That's Gnasty! [Collab with MasterInkBlaster]

Story by Jessi Snow on SoFurry

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#4 of MasterInkBlaster Collabs

This was a collaboration with MasterInkBlaster!

Off in the farthest corner of the world lies a distant and oft-forgotten homeworld known as Gnorc Gnexus. Forgotten by the Dragons and home of the Gnorcs; their leader, Gnasty Gnorc--a top-heavy Gnorc, clad in golden battle armor-- made a home for himself here after he was banished from the Dragon Realms. He recently put his crafty plan against the Dragons into action, turning each and every one of them to crystal, all except a certain purple-scaled youth--Spyro, who aims to stop him.

"Hmph! If that runt is going to face me, I'd better make sure that I'm in top physical condition!" Gnasty Gnorc scoffs as he sits on his couch and tears off his loincloth, revealing his cock, slowing growing erect.

It is adorned with bumps and ridges, much like his body, and is a slightly darker shade of green in comparison. As it reaches its full erect state, his cock measures out to be at least eight inches long and three inches wide. Nowhere as long or as sizable as an adult dragon's, but pretty sizable for a being of Gnasty's... stature. Plus, the gnorc also has a pretty sizable pair of balls, to boot, so in gnorc standards, that makes up for lost size.

Wasting no time, Gnasty takes his fully-erect member in his dominant left hand and starts to go to work, rhythmically jerking his cock at his own pace, not too fast but not too slow, either.

"Ooooh, yeah..." Gnasty groans in pleasure, "I haven't done this in--well... it's been so long, I can't even remember the last time I treated myself like this..."

The gnorc normally isn't one for getting aroused so easily, but the fact that his plan has nearly gone off without a hitch and that the dragons will be getting their just desserts, well... it sparked a feeling in the gnorc, one he rarely gets to feel: happiness, which shortly ends up giving way to arousal.

"Yeah... this is great! The boys should get some love, too..." He mutters to himself as he reaches for his balls with his right hand, caressing and massaging the orbs with love and care, earning himself a bit of precum that leaks over the tip of his cock in the process.

Soon, Gnasty's thoughts drift to when he crystallized all the dragons. A recent memory, yes, but an empowering one, nonetheless. The gnorc has never felt so big, like he was full of energy, like he could do anything and it's that drive that pushes him ever closer to his proverbial finish line.

"Oooh, yeah... they'll pay... they'll all pay..." Gnasty growls as his jerking and caressing speeds up, precum leaking over the head of his cock more and more as his eyes close shut, "I'll destroy them... all of them... and that little runt, Spyro, too!" The gnorc snarls, gritting his teeth, his jerking reaching a fever pitch.

Gnasty moves his right hand off of his balls and grabs his dick, jerking it off with both hands as fast as possible, desperate for any release, "I'll prove them--I'll prove them all wrong! I'll... I... I'm... Aaarrrgggggggghhh!!!" With a mighty, bestial roar, Gnasty cums, pumping out gobs and gobs of thick, piping-hot gnorc jizz as his cock throbs and contracts multiple times. His splooge seemingly flies everywhere, covering his floor, the seat of the couch he slouches on, some of his inspirational posters, his television, his armor, even his club.

His contractions and his orgasm finally dying down, Gnasty wipes the sweat from his brow and slowly opens his eyes, greeting himself with a slightly surprising sight: his cum-covered room.

"Oh, geez... that's... quite a lot... even hit the TV, heh-heh..." Gnasty bashfully chuckles to himself, "I should probably clean up this mess..."

Some time later, Gnasty wipes off the last gob of cum off of his TV with a paper towel, sighing in the process, "There we go! Good as new!" he says with a bright smile, the gnorc having finally finished cleaning up his room. But Gnasty doesn't have time to admire his handiwork - he has much more pressing matters to deal with.

His smile fades away and his brow furrows in anger as he reaches for his club, "I'll prove to those dragons that I, Gnasty Gnorc, am smart, handsome, and the biggest threat that the Dragon Realms have ever faced!" Gnasty says, holding his club in his left hand and patting it into his right, "...Right after a quick rest," Gnasty adds, placing his club down by the side of his couch and stretching, letting out a bit of a yawn.

A few moments pass, and after chugging down a few glasses of water to rehydrate, Gnasty plops down in an armchair before his TV. "Let's see what that scrawny runt is up to." Gnasty says, turning on the TV and tuning it to the Dragon News Network, "These guys are always keeping tabs on Spyro for their little 'documentary', but the joke's on them, they're giving me insight on everything that little runt is doing! Heck, I doubt that baby has even managed to free any of the dragons in the Artisan world!"

