Chapter 18 “Aftermath”

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#2 of Book 1: The Dark Sound Of Steel

Chapter 18



( Fallout 4 OST - Of Green and Grey )

The brown-furred husky sat on the bedside of two mammals that were in deep sleep, somewhat looking unstable.

Those were Robert and Amir.

The stimpak treatment had been done in time, more or less, but it wasn't going to save them from possible health problems that would follow. Amir's lung had been saved and the bullet had pushed itself out from his body, but breathing problems would be a most likely case. The medicine as developed as it was, wasn't perfect by any means. It was enough to save the doctor bunny's life, but the torn flesh bits inside the lung were still a real deal. It was going to be complicated for Amir to help his situation since he was the only one in the vault with surgical experience. You can't exactly operate on yourself.

All he had to hope was that the bunny would not struggle on his everyday tasks after this one too much. Along with his wise mind misfunctioning possible over such a traumatic event. Getting shot by Mel must have been rather bad memory to have, as the two had considered each other's friends.

Robert was going to pull it through maybe easier. But yet, he had lost his toe. Two of them in fact. Along with the scrape of a bullet at the neck, causing a lot of blood loss. But the raccoon was a strong spirit. It was clear since he was ready to shoot Calvin and the others by Mel's side even in his condition. Charlie had to respect that fact. Once Robert would remember Sax killing Mel most likely as his first thing after waking up, it would be a hard thing to watch. He would hold himself guilty even to some degree. But Mel had made his choice and he could have not been saved. On the other hand,... Charlie knew that if he had not focused on beating Calvin so much out of anger on the floor, he could have maybe stopped the death of his friend in time. But it was too late to waddle on "what ifs".

Things went the way they did... And the storm inside vault 55 had finally settled.

Charlie felt like the hardest part was still to follow. The explanations to the mammals of the vault. How would they ever be able to process truly the magnitude of the events that took place within these two days?

To them, Charlie was still a monster out of his shell, and Calvin was missing.

And the young ones... How awkward it would be to enter that classroom and tell them, just like everyone else about the terror that had taken place at the lowest deck of the vault, and the events that led up to it.

Xavier was dead. Randal was dead. Eli was dead. Sax, Tony, Richard, and Mel... Were dead.

Amir and Robert almost died as well.

Tamir was missing. The old otter guard was nowhere to be seen.

Calvin was the one tied up in the middle of the dead bodies, still in the room where Charlie had been held. All the husky had gotten for the old weasel was a bottle of water, a pot to do his needs in, and can of tomato soup. The only thing he had given as medical aid to the weasel was a painkiller, but he was not going to sacrifice a stimpak on him after what he had tried to do.

His face was never going to be the same. It would take easily almost a year to heal. Probably even blinking his eyes hurt. And Charlie would only feel good about thinking that. It was all deserved.

Now, it was all about fixing his image to everyone else and restoring some remote order and routine back into the vault, all while figuring out what to do to Calvin. He had already let down Dion by killing Richard and Sax despite his promise, but it was necessary. If those two would live, they could try to release Calvin before long, or worse, try to Dion or Ryan in a someway in order to revenge back to the husky.

The silence in the med bay was somewhat calming, after all the storm that had been going around the place.

Yet... The adrenaline still was felt in Charlie's body all over.

He felt disgusted. Not by his actions or the outcomes.

But that he felt good.

He felt alive.

This whole day and one before made him feel like... Like it was an actual breath of old Texas air. Taste of reality. And that the playtime and stale days were over. Not that he felt like all that time was useless truly, watching his sons and the young one's shape into wise adults was the biggest motivation of all.

But this whole fighting... Facing that small danger of death, killing people who deserved it...

It felt good.

And that was the part that disgusted him slowly. He shouldn't feel good. Two of his close friends died. Well, not close, but yet... He should feel sadder for them than he really did. And yet... He felt slightly numb. But he would get over the sorrow in days, and he knew it. How fucked up was that? You knew Eli and Mel for ten years. Played cards with them, drank with them, talked with them, learned to know them as a person. And yet... You only felt like you lost some far, far relatives.

Have you really grown so empty of feelings?

Have you-


The call for his attention made him raise from the chair, one leg ready to give a kick to whoever managed to sneak upon him.

And his aggressive stance settled down the moment he saw that it was just as startled female raccoon.

Sandy was standing in front of him at the open doorway, gazing on Charlie nervously and whispering.


"... No. My apologies." Charlie said back quietly, feeling somewhat uncomfortable now in her presence as he sat down on his seat, turning to look at Amir and Robert again.

"I guess I shouldn't be that surprised that you are... Still on the edge. After everything." Sandy said quietly, approaching slowly behind him.

"... But I shouldn't be." Charlie stated like it bothered him clearly.

The silence continued between the two, Sandy slowly laying her paw on the edge of Charlie's seat.

"... Can we talk?"

"... Well, you are here." Charlie said, taking a deep breath and not bothering to turn to look at her way.

"... I don't know where to truly begin." She said carefully.

"... Take your time then. I'm not going anywhere until these two wake up. I owe it to them to watch for their safe recovery." Charlie said.

She thought her question for a moment.

"Will it be you now?"

"... Hmm?" Charlie hummed in question.

"To lead us all. To take over Calvin?" She asked like it was clear that it would be the case.

"...No," Charlie said after two seconds of thinking.

"No?" She asked in confusion.

"I've made it clear many times to everyone and even Calvin himself that I never wanted to lead this place."

"So, who will lead then?" Sandy asked.

"Tio," Charlie said without hesitation.

"... Tio is twenty years old." Sandy said like it was a horrible idea.

"He is. But I've seen younger ones become leaders of even bigger communities. He can do it." Charlie said, sounding sure of it.

"... You didn't kill Calvin, did you?" Sandy asked quietly.

"... Not yet." Charlie said.

"Will you?" She asked, sounding almost keen to the idea.

This caught Charlie's attention, the dog slowly turning to look over his shoulder at the raccoon.

"... You still love him. Why would you want him dead?"

"... I do not love him, Charlie." She said like it was far from the truth.

"The things he said made it seem a little different, Sandy."

"Whatever he said to you in order to hurt your feelings, doesn't matter. Did you see me begging for his life when we left?" She asked now a but aggressively, not liking Charlie's accuses.

"... No, I did not. But maybe you were just too much of a coward to do so anymore and felt shame." Charlie said, hinting it as a pretty obvious option.

"Shame for what?" She asked angrily.

"That this plan of yours and his didn't work the way it did. You didn't want to be on the losing side." Charlie said coldly.

"... I-" She stuttered, feeling enraged over Charlie saying things like that.

Charlie turned to look at the raccoon again and spoke with low tone, his gaze drilling into the raccoon.

"Sandy, look at me in the eye and tell me that you didn't spy on me all these years? Keep memoirs of our conversations? Tell him that I didn't want a child with you?"

"I did, but-"

"Is this the bullshit part where you say you did it all for me? This I want to hear."

"... No, I didn't do it for you." She said, knowing it was time to end lies and speak straight.

"Honesty. A good start. Who did you do it then? Calvin, I assume-"

"I did what I had to do to survive. He would have killed me otherwise. You think that he would have allowed me to dishonor my wows to him without getting something in retu-"

"No, I don't imagine he would. Why didn't you kill him, instead?" Charlie asked like it was confusing.

"... I... Wh-what?" Sandy asked just as taken back.

"He trusted you enough still after to let you close. I imagine you reported my comings and goings often to him. You had to. And your words portray everything as if you hated him... Why not just end it all yourself? Take a knife from the kitchen, and kill him? In his office? With no guards around? There must have been more than a few opportunities for... How many years?" Charlie asked mockingly.

"I AM NOT A MURDERER." She said with a strong voice, sounding like Charlie was out of his mind.

Charlie gave a frustrated grunt and spoke angrily.

"And yet you were ready to part take in one by locking Amir and my fucking children into a dark abandoned room, knowing that Calvin would maybe even go as extreme as not only kill me but Amir, Dion, and Ryan as well if he felt like it. You assisted him in all of this. Out of what? Fear?... Female or not, where is your integrity?"


The raccoon gave a firm smack of a palm right across Charlie's cheek, making his eyes close and his lungs take a deep breath as he tried to control himself, having not expected that at all. Sandy was looking furious, panting and partly freaked out by the fact that she had just done that.

Charlie slowly opened his eyes, standing up from the chair and looking at Sandy with a rather threatening gaze. But he spoke nothing.

Sandy felt scared first, but her emotions took over her as she began raving at the dog.

"I... Have suffered things you can't imagine. He beat me. He kept me in fear. He forced himself on me. He made me feel like I was nothing. You judge me for not being... What? Capable of murder? To not fight back? I DO NOT COME FROM THE FUCKING PLACE THAT YOU ARE FROM! I know that whatever shit you have been through has made you think things a bit different, but I wasn't raised to that! I wasn't raised to be strong! -" She raved, almost crying.

