Becoming a Bunny Breeder - Chapter 3

Story by FurryGunns on SoFurry

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#3 of Becoming a Bunny Breeder

Ozymandias has to be away for a week, leaving Luna in the care of her new midwife, a towering minotaur that gives Luna's nose mixed signals.

Just two weeks into her pregnancy and Luna's belly was already so massive that she couldn't get out of bed without help. From the looks of the ultrasound, it was only going to get worse too. The exact number was unclear, but by the doctors' best count she was carrying well over sixty kits, even as many as seventy. They claimed it was a strange phenomenon related to being transformed into being a fertile moon rabbit, rather than being born one.

She was always going to be fertile, always going to be in the agonizing heat that made it difficult to sit still without something, or better yet someone, inside of her. Ozymandias said he was looking into someway to fix it, but he knew of no way to either undo the magic keeping her constantly fertile, or turn her back into the man she used to be. When she was more clearheaded she would panic about it, but between her heat, mood swings, and the insatiable pregnancy lust she experienced, the only thing she was capable of thinking on most days was being fucked.

This suited her just fine for the most part. She didn't need to be panicking about something she couldn't do anything about, particularly in her fragile, pregnant state, and the unicorn wasn't capable of impregnating her any longer after he took her virginity. The problem was, none of it did anything to sate the agonizing heat between her legs and the constant distraction it caused. It was only growing more intense and between the choice of carrying more babies, or being tortured with the ache of her estrus, Luna's willingness to be fertilized further was developing more with each day.

It wasn't all bad, she still had Ozzy to fuck her, near constantly just about every day, even that morning she woke up to find his cock buried into her sodden snatch. He couldn't hilt himself as deep as he used to, yet she still cried out, feeling the flaring tip of his cock batter at her closed, fertile womb. Each drive in deep making her squeak out a moan of pleasure with his cock battering her all too sensitive cervix.

"Oh, f-fuck, harder, p-please master," she begged, rocking back into his cock, the title something she found that he enjoyed hearing immensely. She had tried once saying she loved him in a brief moment of passion, but it had upset him. After he spent the rest of that night fucking her ass with only his cum as lube she learned not to use words like that.

Even then, his moods were temperamental, more than even Luna and her hormonal mood swings. He growled at her words and gripped at the back of her neck with a hand. He pulled free and forced herself to get onto her hands and knees, pushing her face into the bed as he entered her again, pounding roughly against her cervix.

"Shut up slut!" he barked out, plowing his flaring length deep into her well used, yet somehow still tight, breeding passage.

His grip tightened as she was pushed more firmly into the bed, his weight pressing down against her back, pinning her stomach to the soft cushioning of the bed. She tried to be quiet, but she couldn't resist herself from moaning in pleasure while he forcefully used her cunt. It was shameful, but she was gradually getting used to being such a wanton hussy, though his reaction was a little extreme for how he usually acted.

Hair and ears obstructing her view, she resigned herself to being used as his toy, rocking back gently into his thrusts as his cock battered her womb. She wasn't completely quiet, but he seemed content enough as his thrusts rocked her body back and forth, her heavy stomach and breasts bouncing underneath with each forceful hilting. He began to slow, then stop and pulled out, little more than his pre-cum and the last load from the night before resting in her cunt.

She pulled back her ears and hair, trying to look back at him just as his cock lined up at her pucker. She froze and gripped tightly to the sheets, crying painfully as his broad, flaring tip forced its way into her; some idle relief that her estrus laden honey was slicking his penetration into her ass as he drove his hips forward. She bit hard on her lower lip with her long, lapine upper teeth, drawing blood as her ass stretched open for his cock. He had placed an enchantment on her ass, just like he'd done her cunt to let him fuck her with his massive tool without causing any serious damage, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt as he sank in, though her ass was looser than it used to be.

He was able to push in further as he fucked her ass, the girth of his medial rings spreading open her pucker wider as he forced them into her, his large, grapefruit-sized balls impacting her ass with each deep penetration. He took some time in enjoying her ass, but she could feel his strokes becoming shallow and hurried, the sound of his balls churning and his cock throbbing inside her. One hand still gripping the back of her neck, he pushed her down harder as his hips plowed into her one last time. He groaned deeply as his balls churned and shuddered one last time, cock erupting deep into her ass, the flare keeping the load funneled directly towards her stomach.

It felt like gallons being pumped into her, thick and warm as each pulse of seed made her empty stomach rapidly filling and expanding from his surprisingly potent load. She sighed into the cushioning on the bed, the smell of cum wafting from her mouth to her nose as Ozzy slowly withdrew himself from her ass. She shuddered, feeling each ridge rubbing against her ring as it pulled free, the flared head scraping slowly until it finally popped. With a wet squelch, it pulled free, leaving her ring still gaping open, muscle flexing to try and close somewhat to contain the load starting to trickle down to her lapine thighs.

