A Bump in the Night 2: Sweet Dreams

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#2 of A Bump in the Night

Tommy woke up first and tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes, eventually rubbing at them with his paws. He raised his arms above his head and stretched at length, curling his footpaws out as he arched his back. Tommy noticed his morning erection then and just how much it was tenting the covers over him. Blushing, he tried scrunching them up to hide the fact, glancing over to his sister's side of the bed. She was staring at it with a slight smile, how long had she been watching? The cub was mortified and opened his mouth to fling an insult and distract her, but then a flash of memory from the night before went through his mind.

His sister, on all fours, him mounting her, putting his penis *in* her. He blinked and shook his head, that was just a dream. A very naughty dream, and a pretty icky dream to involve her, but that's all it was.. Only Katie hadn't been on all fours, she'd been on her side, he shivered slightly as he had a clear flashback of his penis being deep in her tight space, the details were so vivid, so exciting. That wasn't all, he remembered something else. It was like the most exciting feelings in the world, all rushing through his penis, and then it was like he was peeing in her, but it wasn't pee.

Gasping, the intensity of the recollection had a surprising effect on the young boy. As he shook his head again and looked to his sister, who was still staring at the obvious tent he was making in the sheets, Tommy felt that same rush of feelings welling up unstoppably in his groin. Confused and desperately embarrassed, Tommy cried out and his hips began twitching of their own accord. As his sister looked on, he started ejaculating, squirting his seed against the sheets in a spontaneous release. All she could see was the rhythmic twitching of the bump his penis made, but then a few seconds later a dark spot appeared on the fabric and began spreading.

Katie gasped softly as she looked on, bringing her paws up to her muzzle as she witnessed the obvious happening. She knew what it was, but did he yet? Tommy forgot that his sister was watching for a moment, caught up as he was in the unstoppable flood of pleasure seemingly gushing from his groin. He could feel the hot liquid dripping back down onto him as his jets slowed, sticky and wet, making a real mess of his crotch. He'd made a real mess of the the sheets too, the boy started to come out of it and glanced at his sister who had her fingers in her muzzle as she stared.

Gasping and turning a shade of crimson, Tommy suddenly scrunched the sheets up over his groin to try and hide everything. He stared back at his sister and his mouth opened and closed like a fish, eyes wide with panic. Katie finally managed to tear her eyes away from his crotch and met his stare, just as he found his voice.

Tommy babbled, stammering as he went, "K-katie! Stop looking! You d-didn't s-see anything! It was n-nothing!" He started to sniffle, more embarrassed than he'd ever been, he almost didn't catch what his sister said, "W-what?"

"Show me." Katie repeated gently.

Tommy blinked several times, he hadn't expected Katie to say that, "Huh?"

She looked down to his crotch, then met his stare again, biting her lip slightly, "I don't mind. If you, erm, wanted to show me down there." A small quaver of excitement entered her voice.

The male leopard looked around as if he was checking for eavesdroppers, ears flattening, "B-but.. It's private, I c-can't, sis."

Katie tried to sound as friendly as possible, "Aww c'mon, please? I won't tell. It'll just be our little secret."

He swallowed, nervously looking around again, "I'm sorry, I really can't, Katie. I need to clean up, I.." Tommy's voice lowered to nearly a whisper, "I had a little, um, accident, I don't want you to see me like this"

She grinned a little, glancing at the scrunched up sheets where she knew she'd seen a damp patch, "You didn't wet the bed did you?" Her tone was still friendly, trying not to sound mocking.

"No! Erm, no.. He looked away, scratching at the back of his neck, blushing again.

She watched him, smiling now, speaking slowly and conspiratorially "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine."

The words dropped into the conversation like a grenade. It was a sacred thing that could not be taken back, said between nearly all children at one time or another. The boy turned back to her and was speechless again, glancing down her body, fragments of memories (dreams?) from the last night coming back to him again. It was like she'd uttered a spell, he was suddenly reeling, terrified, but not of saying yes. Tommy looked down for a long time, his heart beating so fast he could feel it, afraid to speak. When he eventually looked up, all the cub could do was nod.

An intense excitement suddenly ignited in him, he couldn't believe he was about to do this. Tommy looked at his sister and had to look away, so embarrassed, but he knew he was going to do it anyway. She nodded as he pushed the covers down his body, slowly, hesitantly, revealing his young form inside his sleep t-shirt. When finally he reached his tummy, Tommy lifted the covers up where they were scrunched and wet from his seed. Pausing for a second to check himself, he finally pushed the sheets off to one side and pulled his t-shirt up. All Tommy could do was look away, his heart thudding in his chest, his penis still very stiff and unmistakable, patches of his fur wet and sticky.

