A Fox inC'est La Vie

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#2 of Fox Farm

Raisin's life is about to change! He's going to gaining a lot of friends and family.

Apricot watched with stunned silence. No, she hadn't been too surprised to find that Fay had discovered Raisin's compromising situation and taken advantage of it, though Apricot had certainly not expected or planned it. The sneaky vixen had been awfully fast, riding Raisin all the way in the short time it took Apricot to find and bring back Callie.

Callie had surprised her, though. Apricot knew that the bright, red vixen hated her nefarious cousin, and seeing Raisin_spurting_ inside Fay would infuriate her. But the aggressiveness Callie had shown, not just in knocking Fay off her man (albeit too late), but in taking Raisin for herself, seemed uncharacteristic. Still, Apricot couldn't help but feel a little satisfied that at least _part_of her plan had worked; Callie and Raisin's relationship had just jumped leaps and bounds.

But the greatest surprise was her own brother. In the midst of a rather eye-opening lesson of the facts of life, Raisin had been released from his bonds. Rather than flee like she'd expected, Raisin took charge. He had spun Callie around and, in front of both Fay and Apricot, blown Callie's mind. Was this the start of some new, confident Raisin? Apricot could only hope.

Now, Fay lay back, jealousy simmering in her eyes. Would the two cousins _ever_stop fighting over Raisin? Why did these two wild foxes covet him, anyway? Among vixens, it rarely mattered much which tod scratched their itch, and after that, the tod was irrelevant. Apricot loved her brother, and wanted him to be happy, but it was just plain _odd_that these two vixens seemed so taken with human notions of companionship.

Raisin and Callie were still kissing - yet another peculiarity. He had lain buried inside her for almost ten minutes now, making his lady fox whimper and moan. Apricot couldn't help but remember her own first (and second, third, and fourth) time. Honestly, she didn't know which of those tods had sired her kits, or if each young fox had different fathers. Everything had seemed to blur together at the time.

Apricot walked slowly up behind the panting foxes, and then said, "This is what they keep alluding to on T.V., without ever showing it, Raisin. Whenever someone talks about 'doing it', or 'making out', or is worried about their daughter sneaking away with a boy, or they're afraid they might be pregnant -"

Raisin had been listening intently, but interrupted. "Wait, what?"

Fay was rubbing her stomach contentedly, gazing at Raisin. Callie just smiled, still gasping for air.

Apricot cocked her head at her brother. Could he really not know? "This is how your babies get inside the female's belly, Raisin. Foxes are different though, we only have kits in the spring, when we're 'in heat'."

Raisin dropped his jaw, looking from Apricot, to Fay, to Callie in sudden realization. "Then, you're all..."

Apricot nodded her head. "I'm not, yet, but they're both in season. You're going to be a father!"

Adding to his jaw, his ears flattened and eyes went wide. "Why didn't anyone _tell_me?" he whimpered.

Callie said, "We tried, really, but you were just so...innocent."

Fay licked her lips, saying, "If you hadn't run from me every time I got you alone, I'd have shown you this _months_ago. And don't think that just because I got what I wanted that I'm done with you, Raisin."

Callie shot her cousin a dirty look, and Raisin shivered. Then, he looked startled, and declared, "Then the rabbits...with their hundreds of bunnies...?"

Apricot nodded, and the three vixens laughed. Raisin just said, "I guess I can see why..." looking down at Callie with a smile.

Fay rolled onto her feet, walking with as much confidence as ever. Apricot could tell this tiff was far_from over, even though Raisin was sure to reject Fay in favor of Callie just as much as before. Would the dark-furred vixen _ever_give up? Raisin was still locked inside Callie, so he couldn't move away as Fay prowled along beside him, rubbing her fur against his until she lifted a paw and cupped the young tod's balls. "I'll be seeing _these, later."

With that, she strutted out of the room, probably disgusted by the looks the young couple - no, the young mates - were giving each other. Apricot sat and waited patiently. She needed to apologize for inadvertently leaving him as a wrapped present for Fay to open, but she didn't want to lose face in front of Callie. Finally, Raisin softened enough to pull out of his mate, and he stood up with a wet schloorp.

