Be My Rave Boy

Story by Tokamak_Providence on SoFurry

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#1 of Rave Boy

This is an original piece I wrote as an experiment into doing a male-focused story, as well as doing a M/M scene (there is a more explicit scene in chapter 2) though it does deviate back to my usual M/F stuff in later chapters. Enjoy!

The two hundred dollar admission had been worth every cent.

The atmosphere was overwhelming, electric and invigorating; every blast from the huge speakers, every flash of laser light moving a deep, emotive desire to move and dance within the vixen. The crowd of furs heaved and writhed with the bass, a kaleidoscope of fluorescence, baggy pants, short skirts and vivid glow bands. Paws roamed and explored as the ravers slid past each other, with couples engaging in heated moments of passion, grinding and gyrating with the music. An obscene, wanton display, no-one caring for the objections of others, as if such complaints would even be entertained. Every fur was in their own moment, doing just as they pleased, just as they wanted.

For Alexis, she was after only one thing.

Her eyes had picked him out earlier in the evening, a perky, punky deer boy, the neon green highlights in his hair matching the patterns on his phat pants. Save for a huge array of bangles and glow bands, he was shirtless, his body toned, yet slim, the slightest hint of his abdominal muscles peeking out from under his fur. His pattern was a lively, spotted tan, with a creamy white patch running down his chest and abdomen, and along the underside of his arms. Delicious and innocent, just the way she liked them.

It wasn't, however, his appearance that had caught her attention. Not his tasty, lithe body or his pert, cute boy butt, it was the way he moved. He didn't just dance; he flowed, he glided, he moved as if he were the only fur left on the planet. Those that surrounded him gyrated and flaunted about, yet their eyes always darted here and there, looking for that tiny speck of attention that they craved, looking to be noticed, to have someone admire them. The deer boy didn't care, his eyes were closed, he was alone in this sea of movement and bodies. It was all about him.

Alexis turned to her friend; a large, black tomcat. "Tim, wing-man for me."

The feline grinned. "See something you like?"

"Oh yes. . . "

The cat and the vixen pushed their way through the crowd, the whole time Alexis' eyes fixed upon the deer, watching his movements, his fluffy, triangular tail, the tiny antlers atop his head. Watching the strands of muscle in his torso twist and contort as he threw his body about. Her eyes picked out every detail of the boy, and every piece was to her liking.

All except the doe at his side.

"Damn." she cursed. "Who's that?"

Tim leaned in, whispering in her ear with a slight chuckle. "Competition."

The female deer was dancing next to the male, laughing and smiling, occasionally bumping their hips together. She was dressed far more modestly, her pants matching those of her companion, yet also sporting a full length top, albeit one displaying ample cleavage. Her hair was cropped short, accentuated by blue highlights. Her movements were slight, less pronounced and more self-aware, although it was clear she was utterly absorbed in the moment.

Alexis pushed onward.

Tim muscled his way past a pair of entangled wolves, allowing Alexis to slide up behind the deer boy.

Without waiting, she grasped him about the waist, running her paws up his flanks before circling around onto his chest, caressing his pectorals and lightly pricking his flesh with her claws. She reveled in the sensation of his tight body, slim and trim without an ounce of fat, yet far from overburdened with muscle.

He gasped.

"Hi there." she breathed in his ear. "You look tasty."

The deer boy reacted almost exactly as Alexis had anticipated. With a yelp, he recoiled away, shielding his chest with his arms.

"Ahh. . . uh. . . hi."

The doe moved to his side, grasping gently at his arm, watching the vixen suspiciously.

Alexis took another step forward. "I saw you, wondering if you might like to dance with me, if your girlfriend doesn't mind, that is."

The deer blushed, his jaw dropping. "G-g-girlfriend? No! She's. . . my sister."

"You two must be close!"

Shying away slightly, the deer responded. "Um. . . she had to sneak me in. . . I'm not. . . old enough to get in by myself."

Another step closer. "Oh you naughty boy, how old might you be?


"Ooooh, I do like fresh meat." She licked at her lips, and, unable to contain herself, burst into laughter.

The doe joined in. "C'mon, Renn, go and dance! You're not going to get an invitation like that again!"

Renn looked at his sister, his eyes pleading. "B-but, you said if I came along to the festival you'd stick with me!"

With a shove, the doe thrust her brother into Alexis' arms, colliding the two furs together. Alexis' short cropped tank top pressed her small, pert breasts into Renn's bare chest. His arms lightly gripped at the vixen, his movements suddenly unsure and hesitant.

"Hey, Renn, was it?" she said. "Loosen up, what happened to the cute little boy I saw dancing away?"

He finally locked eyes with Alexis. "I. . . I don't even know your name."