Gnasty turns his focus to a certain channel that watches Spyro's every move, seeing his foot soldiers standing at their posts looking clueless as ever. Though they are strong and tough, they don't have much going on upstairs - someone is home, but the lights are off. Gnasty flips through different camera angles, checking up on his minions when suddenly, a flash of a purple streak darts across the screen.

"Is that him?! Is that the annoying purple shit?!" Gnasty leans forward, his eyes darting all over the screen for a sign, "You idiots... stop him!" he slams his fist on the arm of his chair, watching as a larger foot soldier attempts to squash the little dragon, only to miss. Spyro shakes his head in pity before inhaling deeply, blowing a large, roaring flame at the large Gnorc, burning his clothing clean off, making the large brute fall to his back, dazed and too ashamed to even try to stand up. To Gnasty's surprise, the gnorc has been left in a rather risque position. Everything is visible: the gnorc's large, green ass, his massive, dark forest green balls, his thick, flaccid cock - scorched here and there from Spyro's flame, and above that display, a large mound of a belly.

"Is that really how big Gnigel is? He's definitely huge... but mine's definitely bigger," Gnasty grumbles, looking down at his own tool, which is a little above average for gnorc's cock size. "Things look ten pounds bigger on TV anyway!" he says, a bit miffed, "That idiot couldn't even take out a stupid purple lizard!" He huffs, sitting back in his chair, staring angrily at the exposed cock on the screen. "It's not even that good looking..." he says, trying to convince himself to not even bother. The more he stares, though, the more his own cock begins to twitch and harden. "Ugh... again? Can there ever be any relief? What is it with me and dicks today?" Gnasty sighs, a bit annoyed with himself as his left hand wanders to his groin, gripping his cock at the base. He squeezes himself rather firmly, pulsating his clenches, helping his cock grow to full mast.

He admires his own cock for a bit, "Hmm... it's really not that bad. I'm sure any lady gnorcs out there would be banging down my door to get a feel of this monster, heh heh! Or maybe Gnigel there wouldn't mind being shown up..." Gnasty grips his cock harder, slowly beginning to stroke. "Is that why he's so quiet and clueless all the time? He thinks that because his cock is so big and his ass is so perfectly shaped, he doesn't have to listen to me? Doesn't have to actually do his job?!" Gnasty strokes himself faster, "Gnigel's perfect cock out there for everyone to see... everyone staring at him... everyone seeing his b-big... g-girthy..." Gnasty trails off, panting and thrusting into his own hand, grunting almost like a madman as he forcefully tugs on his cock, dying for relief. The silence in the room is broken by his gasping, panting, and the sound of his large balls slapping against the side of his hand while he jerks himself harder and faster. He can feel it. Gnasty can feel the pressure rising in his belly as his head begins to feel light and cloudy; the delicious, sweet sensation of a euphoric high crashes into his mind as he prepares to release a large, booming orgasm.

"Hogh-yes... oogh... I'm... c-cumming! I'm gonna... augh! Aa-a-augh yeah... fuck... fuck! Gw-a-a-a-argh!" he roars, spraying a thick layer of hot gnorc's cum all over the TV screen once again, leaving the image of Gnigel before him, dripping and oozing with Gnasty's seed. "Again! Heh, that's kind of a talent. I'm exhausted... I should get someone in here to clean that up, my legs feel so heavy!" he says, looking on both sides of his chair for a list. "Ah, here we go. Okay, Gnathan is on kitchen duty, Gnarley is on guard duty, Gnoah is on field duty, Gnick is..." Gnasty's door bursts open, frightening him - his first instinct is to cover his unsightly display with the piece of paper in his hands. He looks to the door to see a rather unwelcome guest. "S-Spyro!?"

"Time to pack it in, Gnasty! I'm here to toast your buns!" says the purple dragon, accompanied by his glowing dragonfly friend. "Get ready to-- what are you... doing?"

"Nothing! What are you doing?!"

"I thought I made it pretty clear," Spyro says, tilting his head, "Why are you sitting like that? Why's your TV all..."

"Never you mind, you stupid lizard!" Gnasty shouts, "How did you get into my lair?!"

"It wasn't exactly difficult. Your army is... less than capable. Now enough chatter! We fighting, or what?!"

"Oh, I don't think we need to do any fighting, Dragon!" Gnasty says, standing up, allowing the sheet of paper to fall to the floor. His cock is still hard, dripping with strong-smelling cum, aiming straight at Spyro.

Sparx gasps, his eyes wide, "Mm-mm!" he buzzes, turning away and zooming as quickly as he can out the door, abandoning the mission.