Callie licked Raisin's face and said, "I've been wanting to do that since I met you. Thank you."

Raisin stammered, looking as befuddled as ever, despite having just bred two, sexy vixens. "I-I-I'm sorry a-about...Fay."

Callie gritted her teeth, but said, "I know you didn't have a choice, Raisin. But you do, now. Maybe I've been watching too much T.V., but you, at least, should only do this with someone you love."

Raisin nodded dumbly, lost in Callie's eyes. They made such a sweet couple. Callie said, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a vixen's ears to chew off. And that's _not_a metaphor!" The wild vixen had picked up more than just television from her boyfriend, but also an expanded vocabulary. Callie, hackles raised, bounded off after her cousin, finally leaving Apricot alone with Raisin.

Raisin glanced at her, dumbstruck. Apricot couldn't meet his wide eyes, looking down. "I'm sorry, too, you know. I shouldn't have left you alone...especially like that. I owe you one."

"Are you kidding?" Raisin asked, excitedly. "Callie said she loved me. And Fay..." the red fox closed his eyes, contemplating Fay. From where he was sitting, Apricot couldn't help but notice his soft, wet penis perking up again.

"You're thinking about Callie...right?" Apricot said, glaring at her brother.

Raisin opened his eyes, and said, sheepishly, "Uh - uh yeah."

"I've created a monster," she said, chuckling. "Come on, I need your help explaining to the kits what just happened." Apricot turned away, leading Raisin from the barn.


She stopped, looking over her shoulder at her brother. She always thought of him as her _younger_brother, considering how naive he was, even though they were born the same day. Now, looking into his eyes, he didn't seem so young.

Apricot blinked. Those eyes. What was that expression?

Instead of saying anything, Raisin mounted her, jumping onto her back and tucking his surprisingly strong paws around her waist. Her eyes went wide. "Raisin, no!"

She could feel the heat of his growing loins beneath her tail, tantalizingly close, but not quite touching. He just said, his mouth frightening close to her ears, "Why not? I love you."

"Callie meant _romantic_love, you dolt! We're brother and sister!"

"So?" he asked, holding on tightly as Apricot tried to squirm away.

What was wrong with him? Surely he'd watched enough television to know that this was_not_ okay. Her ears perked with sudden realization. They were still in the barn, covered with the scents of two, horny vixens in heat! Gulping, she stammered, "We can't have kits together..." weakly.

"Come on, Apricot, you said yourself that you aren't in heat!"

Oh yeah. And Raisin felt so good on her back...so right. She could feel her vulva bouncing up and down, almost as if she were reaching out to touch his tauntingly close erection. Vixens couldn't be affected by another vixen's heat, could they? Because she was shivering in anticipation beneath her more forward brother. Maybe this was just the first time she'd ever thought about Raisin in this way.

"What about Callie?" Apricot asked, trying for a hard note to her voice. Strangely, the words came out more like a plea for Raisin to come up with a good excuse.

He pulled himself forward, until just his pointed tip brushed up against her trembling folds. "She doesn't have to know. Besides, I already got what I wanted from her. And you said it yourself: you owe me."

She flattened her ears, the nape of her neck bristling. "Raisin, listen to yourself! This isn't you, it's the heat talking!"

Leaning forward, Raisin whispered directly into his sister's ear. "Good - then there's no one to blame from what I'm about to do to you..."

Apricot dropped her jaw and _yipped_as her brother humped forward, spearing her tender hole. How could things have changed so drastically, so quickly? Apricot was used to being in control - of her brother, of her kits - but now she was back to the frightened young vixen cornered by three eager tods. Whimpering, she lifted her tail, despite simultaneously pleading, "Raisin, no!"

He just humped harder, gliding his glistening cock back and forth in time to her breathless yelps. "Oh, sis..." he moaned, his half-swollen knot pounding in and out of her tight mound. God, he was so _big!_She couldn't help but spread her legs apart for him, clenching down around his fat cock.

