Blessing of the Satyr Part 2

Story by DamonTeli on SoFurry

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Damon tries to reach his cottage before his transformation is completed. I don't think he is going to make it...

This is my lewdest story yet. I hope somebody enjoys this messy and self indulgent smut. Feedback is very welcome.

Part 2

Damon the Rabbit jogged though a grassland filled with small yellow flowers. It was the middle of the afternoon and the sun was high in the sky. The scene could be considered peaceful if not for the frantic motion of the brown and cream furred rabbit stomping over the landscape. He was out of breath and covered in sweat. But not merely due to the exercise and the heat of the sun on the cloudless day.

The bizarre cock fruit he had eaten earlier was causing his body to transform. Everything felt too hot, his muscles were too tight, and he was sweating bullets. He was completely zoned out as he tried to ignore what we felt and keep moving. What was increasingly difficult to ignore was his libido, which seemed to be increasing by leaps and bounds.

A terrible yet wondrous lust flowed though his veins. Visions of handsome and hyper sexual men now flooded his mind. Men of all kinds and species. From lean and sensual deer to hulking muscular bipedal wolves. They beckoned him with promises of endless pleasure. A promise of unnatural health and an existence of sex and joyous frolicking. The male images dancing in his head were not normal furs. They all had goat legs and large curling goat horns without exception. Somehow he had exposed himself to the magic of the Satyrs. An ancient and mythical race of goat legged beings known for their impossibly potent libidos. And now Damon knew he was transforming into one.

On the sides of his head tiny nubby horns had started to take shape. Damon needed to get home. If he could get to his cottage at the edge of the clearing perhaps he could mix up a potion to counteract the magical fruit he ate. He picked up the pace. He broke into a full sprint knowing that once the transformation was complete it would be extremely hard to prepare a remedy. Damon loved a good long fuck with a hot fur or two as much as the next person but this was ridiculous. Or three? Four? Damon shook his head in frustration. The magic was starting to effect his mind. As a satyr would he be a being that thirsted for nothing but sex? He couldn't live like that. He had too many discoveries to make. Too many places to see. He needed to get home right now!

Damon was always fast on his feet. However he had never ran so quickly before. He wasn't feeling tired from his intense sprint anymore. He felt like he could run forever. His legs felt extremely hot yet the fatigue seemed to be fading not getting worse. That wasn't a good sign. In addition to being icons of sex satyrs were also venerated for their connection with healing magic. Although most common folk these days worshiped more.. family friendly medicine and harvest deities, satyrs health and fertility magic was said to be the most potent. Too potent to be controlled at least to his knowledge. But now that very magic was raging inside his body. So frighteningly powerful that the muscles of his legs were being rejuvenated from the strain of their excursion almost instantly. He couldn't be bothered to look down at his legs but they were changing with every powerful stride. Thick healthy veins started to become visible as they snaked down his quads. They multiplied again. Pulsating as they swelled even more, becoming as thick as a finger.

Then the muscles of his legs started to throb. It was not painful but it felt like his muscles were going into some kind of spasm. He tried to keep running but his legs felt like they no longer obeyed his commands. He felt unbalanced but before he could slow down he tripped. He tumbled to the ground, cursing as his shoulder and one arm scraped on some rocks. Just his luck. A barren grassland and he falls into the one rock patch for miles.

Once he had caught his breath he rolled into a sitting position. He winced in pain from the wounds caused by the sharp rocks. The cuts were not deep but they hurt like hell. Damon was about to reach for some bandages kept in his alchemist bag; which was still wrapped around his shoulder by its strap somehow, when he felt the cuts on his body start to get hot. Very hot.

"Wuh.. what is this", Damon said to himself as the heat intensified.

The cuts on his body no longer hurt and as he looked at the wounds he was amazed as they closed before his eyes. The blood around the wounds was still but there that was all. Not even a scar remained. Damon reached for his shorts and managed to get them off. His blue thong was next. He needed to monitor the changes in his body.

Damon tried to stand but he stumbled to the ground once more. Something was wrong with his legs! They felt incredibly itchy and he scratched at them trying to get some relief. He sat down on his rump and stared at his legs. He felt like something was squeezing his feet and he gasped as his rabbit feet started to contract. The soft pads of his foot started to vanish.

