Getting To Know You

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Acquisition

Sky lay on his king-sized bed, wings spread out, considering the day's events. Just this morning, he had woken up in his small room at the training centre, expecting the usual routine of education and slave-training he had been experiencing for years. Instead, he had been purchased.

His new owner, Jennifer (a vixen), had brought him to her mansion and introduced him to his fellow slaves: Luna (a wolfess) and Tali (a skunkette). The three had then spent the afternoon showing him around his new home. The tour had been necessary, as his owner's house was much larger than he had thought at first. Apparently, she had had most of the facilities built underground to avoid spoiling the forest her house was built in.

Jennifer had told him she kept her public and private lives separate, and that her house and all the things in it - including her three slaves - were there to distract her from her corporate existence. To that end, the mansion was equipped with anything a member of the Privileged could want for relaxation. He had been shown a huge pool - complete with waterfalls, slides and whirlpools - as well as well-equipped kitchen. His mistress enjoyed cooking, and the enthusiastic comments from Luna and Natasha told him she was very good at it.

He had also been introduced to the dungeon.

Being denied the sexual training other trainee slaves were provided had led Sky to the training centre's internet connection, which had provided all the carnal knowledge he could have desired. This swiftly became sexual frustration, as other slaves would tell him of their training sessions and just how good it felt. His frustration led him to delve deeper and deeper into the world of kinks and fetishes, which in turn led to more frustration. He was unaware this was exactly what his teachers intended.

Kinks like bondage and domination were unsurprisingly common in a society that permitted slavery, and Sky had encountered them quickly. The idea of a dungeon was familiar to him, but the one created by his new owner was beyond anything he had imagined. She seemed to own every type of bondage equipment and furniture imaginable, including some she had made especially for her. There were cupboards filled with every sex toy the internet had to offer, and many it didn't. He had seen Luna and Natasha shiver with delight when Jennifer had commented that everything in the room was well-used. Then she had turned to him and asked him what he wanted to try first.

He had felt his face try to blush and turn pale at the same time. When the other girls had grabbed his arms and started debating what to tie him to, he had almost fainted. To his relief, his mistress had laughed and admitted she was joking. "I know you're inexperienced; I'd never just throw you in at the deep end, as fun as that would be for the rest of us." He had also seen the pouts on the other's faces: they had thought she was serious.

Instead, they had gone to the kitchen, where they had exchanged small-talk while Jennifer cooked the evening meal. Sky had enjoyed both the meal and the conversation. He had got to know both his owner and his fellow slaves a little better and no longer felt quite so much like an intruder in their relationship.

Eventually, he had been led to the bedrooms. When his mistress opened a door, from the size of the room he had assumed it was hers. Then she had laughed and told him it was his. "This is your room - your sanctuary. None of us will enter without your permission. Likewise, everyone else's rooms are off-limits." Then she had pushed him through the door and told him they'd come for him in the morning. Sky's few possessions from the training centre had arrived during the afternoon and he had spent a few minutes arranging things and exploring the room. He had laughed when he found the various loops around the room where bonds could be attached; clearly, play was not restricted to the dungeon.

Finally the day's events caught up with him, and he fell asleep. His dreams were filled with images of the dungeon and the activities that would inevitably occur there.


Sky awoke to the sound of knocking. Momentarily disoriented by the strange surroundings, he sat up with a start. The knocking came again. "Er, come in!" he called, before remembering where he was. And that he slept in the nude.

Before he could say anything, the door had opened and Luna had walked in. "Good morn..." she paused, realising what she was looking at. "Oh my." she purred. "A very good morning, it seems." Her gaze was focused on his crotch. Belatedly, Sky realized his dreams had left him with a bad case of morning wood. As he scrambled for the bed covers, Luna burst into laughter. "I don't know why you're being so shy - we'll all be getting acquainted soon enough." The wolfess sighed. "Unfortunately, it may not be as soon as Jennifer wanted." Luna had earned the right to refer to their mistress by name long ago. "She got a call early this morning: A contract negotiation's run into problems and they need her help. She won't be back until tomorrow."

Sky frowned. Part of him had been anticipating his first time, but another part of him was relieved it had been postponed. A thought occurred to him. "She's going to be stuck in 'work-mode' when she gets back, isn't she?" Luna nodded. "Well then, I guess we should prepare something extra special to distract her, shouldn't we."

