my day, kiddo? Maybe my sweet baby Anney is looking down on me right now, her sword of fire seeking my blood..." The gun pointed away from him, and Jinza planted the barrel right between his eyes. In the grim storm of his eye, it all drained away.... And peace fell over him. He looked Sendo right in the eyes... His finger tensed, the hammer drawing back on the gun.


That curdling acid in Jinza's words dissolved that last barrier Sendo had, washing away the last tension of defiance. His ears drooped back against his head, eyes flaring wide, as his mouth hung slack. His grip on Jinza's wrist slackened, and he dangled all the more. Never... Not ever... he thought, I didn't... His vision blurred, tears forming, and he couldn't stop them if he wanted.

He gave a start as the revolver was thrust in his face. Well, this is Karma, he thought, his eyes half-closing, almost tasting the pang of gunmetal, focusing on the tiny rifling details now that it was so close. But they quickly grew wide again as Jinza moved the gun to himself. He watched everything drain from that Emerald eye as the hammer started to swing. That... acceptance. Everything below Sendo felt like it fell away, that he was dangling freely over a bottomless void. He knew that look. He knew that feeling. No... The hammer clicked. He mouthed the word.. his voice failing him. His eyes pleaded to the tiger, now slowly blurring into a misty orange mess before him, tears blinding him utterly. So cold... colors seemed to mute. Nothing...anymore... even the sounds around him grew still, naught for his breath. His eyes began to glaze, tears still pouring from him. It... it just... doesn't matter... Everything began to slacken. It was over, no use in fighting anymore.

In the midst of the world fading into a muck of grey, a throb jolted his arm, sudden sensation screaming to life. Everything hurts... just... Again, the throb raged, a static charge fluttered over his hide. It roused his attention, still dangling over oblivion. It was part of his arm that ached, and he went to shrug it off. But the realization of where it hurt sent a new surge through him. That was... His hand clenched. That was where... Sound and color flooded back to him, though the scenery had changed little. Tears still flowed unabated, but resolve settled back into his steely eyes. Haruki! He spat at that void that yawned beneath his heart, that warmth she gave him for that instant... Like all his life a blizzard withered him away, but the fire of her heart was all he needed to live.

"Jinza..." he croaked the word out, grabbing the tiger's wrist again for leverage, his teeth gritted between a gaping frown. "Please... you don't have to do this..." She had cast him a blessed lifeline, as his feet had touched the bottom of Hell. Jinza's blade closed in on that, he felt, but he pulled for that hope of her light.

It seemed that the click of the empty chamber passing his life over left Jinza in a spell, his eyes searching the world around him to see nothing has changed, even as Sendo nearly spiraled into oblivion in his grasp... And it wasn't until Sendo spoke out that his eye refocused onto the fennec. Something still blazed in his eye, but it greatly dulled. "Looks like my judgement is still a ways off." His words rang with emptiness. "I pull that trigger every day when I wake up, and yet..." His grip on Sendo had finally relinquished, letting him fall right onto the couch in a whump. "...And yet it seems... Something.... No...someone is still watching over me." The gravel of his words could rasp at Sendo's ears.

"Sorry kiddo, you can't convince me this isn't my fate." There it was again, that rage gleaming in his eye, but his words remained so even, low, like he would regard the weather. "My lot... as this demon, is to send all the rest of us to hell, where my daughter awaits the damned to burn them." He lifted the pistol again from his side... and cast it, right next to Sendo, onto the cushion. "But.... tell you what, kiddo, I'll give you this chance." The corner of his mouth twisted grimly into a smirk. "You've... got some real gumption, and I respect that. So I'll let you see for yourself if this is your day." He held his rifle down on Sendo again, and a thumb flick on the handle set a switch. "So pick it up."

Fate. That word jabbed into Sendo, like a weighty spear. He couldn't help but stare back up at the soldier now looming over him, searching that one green eye that fixed upon him, still gently pleading with his own. He felt another jab as he internally jerked away from the cold steel instrument that landed beside him. Sendo's silver eyes flicked to it, then to the rifle trained on him, and back again. Damned if I do... he thought, letting out a slow sigh. Slowly, he reached for the terrible thing, feeling a shiver course through him as his hand slid around it. Rain pattered outside against the window a little harder, a breeze starting to rattle away at the pane, as his hand tightened on the gun's grip. He drew in a deep breath, and lifted. He was taken by surprise, the weight of it hidden by its size, focused more top and forward. He found himself almost dropping it into his lap, catching and steadying it in both hands.