"For fucks sake, why did you have to go and ruin a good thing by talking?" he said with a sneer, grabbing a towel off a chest and wiping down his neck before doing the same to his cock. Her ears burned red and she gave a brief nod, opening her mouth briefly to respond, then deciding against it. He looked at her then tossed the towel to her. "Nothing to say for yourself?"

"Sorry sir," she muttered quietly, taking the towel to cover herself.

He snorted and began to get dressed, then turned to look at her. "I told you I was going to be out for a week, right?"

Luna's ears twitched and she rolled onto her back. "Wait, what?" she said with a start, pulling herself to the edge of the bed to sit up, albeit very slowly.

Her feet were still a few inches from the floor, but her stomach, grand and full of kits as it was, rested on the hardwood floor. Even that was not to speak of her breasts, the top most row just as big as her belly, while the two pair beneath them were a third the size, at least, but still just as round and full as the massive top pair. Mobility wasn't just a problem for her, it was rapidly approaching an impossibility for her.

"You can't be gone for a week. I need your help here. I can barely move, I can't reach any of the shelves in the kitchen for food, and-"

"You'll be fine, I arranged a midwife to come and take care of most of your needs while I'm gone, and there'll be plenty of money in your account for food and what have you."

She furrowed her brow and started rubbing nervously at one of her ears. "But... wh-what about... intimacy? You know how hard this heat is for me to deal with."

He let out a heavy sigh and pulled on his jacket, draping a tie around his neck before he walked over towards the bed. He came to the foot of the bed, where the chest full of his 'toys' were. Shuffling around inside of it, he pulled out a tube, closed on one end, opened on the other where a pair of silicone pussy lips were. His horn glowed and he tapped the open end to the magical tattoo on her belly, which began shining in kind.

When Ozzy pulled the toy back he sank a trio of fingers into the fake pussy, Luna gasping and jumping suddenly on the bed. Fingers pulled out then drove back in, rubbing against the walls of the toy and the clit budding at the top. She felt every minute detail, where he was rubbing, how deep, the intensity with which he was teasing her clit. She spread her legs wide and rolled her head back, hips rocking against a set of fingers that felt every bit like they were there, only for them to be in the cock sleeve in Ozzy's hands.

He pulled his fingers free and wiped her wetness off on the towel he'd thrown at her. "This'll keep us in touch, wherever I am, as long as I'm on this plane, you'll feel everything done to this toy as long as someone is touching it," he explained before tossing into a bag of luggage. He zipped up the bag then stopped and looked back at her. "Do I need to get two more for your ass and mouth or will this be good enough?"

Her eyes widened and she bit her lip, the grip on her ear tightening before she shook her head with an uncertain decision. "That's plenty, th-thank you very much Ozzy."

He nodded absently and closed the bag. "If you're feeling particularly needy for something more physical you can always just order a pizza and have Sasha come over, or order an escort, I don't know, but I won't be back until Sunday at the earliest, and I can't be interrupted, so don't call me."

Luna simply nodded in response, hands idly rubbing on her dome as he finished preparing. She pulled herself back onto the bed, deciding to get under the covers and try to get some more sleep as he finished preparing himself to leave.

She was mildly upset with how he was reacting and treating her, but feeling her stomach and the subtle shifting of the growing young inside her, she found herself feeling oddly comforted. A sense of absolute calm overcame her, as it had on the odd occasion in the past week. She was going to be a mother, of far more children than she should be able to carry, particularly given just a month ago she was completely male.

It was something that would nag at the back of her mind from time to time, what she was doing and how out of character it all was for her. The things she'd done, had done to her, repeatedly, and enjoying every moment of it. Even now she found herself absolutely excited about the prospect of being a mother, even fantasizing about having more children, not just in general, but inside of her, growing, her belly getting so big with dozens of kits that there was no way she was going to be able to move at all.

With these thoughts dancing around in her mind, Luna drifted off to sleep again, dreaming pleasantly about little bunnies and foals nursing from her breasts, all the while she was being bred, yet again by Ozymandias. Her belly rapidly filling with his cum and growing bigger and bigger with innumerable children, and when he finished he would pull out and sink right back in, ready to unload another womb-filling deposit into her forever fertile womb.

She was woken with a start, loud knocking at the door swiftly rousing her from her slumber. She pulled the sheets aside and drew herself back to the end of the bed, stopping when she realized there was a wetness between her legs. She spread her legs open, reaching down between the scant space between her belly and her mound, gingerly rubbing at her folds before pulling her hand back out. She'd gotten used to being always wet because of her heat, but this was abnormal, particularly given that there was cum on her fingers. Luna couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ozzy already using the portal toy he'd made to fuck her.