"Ahhh! No", Damon said out of surprise more than pain

_ Crunchh..Crack.. _

The sickening sound of the bones cracking and reshaping pierced the otherwise quiet grassland. Damon was thankful that there wasn't any pain. But the sight and sound of his feet shrinking and reshaping made his stomach churn. The flexible tendons and bones of his feet shortened until he had what looked like nubs for feet. Panic rose in his gut. How would he get home now? What had he done to himself? But as he thought about the possibility of being unable to walk for the rest of his life his feet changed once more. He saw that his toes were starting to become black and covered with what looked like dark bone. No not bone. More like nails. He was growing hooves. Tough and thick hooves grew out at the bottom of his feet. They were split down the middle leaving him with cloven goat hooves.

Once the changes stopped Damon managed to get to his feet. He wobbled as he was unused to his new stance. He felt like he was standing on two hard stilts. Although once he got the hang of it he felt surprisingly sure footed and confident. Thoughts of mountain goats climbing sheer cliffs flashed in his mind and he chuckled to himself.

He didn't even get time to gather himself before he felt the lust which was burning in the back of his mind suddenly crash into him. Damon started to pant desperately. It felt like he wasn't getting enough oxygen. He needed to get home before it was too late but he was simply too horny. He needed to jack off before he could continue.

"Just a quick one. Then it's just a quick hop to my cottage", Damon whispered to himself.

Damon looked around and he spotted a large rock. He walked over to the rock and braced his back against it. Now situated Damon started to masturbate in earnest. His cock was already half hard and it swelled to full hardness in seconds. His turgid member was even harder than normal thanks to the effects of his transformation. A thick and overly healthy stream of musky pre flowed out of his tip. It provided the perfect lubrication.

"Come on. Come ON", Damon said outloud.

He kept jacking off and he felt his dick grow even harder. He felt so pent up. Like he hadn't come in weeks. His balls ached and they pulsed and twitched. He took one hand off his red swollen dick in order to try to rub his nuts and soothe them a bit. He knew that he was going to pop a record shattering load in a few seconds. His penis was so over engorged with blood that the normally pink head was now scarlet red. The pressure was incredible, he felt like he was going to explode any second now but as his lust increased it felt like his climax was eluding him.

"Pp-please help.. me", Damon pleaded to the sky, the gods, or anyone who could listen. He begged for release. Already he felt like he had the worse case of blue balls in history.

Damon dropped to his knees and started to rub his dick like a person possessed. Pre was slung every which way as he practically assaulted his member. His dick started to pulse violently every so often as his dick tried to swell with more blood than it could hold. Damon felt something in his body peak and he grabbed his dick with both hands and screamed. He expected the relief of orgasm to crash into him but instead he felt a pressure in his balls and abdomen suddenly multiply exponentially.

It felt like he was having a sort of backwards orgasm. Not a single drop of cum escaped his dick. Instead he felt even more pent up than ever. He grunted in pain as the sexual inflammation burned in his balls. They ached horrifically. His nuts were swollen to the extent that his sack was stretched paper thin, barely able to contain his testicles. They churned audibly. His nuts looked like they were trying to burst out his nut sack. Then suddenly.

_ Twump! _

His balls suddenly inflated to nearly double their normal size. His normally apple sized nuts grew to the size of the largest of coconuts. Damon's eyes dilated and he moaned loudly, shamelessly. The pressure traveled to his dick and it started to swell as well. Veins started to appear across the surface of his dick. The influx of blood made his cock grow even wider, fatter, healthier. It throbbed with every beat of his heart. The head of his dick drew wider.

"Better to fuck with. Good...yes more", Damon said. The influx of testosterone from his new nuts making it all but impossible to concentrate on anything but sex.

He growled in lust. Thoughts of getting home to cure his affliction seemed to vanish. He only wanted to fuck and be fucked by the hottest of studs.

Damon's dick burgeoned in size once more. Lengthening with yet more hot breeding flesh. It stretched beyond its normal eye catching foot long dimension, adding inches by the second. Transforming from a size queen's dream into something practically monstrous.

