Her Brother's Pet: Chapter Two

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#2 of Her Brother's Pet

Elizabeth and Jeremy explore their new relationship.

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The collar was snug around her neck, the weight somehow reassuring. A silver tag hung from it, but she couldn't read what it said from this angle. That didn't matter, anyway. Liz was a puppy, and puppies didn't need to read.

Liz whined as she stared at the clock on the living room wall. Her Owner would be home soon! Her white tail began to wag at the thought. The fox-pup had been in her cage all day, and she couldn't wait for Him to get home and let her out so they could play.

As if in response to the thought, the arctic fox's black-tipped ears perked up as she heard a key turning in a lock. The front door opened. "Liz? I'm home, princess!" Liz whined excitedly at the sound of His voice, her tail wagging rapidly. His footsteps came closer, and then her brother entered the room, the orange and white todd smiling down at the caged vixen.

"You've been so patient today. Good girl, Liz!" Happiness infused the pup at the praise, and she yipped at Him excitedly. "Alright, alright, I'll let you out." Jeremy knelt and -

"Earth to Elizabeth! You're holding up the line, chica!"

Elizabeth blinked, snapping out of her daydream. She glanced apologetically at the coyote beside her and the lunch lady holding out her tray. Taking the day's meal - meatloaf, which was pretty good if prior experiences were anything to go by - the arctic fox headed to her usual table in the corner of the cafeteria.

A few moments later, the coyote slid into the seat across from her, glaring. "Alright, it's time to spill the beans, girlfriend," Diego said, taking his fork and stabbing his meatloaf pointedly. "You've obviously been thinking about someone all week. Do I know him? What is his name? Is he hot? Feel free to answer those in any order."

Elizabeth stuffed a bite of meatloaf in her mouth in order to give herself time to think. There was absolutely no way she could tell her best friend - or anyone - what she had done with her brother a few days ago. She had hardly seen Jeremy since then, the elder fox having picked up some extra hours at work. The vixen was already in bed by the time he even got home.

Swallowing, she finally replied, "He's... someone that I really hadn't thought about in that way before, but now..." She blushed pink beneath her white fur. "Now I can't get him out of my head. And I won't say any more than that," she added with a firm glance at the coyote. "It's new and it's private."

Diego threw up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I won't pry. But honestly, I'm happy for you, girl. This will be good for you. By the way, if he has any hot single male friends, will you give them my Snapchat?" The vixen laughed and the two changed topics, continuing their conversation until the bell rang. It was a Friday afternoon, and Elizabeth couldn't wait for the weekend to start.


"Jeremy!" The fox turned at the sound of his name as his manager approached him. "There's some broken glass in the candle aisle. Would you mind grabbing the broom and cleaning it up for me? I have to grab a price check in beauty."

"Sure thing, Rose," he told the ferret. She thanked him and hurried off. The todd headed into the back room and grabbed the broom and dustpan, then walked to the candle aisle. Shards of glass both large and small were scattered on the ground, and Jeremy spent several moments sweeping the glass up. Carefully he picked out the piece with the price tag attached and set it aside to be damaged out before disposing of the remaining glass in the trash bin in the back room.

Jeremy sighed and glanced at his watch. He still had four more hours of his shift left. Just a few more hours, and then he had the entire weekend off. His stomach fluttered as he thought of his sister. He had barely seen Elizabeth since their little game a few days previously. What would she say when he saw her again? Would she be mad? Disgusted? Would she hate him? He hoped not. She had obviously enjoyed the events in the heat of the moment, but did she regret them now?

The fox took a deep breath. There was no use thinking about that now. He wouldn't know the answers until he got home, and worrying wouldn't do him any good.


The school bus roared away, leaving Elizabeth alone on the sidewalk. She fished her house key out of her backpack and entered her house, locking the door behind her. The vixen stopped in the living room. The cage still rested against the wall, the door closed and locked. Her hands unconsciously rose to her throat as she remembered how it felt to have the collar around her neck, to be her brother's pet dog. She shivered at the memory of his hands on her, how he'd made her climax simply by scratching her ears, without so much as touching her virgin slit. It had felt so much better than anything she could have ever imagined.

