Wild Pair - A Hole Like No Other

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#3 of Wild Pair

A couple days of the titular two's lazy lives, exploring their relationship and their ideas of entertainment.

Warning: contains depictions of subtle incestuous relations and unwanted attempts of impregnation.

Been a while since I've upped anything. Sorry for that. Kind of stopped writing simply because I wasn't feeling it and started exploring some other creative projects. This one's a bit of a departure from these characters' usual activities, but they'll be back to their old ways in another story.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

The merciless light of dawn shone in through the open window, sheer glare upon her eyelids tearing the hyena from sleep. She was first to wake as usual, their positions placing her closer to the morning rays, while her brother continued to sleep for those extra couple minutes more. Just as she was about to wipe the sleep from her eyes, she realized her right hand rested upon something fuzzy, fleshy and somewhat... firm?

'Gah!', Sigi shouted at herself in her mind, withdrawing her palm from over her brother's bare crotch. 'Blegh.', she thought to herself as she wiped her hand over their covers. She couldn't fathom why, but this was the third time that week this'd happened. Given how dirty this felt, she couldn't imagine she'd done it awarely. Maybe she really needed to get laid. It'd been a while now. Or perhaps she just needed a separate bed, though a mattress this comfy was a rarity, and nothing short of a year's supply of free brothel time could persuade Ferk to give it up.

Running her cleaner hand over her face, she struggled to remember what day it was... or what month or year, for that matter, and whether there was anything significant about the present date. At times a life so care-free felt like a groggy dream one couldn't quite wake from, but she hardly felt like complaining. They did what they felt like, and that was more than could be said about nearly everyone else in the world.

With a content sigh, she rolled off the bed and readied herself to tackle what few troubles the day might present. Just as she began to stretch, however, she spared another glance back towards her brother, sprawled out and fully nude, his throbbing dick and sagging balls left out on vulgar display. She soon realized she'd spent a good minute staring at him like that.

Shaking her head, she turned away from the sight and went off to get clean for the day. God, she really needed to get laid.

"I'm bored.", Sigi muttered, now splayed across the scratched up couch in haphazard fashion. Her brother busied himself with yet another book, sat by a rickety desk and chair.

"Could still teach you how to read.", Ferk offered for perhaps the sixteenth time that month. It effectively made her even less eager to ever try. She didn't need no damned reading.

"Reading's boring!", Sigi whined.

"Then I dunno, go draw some more dicks on the walls? Look out for travellers?", Ferk suggested, sounding somewhat annoyed now.

"Neh. Don't feel like it.", Sigi said.

"So you'd rather lay there and bitch?", Ferk asked.

"Beats going out in this weather. So friggin' hot.", Sigi went on.

"Seems fine like this.", Ferk said, gesturing over his nude form.

"I ain't going out naked!", Sigi protested, she herself having yet to get dressed either.

"Why? Expecting sudden guests?", Ferk asked cynically.

Sigi paused at this for a while, contemplating the sense of being ashamed in a place so desolate. She'd even wiped herself down out in the open a mere hour ago. "Got a point.", she conceded, then slowly rolled off the couch and began to stretch, the resulting crackling greatly satisfying to hear. That was, until she noticed Ferk staring. "What?", she asked with a frown.

"Nothing. Just think you look good like that.", Ferk said with a toothy smile.

"Hmpf.", Sigi scoffed, feeling as though she was being made fun of. Or her brother was taking the wrong kind of interest in her. In either case, she decided to put on her pants and bandana, discomfort or no.

Ferk raised a brow and shrugged, then returned to his book.

"By the way, think we could visit the Hole? I'm itching for a decent drink and fuck.", Sigi then asked.

"Don't really have much to sell nor buy stuff with.", Ferk said, not even raising his face from his book.

"Oh, come on! It's been weeks since we talked with anyone other than meat.", Sigi said. They'd also long since not come across anyone willing to give her what she wanted.

"Alright, alright. Tomorrow, then.", Ferk conceded with a dismissive wave of arm.

"Awesome.", Sigi said with a satisfied grin and walked out into the open sun.

Seeking a free bit of wall to start drawing something, she struggled to think of what it might actually be. More than anything, her mind was presently drawn towards images carnal and lewd. Of men large and muscular, their chests and arms sculpted and bare, ready to take hold of her and stick their lengths in her. To have them knead her tits and-...

"God damn, I need to get laid.", she muttered to herself, her mind much too stuck in the gutter for her own liking.