The knock at the door came again, louder, more insistent, causing her to jump, in as much that she could with her belly weighing her down. She pressed her palms into the mattress, grunting as she pushed herself up onto her paws. She grabbed a silk robe, not that it was big enough to cover her completely, but it offered some modesty, particularly for her breasts while they rested around the curve of her belly.

"I'm coming!" she shouted, waddling slowly to the front door.

Yet, halfway from the bedroom to the door, she felt something suddenly sink into her. They weren't fingers, and it certainly wasn't Ozzy's cock. It was much smaller than his cock, but similarly thick ad covered with soft and flexible barbs that plucked pleasantly against her walls as the length sank in and pulled back out. She froze, worrying that he'd lost the cock sleeve already, but she wasn't sure what to do either way. She had no way to stop it, and Ozzy had told her not to call.

She covered her mouth and walked towards the door slowly, the cock going slow at first, but soon increasing in pace, pounding hard into her as she walked. Her legs trembled and she nearly collapsed, buckteeth biting into her hand to mute herself. She forced herself to keep walking, but each new step was more difficult than the last, every rough thrust into her making her walls quiver and muscles weak. However, as she came to the door it stopped and she closed her eyes, feeling the disembodied cock hilted in her pulsing with heat, pouring yet another litter of kits into her. It remained buried into her, giving her time to get to the door and open it.

Luna froze, eyes growing wide as her gaze lifting higher and higher at the impossibly tall individual at the door. A minotaur, perhaps eight or nine feet tall, standing before her, a generous pair of breasts that looked to be the same as Luna's largest pair, however they fit the minotaur's frame far better. She wore a flowery maxi dress with an apron tied around her waist, hiding a lump that Luna could only guess was the minotaur's udders.

Yet as Luna stood there taking in the awesome sight of the minotaur, something caught her nose, a pair of scents that, to her mind contradicted one another in her mind. The feminine scent of heat was drifting off of her, while a deeper, more potent musk was filling Luna's nostrils. It made no sense, but it seemed as though the minotaur had both male and female sets of organs, yet Luna reasoned to herself she had just been fucked by a female hyena with a cock and balls, so it shouldn't have seemed so impossible.

The minotaur furrowed her brow, looking straight ahead, then sniffing and casting her gaze down. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. You're Luna I take it?"

Luna nodded her head, leaning against the door as she offered a hand, the cock inside her still pulsing in its release, but no drops leaking out of her quite yet. "Yes, sorry it took me so long. I was in bed and-"

The minotaur knelt down onto one knee and took the hand. "Oh, don't worry about that, I can see why it took you so long," she remarked, taking Luna's hand in a friendly shake. She looked over Luna's body then pursed her lips. "I'll be honest, I've never had a client quite so... advanced in size. This isn't a natural pregnancy, is it?"

Luna pondered for a moment then shook her head, but she was trying to hide her shock, feeling the mysterious feline partner pulling themselves free from her. It took her mind a moment to collect itself as the load of cum began to shift and leak out from her folds. "Not entirely no. My part... the father transformed me into this and impregnated me... it's actually a little complicated and my feet and back are killing me. Can we-"

"Oh my, yes, yes, do you need any help? I could carry you to the bed if you like."

Luna's ears nearly raised up entirely at the offer, but soon realized the awkward situation that would put her in. She waddled back from the door to offer the minotaur some room to enter in. "No, I'll be fine, I need to stretch my legs a bit anyway. Oh, and I didn't catch your name."

The minotaur stood up and nodded, readjusting a strap over her shoulder. "Ah, right I'm Betty. It's a pleasure to meet you Luna."

Luna nodded in response, trying to squeeze her thighs together to keep the cum from falling onto the floor. She closed the door and waddled behind the minotaur. Her stomach growled, as it so often seemed to do these days, with her eating for... dozens. "Would it be a bother to ask you to make me something to eat? I haven't had breakfast and getting around the kitchen-"

"Say no more. What would you like to eat?" she said, hoofs clopping on the wooden floor as she made her way to the kitchen, while Luna, very slowly waddled behind, legs squeezing together to avoid making much of a mess. The refrigerator door opened and she looked in then soured her expression. "Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like your boyfriend doesn't keep much in the way of food in the fridge."

"He's... he's not my boyfriend, and I was afraid of that. I haven't been able to get to the kitchen in the past-" Luna's words were cut off, her hips rising up as she suddenly felt a familiar length and girth pounding into cunt. She lost her footing and fell to her hands and knees. Thighs spread and the fluffy ball of cotton that was her tail raised out of instinct. Her belly and breasts firmly pressed into the floor, milk leaking from her teats.