Every day... He looked the weapon over. A desperate thought flashed through his mind, of turning the tables; but he dismissed it with a wistful chuckle. That rifle wasn't going anywhere, and turning the gun on Jinza just didn't sit right. Though he gently trembled, an odd sense of quiet reflection slowly washed over him. So soon? he mused, his wistful smirk gaining some traction, he does aim to collect... He was passingly reminded of a certain white-haired gambler from an Anime he enjoyed, his defeated smile curling a hint more. His calm gaze met the rifle, his impromptu referee, and heaved a tiny sigh. As steadily as he could manage, fighting gravity and his own trembling, he raised the cursed little thing up to rest on his temple. He looked back to Jinza, staring right into his ragged soul through that angry green portal. It's only fair... His heartbeat quickened. His finger tensed, offhandedly taken aback by how much strength it took to pull at the trigger. He could taste the adrenaline surging through him, a queasiness closing his throat. Even without his large ears, the mechanical rotation of the cylinder vibrating into his skull was terrifying. Images flashed in his vision: the phantoms, a gun, little Anney and Haruki side by side. Haruki...

"That's it kid... It'll be qui--" It seemed something in Jinza jolted through him, like all his strings were pulled, and his gun suddenly swinging to the window, and through a brief crackling flash of lightning Sendo could see it, two figures tumbling through the air, and a metallic bang as they crashed onto the fire escape just outside. They sprang up, fists flying, one seeming to have the obvious upper hand, as they grabbed the other, and tossed him through. The double panes swing open, busting off the latch that held them together, a stark white golem made of bone tumbling across the floor in a tumble. Jinza caught him with his foot, his rifle in full blaze with little futs, the figure squirming under the fire before whipping a long tail at the tiger. Jinza caught it with the rifle, but was still sent skidding on his boots backwards.

The other was that wolf from before, the first one Sendo caught when he and Haruki were entangled. His helmet was gone, as were the goggles, his smooth face seeming so calm in the eye of the storm, with eyes of pale teal that with a honed edge dug into his target, like all the world was just a void and only he and the bone devil were the ones in it. He vaulted through the window on his hand, the other with a pistol aimed out, levelly hammering shots into that bony devil, who rose back to his feet. Sendo could make him out in the shake of a gangly elk, his horns massive tangles of ivory, his whole body encased in a shell of the same material, with long claws jutting from his fingers, and a tail like a spiky spine lashing from his back, and little spines all over that carapace. He flicked his hand, a quarrel of bone speared off his finger. Logan swiftly weaved his head in his mid air hike to one side, but just so as the blade sliced over his cheek. Landing on his feet, the magazine ejected, to clatter down on the floor, a second already pushed in without the sights leaving their mark, as Logan beamed shot after shot into the bony monsters head. Its plating began to crack, and the ivory elk roared out as the two charged each other.

Like the river crashing into a rock, Logan planted his back foot, and his head ducked under that hand of razors lashing for him, and as the bone elk charged him, Logan shoved his shoulder into the others stomach, arms hooking low on the elk's thighs, dipping a foot forward to plant firm before lifting, and using the momentum of that charge to throw the elk hurtling head first over him. Landing square on his head, those long antlers snapped, before one caught and sent his body twisting with his head twisting another way. He screamed and struggled, but before he could make sense of the world, Jinza was beaming down with his assault rifle, emptying a clip into that elk's chest, a slow twitching and jittering from the dull thwacks. One deflected, and Sendo could feel a sudden sharp pain in his chest, but when he looked down there was no blood, and he saw a rounded head round made of some black rubber... or polymer? Sitting in his lap. The pain was no worse than being slugged, but he could imagine many direct impacts would leave him wishing he was dead... But far from it.

The elk half hung on his antler stuck in the ground, a low, pleading groan sounding from him, as those plates of bone split and cracked, that slender form dangling so limp. "Please... I gi--" before he could finish, Logan slammed his shin cracking across the elk's head, shattering that last antler, leaving him out cold.

For a moment he sighed, and Logan swept around the room... His eyes met Sendo's, and caught the gun. Sendo could have sworn he blinked, as Logan aimed at him. "Drop it." That same staccato as before, so cool and stern. "Kick it over, too. Slowly."

