Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 9 - Chaotic Emotion

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#9 of Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields

Well, here's CH:9

I promise to not leave many cliffhangers now... Dramatic lapses maybe, but all out "blargh something actioney happened, where's the rest?" won't happen.

Further elaboration on Sirian Religion ahead! (FYI, the suffix ~mir means 'god' or 'divine being' and the rest of the name is the name by which the definition is attached... Domel = health + ~mir = Domir)

Other notes... hmm... Oh right! This story contains scenes of violence, coarse language, sexuality and mature subject matter. The acts within the story are adult in nature and anything sexual is generally done between two males. It contains Furries, aliens, science fictioney stuff, and made up words like fictioney, actioney, and blargh. If any of the above offends you, you are younger than legal adult age in your country or region, or you are prone to throwing up because of things that gross you out, please leave now.

Sirius (C) WhiteArcticFox

All characters (C) WhiteArcticFox or their individual players, depending.

Story (C) WhiteArcticFox

Reproduction, redistribution, and/or claiming the story as your own is a very mean thing.


Chapter 9: Chaotic Emotion

Two forms stood in the nearly destroyed room, deck plates and scattered components littering the floor. Cramped as they were, the steel-and-carpet quarters provided plenty of space for them, even with part of a wall blown out. The carpet was singed from sparks, spots of dark brown mixed in with the neutral grey.

Several moments of silence passed between them, the darker-furred male looking at his goldenrod companion with apprehension, curiosity, and confusion.

"You... what?" he asked, his voice barely above a choked whisper, suddenly very afraid of where his life was going. The crimson-marked wolf looked from the smaller male's eyes to the wall behind him, having to swallow a bit to keep from breaking out into tears.

"A-aries?" started the smaller of the two, looking up with concern. "P-please... don't take this the wrong way," he added, pleadingly.

The wolf was fighting an inner battle, a swell of emotions threatening to drown him in forbidden waters. He knew he felt something, but he didn't know how to describe it. 'Ooh... Tamir... what do I do?' he silently asked, praying to the Sirian goddess of love. 'What should I do...' he asked himself next, thinking silently.

A moment passed, awkwardness filling the space between them. The first thoughts in the young Lyrii's mind were apprehensive, fearful. 'He's going to turn around and lash out at me... I've confused him...' he said quietly, letting out a quiet whimper and fighting hard to hold back the tears, 'I've ruined my chance...'

"But... why?" said the wolf, finally, turning slowly to regard the golden-furred Lyrii.

Blaze thought for a moment, before he came to a conclusion, an answer to that question. "B-because..." he stuttered, still holding back his receding tears, "when you saved me up there... that stare... that moment our eyes met... I knew you would protect me... I could see it in your gaze."

The black-and-red wolf absorbed this for a moment, his sunburst eyes confused and thoughtful, before he said with a quiet intonation, "I... I'll need to think about this, Blaze... I'm... not sure I'm even into that sort of thing..."

Blaze nodded and wrapped his thin tail around his left leg, smiling a bit and wiping away a tear. "Alright... please though... tell me when you decide," he said, before turning to leave.

"There's- just one more thing... Blaze," stalled the darker, taller male, as he moved closer to his friend.

"O-oh?" quietly gasped the Lyrii, somewhat hopeful. There was something in his voice that told him he was about to find something else out.

Aries leaned close and whispered directly into Blaze's right ear, his paws on the Lyrii's shoulders. "Keep this conversation between us... for the time being..." he said, then moved back and turned to look at his mess.

'He... touched me...' thought Blaze, before nodding quietly and casually stating, "Sure thing... wolfy..." and promptly leaving the wolf's quarters.

"So soft..." whispered Wraith, gasping a bit and holding his paw to his nose to inhale the scent.

"Maybe..." he said, trailing into thought as he set to work cleaning his quarters.


The moment Jasyn stepped onto the tidied bridge, repair crews already working in the ceiling compartments to replace the damaged components; he smirked and said to himself; "Now this I could get used to. "

He took a seat in his chair, relieving the commander for the day.

"Slip field statistics, Lieutenant," he said to Phillips, who was working at the appropriate terminal.

With a slight yawn she blinked and shook off her lack of sleep. "5% above necessary power... I take it Axis got little sleep last night?" she asked.

"Nope... keeping the ship on course and all... He's asleep now. Thanks for getting that up first," said the wolf, looking into the boring slipstream. "I see you've fixed the main screen."

