Getting a Harness

Story by IgnaviaVulpes on SoFurry

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***Warning: This story contains consensual to non-consensual sex between an adult and a minor. This story contains themes of prostitution and rough sex.***

The sun shined brightly in the sky and a pleasant breeze blew through the stallion's black fur. He stood against a brick wall, chewing his lip nervously and staring at the store across the street. The windows were covered and a big sign on the door notified potential customers that the store was eighteen plus. The stallion wasn't eighteen... but he was being pressured to try anyways.

*Come on, it'll look so good on you.*

He read the text message again, shifting a bit and letting out a sigh as he stuffed his phone back into the pocket of the basketball shorts he wore. He took a deep breath and then started across the street, his paws clenching and unclenching as his heart fluttered in his chest.

He really didn't know why he was so nervous. Maybe it was because he was about to walk into a sex toy store and he wasn't old enough to enter it, or maybe it was because he was going into it to buy something at the pressuring of an older man who hadn't tried to hide his sexual intentions. He definitely didn't think of himself as gay... but something about the way the older man spoke to him when they texted got him going.

Before he knew it his hand was on the door and he was pulling it open, his heart thudding as he stepped inside. The store was empty besides for the two attendants standing behind the counter. One was a very beautiful mare, her chocolate fur short and clean and her mane flowing down her neck. The other was a male lynx, his tufted ears perking as he eyed the stallion up and he casually flattened the messy gray fur on his head.

"Can we help you sugar?" the mare asked, one of her eye brows raising and a slight smirk forming on her muzzle. The facial expression she wore showed that she knew he was under age and he knew it.

"I um.." he said, rubbing the back of his head nervously as he shifted from hoof to hoof, smiling weakly at her. "I wanted to buy a harness," he said finally, having to force the words out of his maw, "And a um.. a collar to match it." he rumbled sheepishly, his voice trailing off to be practically silent towards the end.

The mare just shook her head casually and opened her maw to speak but the lynx stopped her, winking at her playfully and walked around the corner. "Then come with me cutie, I handle all the leather here." he said with a grin, patting his arm, "We'll get you set up with just what you need." he said, leading the stallion towards the back and giving the mare a meaningful look. She shook her head in amusement but said nothing, going back to looking at her phone as she had been when he entered.

"So what's your name cutie?" the lynx asked as he took the stallion through a door in the back. The new room's walls were lined with racks where leather of various kinds hung, mostly in the forms of harnesses, collars, and other forms of leather clothing.

"Markovin." he said nervously, looking at all the leather and nickering a bit as he shifted again, "But you can call me Mark." he said, turning his head to look at the lynx and smiling weakly, feeling his cheeks start to burn as he saw the almost predatory expression on the lynx's face.

"I'm John." the lynx said, his eyes twinkling as he reached up to touch the stallion's face. Mark tried to pull away but the lynx just smirked and followed him, stepping up close to him. "You're very handsome..." he rumbled with a playful wink, "A nice red will set this perfect black fur off nicely.." he said, his words almost a purr as his claws came out to teasingly scratch down his face. "Don't you think?"

Without giving time for Mark to respond or say anything he stepped back and tugged at his shirt. "Take it off. I won't be able to get proper measurements if its on." he said, his eyes twinkling as he grabbed a tape measure from beneath a table against one wall and waited.

Markovin hesitated for only a moment before slowly stripping off his shirt. The lynx's predatory attitude was starting to make him worried, but the nervous stallion had come this far so there was no real point to stopping now! He dropped his shirt to the floor and the lynx purred against, stepping forward slowly. "My my, look at how big and strong you are." he rumbled, his paws reaching out to stroking slowly over his muscles. "You're a real stud you know." he said with a happy growl.

"T-thanks." Markovin said as his eye lids fluttered slightly, his breath catching as he felt those paws rubbing his chest. As nervous as he was, he was still able to find pleasure in the lynx's overly sensual touching, the horse not even noticing as the lynx expertly measured his chest and around his arms and neck.