Jinza was busy cuffing the elk, before he looked up to Sendo as well. That poisonous look he shot to Sendo could curdle milk, as he placed a single finger on his lips, before crossing his thumb over his neck.

The commotion outside on the fire escape jolted him back to the present. His hand relaxed on the trigger, thankfully hearing the gears and springs realigning, as the hammer pressed back gently into place. As the pair crashed through his window, he nearly dropped the blasted thing again, fumbling it over a few times before properly grabbing it up. His attention was whipped right back to the brawl before him, Jinza spraying the bony thing nearly point blank. Just as the thought that it was odd for such a weapon to be so quiet struck him, so did something else; hard. Sparks flashed in his vision, as a deep radiating pain seared through his chest, his own outcry squelched by an involuntary cough. His body rang as though he were a hollow bell, and his free hand grasped at his chest. Just as his mind was preparing to accept this mortal wound as fate, he paused. No matter how much he pawed at the wound, he was not bleeding, all he could note was a small blemish on his shirt. It still ached all the way through him, though. Glancing around, he found a tiny little black pellet, rounded and matte, but was surprisingly light and solid.

But the revolver... In that moment, he noticed, and his eyes went wide. At this angle, pointed away, he could see the cylinder much closer; specifically, he could see which chambers were loaded. Near the top, undoubtedly next in line, a brass rim shone merrily up to him. That... His mind leapt back, a little pertinent flash about it first being pointed at him, then to Jinza after. Lightning felt like it was coursing through him, so many little things coming together. Another flash, only moments before... What he said: "It'll be quick"... He knew. That son of a- ... The sickening crunch of the wolf's kick over the elk's head brought him back. He blinked, amazed at the hard won fight, but startled as he caught eyes with the commander, who then ordered he disarm. His silver eyes flicked back to the tiger, And now this look?! He looked back to Logan, forcing his features to calm, as he dropped the weapon to thunk upon the floor, "It's alright, I never wanted it anyway." His little body trembled harder, his hands making little fists. He dutifully kicked it toward the wolf, finally glad to be rid of it.

Even as Sendo set the gun down and kicked it over, Logan kept his gun trained on him, eyes certainly blazing like Jinza's, but with a keenness, and a level of calm and focus that belied no hatred. The iron gaze of someone who's stared down so many, and never looked away. The gun skittered and hit his boot, and he knelt, that same level of focus pierced right on Sendo like a needle. His hand found the gun, and he rose, now taking the gun into his periphery... and then jolted away from Sendo to focus on it for just a moment. This is... This is Jinza's? But... He looked to Sendo with a cocked eyebrow, his lips parted softly. He flicked out the cylinder, to see the single loaded chamber. No other casings, no empty casings, and he coud not smell that sourness of cordite of it being recently fired. Why did Jinza bring a revolver with a single bullet? But then... He remembered Sendo had a friend over. And Jana. Where did they go? Could he have...? No, he's just a class one Meta, there's nothing he could have done. My orders were...

"Jinza," his voice broke the settling silence. The tiger's body straightened up like someone shot lightning through him. "What happened to Jana and the other civilian? You were under strict orders to hold ground as a pair."

"Sir, I... I actually don't know," was Jinza's answer as he brushed his fingers over his head, his eyes scrunched tight as if a pain suddenly befell him. "I... believe I was in a trance, I don't really... I can't really say." He held out his palms, shoulders shrugging, and let out a sigh. "Maybe he's a mut--er, Meta! ...With a far more dangerous abilities than we thought? Like some mind control?"

Sendo saw Logan's brows scrunch low, his lips in a frown, and those tall ears swiveling back at the tiger. Why did you call him a mutant? You know the Coalition's specific choice for that word. "Mind control? After the updates to the screening process?" Even if he did slip through the cracks, the Coalition still surveys all class one Meta citizens. It was at this point Logan lowered his rifle, but still held the gun in his hand, letting it linger in his peripheral. Why... the one bullet? How can a class one manipulate... No, he couldn't. He even had his I.D. a month ago!

"I remember your name is Sendo," Logan's voice cut in clear, carrying a weight of respect. He stepped closer to the fennec, slow and careful, till he could practically trip over him. His eyes met those shimmering irises, with an edge in his eyes, like they could cut through the surface of Sendo and see what was beneath. "Please stand, look me in the eyes, and tell me if what he is saying is true." He folded his hands behind him, and set his shoulders square. He seemed so still, like he was made of stone, his eyes like gazing into an abyss with an unknowable bottom, and a knowing glow in them.