"Sparx! Wait! Don't... go." Spyro says, gulping, looking at Gnasty with fear in his eyes. "S-so what're you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna do what I should have done a long time ago," Gnasty says, his voice low, gruff, and full of anger. He steps closer and closer to Spyro who turns to run off, but instead of being able to escape, the door closes and locks in his face. Spyro looks back at Gnasty, then down at his hard, flailing cock. With every step Gnasty takes, his cock swings gently to and fro, dripping with cum. "I don't think it'll be my ass burning today, Dragon, heh-heh-heh! Not... at... all."

Spyro gasps as he is grabbed by the throat and slammed against the cold stone walls, unable to pull Gnasty's large, meaty fist away. He looks around frantically, looking for something, anything that can help him escape, but there is nothing. He is helpless, suspended from the ground and pinned against the wall, abandoned by his "trusty" sidekick. The fear sets in and the situation begins to feel more realistic. He looks down and can just barely see Gnasty's throbbing cock peeking out from beneath his large belly. It's clear to Spyro what is coming next. He gulps, beginning to breathe harder in fear.

"I-is there any way we can... talk this out?" Spyro squeaks, "I-I-I've got gems... and... and orbs, and..."

"Shut up, Dragon," Gnasty says, breathing huskily.

Spyro winces, "Y-you got it."

"You purple piece of crap." Gnasty growls, gripping Spyro's face, "You've been a thorn in my side for so long... but now... you're completely helpless," the gnorc smirks, lowering Spyro down from his suspended position, bringing the dragon eye-to-eye with the gnorc's erect and throbbing cock, "Now... open up."

"Wh... What?! What do yo--" "I said, open up!!" Without a shred of decency and no longer waiting for approval, Gnasty shoves his throbbing green cock down the dragon's mouth, forcing Spyro to take all that the gnorc has to offer.

"Ooohhh-ho-ho, yeah! This feels a thousand times better than jerking off!" Gnasty moans, feeling the dragon's warm mouth and wet tongue engulf his dick, sending pleasure all throughout his body, "Guess you dragons are useful for something, after all..."

"Wha? Buh--" Spyro attempts to protest, voice muffled by the appendage stuffed in his mouth.

"Shut up!" Gnasty furiously snaps to the dragon, gripping his face tighter, "If one more word comes out of that stupid maw of yours, or if you get any wise ideas about anything, I swear, I will end you, Dragon!"

Spyro quickly nods and went quiet as Gnasty loosens his grip on the dragon's face, still keeping him in check but relieving the pain from the poor dragon's face as the Gnorc continues to fuck his mouth.

'Wise ideas?' Feh...I wish I had some... Spyro thinks to himself, Ever since I came to this place, nothing's gone right--My partner's abandoned me, the Elder Dragons have no idea where I am, and to top it all off, I'm being face-fucked by an ugly Gnorc who could definitely use a shower... and a bath... maybe two.

"Oh,gaahh... this feels... amazing..." Gnasty moans in pleasurable bliss, speeding up his thrusts as his eyes slowly shuts close, letting the pleasure overtake him, "I should have gotten my dick sucked a long time ago!"

Oh, crud, he's thrusting harder and faster... he's almost there! Alright, Spyro! It's now or never! Think of something... anything! Hmmm... I could try biting his dick... that should buy me enough time to find a way outta this place... but I also don't wanna die, and with Sparx gone, that'll be all the easier for Gnasty and his goons... so it'll be tricky.

Before Spyro can put his plan into action, however, Gnasty's eyes snap wide open and he quickly withdraws his hard and throbbing cock from the dragon's mouth, huffing and puffing in a mix of arousal and exhaustion as the gnorc stares down at the purple dragon, his leaking and used cock pointed straight at him.

"Wha--what? Why'd you st--"

"Fucking you here will do no good." Gnasty states simply, snarling, "It won't break your spirit. It won't shame the dragon race. But... maybe with an audience... and the right dragon..."

"You leave the Elder Dragons out of this!" Spyro snaps to the Gnorc, preparing to charge at him, but Gnasty quickly counters him, grabbing the dragon by the neck and pinning him to the wall yet again.

"Ooooh! Excellent idea! Glad I thought of it." Gnasty says, sounding uncharacteristically happy, "What better way to break your spirit than by fucking the shit out of the ones you hold dear... and wronged me?" He adds, his voice slowly returning to his angry animalistic tenor before suddenly shouting out, "Gnigel! Gnathaniel! Get in here, on the double!"

