Relief-Chapter 3 by MonsieurFoxy

Story by MonsieurFoxy on SoFurry

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Relief Chapter 3- by MonsieurFoxy

Disclaimer: when you read this, you are accepting any and all responsibility that you

are of legal age and in an area where viewing this material is legal. I am not

responsible for policing those who are underage, that is up to the guardians of whoever

sees this material. Please Enjoy!

P.S. All characters are copyright of the author.

When Paul next awoke, he realized that the sun barely slanting in the window of

his bedroom was tinted with the oranges and reds of sunset. He'd slept through the whole

day! As he tried to move, a sudden pain in his ass reminded him once more who he was

with, and the events of the night and day before. Hans grunted sleepily, lifting one

great paw to wrap itself around him and pull Paul back down to curl against the strong

and fuzzy abdominals of his torso. Hans sniffed, his wet weredog nose cold and ticklish

against the back of Paul's neck. Paul in turn, giggled and settled back down.

He felt the pressure in his guts that told the story of the hot night, and how

much Hans had evidently enjoyed his time with his master. He found that Hans' knot had

softened, but had not gotten appreciably smaller. After another twenty minutes had

passed in half-drowsy langour, the huge cock finally softened and shrunk enough to slip

free of its snug new home. It was sticky with the congealed juices of Hans' nuts and

Paul's tight tunnel. Hans slipped off the bed and padded into the bathroom, where Paul's

ears told him that Hans had also watched him very carefully as he heard the stream hit

the center of the toilet, and continued for almost a minute and a half. Hans came

padding back, and so did Paul's sense of reality.

"Oh shit, what am I going to do to pay the bills? And what am I going to do with

Hans? I can't just leave him home alone anymore, he might take to wandering outside in

the afternoons when I have a job again. I don't know what I'd do if anyone tried to take

him away....." Paul's thoughts churned against his temples, beating out a quickening

rhythym that had him holding his head in his hands like it needed to be held together.

Hans, sensing that 'Master' was worried, crouched down to give him a lick where

it would do the most good. He let his warm, wet tongue slip from his muzzle and made

contact with the sweaty, salty crease of his new lover's crotch, running his tongue up

between thigh and ballsack. He closed his eyes, wanting to smell everything as his

tongue told him that his Master was stressed, and afraid. He felt the sudden urge to

protect his smaller, hairless companion, to keep him close. Hans only knew in the depths

of his doggy heart that his lover was the most important thing in his life.

Paul, meanwhile, had stopped the frantic pounding of his head, taking slow, deep

breaths, and gradually the sense of blind panic faded. Paul knew that whatever he did,

he would need to be careful. He first noticed that the curtains hadn't been pulled

completely shut letting the last dying rays of the sun pierce through the window and

spill at his feet on the floor. He quietly scooted over to the window to peer furtively

out and check to see if there was anyone outside or watching the house. The street was

almost completely empty, and he remembered that it was Saturday night, on Labor Day

weekend no less. He heaved a sigh of relief, and slid the heavy curtain shut. Paul then

minced on bare feet across the floor of his bedroom, to clasp hands with his big burly

Hans. The dog just grinned, letting his tongue wag, and grabbed Lover close, giving him

a deep sniff.

Hans sniffed deeply and slowly, letting his nose tell him what he wanted to

know. Yes, and his stubby tail wagged happily, Lover was definitely in a better state,

and no longer smelt of fear and stress. He had thought that Lover wasn't happy with him,

or that he had done something wrong by giving his body to Master. But everything was

fine. Hans just sniffed again, and rolled his body against the warm, bare skin of his

Lover, immersing himself in the smells of their lust and their shared scents.

"You big mutt, I can't help but feel better when I'm getting a hug like this

from you. But what AM I going to do when rent comes due? I think I better find a way to

keep you happy and quiet while I figure this out." Then Paul pushed away and free of the

soft warm hug.

"Hey, Hans, you hungry?"

Hans' ears jerked and perked straight up at the mentions of his name and hungry,

and immediately looked down at him and whined eagerly, his whole body shaking with

suppressed energy. Hans hadn't noticed before, because he was so lonely and scared in

the house, and then he had mated with Master, and now his body complained of the lack of

something in it. Paul inched around the impressive girth of the anthro-doberman, and

made his way naked to the hall, a wiggling Hans in tow. He led the way back down into

the downstairs of his house and noticed the clothin strewn about the steps and draped

over the handrail. Paul stepped gingerly, because the tender stretched feeling in his

hips and his ass were speaking up now, demanding rest after the pounding they had taken.

Hans just followed along, happy now that he was going to get fed. Rounding the right

corner into the dimly-lit kitchen, Paul turned on the overhead lights and the ceiling

fan began to turn. There was a sock hanging from one of the blades for a moment before

it was sent flying off the slick wooden blade. Hmmmm I wonder how that got up there. . .

Paul stepped up to the refrigerator, and opened it, not remembering quite what

he had bought Thursday morning. He gaped to find that it was stuffed full of food. He

thought for a moment before the light went on in his head. 'Duh, I was planning on going

camping for this weekend, and wanted to stock up for a good one-man barbecue and


"Well at least I think we'll be able to feed you properly for the next week or

so." Hans growled softly, his nose twitching at the sight of all that meat in Lover's...