Damon reclined on his back in the soft grass. He was mesmerized by the sight of his dick swelling before his eyes. Raw lust flowed into his cock, growing it to 14 inches 15, 16,17. His dick fattened until it was literally a handful of throbbing red hot breeding meat. It didn't get any longer though which was well and good. Too long of a member would be too hard for most people to take. It spewed thick and fragrant pre all over his chest and belly. The fluid stuck fast to his brown and cream colored fur, far thicker and whiter than normal as his dangerously packed bunny balls contaminated his pre with more virile sperm than most men's full ejaculation.

Yet still release did not come. He realized that not only was his libido supercharged his sexual capacity had increased exponentially. His sexual hunger before was nothing but a pathetic shallow pool now he had the sexual capacity of a small sea and he loved it. It would take more than some idle rubs to get him off now.

Damon groaned and luxuriated in the lewd sight of his pulsating cock painting his upper body in rich white musky gravy. The reek of semen fogging his mind. His virility was totally out of control. A female could become pregnant from the smell alone he thought. Considering the dangerously potent nature of the satyr magic it was a very real possibility! He could feel his taint becoming bloated somehow. Gasping for breath Damon lifted his legs into the air and spread them obscenely wide as he felt the fun muscles that supported his dick tense violently.

_ Throbb _

_ Throbbb _

_ THROBB!!! _

His taint contracted over and over again. Each time it clenched harder then before. Swelling in size each time until it became a knot of pure sexual power. Each time it did his dick lurched violently up and down. The last few contractions were so violent they hurt a little bit, and his dick slapped his lower belly with such force the sound was audible and the impact sent droplets of pre outwards like mini creamy novas. But soon the contractions stopped.

Damon reached in between his legs and was shocked at what he felt. His taint muscles were now so thick that it was like a large orange sized knot was between his legs. He could feel several thick veins beating powerfully beneath the surface of the rock hard lewd knot of muscle. It pulsated and writhed constantly with the promise of barely contained sexual strength. His orgasms would now be so horrifically strong they would tear a lesser man's junk to bloody ribbons. Damon was certain of that. Luckily he was no longer normal. Damon smiled and purred. So many delicious changes so soon. It was all so much. But he wanted more, much much more.

Damon moaned as the heat in his balls increased once again. His cream colored sack heaved as it started to swell and stretch wildly. The skin of his sack heroically fighting to contain the twin orbs of reproductive tissue. It inflated from the size of a pair of coconuts to the size of cantaloupes and finally the size of watermelons. He was forced to spread his legs to give his new nuts room. His sack bubbled and gurgled with a virility that could only be called unholy. Or blessed. Take your pick. His eyes crossed and his taint throbbed once. A jet of rich white cum spurted from the bubbling tip of his prick and hit him square in the face.

A thumb thick jet of cum hit him with such force the impact stung but he was too far gone to care about the brief pain. That one spurt must of contained several liters of semen as his facial features vanished instantly under a coating of the purist white. His cum had become even more terrifyingly rich and dense. Thick as wet mortar and heavier than molten lead. His load no longer was fluid enough to drip, the excess literally fell in wet semi solid chunks of genetic material.

_ Plap..plap.. _

The smell of his semen was now nothing less then supernatural. Pure oily musk invaded his sensitive nasal passages. The smell was so spicy and intoxicating Damon felt like the world was spinning. The male sexual reek coming from his load was nearly a physical entity. The musk was so dense that distortion lines emanated from his spunk like the heat haze above hot stones. The violence of that first eruption had forced some of it into his mouth and Damon wondered if he would ever be able to taste anything but his sperm ever again. The flavor so intense that his tongue physically hurt. The poor nerve endings screaming as they tried to process the rich salty complexity of his godly breeding cement. The assault on his senses actually causing his eyes to water and vision to blur slightly.

Damon grabbed his dick and once again started to stroke himself with abandon. His sexual needs completely overwriting the rational part of his brain. His new watermelon sized nuts vibrated and jostled like angry creatures thrown in a sack. They glorped and bubbled with more sperm and testosterone than a dozen bulls in rut. Damon groaned as he felt a warm sensual heat flow from his sack into his body. He felt a tickling sensation on the skin of his sack and watched as the cream colored fur on its surface grew thick and lush. So much testosterone was roiling inside his sack extra fur was an unavoidable side effect. Their now two inch long fur coat making his knee knocking nuts seem even more fantastically over developed.