As if on cue, two breeds of Gnorc, a Warrior Gnorc and a Common Gnorc respectively, bust into the room. Staring at the sudden sight that lays upon them--their commander pinning a dragon to a wall as the Gnorc's erect and leaking cock is out--causes the two Gnorcs to stare slack jawed in surprise.

"Oh, uh... s-sorry!" Gnigel, the Warrior Gnorc speaks up, quickly looking away as Gnathaniel, the Common Gnorc, covers his face from the sight, blushing, "Is this... uhhh... a bad time, or..."

"Nonsense!" Gnasty chuckles to his soldiers, "While this may look a bit... awkward, this is the perfect time, I assure you!" The Gnorc adds as he grabs hand and leg cuffs to restrain Spyro, "Now! Gnathaniel!"

"Y-y-yes, sir?" Gnathaniel responds, giving a salute.

"I need you to gather every Gnorc in the Gnexus and tell them to meet up in the colosseum." Gnasty says as he secures Spyro's cuffs, "We're gonna have quite... a show." Gnasty grins evilly.

"Yes, sir, Gnasty, sir!" And just like that, the Common Gnorc was off to inform every Gnorc of the news.

"As for you...G...Gnigel..." Gnasty says with disgust painting his voice as he peeks down at the Warrior's loincloth with mild jealousy.

"Um, you alright, Gnasty, sir?" Gnigel asks, "You sounded kinda annoyed all of a sud--"

"It's nothing. Listen. I need you to take this annoying purple dragon and chain him to the center of the colosseum." Gnasty says as he hands Spyro over to Gnigel, "I want our little guest to have a front-row seat for when our show... begins."

"I read ya loud and clear, boss-man!" The Warrior Gnorc says as he walks out the room with Spyro in tow, "No one's gonna get the drop on 'ol Gnigel!"

"Yeah... Hopefully not this time..." Gnasty says to himself.

"Huh? You say something, boss?" Gnigel pops in Gnasty's room, as if on cue from a bad sitcom or something.

"I said secure your armor better, this time!" Gnasty snaps, "And wear a longer or more indestructible loincloth, for God's sakes! People can see what you're supposed to be hiding most of the time!"

"R-Really?!" Gnigel gasps in light surprise, "I, uh, didn't know that... I'll keep that in mind, boss-man! Thanks!" With that, the Warrior Gnorc left out the room, leaving Gnasty alone, naked and aroused.

"Something tells me he won't be keeping it in mind..." Shrugging that little scene off of his mind and grabbing his club, the Gnorc grins with excitement, "It won't be long now. Soon, the dragons will fall... and the Gnorcs will reign supreme, above all races!"

The two Gnorcs, under Gnasty's orders, drag Spyro out into a wide open colosseum-style arena. Rather than marble and stone, it is made of very dingey metals, thrown together rather badly. The stadium is completely packed; Gnorcs of all shapes, sizes, and positions filled the seats and all Spyro can hear are the gross belches, laughter, grumbling, and gibberish of the Gnorcs making a fuss, demanding the show to start.

The heavy, iron door slams shut behind the shackled dragon, making him turn to face the source: Gnasty has finally arrived and makes his way to a metal platform where a throne made of sewer pipes and scrap metal is waiting. Getting comfortable, Gnasty takes a seat, raising his large, bulky weapon - a sceptre-like spear with a square hammer-like block at the head and spikes jutting through the four outer faces. Once his sceptre is raised, the crowd immediately falls silent.

"My loyal Gnorcs!" Gnasty announces, "Welcome to tonight's entertainment! Tonight... we will be watching a pretty old man get ravaged, and this twerpy, purple loser is going to watch!" He slams the staff of his weapon onto the ground, "Up closely... and personally!" Gnasty laughs, urging the crowd to laugh with him.

Spyro's head begins to spin and he feels like he could faint. The laughter from the crowd echoes in his head as he watches a familiar dragon get dragged out into the stadium. His heart sinks into his chest when he sees Magnus, a top-heavy and earthy-toned dragon with dark spots, stripped of his Elder Dragon adornment and covered in rusty, disgusting chains.

Magnus is thrown to the ground before Spyro, landing with a loud plop, "Oof!" Magnus groans, "S-Spyro... I thought you defeated this buffoon!"

"I was about to! But..." Spyro lifts a wrist off the ground, rattling his shackles, "I'm a little tied up. You have to get out of here! Can't you fly?!"

"He's turned my wings to crystal, Spyro... I'm afraid there's just no... gwoogh!" Magnus is smooshed into the ground with Gnasty's large, dirty foot stepping on his back.

"Enough chit-chat, geckos!" Gnasty snarls, "Ready to see what you came for?!" Gnasty calls out to the crowd.