But this was her brother!"Raisin, please! I'll pay you back some other way. I'll use my tongue!" she begged.

"No," he growled simply, his knot straining at her tender vulva. In and out his huge bulge ripped and tore at her, grinding up against something just inside her. Now, as when the three tods had taken her, she began to moan and push back against her unwanted mate, digging her claws into the floorboards.

"See?" he asked, as if her whimpers were proof that she wanted it.

"But -" Apricot exclaimed.

"Hush! You're 'using your tongue' too much!" He drilled deep, his tip compressing against Apricot's deepest walls with a wet splish. His claws dug painfully into her sides as he added, "I'm not stopping - you might as well shut up and enjoy it, Sis!"

What could she do? She whimpered, still humping back against her young brother. She'd eventually given in to the three tods, but then she had been in heat. What was her excuse now? She trembled as she felt his balls, so recently having filled Fay and Callie, slapping against her inner thighs. He was going to pump her full, too. Sure, there was no danger of kits, but there was no taking this back. After today, Apricot would never be able to forget that she had fucked her own brother.


Raisin had to tug with all his strength to pull his knot from her clutching cunt. He hammered into her, grunting, the bulge almost fully swollen now. His bulbus glandis smacked against her pussy, stretching it painfully apart with a squelch. Her mound strained to contain him, and when Raisin pulled back, her inflated vulva held.

Two thoughts crossed the young vixen's mind at roughly the same time. First, she realized that this was it; there was no turning back now. Tied, Raisin would use his sister until he was good and done with her. Second, she felt his enormous knot throbbing just inside of her, driving her wild. She dropped her jaw, tongue dangling uselessly out of her mouth. She drooled, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. And she began to shudder, clenching hard around her brother, making claw marks in the solid oak floor, _yiffing_noisily.

Her face was on fire. Cumming for her own brother? Each time she convulsed around him, she let out another foxy shriek, until the whole barn was filled with the noise. Her brother seemed_made_ for her, just barely big enough to fit without being too uncomfortable. Raisin's trembling cock stretched out every inch of her wet, squeezing passage.


Raisin yipped_and came, flooding his young sister's hot, waiting passage. Rich, thick cum splattered her hypersensitive insides. Apricot bucked and moaned, unable to deny how good her brother's warm, bubbling seed felt filling her womb. If it felt _this good when she wasn't in heat, she could only imagine what it must have felt like for Fay and Callie. Her chest heaved, relishing every short, sharp thrust that Raisin gave.

She was still gasping when Raisin instinctively turned around, climbing off of Apricot's back. They stood back to back, locked together in a way that should never occur between siblings. She didn't know what to say.

Raisin looked over his shoulder at her, winked, and said, "Okay, _now_we're even."

* * * * *

Raisin left his sister in the barn. She seemed stunned, or dazed, and hardly able to say a word. He could understand that. He had a lot to think over, himself!

To think this had all started when four cats had jumped him and tied him down in the barn. How could he have been so ignorant? When Apricot licked his penis, Raisin couldn't find the words to describe the warm, trembling pleasure that washed over him. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt; like the feeling he got when he looked Callie in the eyes, or when she said something nice about Raisin, but that feeling amplified a hundred times.

Then, the three kits_came in and licked him all at once! That felt so good, it _hurt. He whined and whimpered, feeling certain that his penis was about to explode. Well, after Fay came in, he knew what it meant to explode. As terrified as he was, the sensation as he unwillingly filled the crazy vixen. Was she really going to be pregnant? Gosh, and Callie? He wasn't ready for that, at all.

What was he going to do? Raisin had seen enough television shows to know that a father had to be there for his kits. Where was Apricot's husband? He'd have to ask her next time he saw her. Would he have to marry both_Callie _and Fay? Was that even possible?

Thinking of Fay made him shudder, and his sore cock ache. She wouldn't expect this from him again, would she? He was with Callie. He couldn't have Fay sneaking about, pulling him into secluded places, cupping his balls, and ramming herself down on him. Could he?