"Well duh," said Phillips with a snicker. "Actually, it fixed itself. The main screen is designed to automatically shut off in segments when power is lost"

"Morning everyone!" said Blaze, smiling at the Lieutenant. He was wearing his new uniform, having been given a field-rank of Ensign. The black and white uniform looked good on him, and the yellow and orange stripe seemed to fit him. The silver pin adorning his chest depicted a stylized sun, a symbol of the Lyrii Government.

"Looking spiffy there, ensign," said Phillips with a smirk. "The uniform suits you," she quickly added.

"Indeed it does," agreed Jasyn, smiling back at Blaze. "So, Blaze; mind taking over for Lieutenant Phillips here?"

"No sir, not at all," came the raspy, youthful reply. "In fact, it'd be my pleasure," he added, sauntering over to the engineering station.

"Just regulating fuel flow, organizing the repair teams. Nothing big. You should be able to handle it fine," said Phillips, tapping a few controls. The console beeped and a tiny symbol in the upper-right portion of the screen changed from a blue dot to an orange sun. "All yours," she smiled at him.

"Thank you, lieutenant," smirked the Lyrii as he took a seat.

"I'm going to turn in," said Phillips, before making her way off of the bridge.

"Alright. Pleasant dreams," said Jasyn with a smile.

The helmsman, lieutenant Hargrove, turned to look at him and chuckled a bit. "Um... Sir?" she said, her long brown hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Yes, lieutenant?" said Jasyn, looking back at her.

"Permission to speak freely?" she asked, smiling still.

"Granted; what's on your mind?"

"Well... you're being really casual, and it's kind of unnerving," she said, looking away a bit.

"Oh, sorry, guess I'm not really used to this..." said Jasyn, smiling.

"No, no; it's not like it's a bad thing, it's just... not what I'm used to," added the lieutenant, shaking her head a bit.

Blaze looked over at the door as it silently unlocked itself, himself alone able to hear the tiny motors and quiet clicks of the locks and devices within that allowed the thin sheet of metal to glide effortlessly out of the way. "Morning, Wraith," said the Lyrii, smiling as the black and red wolf walked onto the bridge.

"Morning. Captain, I've a full security report and a casualty list for you," said Aries, hand paws held behind his back.

Jasyn motioned a paw towards a door to Aries' left and stood. "Alright, follow me."

"Yes sir," said Wraith with a smile.


The ready room was still a mess, but it was more private than the bridge. The irregularly shaped room had three and a half walls; the half wall turning into the ceiling. Vaguely triangular in shape, the lighting units had fallen to the ground.

"Well, what do you have for me?" said Jasyn, sighing a bit as he sat in the desk chair.

"Twelve crewmen confirmed dead, lost to space, the slipstream, or the firefight. Forty-nine people are injured, nine of which seriously. You already know about Mathieu. Beta fleet jumped to slipstream just before we did, they should be safe. The alternate flight plan, which is what they're likely to take, will take them a week longer than us to clear."

"Those numbers are... staggering," said Jasyn, holding his fingertips together, thumbs under his chin and tapping his index fingers to his lips. He looked much older than he was.

"Morale is low aswell sir, and... I have something of a personal question for you..." trailed off the wolf, looking at Jasyn with a very slight and barely noticeable blush.

"Oh? What might that be?" asked Jasyn, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... How did you... figure out- I mean," stammered the wolf, sighing a bit as he looked up at his friend. "How did you figure out that you loved Axis?"

Jasyn was silent a long while, before he quietly gave his reply. "Axis and I... well... it's hard to say. I knew the moment I saw him that he was special... and I think we both hoped some day that we'd be together... it's not easy to explain. Reflect on yourself and think about what you want, what you REALLY want. You'll find out if you feel that way about her... or him."

Aries blinked and stood up straight, getting defensive immediately. "Wh-what makes you think it's a him?" he said, blushing a bit.

"I'd use deductive reasoning, but the tone of your voice says enough. Don't worry about it Wraith. We're all adults here, and we can understand one another. If you think you love him, tell him. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. If it DOES work though, you'll feel like the happiest man alive," smiled Jasyn with a shake of the head. "Now... if there's nothing more, I'd like to return to my bridge."

"No... nothing more..." sighed Aries, shaking his head.

"Good... Dismissed."


Orion whined as he backed himself into a corner, trying to get away from the male. "N-no..." he whimpered, his eyes meeting those of Roman's as the large wolf loomed over him.

He was reading in his room when the door chimed and he'd instinctively said "Come in." This was a mistake.

Roman grabbed the smaller male's left arm and pressed his body against the fox's, pinning him to the wall. The much taller wolf used his free paw to remove the fox's clothing, claws cutting through the fabric easily.