"Yeah!" the Gnorcs chant, beginning a small rally, "Gna-sty! Gna-sty! Gna-sty!"

"And you... get ready to see what's to become of your beloved Elder Dragon!" Gnasty laughs, lifting his weapon into the air. A bright, swampy green aura surrounds the weapon which he aims at Magnus, surrounding the Elder Dragon with the same aura, lifting the old dragon off the ground, making him scream in pain. In no time at all, Magnus is lowered to the ground, standing upright, panting heavily and looking rather dazed. The glow calms down until it dissipates and Spyro catches a strange look in Magnus' eyes.

"Magnus... fuck the shit out of that annoying creature," Gnasty commands with a sneer.

Spyro faces his old friend - or at least, the body of his friend, and turns to run away. The shackles keep him from running and trip him all too easily; Spyro lands on his stomach and fumbles to try and stand, only to be mounted by the rotund Elder Dragon.

"Magnus, no!" Spyro grunts under the dragon's weight, "Don't do this! It's me, Spyro! You taught me all about Sparx, remember!? Snap out of it!"

Magnus says nothing and presses Spyro's head to the ground, taking a strong grip around one of the small dragon's horns for leverage. As if on command, Magnus' cock hardens, immediately dripping precum. The dragon breathes heavily, ready to act on Gnasty's command. He moves Spyro's tail aside, revealing a leathery button which he does not hesitate to press his member against, smearing the precum around the entrance and soon slipping it inside the tight, young dragon.

"G-gaa-aagh!" Spyro groans in pain, his small hole stretching and gaping to accommodate Magnus' size, "M-Magnus! Stop! Wake... up!" Spyro groans, trying to not only claw away from Magnus' mounting, but also trying to lift his head. The small dragon is far too weak to fight Magnus off, and while under Gnasty's trance, Magnus has no intentions to go easy on him.

Gnasty watches in delight with a sly grin on his face, his fist bouncing beneath his shorts. He watches as Magnus' thick, massive cock penetrates the tiny dragon, making him suffer and squirm for mercy while his asshole is stuffed in front of thousands of Gnorcs. He bites his bottom lip and strokes himself faster, laughing as he watches his sworn enemy suffer.

"That's what this little speck of lizard shit gets for always foiling my plans! If you're gonna screw me over, Dragon, you're the one that's gonna get screwed... literally!" Gnasty laughs, stroking a bit harder, uncaring who sees. "You see this!? I'm jerking off to your humiliation, Dragon! I love this! There's nothing more entertaining than seeing you become a failure!"

Spyro groans in pain beneath Magnus' weight, his stomach feeling full to the point of bursting as the large dragon's cock stuffs him completely. His small, virgin asshole is stretched and ruined, but Magnus is completely unaware. The entranced dragon thrusts mindlessly, focusing on Gnasty's orders: Fuck the shit out of that annoying creature.

"No! M...Magnus...s-stop! Please! Can't you... hear me?! Gnasty is jus--Oof!" Spyro pleads with the large, red dragon that is currently violating him before being silenced by Magnus himself, his left claw pressing Spyro's face into the ground.

"Must...fuck...annoying...creature..." Magnus says plainly as the rotund dragon continued his fucking, his thrusts getting harder and faster as his balls flops to and fro with reckless abandon.

"Yes... and you're doing such a good job, my little simple-minded dragon." Gnasty moans to himself, still jerking off to Spyro's humiliation... before suddenly jerking his hand away from his dick and shifting his attention toward the audience, penis still erect, "But why let these two have all the fun? After all, it wouldn't be much of a show without a little... variety! Am I right, guys?!

"Yeeeeah! Gna-sty! Gna-sty! Gna-sty! Gna-sty!" The gnorc-filled crowd cheers, clearly wanting more.

"Bring out the other Elder Dragons!" Gnasty shouts, signalling two Sentry Gnorcs to open the large, iron gate

'Other' Elder Dragons?! Spyro thinks to himself, No way... Gnasty managed to capture more than Magnus?!

"This is the Gnorc Gnexus?" An elderly voice rang out, "This looks nothing like how it did in the books of old! Talk about a fall from glory... What have you Gnorcs been doing to this place?"

"That's none of your business, old man." A Foot Soldier says, snapping at the elderly dragon as he pokes him with his spear, "Keep walking."

"Fine... then where are you planning on taking us?"

A slightly younger, but more gruff-sounding voice chimes in, "Surely not on a vacation with beaches, babes, and volleyball," he quipes.

"You'll see. We're almost there..." The opposing Foot Soldier says menacingly.

