Sitting Room (commission for Zeus Hartline)

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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Commission for @ ZeusHartline on Twitter! This was so much fun, thanks dude.

Ref sheet of his character by @ kalchivo on Twitter

Bottoms Out was Jon's favorite bar for very obvious reasons. Of course, he had no problems squeakily ingratiating himself into the back of strangers' pants in more "normal" bars, but here it was especially easy to go for any butt his tusks took a liking to, since that was indeed the establishment's theme. While the creaky pub's title was slightly misleading in that no nudity was allowed in the main bar space, there were several rooms in the back absolutely dedicated to blissful butthole business. Jon had spent plenty of time in all of the rooms, getting amazing assholes pressed to his lips for hours on end, and even sometimes getting his own fingered for just as long. But today, he was in the mood for butthole. And he was in the mood for BIG.

Thankfully, big was on the menu, and it was sitting at the very end of the bar. Jon had been hungrily scoping out the huge Maine-breed cat ever since ordering his first beer. Now, quaffing the last third of that beer with a hearty gulp, he was sure he could make his move. With his oral fixation for oat soda fulfilled, it was time to sate his mouth's other obsession.

"Hi there, big guy! I'm Jon. Mind if I get a feel?" the sabertoothed otter practically chirped as he lightly occupied the barstool next to the hulking feline he was interested in.

" mean of my ass? Sure, go ahead I guess. I'm Zeus." The cat's muscular back rippled as he shifted on his seat, letting his tightly toned ass wriggle off the rear of the stool.

Jon stared down at the waistband that hugged that rump, and had to close his mouth to keep a runnel of drool from dripping down one of his fangs. His dexterous fingers lightly squeezed the fabric over the cat's rump and then dipped down into the waistband, feeling heavenly warm fluffy fur on the bare butt inside.

But even warmer and more heavenly was Jon's ultimate target further down. The otter muttered pleasantly to his new acquaintance, "You have a seriously awesome ass. I'd love to get one of the Sitting Rooms to ourselves and get a REALLY close look at...this." Jon timed his wording perfectly to the moment two of his fingertips slipped dryly over Zeus's asshole and rubbed slowly around the fleshy rim.

Zeus had been mildly nervous about coming to such an "open-minded" place, and had felt another pang of fight-or-flight response when the friendly otter had propositioned him so freely, but now he smiled into his delicious blueberry/vodka slushie. "That'd be pretty fun. I think my ass would love to make your mouth's acquaintance. But, just keep in mind..." he glanced over and, behind his stylish square-frame glasses, his gaze flicked up and down the otter's lanky frame, "I'm 400 pounds of musclegut, you sure you can handle that much ass?"

Jon's maw only gushed full of saliva at the literally mouthwatering idea of "that much ass". He had to gulp it down, but then he licked one of his pearly white saberteeth confidently. "Any bartender here will tell you I'm the champion of asshole-handling. Let's go see what you've got!" He punctuated his boast with a firm rubbing swipe of his fingers across all the wrinkles of the big cat's big asshole, strumming it like the guitar he played at this very bar every Saturday night. Then, wiggling his thin fingertips against the very center of the hot pucker, he managed to slip them into the orifice just half an inch or so, and give the rim a quick teasing shake from side to side.

What really made Zeus sure that he was going to have to give this sly slinky otter a try, though, was when Jon pulled his fingers out of Zeus's asshole and pants, and ran those same fingers in front of his big ottery nostrils, taking a deep huff while his gray eyes rolled momentarily.

Zeus finished his own drink with one more refreshing sip, and instead of ordering another from the bartender, requested a key on a ring for Room #4.

Despite being cozy and surprisingly well-equipped with a cushioned bench, an open-bottomed chair, and plenty of lubrication and protection supplies, the dimly lit room was not perfectly sound-insulated. Jon found that part of the Sitting Rooms' charm though; there was a sense of comradeship he always felt from hearing the soft (and sometimes not-so-soft) groans, moans, and grunted phrases from the neighboring rooms. He felt comfortable here among his butthole brothers.

With a swish of his rudder as Zeus closed the door behind them, Jon hopped up on the bench gracefully, turning lengthwise and scooting his own skinny but pert ass down until he was lying on his back expectantly. He gave his best fangy smirk to the large cat man, who was already removing his shirt, revealing a much lighter tan color on his chiseled yet chunky front than the rest of his broadly-striped brown fur. "Ready to butthole me up, big boy?" the otter purred through his teeth.

Zeus nonchalantly removed his pants and underwear, letting a lovely and still-flaccid penis flop out into Jon's view. When he stood back up from removing the garments from his ankles, Zeus drew up to every inch of his 7-foot-plus height, and for the first time Jon started to wonder if maybe he WAS in over his head. Or over his mouth.

The muscled feline gracefully swung a beefy leg over Jon's head to the floor on the other side. At his height, he easily straddled the bench. Jon's mouth let out an involuntary moan of "ohhhh..." as he was faced with his favorite view: a very bare, very BIG ass looming over him and ready to take over his lips.

"I'll give you one more chance to tap out, otter," Zeus growled playfully but with meaning, his massively thick and fluffy tail lifting lazily and swishing back and forth over the otter's face.

Jon gulped. "Nope. I want that asshole. Lay it on me."

"You said it." The cat's thighs flexed as he lowered down and back, ignoring the last-moment moan of fear from Jon's lips. The otter got only a second's tantalizing glimpse of Zeus's brownish-pink anus as the ass cheeks flattened and parted, before all he knew was Ass.

This was exactly why he had spotted Zeus at first; he loved getting just taken over by Ass, his whole world and view becoming nothing but inner butt cheeks and asshole. The warmth and wrinkles of the feline's anus enveloped his lips, and his back arched instinctually, thrusting his clothed hips up in the air. Zeus's asshole wasn't terribly large proportionately to the rest of his body, but due to the two males' size difference, the butthole was nearly as large as the otter's entire mouth. Jon began gratefully suckling and smooching at the deliciously unwashed hole, doing what he did best in the world, losing himself in butthole bliss, just getting comfortable-

WHUMP. Zeus's thighs relaxed. Four hundred pounds of muscle and cat knocked Jon's head back onto the mercifully padded bench. Anyone watching would have seen the otter's eyes bug out in alarm before they too were covered by fleshy flexing furry buttocks. Jon's hands spasmed, his hips thrust wildly.

"Like I said, otter. You said to butthole you up. Hope my weight doesn't crack your skull...or your fangs. Now. Lick. Suck."

Jon's thick side-mouth fangs were his pride and joy, and he was extra grateful for them now, since they kept the huge dominating butt cheeks spread so his mouth could work. Almost fearfully, he slipped his tongue out and swiped it over the folds of Zeus's pulsingly hot and naturally flavorful asshole. His head felt suddenly fragile, and the morbid thrill of being put under the pressure of every pound the cat's upper half had to offer made the situation all the more risky and thrilling.

Zeus was now the one purring, as he started to grind his rear end from side to side around Jon's head. Only little mewls and chirps and occasional moans could be heard from the well-smushed otter. The big cat clenched his cheeks around Jon's head to make his asshole flex as well. He noticed there was a button for an intercom to the bar on the near wall, and he thought with pleasure about ordering another drink to the room. He didn't feel like going anywhere for a while.

Don't Worry

1 _"Perfect. Cock the brow, give us that grin. You're the struttin'est stud around, and you know it. Clench the butt cheeks, bedroom eyes...aww yeah, that's it. Hold the back muscles, hmmmm. Lift the arms. There it is! Right there! Hold!"_ _The...

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