"Stop whining, bitch... you know you like it," growled the wolf, as he pulled the last piece of cloth from the younger fox's body, pinning his arms down with one massive paw as he unclasped his pants with the other, unzipping them and removing them to reveal a large, throbbing member, a single translucent drop of pre-cum drizzling down the tip as the thick, black totem hit the cold, dry air.

Orion hazarded a glance downward, but had already gone completely limp everywhere except where it counted, modest crimson flesh throbbing hotly aswell, a clear trail of pre winding down the shaft along the throbbing veins. The young fox gasped as the older male quickly spun him around and pressed him hard against the wall, using his free paw to lift the bitch's leg and offer better access to the tight passage.

Seeing the 'slut's tail flick down and try to protect the opening just made the former leader grin, lifting his own leg and bending at the knee to prop up the young male's limp, grabbing the tail and roughly yanking upwards before he pressed his black cock head against Orion's rear, rubbing the tip up and down to thoroughly coat the entrance in his slick, semi-opaque pre-cum. "Don't make this hard on yourself..." mock-warned the once-commander, still pinning the fox's hand paws to the wall in front of him.

Every attempted flick of the tail, every squirm, just served to push the young fox against the soon-to-be invader, and with a slight terror in his voice, he begged, just once. "Please... don't," he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks, matting the fur in the saltwater droplets.

Roman just grinned and pressed harder, sinking the tapered glans into the pleading whore. "You're going to be fucked every night by me, bitch; eventually you'll beg for the hot throb of my cock in your faggot ass," and with that the large male drove into the fox, spreading his cheeks wider and burying his much larger rod deep inside of the tight, silken passage. An audible murr from Roman followed by a rough jerk on his tail and a very quick tearing of shaft from hole came, and the young fox thought he'd been saved, if but for a moment, before the larger canine penis drove hard and fast into him, the large balls spanking Orion's own rather hard.

The first thrust elicited a pained gasp, the stunned fox not able to emit noise from the multitude of pain caused by the huge, barely lubricated goliath forcing entrance into him. If not for the fact that he knew it was wrong the next noise from the fox's throat would have been a loud, pleasured mewl; the massive length striking every pleasure node in his tight tailhole and actually causing the poor fox to feel his tummy expand a bit. Luckily, at least for Roman, Orion knew better, and the high pitched squeak of overwhelming pain that followed the second thrust made the large wolf grin and begin pummelling into the defenceless kit's rapidly stretching opening, eyes closed as he raped the poor fox.

With a quiet whine the fox tried to scream out as repeatedly his rumphole was stretched and filled, with no rest, his kidneys taking a bit of a beating with every thrust of the immense black intruder. Every thrust squelched from the sheer amount of pre-cum drooling from Roman's massive, girth-blessed pole. Already the younger fox could feel the even more massive knot, at least the size of Roman's huge fist. Thirteen inches of hot, dripping wolf cock ploughing into him angrily, at least two inches wide at halfway to the knot with the four-inch wide, three-inch tall knot at the base.

In a matter of moments, Orion felt his entire body go numb, the sudden pain of the massive knot being speared into him and immediately yanked back out and thrust in again making him lose grip on the world surrounding him. His mind didn't even register the pain of being split open, the noise of the climaxing wolf, the cold steel wall before him, the smells of blood and rape, sweat and tears. Roman filled the poor fox up but fast, before tearing out a second time, causing Orion's tailhole to bleed more, as the wolf's cock spattered thick, ropey spunk all over the male's bloodied, reddening rump fur.

Minutes later, after Roman was certain that there would be no more spunk, the wolf tossed the sticky, cum-covered fox to the ground and looked at him with distaste. Orion barely felt the fall, noticing only a change in colour before him and a slight wind that abruptly stopped.

The wolf leered down at him, reaching down to his limping cock and grinning with an evil smirk before relaxing and letting a hot stream fall right onto the dazed fox's face, the sting in Orion's eyes not even raising an eyebrow for the immobilized youth. Roman worked the arcing yellow stream downward quickly, kicking the kit's side to roll him over as he aimed directly for the bleeding, torn tailhole.

That registered, and Orion let out an ineffably loud scream of pain that by some miracle was completely blocked by the soundproofed walls. Too little too late, however, as he felt the flaccid tip of Roman's black cock pressed into him, and himself pumped full of strongly scented, indescribably painfully burning, impossibly heated, pungent, yellow wolf urine. A massive, grey paw suddenly muffled the scream.


Deep breaths and the slow rise and fall of Axis' chest gave Jasyn no end of joy to watch, his mind playing over the last few months as he stared across the room at his mate's slumbering form. The white fox had, somehow, snuck into his heart, and Jasyn wasn't inclined to let him sneak back out any time soon, or ever for that matter. As he watched his younger love lay dormant; a pair of vibrant blue eyes were watching him. A tiny, muted sneeze caused Jasyn's right ear to flick a bit, and he looked quickly over to catch a glimpse of a curved, white-bottomed tail.