What was it called? Refrigerator? That's right. The refrigerator.

Paul pulled out enough to feed 4 normal people, probably just right for one man

and one....Whatever Hans was now. He quickly started the gas stovetop, pulling out the

griddle. It would be faster to fry and pan sear the meat than to bake or barbecue it

right now. He set to cooking and occasionally throwing a little bit of fat or a scrap to

Hans like he always did, and Hans obliged by gobbling everything right out of the air.

In no time at all it seemed, the ribs were ready to slip off the bone, and the big

t-bones were nicely blackened, the bones turning a dark brown as the heat from the

griddle. The spices he'd sprinkled on whet his appetite and let his stomach wrap itself

around his spinal column. He felt a fuzzy warmth wrap itself around his body, and he

jumped a little as a paw slid across from his left hip to his right thigh. It just

barely missed brushing across the thatch at his crotch. Paul's breath caught in his

throat as a naughty image darted across his mind. He had just thought of what Hans could

do with these rib bones...

"Time to eat, big guy, let's take this to the living room." Paul used the

long-handled tongs to lift the medium-done meat to 2 plates, and handing one to Hans,

motioned Hans to follow him. Hans immediately understood. This was just like Lover, to

take their food into the living room and sit on the couch while they watched 'TV'. Hans

followed right on Paul's heels. They sat on the couch, Hans' weight causing it to

actually bow in the middle from his weight. Paul laughed, and sat down, making the couch

give out a small sqeak as it protested the excessive weight. Paul flicked on the

television and dug into his food. He noticed that Hans had waited until after he bit

into his first rib before touching his. Paul soon forgot about everything except the

passage of strong-flavored, smoky-scented meat down his throat, filling the bottomless

void in his stomach. Hans quickly began to demolish his, teeth having no trouble biting

the bones right in half. He soon finished and set the plate on the table, just as he'd

seen Lover do many times before. It took another hour or so before Paul pushed back his

plate and groaned. He'd eaten really well and couldn't finish, but before he could have

second thoughts, a big, brown and black paw fastened itself to his plate and he watched

as a furry mountain swallowed the rest, like herring, whole and without spilling a drop

of juice or seasoning on his fur.

Afterwards, Paul made himself comfortable on the couch by stretching out and

dropping his legs on top of Hans' lap before closing his eyes to get a decent sleep, but

soon as he'd closed his eyes, he felt Hans part his legs and shift out from under him,

and expected that Hans would want to have more room. Instead he rolled over on top of

me, pressing me right into the cushions and then began rubbing his bare, and very bulky

package right over my leg and crotch, It was so fragrant and covered with the softest,

shortest, silkiest fur, that he thought that outlined his sheath and balls just fine, so

he showed Hans so. Hans yipped and looked down in surprise. He then did a double take

when Paul grabbed his testicles, rolling them gently and causing them to fill with Hans'

semen. He felt the sudden urge to use the bathroom as the pool of cooled cum filling his

gut started moving. He clenched, hoping to keep it in him to the bathroom, but he felt

if trickle just a little, running down his leg in a slow drip. He saw Hans' nose twitch,

and felt the thick sheath under his fingers give a lurch, lifting up, thickening and

filling as he scented his own cum on his lover. The sides of Hans' blunted muzzle drew

back, as the pheremones now perfuming the air made him grimace and growl. He wanted

Lover to stop being so silly and do something about his overfull balls. They ached and

itched with a need to be emptied into that tight, clenching hole that Lover had.

Paul felt dizzy as the hot breath of his former pet wafted against the back of

his neck, accompanied by a deep, rattling growl of lust that made his legs weak. He

grabbed back as he stumbled into the wall of soft fuzz and hard muscle that was Hans. He

reeked of male musk and that funny smell that only dogs had. He yelped softly as a big

hot, hairy sheath bumped his back, right above the start of his cheeks. He ground back

softly, getting half-hard just from these few minutes of rubbing and teasing. Paul

decided that maybe the hard planning could wait for another day. It was only the 5th of

the month. He had another month's rent already saved, so why not relax for an extra day?

He rose up on the balls of his feet to tease the thickening sheath behind him with the

inner sides of his buttcheeks. Hans gave a woof, which even Paul could readily

understand as "Stop teasing! Let me in already!", so he stopped and held still as large

strong paws wrapped themselves around his hips and lifted him while bending him forward

slightly. He gasped as he felt the lips of Hans' sheath split, revealing the tip of that

monster cock, already shiny and dribbling a thin line of precum from the slit in the

end. He could feel it lower and wedge in his crease, the pre seeping down and

lubricating as it went, preparing its own path back inside his ass.