"Great minds think alike. Tali and I already have a few techniques, but with three of us we can be even more... distracting. That's for later though. Jenny wants us to go into town after breakfast and get you some things. You should start making a list of anything special you want in the way of furniture or clothing. Do dragons have a special diet or anything?"

"No, not really." The dragon looked around his well-appointed room. "I don't think there's any furniture I need, and I'm fine with the clothing the training centre sent along."

"'Not really' means there is something, and I didn't say 'need', I said 'want'. The rules on honesty apply even when Jennifer's not around, you know." She grinned at him. "She'd be interested to hear you're forgetting already, but I'm not going to tell her unless she asks." Luna knelt next to the bed. "You need to realise that this isn't the typical master-slave relationship you've been taught to expect. Our job is to distract Jenny and keep her happy. She knows we're much better at that if we're happy too, so she lets us have pretty much anything we want. If you want to decorate your room a particular way, or wear certain clothes, or you like a certain type of food, you only have to say so and you can have it."

"I know she's not a normal owner, and I appreciate being allowed to pick out clothes or whatever. The truth is, we were always taught to accept whatever our owners provided for us, so I've never really developed a preference." He smiled slightly. "If it helps, I prefer meat to vegetables and fruit."

Luna smiled. "Well, it's a start. Tali and I will show you around the various shops and we'll see if anything catches your eye."


Four days later, the three were still waiting for their mistress to return. She had called them every day, promising to return as soon as she could. They could hear the frustration and anger in her voice; whatever problems she was dealing with were obviously worse than she had expected.

The shopping trip had been eventful. Tali and Luna had taken great delight in putting a temporary collar around Sky's neck. Luna had suggested adding a leash, but had decided against it - at least until Jennifer had had a chance to play with him.

Sky had watched in amusement as the girls decided which of their owner's large collection of vehicles to take. Luna wanted to take a van to carry any large purchases they made, but Tali had favoured a sports car, arguing "That's what delivery services are for". They had given him the deciding vote, and the wolfess had gone slightly pale when he sided with Tali. He soon discovered why: the skunkette was a speed freak, and had pushed both the car and its passengers to the limit. When they finally stopped, both she and Sky were grinning madly, but Luna had been shaking. When she finally calmed down, she had glared at the dragon and threatened vengeance.

By the end of the day, they had picked up a stack of furniture brochures and paint samples for Sky's room, as well as a number of outfits for him. The girls had acquired Jennifer's fashion sense, so Sky had merely stood, slightly bemused, while they held up assorted shirts and trousers for him. They had wanted to take him to a few of the local fetish stores and pick out some more interesting items, but had decided that probably came under 'play', and their mistress would be annoyed they had gone without her.

The rest of the days had been spent teaching Sky the various duties and routine that Jennifer's slaves performed during her absences, and planning for the vixen's return.


Jennifer's car pulled up in front of her house and she climbed out, not even bothering to say goodbye to her driver. She stormed up to the front door and yanked it open. "Bastards!" she yelled, slamming the door hard behind her. Closing her eyes, she slumped against the doorframe. She sighed, trying desperately to let go of the anger she was feeling.

The vixen suddenly realised she hadn't been tackled by her slaves. Nor had she heard them run to the entrance at her return. She opened her eyes, then blinked at what she saw. All three were kneeling in the entrance way, eyes averted.

"How may we serve you, My Lady?" the three said in concert.

Jennifer laughed quietly. "How long have you been waiting like that?"

"About an hour, My Lady" said Tali. "We wanted to be ready for your return."

"Well, I appreciate the gesture. Unfortunately, I need to make some phone calls, so why don't you make yourselves scarce for the evening."

"No, My Lady" said Luna. "We knew you would need to relax this evening, so we have a number of things prepared for you."

"As much as I'd love to, I have some heads to lop off, and I'd rather get it done now."

"With respect, My Lady," said Sky, "your outburst at the door suggests you're too angry to be making sensible business decisions at the moment. Lopping off heads can wait until tomorrow." As Jennifer opened her mouth to argue, the dragon pointed at a table nearby where handcuffs, rope and a gag were lying. "We are prepared to make you relax, if you force us to."

Jennifer stared at the equipment, somewhat stunned. She looked back at her three slaves. "How did you manage to corrupt him so quickly?" she asked the girls.

Luna and Tali grinned while Sky blushed. "Actually, that was his idea" said Luna. "He's got a wonderfully twisted mind, despite the lack of experience."