Elizabeth ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Thankfully Jeremy wasn't there to tell her off for doing so. There was still a little more than half an hour before he would get home from work. She tossed her blue backpack into the corner - she'd do her homework later - and kicked off her sneakers. The arctic fox stripped off her clothing, tossed it into her laundry basket, and went into the bathroom to examine herself in the mirror.

The vixen didn't yet need a bra, her tiny breasts barely a palmful. Still, if the raging erection that she had felt pressed into her side was any indication, her brother liked her tiny and slender body. Save for the tips of her ears, fingers, and toes, which were black, the fox's fur was a snowy white. Her nipples, visible through the fur on her chest, and the lips of her pussy were black.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, Elizabeth practiced making faces. She perked her ears up and panted in excitement, her pink tongue lolling out of her mouth. She flattened her ears and whined, doing her best impression of puppy dog eyes. The vixen barked a couple of times, then grinned at her reflection and went downstairs, still nude.

She glanced at the clock. Jeremy would be home in about fifteen minutes. Her pussy began to tingle as she imagined what his reaction would be when he saw her. Elizabeth unlocked the large dog cage and crawled inside, laboriously locking herself in from the inside. Once she had done so, she rolled around on the crate cushions, trying to get into pup space.

After a bit, her ears perked up as she heard a key rattling inside the lock. Her fluffy tail began to wag behind her as the door opened. "Elizabeth? I'm home," Jeremy's voice called. His footsteps came closer, and then her brother entered the room. He froze, his golden eyes locked on the cage. A smile slowly spread across his face, causing her belly to tingle.

"Have you been waiting for me to get home, Liz?" the todd queried. The fox-pup yipped in affirmation. He stepped closer, extending His fingers through the bars. She licked at them excitedly, her tail wagging madly behind her. Jeremy chuckled and pulled back. "Good girl." She yipped. "Let me go change and I'll be back down." The orange and white fox went upstairs and returned a few minutes later, clad only in boxers and a white undershirt. The front of His boxers already sported a large tent, the sight of which sent a thrill through the white pup's stomach. He held the dog collar in His left hand.

"Thank you for being patient, Liz," He praised as He unlatched the cage. She scrambled out and pressed her side against His leg, her tail thwacking against the carpet as He scratched the top of her head. "What a good girl."

He leaned down and put the collar around her neck. Liz shook herself proudly once it was done. She liked her collar. It marked her as His. The white fox-pup let out a short howl and rolled on her back in front of her Owner. Her hind legs were askew, exposing her glistening black nether lips. Slowly, deliberately, she began to wriggle her hips. She arched her back towards Him, extending her neck in a submissive gesture.

Jeremy growled low in His throat at her display. His rapidly-hardening shaft twitched visibly beneath the thin fabric of His underwear. "Good girl, Liz." She barked happily and sat up. He leaned down and scratched her affectionately behind the ears and jaws. "You like being my little puppy, don't you?"

Liz whined, her white tail thudding on the ground as she gave Him the puppy eyes that she'd practiced in the mirror earlier. Inevitably, her blue eyes dropped to her brother's erection, now straining almost painfully against the fabric of His underwear. Satisfaction flooded the little fox-pup at the sight. She had made Him hard. She was a Good Girl for Him. Heat flooded her belly as she stared, wondering what He looked like under there.

Only one way to find out. Slowly the arctic fox leaned forward and gripped the waistband of her Owner's underwear between her teeth. She attempted to pull His underwear down, growling in frustration as the fabric failed to move by more than an inch. This was more difficult than she had expected. Jeremy chuckled, gently tugged the cloth free of her grip, then pulled down the underwear Himself and kicked it into the corner of the room.

The white vixen had never seen any man's cock before, let alone her brother's, and she was instantly transfixed by the hard vulpine shaft bobbing in the air before her. It was a dark red color, nearly seven inches of His length already protruding from His white-furred sheath. Liz hesitantly stuck her tongue out and licked at the underside of her brother's dick.

She had half-expected it to taste strange, but it just tasted of skin and faint sweat. Gaining courage, the white fox-pup engulfed the tip with her mouth. Jeremy sighed, His fingers tightening in the fur on the back of her neck. She took that as encouragement, beginning to bob her head on His length. She had to concentrate to keep her teeth free of his shaft, and she struggled not to gag each time his tip hit the back of her throat.

