An Unforgettable Evening

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Colt finally works up the nerve to visit an ABDL nursery-themed brothel for the "full experience." The wolf is in for a lot more than he expected when his assigned caregiver gets him to agree to no safe-word. The result is several hours of bondage, chastity, and humiliation.

Warning: Story contains diaper messing!

A 4,000+ word YCH story for

Art for the story by bottlebear

Original images found here:

Clean Diaper -

Messy Diaper -

He stared intensely at the screen as its soft glow illuminated his dark apartment. An ABDL nursery-themed sex dungeon. Colt had seen the ad pop up many times before and it never failed to pique his curiosity, but he had always managed to restrain himself. However, alcohol and insomnia made for rash decision-making. Rather than click away like normal, the wolf paused to consider that the first time in a long while he had an upcoming weekend free of responsibility. It wasn't a long drive there, either. It couldn't hurt to just check it out, after all, he reasoned. The lupine sipped his drink and hesitated only a moment longer, claw hovering tensely over the touchpad of his laptop. With a deep breath, he clicked the link. The website greeted him with a barrage of enticing images of other furs living out some of his deepest fantasies, along with a thorough questionnaire, a list of activities and prices, and a promise of complete discretion.

As he tentatively selected what interested him the most, a price was generated. It was cheaper than he expected. Far cheaper. He could afford it...easily. Why had he waited so long? His azure eyes darted across the photographs of clearly satisfied customers. The vulpine's interest grew as his imagination ran rampant. He started checking box after box to add services, deciding that if he were going to finally go through with it, he would get the full experience.

All that was left was to select a date and time, and enter his credit card details. Soon, rather than just lounging around his home, pawing off in his diaper to fulfill his urges, he would get to experience the hours upon hours of the true submission he craved. Almost shaking with excitement, he agreed to the TOS and tapped "accept."

The chosen day seemed so far away at first, and time dragged on as it crawled ever closer. He scarcely got any sleep that evening before as his head was filled with lurid scenarios that could play out over the next 24 hours. Despite his incessant hardness, he managed to forego pleasuring himself, wanting the experience to be that much more intense. At some point he must have drifted off, because the blare of his alarm snapped him dazedly back to reality and he awoke one morning to realize he would spend from that afternoon to the following morning at the nursery.

Colt was fidgeting all day. He was nervous, but practically bouncing with excitement. His morning was wasted. Too preoccupied to get anything done, he struggled to find ways to pass the hours until it was time to leave.

The instructions the anthro was given were brief: Arrive at a designated time and bring as little with him as possible; they couldn't guarantee the return of any items confiscated from him during his scene. The dungeon could be reached via bus, so the wolf chose to leave his car at home, along with his wallet and cell phone. He set out for the bus stop, heart pounding, with nothing other than the clothes he was wearing and the key to his apartment in his pocket.

The exterior of the nursery was unassuming, with only a few windows- all glossy and darkly tinted- adorning its brick facade. There wasn't even a business name to betray what it was, but after double-checking the address, the lupine assured himself that it was indeed the right location. It made him hesitate at first, thinking it might be some sort of scam, but after he thought about it for a moment it made sense to the canid. Neighboring businesses probably wouldn't appreciate a sex-dungeon operating openly next to them and reticent furs like him would be more willing to frequent it if no one could tell that there was anything strange going on within.

Colt steeled his nerves and entered. There was no going back now. This was what he wanted.

Behind a desk was male grizzly bear, a bit on the heavy side as ursines are prone to being large. He flashed a wide, welcoming smile and appraised his customer.

"You must be Colt! You're our only appointment this afternoon, so we'll have the run of the place to ourselves this time. We just have some last minute paperwork to sort out before the fun can begin. Just liability waivers and minor preferences that weren't covered on the service sheet. That sort of thing," he explained, moving his generous frame out from behind the counter with a clipboard and pen in his large paw.

As he approached, the canid was struck by how much taller and broader the other male was than him. It made him feel even more timid than he generally was inclined to be in new situations.