"Well," Jennifer sighed, "Seeing as I'm being left with no choice, I guess the phone calls can wait until tomorrow." With that decision made, she felt a little of the tension in her body ease. "So, what exactly do you have planned?"

The three stood and guided her to the master bathroom. They had lit the room with candles and there was music playing softly. As Tali and Luna helped Jennifer undress, Sky poured her a glass of wine. Once she had got into the bath, they slipped away quietly. Jennifer lay in the bath, relaxing and sipping at the wine. Her troubles, while not forgotten, were certainly becoming less prominent in her mind.

As soothing as the bath was, she eventually decided to get out. As she stood up, she realised Luna had quietly come back in to the room and was waiting with a towel. Silently, she began to dry the vixen. "You're really making an effort tonight, aren't you?" Luna nodded. "Well, I appreciate it. I haven't been pampered like this in ages."

"You should thank Sky, My Lady - this was all his idea. Tali and I were going to pounce you at the front door and fuck you until you passed out, but he suggested that if you'd had people arguing with you for four days, being pampered might be better for you."

"Getting pounced is always good for me, but he was right; this is exactly what I needed tonight. I shall have to find a way to reward him properly." Jennifer's eyes glittered in the candlelight. "I take it the three of you are getting on well?"

"Tali and I both love him, My Lady. He's exactly what we needed to shake things up and distract you better. We've had a few disagreements, but nothing we won't be able to solve once I get him in the dungeon." She grinned, looking forward to paying him back for inflicting Tali's driving on her. "There, you're all dry, My Lady. Now if you'll follow me to the gym, Sky is waiting by the massage table."

Jennifer's eyebrow rose. "Since when do we have a massage table?"

"Since yesterday, My Lady. Sky asked us to buy it: he was trained in massage techniques and said a proper table was much better than a bed, particularly ones the size of ours. While he's massaging you, Tali and I will finish cooking dinner. Do you have any special requests?"

"I suspect you three have already planned the menu, so I won't interfere. Not too much alcohol, though. I have my own plans for tonight, and while a little wine will make things easier, I don't want anyone to be drunk." The wolf gave her a curious look. "I think it's time the three of us truly welcomed Sky to the household, don't you?" Jennifer's grin was matched by one of Luna's.


Jennifer sat back in her chair. Dinner had been superb. From the pampering she had been given, she had half expected gourmet cuisine, but she had been wrong. Since they had refused to let her wear anything other than a simple robe after her massage, gourmet food would have been somewhat out of place. The meal had been far from fancy, but was - like everything else since arriving home - exactly what she had needed. Idly, she wondered whether Sky's ability to get everything right was a result of his training or from some 'magical' draconic ability. Taking a sip of wine, she decided she didn't care; she was more than happy to benefit however he had managed it.

She had watched her three slaves carefully during the meal. She heard the jokes and teases going back and forth, along with the occasional good-natured taunt. While it hadn't been the way she had wanted to handle Sky's integration to the household, it seemed having four days alone with the girls had helped them get to know each other. Tali and Luna had accepted the dragon as she knew they would, and he had started to come out of the shell of shyness he had been hiding in since she had bought him.

It was finally time to put a few major holes in that shell.

With the meal over, Tali, Sky and Luna were clearing the table. She waited until they were walking back in from the kitchen. "Don't sit down anyone; it's time I took over the planning for tonight." Sky looked slightly puzzled, but Luna and Tali were trying hard not to smile. Luna had obviously told the skunk what was about to happen. Jennifer walked up to Sky and locked her eyes on his. "It occurs to me that I bought you to be a sex slave, but we haven't had sex yet." She watched the blush spread over his cheeks. "I was planning for your first time to be just you and me, slow and gentle, but seeing how far you've gone to please me tonight, I think it's only fair that I do the same. You're going to get the best efforts from all three of us tonight, Sky."

The dragon was blushing even harder, and starting to look a little nervous, though he couldn't manage to break her gaze. His fellow slaves were looking at him in a distinctly predatory way, and grins were breaking out on their faces. Jennifer decided to drop her last bombshell. "And seeing as I still need to work off a bit of frustration, instead of slow and gentle, I think we'll start with torture and interrogation." Sky's eyes went wide. "Grab him, girls!"

Tali and Luna immediately lunged towards the dragon, but he was too quick for them. He ducked, and they ended up in a heap on the floor. The vixen's grab had come slightly later, but Sky used his tail to trip her and she fell on top of the pile, while he looked on in amusement. After a moment's shock, everyone burst into giggles. Jennifer glared at the dragon and tried her best to look angry. "You're only going to make it harder on yourself when we catch you, you know!"