No... T-those voices... I recognize those voices! They're--

"Now... get in there!" A Foot Soldier says as he and his cohort push their respective dragons into the colosseum, knocking them down to the ground.

The crowd is met with an elderly sounding dragon, Astor, a purple-colored dragon with a hat and a shepherd's crook. The gruff-sounding one, Lindar, is colored light blue, wearing goggles on his head and straps on his wrists and neck adorned with clocks.

"Have fun, you two!" The opposing Foot Soldier says mockingly as the gate shuts behind the two dragons.

"Oh! W-w-well, I never! This is hardly the way to treat one's guests!" Astor states angrily, as Lindar helps his fellow Elder Dragon to his feet.

"Whaaaat? We're not treating you right?" Gnasty chimes in from closeby, "Awww... that wounds me... seriously. I mean, after all, you two are our guests of honor! Ain't that right... Lindar? Astor?" The gnorc finishes as he flashes a nearly demonic and somewhat unnerving grin towards the dragons.

"You..." Lindar says with intense seriousness, as he stares the gnorc down. "...Who're you again?"

"What?! Are you serious?!" Gnasty yells angrily, "You don't remember who I am?! You insulted me just the other day!"

"Sorry. I fight so many baddies on a daily basis." Lindar says in a matter-of-factly tone of voice, "If I can't even remember your name, then you were probably nothing more than a low-level threat."

"L-l-low-level thre--"

"Oh, I-I-I remember you!" Astor chimes in, interrupting Gnasty from having another potential meltdown, "You're that gnorc that Lindar here referred to as 'simple' and 'ugly'! What was your name again... oh, yeah! Guh-nasty Guh-norc!

"It's Gnasty Gnorc! The 'G' is silent! Why can't anyone get that right?!" Gnasty snaps before stopping himself to take deep breaths, calming himself down for a bit, "And besides... if I'm so 'simple' and 'ugly', then how did I manage to capture one of your own and make him my sex slave?!" He added, jestering towards the center of the colosseum.

"No way... is that..." Lindar says, looking towards the colosseum's center.

"Oh, dear me..." Astor worriedly added, as they see what's going on in the center--Magnus fucking Spyro with every ounce of his being, and Spyro being helpless to stop it.

"Magnus?! And Spyro?! What perversion is this, Gnasty?!" Lindar asks, shocked and appalled at the sight.

"Oh, nothing, really... Just a little something I like to call... payback!" Gnasty says, "You and the Elder Dragons banished me and my brethren from the Dragon Realms and then... have the audacity to call me an ugly, simple creature?! Well, Mr. Big-Shot Elder Dragon, how's this for ugly, huh?!" The gnorc, in his moment of emotional passion, rips open his loincloth, showing off his still-erect cock to the two Elder Dragons.

Lindar looks at it and shares Gnasty a quizzical expression, "So... what's the big deal? Wh-wh-what am I looking at here?"

"What?!" Gnasty gasps, taken aback in shock, "Are you messing with me or--"

"Oh, now I see!" Lindar says as he kneeled down, getting closer to Gnasty's cock, taking it in his hand and petting it like a baby, "Awww, hey there, little guy! Gnasty, I didn't know you, of all people, had a son! He's adorable!"

"Yeah... heck, it might just be my eyesight, but from here, he kinda looks like a little pickle!" Astor added, "Mmmm... I could go for a pickle right now. I'm plenty hungry."

" of--" Gnasty snarls angrily, blushing profusely.

"Look, Gnasty, all jokes aside, if this... is what you dragged us in here for," Lindar starts as he stands back up, jestering toward the gnorc's cock, "I'm flattered and all, but I don't really roll that way. So... if you don't mind, I'm gonna take Magnus and Spyro, and we're gonna get the heck--"

"None of you are going anywhere!" Gnasty yells, his voice echoing throughout the colosseum, "If you think you can come here and ridicule and humiliate me in front of an're wrong! Dead wrong!"

Astor lightly smacks his gums, still looking at Gnasty's cock, "Err... say what, now?"

"I said... oo-oo-oogh!" Gnasty grunts in frustration, "Just stare at this!" Gnasty lifts his sceptre-like weapon to the dragons, hypnotizing them before frustratingly commanding, "Just... do what the other Elder is doing!"

Lindar and Astor both immediately become entranced by the bulbous Gnorc's power, looking spaced out with their eyes half-closed. Their movement becomes very zombie-like in nature, no doubt thanks to the magic, and the Gnorcs in the audience can't get enough, as they cheer on in anticipation. Whooping and hollering echoes from the stands as the two Elder Dragons sluggishly make their way to the poor young dragon and the rotund Elder who violates him so furiously.