Jinza's eyes were squarely on Sendo as well, but dark and poisonous, and his grip tensed on his rifle. He bared his teeth, a gentle twitch of his chin as he grinded his teeth. His free hand gripped tightly to his chest, where his gold locket gripped tightly, his hand trembling terribly.

Sendo's steely eyes had been boring into Jinza during the interim. His face contorting a little and his fists tightening hearing the tiger openly lie. He took a moment to calm himself, finally drying the patches on his face from his earlier tears, only to give a small start when Logan addressed him. He looked up into those teal eyes, stern, but without malice. Their gaze was very even, giving a distinctly calm feeling of control. He smiled a little, mentally. Vindication! He slowly stood, wincing a little at his nearly forgotten wound, but stood as straight as he could, his eyes never leaving the wolf's. "We were both here, originally, with Jana and him..." he gently flicked his head in Jinza's direction without breaking his gaze, "...and he seemed to be much more concerned with taking a nap than anything." He let out a sigh. "He also started to frighten Haruki, which I personally didn't like, but he insisted we," he let his voice get growly, imitating Jinza, "Don't. Do. Anything." Without even thinking, he started emphasizing things with little quirks of his hands. "I'm not entirely sure why, but he suddenly decided to separate us, ordering Jana to take Haruki to her apartment, and proceeded, from the moment they left, to take some weird delight in getting in my face." He let out a bit of a shuddering breath, letting it spill forth, "First he ordered me to remove my goggles at gunpoint, then we had an interesting chat, until he picked me up in one hand and shook me like a ragdoll, spitting insults and curses because I was..." Something clicked in his head, and his internal smile grew wider, "...a mutant."

Catching how Sendo wiped stains from his cheeks, Sendo could catch a glimpse of something darkening in Logan's intense eyes, regret bubbling to their surface for just a moment. It only grew darker as Sendo confided in him what had happened when Logan had left. His furrowed brows softened, that stern line that was his mouth falling into a frown. Jinza... You... You took the oaths I did.... He ruminated with a lump swelling in his throat. Upon hearing that last word... Mutant, Logan's head turned to Jinza, and Sendo could only guess the kind of look he gave Jinza made the tiger quail, looking away and his shoulders slumping.

"If you are going to blame anyone," Logan's voice was almost soft, heavy with a burden of regret. "Blame me, Sendo." He turned back to the fennec, and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I lacked better judgement of him." A brittle sourness undertoned his throat. "But... the revolver... how...? Tell me, please."

That's when Jinza stared up again at Sendo, that acidic green in his eye glowering a beam of contempt. His fist tightened, his lips parted in a snarl, mouthing out those distinct words; Don't you--

Sendo let out a somber sigh, "Oh yes, that." He lingered a moment, a glimmer of appreciation for the wolf's momentary touch. It settled the quavering fear gripping his chest, and brushed away that fog of his mind. "That came out in the moment," his little white eyebrows furrowed, "One moment, he laughs that I was concerned about Haruki, the next he shares that wonderful little picture of Anney..." Part of him sported a dangerous internal grin. "Then, out comes our little friend there, and I get to meet him personally..." He couldn't keep the quaver out of his voice, his face collapsing with a frown. "But then..." He panted at that shivering dread of what happened to Annie, "...he... turned it... on himse--"

As those words were chambered, and one by one flew through the air, Sendo could see the rising tightness in Jinza's body, rage bubbling in his face... He grit his teeth, and kept himself silent, but the moment Sendo damned him, Jinza's hand lashed up, palm open, and squeezed. Sendo felt something tighten around his throat, like an invisible rope snapping harshly around him, choking off his words and air. Logan whipped back to bare his rifle. The tigers free hand flicked in response.

"Jinza!" Logan bellowed as the gun ripped out of his grip, sent across the floor, and Logan being flung far to the side, bashing into the wall with a grunt, arms crossed over to bare against the psychic blast from Jinza. "Damnit... J-Jinza stop! You don't need to--"

"She never had a choice so why do I? Why does ANYONE!?" Jinza's eye was so dark and vicious, all that pain twisting in his eye, as his fists tightened... Sendo could hear the blood in his brain pulsing.