He couldn't believe he was doing it, the thought of it simultaneously filled him with intense fear and excitement. Glancing at Katie, he knew she was watching, staring, looking her fill with a genuine expression of excitement.

After what seemed like a long time, she spoke, her voice quite low and trembly, "It's um.. Big. And red. And what's that on your fur?"

Tommy gasped, he was just beginning to get used to exposing himself to his sister, and now this? But then surely he couldn't get any more embarrassed? "Katie, I.. I g-get like this s-sometimes." He swallowed, trying to find the words, "It gets bigger, and when it comes out it's red like that."

His sister tilted her head, enjoying this rather too much, and somehow it was all new seeing as they were both awake, "Comes out of where? And doesn't it hurt, all red like that?"

He shook his head, suddenly eager to clear up her confusion, "It's normally hidden away in my sheath, but when it gets bigger it comes out, see?" Tommy reached down without thinking and grasped his sheath, pulling it up his penis a little, then down it, showing how it worked. It was Katie's turn to gasp and Tommy glanced at her, suddenly realising what he'd done, his paw jumped away like he'd been stung. Mumbling now, he continued, "But, um, it doesn't.. It doesn't hurt. It feels nice. Really nice.."

Katie didn't press him about the sperm she knew he'd sprayed all over the bed-sheets like a garden sprinkler. She had a pretty good idea she'd be seeing more of it real soon. Sidling nearer to her brother, covers still wrapped around her, Katie spoke in a low voice again, "Can I touch it too?"

Tommy groaned, when was Katie going to stop? It was unthinkable, bad enough that she kept staring at it so much. He tried to shrink away as she sat up in bed and crept nearer, until he saw that the covers had completely slipped off his sister. She didn't seem to notice and finally knelt beside him in just her nightie, it caught on her hips and left her slit completely visible to him. He stared then, completely captivated, he'd never seen anything other than fleeting glances of this part of any girl. It seemed quite a deep shade of pink, kind of puffy and untidy looking in a way he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he reckoned it might not always look like that.

Katie waved her paws in front of her brother's eyes suddenly, startling him, "Hey! I'm up here!" She grinned, seeming less ill at ease than him, but they were both blushing heavily. "Tommy, were you looking at me?" Before he could protest his innocence, Katie deftly grabbed the sides of her nightie and pulled it up over her head, discarding it. She felt her brother's eyes on her as she took the opportunity to stretch upwards, eyes closed. Opening them to slits, she gave an approving murmur as indeed Tommy was still staring.

He watched his sister stretch and breathed in sharply, she was totally in the fur and close enough to touch. Something about her form seemed so perfect right now, her curves, her bumps, it was so feminine and doing strange things to him. He looked down to where her legs met and chewed his lip as she came down from her stretch, widened her legs and framed her private place with her paws. It was almost like she was showing herself off to him, quite unashamedly. He watched slack jawed as Katie gently moved her paws and finally spread herself open, revealing her vagina to him.

Without realising it, Tommy was leaning over towards her, penis twitching of its own accord. Katie saw it out the corner of her eye and licked her muzzle unconsciously, smiling as her brother feasted his eyes, "Would you like to touch it?"

Tommy looked up at her and swallowed, something about this moment was so naughty, so many boundaries being crossed. And she was his sister! But seeing her like this was having a powerful effect on the young leopard, any kind of logic was being drowned out by the collective shouting of his loins. Without answering, he leaned over further, propped himself up on one arm and reached between her legs. The movement started boldly and he surprised himself, but nearing the point of no return, Tommy stopped and just held his paw there, trembling. How could he do this? How could he be touching his sister's private parts, how could he even think of it?

The hesitation felt like it lasted forever, but eventually his paw began to move again and it was suddenly like he was watching himself from the outside. As Katie tipped her head back and closed her eyes, the boy reached in, bumped his paw against her slit, then held it there. They both gasped and her head snapped forward, it was like electricity. She looking at her brother with deep arousal and affection, but he was too busy staring at his paw to notice straight away, taking in the warm, soft feelings of his sister's cubhood. Finally, he glanced up at her and smiled, but not fully understanding just yet.