Spyro, still chained at his wrists, digs his claws into the loamy earth, grunting in pain as his precum-filled hole is stuffed vigorously over and over again by a zombie-like old dragon. He huffs and groans so hard that his nostrils produce enough smoke to make anyone believe the colosseum is on fire. He turns his head and through blurry, teary-eyed vision, sees two more elders coming toward him. How am I going to get myself out of this one!? Sparx, you idiot... leaving me like this! Here they come... What are they gonna do to me?

Lindar and Astor make their way to the poor dragon, bumping and grinding against Magnus, who continue to mindlessly thrust in and out of the poor, gaped little dragon. With their cocks growing rapidly, as if on command, all three dragons manage to end up slipping in and out of Spyro's tailhole at the same time, often bumping into each other and struggling to get in, and what feels worse, struggling to get out; needless to say, the entire visual is an utter mess. Precum flies every which-way, landing on who or whatever is in the way.

"Nngh! G-gyugh! S-stop!" Spyro groans, breaking a sweat from such exhaustion, trying his hardest to claw away. The weight of the massive dragons hold him down, making it harder for him to breathe. One by one, the Elder Dragons fuss to stuff their cocks into the little dragon, not saying a word, not protesting one bit while under Gnasty's command. "Snap out of it! Y-you're all gonna tear me apart!"

"Rip'em apart!" one gnorc calls from the stands while another chants, "do it! Do it! Do it!"

Gnasty grins while stroking his massive shaft, feeling himself get closer to an orgasm while his precum oozes over his large, meaty fist. "Ah yes..." Gnasty chortles, "Do it, Dragons! Follow your orders to the very last letter!"

Spyro gasps, "That's it!" Struggling, the tired, tiny dragon turns his head to face the Elders, "Man, oh man!" he says rather conspicuously, "That Gnasty Gnorc s-sure is... super annoying isn't he!? What a t-totally nngh! A-annoying creature!"

Magnus stops thrusting, tilting his head while soaking up Spyro's words. They play over and over in his head until he hears Gnasty's command in his mind once again: fuck the shit out of that annoying creature.

"Fuck... annoying... creature," Magnus says, entranced and zombified as he slowly pulls out of Spyro's ass. As Magnus pulls away, a long, thick string of precum follows him, snapping as he turns to face Gnasty. He begins to slowly shuffle toward the massive gnorc, who lays back and strokes himself, listening to the sound of his cheering minions.

As Magnus walks away, Lindar and Astor pull out as well, their dicks soaked with Magnus' precum from inside Spyro's ass. In unison, they mutter, "Do... what... the other... Elder... is doing."

Gnasty lounges back in his seat, stroking himself harder and faster as the crowd gets even rowdier. He doesn't even notice the crowd isn't cheering, but trying to get Gnasty's attention to warn him about the dragons coming toward him. The Gnorc leader only basks in the noise, stroking himself as he feels his orgasm beginning to climb, coming ever closer to what he can only imagine will be an extraordinary, explosive bliss.

"Fuck... annoying... creature," Magnus groans, his cock swaying to and fro with every step forward.

"Follow... Magnus," Lindar mumbles.

"Do... what he's... doing," Astor says, lazily following Lindar, smacking his gums with a zone-out grin.

Spyro shakily hoists himself back up onto all-fours, panting, almost too limp to hold himself up, "Now's... my chance. How do I... ugh," Spyro's back legs refuse to work with him. He can feel his muscles moving, but his tired, exhausted bones just refuse to move. "Come on... get up," he encourages himself. Suddenly, he feels a small tickle on his belly. Listening, Spyro can hear a familiar buzzing sound.

"Mmm! Bzzz! Zz-zz-ZZ-zz! (Come on! Move! We have to go!)" Sparx buzzes, flapping his wings on overdrive.

"Sparx? Where the... where did you even go?!" Spyro asks, quite irritated, "I could have been completely maimed!"

"Mmm-zzz bzz-bzz zzz mmzzz! Bzzz hmmm-mmm! (There's no time to argue! Get moving!)" Sparx buzzes, swirling around Spyro in a tizzy. The dragonfly hoists Spyro to his feet guides him toward the Elder Dragons who have reached Gnasty just before the green glutton could have his precious orgasm.

Gnasty strops stroking, looking at the dragons before him, "What!? Why aren't you following your orders! I said to go fuck him!" Gnasty snarls, his cock leaking in his fist.

"Fuck him..." all three Elders groan together. Slowly, they reach out to Gnasty and with their combined strength, they flip the flailing Gnorc leader to his massive, bulbous belly.