"Because we're supposed to do the right... the right thing!" Logan's words were growing ragged, wheezing with desperate gasps. "I know it hasn't been--"

"NO YOU DON'T!" The gravel, the wailing in his voice screamed from somewhere broken in Jinza, blood spitting from his twisted mouth with that shriek.

"Jana... Jana!" Logan cried in a heave, touching his throat. "Jinza's gone-- GURK!" Logan's own throat caught. Damnit... No. Jinza, she wouldn't want this. I don't want this... Please, stop... 'Turn away. Go.' Logan's hand reached behind him, searching for the pistol he hid in his back pocket. He opened his mouth, eyes going bloodshot, his mouth loosely lipping words, but all that came out was "haaaaaugh!" By all that's good in the world, you fool, didn't you promise me you'd fight for her memory? Damnit, just...

Sendo could taste something hot and sickly sweet in his mouth, with an accent of iron, a little crack as something popped in his neck... Before he could hear the slam of his door, Jana's grimacing face came through. Her jaw hinged open, her eyes flashing a stark bright blue as she witnessed Jinza in a spittling rage. Her rifle papapaped as she laid fire into him, his body shivering under the hail of pellets. His face split itself in half with a terrible scream, and for just a moment Sendo could breathe again.

Facing each other, Jinza thrust his hand at Jana... and a terrible ripple went up her arm, the limb shattering into a shower of sparks, wiring, metal... her scream pierced through the air, as she collapsed to her knees, clutching a sparking stump where her arm used to be, trembling heavily from the terrible pain twisting from it.

But Sendo could see it on the edge of his reddening vision, it seemed Jinza had to redirect that force holding Logan to Jana. He got to his feet, that snub nose revolver held in steady with Jinza's head, the trigger pulled to its last centimeter, the hammer poised to deliver.... Jana began to rise, her face twisted like an animal in feral rage... But once more shocked through with pain as her leg suffered the same fate as her arm, leaving her to collapse and writhe and scream so loud it drowned out the rain.

For a moment, Logan's vision flashed with so much fire, then drowned in a desperate sadness, before settling into a dead calm. Jinza turned around. Sendo could hear another little snap, the world growing blurry. He could see... in Jinza's eye, for just a moment that inferno of vitriol extinguish from his eye, and the green settled into a peace, like a field of grass.


The red star of his cheek wept, a fountain of crimson slowly dripping. From that field of grass, the light faded, the whispers of his struggle finally hushing, and his body slowly slumped. To his knees, that face locked in such surrender, before it slammed into the floor.

Even without the kinetic force choking him off, Sendo could not find the breath his lungs thirsted for, just blood filling his mouth. Even as his vision became too blurry to make out the world, he could see that black blotch. "Sendo... Sendo! Don't... No stay. Stay...Uhm..." He could feel fingers shove into his mouth, forcing his jaw open. "This'll hurt," was the only warning he got before he could feel tendrils slide into his throat, and spread open, ripping those smashed muscles back the other way, the burning like hot lead being poured over his throat. "I know. But fight. Breathe. I'm here, Sendo, and I won't leave you behind!" Logan's words were a ragged, but triumphant whisper in his ear. The air scratched his ruined throat, but he could breathe. He felt his head being cradled, held firm so his head couldn't move. "Jana, crawl over here and I'll buy you a bar and all the new limbs you want! He needs help!"

Everything was a murky haze. His lungs burned, but his throat just couldn't seem to work right. His hands grasped and tore at his neck desperately, as strength sapped from his legs. He flailed and tore at the neck of his shirt: nothing. His vision darkened, sound began to turn inward. His whole world began to shrink in, towards himself. He barely caught his name, as he felt something jam into his mouth. Then blinding pain. Air surged into his chest, only to emerge in a gurgling scream. His body went rigid, feet twisting and flailing. His hands grasped desperately at anything within reach. His silver eyes in a dim glaze, while he continued his shrill, hoarse wailing, his body fighting to defend against the pain that flared to life with every breath. Blood, fresh and crimson, spattered in flecks as his anguished cries continued, pausing only to breathe in again. 'I won't leave you behind!' ... those words sliced through the dark veil that surrounded his living nightmare, and though tears poured from him, his vision began to clarify. Logan was holding him still, his own hands clamped tightly to his arm, as he shouted for help. He couldn't help but cry out with each breath, but he shortened them a bit, finding his throat becoming ever more raw.