As Hans bent his Lover forward, he was surprised to find that he really didn't

need any more lube as his previous load of cum was slowly oozing a path down his crack

from his hole. He licked his chops as he smelled the musty, sweet, and starchy scent of

his own cum. He repositioned himself closer and slightly higher than Lover's hips, his

cock poking out more, almost 6 inches now showing slick and eager. He gave a small trial

thrust to seat himself right at Lover's opening. Then he pressed forward with just a

little tensing of his hips, and felt the tight bud pucker inwards. He gave a stronger

thrust, and the first two inches of his cock were suddenly encased in a tight, wet,

velvet sleeve that drove his hips forward again, forcing another 3 inches of his exposed

cock up into Lover's passage. He huffed deep in his chest, wanting to thrust all 15

inches of his cock into that wonderful hole, but held back by instinct, which told him

to wait to let his partner adjust to his thickness. He whined softly, feeling the cum

boiling in his balls, making them swell and grow tight within his sac. He flattened his

ears against his head as he heard a small grunt from the male between his thighs, and

felt the smaller male push back at him. He woofed in surprise again, and taking a firmer

grip, proceeded to push, shove, and work his thick member deeper into his sweet Lover's


Paul gasped, and almost passed out, at the sensations worming their way through

his body. He wriggled, wanting more of the fat, chiseled-tip that split him open and

owned him. He pushed back a little to let his Big Puppy that he was ready for more. Then

he bit his lip to keep from crying out in pleasure as another few precious inches spread

his insides apart, to rub and caress the nerves in his colon and sphincters. Then very

nearly came right there, as Hans' cock punched slowly into his prostate, the little

gland sending a bolt of intense feeling directly up his spine. He twisted a little in

the strong but gentle grasp of his furry lover, unable to stand still as the pleasure

washed back and forth across his body, sending him slowly to a plateau from which he

couldn't think of anything but how sexy, how strong, how loving his Big Puppy was. He

cracked a grin as he thought for a moment about all the times that he had come home

after being disappointed by yet another man who packed his shorts. Then was yanked back

to the present by a strong spurt of precum from his canine partner, that recoated his

ass and provided a soothing anodyne for the small rubby spots that had developed. He

grunted, as another 4 inches worked into him. Paul just knew down to his bones that he

would do whatever it took to keep Hans safe and near him always! He moaned, a broken,

hungry sound that he never knew his throat could produce. He wondered if this was what

Heat felt like for female dogs..... But then Hans began to move his cock back and forth,

stretching Paul's love-tunnel further and further with each thrust. He found himself

crying for more, craving that thick dick with every fiber of his being. He had to have

it all in him when he came.

Hans, now practically purred with happiness as Lover finally relaxed allowing

him to thrust and work more meat into his passage. He grunted as he finally felt his

sheath pop down, freeing his knot. He almost yelped when the sensitive front of his knot

bumped into the taut ring that wrapped itself so perfectly around his cock. He thrust

harder now, unable to slow or stop anymore as his instincts now told him to do

different: Fuck this bitch, and mate until Lover's hole dripped with Hans' seed. He

complied, thrusting hard, pulling back quickly, pushing back in with a meaty, sticky

SLAP! He found his knot growing larger, and then thrust even harder, determined to fit

it in before he came. He grit his teeth and growled, humping away with all his strength.

His weight forced the male under him to his hands and knees. Desperate now to tie and

cum, He wrapped his arms around Lover and pulled him down, grinding him onto his cock

now, almost as hard as he could.

Paul couldn't even talk now. His mind was blank, being pummeled with so much

pleasure left him whimpering and sniffing the air like a bitch, feeling his insides once

more reshape to conform to the mass of flesh that forced him open. He bellowed as he

felt the knot, that grapefruit-sized mass of flesh, force him open. His eyes rolled, his

tongue lolled, and he lost every drop of cum in his balls as it pushed through, locking

him to his sweet Hans.

Hans howled, pleased at being able to squeeze in, and felt the ring of muscle

contracting now around the back of his knot. Hans trembled and came, fire burning

through his every nerve as it burned through his loins, pumping wave after creamy wave

of his seed into the sweet ass clamped now around his cock. He shook as 4 minutes went

by, with his flow and his orgasm showing no signs of stopping. He felt the walls of

Lover's ass push away from his cock, forced away by the sheer volume of seed he planted

in his Lover.

Paul wept as the sweet, exquisite pain/pleasure broke him even more, feeling his

belly swell and distend with the hot load of canine cum that filled him, mostly trapped

by Hans' swollen knot. He slumped to the floor, only the cock attached to his ass

keeping his hips off the floor. He panted, and looked back over his shoulder at Hans,

grinning tiredly. Hans reached for the spent male, cradling him against his stomach

again, and rolled over on his back, Paul resting on him with Hans' cock still tied

inside him. He felt himself ease down as the flow slowed and stopped, leaving him

sniffing at the large round bulge that was his semen inside Lover. He put his head back,

wrapping furry arms around his partner, his Mate, as he drifted off to sleep.

Paul felt the pressure ease as some of the cum escaped around the cock in his

guts as he was laid back upon Hans' chest. He felt Hans' breathing slow and deepen,

telling him that the big guy was out for the count. He counted breaths, and listening to

the beat of his heart, slowly slipped into a soft, dreamless sleep, held securely in the

arms of his Lover.

Any comments, questions and concerns are welcome. Please tell me what you like, don't

like and think I could improve upon. Thank You!