"If he did all those things to you, and you truly were that afraid to resist him, then why didn't you tell me?" Charlie asked, feeling bad for hearing all this but yet even more frustrated.

"... Why? You wouldn't have cared?" She asked like it was never an option.

"... That is not true-"

"You care about nobody but your children and your dead wife." She said bluntly.

"..." That made Charlie shut up really quick.

The husky took a step forward, trying to intimidate the raccoon over such harsh spoken words, but this time Sandy didn't back off. She kept going.

"You know it's true. Those three... Is all you have learned to care about. You would do anything to keep Dion and Ryan secure and alive. I doubt that you were really in any kind of danger for a moment of it all or your children. You would never allow anything to happen to them. Whatever happened in that room before we walked in... I knew you had the situation under control, and you would have survived it all without any kind of help. Because you are not like us. It came clear to me the moment that I stood in that hall, seeing what you did to Elliot and Xavier. How you spoke to Randal and Calvin. I never have known the true Charlie Winchester. Not before that day. Not even a glimpse of it. And yet... After that day... I knew that I could rest easy. No matter if I would go along with Calvin's plans, whatever they were. However, he thought he would win... I knew what would happen. No matter the odds. You were going to end this game between you once and for all, and all I decided to do was to play along, knowing that he would lose."

Charlie's stance slowly relaxed after hearing all that, seeing that Sandy was out of lies and believed in what she had just said. At least to most of it.

Charlie took a deep breath and then spoke quietly.

"... You didn't answer the question."

"... Question?"

"Why did you never trust me enough to tell me about Calvin's plan all along or trust me enough to tell me about how you were being treated, and what danger you were in?"

"... If you were not ready to ever show your true nature as you did in that hall, to me... If you didn't trust enough to tell about any of that... The things that you have been through, the life before the vault... How could I do the same for you? You didn't even think me worthy enough to give you a child. You never thought me female enough to even publicly belong to you. To you... I was just a lover at night. And that is how you always wanted to keep it. So why would you think for a second that I would have it in me to tell what was really going on?"

"... You really think that I thought so low of you?" Charlie asked, now feeling even worse about himself for not seeing it all.

"... I don't know..." She whispered, looking down and wanting to cry.

The room was quiet again. Charlie took a deep breath, feeling shameful. She just stood there, avoiding eye contact. But slowly, the husky came closer, bringing his paw to Sandy's cheek and making her lift her gaze up to look at him.

"... I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry that I made you feel this way." He said with genuine intent.

"..." She didn't know what to say to that. But the closeness and the eyes were comforting, and Charlie didn't stop there.

"It was never about you being worthy, Sandy. It was about me. And I know as many times as you have heard that over and over... I am scared to love. I don't know if I CAN... Love anyone anymore. Part of me once did. And every inch of my soul tells me day after day to let go, and submit yourself to the fact that you are never going back. I have struggled ten years of this. And I'm tired. Tired of resisting it, to avoid letting myself love again. To give it a chance. My feelings for you were never just about sex. And I ignored that feeling. Because I thought I would end up letting you down. That I would be a horrible companion to you." Charlie explained, feeling relieved to truly lay out how he felt at this moment.

She was quiet, trying to gather her emotions and stepping closer, Charlie bringing his paw to her hip and waiting for her to answer.

For a moment, there was even a small smile on her lips, as she wondered if she should say what she thought or not. Then she spoke quietly.

"... Well... I doubt you would be more horrible than Calvin."

The unexpected grim joke made Charlie give a small amused cough, the dog answering back.

"No... I expect it wouldn't be that bad."

"... Charlie... Are you saying... That you..."

"... I truly don't know." Charlie said quietly.

"... You know that it is not too late for us yet. To... Try to move on and try again. Now that Calvin is no more... Now that there is no confusion or danger." She said back as a whisper, her tone more than hopeful.

"... "Charlie said nothing.

She proceeded carefully, feeling Charlie's paws travel behind her back.

"Charlie... I know that you are afraid that our relationship would fail... But anything right now is better than loneliness. I know that we both have our problems but... If you feel like you would be ready... To let yourself try... You know that I-"

The brown-furred husky broke off her talk, leaning in and kissing her.

It took only a mere second from the raccoon to answer to the sudden affection, her paws traveling to Charlie's chest as they started to wildly tongue kiss each other, closing their eyes and letting the adrenaline find another way of releasing itself from still remaining stress.

The two kept going for a while, until Sandy broke the kiss-off, her panting getting a bit wilder and her gaze turning to avoid Charlie's eyes.

"... Charlie..." She whispered.

"...Sandy." The dog said with a small smile.

"Does this mean that you forgive me?" She asked, still feeling uncomfortable.

"... What?"

"I betrayed you. Even if I did bet on you surviving through this and Calvin losing it all... You were right. I still aided him. Does this mean that you will forgive me?" Sandy asked, wanting to hear it.

"... I guess part of me tells constantly tells that it's not something I can just forget. But if you think that I consider you a threat to me or anyone? I don't. It's always been the harsh reality in me to constantly expect that people around me should find the strength to be capable of doing extreme choices. Me expecting you to kill Calvin yourself." Charlie apologized.

"... Is that a normal thing where you come from then?" Sandy asked quietly.

"... To some degree. Someone threatens your life and safety, you are usually forced to act on it to survive, one way or another. A man like Calvin... He wouldn't last a few days out there." Charlie said like it was a fact.

"Judging by your words, neither would I." She said with a somber tone.

"..." Charlie didn't say anything to that. Sandy slowly gave a bit of personal space, distancing herself a bit from the husky as she cleared her throat.

"So... About Tio."

"... That's an odd change of subject."

"Charlie... Do you really expect that things are going to turn normal? And Tio just magically takes over control and we look up to him for guidance?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"... No." Charlie sighed.

"So... What do we..."

"I guess... I will have to tutor Tio to the best of my capabilities to settle him in his new position. I imagine it will be much less stressful for him to learn from me rather than Calvin. It will make my days busier but I imagine that it's good to keep my mind occupied." Charlie sighed.

"So, you will be training Tio to lead?" She asked with interest.

"... I don't really see alternatives. I have very little experience on how to control data logs, manage resource and make sure that the labor is aimed at it's needed places around the vault to keep this place going. Challenging but doable. But I know how to lead people and how to shape someone to be admired in his position. Tio is incredibly gifted with wisdom and willingness to learn, so I imagine he will be the smartest and most capable overseer this vault has ever had, within years." Charlie explained with a shrug.

"... Tio doesn't like people. It will affect their perspectives about him. They will never love him." Sandy said with a sad tone.

"A rather harsh thing to say, but maybe you are right. But I will make sure that he won't end up as isolated as Calvin. Practicing social skills can be something I can aid on aside." Charlie said with a peep of smile.

"... I see you have all this figured out already." She said, sounding surprised.

"That's because you were right. I was never in any danger and I knew how this whole scuffle with me and Calvin would end. If you are prepared for the outcome, you have plenty of time to figure out how things continue after." Charlie said with a confident smirk.

"..." She gave one back out of surprise, not saying anything.

"... But for now,... I have bigger issues still to be fixed. The whole overseer hassle can wait, but there are still two very big piles of mess that need something to be done about them.

"... Which are?"

"Well, how about we start with the fact that most of the mammals in this vault think I am still crazy, waiting for trial and locked up somewhere? Right now, they are looking for Calvin and asking questions most likely all over. Lining up behind Calvin's office. It's going to be awkward to explain to everyone how things really went and how many mammals have died today. Restoring my image despite the truth will be an easy thing for the young ones, since all they have is rumors of my actions, and they know me better than the adults in this place-"

"THINK... That they know you." She reminded.

"... Sandy-" Charlie began in frustration.

"They owe to know the truth about you. And what you did. You can't expect them to just ignore the fact that you are a murderer." Sandy stated.

"Well, you certainly are not helping my anxiety about th-" Charlie began even more frustrated.

"I am not judging you. You did what had to be done. So, you have to make it clear that they understand that as well."

"Yes... But I can manage all that. But fixing my image and explaining truths to everyone is only half of the problems I have now." Charlie sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Which is the other half?" Sandy asked.

"... Niles." Charlie said quietly.

Her expression turned sad right away after realizing that as well.

"... Jesus Christ, I had completely forgotten."

"He will never be the same and now he has no relatives left to look up to or rely on in this vault. And frankly, I can't settle with it. I want to do right by him, and I want to tell him that he is going to be strong enough to keep going after all this horror that he has been through, the same as you... But I have no idea how he feels about me. He is still so damn young to go through all this." Charlie explained with a sad tone.

"... You? You saved him?" Sandy asked, not understanding.

"That can be a fickle conclusion. He might have hated and feared his father to death but he was still his kin. My actions got him killed and I feel good about it since he is now safe. But the trauma along with the remainder in the back of the head will remain and can lead to dark ideas. Because of me, he has no kin left. He is an orphan now, all alone. He will have to sleep his nights alone in that room, filled with bad memories and forced to keep going." Charlie stated like he was sure of it.