Seeing that dark haze slowly break away to that ragged, but still clear lucidness brought a tired smile to Logan's lips, his gaze locked tight with Sendo's. "That's it kid... I know, I know you want to die... But don't let go. We got you." Even under that ragged exhaustion he kept an ice cool levelness. "You're gonna make it, I promise. Just focus on me... On breathing... On holding on." His words carried courage for him, even if Sendo was hardly a fighter, he could see that smile on the wolf's face, a glimmer of hope twinkling in his eye. He could see another face then... Jana.

"Hold him down," her shuddering voice rang almost distant, as Logan pulled his fingers from that ragged throat, and he pinned Sendo's arms to either side. It was a sharp prick that could have felt like his neck was set on fire again... But he could feel it, every muscle fiber suddenly being pulled back to where they were supposed to, the fracturing bones in his neck popping into place, the veins that popped resealing. The immense pressure and heat nearly belied the pain he felt before... Another prick pierced through the pain... But before he could think about crying out again, it all felt... cool, rapidly replacing the harsh ragged heat from before... But it made everything heavy, his vision darkening again... Though, it was peaceful, like falling into a warm spring, being caressed by a loving touch.

"There...!" Logan bared Sendo's sagging weight, the fennec finding himself scooped up then, even as the world swam away. Whatever Logan was saying was swept up in that heavy slumber of sleep drowning Sendo's world.

Sweet silence, and the world fell so far away, leaving him to drift into a place separate from this terrible night, embracing sleep.


The world was a muddy haze, but a comforting warmth surrounded him. Little things started to peek through this happy cocoon; the world was too bright for its own good, little smells that came into better focus, dull aches that settled in and throbbed. Finally, this warm little bubble burst, and daytime assaulted Sendo. His hands met his face, blocking out the sun that seemed intent on blinding him. He rolled away from the glare slightly with a groan, the ache in his chest greeted him. He tried to swing himself upright, but as his feet slid off the side of his bed, the whole world spun like the camera in his head was tossed upside down, leaving him to queasily flop over instead. He stared up, wincing at the brightness, but watching the ceiling spin. Perplexed, and a bit annoyed, he righted himself, and stumbled off sluggishly to a pressing need, the bathroom.

A bit later, his little feet plodded back across the carpet, and clumsily dragged back into his bedroom. Everything hurt, his neck and his torso especially, and this damn throb in his head hammered, each spike a nail driving into his sanity. He felt so drained, and his tongue stuck dryly to the roof of his mouth. He wanted to just flop back onto his bed, curl back up and sleep, but those throbbing pains were quite insistent. He grimaced blearily at his pillows, as though they had offended him by daring to exist, yet mocking him because of the pain. Sendo stretched his neck gingerly to either side, the grating tiny crackles resounding through his spine, relieving some pressures that had settled in, and pulling little threads of pain here and there. As he tilted and rolled his head. He caught sight of a couple of things on his nightstand; letters? He gave them a look.

Dear Sendo Tulusode,

We gravely apologize on behalf of our benefactors that you have befell a most unwarranted tragedy caused by someone who we did not predict could be capable of such violence. We strongly recommend you take a week or two off work. You will be compensated for missed work. There is a bottle of pills. Take one a day.

He rolled his silver eyes slightly at 'unwarranted tragedy', You think? His little eyebrows shot up, Two weeks?! And compensation?! Should try to get killed more often! he thought with a snark. He glanced at the bottle standing there; 'I see some pills on the desk before me, I have no idea whose they are, or what they do...' He chuckled to himself, which burned up his throat. He shuffled the paper over to the next one;


Blame me, it was my fault that I didn't see the cracks in him, and I should have known better. I'm sorry.