"Easy, princess," the todd soothed, pulling the eager vixen off of His prick. Liz slowly caught her breath, then looked up at Him, her ears drooping dejectedly. Did she do something wrong? Jeremy couldn't help but chuckle at His sister's sad expression. "It's not a race, Liz. Don't choke yourself.

"Instead," He continued, gently pushing the vixen onto her back, "take your time exploring a new partner's body." The orange and white fox lay on His stomach with His head above her pelvis. The fox-pup's tail tried to wag, but it was trapped by her brother's arm. "Learn what they like." He trailed kisses up the insides of her snowy thighs, sending shivers up her spine. Then He grinned wickedly. "And learn what they love."

Jeremy spread her folds and licked at her exposed clit. Liz whined and writhed, but His hands locked around her thighs, holding her in place. His tongue traced slow circles around her engorged bud, driving the little pup wild. A high-pitched whimper escaped from her throat, her blue eyes fluttering closed.

The arctic fox had experimented with masturbation over the last several days, but nothing she had done to herself could compare to this. His mouth slid lower, His oral muscle probing at her entrance. Heat infused the vixen's belly, concentrating in the areas where her Owner touched her. His tongue delved inside her virginal tunnel. Liz's eyes snapped open as his nose bumped up against her clit, sending sparks shooting up her spine. A low growl rumbled in her brother's chest as He ate her out, and she tried to press her soaked crotch more firmly into His face. He took His time exploring her tight snatch, figuring out which spots merely made her shiver and which nearly made her wild with need.

After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, Jeremy lifted His head, His muzzle damp with His sister's juices. "See?" He said breathlessly, a somewhat dazed expression on His face. "Like that." Liz let out a barely audible whine in reply. The elder fox had stopped just before she had reached her peak, and it took her a few moments to reorganise her thoughts.

She took a few moments to recover her senses, then the two foxes switched places, the todd laying back while the vixen knelt between His legs. Taking her Owner's advice, Liz lapped at His vulpine shaft with her own pink tongue. What she couldn't reach with her mouth, she stroked with her white paws, slowly jerking Him off. "Good girl," He praised, and the pup's tail wagged behind her happily. She kept it up for a bit, learning which spots brought Him the most pleasure.

The orange and white todd's red shaft had reached its full ten inches. His knot was nearly full-formed now, His white-furred balls beginning to draw up closer to his body as he neared orgasm. Liz ran her fingertips along the edges of the lump, noting her Owner's involuntary shiver. The pup leaned in and took as much of His vulpine meat into her mouth as she could handle, gently sucking on it as if it were a lollipop.

Jeremy groaned deep in His throat. The sound sent electric tingles racing through her belly. The todd leaned forward and grasped His sister's hips in His hands. Liz let out a cry of surprise as He flipped her around, His shaft slipping free of her eager lips. The cry turned into a moan as He buried His snout deep within her sex once more. Her pussy was tingling delightfully, and every stroke of his tongue against her innards was driving her closer and closer to her peak.

It was only fair to return the favor. Grasping His length once more, Liz engulfed Him in her maw. The salty taste of his precum coated her tongue. It wasn't bad, the vixen realized. In fact, she kind of liked the taste. Her lips locked around His tip and she stroked the shaft more quickly, trying to coax out more of the salty favor.

The vixen didn't have much longer to wait for her treat. The todd's hips bucked gently, then with more force, driving His length in and out of His sister's mouth. He drove His tongue as deeply into the younger fox's snatch as He could, reaching up to rub at her engorged clit with the pad of His thumb. That added bit of stimulation was enough to set the fox-pup off, her inner walls clenching around His oral muscle.

Liz moaned around her brother's cock, the vibrations in turn setting off the elder fox's own orgasm. His white-furred balls drew up hard into His body. White-hot cum spurted into the young fox's mouth, forcing her to swallow the salty liquid quickly or risk choking. Slowly the flood eased, the pup hastily gulping down the last of his seed.

When both of their orgasms had finally tapered off, the vixen slid to the side and curled up next to her brother. "Good girl, Liz," Jeremy murmured, his hand gently stroking her back. "Good puppy." The fox-pup yipped in reply and closed her eyes. It was time for a nap now, but the pup and her Owner still had the entire weekend ahead of them to explore their new dynamic.