His whole body felt tight and dense as Damon managed to sit up. He looked at his arms and felt them grow heavier. His arm muscles bulged before his eyes. Pounds of pure beef made itself known everywhere. His flat tummy started to gain a bit of slight definition. Seconds later his ab muscles stretched the skin, becoming a flawless six pack. His legs also swelled with great definition and tone. He was not bulky like a body builder he was just cut. He had the figure of dancer, the muscles of a youthful athlete, and the reproductive assets of a fertility god. Damon luxuriated in the feeling of essentially going through puberty a second time.

His voice cracked and his moans changed in volume. His voice becoming louder and the tone becoming a rich and sensual timbre. His voice deepened slightly but noticeably. His voice became simply perfect. His desperate and awkward moans were now so beautiful and almost musical that they could make somebody weep with joy and cream themselves in one sitting.

Damon could feel himself being propelled upward a few inches. At first he thought he was getting taller. But as he twisted around he realized that his increase in height was due to extra sitting cushion. His ass was inflating with both firm muscle and a thicker richer coating of soft lovely fat. Damon wobbled to his feet in order give his butt more room to expand. And moaned as his already prodigious bubbled butt cheeks grew even more lush. His posterior packing on an awe inspiring amount of mass, an ass that could make even the most chaste individuals flush with desire. His pelvis ached and he could feel it start to widen. If he had not discarded his pants his growing hips would of torn them to rag cloth. They creaked and cracked as they swelled and fattened. A wide set of hips now gave a feminine aspect to his hyper masculine body. All the better to anchor his new and improved bubble butt. His butt simply failed to obey gravity. The dense core of round steel hard ass muscle keeping it aloft. It jutted out obscenely more than a foot and a half behind him.

Damon managed to take one hand away from his dick and felt his new rump. His hand felt dwarfed by the mountain of ass cheek as he was unable to feel more than a fraction of his pant shredding butt muscles at once. Firm on the inside yet they were plush with not but pure feminine fat. The brown silky fur combined with the cushion of warm blubber would surely comfort and cradle any rutting stud. Damon knew he could now catch as well as he could pitch. Especially with his widened hips. He doubted anyone could ever be too large for him to ride now. Damon's asshole clenched on it own accord at the thought of a fat cock stuffing his ass. His hand wandered to his winking hole and he couldn't help but poke at the entrance. The second his finger touched the soft flesh of his hole Damon collapsed to his knees. Another spray of white spunk shot from his dick in a wide flourish painting the grass as far as 15 feet away in a zig-zag of sticky bunny batter. He had only touched his back entrance but the shock-wave of sensation nearly caused his soul to leave his body. His asshole pulsed and throbbed violently with a terrible hunger to be filled. He gasped for air for a few seconds before he felt his ass calm down some. But not entirely as he noticed a warm throbbing deep inside which persisted.

Damon started to get an intense headache. Right on two points on opposite sides of his head.

"Oh no. Oh stars no", Damon said in horror.

His horns were starting to grow. The nubs he had previously were filling out with black horn. They grew longer and thicker at an alarming rate. They were getting very heavy. Damon started to panic. His transformation into a satyr was nearly complete. Soon he might not be able to reverse it. Damon got to his feet and managed to take a few short steps towards what we thought was the right way home but he soon stopped. He couldn't do it. He was too hot. He was too horny. His dick was spilling white nut butter everywhere forming a puddle beneath his feet. The sheer volume of his pudding thick idle flow tickled the inside of his urethra; it was driving him crazy. His horns creaked as they grew inches every couple of seconds. His horns started to curl into the spiral ram pattern that satyrs were known for. They thickened again. They were getting so heavy he was concerned they would give him a sore neck. Damon grabbed one of them enjoying the feeling of it gaining girth in his hand. Just like a fattening dick.