"I'll be your Daddy for the next several hours, but first I need you to sign on the lines here and here, and the date and your initials here." He handed over the papers and pen and tapped at a few places on the top page. "At any time during your stay here you can say a safeword to pause or stop the scene, no questions asked," he continued while Colt hastily scribbled his signature. "We would normally choose the word right now, but from the services you selected it looks like you are in the mood for some 'forced' submission. We have an option that requires you sign an additional release of liability, but it will allow you to forego having a safeword entirely. The playtime would only end when the time you have paid for is up and you'd be at my mercy until then, within the limitations of what you have already signed up for, of course. A lot of furs who want an...authentic experience opt for it. Some find that knowing they can opt out at any point ruins the feeling of a complete loss of control. Is that something that you'd be interested in?"

The smaller male scarcely considered it before bobbing his head erratically in affirmation.

"Thought you might, so I had the form to sign ready. It's beneath the page you're on."

After they finished and filed the paperwork, Colt was led by the paw through a door and into a long, branching hallway. His head spun as the bear navigated the labyrinth of corridors. Eventually he was brought to a room that looked like a toddler's playroom. Foam mats on the floor interlocked like giant, vibrantly colored puzzle pieces. Massive blocks emblazoned with numbers and letters littered the floor. An overstuffed toy chest sat against one wall, its lid ajar from the sheer amount of playthings within. Cabinets and dressers were scattered along the edges of the large suite. The walls were powder blue and cotton-candy pink. Marring the paint in one corner was a scribble of crayon, at another point rainbow-hued smudges of finger paint, each undoubtedly the legacy of a fellow customer. The scent of powder hung in the air, and a faint, happy melody chimed from an unseen speaker. One end of the room was dominated by a changing table, appropriately sized for adults.

"Take off your clothes, kiddo," the ursine told him. His voice was commanding but cheerful.

"Where should I put them?"

"You're my cub now and you'll speak like it. I don't want to hear anything out of you that isn't babbling or babytalk. And you're always to call me 'Daddy.' You fail to do either and you'll get punished. And you don't want that, my punishments have a reputation for being harsh," his caregiver said sternly.

"Yes, Daddy," the wolf responded, blushing furiously as he worked a youthful inflection into his voice. He had to glance down to his feet, unable to meet the older anthro's gaze. He had never played out this part with a partner before and the embarrassment he felt acting it out was very much real. The shame of it made him feel little and gave him a rush that sent a tingle up his spine. "Where do I put my clothes?" He forced the L into a W to follow orders, but the flustered lilt in his tone was legitimate.

"Just leave them on the floor, champ. Daddy will pick them up."

The grizzly crossed his arms over his broad chest, and stood up straight, staring at his charge. The lupine suddenly felt self-conscious under his assessing gaze. He was not normally one to be ashamed of his body, with his fit, slender frame, ample sheath, and attractive markings, but his face grew hot and and his ears and tail drooped shyly as he started to peel off his clothes with trembling paws. His underbelly from his charcoal snoot down to his foot paws as a frosty, spotless white. It was separated from the cerulean of the rest of his pelt by a thin outline of black fur. The dipstick pattern on his fluffy tail, the tips of his ears, and series of horseshoe-shaped tufts on the backs of his paws and on his thighs were the same midnight hue.

He was apparently too slow at disrobing for his Daddy's liking, because the bear reached over and gripped the hem of his shirt and wrestled it over Colt's head before starting to unbutton and unzip his cargo shorts for him. He proved surprisingly dextrous and within an instant was sliding them off of his temporary ward. The lupine was left standing in only his briefs, stark white with red elastic and piping, an underwear choice he had made specifically for the day's events being the least mature option he had available. The canid's sheath plumping with eagerness was impossible to miss do to the fabric drawn taut across it. His caregiver chuckled as he playfully prodded at it through the cotton.

"Looks like you really are just a cub deep down, aren't you?" The bear teased playfully. "Well, let's get these big-boy underpants off of you so we can get you properly padded."