As he walked to the house, lost in a confusing mish-mash of thoughts and desires, something distracted him. A strange scent on the wind, and soft noises. His ears shot upward, and he sniffed, following the faint smell. It seemed to be coming from over by the dreaded well. Raisin froze - what if it was the cats, laying an ambush for him?

"- want more, Emmy," a thin trickle of words wafted through the air to Raisin's ears.

Not the cats. Liam. Curious, Raisin picked his way around the circular, stone well, dropping his jaw at what he saw.

There, lying on his back, was the pint-sized boy-kit, while Amelia and Emmy lay between his legs, long, wet tongues_slurping_ away at his glistening cock. It was just like in the barn with Raisin, except all three young foxes had tasted his 'popsicle'.

And just like that, Raisin was erect again. His sore cock ached from the constant attention. He had better learn to ignore his desire, or he'd be awfully busy, every day, now that any of the vixens could set him off in a moment. What better way to start resisting his urges than now, with only the kits around to satisfy him? Quietly, he turned around to leave, grumbling quietly to his own, demanding erection, when -

"Uncle Raisin!" cried Emmy.

Raisin looked over his shoulder. The little, red fox had jumped up, looking at her uncle, much to Liam's chagrin. When Amelia threatened to do the same, the orange lad chirped, "No, don't stop!" He took a step beyond words, however, reaching forward with his little paws to grab his yellow sister and force her muzzle down all the way around his cock, wiggling his little hips up and down.

Amelia coughed and sputtered, but Liam was too strong. He pounded her muzzle, groaning, and Raisin, Emmy, and most of all Amelia all watched as her half-grown brother had his first, explosive orgasm. Squealing, Liam shot his hips forward and started shuddering, his virgin balls churning. Hot, bubbling cum filled Amelia's mouth and throat, and she was forced to swallow it all down quickly, or choke. She chose to drink him down, large gulps sliding down her throat into her stomach.

Raisin was so distracted that he didn't see Emmy until she had leapt against his chest, knocking the larger fox all the way over onto his back. "Now me!" she cried, landing on his stomach, her tail wagging back and forth and colliding with his full, throbbing cock.

Raisin said, "Now wait just a minu -"

"I wanna go on a foxy-ride, like Fay!" she interrupted, backing up until her tender, virgin pussy brushed up against his already drooling tip. Raisin groaned.

But she was only half his size! Even if he could_fit without hurting her, which wasn't at all clear, she was his six-month-old _niece. Sure, Raisin had just fucked his own sister, but she was older, and Raisin had lost control of himself. This was -

Something warm and wet dribbled out of Emmy, her juices sliding down the belly of his aching cock, and as easily as that, he lost himself again. She didn't know what she was asking, but why should he bother to explain? Without thinking about the consequences (at least the kits were too young to get pregnant!), Raisin placed a heavy paw on each side of Emmy's hips, and pushed softly, but firmly, down.

"Ohhhhh!" she cried, as he deflowered his niece. His tapered, bony tip slipped into her wet cunt, forcing the virgin lips to spread wide around him. But instead of yelping in pain, Emmy moaned and pushed harder _down_onto him. "No _wonder_Auntie Fay wanted this!"

"Unf! You're so tight!" Raisin exclaimed, as two full inches of his cock were engulfed by the half-grown kit. Still he pushed her down, making the vixen-in-training yip!

"More!" she cried. "Fill me with your cream!"

She was too young. Raisin knew this, but he didn't -he couldn't bring himself to- care. Knowing that the young kit wouldn't get pregnant was a pretty weak excuse for letting this happen, and Raisin expected Apricot would be furious. If she ever found out.

Glancing over, Raisin's jaw dropped. Not more than three paces away, Liam was now pounding away at Amelia, mounted on her hindquarters while the yellow kit yelped, cum dribbling down her chin from her earlier treatment. Amelia _yiffed_loudly as her brother claimed her virginity, and for a few seconds, Raisin was content just to watch, still pushing Emmy down onto his own cock.

