Watcher of Arcues - Path of the Immortal Chapter 14

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#14 of Watcher of Arceus - Path of the Immortal

Watcher of Arceus

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's.

Author Notes:

-X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

~xXx~ This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

"Human Speech" 'Character Thought' {Pokémon Speech}

Co-author: Catsithx

The following is a total and complete Reboot of the story "Watcher of Arceus".


Chapter 14 : A Decision Made

Another day, another attempt to teach Mewtwo the ways of the humans, only for him to clearly be well ahead of Thomas in many ways. Thomas still attempted to show Mewtwo the world of the humans in as close to person as he could get, but Mewtwo quickly proved to lack any form of interest in learning about them through anything other then through a monitor. The sheer amount of things that Mewtwo was learning about however was astonishing to say the least, and as Thomas was packing up to leave Trovitopolis, Mewtwo had nearly gone through several note books of "homework" as he called it, all the pages, used pens, and more were filled with complex math equations, drafts of various essays for all sorts of topics, and so much more.

Mewtwo had already apparently also enrolled in some online classes over the day, and taken several entrance exams for things, all of which he just stopped when they wanted some kind of proper identification, but there were still plenty of classes he could take without such things. The sheer scale of how much Mewtwo was learning was easily leaving both Thomas and Radara utterly confused at the rate of things that he was advancing, but they didn't try to stop him though, Mewtwo just merely willing to continue to travel with Thomas for the moment.

Still as it was decided already, Thomas merely spent one more night in Trovitopolis and then was back on a boat, this time headed for Shamouti Island and the Three Elemental Islands. Mewtwo at least showed some interest however, which was a small change for him from what Thomas had seen so far. On the flip side of things though, Mewtwo once again opted to fly in the sky above the ship that Thomas had taken though.

As the ship pulled up to the docks of Shamouti Town, there were already signs of the place being hard at work. Much like Trovitopolis, humans and pokemon were working hand in hand, setting things up all over the town, and there were even a decent number of tourists willing to help as well to get the town ready for the Legend Festival that would be taking place soon.

For Thomas, it was like had recalled it many times before, if just a bit more modern with the age electricity upon the island. While there was clearly power and electric lights and more now, it was still seeped in tradition though, with older looking houses and huts, people relying on pokemon to help them without power tools, and doing almost everything by hand.

There was a massive difference between Trovitopolis and its very modern and higher tech ways, and the calm low tech values Shamouti Town. There were almost no truly large buildings and certainly nothing taller than maybe three stories tall, very few actual roads, very little in the way of other major technological advancements at first glance.

The biggest building that was around appeared to a combination pokemon center and hotel, but even that was built to look far more like a tribal hut, made of cut stone, wooden panels, and large open windows to enjoy the view compared to the usual more standard look that was common throughout most of Japan.

As the boat docked and Thomas departed, he quickly looked around for a place where Mewtwo could talk with him in person, a place where he wouldn't need to keep himself hidden in the clouds, but given the nature of the town, it was a rather difficult task.

Mewtwo just decided that hiding up high wasn't going to work here though, and landed next to Thomas since there wasn't a large crowd anywhere near him. Hiding himself as a xato if very large one once more like Radara had done for him at one point, he looked around some.

'This is strange... there is little in the way of large technologies here.' Mewtwo commented as he looked over the place, but up close now. 'I know I read that this place was vastly smaller then the places you have shown me before, but to be here... it is a different place entirely.'

"No two cities are quite the same, even if they look alike. But large cities are also not the only kind of place where humans live. There are towns like this, and even smaller places, and even some larger cities still." Thomas just said softly as he looked around himself, trying to figure out where to stay for a while.

'You still have some shopping to do. You mentioned that you had a few personal items that you wished to obtain. If you would do your shopping now, that would also give you a chance to find a place of rest this evening unless you wish to camp outside.' Mewtwo added, looking over to a large outdoor market place, dozens of vendors set up in the open air under a large fancy wooden pavilion.

"Well... if your sure about it?" Thomas asked, a bit unsure.