Betty swiftly hurried over, helping Luna to her feet, but each buck into her cleft made her legs give out. The minotaur opted to pick her up instead, carrying her to the bedroom to rest on the bed. Luna quickly took to lying on her side, the minotaur grabbing pillows to support her stomach as she spread open her thighs for the phantom lover pounding into her. He was just as just as ferociously and relentlessly as the feline before him, diving deep into her cervix, battering at the opening to her womb, and then puling back, giving her no time to breathe before pumping his cock back in once more.

"You're not having labor pains are you? Your... whatever, said it would be a few weeks before you gave birth, but I know you bunnies tend to be pretty fast with that," Betty asked, trying to get Luna comfortable, only to catch sight of the spread legs. Morbid curiosity getting the better of her, she moved into a position to watch, catching sight of Luna's lips being parted, creating a transparent tunnel right up to her cervix only to pull back and let the walls close back in. "Goodness gracious, that's one hell of a whammy you got on you."

Luna's chest heaved, eyes closing and ears burning as the minotaur gawked at the sight. Yet something about it was strangely natural, as though all of the time with Ozzy had corrupted her to such a degree that being watched as she was fucked, even if it was by some magical force spreading open her walls. But this wasn't love making, or fucking, this was simply release, his shaft soon hilting once more to unload himself into her, the pulses of heat making her quiver and moan in orgasmic pleasure before pulling out and her parted folds beginning to trickle with cum that wasn't there a moment ago.

"Heavens that was... sure something. And the father... he a mage or-" Betty asked, shifting awkwardly at the foot of the bed as Luna let her legs relax.

"Yuh... unicorn," she replied after catching her breath. She rested her head into a pillow, trying to hide her eyes. "We met at a bar, apparently he was having a hard time finding a virgin until he found me."

"I see, okay then, well, um, breakfast, right? I'll be back in a little while," Betty muttered, adjusting her apron as she turned.

Luna was sure she could see the front of the minotaur's apron beginning to tent as she left, Luna feeling a twinge of ache deep in her despite just having two different men unload their balls into her. She grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her head, whining at the pain throbbing in her. She couldn't stand how much of a slut her unending heat made her, yet even now she was thinking about her own midwife fucking her based on a glimpse of something and a smell. However, despite being fucked and even bred so recently, the thought was persistent as ever.

"Hey, how do you like your eggs?" the minotaur called out, the smell of bacon catching Luna's nose.

"Fertilized," the bunny muttered to herself, squeezing her thighs together as saliva drooled from her mouth. She shook her head and covered her eyes with her paws, trying to clear a straight line from her brain to her mouth. "Um, scrambled, please, with a little cheese if you have any!"

Her mind ran with the fantasies dancing through her thoughts, the heat between her thighs growing hotter the more she was unable to quell the thoughts. Hands lingered over her body, rubbing at her stomach then drifting to her breasts. She pulled the robe off of her, exposing her body as she quietly moaned, teasing at her all too full breasts. She was full of shame and regret, but it felt so good, and her body ached for it so m-

There was a knock on the door and Luna jumped, quickly pulling the robe over what she could cover of her body. "I-I'm decent," she said, telling something of a half-lie as cum and wetness trickled from her folds. She tried pushing herself up into a sitting position, but struggled greatly.

"Wait, just one second, I'll help you sit up," Betty said, placing a tray filled with food on the foot of the bed. She hurried closer and, with surprising ease despite the heavy weight holding Luna down, helped her up, placing a number of pillows behind the bunny for support. "Whew, if your belly keeps growing this fast it won't be long before you need a bigger bed, and at that point I'm not sure even I could help you up at that point. Anyway, sorry it took so long, I had to run to the store to stock up the fridge."

Luna shook her head and offered a smile. "I honestly barely noticed it," she said, telling the truth, just now realizing she'd zone off for sometime since the minotaur initially left, stomach going from mildly empty after that morning's 'breakfast' to growling angrily.

Betty tilted her head to one side and furrowed her brow, drawing the tray close to Luna's side. "Really? It's been like... an hour and a half. For a moment there I was thinking about just making you lunch," she remarked, cutting a bite-sized morsel of egg to feed the bunny.

Luna sheepishly smiled and accepted the bite, eagerly swallowing it as her gaze drifted down towards the minotaur's apron. "Could I ask you a question? It's a little personal," she muttered before taking another offered morsel.

A curious expression formed on the minotaur's muzzle, but she offered a shrug. "Sure, go ahead."

"Um, are you a... herm?"

Betty froze as she cut another bite for Luna then looked up. "It's the smell, isn't it? That usually gives me away. I tend to prefer 'intersex' but yeah, technically I am. That's not going to be a problem, is it?" she asked, a somewhat nervous lilt to her voice.