But only for a moment. Shaking himself from his lust-induced daze, Raisin, yipped, "Liam! Stop that at once! That's your own sister!"

Liam froze, completely unaware that he was doing anything wrong. "Is...is that bad?" he asked, confused, still sneaking a thrust or two while he waited for a response. Amelia just moaned.

Raisin sighed. How could he explain? All he knew, he'd learned from sitcoms, and it seemed incomprehensibly difficult to explain all of that knowledge in one, pithy rule. Punting for now, he simply said, "Well, don't use that hole at least - that one's special. Use her mouth again."

Now Amelia had something to say. She turned to her Uncle and yipped, "But this is so much more_fun!_"

"Now, Amelia, _listen_to your Uncle. Or I'll tell your mother!"

That threat was enough. Whimpering, Amelia watched as Liam pulled out of her clenching, dripping pussy. With a sigh, the young, yellow fox turned around and began reluctantly suckling on Liam's cock again. Liam didn't seem to mind at all!

Satisfied, Raisin returned his attention to Emmy and her special hole. The fiery young girl was humping like crazy, though Raisin still had two or three inches to go, not even _counting_his swelling knot. Somehow, Raisin thought he should probably not tie with his niece. But he was sure she could take a little more...

Raisin shoved her down, sliding the kit another inch down his throbbing shaft. Her intensely tight passage was too much, and Raisin found himself thrusting his hips up into the air. His humps had been very effective with his sister, Apricot, but on his back, they seemed far too weak. He pushed down harder with his paws, groaning.

Emmy wailed, "Ohhh, Uncle Raisin! Deeper!" The tip of her short tail brushed up against his taut, sore balls. Amelia gave a sidelong glance at her sister, perhaps feeling a little cheated.

Raisin hardly noticed, however, hammering away at the tiny cunt wrapped around his bulging cock. Hump! Hump! Hump! In seconds, the young kit's vulva was 'kissing' the swollen glands of Raisin's knot with loud, wet _smacks!_Emmy groaned and whined - she'd already taken far too much for a young kit's first time.

Still, Raisin's instincts took over, and he began to jackhammer up, trying to wedge his huge knot into the tiny vixen-to-be. "Uncle, wait..." she whimpered, as he buffeted her tender entrance. The bright, red fox looked down, seeing the swollen bulb she was essentially sitting on, and her eyes widened. "You can't!" she gasped, face paling.

She was right, Raisin knew, but she couldn't stop him from trying! Gritting his teeth, the adult tod rammed her down, thrusting up at the same time with a _thwlap!_Emmy whined as her aching, virgin lips spread wide, and, to Raisin's and Emmy's amazement, one of his two glands actually slipped inside, spreading the young kit's mound wide.

Raisin would have jabbed again, and tied his fox bitch, but the wet tightness was simply too much for him. Howling, Raisin erupted inside his niece.

Emmy, half-knotted, squealed plaintively, her whole, small body shuddering as she came for the first time. She clenched and squeezed around Raisin's ejaculating cock, whimpering as the hot flood of seed shot straight up into her untested womb. After only a second, she was full, cum _splurting_out of her only half-sealed cunt and splattering Raisin's hips. "Ohhhh, Uncle! I've never had so -"

Her words were cut off. Watching jealously, Amelia had pulled her mouth off her brother and charged at Emmy, ignoring Liam's cries of, "Hey, stop!" Reaching her sister, Amelia grabbed the young vixen (for that's what Emmy now was) and pulled. Emmy yelped as she was thrown out of Raisin's lap, pulled all the way off his turgid cock. Emmy hit the ground nearby, stunned and still dripping with her Uncle's seed.

Amelia climbed onto Raisin's stomach, ignoring his clenched teeth and spurting rod. Large _splurts_of cum shot up in the air or splashed onto Amelia's small, yellow body as she lifted her little hips. Raisin could only watch in amazement as the tiny fox achieved her vixen-hood in one, forceful thrust. She sat down, hard, on Raisin's still-shooting cock, her wet, tender pussy spreading easily - at first.