Sky grinned. "Where's the fun in making it easy for you?" he said, before running out of the room. Disentangling themselves, the three women gave pursuit. Eventually, they cornered him near the bedroom wing. With a shout, all three dived at him. This time, he wasn't fast enough to escape and found himself trapped beneath them. Luna hauled him to his feet and held him in a bear hug. He struggled for a moment, but it was clear he wasn't going to escape.

Jennifer watched him for a moment. "Relax, little dragon; we're not going to hurt you. I'm more than aware you're still a cherry, so I'm not going to break out the whips and paddles for a while. On the other hand, I also know you're a perverted little scalie, so I don't see anything wrong with introducing a few kinks for your first time." She stepped in close to him, holding her muzzle barely an inch from his.

"If you want, I'll send the others away, and your first time will be just you, me and a huge, soft bed. It'll be the most pleasurable thing you've ever felt." She kissed him softly, knowing it was his first.

"Or you can be our captive, bound to the bed, while the three of us do unspeakably mind-blowing things to you." She kissed him again, harder. His gasp let her slip her tongue past his lips. She ran it gently against his teeth, then probed a little deeper. She felt the tip of his tongue flee in surprise, then return to brush against hers. He moaned quietly, her tongue withdrawing from his mouth, but coaxing his to return the favour. His exploration was rather clumsy, as she had expected, but she could feel the raw need behind it. Sky whimpered slightly as she broke the kiss. "Well," she said, "which is it going to be?"

"I choose mind-blowing" he whispered. The three girls grinned.

"Where do you want him, Mistress?" asked Luna. Jennifer pointed towards her bedroom and Luna nodded, picking the dragon up off his feet. Entering her room, they walked towards the huge four-poster bed. There would be more than enough room for all four of them on its sheets. Behind him, the wolf nodded at Tali, then at the bed. The skunkette grinned and crouched slightly. Luna heaved Sky on to the covers, where the unexpected flight left him sprawled. Tali leaped on top of him, landing on his chest.

"Ooof! What was that for?" Sky glared at the girl sitting on his stomach.

"Just making sure you don't try to run off again." She grinned. The dragon's tail flicked up and whacked the back of her head. With a quick glance, she grabbed the end. "Oh, no, I'm not that easy to get rid of!" She grinned. "And you're just giving me another reason to be unspeakable to you!"

Jennifer was digging through a chest of draws, but she looked up. "As if you need a reason!" Finding what she was looking for, she walked back to the bed. "As good a job as Tali's doing of keeping you in place, I think these will work better." She held up a number of padded cuffs. Handing some to Luna, she began attaching them to various loops on the bed frame.

The vixen looked at Sky, lying trapped on the bed. "I think it's time for the clothes to come off. Would you mind, Tali?"

The skunkette shifted her position and reached for the bottom of his t-shirt. She slowly pulled it up his body, smiling down at him the whole time. Once it was over his head, she let him sit up slightly so he could pull his wings out. As soon as they were clear, she shoved him back down to the bed, grinning. She swivelled on his chest so she was facing his feet, and started work on his trousers. Soon, all he was left with was his underwear, which was showing something of a bulge. Tali looked at him over her shoulder. "Enjoying this, are we?" She hooked the waistband and started to pull. All three girls grinned at the sight of an inch of dark blue dragonhood sticking out from its slit.

"Definitely enjoying it" said Jennifer as she reached over and gently took hold of Sky's hand. She caught his eye and smiled. Stretching out his arm, she wrapped the cuff around it. "Not too tight?" The dragon shook his head. "Good boy." She moved on to his leg, Luna mirroring her actions. Once that was secure, she held up another cuff. "Just in case" she said, reaching for his tail. That was soon immobile as well.

Luna coughed slightly and pointed at Sky's groin, where at least six inches of his member were now showing. "I think he likes the cuffs, Mistress."

Jennifer smiled and looked down at the helpless dragon. "Already enjoying this, and we've barely started. You're an eager little dragon, aren't you?" He nodded. "Would you like to know what we're going to do to you?" He nodded again, this time looking a little more nervous. "We're going to tickle you mercilessly." Seeing his cock twitch slightly, her smile got wider. "If you want to stop us, you have to tell us one of your kinks. We're going to keep tickling you until you've told us every..." she moved towards his feet "Single..." her fingers ran lightly down his soles "One." She continued to stroke his feet, barely touching them, while Tali and Luna took positions to his sides and grinned evilly.