'I shall watch from the sides. I would observe these people and their pokemon from a distance while you shop for your goods. It will give me a chance to see how they interact while you are occupied.' Mewtwo stated, this strange new place unlike the others he had been to with people so far. While he had clearly read up on them, it was still just hard to be there.

"Well... if your sure, then I'll go get those things I want." Thomas said, giving a small shrug, but starting for the market place, Radara just giving a small nod herself.

'I may suggest that we go ahead with the shopping rather quickly. The forecast for today was going to be a rather wet one for this afternoon. I don't desire to be searching for a place to stay in the rain comes and we are lacking options given the circumstances.' Radara added, moving up with Thomas, and sparing a few glances around as well.

"Well, the market would be a nice place to look for a place to ask around." Thomas said, turning back to find Mewtwo flying off to the back end of the village, a small cliff with a view over the town not that far from the town center. "And I guess it might also be a chance for him to look at the world without computers... maybe we should try to find a place on the coastline again, but in town this time since its a smaller town?" Thomas asked.

'Perhaps... he will need the interactions to some degree with humans as to learn not to hate them.' Radara nodded lightly before looking back towards the market herself, before starting for it. 'He is a difficult one though. He is no more then a mere child, conscious for not but a few weeks old, but its as if he was born a matured adult.' Radara said softly, just walking with Thomas.

"And with enough power to claim that he is as much a legendary as any of our proper brothers and sisters already, stronger then some of us even." Thomas added slowly, walking with his sister, just keeping his voice a bit quiet. Walking up to the vendors just thinking things over now, Thomas quickly approached a larger vendor stall, and grabbed a number of various grooming kits, one for each of his pokemon, as well as a few other things, although two kits stood out easily among those he had pulled out, one for Juno and of course one for Rebecca.

Thomas just thanked the vendor, and continued on, looking over the large open market as Radara spoke up once more. 'Thomas, if I pose a question that's been bothering me... Do you think that our new brother is truly listening to us when it comes to the humans? Do you think that perhaps the learning he is doing is... not proper?' Radara asked as she walked on, using her power and aiding Thomas in hiding their talk.

"Well... he's clearly learning something on the computers." Thomas said as he looked around, and then pulled out his pokedex one more, just thinking of how convenient it had been for him, to say nothing of the cultural and learning apps that he would install on it himself if he wanted. "To be honest... I'm not sure though. I mean it is how they learn in this age. So many things are electronic and digital... and if that's how the humans learn, maybe its how he would understand them best..."

_'It is his choice to learn by such devices, but he can't truly learn of the world through them. He can only learn of the humans, and even then, the world of information is by no means a method to truly judge the humans as they really are. Anyone can allow words to go far, but baseless words are often just the result of extended emotional stress and merely lashing out.'_Radara said, still walking with Thomas, before leaning up and carefully leaning up against case she was at, looking it over for anything that she might desire herself. Thomas wasn't the only one looking for a few things after all.

"He seems very thorough about double checking his sources from what I have seen. If he believed all the hatred that he has seen so far as their real faces, of how they really acted, then surely he would have tried to make those statements and feelings more well known to us." Thomas said, stopping, and looking over the vendor stall since Radara had stopped. The cases all held various kinds of snacks on one side that were all shaped like pokemon, and then figurines above them.

It was easy to see why Radara had stopped though after a moment, he could smell all sorts of various baked berries in the air, and what also smelled like cheese-cake, Radara's most desirable snack of all. Thomas didn't mind of course, if she asked, he had readily gotten her all sorts of things well. 'Thomas, I would like a snack sampler pack. Its been a while since we have had island candies and sweets. I would also like one of the riolu figures, one of the..'

"I'll take four of those sample trays you have, two large snack boxes, and whatever figurines my espeon picks out." Thomas stated, almost a dozen of the small figurines on the shelf just getting slowly lifted off the shelf and hooks, being carefully set on the counter top, a small flash of power encouraging the vendor that this was normal. The vendor just sighed some, but didn't question it though as she started to collect the requested items.

"Anything else sir?" The lady asked as she started to collect the items that Thomas had requested, as well as getting some packaging and a pouch for the figures.

"No, I think that wi-..." Thomas just dropped and shook his head. "Add two small things of that caramel syrup to my stuff."