It was so short, but to the point. He had no doubt that it was from the wolf leading that team, especially as it echoed the dreary sentiment he gave before. I get the 'responsible commander' thing... he mused, as he folded the notes and slipped them into the nightstand drawer, but I... He sighed; what was he doing?! He snagged the bottle of pills as he shuffled out into the living room. What greeted him was... unexpected. Everything was clean and neat, even the window had been repaired. They really did want to apologize... His fingers brushed along the countertop as he popped open the refrigerator, pulling a cold bottle of water from within. He took a good pull, and winced a little, nearly choking at the cold caress singing down his throat. He took another mouthful, swishing it around some, to warm it a touch and to quell that damn parched feeling. As his eyes settled near the door, they landed on his wallet. He swallowed, noticing it didn't hurt as much this time, and then smirkingly rolled his eyes again. A tentative little thumbing revealed that it was all still there. Well, at least they didn't 'charge' me... He slunk back over to the couch, and flopped back upon it. He fussed with the pill bottle a moment, taking one of the off-white oblong things and downing it in a rush of water. The fennec rested his head on the back of the couch, arms draped to his sides, legs haphazardly splayed out, just trying to radiate away that damnable oppressive exhaustion he felt.

Even as the day rolled by, Sendo lost in a trance, the world outside sounded with a bustle, like whatever happened in his room the night was just a blip to the world at large. He couldn't tell how long it may have been, but he could hear steps shuffle outside his door, a familiar gait... Then a little tiptap on his door. "S-Sendo?" came the bird song sweet sound of Haurki's voice. "Are you... are you in there?" There was a weighty hesitance in her voice, so soft, like she was half expecting someone else to answer... Maybe no one at all.

His ears perked, and his silver eyes widened, staring at the door. Sendo paused for the briefest of moments, fighting off the twinge ofdeja vu. But it was daytime, plenty of light and power restored. Even still, as he almost leapt to the door, his hands trembled in trepidation. No, he thought, I can't just freeze... His brows furrowed; he had to be precise. That situation from last night cannot happen again. He quickly whipped the door open; his eyes softly pleading for understanding, as he reached around Haruki's back, and pulling her inside, all in a slight spin that left his back against the shutting door, and her in his arms. He felt a little forward, but after last night, no chances. "Sorry..." he murmured over her head, wrapping his other arm around her as well, gently cupping to the back of her head.

As the door swung wide, Haruki was already half turned on her ear before she whipped back to see... his eyes, a little gasp then popping from her as he whipped his arm around her, and spun through the door with a slam, her breath catching as they slumped there against it, her breath a tad shaky, her side stiff in his grip. But... soon her tension melted, as his arms squeezed her to him, though she slouched to accommodate his hold. Thank goodness he's alright, she mused as a little giggle bubbled up. But careful, grabbing a warrior like that short stuff! She straightened up, her own arms catching at his waist, and he felt himself whirled up into her own grip with a strength hidden by her slender, curving frame. "Here I was worried something was wrong," was the cooing words she murmured as she squished him into her. She let go for just a moment, letting him droop back to his feet.

"I heard... I heard a lot of things last night." She tried sounding soft, but there was a brittle worry just beneath. She was about to open her mouth, but a silent gape was all she could manage, as he noticed she gazed right into his eyes, catching the glimmer as the sun shone in them, like two coins polished so fine. Why's he hiding something so lovely? Her own eyes seem to twinkle nearly as much with... curiosity. "Uh... Heh, first time you weren't wearing those silly things..." A honey noted wistlessness in her voice came through a smile, so small, pleasant... But he's probably a mutant? I mean... I guess that be why?

Even so... Under the warmth of her face, Sendo could see her eyes were heavy with bags, her ears drooped back behind her head. Her hair tangled slowly down her head, and she wore nothing but a baggy shirt that billowed off her and thin fabric pants, all creased with wrinkles... the sight of someone who'd barely gotten out of bed, even though from the sun he could tell it was just past noon. Even as she stopped tussling him around, he could feel more of her weight sagging into his arms, with her lids blinking open to fight a weight... But she still smiled, just a crack of light from her cloudy expression.

Sendo let out a small relieved puff at her giggle, his eyes closing as he smiled. All too soon, however, they blinked wide as he was hefted into the air. His cheeks flared a bit, more out of sheer astonishment than anything. That fed into a bit of an inner glow at that it was a hug back. But as he settled back on his feet, her comment about hearing things started his mind fluttering, skipping and skittering off of the many, many things those hours held. His ears started to pull back as things got ever darker, but then quickly whipped back, perking as his eyes widened at her comment about 'those things' His hand shot to his face, scrubbing around quickly in a bit of shock. His goggles! He had utterly forgotten them! From behind his hand, he looked at her again, and he let out a small, defeated laugh, "I guess it really can't be helped, now..." he let his hand fall away, regarding her warmly again.