"... He is not alone. He has you. You love that boy more than Randal ever did." Sandy argued back like Charlie was worrying over nothing.

"I know... But it is not too far-fetched that Niles could within years learn to harbor some kind of hate, still. Trust me, I know."

"... I wouldn't be so sure of it, even if you see it that way. He will be more than likely to look up to you as his father figure to some degree now. You should find comfort in that." Sandy reminded.

"... Mhh. I know..."

"And what comes to others' opinions about you... I know you are confident enough to pull through it and make them love you again. They will fear you more than anyone, but you can't blame them. But you really think that they would be hating you over the fact that overseer that they have despised for so long is now out of the picture, and that vault is finally safe? They should feel grateful to you." She confessed like it was the truth.

Charlie gave a small smile at that and spoke.

"... I'm glad you see it that way... But I've had skeptical mind for as long as I have lived... So maybe a healthy amount of paranoia is still there."

Sandy was quiet for a while but then began talking awkwardly like this subject bothered her.

"Charlie... Dion and Ryan... I know it's not my business, but-"

"... It's not something that I am even remotely ready to go through. The talk with them. They were the last ones I wanted to witness what I was capable of and what I... What I did to protect them." Charlie said somberly, rubbing his nose bridge and feeling like his following days would be nothing but explaining himself.

"... I can imagine."

"Dion thinks I am a monster. And how can I blame him? He is so pure-hearted. How many chances are there of someone good as him coming to this world? I keep sometimes thinking it in my bed before sleepover and over... He is... Just... When a man like me... After the things that I have done... Can give life to someone so different and... "


"... He is just like his mother." Charlie said so quietly that Sandy barely heard it.

"..." She slowly approached closer, listening carefully as the husky was unexpectedly opening up to her like this.

"He will hate me for this. And as fucked up it is for a father to say this... Sometimes I think I don't deserve him. This world doesn't deserve him. Or maybe it does and all of us rest are just rotten. There isn't an inch of bad will in that child and it terrifies me when it comes to his safety. All the time. Life around us isn't built for his innocence." Charlie said, feeling his eyes going glossy a bit.

"... Charlie..." Sandy whispered with sympathy.

The husky held his emotions back, shaking his head a bit and looking self-hating as he then spoke.

"And Ryan... Jesus... I don't know which alternative is worse. I saw the way Ryan looked at me during all of this... He admired me. For the first time in my life? How is that not alarming? A red light? He has always loved me, respected me and followed my footsteps to a certain point... But god... For the first time in my life, he actually admired me, when I was doing things that he shouldn't have ever witnessed. He likes it. I could see it from his eyes."

"... L-like... What?" Sandy asked scaredly.

"... Killing. Death. Fighting. When he saw me like that... It was nothing but pride. Interest. Admiration. Like he always knew that things I told was bullshit and he hated me for these lies all this time. He saw right through them. His heart was prepared to witness what I did today more than I think even I was. And Sandy... It terrifies the fuck out of me. To see him like that. I always wanted him to be more or less like Dion. To have innocence, to aim his life towards safe and comfortable things. Like anyone of his age should. And he has fought with every fiber of his being to do that. I am afraid... That he becomes like me. And I truly don't know what to do." Charlie said, feeling totally worried out of his mind.

"... Charlie... What are you trying to say?"

"That I can't control him. He has the blood of adventurer inside him. He will sooner or later feel trapped, as I have. And he will escape. He will leave the vault, with or without my say in it. And he will be consumed by what is out there. Assuming he even survives. And I will rather die than let him go out there to be destroyed for good. I want to keep him safe... And I don't know if I can do that, once the excitement is now there. Hunger."

"... I don't think he would do that, no matter how much he wanted it."


"Because of Niles. He would never leave Niles behind. He is his best friend." Sandy stated like it was a detail Charlie had forgotten.

"... He will talk Niles into going with him." Charlie said like it was no obstacle at all.

"Because he has nothing left here?" Sandy assumed.

"... No." Charlie said quietly.


"They love each other." Charlie let out, knowing that Sandy was the first one to know.

"... What?" Sandy raised an eyebrow.

"Niles and Ryan are together," Charlie said again.

"... A-as in?" Sandy tried to figure out if Charlie was implying what she thought he was.

"A father knows when he knows. Ryan is gay." Charlie said calmly with a deep breath.

"... Wh-... Wait, really?" Sandy asked with wide eyes, having not expected such an answer.

"It is... Crazy how it all came to happen like this. All this chaos. With me and Calvin. It all came down to Ryan and Niles." Charlie chuckled at the madness of it.

"I don't... Understand."

Charlie took a deep breath, leaning against the back of the seat, scooting his tail to the side as he spoke.

"It all started a week ago. Calvin told that he would shape Niles into an overseer and take over his position. I wouldn't have been angry as I was about the choice, truly, until he gave me the harsh command. He told that he didn't want Niles to train with Ryan anymore. Their self-defense classes. But I knew it wasn't only that. Calvin might have been too ashamed to squeeze the true fear of his out but he isn't that stupid and I wasn't stupid enough to be blind to it either. He knew that Niles had romantic feelings for my son, and knew it would be a terrible obstacle." Charlie explained.

"... I... I never expected... O-obstacle how?"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and spoke calmly.

"Well, it is simple in the end. If Niles would spend more time with Calvin and get isolated from Ryan's company in every turn, he would maybe get rid of his affections for Ryan. And I can imagine that if Niles would have kept trying to be with my son despite these separation attempts, Calvin might have gone as extreme as threatening to tell Randal about it. That would have surely fuelled the fear that was already there. But this would have not put just Niles's life in danger. Also, Ryan's. And the moment I knew this whole mess might have led to a possible threat to my son's well-being because of Calvin and Randal... I decided it was time to start the endgame and get Calvin and Randal out of the picture. I did all of this because I wanted to protect both Niles and Ryan." Charlie finished proudly.

"... My god..."

"You judge me over that? That I did all of this to protect their relationship?" Charlie asked with interest.

"... More like confused." She said, having trouble with soaking this information in.

"Why is that?"

"... Well... I don't... Want to sound demeaning, or..."

"... We have been more honest with each other within this half an hour than we have in ten years. Just say what you feel about it."

Sandy took her time to form the words, wishing that what she said would not offend him.

"... Aren't you ashamed of protecting that... Situation? Ryan and Niles. Their... Romance? I... I'd rather imagine that it would be a... The hurtful thing to learn about?"

"... What on earth are you talking about, Sandy?" Charlie asked with a chuckle.

"... Ryan is gay and you are okay with that, as a father?" Sandy asked once more to be clear.

"... It's almost like you are assuming that I should be against it." Charlie asked with a raise of a brow.

"... Shouldn't that be the reaction of every father?" Sandy asked like Charlie was avoiding the question.

"... Sandy... Do you know what I have learned during my life when it comes to fathers?" Charlie asked, taking a deep breath.


Charlie looked over at Jacob's father, slowly turning to look back at Sandy as he spoke warmly.

"They always want to do the right thing. Even if it takes bad actions. Good actions. Something from between. Evil ones, even? They always just want to shape their children into their own image in order to be proud. To have a living and breathing legacy that is there to remind you about your impact in a cycle of life every single day."


"I never wanted that. I never cared about shaping my kids into being like me. Influence is one thing. Guiding is also a beautiful concept... But control. It is something we shouldn't force. That we shouldn't have. We are born as distinctive souls, each different in some way. We don't choose who we love, which gender we feel attracted to, or what we feel inside. Unless we are CONTROLLED to believe otherwise. I have wanted to control my children's safety and worldview, and today I have failed at it. But I have never wanted to control their heart. Who they are or what they want to be? People who are obsessed with legacies of their family name, their image... have seen or experienced nothing beyond CONTROL. And they cast that firmly forward, breaking spirits from the starts and continuing that cycle because it is all they have known."

"..." Sandy just kept listening, not knowing what to feel.

"I am not one of them. I learned not to be one of them. A long time ago. All that matters to me... Is that my children are happy. It's the only thing that should ever matter. Ryan's affection towards Niles comes with danger, but so does all love more or less. If he loves Niles... Who am I to attempt to control him into thinking differently, when he is the happiest when around him? It is a blessing as a parent to see that someone you have brought into this world feels even some kind of joy in the middle of all the shit that surrounds it. And I aim to keep that joy alive by supporting it. Never controlling it."

The room was quiet, Sandy taking a few seconds before answering with a curious tone.

"... You are an odd soul, Charlie Winchester. I'm not sure if... Everyone else would see it that way."

"That is their problem," Charlie said like it was the last thing on the list that would bother him.

"... You do know that... He can't contribute to the vault's society population continuation wise, obviously?" Sandy asked carefully.

"No... Or maybe he does. I truly don't care. Last time I checked there lived nearly a hundred people in here. I'll leave that task to them." Charlie said with an eyeroll.

"... I see."