Another long moment passed as Tommy just held his paw between his sister's legs, against her vagina. Finally he found the courage to start rubbing her, gently at first, noticing for the first time how damp she was to the touch. Each movement provoked a sharp intake of breath or a soft moan, Tommy kept glancing up to check he'd done nothing wrong, but her muzzle only showed pleasure and more. Her groin fur was very short and very soft, her slit entirely furless, he could feel the delicate skin that looked so pink and puffy. Coming from further inside and only protruding here and there were even more delicate looking inner lips.

Tommy continued rubbing his paw up and down his sister's slit, fingers tracing the crevice of it. He knew there was more to it than this and pressed one finger more firmly, biting his lip as he felt it slip into her a little. Gently moving his paw to and fro, he kept pressing and murmured as his middle finger engaged with her tight slot and began spreading her open. Katie moaned, her muzzle a mask of sweet pleasure, doing her best to stay still for her brother. A little more pressure as he was rubbing her from back to front, and then suddenly his finger slipped deep inside, she moaned again.

It was so tight, warm, wet, Tommy felt around for a little while and then joined the first finger with a second, feeling naughtier by the second. He did a double take as he looked down at the situation, fingers deep inside his sister's vagina. The cub was fairly inexperienced with female anatomy, he knew girls had a vagina instead of a penis and that it was a hole that went inside them, but that was about the limit of his knowledge. His fingers couldn't feel any obstacle, nothing to suggest how deep his sister's vagina was, just the overpowering warmth, tightness and slickness.

Curious, Tommy pulled his fingers all the way out, making Katie whimper and screw her face up. Strings of viscous fluid trailed between her vagina and his fingers as he pulled them up to his muzzle. The young leopard sniffed at them cautiously and then licked, unaware that they were partially coated in his stolen sperm from the previous night. The flavour was completely new to him and made him pant a little, if Tommy knew what sexual was, that would have described it. It was his sister allright, but a forbidden part of her, the taste carried with it something quite special. There was also a funny taste of him too that he didn't quite understand, Tommy wondered if he'd got something on his paws when he'd had his 'accident' earlier.

Tommy licked his fingers clean and made Katie blush with the pleasure he took. Unable to resist, he reached between her legs once more, cautiously probed at her entrance, then put his fingers all the way back up her. The young girl shivered and moaned, falling back onto her elbows, exposing her vagina even more openly to him. He wiggled his fingers, making her shiver even more, exploring her vagina, seeing how tight it was, how wide, how flexible. He didn't think a third finger would work too well, already she was squeezing down on him and it felt quite snug. Tommy tilted his head and pondered for a moment, glancing down at his penis and then imagining the relative sizes, cogs turning in his young brain.

Katie bumped him out of his little daydream as she tried to give him a hint, pulling away from him and then thrusting her groin back, making his fingers move in and out of her a little. Tommy got the idea and gave her a shy, naughty smile as he started properly finger fucking his sister. It was nothing complicated, he just pulled his fingers nearly out, feeling her vagina clinging to him, then slid them right back in again. She was looking really strange now, excited he guessed, reclining onto her back with her paws restlessly rubbing over her chest. The cub was panting and murmuring with pleasure, spasms gripping Tommy's fingers as he slowly thrust them in and out of her private space.

She gurgled, trying to speak, eventually mumbling the worst "Faster" several times until Tommy understood. He could feel her getting even slicker and a little less tight around him when she wasn't squeezing, Tommy picked up the pace and started pistoning his two fingers in and out, in and out. It felt so strange, looked even stranger, he still couldn't believe he was doing this to his sister. There'd been those dreams, but that's all they were, they didn't feel real. This was definitely real, and on a naughty impulse Tommy paused for a moment and then eased a third finger into his sister, resuming his digital onslaught with relative ease.

Katie gasped and moaned loudly, clutching at the bed sheets with her fists. This was too much, she began huffing and panting, writhing, her vaginal spasms taking on a distinct rhythm. Tommy looked on open mouthed as his sister whimpered, then mewled, arching her back as he felt her squeeze again and again on his thrusting fingers. She began to vocalise, repeating "Oh, oh, oh, oh" as each spasm went through her. Tommy realised dimly that his sister was going through something like his experience earlier when he'd made the bed sheets wet. It had felt so amazingly good, she must be feeling something the same. As he slowed down his relentless paw thrusting, he noticed she was wetter still, taking his three fingers without too much difficulty.