"Its your lucky day." the lynx said, a grin spreading across his face as he rolled the tape measure up with smooth, practiced movements. "I've got something that'll be just perfect for you. A special order that the buyer couldn't pay for in time and I haven't been able to get a hold of." he rumbled out, heading towards the back of the room and then getting to all fours to root around under one of his tables, standing back up a moment later with a cardboard box in his paws.

He set it on the table near the nervous horse and opened it up. The first thing he pulled from it was a leather harness, the harness one big piece of leather with buckles on the ends of the straps to connect. The lynx moved behind the horse, manhandling him and getting the harness onto his body.

Mark didn't try to struggle but he did shift uncomfortably as the harness was tightened around his limbs. The restriction caused was minimal but it wasn't a sensation he was used to, so any extra tightness was uncomfortable. The harness was simple but well made, the leather smooth against his body and a big metal D ring was cold against his chest at the center of the harness.

Next, the lynx procured a collar of a matching color. The collar joined the harness, the lynx smirking into the horse's face as he wrapped it around his neck slowly and tightened it against his neck, using two of his fingers between the horses neck and the collar to make sure it wasn't too tight. The final touch were matching wrist cuffs, each one decorated with a large D ring so they could be connected together or to the collar or harness. They fit snugly on the horse's wrists and the lynx gave them a playful tug as he finished getting them on.

Afterwards, he turned the horse towards a mirror against the wall and hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Mark's shoulder. "You look stunning," John whispered into his ear, obvious lust in his tone as Mark stared at the mirror and felt his face heat up.

He had seen pictures of men wearing harnesses and collars, but something about seeing the bright red leather against his own black fur made his sheath twitch in his shorts and made his blood boil in a not quite unpleasant way. "How much are they?" he asked finally, too embarrassed by the thoughts going through his own head to be able to come up with any other question.

The lynx clucked his tongue slightly in irritation but stepped back to stretch his arms over his head. "All said and done the full set is about two hundred." he rumbled, "One-twenty for just the collar and harness and seventy for just the collar and the cuffs."

Mark flicked his ears and tail, staring at the lynx. Not only was he confused why the male was irritated with him but he was also shocked at the price. "I can't afford that." he rumbled with an almost depressed sigh. He reached up to take the collar off but his hands were stopped by the lynx's paws.

"Now hold up there stud," he rumbled, his eyes twinkling once more, all traces of irritation gone from his face. "You know," he rumbled with a grin, moving his paws down to the stallion's hips and smirking a bit. "I don't sell used merchandise.."

Markovin blinked and looked at the harness and cuffs on his wrists, then tilted his head in confusion. "I don't get it, if you don't sell used merchandise... is this used then? And if its used then why did you show it to me.." he rumbled, the poor jock not catching what the lynx was hinting at in the slightest.

The lynx let out a long, drawn out and overexaggerated sigh as he hooked a finger into the horse's collar and pulled his face down so that he was looking into Mark's eyes on the same level. "Ok pony, I didn't think I was going to have to spell it out for you, but I will." he said, letting go of the horse's collar.

He reached down to his jeans and unzipped his fly, searching around inside his pants for a moment before fishing out his thick, barbed cock. "I'll make you a trade.." he rumbled with a grin on his face, "A blowjob and your cherry and I'll give you the whole set."

That made Markovin freeze, his eyes going wide as he looked at the smaller male. His eyes found themselves drifting to the other male's cock and he licked his lips nervously. He was here at the recommendation of an older male who he intended on doing... well, sexual things with, but was he ready to give up his virginity here and now? For some fetish gear?

The lynx had his paw around his cock, stroking it slowly. He wiggled it at the stallion and grinned, "Come on pony... you're going to lose it eventually anyways, may as well get something out of it, eh?" he asked. "I'm a clean guy and I'm big but not too big... a perfect starter cock for a pony like you."

Mark shifted from hoof to hoof nervously. He looked at the gear he was wearing one more time, turning to stare at himself in the mirror. He chewed on his lip as he debated internally, all the while catching glimpses of the lynx's paw as it stroked along his cock. It was true... he was going to give it up eventually. He had already decided on that. And... the lynx wasn't bad looking. And he would get something out of it.