"Su... surely the training cent-AH!" the wolf poked him in his ribs "...centre gave you a list, MIST!ress?" The skunk traced a finger up his thigh.

"Oh, they did, but I haven't read it. All they can tell me is what you looked at on the internet. They don't know what actually turns you on." She ran a claw up his foot, hard, making his leg jerk.

"You could just ask me, Mistress" said Sky.

"Hmm, I could..." The vixen tickled his other foot, while Tali and Luna went after his chest. Sky gave a yelp. "But you wouldn't confess everything, even if you thought you had. This way, I get all of them." She grinned at the others. "Whenever you're ready, girls."

The three started a constant, gentle tickle. Within seconds Sky was writhing under their touch. "AAAAHHAHAHAHAHA! Oh gods, stop!"

"Tell us a kink."


Jennifer frowned at him. "We already knew that one. Punish him!" For a moment, the two girls at his torso seemed to go crazy, their fingers everywhere.

Sky shrieked with laughter. "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! NO! AHHHAHAHA!" The 'punishment' stopped but the tickle torture continued. "HAHAHA!! Tick-AHH-ling!"

His three tormentors looked at him, then at his dragonhood, which was now fully revealed. "That one's fairly obvious too." They punished him again, wrenching more shrieks from him. "Tell us something we don't know or this is going to get much worse for you, little dragon!"

"AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! A...anal sex!" The torture stopped, allowing Sky to get some air into his lungs.

"Better. A little pedestrian, but better. Now," the vixen grinned "let's see what else you'll confess to!"

The three women continued to torture Sky for almost two hours before Jennifer called a halt, leaving him drained and breathless. He had screamed out almost every one of his kinks, begging for the tickling to stop.

His mistress came to his side, holding a glass of water with a straw, which he gratefully accepted. "There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked.

"Mistress, that was hell." He paused, smiling at her. "But I loved every second of it" he whispered.

"Glad to hear it, because we've only just begun!" The vixen produced a box from a chest. Inside were feathers, paint brushes, an electric toothbrush and a variety of other tickling implements. She held up a bottle. "This oil increases the sensitivity of the skin. If you think that last hour was hell, you're in for a real treat this time."

"Ohhh, no, please Mistress! I can't take any more! I told you everything!"

"Everything you think of as a kink, yes. But there's so much more, isn't there? I want to know every little thing that gets you hot and bothered. Every little nuance that turns you on."

"Mistress, can I make a suggestion?" said Luna. "I was doing a little research while you were away. It seems that when a dragon's aroused, their wings become extremely sensitive." She looked down at Sky, who had gone pale and was shaking his head in denial. "Consider this payback for Tali's driving."

"No, no, not my wings, please! I'll tell you everything, please, not my wings!" The dragon tried to hide his wings under him, desperate to get them away from his tormentors. Jennifer reached down and grabbed one appendage, pulling firmly until he was forced to extend it slightly. She ran a finger down part of the membrane. Sky screamed and jerked in his bonds, as if he'd been given an electric shock.

Jennifer grinned widely. "Oh, this is going to be fun." She smiled at the wolfess. "Well done. As a reward, you get to apply the oil to them."

Luna laughed evilly, then held up some strange-looking equipment. "I took the liberty of ordering these, too, Mistress." The vixen looked at them, perplexed. "They're wing-spreaders; they'll hold our little captive's wings wide open. We can do anything we like to them, and he can't stop us!"

Sky begged and pleaded with his mistress, but was helpless to stop his fellow slaves from fitting the spreaders to him. Luna armed herself with a brush and dipped it in the oil. As soon the brush touched his wings, he started to laugh uncontrollably. Jennifer and Tali resumed their attacks on the rest of his body, this time wielding brushes and oil of their own.

The poor dragon was almost incoherent by the time they had finished with him, but Jennifer still managed to get him to confess to an even longer list than the first time. When they finished, Tali brought him another glass of water while Jennifer stroked his head. "You're such a good little dragon." She wiped away some of the tears that were running across his face. "You've done so well. I didn't think you'd be able to take this much tickling. I'm almost sorry to tell you this, but we're not finished yet." Sky looked up at her in mute terror. "Oh, it's ok. No more tickling. The final part of this interrogation will be much more pleasurable. Of course, it's still going to be torture..."