She kept twitching for a long time, gasping for breath, it hadn't felt that good before. Tommy's efforts were fairly crude and he didn't even know about her special spot, but it was her brother, and he was doing it to her for the first time. She fanned at herself, panting hard, giggling as she noticed her brother still forcing his fingers in and out of her vagina, "You can *pant* s-stop now, Tommy".

Tommy blushed and and finally stopped, leaving his fingers buried deep in her, not wanting to withdraw them just yet. He could still feel her squeeze on them from time to time as another spasm went through her body and she breathed in sharply. The cub watched as his sister lay on her back for a while, just panting and looking at the ceiling with a blissful expression on her muzzle. Finally she sat back up with some effort, resting on her elbows again. Giving Tommy an amused look, Katie cleared her throat and glanced down.

He gave a wry smile and looked down shyly, reluctantly pulling his fingers out of her with a naughty wet sound. Fascinated, he looked as she gaped for a while, her vagina taking a few seconds to close up around where his fingers had been. His paw was very wet and sticky now, he brought it to his face and sniffed again, the scent was even stronger than earlier. Just as he was about to start licking it clean, his sister spoke up.

"Hey, allow me," she invited naughtily, pointing at his paw and then licking one of her own for emphasis.

Her brother blinked and was about to question her, when he decided to just accept it at this point. She wasn't quite near enough to reach easily, so Tommy came forward onto all fours and awkwardly half stepped over her, bringing their chests level with each other. He grinned, this wasn't strictly necessary, but putting his body over hers like that had felt right on some deep level. Tommy held his sticky paw up and brought it down near her muzzle. She was still reclining on her elbows so couldn't reach for it, he blushed as she gave him a sultry smile, closed her eyes and then began licking at his paw in long strokes.

Her rough tongue ran wetly up his fingers, several at a time, he splayed them and she licked inbetween them too. The blushing didn't fade as he realised she was lapping up her very own fluids, and didn't mind. He turned his paw around so she could reach the other side, the soft grooming proving to be quite an intense experience. The cub's erection never wavered as she lapped again and again at her brother's fingers and hand, getting every trace of her own sexual fluids along with some of his. He gasped as Katie suddenly took his fingers into her muzzle and murmured, sucking at them and then pulling off them, orally stimulating her brother's digits in a way that made his penis twitch.

Finally she let him go and smiled up at him with real affection. With no warning, Katie leaned up and kissed her brother on the lips, their muzzles meeting quite deliberately. He jumped a little but she held the kiss, till eventually Tommy grunted softly and began to respond, lifting his other leg past her so he was completely over her on all fours. The leopard began lowering his rump, rational thought shutting down, his tail raising up and twitching excitedly.

Katie suddenly broke the kiss, pushed hard at her brother and sent him toppling over onto his back on his side of the bed, "Oh no you don't!" She flashed Tommy a naughty smile, getting onto all fours herself and coming right over to him, "We had a deal.." He was too confused to reply, so she continued, "Thank you by the way. That felt, um.. Wow." The girl's cheeks reddened as she looked down his tummy, "I'd like to return the favour now."

Tommy grunted as he fell onto his back, caught off guard and still reeling from the kiss. He'd wanted to do something to her but it would have to wait, he watched her as she sat on her haunches next to him again. Like earlier, he could see her slit but it was very red and puffy now, more open, slick and shiny from her dampness. She didn't give him much time to look before reaching for his penis, not bothering to ask this time.

Katie hesitated, she'd been looking forward to this moment and drunk in the details. It was so much easier to see every detail in daylight, his pert round testes staying close to his body, covered in fur, she had her theories as to what they were for. The skin of them connected with the underside of his sheath, white fur stretched around the stiff shaft of his boyhood in its present state. It was all red and shiny where it emerged and tapered pleasingly, pulsing and bobbing with his heartbeat.

Swallowing, she reached in and then closed her paw round Tommy's sheath, quickly bringing her other paw over to cup his balls. Tommy instantly groaned and squirmed, toes curling, this felt very exciting and also somewhat embarrassing, he couldn't believe he was letting his sister touch him there. He craned his neck and looked as she licked her lips and started feeling him up, softly massaging his testicles and pulling his sheath down. Tommy gasped and involuntarily brought his hips up against her touch, pushing his sheath as far back as it would go as his sister held onto it.

Katie looked at her brother's penis in its full glory, the scent of him was overpowering her. Tommy watched her with wide eyes as she bent her head down over his crotch, opened her muzzle and then swallowed his erection to the roots. He cried out then, hips thrusting again, his head falling back against the bed as his sister's warm wet mouth enclosed him completely. It was breath-taking and he struggled to regain his, grunting and writhing.