'You are more stressed then I had given you credit for... but you are doing surprisingly well if that is case.' Radara quickly turned to look at him, getting down and just watching him now as he pulled his backpack off and started to open it up so he would have room to put everything away inside it, as well as pulling out his wallet to pay for everything.

"Our newest brother is... I'm still not sure what to think of him. I want to believe that he learning well and that he won't start a conflict, but can he really ever truly forgive and forget what has been done to him, even after he revenge..." Thomas asked quietly, just slowly putting the various things away into his bag, before closing it up and looking back over the market.

Before he could look far though, the sounds of a ocarina started to perk up all of the natives quite a bit. Where the mood before hand had been a bit dull, and some of the vendors like the one that Thomas had just made a purchase from seemed annoyed with the day even seemed to gain a smile and looked around for the source of the music.

It was quickly revealed to a lady who stood out from the others, already in some traditional festival clothing at a stall in the middle of the market place. Curious himself even having not actually visited Shamouti Island since before his father's time almost 200 years ago, he looked over as well.

Even after all this time though, looking up to see one of the island's younger women dressed up in some such an old style clothing was something to see if for a different reason for Thomas then others. His vision blurred only for a second as a slight pain spread through his head, more memories resurfacing once more.

Memories of simpler times, of when his great grandfather had been there last himself just in time for the festival as well. Although Thomas wouldn't be staying and he knew that already, with these new memories of such a simpler time, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe it might have been worth staying.

"Its almost like time hasn't moved a day for this celebration, not since its first celebration as a festival." Thomas said, looking to Radara who just barely nodded up to him.

'For as much as the times change us all and the world, there are still always reminders of our older lives, of our ancient ways of life all around us when we only take a moment to see them...' Radara said softly, the weight of the worlds upon then more perhaps more then ever as things started to sink in for them, and made them question things about themselves.

Although their mother, their true mother, Arceus herself has tasked them both with giving the new life of Mewtwo, the newest of their brothers, the lessons of the world as it was and helping him find a place among all living things. The difference in the their times however was something that they never really understood until now though, seeing this festival and its ancient traditions being kept alive by its people in the middle of the modern day world.

'Mewtwo suggested that perhaps we should spend time learning the ways of the world around us, of machines and technology... perhaps he was right, and we should learn more then merely how to use it is as you learned before your awakening.' Radara said softly, just staying with Thomas as he walked slowly through the isles of the market.

"We... we would have to do it at some point wouldn't we. Maybe... maybe we should think about how we interact with others more." Thomas said softly, just pulling out his pokedex and looking over it some more. There were dozens of other things he had never even looked into about it, but for now all he could think about how times had changed, even more standing where he was.

Looking up slowly, he couldn't help but notice all new electric lights in place of old torch and blazers, of metal support beams over large wood ones, not to mention all of the other equipment like power lines, outlets and other modern items.

Radara herself was even a bit lost in thought, but still recovered quickly, her tail tapping Thomas's leg as he looked up in time to see the girl who was wearing the costume was looking right at him now, and walking his way.

Putting his pokedex back away, he started walking again, just trying not to draw a crowd as he went back to trying to do some shopping. He didn't get far though, just a few booths over when he found something else of interest. The booth had dozens of various musical instruments that he had only just noticed when he got close because they were all in cases and on shelves. Of special interest however antique flutes in a locked display case up front.

Feeling Thomas stop, Radara quickly turned and looked back as well, seeing the flutes herself. With some memories of older times already in head, it was easy to recall his time spent with an instrument as well, one that Arcues herself readily enjoyed. He couldn't help but be lost in thought once more as he looked over the various flutes, clearly in debate while Radara made a decision herself. As the vendor came up, Radara quickly looked up and quietly asked her own questions, posing as Thomas to avoid questions while he was lost in thought again.

'What kind of violins do you have? I'm looking for something very high quality with a solid case, something that could travel well without needing lots of extra work to care for.' Radara started, already knowing that Thomas preferred a different instrument then the one that their true mother had asked him to learn. While he had spent an easy few hundred years learning how to play the flute at her request, the instrument that her brother always picked of his own will and picked continuously were stringed, usually favoring the violins over others.