She turned her thoughts back to what she wanted to draw. The large patch of clean wall before her seemed worthy of her favourite - Captain Kiggred, the hyena space pirate that stole what he wanted, slept with whomever he wanted, and killed whoever got in the way. That and he knew how to booze up and party.

And with that, she began to draw up a general silhouette. She would make the Captain look awesome, holding a bottle of booze and gun, his grin wide and smiley beneath his pirate hat, his big muscular chest peering out from beneath his open coat, with a trail of fluff leading down to his...

"Damn it, girl.", she hissed at herself. She just couldn't stop thinking about sex that day. Even her dreams had been plagued by scenarios where she got to fondle some dicks... although that may've been because she actually had been gripping Ferk's, as gross as the thought was.

Desperate to think of anything else, she began to focus on the individual lines and brush strokes. The reds, blacks, beiges and browns soon began to take shape and bring Captain Kigg to life. Yet as her task turned to parts tedious, her mind began to wander anew. She began to fantasize about the kind of man she would find herself in the Hole. Big, muscular, preferably a hyena, one that knew how to have fun and-... shit, she drew a penis.

Taking a step back, she realized Captain Kigg now had his cock and balls out, whatever initial vision for the painting buried by a fixation she couldn't stave off. Even now, with the realization dwelling over her, she felt like walking up and licking the dick-shaped paint off the wall.

"Fuck.", she said to herself as she continued to stare at the bared hyena. She couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with her. Had she taken some drugs the other day that caused this? And if so, she really would've wanted to know which ones. Would be handy on occasion. "Ah, fuck it.", she decided with a tired sigh and returned to painting. Captain Kigg was horny that day, and he really wanted to show it.

Finally, Captain Kigg was finished, in all his boozed up horndog glory, grinning down at his maker with a bottle in one hand and a gun in the other. It wasn't exactly fine art, Sigi realized as much, but to her it was as living a picture as any old painting she'd ever seen. Now that her more productive pursuit was over with, she decided she needed to quell her more carnal desires, and the Captain would prove a fine instrument to that purpose.

Leaning against the wall opposite Captain Kigg, Sigi let her pants drop to the floor, baring her cunt to the wind. Taking care to use only the hand unsullied by paint, she began to massage her mound, her other hand briskly grabbing at her breast. Staring at the painted visage of the pirate captain, she imagined it was him manhandling her, taking what he wanted of her and slipping his prick in.

"Mf...", she groaned out in pleasure as her fingers gyrated within her hole, seeking out those spots that drove the greatest jolts up her spine, all the while her thumb took to massaging her nub. She could almost taste Kigg's hot breath upon her face, the smell of his sweat and musk invading her imagination while his grip upon her tensed with each wave of pleasure.

No longer able to look ahead, she closed her eyes, panting as her digits pried sensations intense and sudden from her slit. Arching her head back, her session swiftly neared climax, her entire body already quivering in longing for that long-anticipated high.

"Ah!", she squealed out against her will as her orgasm hit, sending her legs wobbling under the influx of overwhelming pleasure. She felt herself sweating under the throes of orgasm, her hole convulsing as it seemingly sought to milk the imaginary cock that'd been penetrating it just moments earlier.

"Having fun?", she suddenly heard Ferk's voice.

Sigi's eyes shot open, her brother's presence turning that moment of ecstasy into deep burning embarrassment. Fumbling to pull her pants up, she leaned forward, only to lose her footing and fall on her side. Still she continued to pull them up.

"God damn it, Ferk! Don't do that!", Sigi shouted in annoyance as she now thrashed around into a sit, her climax still passing over her.

"Do what?", Ferk asked as he approached. He was still naked, holding a book and sporting a semi, which only made it more awkward.

"Sneak up on me while I'm shoving it.", Sigi said, now struggling to rise back up.

"Hah!", Ferk chortled. "Would it make you feel better if I rubbed one out?", he asked, gripping his dick.

"Gross.", Sigi said glumly.

"Pfeh!", Ferk said and unhanded his rod.

"Were you getting off to your sister?", Sigi then asked, noting how it was strange he was erect in the first place.

"Maybe!", Ferk admitted with a toothy grin. "Though really I just wanted to go on lookout.", he added.

Sigi shook her head and looked off to the side, towards Captain Kigg. She suddenly froze, however, realizing she was staring at a sight very similar in some way, yet not immediately knowing why. Her frown intensified when she finally realized she'd modeled Captain Kigg's lower regions after what she'd seen earlier that day, and what was presently before her.