"Alexis, but just call me Lexi."

"Um. . . hi Lexi."

The vixen slide her paws up his body, tracing the taut lines of his back, until they settled around his neck. "You seem nervous. Am I making you nervous?"

He nodded. "You're very. . . uh. . . forward."

Alexis grinned, giving him a quick nip on the neck. "You gotta be, I wasn't going to let this one get away."

"You're really that interested?"

"Of course! It's not every day I come across such a cute little deer!"

Renn glanced about, his eyes rapidly darting from fur to fur, looking for someone, anyone to distract the vixen's attention.

His eyes settled on the large tom standing just behind them. "What about your friend? Will he..uh..mind if we danced?"

Lexi snorted. "What? Tim? He's a queer as you can get!"

She pressed her nose to his, dropping her voice to a sultry, lusty growl, barely audible above the pounding music "Why. . . are you. . . interested in him?"

Renn's blush deepened. "No! I mean, he's a bit. . . but I've never really. . . at least I don't. . . "

The vixen cut him off with a deep, heated kiss. Any hesitation Renn had instantly evaporated as Lexi's tongue snaked into his mouth, writhing and wrestling with his own. The taste was wild and exotic, a savage, carnal flavour.

Lexi broke the kiss. "You know, if you are, I wouldn't mind watching, seeing guys make out gets me wet."

To demonstrate her point, she grasped at Renn's paw, still hanging limply by his side, and thrust it up and under her skirt. She wasn't wearing any panties, and the deer's fingers quickly found her slit, wet and needy.

"Would you like some of this?"

Renn gulped, then nodded. "Um. . . I've never. . . isn't this a little quick?"

Lexi released his paw and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe how cute you are!"

She let go of the deer boy long enough to grab at Tim, pulling the large cat over towards the pair. He slid up, his oversized muscles practically popping from his fishnet top. Flanked by the two males, she grabbed at Renn again.

"He's right here, and you're just his type."

Renn resisted, maneuvering about to place the vixen between himself and the oversized cat.

"I. . . um. . . can't we just dance?"

"Sure! I've got all night."

As soon as the conversation stopped and the dancing started, Renn's demeanour changed completely. The shy, nervous deer boy's movements became confident and forceful. He grasped at the vixen, pulling her close and grinding against her, thrusting his crotch against hers with every beat. As the two danced, Renn grew steadily bolder, exploring the vixen's chest and buttocks, prodding and kneading freely. They shared another kiss.

One song trailed into two, then three, all the while the two furs intimately acquainting themselves with each other's bodies. Lexi would prick lightly at the deer while Renn's pads ran over her legs and back, sifting through her silky, orange fur. She moaned under his touch, kissing and nipping at him as shivers of pleasure shot up her spine.

All this, however, paled in comparison to the way in which Renn's body slid over hers. It was sensual, almost surreal, the flash of the lighting reflecting of his green highlights as her senses were simply overwhelmed by the sensation of wet, sweaty fur on wet, sweaty fur. His thighs brushed past hers, first between her legs, then wrapping around behind, as his chest and arms caressed and massaged over her torso and belly. He was almost liquid in his motion, contacting parts of her body she had never thought to involve in romantic encounters. It was so new, so exciting, an emotive feeling unlike she had ever encountered before. If this was dancing, if this was how two furs were meant to join themselves with music, then it was a world she could lose herself in in a heartbeat. But she wanted more. Every inch of her being was on fire, demanding more attention, demanding to be satisfied.

Especially her loins.

With her final few inhibitions melting away in Renn's embrace, she desperately yanked one of his arms downward, plunging it between her legs, smearing his paw over her aching sex. Her skirt rode up and her thong was pushed to the side without an ounce of resistance, slipping effortlessly over her soaking wet folds.

"Finger me."

Renn didn't need to be told twice, he was on autopilot, concerned only with the vixen he had met not fifteen minutes ago. He plunged two of his digits into her pussy, grinding his paw against her clit as he rubbed at her g-spot in time with the music, every pound of the bass line shocking her with pleasure. Lexi's jaw fell open and she let out a long, heady moan. She closed her eyes, melting into the deer boys arms as she was wantonly masturbated, freely visible to any who cared to pay attention. As obscene as the display was, she simply didn't care, all that mattered was the music, the scent of Renn and the sensation of his dexterous fingers pumping back and forth in her cunt.

"F. . . F. . . FUCK!"

Alexis lasted perhaps a quarter of the way into the next track before her legs weakened, knees buckling under she stimulation as she came hard, spurting jets of fox juice onto the floor. A second body pressed to her back, and a voice breathed into her ear.

"Enjoying my little brother?"