Damon shook his head while still holding his horns. Slowly he found the weight of his new horns to be oddly satisfying. The weight of his horns filled him with pride. They were of sign of his health and boundless sexual prowess. Sick and old male animals had brittle horns lightened by rot. Not his curled crown. They were not the dull and ugly brown stumps of lesser creatures either. They had the gloss of flawlessly polished onyx and they caught the evening sun beautifully. Black as the most fertile loam or darkest night sky. They were as hard as the finest tempered steel. And they were as heavy as lead. Finally his horns stopped growing. He was left with a set of huge curled goat horns just like the illustrations of satyrs in his old books. He was a satyr now no doubt about it.

Damon didn't have time to think about the implications. He needed release as the completion of his transformation was causing his new sea of lust to finally overflow. He grabbed his penis with both hands and started to give himself the hardest rub down in his life. His steel hard prick was vast and needed a lot of attention. His penis pulsed and bucked in his hand. You needed a firm and confident grip to service such a virile and muscular member. The thought filled him with pride and he deliberately fell to the ground on his back unceremoniously. Such a fall would of knocked the wind out of him normally but not now. He was a newly minted demigod of sex and he needed to masturbate. And he needed to do it right now. The flow of his cum increased and he cupped his hands to the tip of his cock fountain. He smeared the mud thick cum all over his chiseled pectoral muscles, his abs, and he even adorned his face in this cum once more. His cum was a musky treat that would certainly make him reek of maleness and sexual funk. Exactly what he wanted. He needed to advertise to worthy males that he was as virile as the fay sex gods of old. And he needed to show lesser males just how unworthy and pathetic they were. Cum sprayed several feet over his head to splat in the grass. And it was cum not precum. The idea of his cock releasing anything as watery and weak as clear precum ever again made him chuckle out loud. His groaning and bubbling watermelon sized testicles would never allow such a thing. Every drop of sexual fluid to leave his member from now on would be potent enough to make even barren women bloat with offspring from simple skin contact.

But a hot male was who he really wanted to service him. One strong and healthy enough not to fold in the face of his overwhelming maleness. One with a dick fat enough and long enough to extinguish the heat in his throbbing asshole with a bucket sized helping of creamy jizz. Not as creamy as his own spunk but that was to be expected. Damon allowed his fantasies to overwhelm him completely. And the steady flow of cum from his dick became a thick rope of liquid love. His balls quaked and rumbled so violently his entire body shook. His balls were totally full. Even their godly dimensions could hardly contain another drop of sperm. They swelled in their sack and veins popped along the surface. His overly healthy taint contracted causing his penis to buck in his hand. He nearly lost his grip but he kept rubbing himself. The area behind his head was becoming nothing less than a swamp of sperm. It was too thick to soak into the soil and it looked like someone had spilled a cartload of white paint in the meadow. The yellow wild flowers nearby unlucky enough to be hit by his chunky load were dragged to the ground. Their poor thin green stems unable to support even an iota of his sticky hyper dense seed.

His breath caught in his gullet and he knew had reached his limit. Damon's dick pulsed and swelled nearly 10% thicker as it hyper engorged. The veins along its length swelled so much they seemed about ready to burst from the cherry red flesh. Damon's balls gave one final loud gurgle.

_ Glug-glorp _

His sack seemed to relax the skin loosening and his testes rested heavily on the cum splattered grass under him. But only for a moment. The next instant his balls leapt into his pubic area. They contracted with such force that they shrunk measurably as they sent disastrous amount of ripe spunk rocketing through his system. Damon winced with both lust and mild discomfort as every aspect of his reproductive anatomy distended to evacuate his monstrous and unnaturally thick load. The twin testicular ducts that fed sperm to his cock must of swelled larger than garden hoses. Damon's pubic muscles sent the cum ejecting from his dick at incredible speed. A jet of pure white male spunk shot into the grass landing nearly 40 feet away. A solid rope of chunky spunk that flattened the grass where it landed. It hit the dirt with a meaty_ plat _ .Too thick and sticky to break up it was possible to plot its original trajectory precisely. He was totally paralyzed with ecstasy. His mind collapsing completely under the weight of an orgasm that would of literally killed lesser men. And that was just the first shot. His dick exploded with another 40 foot long hose thick slug of sperm. And then another. Damon howled and screamed in shock and pleasure. The ropes of cum splattered everywhere on the ground. Damon's balls purred and groaned. They were still so full. Like an entire lake of liquid male virility wanted to escape his gonads. If anything his balls felt fuller then before. In those first couple of shots he unloaded more spunk than 100 normal males could release in a lifetime of fornication. But this was only the beginning. Damon continued to cum massive amounts of sperm turning the area downrange of him from a cum swamp into a shallow pond.

