Lesson's Learned

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Penny is a young Anthropomorphic Whitetail Doe, barely past the age of consent in her state with a head filled with lies, half-truth's and utter nonsense from her classes on Sex and Sexuality. her mother, Charlotte decides to set her young, experimenting and bi-curious daughters mind at ease - one way or another...

Lessons Learned

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6thMarch, 2020

All Rights Reserved.

Charlotte sighed, her arms laden with a heavy basket as she set it on Penny's bed and looked at the disorder of her teenage daughters bedroom. Clothes lay haphazardly dropped all over the floor, so Charlotte rolled her eyes and began picking them up one by one and dropping them into the basket.

"I swear, I birthed a stag, not a doe..." Charlotte muttered to herself, as she picked up skirts, blouses and undergarments.

A faint scent come to her nostrils and she paused, then sniffed the air and frowned, her ears twitching too and fro as her head tilted back.

"Oh...OH!" Charlotte gasped, eyes widening before she blushed, her inner ears turning crimson. "Oh my..."

Recognising the scent, Charlotte pushed it away and continued gathering up clothes. Once the washing was collected, Charlotte took it downstairs to the basement and fed it all into the washing machine.

Whilst it churned and rattled, Charlotte returned upstairs and set about making Penny's bed - something she kept telling herself, she should not need to do it. Flipping the sheets back, Charlotte was rocked on her hooves by the sudden strong scent that had been masked by the bed covers.

Lying on the bed, Charlotte's eyes locked on the large horse plush that _he_had given Charlotte on the birth of her daughter...and the feelings and emotions come flooding back. Charlotte wasn't a fool, not anymore, and as she grabbed the plush and positioned it on the bed, her nose wrinkled then her eyes widened.

Picking it up, she inhaled the scent, before she shook her head and put it back on the bed, before finishing tidying up.

"I need..." Charlotte gasped, then fanned her nostrils and climbed back to her hooves, before she left Penny's room. "I think I need to talk to Penny..."


Charlotte sat outside, sipping her beer and staring up at the sky, the crackle and pop of cedar wood logs in the fire pit sending iridescent sparks spiralling up into the night air.

"Mom..." Come a timid voice, and the single click of a cloven hoof on the brick patio.

Charlotte startled, then composed herself, ears pricking forwards as she heard Penny approaching. Penny moved nervously over, then sat on the far end of the bench and sat down, her shoulders quivering and paws between her thighs.

"You know..." Penny whispered, her ears flattening.

"I know - " Charlotte replied, her voice quiet, yet a hint of amusement in the inflection. "That if you cleaned your own room once in a while, I'd not have to do it for you! Oh...and you might like to consider some scent suppressant or air freshener..."

A wry smile touched the corner of Charlotte's lips, before she watched as Penny shrank into herself, then slapped her paws to her muzzle, eyes wide in fright.

"Mom!" Penny squealed.

Charlotte's smile grew wider, then she placed a paw lightly on Penny's quivering thigh and gently squeezed. "You think you're the only young doe who has had fantasies and an itch that needed to be scratched?"

Penny squirmed, feeling very uncomfortable before Charlotte laughed quietly and scooted a little closer, then kissed her daughter on the cheek. Penny swallowed nervously, then glanced at her mother, before looking back down at the ground, her guilt and shame visible from a mile away.

"Oh, relax - " Charlotte grinned, then placed an arm around Penny's shoulder and hugged her gently. "Stress isn't good for our kind, you know that!"

"I'm not a fawn anymore Mom! You need to stop treating me like one! Fine, I'll clean my room and..."

Charlotte turned Penny's head, her fingers lightly on her muzzle as she stared into Penny's eyes.

"I know you're not a fawn, believe me, I know!" Charlotte's infectious laugh brought a weak smile to Penny's lips.

"I know we had -the talk- when I was barely into puberty and so on..." Penny blushed and looked away. "There's something you don't know...I mean, about me -"

Penny felt herself turned about so she was facing her mother, looking into those deep lavender eyes.

"I'm..." Penny began, then her eyes widened as Charlotte placed both paws on Penny's muzzle, then pressed her lips against her daughter and kissed her long, deeply and passionately.

"Mmmph!" Penny gurgled, eyes widening in surprise.

When Charlotte broke the kiss, she gently touched her forehead against Penny's and whispered.

"I know...you're at least bi-curious, and I respect and openly embrace it." Charlotte told her, squeezing Penny's paws lightly. "However, I suspect there is more than one thing they never told you in your classes on sex and sexuality. Especially something endemic to we Cervine!"

Penny blushed, her inner ears turning crimson, before she bowed her head in guilt and shame. "I - I'd heard rumours, half whispered stories and..."

"You're curious, open minded and probably have a head filled with half-truths and outright lies. Please, listen to me - if you're genuinely curious - let me teach you..." Charlotte smiled shyly, then licked Penny on the forehead.

Penny stared wide eyed at Charlotte, who smiled and nodded.

"I told you - you don't get taught everything about our kind in your classes..." Charlotte laughed weakly, then took Penny's paw in her own and led her back inside.

