Nightfall - 6. Maxwell

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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Somehow, I was now running my paws through the fur on my Bacchus's chest. His arms were around me as we lie naked in my bed in my penthouse. I lifted my head to kiss him before resting it on his chest. He squeezed me around the shoulders, kissing me on the forehead.

"I'm so sorry I've caused you so much trouble." he said, running a paw through my hair. "This must really bother you." He caught the streak of white and twisted it around his finger.

I shook my head. "None of it matters. A little dye and I can go around mortals again. All that's important is that I have you back." I said, wrapping my arms around him as best as I could. He was the size of a bear, so my arms didn't make it all the way. As I stretched to hug him, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I cringed and he looked down to see the scar where the tracker's arrow had pierced me. I felt him shudder before he lightly ran a finger over the wound.

"It does matter, Arael." He sat up on his elbow and pointed at the almost healed hole in my chest. "If I hadn't interfered in your life, this wouldn't have happened."

A smile crossed my face and I leaned up to kiss him again. "You're right. If you hadn't interfered, I'd still be an ignorant Moroii and I wouldn't be lying here with you. That's nothing to regret, Bacchus."

He chuckled and licked my cheek. "I love how you find the positive in all the bad luck I've brought you."

I smirked and waited for him to blink. When he did, I pinned him to the bed and was straddling his waist by the time he opened his eyes. The wolf grinned at me.

"You've adjusted well, haven't you?"

"I'm still getting used to it." My smirk deepened. "Though there's something else I'd rather be getting used to..." I said, reaching behind me to run a paw across the wolf's sheath.

Bacchus grinned deviously at me. "There is that, and there's this."

The next instant, I was on my back and Bacchus was halfway inside me. I hadn't even felt the bit of pain in the beginning I'd grown accustomed to. Before I could gasp, Bacchus pressed his lips to mine and pushed the remaining six inches of wolfcock in me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and grinned up at him. "I think I'll like this part." I spoke so quickly that a mortal wouldn't have heard me. I had no choice, as my breath caught in my chest immediately afterward as he pulled out and thrust back into to me. He sat back on his knees and held me by the waist, forcing himself deeper and deeper inside me, grinning as he watched me tear the sheets with my claws. I sat up in his lap and locked my arms around his neck before forcing him down on his back so I could ride him.

"Aren't you the dominant one." Bacchus chuckled at me as I raised and lowered myself on his throbbing length. He reached forward with one of his massive paws and took my member into his paw, slowly stroking it for me. I swatted his paw away and laid on him, wanting to be held more than 'tended to'. As if I'd said it aloud, he wrapped his arms around me as he continued to piston in and out. "And it goes away just as quickly." I pinched his nipple out of spite, but he moaned instead of giving me the 'yipe' I wanted.

I could feel the wolf nearing his end. His breath was ragged and was thrusting madly into me. I felt his grip tighten on me and for a moment, I forgot everything that wasn't the wolf's arms around me. Then I was brought back by exactly what I'd forgotten. My mind may have neglected the building tension, but my body sure didn't. The moment, Bacchus slammed his knot into me, I lost it. Every muscle in me tensed before I bit his chest and ruined both our fur with sticky fox cum.

Or at least I wished that'd happened. I sat straight up in my bed and looked around my dark bedroom. I looked beneath my sheets with my glowing eyes to see that I would need to change them now.

It wasn't fair. I'd gone centuries without visiting the dream world and the night - day - I finally dream, it serves only to torture me. My Bacchus was not snoring softly next to me like he should have been. There was only the pillow I'd ripped apart with my fangs. I fell back and screamed at the top of my lungs, pounding the bed with my fists.


I wonder if he made it home alright...

Shayne left only about ten minutes before daybreak. I stood at the open window, staring out into the predawn. My mind was numb. The shock of what he'd just asked of me was too great. I had twelve hours to decide on if I would remain mortal or let him take that from me in favor of becoming a vampire.


I finally left the window and walked over to the TV to turn it off. If I answered yes, I'd never have to walk anymore. I could be everywhere in this room in the blink of an eye like he can. There were a lot of positives to think of. Super speed and strength and immortality.

That was the one that scared me. I knew that vampires could die despite immortality. According to Shayne, they were immune to all our mortal ailments and did not age like we did. That was all well and good, but that meant that when a vampire did die, it was a violent death.

