When Reality Dreams

Story by TenebraeVulpis on SoFurry

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"Seventeen years old and still such a child..." This is what was said of the youth known as Kody.

Kody didn't care what anyone else said. He was happy in his own delusions of fantasy and adventure. While the rest of the sophomore class focused on lectures and obtaining good grades, he daydreamed of anything and everything. His favorite, and most prevalent, dealt with Rachael, a character of his own mind's eye.

Perfect in every way imaginable, Rachael only existed on paper and in thoughts, but what thoughts and pages those were. Six foot one and a mere two inches above his own head, a slim one-hundred forty pounds, ice blue eyes, and anthropomorphically correct to that of a kangaroo.

Picked on and teased for his lack of reality, Kody developed a strict antisocial behavior, followed by a subconscious habit of working out to divert anger away from others. His shy disposition secluded him from most other forms of mockery and intolerance. For nearly the entire second semester this tactic had worked for avoiding any aggressive action. Then, fate turned against him.

Walking home Kody was proud of his actions. He had defended Rachael from the evils of a group of juniors, with only a week's suspension as punishment. It wasn't until his parents heard the news that his pride was swallowed and regret started to rear its unwanted head.

Grounded, big-time. It only seemed right that his parents would be just as disapproving of his "overactive imagination" as the reality-bound bullies-in-transit of the school. There was nothing to look forward to now but his own introverting mind and four walls of imagination.

At his desk, strategically placed to deter any direct line of sight, he put the day's thoughts down on paper. Kody felt himself to be artistically sound, as did others (if only toward the same character focus), and left no detail out of any drawing. One such masterpiece was his prized possession, safely tucked away under his mattress. It wasn't as though he was a pervert, but any maturing adolescent would begin to gain curiosity toward a more sexual deviance. It was in that centerfold-styled portrait of his Rachael that he had devoted his secret wants and desires.

Time passed and his muse went, once again, from perception to paper until he was satisfied. His hollow, gray eyes hunted wearily for error and found none. What some considered a sick obsession he considered time spent well, and time was clearly shown if one was to look at the detail of his art. With an exhausted mind and weary hand he crawled from the recesses of his solitude and into his bed. And, with arms folded tightly, he drifted out of consciousness.

Before a full hour could pass something became amiss. Lazily Kody's empty eyes opened at the disturbance in the air and glanced about. Nothing that he saw directly seemed out of place. Nothing, that is, until he felt a rustle at the edge of his bed. As a shadowy figure crept up toward his face, his covers were pulled higher and higher.

"W-who's that?" he forced out in a high-pitched squeak. When there was no answer, he questioned further, "Who's there?"

A sound that could only have been an angel, saying something only a figment of his imagination would say, "Who do you think would be crawling on your bed at two in the morning, Walt Disney? I'm your fairy godmother for crying out loud! Oh, wait; this is the Stockwell house, isn't it? Damn! I knew I should've got directions."

Memories started coming to Kody. Scenarios played out in his mind's eye of a particularly risqué meeting between he and Rachael. Then reality struck at the same moment he realized no such anthropomorphic kangaroo could exist, much less be crawling closer and closer to his face.

"I'm dreaming. That's got to be it! As soon as I reach out to try and touch her I'll wake up and everything will be normal again," he said as he hoped he was right. No such luck was with his as a furred hand reached his cheek and stroked it tenderly. "You can't be real. I made you up."

"Just let this happen. Don't question what you know is real," and Rachael pulled the sheets away from Kody's trembling hands.

Closer and closer she moved until it was eminent what she was about to do. Or so Kody thought before she brushed her cheek against his, making sure every single hair was felt. "Wait," he stated suddenly, "I want to see you in the light. I want to see how beautiful you really are."

Tediously she removed her silky figure from the narrow bed. Watching intently, Kody's brightening eyes followed only the sound of each footstep until, with a flash, the room was illuminated. More than he could ever have possibly thought plausible was present before him. His sparkling eyes absorbed every inch of her figure. She was more than perfect. A figure that was perfectly shaped and exceptionally sculpted, bare flesh that was covered by a faultless coat of silky smooth fur, and eyes that were more radiant than the moon at its fullest, she couldn't have been lovelier.

Almost uneasy at the pace, Kody turned to sit on the edge of his twin-sized bed and gawked more so than ever. Rachael held no patience for him and sauntered hastily toward him until she was stomach to face with him. Kneeling gracefully, her hands made quick work of where they wanted to go, clinging on his nighttime shorts.

"Wait, stop... what're you doing?"

Grinning, Rachael started to tug down until his bare skin was exposed. "Trust me, you've got a lot of pent up sexual frustration, and you need to let it all out. I'm just going to help in the process."