Without a word more, Sigi decided to head back inside, and gave Ferk's prick a hard slap along the way.

"Owhaha! What the fuck?", Ferk laughed even as he doubled over, only to pay Sigi back with a slap to her rear.

"Ow! Prick!", Sigi grumbled.

She needed some booze and smokes to live this down. Maybe even forget.

"Wake up!", Ferk heard from beyond consciousness. "C'mon, Ferk!", his sister's voice urged on, the entire bed now bouncing impatiently.

"God, it's not even light out.", Ferk muttered as he opened his eyes, only to find his sister hovering over him in the dim.

"Sooner we go, sooner we reach the Hole, longer we get to paaartyyy!", Sigi urged, bouncing up and down impatiently. There would be no going back to sleep like this.

"Fine. Fine.", Ferk answered groggily. "Go get washed up.", he said, noting how his sister stank, and likely so did he.

"Not leaving you here to fall back to sleep.", Sigi warned.

Ferk looked up at her in displeasure, but decided not to argue. "Fine. Just don't knee me in the balls again.", he said as he crawled onto the side of the bed.

"That one was an accident.", Sigi assured with a frown.

"Sure it was.", Ferk said unhappily, then got up.

With a bucket of clean water each, they stood out in the open air, repeatedly drawing and spilling water over themselves. Given the coming trip to the Hole, they even used some nice-smelling soaps and trimmed some less fanciful bits of hair. For Ferk that only really meant around the muzzle, to Sigi a number of other places.

"Hm, hm, hm-hmmm!", Sigi hummed a tune she once heard at the Hole to herself, even as she trimmed the hairs off her crotch. Ferk couldn't help but smile as she began to happily wiggle her rear to a tune only she heard.

"Planning to spend all day in the Thump?", Ferk asked.

"Hell yeah!", Sigi said. "And after that, it's pow-wow with the first guy that wants it.", she said, gyrating her hips back and forth, much to Ferk's joy.

"Remember not to be led into any alleys.", Ferk warned.

Sigi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Watch my drink and don't go in sleazy places.", she iterated.

"And remember to use a rubber.", Ferk added.

"Fffuckiiing-... yes, dad. Thanks for that, I might've forgotten after the nine hundred other times you've reminded me.", Sigi said in mock-annoyance.

"Alright, calm down.", Ferk said, smiling apologetically.

"I'm the one with the cunt. Think I know better how to keep myself clean.", Sigi added.

"Just make sure the rubber's not punctured.", Ferk added with a sly smile.

"Heh.", Sigi snickered with a grin. "You just keep an eye out for old faces. Probably a couple that'd wanna kick your ass.", she then warned herself.

"They wouldn't try it in public. Not in the Hole.", Ferk said with a shrug.

"Just watch your drink and don't go in sleazy places.", Sigi said with a toothy grin.

"Fuckin'-...", Ferk trailed off, shaking his head with a smile, just as he was about to dunk the rest of his bucket onto himself.

"In the Hole! Dusk till dawn, drink in hand we go!", Sigi sang one of the more popular songs from that particular establishment. They were just moving out of range of their own little home, clad in boots they only really wore for longer journeys such as this, with packs of what little wares they intended to sell.

"You'll tire yourself out by the time we get there.", Ferk said.

"In the Hole! Fireflies in the eyes, got a thump in my soul!", Sigi went on, seemingly ignoring her brother's advice.

"Pft, whatever.", Ferk conceded with a snicker, deciding to enjoy the smaller hyena's little jig.

"In the Hole-the Hole-the Hole! Wet my dick, then... fuck, I forget.", Sigi then trailed off, pausing her dance.

"On average, how drunk are you when we're there?", Ferk asked.

"Huh?", Sigi asked.

"We hear that song like a dozen times each time we visit.", Ferk said.

"Hey, don't hate that I know how to have fun.", Sigi said with a shrug.

Ferk rolled his eyes. "How much is that worth if you forget it all?", he asked.

"That's part of the fun. Keeps it fresh each time!", Sigi said.

Ferk contemplated this for a moment. "Good point.", he admitted.

"In the Hole!", Sigi started anew, attempting to remember the song again.

"Rubber up when you whore.", Ferk completed for her.

"Pfha! Prick.", Sigi chortled.