I fell back on the couch and lay there for a while. If I let him turn me, I'd be giving up everything I have for, admittedly, a lot more. Truth be told, I didn't have much. I only had my adoptive parents, who died in a car crash years ago. I didn't have friends since my days and nights were reversed and I couldn't go many places since I had to sleep in the daytime. So in short, I would be giving up a life with no family and friends for eternal life as a vampire.

Theoretically, it was a win, but there were other things to think of. My days and nights were reversed by my choice to work for Shayne, but if I let him turn me, I'd have to stay that way forever or the sun would kill me. There were also the other things rumored to kill vampires. Crosses, stakes, holy water. Shayne had discredited most of them. He told me that sunlight or a stake to the heart were the only ways to really kill a vampire. That the other things had been started by their kind to lure us mortals into a false sense of security.

What would I do for eternity if I let him turn me? I chuckled at that. What wouldn't I do? A wave of worry came over me. If I were a vampire, I wouldn't need money anymore, so I wouldn't need to work for Shayne. I had no one else in my life, so who would I talk to? I could go anywhere I wanted, but who would I have to share it all with? I shook off the thought. It was truly one of the only two negatives about becoming a vampire. I comforted myself with the idea of finding a mortal companion as Shayne had with me.

The sun was beginning to rise. As the light flooded my apartment I pondered something. "If I agree to this, this will be the last sunrise I ever see." It was like something deep within me had already made the choice. I stood there and fully took in the sunrise, appreciating every moment of it because something was telling me that I would be fleeing it next time I saw it. I hadn't said yes yet, but some part of me had.

When the clock struck noon, I got dressed and set out for a walk, reaching a nearby park shortly after leaving my apartment. As I strolled in the shade, I felt an odd sadness. I looked at my hands in the patches of sunlight that shined through the trees. I didn't realize it, but subconsciously, I was saying goodbye to it. The sun. I watched the people running around and playing in the light and questioned for a moment if it would be worth giving up. My eyes set on a young otter throwing a Frisbee with to a friend. I pictured myself in the otters place, but when I threw the Frisbee, there was no one there to catch it.

Fuck that.

My mind was made up. When the sun set, I would leave my empty mortal life behind and start anew as a vampire. I wouldn't leave it to chance that I'd live and die alone when I could live forever and have eternity to form relationships.


I did not dare sleep again. I barely even blinked. Every time I closed my eyes even for a moment, I saw him. The next time I closed them, I saw him dead at the paws of a tracker. I couldn't bear it, so I occupied myself. I found a pen and a legal pad and thought to begin writing a plan. I needed to take my mind of the fact that he wasn't here. And as before, when I thought of needs my mind shifted to its library of Needs, bringing back the horrendous burning in my throat. Sunset would come soon and I would have blood to calm it. I put the pen to the paper to push the burning away, but I couldn't plan.

As I began to move the pen, I saw that I was not forming letters. Instead, I was drawing. The picture hadn't presented itself to me, but somehow my paws knew where to move the pen. I only needed to think of marking the page for my paws to blur across it, drawing a portrait of Bacchus winking at me. Suddenly I was furious. I threw the pen and legal pad across the room and sat up in my bed, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking back and forward. Was this how he felt during the two weeks before we were together? It was like someone was squeezing my heart. I thought I could only feel that if it were still beating.

I looked to the window. The sun was still shining beneath the blackout curtains. I growled and fell over on my side, tearing at the bed with my claws. When I hit the springs in the mattress, I stopped. Maybe I was going about this the wrong way. I needed time to pass more quickly and destroying my possessions wasn't going to do that. I pushed down the sudden burning in my throat that came from the library of Need and stood from the bed, then I was at my desk on the other side of the room. There was paint there.

I found a small brush and for the next six hours, I painted pictures of myself in Bacchus's arms on every wall of the penthouse and all over the ceiling.


By the time the sun set, I had accomplished my goal. The entire penthouse was now a collection of murals. I lied on the floor in the very middle - which put me half on the carpet of the living room and half on the tile of the kitchen - and admired my work. I could have done it all in less than an hour, but that wouldn't have done either of us justice. We were beautiful creatures and were to be reflected as such. I chuckled. Bacchus's narcissism had spread to me though I think mine was a little misplaced. I was admiring his image more than my own.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone was knocking. Odd, no one ever visited me here. Before I could think to get off the floor, I was looking through the peephole in the door.