"What? No! No-no-no, I just..." Luna hurriedly responded, waving her hands through the air, her breasts jostling about as she did so. She sighed and hid her face into her own breasts. "I just saw something when you left and I remembered what I smelled earlier and I got... curious..."

"You caught that, huh? I mean, I didn't expect... whatever that was that happened to you, nevermind you smelling like the inside of a breeding brothel. A girl in heat just tends to trigger my rut, and you smell very much in heat despite your pregnancy," Betty said, smoothing out her apron a bit, particularly around the groin. "Don't worry, I might be a minotaur, and I might be rutting, but I can control myself. You won't get any trouble out of me."

Luna drew up a knee, her foot pressing into the bed and scooting back and forth before turning her head to look at the minotaur. "And... what if I were to ask for trouble?" she asked bashfully, face turning pink even underneath the coat of soft white fur.

Betty stopped focusing on the plate of food and looked at Luna. She stared silently for several long seconds, breathing slowly, then stopping when it was clear that was not helping. She finally shook her head and picked up another forkful of egg for Luna. "No, I'm a professional, and if it got out that I fucked my clients I'd be ruined."

Luna turned her head away and nodded in response. "I understand," she said, sounding somewhat dejected.

Betty looked to the heavily pregnant moon rabbit and reached out, rubbing her on the back. "It has nothing to do with you. I love my job, and not everyone's willing to give an eight foot nine inch minotaur a chance as a midwife."

Luna lifted her head and looked at the woman next to her. "What? Oh... no, I totally understand."

The minotaur craned her head to one side and scratched at Luna's ear. "Then what's going on in your head?"

She shook her head. "It's alright, really..." She paused and sighed. "It's just that... I wasn't like this before I met Ozzy. I was... just different and now I-I can't stop thinking about sex all the time, like, every fucking waking and sleeping moment all I can think of is sex, and not sex but being-" Luna's eyes shot open once more, gasping as something sink into her once more. Her toes curled and she pushed her head back into the pillows behind her, legs straightening and spreading.

It wasn't Ozzy, again, it wasn't even the feline. She had no idea who or what it was, but they were using her again with just as little care as anyone else had. She closed her eyes, trying to at least enjoy it before-

They finished, just as swiftly as they started. Another load, however meager, dumped into her for another litter. She heaved a resigned sigh and sagged into the cushions of pillows.

Betty hesitated then reached out and combed her fingers through Luna's hair and ears. "You mind me asking what's going on with... whatever just happened?" she asked after a moment's pause.

Luna sighed. "I was concerned about how I'd be able to handle this damn endless heat while he was gone. He came up with this magical portal thing but... he's not the only one using it and I get no warning before they just up and jam themselves in. I regret asking now, but there's no changing it, and he's told me not to call him."

"Fuck that, call him, tell him off."

Luna shook her head. "His magic means I can't resist his commands, most people can't. He could tell me to jump out the window and I'd have no choice but to listen and do it. It's honestly pretty terrifying, but doing what he wants without him having to use his magic on me means at least I'm doing something of my own will instead of being manipulated to do so."

Betty grimaced and shook her head. "That's not right, what he's doing to you."

Luna gave a shrug then picked up the fork, skewering a piece of egg as capably as she could. "It wasn't so bad for a week or so, but he's been so distant and mean lately."

Betty ground her teeth for a few moments before moving the tray of food to one of the bed end tables. She pulled Luna closer, drawing the bunny's head to her bosom. "Well, while I'm here I'll make sure you get the intimacy and kindness you deserve."

Luna's face grew warm but she found the embrace relaxing, pressing into the minotaur's cleavage. She found herself feeling strangely calm, the heat still there, but it lacked much of the pain and intensity that it usually had, it was even more blunted than sex usually made it. Profound relief fell over her, eyes casting up and replying, tearfully, "Thank you."

Betty looked down, her face mournful, but a warm smile spreading on her muzzle. "Of course, it sounds like you've been through a lot, something no one deserves to go through." She shifted awkwardly on the bed and huffed sharply through her nostrils. "Though I admit, this is making things a little ha-erm, challenging."

Luna's brow furrowed, then she pulled back, catching sight, once again, of the minotaur's rising apron. She smiled and nuzzled back into Betty's chest, the robe sliding down from her chest, exposing her body. "My offer still stands. I honestly wouldn't mind helping you with that, and I wouldn't tell a soul."

Betty ground her teeth a little while longer, diverting her gaze from Luna's exposed figure. "I shouldn't... but if you insist... on one condition." She looked back down at Luna as the moon rabbit's expression grew confused. "I want you to take control, I want you to ride me so you can go as fast, slow, deep or shallow as you want."

Luna's eyes widened and she lowered her gaze. "I've... I've never done that, and it's so hard for me to move right now, I don't think I could."