Charlie then gave a chuckle, Sandy looking at the dog in question and expected him to explain what was so funny.

"You know... My father... His name was Ethan. He liked men. More so than women. I am not deaf to rumors. And I had my fair share of them during my life about my father. Everyone knew that Ethan Winchester was a pillow biter, despite being a legend to his own name. Yet, he fell in love with a woman, and I was born. Life is not always black and white. It is full of surprises." Charlie said optimistically.

"... I... I guess so..." The female raccoon said with an unsure tone.

".... What?" Charlie asked amusedly.

"Were you... Ummm?-" She tried to squeeze out awkwardly.

Which only made Charlie more amused as he spoke.

"Sandy I am straight as an arrow. I never felt the attraction to males, but it is more common out there than one in here would imagine. So, you don't really grow into it with judgment, it is rather a norm."

"... Really?"

"Pretty much. I just never felt keen to the idea, even if I was encouraged to try it. I like pussy too much to think otherwise." Charlie snorted out with a grin.

Sandy rolled her eyes, Charlie then speaking.

"My tastes were always a bit opposite. I personally have witnessed many times a pleasant show of two females playing with eachoth-"

"Ooooookay-" Sandy began, throwing her hands in the air and frowning in t disgust of the idea.

"Little open mind wouldn't kill ya."

"I did not need to hear-"


Sandy and Charlie both turned to look at someone who had walked to the doorway.

The mammal was taking support from the nearby Iv machine, limping slightly and looking at Charlie angrily.

It was Elliot. He had woken up finally from the head trauma Charlie had given him. The brown-furred cat was finally awake, his head wrapped up with bandages.

He panted, looking woozy and speaking to Charlie, partly and angry as he was confused.

"... Where is Calvin? What the fuck have you done? WHERE... IS... CALVIN?"

Charlie's smile died away and his whole energy changed to the same level as Elliot's, the brown-furred husky slowly walking past the concerned looking female raccoon. Charlie whispered at Sandy before walking towards Elliot.

"Keep an eye on them in case they wake up. I will have a talk with Elliot."

"... He will not like what he hears, Charlie." Sandy warned.

"No... But it needs to be done. He will live with it. If you ask me... He is lucky to be alive." Charlie said back without concern, slowly walking to Elliot and stopping in front of him. The cat flinched a bit as the dog gave a hand signal, excusing for the cat to leave the room.

"You hit me."

"We will talk in the next room. I will tell what happened." Charlie promised, giving a tap at Elliot's shoulder to give some comfort of his intentions to settle this peacefully.

As the cat did not walk yet, Charlie walked into the room first.

The cat gave a suspicious glare at the female raccoon in front of him, slowly turning to take his leave and follow after Charlie cautiously.


(Outlast 2 OST - I Thought We Were All Dead - Extended)

Dion was sitting on the shower floor, curled up into a ball, watching slowly as the blood of Amir's and Robert's kept washing off along with the water.

He was in a shock of a kind, the aftermath of chaos finally creeping into him, this warm water against his fur reminding that what he had seen was not some nightmare. He had already been suffering about the one that he had with some miracle gotten rid of... But this... This was no nightmare. It was a reality.

He had witnessed with his own eyes how his father killed Sax and Richard like they were nothing. Like there was no piece of regret in him as he did it.

And the things... the things that he had heard in that moment coming out of his father's mouth. The confessions.

A thousand people killed.

He couldn't shake it off. It is something that you would only imagine some evil monster capable of doing in a horror book.

But this was his loved father. Without a hint of remorse or fear, he had told who he really was and what he had done. And it made Dion's world crumble. He had cried a long time now silently, whimpering and shaking, not wanting to see his father ever again after this. Hell, he didn't even know if he had the courage to come out of this bathroom in weeks. He would most likely starve... But it was still a better option than facing his father or whatever he had to say again to excuse his terrible actions. At this moment, he felt like he was losing his sanity. Those images of dead people, gathering blood across the floors. The screams. The gunshots. His life had been so stale and comfortable before all this. He would have rather taken a thousand beatings from Farin and Maurice than witness what he did today.

At this moment... What he wanted was for Jill to hug him. To comfort him. But he had no idea where Jill was. Most likely looking for him, scared out of her mind. Maybe she would find Dion soon. But still, he wouldn't be able to put his emotions into words. Or be ready to talk about what had happened. He most likely never would be.

And the blood just kept coming. It had stained his fur so much that it just kept on washing away on the floor, making him cry even more.

And what made this all even scarier, was the fact that Ryan wasn't in the same state as him. How was that possible? How was he-


"Brother..." Ryan spoke from the other side carefully.

Dion spoke nothing back.

"Dion." The fox tried again without hesitation.

"... Go away." Dion begged quietly.

"No, I don't think I will," Ryan said back bluntly.

"I said, leave me alone." Dion whimpered.

"... You are wasting half of the vault's water supply by now. You need to come out." Ryan tried to argue, his head pressing against the door in desperation.

"..." Dion didn't answer, the water spending being the last thing that bothered him. In fact, the warmth of the water was the only thing comforting him right now.

First, Ryan was getting frustrated, just wanting to try to break the lock. But he then calmed down a bit, trying to plead for his brother that he didn't want to force him.

"... It's not like I would want to be here. I want to be with Niles. It is killing me that I can't hug him right now, and tell him that it's over. Instead, I am here with-"

"You don't need to be. Go to him." Dion cut Ryan off without second thought.

Ryan tapped the door with his finger in thought, feeling more and more concerned as he spoke.

"... No. He might be my boyfriend... But you are my brother, and I need to know that you are not trying to drown yourself or something."


"I need to know that you are okay-"

"I am. Now, please... Just go to Niles... I want to be alone." Dion begged once more.

"... You clearly are not okay. You sound like you are... Just open this door, please." Ryan stated like he was not about to leave easily.

There was a moment of quiet, and as Ryan was about to talk again, Dion spoke quietly.

"Our dad is a psychopathic serial killer. He killed Richard and Sax just like it was... He is not right in the head!"

"..." Ryan froze, his mouth lowering a bit from hearing such a thing come out of Dion's mouth like it was unreal.

"How can even a remote piece of you somehow think... That I am actually okay? He is a monster. Our dad is...." Dion proceeded to whimper.

"... Our father is not-" Ryan began in Charlie's defense, making spike of anger come from Dion.

"DON'T TALK TO ME! I SAID THAT YOU CAN GO." Dion said with raised and agitated voice, sounding betrayed for expecting Ryan to at least agree somehow.

Ryan took a deep breath, wondering how to process the fact that Dion out of all people he knew would say such things out loud.

The fox began talking back carefully.

"... He loves us and you know he does. Things are not as simple as him being a psycho. He is not... He is just... I know he is going to try to make this all right. We will be okay, Dion. He just... He will explain himself-"

Dion cut him right off, speaking angrily.

"He didn't need to kill anyone! He didn't... He... You heard him! You heard everything he told. He didn't say those things to scare Calvin. He meant all of it! I..."


"I don't want to be his son." Dion finally said with a tone full of sorrow, but at that moment... Saying it was just how he felt.

Now Ryan felt his adrenaline raise part from anger, but part from crushed by the fact that he understood why Dion felt like he did. There was no judging Dion truly for this attitude... Yet it truly hurt, knowing how much Dion normally loved their father.

"... Dion, you can't say something like that!-"

"I WISH HE WAS NOT MY FATHER!" Dion repeated with a cracked up voice, starting to cry again.

"... Dion..." Ryan whispered, just trying to hold his emotions down as hard as it was.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Dion yelled, getting tired of Ryan's words. He just wanted to be left to deal with his thoughts as long as he could.

"... He did what he saw as nessacery to protect us. Like he always does. This time, it got out of hand... And it was fucked up thing to see. It was fucked up enough for me. And just like you, it scares the shit out of me that our dad-"

"You are not scared-" Dion began while crying.

"I AM-" Ryan tried to argue, only for Dion to raise his voice.

"You have never been scared! -"

"Yes, I have. You know that! You think I haven't been on the brink of losing my fucking mind because Niles could have been possibly killed by his psycho father? Randal was the real psychopath, not our father!"


"I am not making excuses; I am telling the truths! -"

"GO AWAY!!!" Dion now screamed, crying harder and feeling like he was about to snap as the blood still was getting washed away from his fur.

This time, Ryan said nothing back. He had never heard his brother sound like this. That trauma was going to stick and not leave easily by any means.

And he knew that Dion was right. That he himself should have been more freaked out about all this. But why was he not? What was wrong?

He felt like he should have been in the same state as Dion was. It was more than a normal reaction, it truly was.

But he just... He felt a bit empty. Anger was more in there. But not over what he saw his father do, the fact that he killed people like that in cold blood...

It was the lies. The thousand lies on top of lies. And to hear him confess his true self this way to Calvin of all people, just to make the weasel shit himself and install fear into the two guards... To assert dominance?

That he didn't process well. He felt betrayed over the fact that his father took all this time to hold the truths inside him and tell about everything like this, in this kind of situation. He should have trusted his own children to tell things how they were. What he had done. Who he was.