"I've got a few that might, but nothing over the top." The man stated, turning away from then and looking over a few cases. "Probably the best one for frequent use wouldn't be one of my higher quality one if your doing lots of on foot travel though. I've got some synthetic material ones that would clearly last longer, but they don't sound as strong. I consider them more practice models, but they would last years in the hands of a trainer who travels a lot and practices out in the wild... or maybe you do want one of my higher quality ones, but I don't exactly have any of thing cheap for now. Half my goods are custom made pieces made here on the island, mean to be shown off a bit as much as played, and the others are antiques." He started, only for Radara to peak into his thoughts and look over his thoughts on what he thought might be best.

The man clearly knew his stuff as he carefully A few quickly stood out for what Radara was thinking of for Thomas though, and Radara just focused on those. 'Maybe something made on the island. Nothing too fancy, but still easier to care for. And if you have a good but cheaper practice model, I'll take that as well.' Radara explained, the man quickly looking his selection and with a little help from Radara, found two that worked for Thomas.

Packing them up, as Thomas looked up, the man had just finished and was adding it all up and writing a receipt. 'Just pay for them Thomas, I trust they are viable. If you feel that caramel milk shall help you, then I feel that some music shall do the same as well.' Radara explained, Thomas just not arguing at the moment as he pulled out his wallet and just paid for two instruments, carefully stowing them again in his bag, thankful that he had gotten a larger backpack now.

As he finished putting them away though and turned to leave, the girl in costume was right there behind him. "You certainly look like a nice man." The girl quickly stated, a sly grin on her face as she looked him over. "And judging from that fancy pokedex and the espeon at your side, you look a nice trainer too."

"Oh... uh hi." Thomas stated, a bit confused, recollecting himself quickly from being lost in thoughts and then just being suddenly confronted in a way. "Yes, I'm a trainer. And you are?"

"You can call me Saph." She smiled, leaning down and quickly petting Radara who just gave a soft purr under the skilled and soft touch of the girl rubbing her ears. "You like music do you? You any good with an ocarina?" She asked.

"No... no I've practiced with the flute a lot, but I kind of prefer strings over anything else." Thomas said, letting Radara enjoy herself for the moment instead of making a quick excuse as usual to just leave.

"Oh, is that so?" Saph smiled, still petting Radara as she looked back up to Thomas, checking his belt to quickly see his full set of six pokeballs at his side. "You must be a good trainer, with a full team like that, and with such a well behaved and well cared for espeon."

"I... manage myself and my pokemon well. We mostly just travel around though." Thomas said, really wanting to get back to shopping, but also not going to just take away Radara's attention so quickly.

'She is very good with her hands.' Radara's voice murred in his head, a gentle purr flowing with her words as Radara spoke to Thomas.

"A traveling trainer huh? I bet you've seen plenty of places with this little cutie. You going to stick around for a few days?" Saph asked, now using both hands to rub Radara's cheeks, clearly pampering the espeon.

'Thomas... I hate this girl. She's trying to distract me and its working... She's done this before...' Radara said, her voice now slower, a bit softer and hidden by the loud purring she was doing. Thomas could tell that like himself, it was clear that Radara was stressed much like himself and clearly didn't want Saph to stop at all, even knowing that she should. 'She wants you to be the hero this time... for the legend festival.' Radara tried to whine to get her to stop, but it was so half hearted that it sounded more plea to keep going.

"Oh, you like that?" Saph laughed a bit, Thomas just giving a quiet sigh. "I know a few places where you can stay for a few days." Saph continued, not really giving Thomas a chance to answer from her previous question. "If you're not familiar with the island, those of us on Shamouti Island hold a festival each other to honor the Guardian of the Sea, and we need a "hero" for the festival. You look like the hero type." She smiled, a few vendors watching now with various faces of interest and curiosity now wondering if the role of hero had been filled already, and now in a way judging him a bit.

"No thanks. I don't really handle large crowds well." Thomas quickly stated. "I know about the Legend Festival, and I was just kind of here for the market before the main event, sorry."