He took a deep, shuddering breath. Part of him was unable to believe that he was actually talking himself into doing something like this, especially with a man he had never even met before. He didn't question himself too much though, finding himself dropping to his knees slowly in front of the lynx, his eyes locked onto the feline's the entire time as he nickered nervously. "O-ok.. deal."

The lynx smirked and gave his cock a few more strokes before presenting it to the horse, holding it at the base and poking it playfully at his nose. "Ok then, no hesitating and no going slow, let's dive right in. After all, I'm working." he said with a grin, placing one paw on the back of Mark's head.

Mark felt that cock slap against his nose and got his first real sniff of the other male, his eyes closing and his body shuddering as the light musk of the other male hit his nostrils. The lynx hadn't been lying when he said he was clean and the smell of him certainly wasn't unpleasant. He opened his maw to push his tongue out to taste the cock and found his mouth stuffed with the lynx's cock, his eyes shooting open wide as the lynx groaned in pleasure.

"Fuck yea, that's the stuff..." he groaned out in pleasure, arching his back as he held the stallion down, pressing his cock in deeper until he felt his cock head teasing the back of the horse's throat, smirking down at him. "Remember pony, a good boy takes cock without complaint. If I know anything about dominant stallions, you're gonna have to deal with some pretty rough fucking, so if I'm too much for ya..." he said, trailing off with a practically malicious look in his eyes.

The feeling of that thick cock in his maw was... interesting to the horse. He didn't necessarily hate it, but seeing as he had seen himself as straight up until today he was feeling some small amount of internal turmoil. Nevertheless, he closed his eyes and focused on the taste of the feline's length. The texture of the cock was kinda spongy except for the barbed head of his cock that scraped his tongue lightly, and the entirety of his flesh had a slightly salty taste to it.

He hadn't watched a lot of gay porn, but he had watched enough straight porn to know that at his point the person sucking the cock was supposed to start bobbing their head... so he pulled his lips back slowly, grunting as the barbs scratched along his lips ever so lightly, his tongue dragging along that length as it slowly exited his maw before he moved back down, his tongue curling around the fat length of the feline's cock. He moved down until the tip teased at the back of his throat again and then repeated the movements, pulling back until just the head was in his head before moving back down.

As he bobbed, he was rewarded with a steady stream of salty-sweet pre from the feline's cock and the constant murmured sounds of pleasure from the feline's maw mixed with a teasing mix of "Good boys" and "What a good pony." After what felt like minutes to the horse though was likely less than a minute, the lynx started to get impatient however. "Come on pony," he rumbled, firmly pressing on the back of the horse's head, "Take it all.." he growled softly, his barbed tip pressing back up to the horse's throat and then down it.

The inexperienced horse felt his eyes going even wider as that cock tip touched his gag reflex and then slid past it, his eyes watering as he tried to pull back but the lynx had a better position, holding his head down firmly and grunting as he pressed in smoothly until his hips slapped into the horse's snout. The horse struggled and squirmed on his knees, struggling to take any breaths in through his nose as the lynx grinded into his mouth. "Fuck yea... nice and tight virgin throat.. love it." he said with a grin on his face, still pressing firmly into the horse's maw. "Having a hard time breathing there pony? Ready to tap out?" he said playfully.

Mark clenched his eyes shut, pushing feebly at the older cat's thighs. He struggled for breath and he wanted to vomit all at the same time. He tapped the lynx's hips anxiously, his skin beginning to turn blue beneath his black fur, only visible on the inside of his ears. Finally, the lynx let go, his cock ripping from the horse's maw as he fell backwards. He inhaled deeply, choking for breath as he fell to all fours and wiped his maw of drool. "W-what the hell man?" he asked, opening his maw to complain more but was cut short and his shorts were ripped down to reveal the jock he wore beneath.