It was obvious that the reason "it was not time yet." "you are too young to understand." "I don't want you to fear me" were pretty valid arguments to make on his behalf... Yet... It still felt wrong. To play them so clueless.

To appear as a calm, sporty class teacher... And someone who was a traveling "caravan merchant" out there his whole life...

Only to realize that the same man was responsible for so much death... That his name was something that everyone out there knew... that he had survived it all and fought. And felt prideful about it all.

He felt admiration... Thousand questions that he wanted an answer to... And yet, he wanted to hit his father in the face. Not only on his behalf... But on behalf of Dion. And why was he not here already? Maybe he was such a coward that he wanted to avoid the true conversation about it all to be had with his children. It sure seemed like it. He could have left anyone to watch over Amir and Robert instead of himself. Why was he avoiding them, when it was the worst time for it?

He had to come back to his family quarters sooner or later.

And the fact that Dion had locked himself up inside Charlie's bathroom was not calming. He truly wanted to speak to his brother about this, to calm him down like he always did... Except this time it would not work. Dion was losing his sanity and the concern for him grew every second.

"R... R-Ryan?"

The fox felt his fur buzz up from how much relief there was in the voice that called from behind him.

Niles was standing in the doorway.

The lynx was alone, looking like he had been through the worst day of his life. His fur was ruffled, eyes bloodshot and his overall stance looking horrible, legs shaking.

Ryan didn't hesitate for a moment as he let the gasp out of pure happiness of seeing Niles alive.

The fox stormed towards the lynx, Niles breaking down to cry already before Ryan could reach him, opening his arms and begging for the embrace.

The fox took Niles against him with a strong and warm grip, hands traveling behind his back and squeezing him hard.

"Niles, are you hurt?"

The lynx couldn't answer yet, his voice shivering out of pure euphoria of feeling safe once more. He had needed this feeling for a long time now, and when he finally had it, he just wanted to shut up and stay like this forever.

Ryan knew there was clearly no answer to be had anytime soon, so he just started to warm the lynx with his comforting paws, running them against the back of Niles's head and starting to cry a bit silently himself.

They stood there for a while now, Ryan just calming him down and trying to compose himself.

After a while, the lynx laid the side of his face against Ryan's chest and spoke.

"... I was afraid I would never see you... Ever again."

"... I was not going to let that ever happen."

"..." Niles was quiet, just brushing his cheek against the fox and feeling like falling asleep from a horrible dream that had taken too long.

After a while, the lynx sniffled, trying to squeeze the words out.

"... My dad is... He's..."

"... I know that he is gone. I know." Ryan whispered back calmingly.

The lynx couldn't look at Ryan, as the touch he felt now was too comforting, but he spoke slowly and opened his bloodshot and crying eyes in confusion.

"... Wh-h-how do you? -"

"... I... Hey... How did you know how to find me here?"

"... I didn't... I just... M-Mel took me away a-after what happened, t-to dad... He took me to M... Mr. S-Santino's room... J-Jacob and others were there too. H-he told me to stay put and not go outside. I- I know I should have done as he said... B-but I just wanted to find you. I couldn't stay there. To listen to their questions. T... They tried to comfort me and make me talk but it was too much. I just needed to see you. To know that you are alive. I didn't listen, I just... Stormed out and ran." The lynx confessed, feeling horrible over doing so.

"... You shouldn't have done that. You probably scared Jacob and the rest half to death, they care about you." Ryan said with a concerned tone.

"... I know... I know, and I know that right now they are most likely trying to find me, w-wondering around there... But I couldn't listen to their words anymore, their questions. I needed to get away from the voices and the... Shit, I needed you, I can't-"

"Shhhhh, hey... I'm here... You found me... Calm..." Ryan said quietly, making the lynx get himself together again from his panicked and guilty thoughts.

"... I love you." Ryan whispered to the lynx, giving a warm smile as he squeezed him closer again in the hug hold.

The lynx gave a small exhale out of happiness and closed his eyes for a moment, sniffing loudly.

"... I-I... I love you more." Niles said quietly, finally taking a break from resting his cheek against the fox's chest, bringing his head back and meeting the gaze with the fox.

"It is all over now... It's just... It's us. Nothing else can come between that anymore." Ryan said to the lynx with a smile.

Niles just looked confused and even disappointed that Ryan would say something like that boldly considering the situation.

"... You can't say that. C-Calvin is still out there, with h-his guards. I- I know they could have cached me if they saw me but I had to move quickly. I had to hope that I could have found Dion or better yet your dad, O-or help if-"

"Niles... They are all gone. Out of the picture. We have won." Ryan said almost like it felt unreal to say it as it did good.

"... W-what are you talking about?"

The lynx sniffled, slowly, wiping his tears and expecting anything as an answer, until they both heard the group of familiar voices approach.

"We should have known that he came here!" Sam's voice yelled from the end of the hallway of the Winchester quarters.

"KIDS, STOP RUNNING LIKE THIS! It's my job to keep you all safe and I am already uncomfortable enough to wield this damn knife!" Mr. Santino cursed to them.

It was clear that the young ones had stubbornly made the decision to follow and rescue Niles from possible threats. Santino looked so riled up and paranoid running with a kitchen knife in his hand that he had clearly failed to keep the others in the room with only the voice of authority itself. So, he had ended up following.

"NILES! NILES, GOD DAMNIT, YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF US!" Jacob yelled, Jill, following right next to them and panting. The dog had seen Niles's tail in the hallway, peeking through the open vault door.

"Por qué demonios no cerraron la puerta en primer lugar? ¡O hágale preguntas como esa, cuando claramente no quería hablar de su maldito padre! " Tio yelled annoyedly to his friends.

"English, for fuck's sake, man!" Jacob snapped back.

"I SAID, AHHH FORGET IT!" Tio gave up with a loud groan.

Ryan gave a small smile at the lynx knowingly and said.

"I... I hate that I have to l-let go of you..." Niles whimpered with a sad tone, as he knew that no one should see them this close and intimate, no matter if Ryan was trying to convince him for some reason that there was no fear over such things anymore.

"It might all change soon... Have hope," Ryan said quietly to the lynx, giving him one quick and unanswered peck of a kiss on the muzzle before taking a step back from the lynx, taking a deep breath and witnessing everyone arrive to the doorway.

"Niles, I know that we might have pressed a bit too much but that was unnecessary!" Jacob panted, laying his paw on Niles's shoulder and the lynx just looking down with guilty and tired expression.

Sam came to the lynx's side and looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"Yeah, Calvin or... Whoever is the danger in the vault now, could have grabbed you! Like a boogieman! Or your own father!"

"Ryan. Where is Calvin? Do you know?!" Mr. Santino panted in relief as he saw the fox standing there in good health.

"... Yes."

"Is he in his office?!" Mr. Santino asked loudly with a hopeful expression.

"... No. And I don't imagine he will be either." Ryan said with a somewhat self-satisfied smile.

"... Then... Can you tell where he is?" Santino asked, panting.

"... Busy."

"... Busy doing what? Arguing Charlie? Finally, apprehended him, I hope? I assume they have managed to find each other and wrap up whatever mess they were going through between? Or is this all just hopeful thinking? Mel just damn near shoved Niles into my damn room, telling that situation in the vault is out of hand, and that Niles should be kept safe from Calvin. And that he needed to go and help Charlie before it was too late! Do you know how stressing all that is? Of, what am I babbling to you about it, where is Calvin? I need to speak to him and make sense to all of this at once!"

"... You all really don't know about anything that happened?" Ryan asked like it was going to be a lot to take in all at once.

"... Son, if I knew what in the tarnation is going on around here, I wouldn't be riled up as I am. Now, can you respect your elders and answer the question this time? Killin my damn heart here." Santino huffed.

The fox looked at all of them, seeing the very same, question filled expression on everyone's faces. He then took a deep breath and kept it as simple as he could, as he had no energy to go through the long route of things.

"... Randal is dead. Those who sided with Calvin on revenging Randal and take down my dad for the false crimes he committed... Dead too. Sax. Richard. Tony... They are dead as well." Ryan explained coldly, feeling nothing bad about any of it.

"... RYAN, how exactly would you know all this-?" Mr. Santino began, horrified of hearing something like this coming from young one's mouth so carelessly.

"Because I saw my dad kill both Sax and Richard myself. I was lucky enough to not become one dead body with my brother as well... Although I think my dad was never going to let that happen. He had it all in control from the start. The bodies of everyone are still rotting in one of the basement unit rooms at stage four. Calvin is chained to a chair my father had been stuck in before. Let's just say that my father was not as stupid and weak as Calvin thought and ended up in... Bad shape. He is held up in the locked room. My father is at the med bay right now, that's where we last saw him before taking our leave. We kind of just figured out that it was not time yet to... Talk with him about everything that happened. Dion wanted away from there fast. Dad is still... Watching over the injured ones who are still going to pull it through." Ryan finished.