When he had calmed down and was breathing normally, Jennifer went to sit between his legs. Tali and Luna propped his head up on pillows, then went to sit beside him again.

Jennifer leaned forward and ran her hands over his thighs, then began to caress the sensitive areas where his tail and legs met his body. Her hands wandered towards his slit, where his dragonhood had started to slip back into hiding during his torment. She ran a finger up the folds of skin, drawing a moan from the captive dragon. His cock ceased its retreat and began to emerge again. The vixen continued her caresses until he was fully erect, his nine inches fading from a midnight blue at the tip to sky blue at the base, where it met the cream of his belly scales. It was already slick with the dragon's natural lubricant, combined with a fairly large amount of pre-cum.

The vixen looked up at Sky's face. He was staring down the length of his body, watching her. Keeping her eyes latched on to his, she bent forward and kissed the tip of his maleness. She was rewarded with a gasp. With a motion of her hand, Tali and Luna leaned in close as well. The three began to plant little kisses along the entirety of his length and the rest of his groin. They were deliberately keeping their stimulation to a minimum while giving him a show.

Eventually, Jennifer tired of the little kisses and took his head into her mouth. Her lips sealed tightly and she sucked gently, drawing a delighted moan from her slave. She sucked again, then ran her tongue over the head, getting a much louder moan and a spurt of pre. When the wolf and skunk began to lick at the base of his shaft, the moans turned to whimpers. The dragon's three torturers were very skilled, and their teasing, combined with the night's activities and years of sexual frustration soon had him on the edge of a climax. Just before the point of no return, the three mouths were suddenly absent, leaving Sky to cry out in frustration.

Jennifer looked up at the tormented dragon. "I told you, this is interrogation and torture. If you want to cum, you have to tell us more."

"Oh gods... I've told you everything... Please..." Sky was almost in tears after such simple teasing, and he knew his mistress was going to keep tormenting him until she was satisfied.

"You've told us the big stuff, and you've told us the small stuff. Now I want to hear the really weird kinks. The ones you'd never admit to anyone. The fetishes that make you feel like a depraved, perverted little scalie." Jennifer ran a finger down the underside of his cock, then trapped it between two fingers. She ran them up and down slowly; sometimes squeezing, sometimes sliding them inside the sensitive lips of his slit. She kept up the slow torture while Sky confessed to his inner-most sexual desires. Tali and Luna were grinning wider at every kink their victim revealed, realising just how much more fun they were going to have.

The vixen had been teasing her slave with her hands and mouth for nearly an hour, and had reduced him to a sobbing, whining, whimpering heap. She knew she had coaxed out almost every secret from the depths of his soul, and it was time for his reward. Not that she was going to make it too easy on him, of course. She continued to play with Sky's dragonhood for a while, bringing him back from the edge slowly. She wanted him desperate and begging for the last part of his torment, but still needed some semblance of sanity to return to him. "It's almost time, Sky" she said. "Are you ready?"

"Mistress, I've been ready since you put the first cuff on me. Since Tali pinned me to the bed." Sky was panting a little, and his need was heavy in his voice.

"Just a little longer, little cherry dragon" promised the vixen as she moved to sit on his chest. "After all, you want this to be as pleasurable as possible for me too, don't you?" Her tail brushed against his over-stimulated cock, making him gasp and whimper.

She loosened the belt holding her robe closed and let it slip slowly from her shoulders. She could see Sky's eyes shifting between her gaze and the slow progress of the silken cloth down her body. The robe caught on her bosom, unable to slip further. She could feel the dragon hold his breath when she moved her hands and ever so slowly parted the fabric, revealing her breasts. Her hands moved to cup them, thumbs rubbing against the stiff nipples causing her to groan with delight. Teasing Sky had been something of a torture for her as well. She knew she wanted him inside her soon, but was determined to continue his torment until the last moment.

She tugged at her belt, pulling loose the knot. Tali and Luna eased the robe from her body as her naked form was presented to the dragon. She ran a hand down her body to the tuft of white fur at her crotch. A finger ran across her clit and over her nether lips, before dipping inside. She felt her juices run out of her to coat Sky's chest.

"I had wanted to keep teasing you for the rest of the night, but as you can tell, I'm rather worked up myself." Jennifer purred, looking at the dragon through half-lidded eyes. "Your torture will be over soon, and then all that'll be left is for you to learn what it's like to have a real lover." She smiled at him "But not just yet."