Overcome with lust and desire, Lexi used her one free arm to grab at the doe's head, pulling her into a kiss. Renn briefly ceasing his sexual ministrations his as he watched in fascination as his older sister shamelessly made out with the vixen. Their lips and tongues slid over each other for twenty seconds before the kiss was broken, a single strand of saliva trailing between the two.

Turning back to Renn, Lexi slide her now free paw down his front, grabbing his member through his baggy rave pants. He was rock hard.

"Aww, what's this." she cooed, still squirming as his fingers continued to explore her sex. "Is my cute little deer boy turned on by his big sister making out with another girl?"

She leaned forward, caressing his shaft a few times "Does he want a taste?"

Renn's nervousness returned. "But. . . I can't! That's. . . "

". . .hot as hell." Lexi completed his sentence. "Have a go, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"But. . . "

"No-one has to know, it can be our little secret."

Renn felt Lexi's paw slip past the waistband of his pants, clasping directly about his cock. As the vixen started to pump, his sister slid up next to him, wrapping her arms about his neck. She was blushing slightly.

"I've always been curious." she said, her head slowly moving in.

His arousal built further. "Rann. . . "

"Plus, I've always thought my little brother was really. . . really. . . cute."

Renn's heart almost exploded from his chest as his sister locked her lips with his. His expectations of a quick peck were shattered as Rann aggressively thrust her tongue into his mouth. His cock twitched in Lexi's paw, in part due to her gentle stroking, but far and away as a result of the taboo, the forbidden passion. He was making out with his sister, and he had never been more turned on. Anyone watching would simply assume that a lucky deer boy had scored himself two eager girls.

Eager didn't even begin to sum it up.

The kiss deepened, both in passion and intensity. Rann's paws shot to her brother's face, pulling him closer, wanting to taste him as much as possible, tasting the forbidden fruit that had sat right under her nose for seventeen years. Renn lost track of time, with one track flowing into the next as he continued to make out with his sister. His thoughts wandered, he envisioned her on her back atop his bed, moaning and whimpering, calling for him, her legs spread wide, open and inviting.

His paws started to drift, first to her hip, then rubbing up and under her shirt, and finally, down her flank to her ample rear.

Rann pulled back, playfully slapping her brother's paw away. "Not today, Renn, think about what Mum and Dad would say."

She rubbed his chest a few times, playing with his fur, murmuring softly to herself. "Although maybe we could. . . continue later."

Before he could respond, Lexi yanked him from his sister's arms. She was breathing heavily, her eyes burning fiercely as they locked with his.

"Damn!' she gasped. "That was hot as hell, I think my little deer boy has earned himself a reward. Turn around."

Renn slowly rotated on the spot, strutting his buttocks out at the vixen despite himself, allowing her to grab at it, kneading each of his cheeks through the fabric of his trousers. He sighed at the pleasant touch, allowing the vixen free access to do as she pleased.

"Nice, nice. . . " she purred, "but this isn't what I'm after."

Lexi pressed herself into Renn's back, running her paws around his waist and hooking her thumbs into his pants. "Undo the buckle for me."

"What?" he said, panic rising in his voice. "Here?!"

"No-one's going to care." she whispered in his ear. "They're all too busy, just relax, I'll take care of everything for you."

"Um. . . okay. . . if you say so."

Renn moved his paws down to his buckle, undoing the clasp and allowing the front of his phat pants to hang open. His, plain, grey boxers did nothing to hide his raging erection, tenting the underwear and sticking out. A few pairs of eyes shot to his crotch.

"Lexi. . . " he panted as the vixen's now paw openly rubbing at his shaft. "Everyone. . . everyone can see. . . "

"Hmmm, they can." she said. "We're going to show them all how sexy you are. . . "

With a flick of her wrist, Lexi slid Renn's boxers down, allowing his member to spring free, its bulbous head red and throbbing, the deer boy's arousal clearly visible beneath the flashing, strobing lights. Seven and a half inches of deer meat were on display, standing to attention and dribbling drops of pre.

Lexi, hugging him from behind and reaching around, started to pump her paw, running it from the base of his shaft all the way to the head, grasping at his glans before repeating. Renn started to pant heavily, his breath quickening, coming in short, sharp bursts.

"Ohhh. . . ohhhh. . . Lexi. . . that's. . . "

"Good?" She said, her voice slightly vicious and predatory. "Does my boytoy like being watched? Does enjoy it when everyone can see his cock?"

Renn strained against her embrace as the pleasure built. "He. . . he does. . . "

Truthfully, most furs on the dance floor were too consumed with their own actions to worry about the lewd and outrageous display of public masturbation taking place. A few stole glances, perhaps moving a little closer for a better look, but no-one interfered.

Renn's gasps became moans.