The Hole looked much as they remembered - a cluster of buildings in various states of maintenance surrounding the reinforced remains of what was formerly an underground parking lot, now blaring rhythmic music and colourful lights like a beacon of joy in the night. The Thump, they called it. It was also one of the cleaner places in the world right now, with trash getting swept up and thrown into a nearby dump, beyond sight or smell.

To Ferk and Sigi it was quite valuable for its approach towards law enforcement - what happened outside, stayed outside, and the many machinegun-wielding enforcers would tolerate no attempts at bringing some external sense of justice into their little haven. Of course, it still attracted bounty-hunters looking to follow their targets outside the perimeter, but they were just as likely to get spotted and knifed in an alley as they were to actually succeed. The two siblings had yet to suffer such unpleasantries within the Hole, however.

"Now remember...", Ferk began, hoping to get a final few words in before the music became too deafening to speak normally.

"God, I know!", Sigi whined.

"One moment of carelessness and you get kidnapped into slavery.", Ferk warned nonetheless.

"Same applies to you.", Sigi said with a shrug.

"Just be careful.", Ferk said.

"Blegh.", Sigi said with a roll of her eyes.

"Gonna go get our shit sold first. Stay outta trouble till then.", Ferk said.

"I'm going into the most public place on the planet. Think I'll be fine.", Sigi complained.

"Alright, just remember to regroup here tomorrow morning.", Ferk said.

"Alright, alright!", Sigi said with a wave of her arm and almost ran towards the Thump.

Ferk briefly paused to look as she entered with hands already flailing in the air. "What an idiot.", he snickered as he turned towards his own destination.

With the mere three hundred and twenty he'd gotten for what little they had for sale, Ferk now sat back at the bar, enjoying a drink with a decent view of his sister. She was dancing the night away with some friends she'd made during their visits, and who seemingly lived in the Hole with the amount of time they spent there. At the very least they'd most likely keep Sigi out of trouble, though Ferk still liked to keep an eye on her, if only to enjoy the sight of the haphazard flailing she called dancing.

The place was packed with all sorts, most of them looking like bandits, bruisers, cheap mercs and all other kinds of dregs. Some among them Ferk felt were watching him, others he was quite certain were watching him since he could remember stealing from them. He even recognized one of his prior conquests - a zebra, who almost ran at the sight of him. None of them raised particularly audible objections, however. Past the heavy thudding music he could hear only indistinct shouting and the clatter of glass bottles and tin cups.

"Enjoying yourself?", he suddenly heard a female voice call out past the thrum of heavy beats. He turned to find a cheetah, young, slender on the emaciated side, short haired, and wearing only a black tank top and pants. A couple scars blemished her right cheek and brow. They added character, but also made him wary as to the type of company she represented.

"Now I am!", Ferk shouted back, giving her the cockiest grin he could muster. It was rare to be the one talked up, only slightly less so inside the Thump, and he intended to make the best of it.

"Name's Riss! Seen you around a couple times.", the cheetah shouted.

"Ay, I'm Ferk. Come here with my runt of a sister.", Ferk shouted and pointed in Sigi's general direction. He couldn't help but notice she was presently flashing her tits at some of her friends. It made him smile.

"Busy watching over her?", Riss asked.

"I could take a break. She's a big girl.", Ferk assured. In his head he tried to memorize how much he'd be willing to spend on a night like this, but such considerations would likely soon be washed away with copious amounts of booze. Good thing he didn't keep it all in one place.

Carried by the sway of alcohol and intoxicants more vaporous, the two made their way into a small room of the motel affectionately called the Hive. It didn't smell the nicest, but they'd hardly been picky. Whatever came cheapest.

Ferk was pleasantly surprised to find Riss had very similar ideas on matters of courtship, and very openly groped around parts of his body. He himself had already copped a couple feels, the cheetah's titties proving rather sizeable and soft, and by now he wanted to rip the pants off her and get down to making pups.

Yet at the same time, a certain realization nagged at the back of his mind, one that soured the mood of this encounter in his mind. He couldn't yet be certain, but he was just about sure one of his pockets had suddenly become lighter. The rest of their little session would make it clear.

"Woah!", Riss called out as she fell onto her bed. "Easy there, big boy!", she warned.

"Sorry. Jus' a bi' eager.", Ferk said, rubbing to front of his pants.

"Rubber up first.", Riss then said, presenting Ferk with a yet packed condom. Not as much a rarity as one might've expected in the Afterwar.

"Aight. An' you get naked.", Ferk said with a shrug and pulled his pants off, his already erect manhood springing into view. Pulling on the latex cover over his cock, he watched with hungry anticipation as the cheetah girl bared her breasts and finally pussy. Well-trimmed, at that. "All fours.", he requested, twirling his finger in gesture.