"Fuck yea," the lynx growled out, playing with the horse's muscular rump, each paw rubbing a cheek firmly and spreading them wide to reveal his pink tail star. "Love a boy in a jock.." he said with a chuckle, the lynx leaning down to spit on the horse's virgin tail hole. "Normally I'd rim a guy to get them all nice and ready for my dick.. but so far you've been great and I want to hear what kind of noises you make when I pop your cherry with just a bit of spit.." he added, crawling over the stallion and prodding his tip at the stallion's hole.

"W-wait! At least use lube o-or a condom or..." he said, unable to finish his sentence as the lynx pressed forward, groaning in pleasure as he forcefully pressed his barbed tip into the horse's virgin hole. The horse's sentence ended in a very girlish squeal, his back arching as he tried to pull away only to feel the lynx follow along, using his movement as extra force to press more of his cock in, grunting in delight as he forced his way in.

"You're getting two hundred bucks worth of gear out of this," the lynx growled happily as he gripped the horse's new harness, groaning as he pushed forward until his hips slapped into the horse's rump. "You can take a little bit of... rough training." he whispered into the stallion's ear, licking up his cheek to catch some of the tears that had fallen freshly from the horse's eyes.

Mark could do little but clench his paws and grit his teeth, his freshly stretched tail hole burning from the force of the cock that was balls deep inside of him. He tried to crawl away but with the lynx on top of him and with such a strong grip on his harness, he didn't manage to make any progress. The lynx pulled out slowly, his cock's barbed head scraping against Mark's insides and making the stallion whimper in pain. "O-oh fuck, pull it out!" he whimpered, his tail hole clenching in an attempt to push out the rather large invader.

"Not a chance," the lynx growled out happily, pausing for just a moment with just his tip left inside the stallion's once virgin hole, shifting his body as he got into a better position before pushing himself back in. He let out a loud, happy growl to match the stallion's pained squeal as his cock speared back into the horse's tight hole.

John panted heavily as his hips smacked back into the horse's tight rump once more and he leaned over, nipping lustfully at the stallion's ear. "God you're so fucking hot.. inside and out.." he whispered, his paws tugging on the harness, "Your daddy is gonna love plowing this tight ass of yours and the sounds you make are going to get him going real good.." he growled out, his hips starting to pick up a rhythm as he spoke, pulling out just an inch or two then humping back in, trying to loosen the horse boy up.

The younger male was whimpering with each hump, clenching his fists against the floor as he breathed heavily, tears leaking down his face as he tried to push the other off of him, but he just didn't have the leverage to make it work and his movements just ended up pressing his own rump back up into the lynx's hips, an action that John didn't miss and mistook as signs of pleasure.

"Fuck yea pony," he growled out happily, getting back up and pulling hard on the harness to pull the stallion back against him. "Fuck yourself on my cock," he groaned out, starting to pick up the pace with his thrusts, pulling over half of his cock out before slamming himself back in, feeling his balls slap up against the horse's jock covered balls. John was breathing heavily, his balls already starting to pull up to his body as he plowed into the horse. "Damn, I haven't had a hole this tight in a long time." he groaned out as he shifted his grip from the harness, putting one paw on the horse's collar and the other gripping into his mane, pulling back hard on both and almost choking the stallion.

Markovin didn't know what to feel. The experienced, older feline was hitting all the right spots inside of him but his poor, virgin hole still felt like it was burning from being stretched so wide. And the barbs were torture for the poor boy, snagging and scratching at his already irritated insides, making him whimper each time they were pulled back. Yet he was still hard, his cock restrained by the jock, a damp spot formed as his cock desperately tried to flop out of it to grow its full length.

Suddenly, the lynx pushed in as hard as he could, growling in pleasure as he pulled back on the pony's collar and mane hard enough to choke him this time, the horse boy gagging and struggling for breath as the lynx's cock throbbed inside of him, barbs flaring more and scraping harder against his insides as the lynx's cock exploded inside of him, hot feline cum pouring into his guts as the feline growled and held the collar hard against his airway. "Take it all pony boy.." the lynx groaned out in pleasure, "Every. Fucking. Drop." he growled, emphasizing each word with another hard thrust, grinding his hips against the horse's rump to make sure he milked out every drop into his tail hole.