"H-hey now, wait! I didn't mean me! I... I mean... ho-o-oh no!" Gnasty's eyes widen in shock as he feels not one, not two, but three cocks entering his asshole at once. The force at which the dragons penetrate him is too much for even Gnasty to handle. Immediately, he feels winded, as if someone had socked him in the gut at a hundred miles per hour. His wailing and flailing drive the crowd a bit wild; as if it were part of the act, the minions cheer Gnasty on, oblivious to his torture.

"Serves him right!" Spyro says, his chains jingling slightly as he sits down - carefully - to watch the gnorc writhe in agony. Spyro looks to Sparx with a sly grin, double-taking once he sees the dragonfly's expression. Sparx is clearly fed up and just wants to get home. "What? He deserves it. You saw what he made the Elder Dragons do to me."

Sparx says nothing, shifting his tired glare to Gnasty's sceptre and back to Spyro.

"Fine... let's go. But... give it just a few more seconds."

Gnasty's arms drape over his throne's armrests while the Elders hold him down. One by one, like clockwork, the three Elder Dragons thrust into Gnasty's asshole, slamming themselves as deeply as they can. Gnasty's groans and wails are enough to actually break Spyro's heart as he listens on.

"Okay, okay... what're we doing, buddy?" Spyro asks Sparx, letting the dragonfly lead the way. Sparx carefully leads Spyro to the scepter, leaning unguarded against Gnasty's throne, just barely out of reach of the green menace's grasp. "This? What am I supposed to do with it? Hey... what if we break the thing on top? The thing that hypnotized the Elders?"

"Mmm-hmm! (Let's do it!)" Sparx agrees, flying to the top of the sceptre. Flapping his wings vigorously, he makes the scepter stand erect. With a little extra willpower, Sparx helps the scepter fall toward Spyro, who readies his horns to charge into the adornment. As the weapon falls, Spyro rams his horns into the adornment as hard as he can, smashing it to pieces with a loud, glassy smash!

The Elder Dragons immediately come to, shaking their heads and looking around themselves, confused and groaning, muttering to themselves. Astor rubs his tired, old eyes before looking down at Gasty's ass, stuffed with all three of their cocks. Lindar looks to Astor in shock, almost offended before seeing that his cock is also buried in the gnorc's ass. Magnus can only look at Gnasty in confusion, wondering how he got there.

"Get out of me, you disgusting fools!" Gnasty commands, "I order you to obey me... and destroy that purple piece of filth!"

"Ah... e-excuse me," Lindar says, raising a finger as he speaks, "but we are under no obligation to do as you say. If I recall correctly... you're the bad-guy. We defeat you, we don't obey you."

"What did you..." Gnasty looks back at the Elder Dragons who remove their precum-covered dicks from his asshole, "You're not... under the spell?"

"What spell, now?" Astor says, scratching his chin.

Magnus leans over and whispers the details into Astor's ear, "...and now we're here."

"Ah, okay! Yes... Gnasty, we're not under any spell, apparently, no," Astor says, clearing his throat.

"Spyro!" Magnus calls, turning away from the perverted visionary, "You've done it again, my boy!"

"Sparx came up with the idea. Still, I have no idea where he went before all this happened," Spyro says, looking quizzically at the sheepish insect.

"What matters is that you've both come through yet again," Magnus sighs, "Meanwhile... what shall we do with this bulbous beast?" Magnus and Spyro look to the three at the throne; Lindar and Astor are instigating Gnasty, making him angry and flustered. Spyro raises an eyebrow before looking at Magnus, who looks down at his still erect cock. "Hmm... no sense in allowing a perfectly good opportunity to go to waste."

Spyro leaps through a portal that immediately transports him back to the Artisans Homeworld while Sparx takes his time. The dragonfly looks to the three Elders, who surround Gnasty with grins on their faces. He shrugs, flying through the portal to catch up to Spyro, disappearing from Gnasty's colosseum.

"Get your filthy paws off me!" Gnasty growls, "Someone help! Don't just sit there watching! Help me, idiots!"

"Oh, Gnasty... hush now," Magnus says, stroking his cock and positioning it against Gnasty's asshole, "We're only obeying your orders, after all."

"Fuck the shit outta that annoying thing," Lindar says, deviously grinning as he strokes himself, waiting for his turn.

"W-wait! Astor! You understand, right? It was all just a misunderstanding!" Gnasty begs, reaching for Astor.

"Hmm? Ah, say what now?" the old dragon says, looking at Gnasty, "Oh dear... what's going on here? Who're you?"

Gnasty groans, squeezing his eyes shut, "Oh boy..."