"Mati?" asked the wolf with a bit of a chuckle, "what're you up to?" The pair of eyes returned, looking back up at Jasyn. The young husky was silent, and he seemed to be looking downward and away slightly, keeping his eyes up.

"Come here, kiddo," Jasyn said, holding out his arms and looking firm, but friendly, at the youth.

White teeth bit into the youth's lower lip, as he slowly moved into the lighter area of the main quarters. The blush on his cheeks showed through his white cheekfur, and the young male walked as if trying to hide something.

Jasyn, getting slightly suspicious, sniffed at the air silently, and the wheels in his mind sprang to life. 'That... can't be what I think it is...' he thought, taking another silent sniff as the youth continued to approach. That confirmed his thoughts, and Jasyn didn't twitch a finger, running through in his mind what had happened.

"Y-yes, sir?" asked the quiet youth, looking up at Jasyn with his vibrant eyes, blushing brighter still. The fact that Mathieu was clasping his hand paws together in front of him just made Jasyn blush a bit now.

Jasyn cleared his throat a bit and said, with as gentle, firm, and level a voice as he could muster, "Why were you spying on me?" The younger Sirian flinched a bit and looked away, embarrassed beyond belief.

"I'm sorry," he cried out, whimpering a bit, "I can't make it stop!" Having been caught, the young male moved his hand paws, revealing a slight tent in the crotch of his pants.

"Mati! It's okay... just calm down... It's normal... and you're not in trouble..." said Jasyn, trailing off a bit, curiously. "When did it... start?" asked the wolf, keeping his eyes focussed on the younger male's own.

"W-well... I saw you walk in and sit, and just look at Axis... and I thought about what my daddy did to me... and it just... happened," said the husky, looking up with confusion as he moved a bit closer to Jasyn.

With the amount of experience he'd had already with hiding things of the lewd variety, Jasyn was easily suppressing and hiding what arousal had manifested itself. The young husky seemed to want to hug Jasyn and cry. The wolf shifted himself a bit to avoid alerting the youth, and pulled Mati close, hugging him tight.

"Mati... it's alright... really. You're safe with us now... and we won't do anything to you..." whispered the older wolf into one of the husky's ears. Mati pressed a bit closer nuzzling into Jasyn's chest and sniffed back a tear.

"But... what if I asked you to?" inquired Mati quickly, almost like he'd planned this.

"It... um... well..." Jasyn wasn't sure. The sudden reply from his left however startled him.

"No Mati... You may want it... but it wouldn't be right for either of us to do that to you... Not for you, and not for either of us. It wouldn't last... it would be a quick fix... and more than that, both Jasyn and I only do that with eachother... it would make me jealous if I learned that he was with someone else like that..." said Axis, who was now sitting up and yawning a bit. "Also... good morning!"

Jasyn blushed a bit, Mati blushed, a lot, and Axis just snickered a bit. "What? I've been awake for... a good five minutes now," said the fox, scratching his side a bit. Both Mati and Jasyn looked at eachother, then started giggling quietly.

"What's so fun-" started Axis, leaning forward, and in so doing exposing his nudity to the room. "Oh!" he said, and blushed a bit, grabbing up the sheets to hide his erection. The sheets just fell and caused a slight tent to appear, which made both Jasyn and Mathieu laugh more.

"Okay... now you're just acting like children," exclaimed the fox, shaking his head at the two of them, now in tears, as they fell over and started rolling a bit.


Aries was seated quietly at a table in his cabin, looking at a screen that was showing him the slipstream 'threads' that swirled and twisted outside of the ship. As random as a slipstream looked, it wasn't complicated. More like a fold in space with a hole cut into it. The fact that they were closing this hole as they were opening it did add to the difficulty of maintaining the stream, as well as the fact that they were supporting the rest of the craft, but it was a relatively simple process.

Watching the threads, the wolf began to think about the paths his life had taken. When he was eight he killed his first Crag, an impressive feat for any Sirian. At ten he was given an honour-rank as a guard for the 'tribe'. Two years following he'd been given command of the guards, and the month following he'd seen both his parents slaughtered. Now, at the age of sixteen, he was contemplating whether or not to talk to somebody he'd only just met about something he'd only just come to realize.