Damon felt woozy. The musk in his fuck spot was so intense the air itself seemed hazy and the air temperature seemed to jump by 20 degrees. Damon was drunk. Drunk on his own sexual pleasure and power. Damon had a naughty idea. In between his explosions he managed to get his mouth around his penis. He wanted to sample some of his cream right from the tap. A terrible idea. Cum blasted into his mouth. He didn't even have a chance to shallow, the pressure alone forced cum into his esophagus. Thick musky porridge filled him fat within seconds. His showroom ready abs vanished in an instant as his stomach distended with gallons of his load. His stomach gurgled and groaned and soon he looked like he had eaten a small pumpkin whole. His belly button popped out and cum shot from his nose and mouth. He was unable to hold anymore, he could feel mud thick cum fill his sinuses. He gurgled in desperation and managed to yank his dick out of his mouth. Now free his dick once again continued painting the grassland white. Damon coughed and sputtered thankful for the air. His stomach bubbled and churned in protest as it was forced to try to digest dozens gallons of unnaturally thick spermy paste. He felt pretty foolish but the pleasure of his never-ending nut quickly caused him to forget about his bubbling gut.

Damon came and came for nearly 10 minutes. He tried to count the sperm filled explosions but he lost track after nearly 100. After a long long while his orgasms slowly lost potency. His creamy ropes reached only 30 feet away then 20 feet. 10 feet. His cock spewed smaller shots of cum for several minutes before his tip started drooling white spunk all over his cream furred belly and lap. His balls had shrunk from ankle knocking watermelons to "modest" cantaloupes. He rubbed his balls lovingly trying to help them push their last drops of cum into the world. Finally he dried up.

Damon managed to sit up. His belly still full and sloshing with his load. He felt... good. He didn't have the urge to fall asleep like after a normal orgasm. He still felt vigorous and strong. He simply felt at peace. Damon gathered his shorts and his field bag. He didn't bother trying to put his shorts back on. His new nuts and larger ass meant none of his pants would fit. Still soaked to the bone with spunk Damon walked back towards his cottage. His ass swaying side to side and his balls bouncing proudly in the light of the setting sun.

F** our days later**

Damon worked feverishly at his bubbling alchemist alembic trying to get the solution to condense at the right temperature. He panted and huffed not only due to the heat from the apparatus but from his newfound satyr libido. The floor of his work space was already a marsh of cum from his drooling dick.

It was four days since his transformation and Damon had been trying to work on a counter agent. It was slow going due to his need to unload frequently. In order to avoid destroying his home entirely with his giga-cumshots he had to resort the sitting at the threshold of his house's door dick pointing out and jacking off there. The dirt walkway leading to his side entrance was an off-white muddy mess from nearly half a dozen jerk sessions. Two days ago the package courier arrived with his bi weekly delivery of reagents and supplies. The fox had to splash though near ankle deep cumlaced mud to knock at his door. Damon was mortified when he opened the door to receive his delivery. But the lithe male fox simply smiled and handed him his things. Damon tipped him well and to his surprise the courier handed him a small slip of paper. "Come hop on over and have drink with me at the tavern stud. It looks like you really need some company", the paper said.

Damon didn't take the fox up his offer. He was too horny to go into public. He needed to finish his potion. Damon's worst fears were realized once he had arrived back home four days ago. According to all of his research the transformation was permanent. The potent magics of the legendary satyrs and the fay gods had been worked into his very soul. He could however create an agent that would suppress the magic temporarily allowing him to revert into his natural rabbit form for a time.

Black smoke belched from the condensing flask and the color of the fluid within turned black as well. Finally it was finished. Damon took the flask and eyed it nervously. In order to restrain the healing and fertility magics in his body Damon basically needed to brew a potent poison. He would of never created something like this before his incident. This stuff was deadly and although not illegal to make if the local guards found out he was brewing this foul tonic they might think he was secretly supplying an assassins guild.