Half-buried in the young vixen, Raisin still groaned and came, quickly pumping the first ounces of semen into her clenching vagina. "Ohhh, Raisin!" she whimpered, rocking her hips slowly.

But Raisin wasn't satisfied. Growling softly, the large tod placed his paws roughly on Amelia's hips and rammed her down the rest of the way, until her tight, nubile hole _smacked_up against his knot. He could feel his twitching tip poking into the pint-sized kit's innermost walls and wondered briefly how Emmy had even managed to take _half_Raisin's full knot. He was grateful he hadn't hammered his way in, or it might have been very uncomfortable for the small vixen.

Emmy was crouched on all fours with her tail raised, still dazed, curling up to look dumbfounded at her own, leaking pussy. Her cunt was stretched and gaping, large amounts of Raisin's cum pouring out of her onto the ground. Even so, the young kit's belly looked swollen from the cum that remained buried deep in her womb.

Liam was decidedly unhappy. He had been this_close to _splurting all over Amelia's mouth again, when the yellow kit had left for Raisin. The orange tod took one look at Emmy, standing with her tail raised, and hopped over, pointing and asking Raisin one, quick question. "Is it all right if I use _that_hole?"

Raisin groaned, barely managing to glance to where Liam was pointing. "Your sister's tailhole??" he asked, astonished. Raisin tried to think back to all the shows he had watched, but this topic rarely came up. "Sure, I guess," he said, returning his attention to Amelia, whose taut little stomach was growing visibly as his hot, bubbling cum stretched her virgin womb.

Emmy gasped, looking at her brother's pleased expression, and said, "Wait, what??"

Liam leapt onto her back, even as she yipped, "No, Liam, stop!"

It was too late. The normally timid Liam wrapped his eager paws around his sister's rump, ignoring the demanding fox-kit for once. Liam slammed his hips forward and pierced the young vixen's tailhole with his swollen, throbbing cock. She dropped her jaw and wailed.

Raisin was humping up into his niece, his cum gushing deep inside of her only to rebound and splatter out of her untied cunt, coating the eager tod's belly. He gently placed a paw on her distended belly, marvelling that her womb was so stuffed_with his cum. His balls ached from his fourth climax of the day, but Raisin ignored the aching pain. At least he'd been able to fill_both underage vixens at the same time - he wasn't sure he could have managed to mate Amelia after spending himself completely within Emmy.

"Oh my god, oh my god..." chanting Amelia, looking down at Raisin's paw on her stomach, each voluminous eruption pushing his digits just a little further out. She felt so bloated, full, and happy. Her little pussy clenched and squeezed, on fire with pure pleasure around Raisin's enormous cock.

To their left, Liam was pounding his sister's ass, but the fiery red vixen was crouched and humping her hips, _yiffing_loudly. _Slap, slap, slap!_went the brother's cock as he hilted himself over and over into Emmy. She didn't mind one bit, considering that Liam had leaned heavily forward, curling one paw all the way around her hips. There, he was pumping up against her sopping vulva, paw coated in Raisin's semen. Every little hump sent another gush of fertile fox-seed out of the swollen young vixen.

Raisin was amazed at his stamina. He kept filling his tight bitch for minute after minute, just like when he'd tied the three adult vixens. How much cum could he possibly _have_in those heavy orbs beneath his tail? Amelia still moaned, unable to form actual words. She looked and felt like a water balloon, plugged rather poorly just above Raisin's bulging knot. Raisin and Amelia gasped for breath, lungs heaving to meet the demands of their thrusting loins.

Then, finally, it stopped. Raisin could squeeze no more juice out of his aching balls, and consequently, Amelia's intense, three-minute orgasm finally ended. She trembled, panting and speechless.

Raisin didn't know what to say. Ultimately, he said the only thing that really mattered: "This is gonna have to be our little secret, okay, guys?"

Amelia nodded, smiling demurely.