'If I say yes,' he thought, weighing the paths, 'then I'll be the first Sirian to ever enter a relationship with their species. But I don't know the first thing about how to bring a male pleasure... or how to make a male happy, like Jasyn does for Axis...' he thought long about this option, before considering the other path. 'If I say no, however, I'll never know what might have been, I might never be able to claim to being the first Sirian to date a Lyrii, and I'll hurt him,' he counterweighted, 'but I'll be free to explore my other options, and I don't even know if I can love him...'

He began to argue with himself then. 'I could make him really happy, and myself in the process, and it'd be a huge leap in Sirian-Lyrii relations,' argued his positive side. 'But I could also disappoint him a lot, and who knows if they even reproduce the same way. I could end up with a family, or worse yet some very deadly diseases!' came the pessimistic rebuttal.

'Perhaps it's worth the risk to find out. I know I feel something towards him,' came reason's quiet voice, "and I know now that he feels something in return. If it doesn't work out... then it doesn't work out. It's not like I'm tied down and that's all there is to it. If we're just incompatible, he'll understand.'

With a sigh he rubbed his temples and shook his head. "Tamir... why have you done this to me?" he pondered quietly, before looking over to the terminal screen to his left. "Maybe some music..." he said to himself, before looking through the database.

There was a block of music by an Earth band called 'Pawz', and the wolf selected one song in particular that sparked a thought in his mind from the title alone. The song started with a quiet strumming of a guitar, then accompanied by a pianist, before a beautiful, female voice, began to sing the words.

As he listened, Aries thought, 'Chaotic... a fitting description...'


Aboard the Fledgling, a young fox was curled up in a ball, tears soaking the near textureless carpet beneath his face as he looked into the threads of the stream, his abused body shivering from cold and pain. He stank of wolf urine, and the area around his rear was soaked in it, the rank scent filling the poor male's nostrils with every breath. He could taste it when he opened his mouth, and as he cried and looked through tear-clouded eyes at the random event outside, he began to quietly pray.

'Tamir of love... Domir of health... Kimir of strength... please... give me the courage to hold on in this time of need. Please, do not forsake me,' he thought quietly, huddling more as he heard his bathroom door open with a hiss, then the door to his quarters, which hissed closed again as the rapist left him to his turmoil.

A young Dalmatian nearly collided with Roman as the two rounded the same corner in opposite directions, and while the youth tried to apologize, the larger male simply pushed past and grunted.

"Well that was rude," said the male to himself, before turning and resuming his activities. He wandered up to the door marked B-11-4, standard labelling for deck-section-room codes, and pressed the 'Call' button.

When he got no reply, he pressed the speaker button and said, "C'mon Ry, I know you're in there. It's just me."

A short moment later, a beaten, bleeding, and pungent fox answered the door, wearing absolutely nothing, and looking as if he were about to fall apart.

"Ry?!" started the Dalmatian, jumping a bit before hurriedly pushing his friend back into the quarters and locking the door. "What happened!?" he asked, worriedly.

'An angel?' thought the battered youth, looking through hazed eyes at his relatively new friend. "Lu-cas..." gasped the fox before rolling and clinging to his friend tightly. "Don't... leave me..." he added, sobbing slightly as he felt the other male's paw along his back.

The Dalmatian didn't honestly care that his friend was covered in juices best left unknown. All he cared about was getting him through this. He ran his paw down Orion's back and felt several sticky patches, as well as some crusty fur. "Don't worry Ry... I'm not going anywhere..." he whispered, practically nuzzling the fox's cheek.


Aww... that's friggin touching... ANYWAY! Comment, NOW. Someone gave me a rank of 2 last time, since i've deduced that the other vote was a 5... then I got more votes... ANYWAY! Comments! Tell me WHY you love/hate/tolerate my story.

Please, give me feedback, not just "ZOMGS I loves it!".

If you can't tell, I'm hyper. More importantly though, I'm really impressed with myself on this one. I'm trying to pull the quality up again... It's not the same, but it's better than it has been.

R R & R (Read, Rate & Review)

WhiteArcticFox *BlancAlopexLagopus*


Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 10 - Authentic Facades

(and again, I post without placing my chapter into the series. I'm such an idiot...) (Edit note: Last two chapters had a starship mislabelled, Star Hawk instead of Fledgling.) A/N: Well; you guys are probably itching to get reading this, and...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 8 - Strategic Withdrawl

HEY! Remember me? Been awhile, hasn't it? Writers block, and possible other projects, have delayed this chapter, however I'd like you all to know that, while the wait times seem unbearable, the delays should be well worth it. Warning:...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 7 - The Lyrii

Hey there everyone. Thought I dropped off the face of the planet? Anyone hope I failed my existence check? (Insert other referance to disappearance here.) I'm back, and I'm trying to stay the course... This story has been sapping me dry lately,...

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