"Oh... you sure? You really do look like a perfect hero." Saph asked, slowing down her work on Radara, and then slowly standing up after patting her head a few more times very gently. Radara wanted to hiss a bit and scare the girl away, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it after she showed how good her hands were.

"Well, the festival is still a few days off. I'm sure you'll change your mind. You look a lot better then some other trainers I've seen around here." Saph said, looking around some, Thomas one of a few trainers that people might quickly say were the gentlest and better looking trainers that could be easily trusted, in comparison to a few leather clad trainers, and one that just looked off to begin with as though she was just better then everyone else, and it showed with her words, holding herself back from some disrespectful words. More Thomas felt like he had seen the female trainer before but just tried to push it from his mind. He didn't want to cause trouble after all.

"I'm sure you'll find someone for this hero role." Thomas said, just giving a small nod before going to continue looking around the market space, this time finding what he was really after the most, a special crafts booth for jewelry and more. Unlike the former jewelry shop that Thomas has visited, the stones and gems here were mostly uncut, but that was fine with Thomas, he knew that his family would help cut them and help bind them to the Lover's Crest between Rebecca and himself.


Thomas just continued his slow shopping trip, still thinking about things himself, a disturbance quickly caught his eye and the eyes of those nearby. One of the local police officers was escorting, somewhat forcibly, a trainer a bit younger then Thomas was now, but also clearly well into his journey based on the large jacket that had its entire left arm pinned with an easy three or maybe even four dozen badges from all over Japan.

"You'd better let me go now before my mother finds out. She'll have your job for this!" The man cried, still trying to pull his arms free, but that was proving hard with his hands being cuffed behind his back, and then of course getting grabbed again.

"I don't care who your mother is, we both personally saw you almost kill Sapphira. You're damn lucky that our islands mysterious protector was around to save her or you'd be facing full on murder charges instead of attempted murder charges in addition to everything else!" The officer quickly barked back, giving him one more very hard pull this time, the second officer also grabbing the trainer's other arm for all the trouble and fuss he was making.

"Its little brats like you that give trainers everywhere a bad name." Someone following along, with a third officer holding a blanket over the a slightly older lady but still younger then Thomas was now, a few burns on her hands and some singed hair visible as she shouted out at him. "You shouldn't ever have pokemon again. I hope they take your pokemon and give them to someone caring and then ban you from ever having pokemon again you ugly bastard!"

"Now now, calm down. He's already under arrest for multiple charges." The third officer stated, pulling her back a bit. "Look, we really need to get you over to Doctor Alistair alright. She really should look over those burns."

Thomas just shook his head, quickly pushing that trainer's disruption out of his mind, along with Radara as they moved to continue their own shopping, looking through some various threads and other crafting materials, some more things for the Lover's Life Crests he was making with Rebecca still. Of course, now it was a bit harder, dozen of other residents making their own observations and quickly calling out the trainer for his horrible actions, and demanding extra charges be added to the list, some of the legitimate such as having to be fined for destruction of cultural property like the festival costumes and more.


As Thomas left the plaza with information now in hand about a place that he could rent for the night, he moved towards the hotel as the weather continued to grow colder. Mewtwo quickly flew back down and joined him near a small enclosure on the way to the hotel.

'Thomas, I have come to a decision. I wish to depart from your side and this journey when we return to the main land. You were right, and there indeed humans who would be selfless in their protection of pokemon.' Mewtwo stated.

"Are... I'm not sure that would be wise yet. I don't mean to offend you, but you still seem so cold towards the humans, are you sure that you understand that they can be different from the ones that gave you a cold birth?" Thomas asked, very much taken back bu the sudden topic. "I'm not even sure where we would find a home for you yet..."

'I am sure that not all the humans are like those who made me. While you were shopping, I was watching. And what I saw confused me at first, but I think I understand now. I witnessed a young woman put herself in harms way to protect pokemon. She allowed herself to selflessly take injury protecting pokemon from a dishonest trainer. She would have been killed, but I saved her. Something about her reminded me of... of something.' Mewtwo stated slowly, looking down a bit confused even in his own words.