He then slipped his thumbs beneath the elastic and tugged them down, exposing the canid's sheath and sac. Colt awkwardly stepped out of them and fought the urge to cover his swelling maleness with his paws. The ursine suddenly hefted him up in his powerful arms and dropped him on his rump onto the changing table. He briefly moved away only briefly to rummage through some cabinets and retrieve an armload of equipment which he dropped on a nearby counter.

"Hold out your paws for Daddy," he directed.

The wolf held forth his paws as ordered. A large black mitt with a lime-green paw-pad pattern on the bottom was slipped over each. A strap on each wrist that cinched them tightly on and a sturdy metal ring dangled from each cuff. They were so thickly stuffed that Colt couldned flex his claws without significant effort and would find picking up anything nearly impossible. Next, some straps were placed around his ankles and a chrome bar was affixed between them, forcing his legs to stay a bit more than shoulder length apart. Standing without locking his knees would be highly difficult, and walking beyond unsteady waddling unthinkable. His fine-motor skills effectively removed, the grizzly held up an oversized bottle for him to awkwardly grip between his covered paws. It was full of a white, chalky liquid that sloshed about and Colt struggled to not drop it.

"Need to keep you hydrated. Why don't you suck that down? Daddy will have plenty more for you tonight too," the bear cooed.

Being talked down to like that and being so exposed let the humiliation well up inside of the canid. He was sure his face was so crimson that it shined pink through the white fur on his cheeks. The font of embarrassment made his sheath twitch and the scarlet, spade-shaped crown of his length started to extend out of its fuzzy confines. A shiny bead of pre already glistened at its tip. He brought the bottle to his muzzle to hide his face behind it and started suckling on the silicone nipple. The fluid within was hard to place, but was creamier than it first appeared and faintly sweet. It struck him that he actually already needed to pee a bit, having necked a bottle of water on the bus ride and not having relieved himself since that morning.

"A little cub like you shouldn't be getting hard like that," Daddy tisked. "Especially because I don't allow my boys to play with themselves. Luckily I have just the thing."

He held up a small, steel chastity device. A short, fluted tube was attached by a hinge to a metal ring. A lock was imbedded into the joint with a key protruding from it. With practiced ease, the ursine encased Colt's swollen sheath in its new prison. It was a tight squeeze, stifling his growing erection and leaving no room at all for him to harden. The ring slid behind his sac, fitting too securely for him to even think about escaping by forcing his testicles through. He had never worn a cock cage before and the weight of the metal compressing his maleness was an unexpected, continuous reminder of his sexually vulnerable state. The lock clicked into place, the bear withdrew the key, and placed it securely into his pocket.

"Now your pee pee is as tiny, cute, and helpless as you."

The canid's caregiver pulled forth a thick, black butt plug and a bottle of lube. He pumped some oil into his palm and greased the insertable until it glinted with a slick sheen, then positioned it's tip beneath his charge's tail. He wriggled his claw and steadily forced the plug up into Colt's cleft. The tapered toy pried him open as it was worked into his hole, making him writhe and scrunch up his face. Finally, the widest portion popped inside of him and his ring closed around it. His Dom tweaked a dial on the toy's base and it suddenly buzzed with life. The unexpected surge of vibrations against his prostate caused the canid to tense up involuntarily. His breath hitched and he uttered a throaty sound somewhere between a moan and a sigh.

"Fuck," the wolf huffed dazedly.

He shuddered with pleasure and accidently dropped his bottle, which was still half full.

"No naughty words!" the bear admonished, suddenly strict as he retrieved the bottle and placed at his captive's muzzle once more. "You'll have to be punished for that."

He gathered a paddle from a nearby drawer. It was a wicked-looking implement of darkly-finished wood with holes drilled through its polished surface. He gripped the bar between the lupine's ankles and hoisted it high, until his legs were straight and his hindquarters were fully exposed, his lower back lifted slightly off of the changing table.

"Don't drop your bottle again or you'll get it worse, pup," he warned, drawing back his arm.

The paddle whistled forward and collided against his ass with an audible thwack! The wolf winced and sucked in air through his teeth as the searing pain blossomed across his buttocks. His caregiver repeated the strike nine more times, somehow growing harsher with each strike. Tears welled up in Colt's eyes before it was halfway through and he knew he would have trouble sitting for days.Through it all, he managed to hang onto his bottle and nursed it, sniffling as his discipline concluded.