"It's okay, I'll help you," she said, lifting Luna's chin to get their eyes to meet. "It'll be okay, I am plenty strong for the both of us."

Luna fidgeted, but before she could protest Betty had pulled her legs onto the bed and had pulled her apron off. She pulled up the bottom of her dress, her bullhood already poking out the top of her panties before she began to pull them down. The minotaur's udders were small, maybe the size of a cantaloupe, but her feminine shaft was easily as big as Ozzy's if not bigger, with a slightly different shape, the head pointed and tapered, but veiny and thick. There was, however, a conspicuous lack of balls, simply going from cock to feminine, plump-lipped bovine mound.

"See why I want you to take over? It's too big for most people, and you're already so small as it is. I don't want to hurt you or your calves," Betty said, the tip of her shaft pressing into her udders.

Luna licked her lips out of reflex then caught herself. "It's okay, I can take it. It's not that different from Ozzy's," she said, the crest on her stomach glowing pink as she drew herself onto her knees. The minotaur's expression grew surprised, but as Luna stood on the bed Betty hurried to take Luna's hands for support and balance.

Betty seemed at a loss for words, but she could recognize the excitement in Luna's eyes, the giddy smile on her muzzle. The minotaur relaxed, hands gripping to guide her. The pregnant bunny pulled a hand away for a moment, grabbing at the tip of the cock beneath her, lining it up with her dripping folds.

"I've never done this before so, I'm not used to being in control," Luna said hesitantly.

Betty gave the rabbit's hand a squeeze. "It's okay, take your time, or don't, it's up to you."

Luna nodded, smiling lightly, squeezing the much larger hand back before slowly easing herself down. With the tip inside of her, she removed her hand from Betty's shaft, grabbing the minotaur's other hand before easing down further. She sighed, the pleasant warmth and the smooth, albeit veiny texture spreading her open, gradually instead of the harsh, sudden penetrations she was so used to. It was a welcome change, one that did not last.

Feeling the tip of Betty's cock kissing her cervix, Luna stopped, rocking her hips and sighing. She almost wanted to stop there, simply enjoy the feeling of fullness and cuddle into the minotaur's chest. Yet before she got a chance to think about that too deeply as a possibility, she felt something slam into her pussy. The gentle kiss of the cock on the entrance to her womb became a rough drive pounding into her.

Luna squeaked out in surprise and her legs gave out, Betty's cock sinking in deep, grinding against her cervix and deflecting, bulging out her stomach as the length stretched open her passage to make room for the shaft. She leaned back, hands grabbing at Betty's legs to support her weight as she felt another cock pumping in and out of her even as the minotaur's shaft was spreading her walls.

"Are... are you okay?" Betty said with grave concern in her voice.

Luna took a moment to catch her breath, the phantom phallus in her pumping in and out of her with a more calm, steadied pace, feeling as though it were the only thing piercing her walls. Yet before she was ready to start riding, she felt another sink into her, then another. Her entire body trembled, sodden folds squeezing around the four cocks inside of her, each one existing in her as though they were the only one.

"Mother of... gods, he made more... hnnn, I've got... like three other people inside m-me right now," she said, hips bucking and grinding into Betty's groin.

Betty's spread open wide and she sat up straight, reaching forward to draw Luna close, albeit slowly and carefully. "We should... we should stop," she said, stroking over Luna's head, her own shaft pulsing and drooling pre-cum into the small breeder bunny.

Luna shook her head and looked up. "No, I... ah, I want to do this."

"Luna, no-" Betty began to protest.

Luna rose her hips up and drove them back down, interrupting Betty and making herself a little short of breath. "Please, at... at least I can enjoy this with you. Be-besides, you feel good, and I just... I don't want to stop. It'll j-just make what's happening-" She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, the pulse of heat from one of the men using her as a cock sleeve pulsating as they came in her. She took a deep breath and sighed. "It doesn't make what's happening any better to stop. Just makes me have to sit through being raped by two men. Please."

Betty's jaw clenched and, after a long moment in which only their heavy breathing was the only sound in the room, she nodded. "Okay, but if you want to stop at any point, just... say Unicorn," she said, hands easing down to Luna's hips as she laid back.

Luna nodded and began to rise once more, Betty's grip helping to keep her from straining. She smiled at the minotaur, slowly taking the length to the hilt before pulling back up. She could still feel them, two other men pistoning in and out of her, but she kept with her own pace, her heavily pregnant belly resting on Betty's stomach and udders, breasts almost eclipsing the impressively sized dome.

Betty seemed almost overwhelmed, head resting back as the small bunny's walls milked over her length, her own cunt dripping onto the bed beneath her shaft. Her grip grew tighter, coaxing Luna a little more, but restraining herself from holding the bunny and using her like a cock sleeve like the men who were using her.