When Raisin looked over at the other two, wide-eyed Liam yelped, "Uncle Raisin! I'm stuck!"

He was standing rump-to-rump with his sister, bulging knot embedded in her stretched out ass. Frantic, Emmy was tugging away from her brother to no avail.

Raisin said, "Stop, calm down - that's normal. You just have to wait, Emmy."

The red fox kit whimpered, used to being the one in control. Liam was positively beaming, still _splurting_inside her. The young tod asked, "We won't tell anyone, I promise. But...we can do it again, can't we?"

Amelia chimed in quickly, "Yeah, I want you to do me again tomorrow!"

Raisin dropped his jaw. He couldn't really be considering doing this again. Eventually his little nieces would come into heat, and get knocked up, and then where would Raisin be? Still, one week couldn't hurt. He said, "Alright, guys. We can do this for another week, but then I'm going to have to stop. I really shouldn't have even done this."

Liam chirped up, pleased, but asked, "And when you're gone, we can sneak off and I can use their tailholes, right?"

"Yes, but nothing more," Raisin granted, sliding Amelia off his cock and onto the ground. He stood up to leave.

Liam grinned at his sisters. Emmy whimpered, but there was a gleam in her eye. Amelia, however, laid her ears flat, nervous. From Liam's look, Raisin guessed that the little vixens were going to have very sore butts, every day, for a very long time.

* * * * *

After a month, Callie and Fay were already showing. Sure enough, the two vixens continued to fight over Raisin, despite the young tod's obvious preference for Callie. Still, when Callie wasn't around, Raisin found it difficult to refuse Fay's advances. Well, what Callie doesn't know can't hurt her!

After a week, he left his nieces and sister alone, until that fateful day when his sister marched into Raisin's room and said, point-blank, "I'm pregnant."

Raisin's eyes widened, and he stared at her belly. Sure enough, his sister was beginning to show right around the same time as the other vixens. He met her eyes, and saw the truth in them - he was definitely the father. Raisin gulped.

"How?" he asked.

"I must have just come into season when we did it. I was in heat, Raisin," Apricot said, mortified.

"I - I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight, you -"

She interrupted, "That's not all. Come in girls."

Behind her, Emmy and Amelia crept in on their bellies, ears flat like they'd stolen cookies from the counter. "Care to explain this...?" Apricot asked.

As one, the little vixens sat down, revealing their heavy bellies. How had he not noticed that, Raisin wondered. The half-grown kits were clearly pregnant, showing much more pronouncedly on their small bodies. Stammering, Raisin tried, "...Liam?" weakly.

Tilting her head, Apricot mimicked her kits voices, and said, "No, he only used their tailholes, they assure me." She glared at her brother.

Raisin gaped, feeling very warm.

"Sorry, Uncle Raisin," Amelia said. "She made us tell."

Apricot _tsked_her kit, saying, "He's the one who should be apologizing to you."

Raisin said, "I think...I need...some fresh air!" The young father bolted from the room.

A month later, the farm was crawling with kits. Not as many as bunnies or cats, but more than one young tod could handle. Raisin was exhausted.

First, there were Callie and Fay's kits, three males each, while Callie had two females and Fay had only one. Already, their offspring were fighting, running, and competing just as hard as their mothers still did.

Then, Apricot gave birth to a whopping five vixens and two tods. They ran around and called Raisin 'father' or 'uncle', not realizing that typically, their father and their uncle should be two different foxes.

Undoubtedly, that confusion only deepened when Emmy and Amelia had their kits, on the same day. Both kits had looked like little beach balls before giving birth. Emmy had three little tods, and two vixens, while Amelia managed to give birth to _six_kits, three of each sex.

Raisin groaned. He had just walked in on the eleven kits, suckling at their mother's swollen teats. Half-grown Amelia and Emmy smiled up at him, as each of the eleven kits exclaimed:

"Great-Uncle Raisin!" or, in other cases, "Dad!"

Twenty-seven kits, by five separate mothers. What had he gotten himself into?