Santino could not answer to hearing such a thing, slowly starting to walk into the room.

".... Jesus mary and joseph, mierda... insanity...." Santino exhaled, feeling a bit light in the head as he had to walk and sit down to the nearby couch to gather his head together for a moment.

Tio slowly walked after his father, making sure that he was alright.

The others slowly walked into the room now, trying to soak in all of that within seconds, clearly feeling scared as hell.

"... Ryan... Is... Oh god... Y-you actually saw someone... Die?" Jill asked with a scared tone, the fox giving a small nod and not saying anything. He may have not seen the act itself but seeing bodies was borderline the same thing.

"Dude... Are you... Are you okay?" Jacob asked carefully with a horrified expression, the same as everyone else.

"... I'm fine. I am. I guess I'm just... handling it. Trying not to think about what I saw too much." Ryan said, wondering if he truly felt like that. Was all this calm headedness just a defense mechanism? Or was he even truly feeling bad for seeing bad people get what they deserved?

"... Ryan?" Tio spoke quietly, taking everyone's attention, as the wolf sounded confused.

"What?" Ryan asked a bit aggressive, for some reason a bit angry at Tio still despite things being lots more serious than having room for petty squabbles. He had not forgotten the altercation with him, Jacob and Tio from earlier before hell broke loose.

"... Charlie... Killed Calvin's guards... And locked him up into a room. That is what you said that happened?" Tio asked quietly.

"... Details aside....Yeah. That is what happened, more or less." Ryan said quietly with a nod.

The black wolf was then quiet for a while, asking a question that bothered him a lot.

"... If what you say is true... Then... Who is going to lead... Lead the-"

"You are going to be overseer now, most likely. Or my dad. Or hell, I don't really even care as long as it ain't Calvin ever again. I think... I think, to be honest; everything will be up to my dad for now. He took control of the way he saw fit and most already look up to him. So... I imagine it... It will be all for him to decide now." Ryan explained, being more than okay with that choice, despite his stored anger towards his father at this moment.

"... I... I guess It makes sense." Tio said quietly, not having expected such an answer. He didn't know if this was either good or bad. And that was pretty much the whole mood between all of them.

"... Bruh... Like... You saw an actual body? Like with blood and stuff?" Sam asked suddenly, not denying as scary as it was, it was slightly fascinating.

The black-furred wolf turned to look at Sam with judging expression.

"Sam, shut up. Nothing fun about it. You all want to press Niles about what happened between him and his dad and now you all want to know if Ryan enjoyed seeing dead people like it was a tour or something?" Tio asked in total disgust, Sam throwing his hands up in surrender and groaning.

"I know, I know... I'm sorry. I just... It all just sounds so crazy that-" Sam tried to defend until Ryan spoke.

"Look, whatever happened, happened. My dad will take control of it all and reorganize it. And I will help him to do that. The first thing you can all do is spread the word of what happened, and who is to blame and who to give owed apologies to." Ryan explained with a serious tone.

"Ryan. Not one more word from you. Please." Santino said firmly, standing up.

"... Papa?" Tio asked in confusion, as Santino looked at Ryan like the fox was touched in the head.

Ryan did not understand the attitude, and neither did any of them, but Santino was riled up. He gave a frustrating and stressed up movement as he tried to put his thoughts into words, but it was clearly going to be hard for him. After a moment of composure, he spoke.

"You have just gone through a trauma. A terrible event. Place where you shouldn't have been, and definitely not witness. We all handle traumatic events differently. And it is understandable. Hell, in your age, I can't begin to....- Look, what I am saying, is that the way you are feeling about your father, or whatever justifications you are trying to make, is all bullshit. I'm sorry that I have to come forward and say it to you so harshly."

"Dad, I don't think-" Tio began, but Ryan cut the black-furred wolf off, giving a serious and intrigued look at Santino, speaking quickly.

"Go on."

Santino was quiet for a moment, taking a breath and speaking out.

"I can clearly see that you want to believe your father was right in all. And we were wrong... But listen to me well when I say this. I wasn't there, but you know that it is a fact by now, I know you do. Charlie shot Xavier down on the floor WHEN HE DIDN'T NEED TO. All Xavier did, was curse at him. And that was... What? Reason enough for Charlie to commit a murder? Then talk like a maniac to Calvin? Scare us all half to death? -"

"He did what he saw as a necessity. Randal tried to kill Niles and in return, Randal got killed. I don't know by who exactly-"

"Mel and... Jacob's dad." Niles whispered awkwardly and looking away from everyone, as Ryan gave him the look of wanting to just clarify who was responsible since Niles had been there when it happened.

".... WAIT, MY DAD SHOT RANDAL?" Jacob asked with wide and freaked out eyes.

Niles only nodded and just wanted to not relive the memory more than he already had, hearing his dad's apologizing and broken voice all over his head like an echo.

Santino kept listening impatiently as Ryan kept speaking.

"They did it because they knew that Niles was in danger. Calvin had arranged the whole thing from the start. The intercom talk. Xavier and Elliot had been pointing guns at Amir's and Niles's head the whole time. To make my father appear as the crazy one in front of all of you idiots who were too stupid to realize what was really going on. And my father had nothing but a just response to Calvin when he thought he could get away with all of that." Ryan said like it still frustrated him how quickly everyone was ready to believe his father as a monster instead of Randal, not thinking with common sense.

Santino spoke back with a strong and accusing tone.

"... There is no way that Elliot or Xavier would-"

"He did," Niles said quietly once again, slowly sitting on the couch and burying his face to his paws for a while, not wanting to cry again. He was too tired for that. Jill suddenly came close with Sam, both starting to comfort the lynx on the couch as Santino turned his gaze back to Ryan from Niles, whispering.

"... Why in the fuck would they..."

"Calvin orders and they obey. I don't know what they were promised as a reward, and I don't care. But they got what they deserved. And when Mel and Rob started to ask questions, it made Calvin realize that my father still had a chance to survive it all. So, the guards chose their sides. Robert, Mel, and Eli knew that last place Niles was safe in, was with his father, where Calvin had ordered Niles to be taken in. They took guns, made sure that Niles was safe, and killed Randal. Calvin routed his side ready to go and kill my father in order to skip the trial and finish the whole mess at once. So... This is where we ended up, more or less. Calvin lost, and my dad won. So, Mr.Tampico... Is there still some kind of unclarity of why I am acting the way I am?"

"... This is just fucking crazy... ALL THIS HAPPEN IN LIKE A DAY?" Jacob asked like it was just too bizarre.

"It was a long time coming... Not... The violence... But something happening. We all... Most of us knew that Calvin hated Charlie." Jill said like it was a fact.

"YEAH, BUT THIS MUCH?" Sam asked like it was a bit over the top to imagine.

"... Well, it happened. And I just have to ask... Why are you all not relieved?" Ryan asked genuinely.

"... As in...?" Tio asked like it made no sense to be relieved.

"... Calvin is gone. Corrupted guards are gone. Ran-... They are just all gone. Do you guys not see that this can only be a good thing? My father leading it all? First, he was your teacher and now a leader?" Ryan asked like it was going to be great.

"... Ryan... I'm sorry if we can't share your view right now when you are telling us that there have been tons of crimes on play, we knew nothing about and shooting massacre down at stage 4, with dead bodies still in there? It's a BIT LOT to take in when we have never heard anything this violent happen in the history of... Anything?" Sam asked like Ryan was really being too okay with all of this.

"... Yea, dude. I'm sorry but... I don't know how to feel about all this." Jacob muttered, having no humor in this situation at all when he normally would have.

"... It's called remaining calm and being realistic." Ryan stated, somewhat feeling proud of being so strong mentally at this moment... Except he wasn't, truly. He knew that the feeling of it all stemmed like a puke that he was holding in.

"Ryan... Was this..."

Santino suddenly approached, sounding a bit paranoid.

"Was this Charlie's plan all along?"

"... What?"

The old black-furred wolf cleared his throat and spoke again.

"To wait for this moment? For Randal to... Abuse his child-"

Ryan cut him off with a snarl.

"Attempting to kill him. Say it like it is. He is standing right there, don't insult him by saying that Randal had only slapped his wrist or something." Ryan snarled, Niles not contributing to the situation and just tried to remain calm when Sam and Jill comforted him, listening to debate intensively as the others did.

"I am not trying to defend Randal here or his actions. I am saying... That is rather convenient how this all turned out of Charlie. You are his son. I am asking you... Do you think that your father could have just waited this moment to have a green light on killing anyone who would oppose him and take Calvin's place?" Santino asked like it was totally a possibility.

Tio then spoke from the side.

"Dad... You know that I should always take your side... As your son. Maybe Ryan is doing the same now, it is normal, no matter how he really feels. But you have known Mr. Winchester for ten years. I do not think that he would have ever thought about murdering anyone."

"... I cannot be sure of what he has been thinking and what he hasn't, Tio. None of us do." Santino said back, Tio hearing from the authority of the tone that it was better to shut up for now.