Katie squeezed at his balls and started rising and falling off his penis, encircling the base of it with her paw. Her lips made a good seal and she managed to mind her teeth after Tommy yelped a couple of times. The girl couldn't help rubbing between her legs as the situation began affecting her, leaving her brother's balls alone for a moment. The taste was salty, musky and exciting, it was a terrible thrill to be doing this to him.

Tommy also found it a terrible thrill and began to shudder, chest heaving, hips starting to spasm as the inevitable occurred. He realised what was about to happen and tried to warn his sister, "Katie! I can't.. Gonna have to.. Mmmm.. I'm going to.." The boy cut off suddenly as he went rigid, clenched his paws and began ejaculating into his sister's warm muzzle, grunting with every squirt. She groaned as he jetted against her tongue, flooding her muzzle with his semen.

Fresh from the source, Katie discovered it tasted the best of all, a little salty, slippery and carried with it a real heat. The girl shivered with excitement as her muzzle was actually filling up with her brother's seed, she resisted swallowing for as long as she could. Tommy grunted again and again as he squirted, in disbelief as his sister kept him deeply in her mouth and didn't seem to mind. This was the most pleasurable thing he'd ever experienced, and it seemed doubly special to be squirting straight between Katie's sealed lips.

Finally though, his hips stopped their rhythmic movement and the moment was over, his immature balls had done their part for now. He jumped as Katie swallowed, feeling his seed drain away, she swallowed a few more times and then very slowly pulled off his penis. Tommy gasped and squirmed a little, so sensitive now as her lips ran up his shaft to the tip. With a wet pop she finally lifted off him, leaving his penis glistening and bobbing. Her paw remained around his sheath and she gently moved it up and down a little, very slowly. Tommy didn't seem to mind, shivers and aftershocks running through him, he lifted his head and saw that his sister had drunk every drop, leaving his penis quite clean.

He was too dazed to do anything other than drop his head back down again, panting, he didn't notice Katie continuing to rub between her legs. Katie panted softly and smiled, she knew what she needed now but it would have to wait a while. She licked her lips, quite satisfied, then with a giggle she laid down and rested her head on Tommy's crotch, her muzzle just touching his still taut testicles. Just what were they for? Tommy sure seemed to like it when she touched them, and she had her theories, but they needed some more experimentation. With another giggle, the cub opened her muzzle and gently licked at them as she lay there.

Tommy gasped and shivered as he felt his sister's slippery tongue lap softly against his sensitive orbs. He was still sensitive, but it was actually pleasant, verging on exciting, his toes curled as she continued licking. Tommy remained on his back, panting, he felt quite exposed and yet didn't mind, the things he was feeling made up for it. She was licking more insistently now, delving round the sides of his furry scrotum, under it, feeling along the seam that divided it. He was getting excited again and his erection began to return, filling out his sheath and Katie's field of view.

She couldn't help herself and suddenly swallowed his boyhood deep into her muzzle for an instant, before pulling right away from him. Tommy gave a cry and jerked upwards in response, straining, then fell flat as she left him. What was her problem anyway? She seemed to know how to make him feel like nothing else ever had, but it also felt like she was playing with him, teasing him. Her soft voice next to his head suddenly startled him.

"Tommy.. I want you to put your.. your willy inside me." Katie said in a shy voice, not quite believing she was actually saying the words.

Tommy turned his head and saw that she was laying on her back next to him now, her paws down by her crotch and doing something naughty. He sat up suddenly, not quite believing his ears, swallowing and turning to meet her eyes. She looked away, but then looked back and held his gaze, biting her lip. Quite flustered, it was a long moment before Tommy replied.

"Katie, I.. I need to pee!" he blurted out suddenly, rolling over and scrabbling to his paws. Before she could stop him, he'd climbed over her and got out her side of the bed, making a beeline for their shared bathroom. Katie thumped a paw against the bed in frustration as the bathroom door closed a little too loudly and the lock clacked across with a finality, followed shortly by the sound of the toilet seat lifting up. Damn! She'd scared him, it was pretty obvious, her brother had almost broken into a run. What would he think if she told him that he'd already put his penis inside her?

No, that wouldn't do, and it wasn't fair, that's not how she wanted it. Maybe she was going a bit fast for him, but the thought of it excited her so much, it was hard to have patience. Her brother was going to put his stiff erection up her and then give her his exciting slippery stuff, while she looked into his open eyes.