Nervous, her ears flattened Penny was led inside, then upstairs and into her mothers bedroom. Here, Charlotte released Penny's paw, then glanced over her shoulder and gave her a wink as she dissapeared into the adjoining bathroom.

"Follow - or don't, the choice is yours..." Charlotte's voice called, as she dissapeared into the en-suite.

Curious, confused and startled, Penny sat on the bed, clutching her paws between her thighs as indecision fought with her natural curiosity. As she heard the shower start, Penny wrung her paws, nervously biting her lower lip before she stood and followed. Charlotte was half-naked, having slipped off her blouse and her bra, then when she heard Penny's timid hoof steps, she half turned and glanced sideways at her.

Neither Doe was body conscious or shy about being naked, so she began disrobing herself, as Charlotte nodded and slid her fingers into the skirt waistband and pushed them down her pale furred thighs. Stepping out of the skirt, she turned to Penny who grumbled and her hooflets were struggling with her own undergarments.

"Here - " Charlotte murmured, as she stepped up behind penny and unclasped the bra and slid it off Penny's shoulders.

With a sigh, Penny nodded her thanks. "I swear, these things were designed by men..."

Charlotte laughed good naturedly and nodded. "You're probably right..."

Watching Penny as she slid her jeans down her slender, feminine thighs, Charlotte nodded in appreciation and pleasure. Her daughters lithe, athletic body was truly a thing of beauty - far better than Charlotte's own body had become over the years. Watching as Penny stepped from her jeans and kicked them away, Charlotte stepped forwards and gently slid her paws around penny's firm hips and pulled her backwards.

With a startled gasp, Penny squealed as her tail frizzled and snapped upright, pinned between Charlotte's soft belly and her back.

"As I said, I will teach you my dear, sweet young Doe..." Charlotte murmured, nuzzling lightly into Penny's right ear.

"I'm...scared - " Penny's voice was a barely heard whisper, as she swallowed the large lump in her throat.

"Who better to teach you, than your own mother? I love you, I have always been kind, gentle and trusting with you, have I not?"

Penny twisted around in her mothers gentle grasp, then looked into those deep, lavender eyes. Penny's green ones were tinged with tears in the corners, as she trembled helplessly and swallowed again.

"Shower first little one - " Charlotte whispered soothingly, as she took Penny's paws in her own and stepped them both into the shower.

"Oh..." Penny gasped, as the hot water washed over her. "Mom, its too hot..."

"Nonsense - " Charlotte grinned, then took the soap and began lathering her paws with it, before turning Penny around and scrubbing her back, using her short, blunt hooflets to ensure the soap got down to the skin.

Penny braced herself against the wall, her fingers splayed out, as Charlotte's gentle paws kneaded, massaged and scratched until Penny's back was a slick lather of soap suds. Not unmindful, Charlotte worked Penny's tail, sliding it between both paws and then underneath, as Penny moaned softly and her tail suddenly snapped upwards with a wet squelch against her back.

"Sorry - " Penny gurgled. "My tail is..."

Charlotte chuckled softly, continuing to scratch and lather Penny's tail. "Oh, believe me, done right - in the hands or paws of someone who knows our kind well..."

Charlotte's grin widened, as she trailed a single hooflet from the underside to the tip, then felt a deep tremble run through Penny's body that made her gasp and tremble. Other places on the tail were alternatively touched, caressed and subtle pressures applied too.

Penny's hooves clicked rapidly on the wet floor as her whole body trembled and she tilted her head back then gasped as Charlotte applied the final tweak and Penny squealed in exstacy as her orgasm washed away her rational thought, leaving only the incredible pleasure that mounted up her spine and turned her mind to jelly.

"Just so..." Charlotte snickered, then leaned close and lovingly nibbled at Penny's neck, just below her jawline.

Her hooflets rattling against the shower wall, the water washing over her, Penny gasped and quivered helplessly.

Penny's breath was stolen from her lungs, as Charlotte snickered and held up the quivering smaller doe.

"That's only one method..." Charlotte laughed softly as she continued kissing and nibbling at Penny's throat and neck.

For ten minutes, Penny shuddered, before she could tilt her head to the side and glance at her mother.

"How...I've never..."

"I know..." Charlotte smiled sweetly. "Believe me, that's nothing compared to what I can teach you. Sure, that felt nice, I know - but how many know how to do it right? Stroking our tails feels lovely, but to get a buck or a doe to orgasm just by sensual touches like that? Not many know how that is done..."

Penny shook her head, then slowly turned around, feeling the hot water washing away the soap off her shoulders and back, the residue sliding down her thighs.

"I never knew it could...do that..." Penny wheezed, still feeling the residual effects that tingled up and down he spine.

"Now, you do..." Charlotte smiled and kissed her daughter lightly on the forehead. "Come on, lets get clean..."

Penny took the soap and began rubbing Charlotte's back, just as she had done for Penny.

"So we can get dirty again?" Penny whispered into Charlotte's swept back ears.

"I'd hardly call it that..." Charlotte giggled as Penny's inquisitive paws slid over her tail.