Ryan then proceeded to ask aggressively.

"... You mean that my father waited for any kind of excuse to start some massacre plan he has been hatching this whole time, is that what you are seriously fucking asking from me?"

"... Ryan... He might have won, and he might have managed to convince people here, that Calvin was wrong. But no one... Absolutely no one... Could do the things he did and took part in, without being mentally unstable, or worse, a psychopath." Santino let out like it was the most straightforward way to say what he felt.

Ryan spoke, sounding wounded as it was already quite much to hear it from Dion himself but now from others too?

"... Those are the only two you can think of? Is this your fear and paranoia talking, or the fact that you are so disturbed that someone of my age can be so okay and outspoken with his dad being able to kill people to see justice happen?"

Santino shook his head, speaking quietly.

"... I think it might be all of those, but I know I am not mad when I say THAT THIS IS NOT RIGHT. IT IS not right at all." He said with a stern tone to Ryan like he needed to understand.

Ryan took a deep breath, not liking how Santino was making everyone consider the option, judging by the faces.

"And you know what is right and what is not, Mr. Tampico? -"

"I have lived in this vault for near fifty years, boy. And I have never witnessed a murder, or heard of one. Do you know why that is? Because normal, sane, healthy brain having citizens of the vault DO NOT MURDER OR CONSIDER IT TO BE SHOVED UNDER THE RUG, BY THE EXCUSE OF 'SHIT HAPPENS'. I have known Xavier since he was a teenager. Your age." Santino argued.

"... People change and make shit decisions. Xavier was one of those." Ryan tried to speak back but felt so cornered under the gazes, wondering truly if Santino had a point, just like Dion.

"And your fathers' choices today were purely good and justified?" Santino asked like Ryan was better not to answer yes.

"... I did not say that." Ryan said quietly, backpedaling.

"You act like it. And I hope to god it is some survival technique you use to escape your trauma right now because no child should back up his father, no matter the love for him after he has just killed a handful of people like it was some routine that just had to be done. I am not going to be okay with this. And I am not going to parade around the vault, telling people that your father was some kind of a hero who prevailed over Calvin. There was no tyranny or bad rule under him. Things were FINE. Things were as good as they could. There was nothing to fix. People might have not liked Calvin but he was a good overseer who had important people taken from his life, shaping him into the man we saw. I was there when his sister died, many were. And I will never forget what it did to Calvin I once knew." Santino stated like it was nothing but facts that everyone else in this room knew very little about. The sympathetic gaze at Niles's way was given by the black-furred wolf nevertheless, knowing Niles suffered from that death the most.

There was a long silence in the room, as Ryan tried to figure out what to say, wondering if this was a blatant threat towards his father.

That was what everyone else was wondering too.

Ryan then sighed and spoke.

"... So... Are you just... Going to start a mutiny against my dad and rile up everyone's arms... Rescue mission for Calvin or something like that? That is what you are planning, right?" The fox asked, half-joking at the idea of it.

But there was no sign of a joke when Santino spoke.

"... If I would... Would your dad just kill us all to deal with one more problem? Or let it happen and surrender?"

"Dad. Enough." Tio said, now knowing that his father was being too paranoid to make sense anymore.

"Yeah, Charlie would not-" Jacob began until Santino spoke.

"Answer me, Ryan."

The fox was quiet for a moment, swallowing and then speaking quietly, sounding actually very conflicted.

"... I do not know. I really don't. After what I have seen today... I... I wouldn't try to test him on that if I was you." Ryan spoke, genuinely just worried for Santino's life, would he try something that stupid.

"But you... You are suggesting clearly that... I should just shut up, ignore Calvin being imprisoned along with forgetting some of my dead friends and just... ACCEPT? Just accept what Charlie did and act around him like none of this happened? Or none of it could have been avoided by any means necessary? I will not." Santino asked like he was confident enough to try on seeing Charlie to justice.

"... You act as if... As if my dad Is fully responsible for all of this. He is your friend." Ryan argued, now feeling like Santino was going to truly be a problem.

"So was Calvin. So was Randal-" Santino began.

"They were murdering assholes and degenerates, both of them. Fuck them." Ryan said, having enough of the attitude.

"... Whoa." Sam whispered scaredly, Niles slowly giving a look at Ryan's way, feeling scared of what Santino might have reacted.

The black-furred wolf slowly felt his jaw drop a bit from the cold words, but then continued only more aggressively.

"I'm sorry, but do you have any respect at all-"

"No! Fuck Randal. Fuck Calvin. Fuck all your bullshit, and fuck you for thinking about turning on my dad. Right now, I am dealing with a ton of shit on top of the shit I already have to explain everything while getting pressed down by you like I was out there killing people myself. I will support my father and have his back till the day I die, there is nothing more to it. They tried to kill Niles, and somehow you just deem that to be nothing at all. Right now, I want to be on that couch, hugging and him and making sure that he is alright. If you want to really challenge my father after he fought to save Niles from the utter hell he was in and killed a few assholes in the process, then why should I give a fuck? You want to hate my father, you want to go and agitate him and tell this was all his fault instead of the weasel in the locked room, go ahead. If you really are brave enough, go and try. I doubt after that he has any problem with snapping your neck too like he did Richards. Now, I am very grateful that you saw all my friends here safely and did whatever it is that you did during this whole show with your... Damn kitchen knife, but your presence is no longer needed. So, if you would please get the fuck out of my quarters, and look for my father from the med bay. I'm sure you know the way. And tell him to drag his ass in here when he is done doing whatever that he is doing, instead of calming my ass down and dragging people who are not needed in here, out. Are you going to move, or am I moving you out by force?" The fox asked, huffing and sounding so done with everyone right now, just wanting to truly be at Niles's side right now.

"....... You have some nerve, talking to your elders like that." Santino growled.

"And you have some nerve, still standing at my doorstep when I already told you to leave," Ryan said, taking one more step forward, everyone on the couch sitting up and starting to have anxiety as they knew what was likely about to happen.

Suddenly the black-furred wolf slowly walked in between, giving a begging look to his father.

"Papa... Está bien. Just... Do as he says. Please. We will be alright here." Tio promised but knew damn well that his father was most likely going to get his ass kicked by Ryan, in which case he would have to come in between, but knew that he stood no chance against Ryan either. The last thing they needed was a situation like this heating up.

".... Fine. I will talk to Charlie. Peacefully, if I can." He said, relaxing his shoulders and panting down.

"... Good." Ryan said, relaxing slightly as well.

"One more thing... Where is Mel and Rob? I better talk to them before taking my business to Charlie. I trust them more." Santino said.

"... I guess I forgot the mention the part where Calvin shot Eli to death after finding out he was not defending Randal from his fate. Along with having Mel killed as well." Ryan said quietly.

"... WHY ON EARTH DID YOU NOT SAY THAT??!! ELI AND MEL ARE DEAD?!" Santino asked like his heart was about to break, the otter having been one of his closest friends.

"... Because I knew that you cared about them both and you were not meant to hear that from me. Or any of this for the matter... Or worse, you would have made my dad responsible for their deaths in your head as well. But they died because of Calvin, trying to protect my dad... And protect me and Dion getting out of there alive." Ryan apologized genuinely.

"... WELL, SPIT IT OUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IS THERE ANY GUARDS ALIVE ANYMORE?!" Santino yelled like he was about to cry, after hearing that this whole thing had gone to utter step of hell from how bad it already had been.

"... I-I'm sorry.." Ryan said quietly.


"... N-no one else is dead... Elliot is recovering but... Amir was accidentally shot by Mel... He is in critical condition." Ryan spoke, now feeling so self-hating of being too much of a mess and not having explained everything he should have.

Everyone finally started walking towards Ryan, Jill suddenly coming closer and speaking.

"Ryan, is Mr. Waldi dying?!"

"Dude, we can't lose Amir! We will not survive without him!-" Sam began.

But the one who pushed through the most was Jacob. He pushed all of them away from his way, walking right in front of Ryan.

"Ryan... What happened to my dad?! Why didn't you say his name?! Is he alright?!" he yelled in panic.

Ryan spoke with a sad tone, rubbing his arm anxiously.

"... I-it looked like he will survive... But he was shot in two places, but my dad is with him right now making sure he will pull it thr-"


"J-Jacob, I was about to explain, but then Mr. Tampico began-" Ryan tried to defend, until Jacob shook his head, giving angry shove at his chest and storming out of the room.

"YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME, OH MY GOD, MAN!!! I need to go to him!!!"

The German shepherd sprinted out of the room, Santino giving everyone a last look as he followed to the hallway and spoke.

"I'll go with him. I need to check what the situation is with them and see if I can help!"

Before anyone could answer, it looked like Tio was about to follow. But he hesitated, holding himself back and wondering what to do.

Santino was gone with Jacob, both running on the hallway towards the med bay that was in fair distance away from here.

Ryan took a long sigh, closing the door with a press of a button and turning to look at everyone else remaining.