Both excited and frightened by a voluptuous figure smiling at his partially exposed body Kody gave a shiver of anticipation. Almost as though waiting for that cue, Rachael lowered her head until her muzzle rested over the tip of his member. As it rapidly grew and hardened Rachael began to tease him by taking long licks from base to tip, playfully raking her sharp teeth against the sides.

Hearing a whimper escape past his lips she stopped and gazed up at his flushed face. "Something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to one side.

Kody blushed heavily and turned away. With a whispered voice he muttered, "I'm already about to..."

"Oh... Oh!" Rachael, finally understanding what he meant, lifted herself high enough to perch on the edge of the bed next to Kody. "Hey now," she said, lifting his chin to face her, "it can't always be just like we imagine now, can it?"

Surprising her, Kody pulled himself close to her chest. Accepting his embrace, she wrapped her arms around his back. Finally pulling away Rachael grabbed for the bottom of his shirt and tugged up. Kody let her pull the shirt over his shoulders and head before tossing it to the floor. "C'mon Kody, don't worry about what happens. Just let the scene play out."

With a hand trailing down his chest Rachael once again positioned herself in front of his barely softening shaft. Again teasing him, Kody was quietly moaning as her mouth slowly took him in. Instinctively his hands fell to her ears, pawing at them wantonly.

Rachael continued her oral fondling until his grip tightened and a small amount of semen dribbled onto her tongue. Taking one last lick she sucked his member clean with fervor. "Now comes the part I'm sure you're gonna like."

She playfully pushed him flat against the bed, his head nearly sliding off the edge. From his perspective he could see everything. She leisurely kneeled over his hips and smiled down at him. "Are you ready for the main event?"

"I..." but no other words escaped, so he gave a nod. Kody's stiff shaft in hand, Rachael positioned her glistening exposed pedals over his head. Carefully she lowered herself until her hips rested on his. They both let out heavy sighs. Kody was trembling, his mind still unable to rationalize any of the sensations he was experiencing. Rachael, on the other hand, was repositioning herself unabashedly.

The pressure encompassing his phallus seemed astounding. The brush of fur against his skin wicked away sweat that had been forming. The sight of a pair of perfectly sculpted breasts resting under the most stunning face ever created left him lustful. The tail that sat heavily against his thigh made his mind start to lose its grip on reality.

Restlessly Kody lifted his hips against Rachael's. Again expecting a cue she lifted herself high until he nearly slipped out of her, then rushed back down to meet his anxious thrust. Then the motion was repeated, and repeated, and repeated. Soon a steady rhythm was formed as Kody's hands met with her sides, holding on tightly.

Before his mind could catch up, the lecherous sounds the two were making had come to a halt. As he looked up, Rachael caught his stare and smiled. She bent over smoothly and pressed herself against him. "So, what did you think?"

Realizing he was spent so soon he embarrassingly tried to press into her with his softening member, but to no avail. She continued to smile at him and rubbed her cheek against his. "Don't worry, you tried you best," she comforted, giving his cheek a soft kiss.

Minutes later they were snuggling together quietly, mixing in small conversations every now and then. "I don't know, I guess I just always thought that it would be more, you know... romantic."

Giggling, Rachael ran a hand through his hair. "No, Kody, the romance happens before and after. During, there's only passion..."

The clock on the far wall continued to tick, displaying more and more the lack of sleep that Kody had not been accustomed to. Wearily the lids of his tired eyes grew heavy. Not wanting to ruin the moment with subtle endings, he tucked himself close to Rachael, his head on her chest, and silently fell asleep.

The morning came too soon and Kody was forced to pry his still eyes from their lids. Nothing of the night before was real, he was sure of it. Still, the edge of his bed felt closer than ever. Before his motor functions fully returned to his control he was sent toppling off, dragging a heavier-than-before comforter with him. A yelp of surprise filled the air, he was sure, but from where was left uncertain. Frantically his colorless eyes dove in and out of sheets looking for a source.

"You know, there are better ways to wake someone up, and less painful," Rachael whined, mumbling toward the end.

Shocked Kody felt his heart skip a beat. "It wasn't just a dream?"

"No, not unless you call reality a dream." The second his brain processed those words, a flicker of color filled the corner of his wide eye. Reality meant nothing to him now, because he had what he had only been able to imagine only inches away.

A twinge of uncertainty spun through Kody's head. "Okay," he began, "if this is all still real, then how am I going to explain it all to my parents?"

Rachael smiled and then laughed shortly before reaching for Kody. "I don't know. I guess you could always just convince them that they're still dreaming."