"Goddesses, I can't remember... ah, the last time someone... hmm, made me feel like this," Betty groaned, hands drifting a bit to caress the bottom most set of Luna's tits.

Luna smiled and leaned forward, pressing her stomach more firmly against the bovine woman, but sighing at the comforting feeling of her body against Luna's. "Good. And don't worry about holding back if you feel like you're going to... cum," she said, hips rocking forward, grinding her clit into Betty's furred sheath.

Betty shook her head, beginning to protest, only to have Luna drive herself down forcefully, kegel muscles squeezing tight around Betty's bullhood; though not without the bunny biting hard into her lower lip with her buck teeth as she did so around three different cocks sunk into her. A strained moo escaped the minotaur's muzzle and she nodded in response.

"Good girl," Luna remarked with a smirk.

Her breathing was heavy, chest heaving as leaned forward, breasts grinding against Betty's with her hips rocking back and forth as she drew herself up and pushed back down. So heavy with cream and squeezed against the minotaur's own breasts, they began to leak onto their fur. Her nose catching the scent, Betty looked down, sitting up to pick up Luna's breast and draw it to her maw. The bunny gasped, heavy tits lifted with ease as the plump, jutting nipple was taken into her lover's mouth, quickly suckled upon.

It felt wonderful, so full and ready to let down, having someone to nurse from her instead of just letting it painfully build up and leak out like she'd been doing. Yet there was something more to it that triggered something in Luna's psyche, a prick of emotions swelling in her mind as Betty nursed. Her hips stopped, sinking back down as she began to sob uncontrollably. The minotaur stopped, but didn't remove her mouth from the breast, looking up with concern.

"N-no, please don't stop, I just... fuck, I can't stop crying. Why cah-can't I stop?" Luna said, rubbing her cheeks with her furred forearms. They were unrelenting, a sudden sob shaking her diaphragm, again and again. Where there was no source for the emotion, fuel was soon added to the fire at how her life had been changed by Ozzy. "It's... it's not fair. I did nut..." A sharp sniffle. "Nothing wrong, and he just... took everything I had away."

Betty, pulled her head from Luna's chest and reached out, the distance much too great for Luna's arms to touch the minotaur, but the bovine's long reach having no difficulty grabbing her and holding her close. "It's okay, I know... well, I don't, but you're okay, and you're going to be taken care of. Ssssssh, just let it out, let it all out," Betty said, shushing the bunny gently, holding the smaller being against her muscular frame.

Luna continued to sob, tears flowing unrelentingly as she remained impaled upon the minotaur's proud length. She had stopped riding, Betty not thrusting into her, yet she could still feel the pair of men inside of her, pounding, thrusting against her, another one soon joining them. She felt tired and her eyes stung as the tears flowed, but the men inside of her just reminded her of her position and role. She was an object to them, more importantly, to him, Ozzy.

"Please... duh-don't stop, can you just... take over? I don't want to stop, but I... I can't keep-" Luna said, palms rubbing at her eyes and her nose.

Betty hesitated, but nodded after a moment, holding Luna and pitching their bodies to one side. They both rolled, Luna now pressed into the mattress as the minotaur positioned herself overhead. She drew her hands to Luna's hips, elevating her ass as she began to gently pull back and sink back in. She kept the pace slow, strokes drawing back and sinking back in with stead, powerful thrusts that made Luna's entire body bounce and quiver.

The tears kept flowing for a moment, but in looking up at the minotaur and her soft, kind expression on** her face making Luna's mind calm. The flow slowed, gradually becoming a meager stream with a slight sniffle, though it was somewhat hard to tell if it was simply a sniffle, or a gasp of pleasure as the minotaur sank back in.

"T-thank you," Luna said, her small hands grabbing at Betty's wrists, heavy balls clapping into her ass. "You can go harder if you want..."

Betty smiled and shook her head, hands pulling up to caress Luna's cheek. She brought her lips close to Luna's own, whispering, "I prefer going slow."

A long, arduous tug drew out her bullhood as she initiated a kiss. She was delicate but firm, not taking the kiss from Luna like Ozzy would so frequently do, but sharing it with her like one would share a gift. She sank back, not driving fast, but entering in a little more swiftly than before. The bunny was the one to break the kiss, gasping as she was spread open once more, her focus narrowing down to Betty's length as it filled her once more.

It was as though none of the others were using her, alone with Betty at that moment. There was such a level of intimacy in Betty's draw back that made every inch of length and girth feel all the more real. Nothing else mattered, no one else mattered. So used to being fucked, she began to realize she was making love for the first time.

The tears came again, but a bright smile spread out on Luna's muzzle. "Can you please go back to-to nursing from me? That was starting to feel really good."