"... Sam... Tio... Jill... I Uhm... I don't really know-"

"Man, you don't need to say anything, really. We ain't leaving anywhere. Even if you say the bad things are over, for now, I feel a hell of a lot safer here than out there." Sam said right away without hesitation.

Ryan could not hold but to have a small smile over that, seeing Jill nod in small hesitation and just rubbing Niles's shoulders. The lynx was just looking at Ryan, feeling tired as he could, but restful now that the fox was finally around.

"... You shouldn't have talked to my father like that." Tio spoke bluntly right away to break the smiley mood.

"... I don't like the way he spoke about my father."

"Me neither. I know your dad is not mentally ill. As much as weird as it is to say, my father is just letting his fear control him too much. I'm trying to do the same as you. Be calm, collected and see things from different perspectives to make my own judgment."

"... But?"

"But you still should respect your elders. I don't want you to talk to my father like that again. Understood?

"... Whatever, man. You are the one starting rumors about me being a fag, so why should I respect you in any way, when you repay my years of tolerating you around by talking shit behind my back for no reason?" Ryan asked the adrenaline he still had making this discussion continue conveniently from where it was left off.

"... W-what?" Niles asked carefully, wondering if he had heard right.

"Ryan, you know that Tio wouldn't do such a thing maaan-" Sam began annoyedly.

"Well, he sure as hell isn't defending himself about it. Why is that?" Ryan asked, taking a step towards Tio, the wolf looking a bit scared first but tried to steel himself up.

"... Ryan... Do you see me as the type of person to go around calling you with that name around the hallways, knowing with absolute certainty that you would use violence in return for that against me?"

"... No, but it is not that far-fetched, really. Maybe you found that your OVERLY INTELLECTUAL way of talking and thinking was so annoying to everyone else, that you decided to get some new friends by the most unrespectful way, by giving rumors and making fun of others behind their back. Do you know who does that? Maurice and Farin." Ryan pressed, Jill, speaking.

"Guys, how about we all just chill out-"

"No," Ryan said sternly. Tio then spoke, trying not to get emotional.

"... Why in the world would I want to make new friends?" Tio asked quietly.

"Because you are afraid that you lose connection with us the moment you become the overseer, and it makes you panic and do decisions as pathetic as what you did," Ryan said like it was obvious.

"... I see." Tio said quietly with a defeated tone, Sam speaking.

"I know you have been through hell today, man. But don't bring it on Tio, he just asked you to be more respectful to his dad, man-"

"Niles... You think he did it?" Ryan asked carefully, just genuinely wanting to know what Niles thought.

The lynx looked at the black-furred wolf with a questioning gaze, not knowing whether to believe this random accusal or not. He had not been present when all this had happened.

The lynx spoke nothing, Tio trying to defend himself to Niles before Ryan cut him off.

"So, you deny of being a cowardly nerd that thinks he is so much better than others, when in reality you are just boring and don't know how to show any kind of emotions, so you spread lies about last of your remaining friends being fags? Or do you confess to it?"

"...." Tio spoke nothing, feeling a bit crushed over being talked to like this.

".... Well?" Ryan asked again threateningly.

The wolf then spoke, his tone sounding like he was about to cry.

"... It hurts more than I thought to hear that out loud from you when I have always known that this is how you think about me to some degree. Maybe all of you always have."

"I haven't, what the fuck-" Sam began, guiding his anger towards Ryan for being so harsh.

"Ryan, let him be," Jill commanded now, but Ryan spoke even more stern.


Only Niles's words would make him stop, but for now, the lynx just observed, already too occupied with the demons in his head to speak out against whatever Ryan was arguing about at this point. Otherwise, he would have put a stop to this argument ages ago.

The wolf tried not to stutter as he spoke quietly, his heart racing a bit.

"Maybe you are right about all that. About me being... Things you said. But I never spread rumors about you being a homosexual. I promise you that."

"... Then why on earth would you say so? I damn near choked you to death." Ryan asked in disbelief.

"... Because I didn't want you to hurt Jacob. And I would lie for him again if I needed." Tio said, surprised he just laid it out as blatantly as that.

Ryan now looked just as mindfucked as Sam did.

"... WHY? Why would you do that to Jacob? He most likely thinks about you the way I do, hell, he has made it clear before me. Why would you lie for him? It makes no sense." Ryan pressed.

"... That... Isn't your business. I just wanted you to stop hurting him." Tio snarled, not wanting to speak about it anymore, his emotions getting too overbearing.

"... Wh... What is that supposed to explain?" Ryan asked like the wolf was just making more lies now.

"... I said it as it was. Are you deaf?" The wolf asked, slightly agitated now.

"Am I supposed to believe that if I would have started beating Jacob's face in, you would have interfered instead of laughing and clapping on the side? Considering how he has been towards you for years, I'm pretty fucking sure it would be the latter option-" Ryan began with a mocking tone.

"If you would have started to beat him..." The wolf spoke threateningly, Ryan being even more amused and spoke.

"Oh, do humor me. You would have given a handshake?"

"... I would have killed you with poison." Tio stated, his eyes glossy as he looked at Ryan angrily.

"... Come again?" Ryan asked, everyone just as wide-eyed as him.

"Keep this in your mind and keep it there clearly. I might not be strong or brave like you said, but I am smarter than any of you. You asked what would have happened if you beat Jacob up to a hospital condition in front of me? I would have tried to attack you. But we both know how that would have ended up for me. So, I would have waited, bought my time, and stolen drugs from Amir enough to make a lethal dose that I would have slipped into your meal at the breakfast, making you die into a stroke in front of everyone with no one there to help you. And I would have made sure that you would never, ever hurt Jacob again. And the same goes to anyone in this vault."

"...." Ryan did not know if to hit Tio in the face or be creeped out, knowing that the wolf was not playing around. He meant what he said.

And absolutely no one in the room knew what the fuck to say to that.

And yet... Niles was only one who figured it out the moment he looked at Tio, panting and looking riled up as he was. But the lynx said nothing.

It was rare for Ryan to not have an answer, but Tio continued, as the fox was a bit confused off his feet for hearing Tio talk with such passion about protecting dog he should have hated.

"Now... If you are done insulting me and making sure for everyone knows that you are the leader of this group when it already goes unsaid, can you just promise that you talk to my father with more respect? That was all I asked." The wolf asked, trying to calm his breathing down.

".... Sure." Ryan said quietly, still looking at the wolf, like he truly did not know how to read him or his intentions.

"I'm sorry that I spoke this way. And I know that you are sorry for the things you said too, but I understand it. You are done defending yourself and your family's actions. So, it is easy to release that stress and hate on someone else. But now that we have cleared all that, might I ask where Dion is? Or do you even know?" The wolf asked, partly sounding annoyed as he did understanding.

"... He is in the bathroom." Ryan said quietly.

"Wait, Dion is in there?" Jill asked, getting off from the couch and giving the questioning look at Ryan.

"... Yes. He is in there. He has locked the door, so..." Ryan muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"... Ryan... Is he... Okay?" Tio asked carefully, starting to approach the bathroom with Jill together.

Sam started to get up from the couch as well with Niles together, the lynx feeling dizzy as one could.

"... Physically?... Yes, he is fine. If he was hurt that way, he would be at med bay." Ryan sighed.

".... Then why is he in Charlie's bathroom?" Sam asked like it made no sense.

"... Because Santino was right about one thing. People deal with traumas in different ways... Dion... he handles it the way I should as well... Instead of... Being me. I guess." Ryan said with a sad tone.

"... So, he just... Locked himself in there?" Tio asked calmly.

"... Let's just say that I hope you three have a better chance of talking him out of that shower... because I don't know if I can do it. He is a mess. And I can't blame him." Ryan sighed.

"... I... I should try to talk to him first." Jill spoke in concern, stopping in front of the metal door and looking at it longingly.

The fox suddenly gave the tired lynx a nod to follow him, Niles giving a hesitant look at the bathroom door, but knew that the person inside there just wanted the world to stop. Just like he did after all this. So, he had no need to try to drag Dion out of there.

The lynx cached the drift and followed Ryan to the doorway of Ryan's room. Ryan opened it from the press of a button and spoke to the three before they began attempting to talking with Dion.

"... You guys do what you see as best. Just tell me if you hear sounds of him drowning himself in there and I will run to break that door lock and save him." Ryan stated.

"... Not funny, Ryan!" Jill hissed at the fox with an angry gaze.

".... The worst part is... I don't think it was a joke. He just disowned his father to me." Ryan said with a quiet and somber tone, walking into his father's room, waiting for Niles to walk in first.

Ryan gave them all a nod of excusing himself from the company for whatever needed personal time, closing the door after him.

Tio, Jill, and Sam were now behind the door, all of them exchanging awkward gazes, wondering how on earth they would start this conversation.

"... Dion?" Jill asked carefully.

There was no answer... But there was a sound of water getting turned off.

And after a while, shaky voice answering.

"... J-Jill?"