"What do you say?" He was prompted.

"Sorry, Daddy. I won't say bad words anymore," the lupine whimpered, careful to continue his childish tone.

"Good boy!"

The walnut-furred anthro then produced a bottle of talc and twisted the cap open. He gently squeezed the container and a plume of fragrant dust puffed up into the air. He shook a considerate amount of powder over the wolf's nether regions, then at long last opened a drawer on the side of the table to pull out the object that made Colt squirm with desire. Clutched in his paw was a parcel of rustling plastic. The diaper was thicker than any the wolf had ever had the pleasure of wearing and crinkled loudly in his caregiver's grasp. It was mostly a glossy white, but had frilly, green ruffles around the leg holes. The bear smirked, seeing the effect it had on his captive.

He placed the diaper under the canid's sore rump and fed his tail through the appropriate hole.The plush lining stung against Colt's recently assaulted backside and he successfully fought the urge to snarl with the pain. The ursine folded it up over his caged cock and taped it tightly into place with quick precision. It felt as bulky as it appeared. Even with as widely splayed as his legs already were from the spreader bar, he could still feel its volume pressing between his thighs.

The bear made sure that he swallowed every last drop in his bottle, and then fed him another shortly thereafter. By the time he finished the second, he was close to bursting and decided to do what was expected of him and release his bladder into his diaper. The hiss of his stream of piss against the inside of his padding was unmistakable. The pale-yellow stain bloomed across it as it swelled with moisture. Colt blushed as his Dom watched him wet himself with a knowing grin. His Daddy then proceeded to take photos of him in various poses, promising to post each on the dungeon's website for all to see.

The wolf was made to crawl across the floor and play with toys in his unwieldy mitts, drink even more bottles, raise his increasingly soggy rump toward the camera, and more. All while his caregiver snapped humiliating photograph after photograph. The entire time, the toy lodged within him stimulated his prostate and caused him to steadily dribble pre. After a bit, the initial surge of excitement and lust subsided and the embarrassment that he had craved really set in. Dread began to fill him as he realized he did indeed agree to humiliation torture and there was going to be nothing he could do about pictures of him in a diaper floating around online since he had waived his right to a safe word.

Hours passed and Colt had wet enough that his diaper was completely soaked through. So much so that it had started leaking. Rivulets of moisture streaked down his inner thigh, staining the once snowy fur as he crawled and toddled across the floor. He was thoroughly enjoying his humiliation and forced regression.

"Daddy, can you change my diaper please?" He decided to plead after the bear failed to volunteer to do so. The sodden weight hung heavy from his hips and he was impatient to experience being changed by another fur again.

"Sure, squirt," the ursine responded, hoisting his ward back up onto the changing table. The tapes protested loudly as he tore them away from the plastic. The soaked protection was pulled from beneath him and replaced with a dry diaper of similar design to the first. Rather than fasten it into place, his Daddy gripped the flared base of the plug and yanked it free with a single, strong tug, making the submissive wolf yelp in shock. Colt was surprised by how used to the vibrating plug's presence within him he was. Now gone, he felt cool air across his stretched hole. His imprisoned member twitched behind the bars restraining it. Without warning, the grizzly wriggled a finger up into him. His submissive writhed and groaned as the digit found his prostate and twisted and beckoned against it, causing spurts of pre to erupt from his caged phallus. He went in deep, all of the way to the knuckle, and nearly withdrew completely before adding a second finger and repeating the motion. He scissored him open to loosen him further.

After he had his fun, the lupine's caregiver taped up the protection and patted his freshly dry rear.

"No more talking from you, I think," the bear commented as he moved behind where his padded pup reclined. He found something in a drawer; an oversized pacifier. Attached to either side of it was a strap, both of which could buckle together, effectively gagging its user. "Open up and suck on your paci. It's not like you have a safeword to say anyway."