"Maxwell? What're you doing here?"

"Let me in, Shayne." he said barely above a whisper, ignoring my question.

"Just a moment." I blurred around the room, turning on lamps and throwing cloths over them to mute the light so it didn't hurt my eyes. Once I was sure he could see, I returned to the door and undid the locks to let the gryphon in. "I was going to head out to your place in a few minute, why've you come here."

Maxwell walked past me and stopped, looking around. He turned sharply to look at me after taking in the murals. Pointing to the ceiling he finally spoke.

"Him! He threatened to kill me! Why the hell is he all wrapped around you?!"

I shook my head. "I promise you he wasn't going to. He told me about it." Then I was in the living room sitting on the black leather couch. "Come sit with me. I'll explain it all." I could see the reluctance in his eyes as he came to join me. "That is Bacchus. He's another undead vampire like me." I took a deep breath. "And... we're kinda... together..."

Maxwell's expression turned to confusion. He tilted his head a little as he spoke. "So you're bi now?" he asked, scratching his head. "I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't have been throwing off my driving in the back of the limo for nothing."

I shrugged. "Truthfully, I'm not sure. I supposed the best way to explain it would be that if I weren't with him, I wouldn't be with any other male."

"So when you've been disappearing lately, that's where you've been? With this Bacchus character?" I nodded and he continued. "Well, at least you haven't been out doing anything dangerous. Well, aside from getting yourself killed, of course.

"Glad to see you still have your sense of humor. " I said, patting him on the shoulder. "Can I get you a drink? You're welcome to anything in the refrigerator. I can't drink it anymore."

He shook his head. "No thanks. Listen, I won't beat around the bush. If I do, I'll puss out and run like hell." The gryphon sighed and met my gaze. "I've decided. I'll let you turn me."

I cleared my throat, the burning tiptoeing back. "Are you certain of this? Once I bite you, there's no turning back." He nodded. I could feel sadness around him. "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly willing to do this?"

He looked up. "Because there's nothing in this life for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know my story. I have no one." He said, shaking his head. "I was adopted when I was born because my parents didn't want me. My adoptive parents were killed when I was barely twenty, and I was a recluse until you met me when I was twenty-six. I have no friends other than you and I have no intentions of dying that way. So what better way to keep that from happening than to live forever?" he looked to me and smiled. "Plus, you need my blood, remember?"

At the word 'need' I was on fire again. I clenched my teeth and nodded. "Yes, I do need it... but don't think of yourself as so small. Someone once said that to the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world. You're my best friend. Don't forget that." I gave him a squeeze around the shoulders, then held him at arm's length, looking into his eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? I'll understand if you don't."

He reached into his pocket and took out at switchblade and made a deep cut on soft spot between his neck and shoulder. The smell of his blood smashed into me like a wall of bricks.

"Well then... Here's how it works." I said through my teeth, trying not to breathe so much. "I'm going to drain you to the edge of death, then you're going to drink from me. I've never understood it beyond that, but you'll black out for a while. When you wake up, you'll be one of us."

He nodded and leaned close to me.

I gathered all my willpower to keep from tearing into his throat before I pressed my lips to the slash on his neck. I locked my arms around his shoulders to hold him still. He gasped as I began to drain him. I had forgotten how fantastic fresh blood was. As I drank from him, I felt the burning in my throat cool immediately. I held him close to me, feeling his heart pound against my chest, waiting for it to slow. With all I had, I tore myself from his neck for a moment. "Just a little more, Maxwell. It's almost done." I said before biting him. Drinking was good, but it felt great to actually bite someone. I felt his nails digging into my back just before his wings stretched out and slowly sank back closed.

His heart was almost stopped. I pulled myself off of him again and bit my own wrist, holding it to his beak. He was dazed and couldn't lift his head to drink from me himself, so I tilted him back some to make his beak fall open, then held my wrist over it, squeezing my paw into a fist a few times to get my blood flowing out of me and into him.

"I... I'm c-cold..." I heard him say weakly.

"Get used to it." I chuckled. "Don't worry. Once the change is complete, you won't feel it ever again."

"It's... getting dark..."

"Don't fight it. I'll see you when you wake up." I said, reaching up and closing his eyes.

I sat there cradling him in my arms as he went through the transition from mortal to vampire.