His mirth darkened a bit, the heaviness of yesterday settling in on him. "There were... many things last night..." he started, gently brushing the side of her face with the back of his fingers. He started picking out details, noting how ragged she looked, close like this. He could see that exhaustion in her as well. "Though I'd like to forget about them..." he gave her a wistful grin, "but I'll tell you about it, if you like..." His eyes shut, as he let out a bemused huff, "Probably a good idea to get comfortable, because there's a lot to cover..." He looked just beyond her to that fateful old couch, a hand loosely gesturing, "...shall we?"

"Hey... Your eyes are actually pretty... Awesome." That last bit had a whispery, star struck tone, much like how he said it just yesterday before... Everything. She giggled through her thin smile, though, as she took his free hand and followed the gesture. "Mmmm... I think... Maybe I have some idea as to what happened, though..." As she reached the couch, she threw herself back into it with a huff, stretching those lanky legs out in front of her, arms reaching above with little crackles from her back... That shirt pulled ever so slightly up to reveal the bright white fur of her tummy. "Couldn't... Couldn't sleep much last night thinking about it, honestly. I... Thought I heard you..." The trailing silence left her to ponder on what to say. I don't want to trigger any bad memories in him... Last thing I need is for the poor thing to freak out. "Are you gonna be okay?" was what she settled on, as she leaned closer to him, a tender touch on his shoulder, her cheek just inches from grazing her own palm. Even under that lethargic droop of her eyes, she kept his gaze to those mesmerizing pupils, like appraising a jewel. Her whole face seemed to fight the weight of her own eyelids wanting to clamp shut, her hand on his shoulder squeezing tightly as she leaned on him more, her own dark eyes searching his own as if they were a starry night sky.

Sendo gave a little chuckle as she played off the 'awesome', bemused at the tender prod at his awkwardness from before. As she stretched, his silver eyes flicked down, catching a sly little peek at her creamy midriff, that crimson heat rising in his cheeks again, a smile carving on his lips. Yet, as she mentioned hearing him, his screams, his free hand lightly touched his neck. She's in this state... he mused, wincing internally, because of what happened... because of me... He blinked, mulling that over for a moment, looking back into those lovely eyes as she touched his shoulder, his muzzle pulled down with a frown. Wait... no... because she was... He left out a single little puff, worried... His free hand slowly fell from his neck, as a gentle smile formed, as he shifted slightly to snake his other arm around her, "...yeah... I think I will be..." He gazed into her eyes, feeling a warm ripple wash across him, thinking, That whole time, through everything, it was you. He pulled her a bit closer. You helped me in ways you might never know...

Feeling his arm pull around her and squeezed tight, meshing the two's sides, her head finally fell that single hair, resting tenderly on his shoulder. It seemed all that weight of worry eased out of her, her lips etched so thin into a smile, summoned by that assurance he gave. Her eyes were drifting closed, seeming to have finally succumbed to their weight, as if her worried watch finally ended. "Good," was the murmuring sigh of a response she gave, her weight fully surrendering onto his side, and a deep breath puffed over his shoulder, his scent tickling her nose now; the distant melody of his shampoo, roses, laid freshly over a creek, which whispered a pleasant softness through her. She was still, and the only sound she made was a soft, easy breathing, her ears drooping over his own head now. Just... Wake me up in a bit... She didn't realize she didn't say that, but it was too late, the sandman had flung his weight down on her tired body in full force.

The weight of her soft body melting against him pushed a warm glow from within. Here he was, lovely woman in his arm, gently snoozing against him. His smile deepened, as he gently settled in, crooking his neck just so, for his head to lightly meet hers. The lurking darkness in his mind, all the fluttering little snips of pain, and terror, slowly faded. Soon, the rest of everything seemed to just fuzz out into a haze around them, the only things existing being Haruki and himself. Her warmth, her scent of peaches and spicy herbs, the weight of her pressing into him. It was like being hit with a lone ray of sunshine on a frigid, snow-covered day. So many things he wanted to say, and to hear from her melodious voice, but here and now, they did not matter. More time for that after, he mused, closing his eyes, and giving her a tiny nuzzle, better to have some peace for now. For a moment, he regarded those silken dark locks, as they mingled with his own snow-white bangs. Something seemed fitting, but it escaped him, as soon his thoughts drifted off, as did he, the warmth from within and without claiming him utterly.