The nub was placed in his maw and locked tight behind his skull, allowing him only to suck on it or offer muffled mumblings. Colt was then returned to the floor, where his humiliation and infantilization continued. It wasn't long before the blue and white wolf's stomach started to turn uncomfortably. His brows knitted together in concern and he whimpered slightly as it audibly gurgled, unsure of why he suddenly started to feel off.

"Oh, don't worry, cub, that's just everything kicking in. The bottles you had earlier all contained a bulk-building laxative, and I slipped a fast-acting suppository inside of you just a bit ago while you were...distracted," the Dom quipped, his patronizing smile growing impish. He ruffled the fur on Colt's head condescendingly as the canid's gut murmured loudly again. "Oh yeah, little guy, not long at all now."

Several doses of laxative and a suppository!? The lupine's eyes were like saucers. He had selected messing himself as a possibility on the questionnaire, having never actually had the nerve to go through on his interest in it by himself, but he wasn't expecting it to be so forced and uncontrollable an experience. He hadn't yet relieved himself that day either and already knew he had quite the poop incoming. Colt involuntarily unleashed a loud, burbling fart. He whined through his pacifier gag, which only made his handler snicker.

"Don't worry, buddy, just let it happen when it happens."

He felt his hole, still loose from intense fingering, twitch and threaten to give out. His tail curled under him and up between his thighs while he crawled on the floor, quivering nervously. He swallowed, knowing he couldn't hold it in anymore, and with a defeated whimper, lost control. His arms and legs shook as a huge mess began to erupt from his hole and fill his diaper, the back and bottom of which bulged with the added bulk. The wolf instinctively squatted back and grunted. The hot muck kept filling his padding and mashed into his fur, discoloring his diaper and weighing it down with the mass of feces. The bottles had done their job well and it seemed that he would never stop shitting himself. The strong scent of it assaulting even his own senses. The release of pressure in his bowels caused him to wet too, and his hot stream of piss mixed with his mess to make a goopy sludge and pooled around his caged genitals.

He was as physically relieved as he was disgusted with himself. The canid felt in desperate need of a shower, but he was still hours away from his allotted time being over. Maybe he would get a bath from Daddy? He sniffled, almost about to cry for real from discomfort.

"Poor baby messed himself, huh? Daddy will clean you up and change you...If you can make stickies in that stinky diaper of yours," he announced. "And if you can't, you'll have to spend the rest of our time in that diaper, including leaving in it, and I highly doubt your pants will fit over that padding!"

"Mmrhf!" Colt feebly protested.

How was he supposed to cum while caged? While his paws were useless trapped in their mitts? The feeling of the messy diaper rather dampened his (up until then) rampant sexual urges too.

"You've behaved well so far today, so Daddy will reward you by lending you a paw," his caregiver promised, retrieving an overstuffed body pillow and a vibrating wand. He placed the pillow on the floor and the wand atop it. After plugging it in, the ursine flipped the switch on and stood up, holding it by the cord. It came alive, reverberating with such intensity that it nearly worked its way off of the cushion.

"You might want to start humping, puppy. You've only got five minutes."

The wolf hastily crawled forward, feeling his mess slosh about with each staggering motion. The revulsion he felt with himself immediately started to subside as his diaper-clad crotch reached the wand. The vibrations shook his cage well, even through the padding. The crinkling of thick plastic joined the cacophonous buzz of the toy. As gross as he felt covered in his own scat, the pleasure was greater. Pent up from his infantilization, he humped the wand and ground the mess against his cage, eager to not have to sleep in his own smushed-up shit. To not have to make his way home in public wearing only a messy diaper on his lower half. He felt himself draw close. Felt his member tremble, frustrated in its cage, but approach climax nonetheless. His back arched in delight. His eyes started to glaze over.

Just as his hips reached the crescendo of their bucking, the grizzly yanked the wand away. There was no way it had been five minutes! No way it had been more than three! He slumped against the pillow beneath him, defeated.

"Time's up, kiddo! Looks like you're going to be heading home in that mess tomorrow, and sleeping in it tonight for that matter. And if you come back tomorrow evening still wearing that same diaper I might just be willing to unlock your cage."