"Pfeh. Fine.", Riss said with a crooked smile. "Jus' watch the sides, 'm ticklish.", she warned.

"Aigh'.", Ferk said with a snicker, then pinched the end of his condom. He made sure his claws dug in deep, all the while taking care to evade the cheetah's notice. With preparations complete, he slid onto the creaky old bed and took up position, his firm rod pressed up between Riss's folds. For a while he merely teased at her entrance, her juices thoroughly slathering the wrapper. Following a trailing sweep of her back and a grab of her tit, he guided himself inside.

"Ah.", Riss gasped out breathlessly, her hole quivering in welcome.

As Ferk began to steadily pick up pace, so did the noises Riss made. Half-gasps, half-squeals, quite endearing. It made his thoughts drift towards someone else entirely, though it only helped. And as much as he had a thing for more forceful fucks, a willing partner was a pleasant change, particularly one so submissive.

"Mh! Mh! Ah! Ah!!", Riss's cries amplified, almost level with the bed's creaking. Ferk was beginning to think she might be faking it, but he hardly cared. It was certainly helping him, and all he really needed out of their session was to empty his balls in her. Thrusting in and out, extacy steadily began to cloud his thoughts, building up and up until it felt like he could hold it no more.

"Umh!", Ferk himself grunted out as his orgasm hit, an overload of pleasure accompanying the sudden tension in his penis, followed by spurt after spurt of hot hyena cum.

"Aaah!!!", Riss erupted just as Ferk's pace grew slow. Now he knew she was faking it, and it made him want to laugh. He managed to stop himself, however. "Ah...! Ah... ahhh... tha' was alright.", she finally said, looking back towards the hyena.

"Y' tear yeh throat out when 's great?", Ferk asked in bemusement as he pulled out. He took care not to show the rip, nor how some of it dribbled out.

"Nawh, I scream ma' head off even when 's terrible.", Riss said. That was a surprising amount of honesty, Ferk thought. "Take it you'll wanna sleep it off, then?", she then asked, slumped off on her side.

"Actually, was thinkin' I'll jus' go.", Ferk said, stepping off to dump the condom in a nearby bin.

"Wah, really?", Riss asked with some sense of disappointment. "There's more booze t' drink up!", she said, pulling up a bottle from the side table. Just a second ago she was really eager to have him simply fall asleep.

"Yeaaah, needta go check on mah sis.", Ferk said and pulled his pants back up.

"Ah, she can handle 'erself!", Riss assured.

"Nah, sorry. Gotta go check!", Ferk insisted and moved towards the door. He was beginning to be somewhat concerned she may force him to stay somehow, but he really needed to leave.

"Fine! Prick...", Riss muttered and collapsed flat onto her bed in resignation.

As he went out the door and closed it shut, Ferk began to check his pants. A twenty was missing, he surmised, and he suspected a lot more would've been gone had he not bailed. 'Oh well. Win some, lose some.', he thought to himself. Good thing he kept most of the cash in his boots, else he and Sigi would be having to eat their next visitor.

The next morning, under the mildest of hangovers, Ferk found his sister already in wait by the club, looking rather impatient.

"Finally. You have no idea how tempting it was to go back in.", Sigi scolded. She looked considerably more hungover. Or already drunk again.

"Had to buy some supplies.", Ferk said, crossing his arms. "Someone's gotta be the responsible one and make sure we don't starve.", he added.

"We'd manage.", Sigi said with a shrug and hoisted her pack over her shoulder. It jingled with bottles.

"Taking a taste of the Hole with?", Ferk asked.

"You know it!", Sigi said with a smile.

"Good thing I decided to forego the booze.", Ferk said with a roll of his eyes. Actually, he'd grabbed a decent bottle for a fancier occasion.

"Hey, no bitching, else I'm not sharing.", Sigi warned with a wag of her finger.

"Heh. Fine, fine.", Ferk conceded. "So how was your night?", he then asked.

"Awesome.", Sigi said with a smile of satisfaction, staring off dreamily into the distance. "You?", she then asked.

"Alright, I guess. Hooked up with someone, boozed up, had an ok fuck, got a little stolen from. Twenty.", Ferk said.

"Reported it?", Sigi asked.

"Nah, I ain't snitching.", Ferk said.

"Fuck that, bitch stole our money! Thieves suck!", Sigi said, growing annoyed.