Lexi moved her second paw around, cupping the deer's balls. "Do you need anything else, Renn? Maybe a kiss? Do you want to kiss Tim?"

"I. . . I don't. . . "

She sped up. "Look at your sister, she's probably dripping went, seeing her brother jacked off like this. Think about her, think about how she wants to suck your cock. She'll do it for you. . . "

Renn thrust his hips forward and upward, displaying his cock more prominently for the crowd to see.

"But you can't have her." continued Lexi, slowing down, reducing her ministrations to gentle, teasing strokes. "But you can have him. . . "

Tim moved to cover Renn, locking his own arms around both him and the vixen, moving in, his mouth getting closer and closer. The cat's chiselled pecs pressed against Renn far more modest chest, hot and heavy. Two heartbeats pounded away.

Lexi bit into Renn's neck, running her tongue across his fur before again breathing into his ear. "Tell me you want him. . . tell me you want some catboy."

"I. . . I. . . "

Lexi gave his cock a few, furiously fast pumps.

"Tell me." she repeated.

"I want it. . . I want Tim. . . "

On queue, the big cat leaned in and pressed his lips to Renn's. It was quick, but wild and passionate, his broad muzzle brushing along Renn's more slender snout, his tongue washing out and over, tasting the deer. With Lexi's paw working wonders on his cock, Renn couldn't help but return the kiss, tangling his own tongue with the cats, allowing himself to be taken by this new and exciting sensation.

"Oh that's it. . . " he heard Lexi pant, her paw speeding up further. "Let me see. . . let me see how much you want it."

The pash broken momentarily, and Renn felt Tim's paws run themselves over his shoulders, gently squeezing as they traveled down his sides until they finally grabbed at his hips.

"Use your paws." breathed Tim. "I don't bite."

Tim sealed his mouth back over the Renn's, his tongue again snaking out to explore the deer's mouth, more thoroughly this time. Renn experimentally grasped at the cat's rear. It wasn't soft like Lexi's, or even firm. It was hard and muscled, rock solid under his touch. Experimentally, he ran his fingers further down, slipping between the catboy's thighs from behind.

Tim broke their kiss. "Don't be afraid, do what you want. . . "

Hearing the cat talk again, his voice so close and heated, broke the deer boy's courage. His paw retreated, instinctively shooting upward to cover his chest.

"Awww, poor Tim, can't get any. . . " chided Lexi. "Oh well, we've got one last thing that needs to be taken care of."

"Please, Lexi!" Begged Renn. "I want. . . I need. . . "

"I know." she replied. "You need to cum, and I'm going to make you."

Renn's head rolled sideways as Lexi's paw became a blur, pumping deercock up and down at a rate too fast for the eye to follow. He was seconds away from release.

His head rolled sideways, tongue lolling from his mouth as he came face to face with Rann. Her paw was jammed between her thighs, rubbing back and forth.

"I told you." came Lexi's voice. "Look at her. You can have both of us if you want. Would you like that?"

Renn could barely reply. "Y. . . yes."

"Would you make out with Tim on my bed while I watch?"

"I'd. . . like that. . . "

"Would you let him suck you off?"

"M-Maybe. . . "

"Okay then, deer boy, cum for me!"

The words alone sent Renn over the edge. In a fog of ecstasy, and with a voiceless scream, his loins exploded, spurting forth thick, white cum in front of two dozen pairs of watching, leering eyes. Lexi continued to jerk his cock, milking every drop of his essence that she could.

Something rough lashed at his shaft. A tongue.

Renn slammed his eyes shut. He didn't want to watch, he didn't want to admit to himself what the incredible pleasure in his member was already telling him.

But it felt good. Too good. He continued to ejaculate, grunting with each spurt.

As the final jet of deer cum shot out, something warm and wet wrapped itself around his cockhead, taking the seed from him. It lasted mere seconds, but the feeling was indescribable, it was electric. A strong, vice-like grip clamped about his midriff, holding him up as the strength left his legs. Paw and mouth worked the final drops from the him, bringing his climax to a crashing, thunderous crescendo.

And then it ended.

Lexi's paw traced up his shaft one final time, flicking the tip before allowing him to tuck it back inside his boxers. Suddenly hit with a wave of embarrassment, he rapidly buckled his belt and spun about to face Lexi.

She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow." she started. "I think we made a few girls jealous, maybe a few boys too. Does it turn you on, knowing that they want your cock?"

Renn nodded. "It's. . . um. . . it's nice."

She planted another kiss on him. "I'm going to enjoy playing with you. What's say you and your sister come back to my place?"

Renn smiled feebly. "I'd like that. . . but. . . "

"But what."

With a sudden burst of energy, he pulled Lexi in close, locking eyes and returning her sultry smile. "Can we dance a bit more first?"