Damon was extremely nervous. This stuff could kill him if he made a mistake in the formulation. And it was so potent of a sex suppressant a normal male's balls and cock blacken and fall off from ingesting it. It was a balance. Too weak and it simply would not work. Two strong and he would either become a neutered rabbit too ill to walk or he would simply die. But there was only one way to find out if he did it right. Damon upturned the bottle and downed the contents. He gagged at the horrible taste and fought the urge to retch. He managed to get the horrible liquid down. He ran into his kitchen searching for something to drink. He needed to get the taste of death off his tongue or he was going to be ill. He found a bottle of half empty red wine and took a swig. It helped and he was able to catch his breath and calm down.

He felt tired and he suddenly needed to sit down on a wooden stool. That was actually a good sign as he had been filled nothing with but endless energy for the past four days. Damon felt like he was being deflated. He looked at his arms and saw his biceps shrink and lose most of their tone. His washboard abs became less defined by the second until he had only the smallest hint of tone on an otherwise smooth and fat free belly. He felt his ass warm up and noticed his seat was becoming considerably less plush. His butt deflated until he had his original bubble butt back. Still huge mind you but it was no longer a melon sized mountain of ass impossible to fit into a pair of pants. He also felt the warmth in his anus cool and he found it considerably easier to not think about impaling himself on a fat dick.

Damon broke out in a cold sweat as the uncomfortable heat spread to his cock and balls. He felt his dick soften completely for the first time in days. And the churning and deep aching feeling is his nut sack waned. His cock kept getting softer until it actually started to contract in on itself. The flesh becoming less thick and the spiderweb maze of thick veins on its surface diminished greatly. His dick lost length rapidly. From 17 inches it became 16 inches, 15 inches, 14... Damon held his cock in fear as it lost mass. He whimpered to himself. Even though he had wanted this to happen actually watching your penis become smaller before your very eyes was uniquely disappointing. Damon wondered if his penis would actually be smaller then before his incident in the forest. But thankfully his dick stopped shrinking once it reached about 11 inches long. The same length it was before his dick was transformed into a weapon of mass destruction by the satyr magics.

His balls stopped churning entirely and he watched as his nuts shrink. They lost size much slower than his dick and the groaned and bucked randomly as if fighting the change. They reduced in size until he had his his apple sized all natural nuts back. Damon was thankful he could bring his legs closer together again. Although he was getting quite used to the new stance in all honesty.

Damon got a splitting head ache and suddenly his head felt much lighter. He heard two thumps as his horns hit the floor. They had unceremoniously dropped from the sides of his head. Damon rubbed the area where they originally grew from but felt nothing but his soft fur and his long floppy lop rabbit ears. Damon then dropped to the floor himself. His legs were twitching like mad and his feet burned something fierce. He saw his thick goat hooves split apart into the tips of five small claws. His feet flattened and grew longer with flexible muscles and tendons. The bottoms of his new feet grew soft sensitive foot pads. He had his old rabbit feet again. He was back to normal for now....

Later that night Damon slept in his bed. He was thankful that he could sleep without creaming the bed this time. At least that is what he thought. It had been about 10 hours since he dosed himself with his anti-virility potion. He had no idea how long it would last but since he felt no changes before closing his eyes to rest he assumed he could hold out until the morning.

He was wrong. As Damon slept his breath quickened and his cock slowly started to rise. A bead of pre started to soak though the pouch of his thong. His balls groaned and slowly fattened about an inch in diameter. Damon's asshole twitched slightly as his dreamed of licking the cock of a muscular wolf. His ass grew a tiny bit rounder and fatter as he dreamed of the fat knot popping in and out of his hole. On his temple two tiny nubs of bone started to poke though his brown fur. Damon would wake up in the morning covered in thick satyr jizz. Damon had transformed into his satyr form in the middle of the night. He made a note to properly time his dose of potion next evening.

Blessing of the Satyr Part 1

**Blessing of the Satyr Part 1** Damon the rabbit wandered though the Western fields near his home doing what most alchemists/herbalists do in fields, scrounging in the dirt looking for interesting herbal reagents. He was not having much luck at all...

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