Naked as the day they'd been fawned, feeling relaxed and refreshed, both Doe's sprawled on Charlotte's bed.

"So..." Penny murmured, as she rolled over, then straddled Charlotte's hips and pinned her down, knees either side of her hips and paws resting on her shoulders. "How does this work?"

Charlotte laughed quietly, then shook her head slowly. "Hop down, and I'll teach you..."

Penny grinned mischievously, before she squealed as Charlotte twisted and before Penny realised it, she was thrown on her back and the roles were reversed, Charlotte crossing her long furred legs over Penny's and holding her down on the bed.

"That's not fair!" Penny moaned. "Using your self defence training...I wasn't ready!"

"That's the idea - " Charlotte smiled, as she leaned down and gently gripped Penny's slender muzzle between fingers and thumb, then kissed her long, deeply and passionately.

"Mmmph!" Penny murmured, eyes closing as she sighed through her nostrils.

"Now!" Charlotte snorted, and tapped Penny lightly on the nose. "No more playing around, your education on our methodology starts...now..."

Penny squeaked as Charlotte's left paw descended on her breast and Charlotte gently squeezed, massaged and using the webbing between her thumb and forefinger, plucked at the sensitive nipple. Her right paw slid down Penny's belly, then fluttered across the pale warmth of Penny's labial folds.

Biting her lower lip, Penny squirmed and trembled, eyes wide as she willingly submit to the older, more experienced Doe's sexual attentions. As Charlotte's fingers teasingly splayed apart Penny's folds then let them grip themselves tight again, Penny squirmed - she couldn't help it.

One paw tweaked, tickled and massaged the breast, the other soon slipped two fingers inside that salmon pink depths and expertly sought out the sensitive nub of flesh then with the finest of caresses, Charlotte began to swirl her finger over it again and again.

"Uh..." Penny gasped and writhed, her paws alternating between gripping the coverlet and splaying out across it.

Charlotte continued her sensual touches, alternating between Penny's breasts until the nipple was firm and erect. Carefully, she began licking and nuzzling down Penny's throat, between the firm, perky breasts and down her supple belly. Charlotte's tongue left a long, wet swatch down Penny's belly before she moved further down the bed and looked up through long eyelashes.

Penny was already aroused - Charlotte didn't need her Cervid senses to tell her that. The warmth from Penny's groin and the sweet smell of the pheromones filled her nostrils. Charlotte nibbled and slurped with her tongue over Penny's lower belly, spiralling her way towards the twitching and convulsing folds that her fingers worked mercilessly.

Finally, Penny nodded and quivered - lost in the pleasure that built and churned within her - never had a partner brought her such sensations - sure, the lovemaking was nice and all - but it was_nothing_ compared to this and...

Penny's mind fell away...

Charlotte spread apart the tight folds, then breathed against their inner walls, nearly sending Penny over the edge right there and then. Her slender muzzle slid between the sweat slick thighs and as her tongue lapped and slurped, Penny reached down and gripped Charlotte's ears then began kneading and twisting them.

"Urk..." Penny growled and squirmed, incapable of coherent thought.

Charlotte's grin was hidden, as she closed her eyes and angled her muzzle so her cold, velvety nose pressed against the outermost tip of the labial folds and her tongue began to explore the depths before it. Penny's frantic trembles grew more pronounced and even though at times she tugged too hard on Charlotte's ears - Charlotte didn't relent on her sensual assault with tongue and skilled muzzle.

Penny squealed, bucked and moaned, she couldn't control herself, as Charlotte's skilled talents brought her to swift orgasm again and again and again. Each time, Charlotte would give Penny just enough time to catch her breath, before diving back in and continuing until Penny slumped against the bed, panting and shaking.

Charlotte lifted her head, then licked her furred lips and part of her muzzle, before carefully kissing her way up the hyper-sensitive doe's belly and nibbling at her throat. Penny couldn't even lift her arm off the bed, it felt like her whole body had turned to lead - so exhausted and overcome with what Charlotte had done to her.

"This is only a small taste..." Charlotte laughed delicately, as she nuzzled Penny's muzzle and kissed her deeply. "You have much to learn, my dear, sweet daughter. I know one thing - I will definitely enjoy helping you explore your sexuality..."

Penny's weak, barely lucid moans made Charlotte's smile spread wider.

"Rest now my love, you're going to need it..."

Penny felt Charlotte cuddle her close, the young Doe's eyes drifting closed as her head rested on Charlotte's breasts and Charlotte's gently caresses and petting soon pulled Penny into a deep, exhausted sleep - the last thing she recalled, was listening to her beloved mothers heartbeat - like she had once done as a fawn...


A Second Chance

A Second Chance © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th March, 2020 All Rights Reserved. This Week's Writing Challenge: Two characters from different stories of yours meet in a situation unrelated to either story. (For Cederwyn: a human gets turned into a...

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Getting Some Tail

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Longest Fall - Chapter One -

Longest Fall © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4th March, 2020 All Rights Reserved. Caitlin moaned and rolled over, one pale furred paw fumbling over the nightstand before her hooflets clicked against the alarm clock whose strident warbling dragged her from the...

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