The lynx loosened up his grip on the collar after a few seconds so Markovin could breathe easily again, and a moment later started to pull out of him, his barbs still scraping roughly against Mark's insides and making him whimper, though he had finally stopped crying and no fresh tears rolled don his cheeks. The lynx's cock flopped free of his well used hole and the feline slapped his rump with a chuckle. "God damn you're a good fuck." he said, walking around and dropping to his knees in front of Mark.

Mark opened his maw to call him a dick but found his face being stuffed with the lynx's sloppy cock, his eyes going wide as the strong taste of lynx cum and his own rump assaulted his tongue, the horse gagging fiercely as the sloppy cock thrust right down his throat once more. The lynx just smirked as he grinded his hips into the horse's nose for a few seconds then pulled himself free, wiping himself off on his face and leaving behind strands of drool and cum. "Good pony." he said simply, "Remember that you should always be quiet unless your dom tells you to speak, after all, you're just a toy for their use."

The lynx stood up and tucked himself back into his jeans, stretching his arms over his head then grunted and pointed at a door. "You can leave that way once you're dressed, I'll take care of the costs. I don't want Emily smelling the cum on you. She doesn't like me plowing customers in the back and never understands that some sluts just need it!"

Mark was breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath, so he didn't get a chance to say anything as the lynx left the room. It took him a bit to recover, his tail hole aching and gushing with the feline's cum and his jock damp with his own pre. He stood up on shaky legs. His neck hurt from where the collar had dug in and his mane hurt from being pulled on so roughly and the harness made moving feel weird.

He thought about leaving the harness, collar, and the wrist cuffs... but he had technically paid for them and why did he go through the entire experience if not for them? He dressed with shaky paws, pulling his shorts up and putting his shirt on over the harness. He didn't take off the collar or cuffs since he had no where to put them, his shorts only having enough pocket space for his phone and wallet. And after looking in the mirror and seeing the mess the feline's cock had made of his face, he realized that if anyone noticed the collar they'd notice other things as well, so he had much more to be embarrassed by.

He walked to the door the lynx had pointed at and pushed it open, each step hurting his hole and, much to his humiliation, he could still feel cum dripping out of his hole, soaking into the straps of his jock and even rolling down his crack to hit his balls. Once out in the sunlight, he nervously looked around and started to head for home, chewing on his lip as he got out his phone. He finally responded to the last text he'd received, his tail flicking behind him as he typed out his words. *"I got the harness and a collar.."*

His heart thudded in his chest as he hit send and he started to put his phone away but it vibrated almost immediately in his hand and he checked it, surprised to see he'd already received a response.

*"So when do meet?"*

***Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I don't know for sure if I'm going to do a follow up story with our mysterious dominant stallion, but I might! I'm indecisive. This was just a a scene idea that had been playing around in my head for a while. Please leave comments and constructive criticism below. ("I don't like this" or "This is gross" is NOT constructive criticism and such comments will result in blocks.)

Thanks again, and see you in my next story!... I can't make any promises on when that is, but I'm hoping to type much more in the near future!***

"Alpha" Wolf - Chapter 6

**\*\*\*This is the final chapter and takes a bit of a slower turn. Less sex and more character focus. Also, watersports is included.\*\*\*** Marlvur woke up to the sound of the door opening. He wasn't sure how long he had managed to sleep this time...

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"Alpha" Wolf - Chapter 5

**\*\*\*Warning: This chapter contains more rape, more humiliation, and chastity\*\*\*** Marlvur couldn't even make a guess at how long he had been tied up now. To his tired mind, his entire world seemed to be over ridden by the now constant scent of...

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"Alpha" Wolf - Chapter 4

\*\*\ ***Warning: This chapter contains humiliation, blackmail, video taping, and further rape.\*\*\*** His heart thudded as he heard the door close one more time and let out a soft whine now that the man was gone. It had been a while since the brown...

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