"We're thieves.", Ferk noted.

"No, we're... we're bandits! Pirates!", Sigi said. "We rob people to their face!", she added adamantly.

"Not sure the distinction matters much to most.", Ferk said and pulled out a blunt - a blend that'd make their long travels pass by a lot more pleasantly, and seem as though they took a lot less.

"Captain Kigg wouldn't stand for it.", Sigi insisted.

"Pffhaha, you and your Captain.", Ferk snickered as he lit up and took a puff. "Maybe expand your roster with a sneaky boy... or girl.", he suggested and handed Sigi the lit blunt.

"Sure, what was the bitch called?", Sigi asked, then took a pull herself.

"Ri-... Riss... something.", Ferk said, uncertain of whether he remembered right.

"Riss as in Kitris?", Sigi asked once she finally exhaled.

"I dunno. Never got more than 'Riss'.", Ferk said with a shrug and took back his blunt.

"Well, Riss the dirty thief is getting kicked in the cunt by Captain Kigg.", Sigi said.

"Pfft! God.", Ferk said, unable to take another puff. "That's harsh.", he said and finally took his second pull.

"I think getting punted by a made up character is pretty light punishment for stealing a twenty.", Sigi said, only to grab the joint and take her own second and last puff. "Dragging someone into bed just to steal from 'em is pretty low.", she insisted.

"A lot of people would place us lower.", Ferk noted once again.

"Pfeh! Fuck 'em!", Sigi said with a dismissive wave of hand. "You're defending this one a lot. You in love or something?", she then asked with a tilted brow.

"Nawh. Already have my eyes set on one girl only.", Ferk assured. "Plus there is a chance she's getting a belly in return.", he added.

"A chance.", Sigi said with a sigh. "Who's this girl you into?", she then asked.

"Oh, a hyena like us. Pretty, funny, kinda short.", Ferk said, suppressing all desire to snicker at the thought.

"What's her name?", Sigi asked.

"What, so you can embarrass me?", Ferk asked with a toothy grin.

"Wasn't planning on it. But now...,", Sigi trailed off in thought.

"Heh. Good thing I'm keeping her a secret, then!", Ferk said with a smug grin.

"Just gonna make it harder on yourself when I finally do meet her.", Sigi said. "Unless you plan on running off on me.", she then added with a tentative frown.

"Never.", Ferk assured with as sincere a smile as they came.

"In th' Hole...", Sigi muttered dreamily as they traversed the final few steps of their journey. It was getting dark by then.

"Almost there.", Ferk said.

"Th' Hole... whe' I left mah soul...", Sigi repeated, barely looking ahead anymore as the various songs ran through her mind, melding together.

The final kilometer of their trip they'd decided to crack open one of Sigi's bottles. Ferk managed only a chug or two before his sister downed the rest. He was feeling the effects well enough by now, so he could only imagine what his smaller sister was going through.

Ferk was beginning to worry Sigi wouldn't be able to walk those final few steps, but seemingly on some kind of autopilot, she managed to blunder into bed and roll onto her back. This was hardly enough, however.

"Sigi, clothes off.", Ferk said as he himself pulled off his boots.

"Nuhhuh...", Sigi muttered, very apparently in no hurry to comply.

"Sig, come on, no sleeping in boots. Get those off!", Ferk hastened as more of his own attire came off, leaving him quite bare.

But Sigi was now unresponsive.

"Fuggin' hell.", Ferk muttered with a frown. He would have to undress her himself. Not a first, but still a bother. "Twenty years on this planet and still a brat.", he grumbled as he began to undo her shoelaces.

Though he couldn't say he didn't find some entertainment in pulling her pants off, he would've much preferred her conscious. Maybe at least not a hopeless ragdoll as she was at the moment. As her lower half became bare, he couldn't help but stare at certain attributes. Runt-like as she may've been, she was still a full-grown woman, and moments such as this ever reminded him. He was tempted to do more than just look, but this was one hole he would not take by force.

As he fiddled with her wrappings, getting her finally bare in full, he gave out a sigh of relief and rolled onto the bed beside her. Much as he hadn't fallen unconscious by drink alone, he was feeling drowsy after their little trip. There was one final detail he needed to attend to before he gave into sleep, however.

Taking care not to wake her, he took Sigi's hand and placed it on his parts, snickering to himself at what her reaction might be. He wouldn't get to see it himself, but he hardly cared. The image in his head made it seem worth it on its own.