"You intervened and saved a young girl... you didn't hurt the other trainer did you?" Thomas asked, fairly concerned now, already knowing how Mewtwo dealt with problems before. The incident back at the market of the trainer getting arrested and the slightly burned girl came to mind, who he only just now recognized as the girl that had asked if he would around to play the role of the chosen one in the Legend Festival.

'I did not kill the trainer, I merely protected the girl. I cannot say the same for what will become of him now that I have reminded his pokemon that they do not need to be abused once I looked into his mind and saw how he treated his pokemon. The pokemon he was attacking, and the girl... they are fine and one of the officers came quickly and arrested the trainer.' Mewtwo said.

Hearing the words, Thomas quickly gave a sigh of relief, along with Radara. 'That could have been... very bad if you had done something serious to the trainer...'

'I fully understand the direct consequences of my actions, both from having taken said actions, as well as those for having not taken action. The girl would be dead, and the undesirable trainer would be have committed a murder and walked away freely. His belief that was fully superior and allowed to terrorize weak pokemon where he believed none could challenge him makes him dangerous. The girl was still injured before I intervened... perhaps I should have done more. Still, with her injury and her selfless act, as well as my own account of the witnessing the attack directly given to two officers who were near by and a thus witnessed the event themselves with my assistance shall see the trainer dealt with properly. None of them know of my personal involvement in the matter, nor will any actions be able to be tied to me, and thus by connection, you.' Mewtwo said, once more confident in his words.

"And seeing this genuine act was enough to sway your decision now? It held enough power to make you want to just stop this journey, that you don't want my help anymore?" Thomas asked.

'This is not the end of our travels... I merely have a desire to see more then you would be able to show me right now. I will find you again and travel at your side at my decision, as I see fit rather then merely going where you would take me. In my studies, there are places that I have found that interest me, and I would prefer to go see them in person.'


As the sun was rising on the new day, Thomas of course woke early and just looked out over the view of the water. Carefully getting up as not to wake Rebecca, and walking over to the balcony, he just enjoyed the simple pleasure of looking out over the water the sun half way over the water, and casting a nice glow where it could between the islands.

He spent a few looking over the water before at last coming back inside, seeing Mewtwo still on his computer and once more filling out a large number of sheets and papers. He quickly looked over, only for a cup of warm tea to float up quickly towards Thomas.

'You'll need the caffeine today. I image we'll moving quickly.'_Mewtwo stated, Thomas just looking on confused. _'I highly doubt that you are aware that a partial image of you has appeared in a museum transcript. It would appear that one of your god-child temples have been discovered and the humans have insisted on raiding it. I do not have a location of which site, only that the museum in Goldenrod City of Johto has the artifacts. The confusion of the images presented in this strange temple has finally led to some scholars asking for help and thoughts.' Mewtwo stated, turning the screen around on his laptop and showing Thomas a very partial image.

While part of the image was clearly blocked by a pillar of some kind, and the lighting was way off, as though the lights being used were just scattered about, the image was still clear enough. Set in crystal, like laser etched glass, the partial image of Thomas was indeed present, a little less than half of his face seen with a soft smile, a look of content peace about him, but what really gave it away were the images of the faces of various eevees and their evolutions etched around it, all of them far more easily recognized.

"What..." Thomas could only stare in confusion. "R-Radara, pack up now... Now! We're leaving. One of our homes have been discovered!" Thomas half shouted quickly rushing to get dressed himself, Radara barely glancing at the same image that Thomas had in confusion when Mewtwo showed it to her, only for the whole room to start moving as Radara used everything she could to help now.

What I lost.

_Once again the world of cheating I enter. This is one about a simple fox and what he does when he finds out the love of his life cheats and what he does with said information. This a short one and straight to the point. Also this is a darker one than...

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How can you?

_Yes another cheating one. I love to try to change the ending instead of someone being a chuck or never doing anything to change what happen. Here we have our halpless puma who finds out the truth about his lover. What will he do to keep her. Yes I...

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The singer.

_A side story I had written for something else but publishing for my piece of mind._ _A singer whose voice control those who do not realize it pines for freedom. Yet can she ever have it. A certain balck cat will do what he can to provide that. ...

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