Betty's face belied nothing as she brought her lips to Luna's breast, taking the nipple into her mouth, drawing hungrily on as her hips slowly but forcefully back in. The nipple quickly yielded milk, gushing out into the Minotaur's mouth, swallowed down easily to her stomach. Luna sighed, head resting back as the milk flowed, her wet folds latching down onto the minotaur's cock. Her hips rocked forward and tugged backward, arms sliding up behind Luna's back to hold her close as she rocked into the bunny.

With control taken, Betty began to feel herself approach her peak, pulling out just far enough so she wasn't pounding into Luna's walls and could more comfortably drink from the bunny's breast. Luna relaxed into the bed, eyes closed, the entirety of her world narrowing down to herself and Betty, the feeling of her walls being spread by the minotaur's cock, the flow of milk into her maw and the other hands caressing one of the lower set of breasts.

"Oh... fuck, you... you're making me feel so wonderful," Luna said between breathless pants, hands stroking at the minotaur's mane and the smooth length of her horns, rocking back into the thrusts as milk leaked and poured from her breasts.

Betty's eyes glanced up at the bunny, a faint smile hidden by the breast on her muzzle. She was going slow, but there was still a need in them both, rut in the minotaur and heat in Luna. Though Betty was controlling herself, Luna was less used to resisting the urges, her rocking body and milking walls working over what length of the bullhood was inside her.

It was clear Betty was holding back, but Luna's lust was slowly winning the fight, a churning coming from inside the hermaphroditic minotaur and a swelling around her midsection. The minotaur's ears flickered and she drew her muzzle back from the best, her nostrils flaring wildly, hands holding the bunny as close to the larger minotaur's frame. The bunny squeaked and moaned with each thrust, the thrusts growing more shallow and hurried as the minotaur's belly almost seemed to expand with the churning and throbbing of the minotaur's cock.

"Ah, c-cum in me!" Luna begged, her large, lapine paws trying to grab and draw Betty's hips closer, but being unable to reach the minotaur's thighs.

Betty looked into Luna's eyes, grip tightening, nostrils flaring more. It was very evident she was getting close, but debating on listening to the rabbit. A deep rumble rolled from Betty's throat and she squeezed her eyes, driving in deeper and faster. The sound of churning and sloshing grew louder and louder until she bellowed out a deep low, cock throbbing and pulsing as it spilled heavy, thick seed into the small rabbit.

A torrent of cum flowed into Luna, kept in by the cock sunk into her. Despite the tightness of her cervix, much of the cum rushed towards her womb through the narrow gap. Each churn from Betty's stomach was followed by a fresh eruption of cum, one stomach shrinking as the other grew. Luna's mouth fell open and she moaned with each pulse of seed, cumming alongside her partner with every new burst, walls milking more and more into the rabbit.

"Oh... oh fuck, I haven't... ah, cum like this in su-such a long time. Goddesses, you are just... milking me dry," Betty groaned, virile load after load pumping through her cock into Luna's fertilized womb, slowly expanding the already taut dome.

Luna smiled and closed her eyes, feeling oddly at peace, even the heat inside of her feeling very calm. Each new potent string of dense seed bloating her belly made her muscles tense up, pleasure rising from her toes through her legs and into the rest of her body. She hesitated to speak for a moment then conceded, "The feeling's mutual. You just... ah, made me feel so good... better than... _he_ever has. Thank you."

Betty smiled wide at that, teeth being born, showing off her omnivorous teeth. "You're welcome, but I should be thanking you. If the smell of your heat is any indication, I think I just gave you another litter."

Luna took in the statement, pausing and considering for a moment, then smiling widely in kind. "For once I'm totally okay with that." Her stomach growled and she turned her head. "You didn't happen to get any veggies did you? I've never been a big vegetable person but now... I've got an intense craving for carrots and celery."

Betty smirked and nodded. "I know how herbivore mothers get when they're hungry." She leaned away slightly, picking up a spindly, thin looking sprout of some sort. "I had another bunny client who loved alfalfa sprouts. I think you might too."

Luna's ears grew warm and her nose wiggled at the scent. Her mouth watered and she stared at the sprout, something primal in her mind growing enamored with it. Yet before she could take it from the minotaur, her partner took it and put one end into her muzzle. Her face grew pink underneath her white fur as Betty drew closer, bringing the singular sprout to Luna's muzzle. She hesitated, but opened her mouth, taking it in, their lips intimately meeting one another for just a few seconds before Betty pulled away.

Luna chewed on the sprout, but her eyes focused on her lover above her. "That was... amazing..." She looked to one side, head turning before she added, "The sprout was pretty good too. Could I have another? And maybe we could go again after I'm done eating?"