Lifting herself slightly, she moved backwards. As she sat again, Sky realised her slit was pressing against the length of his dragonhood, trapping it beneath her. She rocked slightly, enjoying the desperate noises coming from her prisoner. Leaning forward, she brushed her breasts against his chest, feeling bursts of pleasure as her tits dragged across his skin.

"There's one more, isn't there. One more fetish left for you to tell me." She ground her sex against his, their moans blending in to one. "It's buried sooooo deep..." She looked into his eyes. "Tell me."

Sky's eyes were pleading. "Please, Mistress, don't make me say it" he whispered. "It's... silly."

"Oh, little dragon, all the more reason to make you confess. Girls, would you mind?" Luna and Tali reached out and ran their fingers slowly over his oh-so-sensitive wings.

"AHHHHHH!! No, please! I can't take any more!"

"Then tell me" Jennifer whispered, her mouth against his ear. The two girls continued to stroke his wings. "We've been nice to you so far, you know. We can keep you on the verge of cumming for as long as we want." Pressed against him, she could feel him squirm. "Imagine, hours of being so close to the edge, never to feel release." She heard him whimper as Luna's claws raked over the patterns of oil she had left earlier. "Tell me."

Sky held out as long as he could, but the torment was too much. "Fun, Mistress" he breathed.

Confused, Jennifer raised herself off the dragon's body. "Fun? Care to explain that?" She slid forward, the tip of his cock now resting against her nether lips.

"Sex shouldn't just be about pleasure. You should be able to smile and laugh, as well as moan and scream."

"And how does that fit in with tonight? With whips and canes and all those lovely things?" The vixen pushed backwards ever so slightly; one millimetre more and he would start to push inside her.

"It might not be fun when it's happening, but it's fun before and after, and for the person in charge, too." He smiled up at her, panting slightly. "As for tonight, this has been the most fun I've had in my entire life!"

Jennifer returned his smile. "I've never thought of it like that before. Fun as a fetish... You and I are going to have some interesting discussions, later. As for know..." She lowered her head to kiss him again. Once she had his attention, she slid backwards, slowly taking him inside her. Every inch of Sky's dragonhood was accompanied by a moan, first just from the dragon, then from the vixen too, as she felt the various bumps and ridges filling her and pressing against her sensitive spots. When he was fully hilted, she broke the kiss and looked down at her captive. He was breathing hard, his eyes half-lidded as he met her gaze.

Knowing he wouldn't last long, she sat upright, drawing more gasps and whimpers from Sky as he shifted inside her. One hand went to her breasts, where it began to fondle and squeeze; the other trailed downwards, her fingers finding her clit.

Without warning, she pushed upwards until only an inch or so of Sky was left inside her. Then she lowered herself, bouncing on his cock so that each downward movement filled her a little more. She knew this would be driving the dragon crazy, but wouldn't be enough for him climax. All the time, she continued to pleasure herself.

After three trips up and down Sky's dragonhood, she was close to the edge herself. She drew up once last time, then slammed back down, impaling herself on him. The rush of sensation was enough to push both of them over the edge. She screamed as her climax took her, feeling a surge of hot dragon cum fill her. Beneath her, Sky roared in ecstasy. A second and third load of seed rushed in to her as years of the Dragon's frustration and the results of the evening's teasing were unleashed. Every burst prolonged her own orgasm. She felt the other girls hold her up as she lost all strength in her body.

Basking in the afterglow, Jennifer lay down on Sky's chest. She could still feel him inside her, but he was shrinking now, his cock starting to slip back inside his slit. She gave him a peck on the cheek. "Welcome to the household, little dragon" she said. Sky was too drained to respond, but managed a smile.

Tali and Luna quickly removed the restraints from the captive dragon. As soon as his arms were free, he wrapped them around the vixen lying on top of him. Their task complete, the wolf and skunk climbed on to the bed and lay next to the exhausted pair. They too kissed his muzzle softly, then cuddled up against him. Somehow, Sky found enough energy to wrap his wings around the group, pulling them close.

Jennifer could feel herself falling asleep, and knew the others wouldn't be far behind her. As she snuggled deeper into the embrace of her draconic slave, she whispered to him. "Well? Was that fun?"

A sleepy Sky nuzzled close to her. "Yes, Mistress" he replied.

"Good. From now on, it only gets better."

Sky, almost buried underneath the three girls, fell asleep with a grin on his face.