Caught Off Guard

Story by SnakesShadow on SoFurry

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Caught Off Guard


Hey you all, so umm, I know I broke my promise last week, but I really didn't mean to. A bunch of stuff with my mom came up near the end of last week and I was left exhausted and not in the mood for anything practically everyday. Then, I've been sick with a cold or some sinus thing for the better part of this week and haven't been able to write practically anything. I'm finally feeling better and I decided to write and post this. Again, sorry, and tell me if you want a sequel. I keep saying this but no one responds, so, please. Feedback of any sorts is greatly appreciated.


  • Ezekiel Zackariah Bones- 18, Dire Wolf, full anthro, 6'8'', pitch black fur for a base coat with red highlights that really come out along his spine, plus he has a dark green willow tree tattoo along his back using the highlights as a trunk, has a piercing in his right ear near the tip with a simple red earring, has bright purple eyes, and a lean but muscular build.
  • Asher Zephyr- 17, Husky, full anthro, 5'7'', bright snow white fur with a light blue tint, no tattoos or piercings or whatever, heterochromia, his right eyes is a dark grey while his left is a glowing amber color, and has a lithe if not thin build.

Let's Start:

POV: 3rd

Asher sighed for the nth time as he watched his friend throw the ping pong ball and miss, again. He took a sip of his drink and contemplated exactly why he was here. When Tradyn had come up to him and asked him to come to a party with him, he had said no and very well meant it. Of course, the Doberman said there would be tons of girls to try and get with, some good snacks, and some Hozier and Imagine Dragons. Being a virgin alongside a sucker for Twizzlers, Asher had said yes. But, he hadn't seen a single Twizzler and hadn't found any girls he liked, in that order. He had heard some Imagine Dragons, but it was just Thunder, one of their worse songs.

Tradyn made another shot and another miss, everyfur drank if only to convince themselves they were having fun. Thankfully, Asher hadn't had any of their cheap beer, sticking to some good old Orange Soda. He'd probably be having a worse time if he was drunk. Another sigh escaped him as a third shot was taken and missed. God, he hated parties, if only because of the stench of too many furs in one room overwhelmed his sensitive nose. Yeah, he wasn't staying here any long. He could get a breath of fresh air, see if Tradyn noticed he was gone, and then leave the dobie to the mercy of drunken furs and horny girls, he'd probably be in heaven actually.

Snorting at his thoughts, Asher nodded to himself and headed for the front door. He passed all kinds of furs. Drunken couples making out either on a couch, a chair, or the floor. Bookish nerds that were hiding in the corners of the room. Class clowns that were chugging on orders of everyfur else. Even bullies dressed in leather jackets that were trying and failing to pick up girls. There wasn't anyfurs fucking out in the open, but the smell and sounds of sex were thick enough to break a butter knife. Finally, he came upon the front door. After shoving his way past a kissing couple and a passed out Jackal, Asher was able to open the front door and escape the madness that was a High School Party.

There weren't any furs in the front lawn, but he knew for a fact that a bunch of them were gathered around the pool in the backyard. Sitting down on the steps leading to the porch, Asher lifted his left leg up to his chest and wrapped his arm around it. He took another sip of his drink and just enjoyed the taste now that it wasn't mixed with all the smells inside the house. Most canines hated to have too many smells around them, but Asher was especially sensitive to anything that had to do with the senses. Which is one of the many reasons he hated parties.

"You doing alright?" A deep and rough voice broke Asher out of his thoughts. Glancing to his right, he was just in time to see a big canine sit down beside him. The other fur had deep purple eyes that were filled with worry and concern. His fur was a pitch black color and Asher could make out just a tint of red around his collarbone. He was definitely a wolf of some sort, most likely a Dire Wolf since he was a full head taller than the Husky and had longer fur. The wolf was wearing a tight black long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of baggy pants, along with a red earring near the tip of his right ear. All in all, he was like a mix of a jock and a quiet cub. Despite himself, Asher couldn't help but blush slightly and look away, both at his thoughts and the fact some random fur was worried about him.

Unknown to him, the Dire Wolf had seen the blush and was smiling softly. He'd been a bit worried when he'd seen the Husky sitting alone in front of the house and couldn't help but see if he was alright. Once he got outside though, he was blown away by the dog's beauty. His pur white fur was accented with a bit of light blue, giving him a kind of icy and angelic look. He was a bit smaller than normal, which made him way smaller than himself, and was practically a pup when compared to him. His dark blue short-sleeved t-shirt and tight blue jeans did nothing to take away from his good looks. And then, the Husky looked at him with his astounding eyes and he could feel himself falling and falling fast. Then, the Husky blushed and he could feel his chances with the dog rising.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some fresh air you know." Asher said, smiling at the kind wolf. That didn't seem to convince the Dire Wolf though since, despite his smile, his eyes still had some concern in them. Along with a spark of something else, but Asher had no clue what that was. The other fur reached out with a paw and put it on his right thigh and started rubbing it slightly. Asher thought it was a bit intimate, but didn't comment since it actually felt pretty nice.

"You sure, dude? I may not know you too well, but I know plenty of furs that say they're fine when they're actually not." The Dire Wolf said, smiling as he remembered all the furs he'd helped before. Asher could feel his blush get a little deeper, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. This wolf was just too kind for his own good. But, Asher did have some stuff on his chest, though he didn't want to put it on the wolf's shoulders.

"Yeah, just... I'm not really much of a party fur and my friend dragged me out here promising that I'd finally lose my v-card. Which is probably a bit much information." Asher said, chuckling nervously as he trailed off. The Dire Wolf actually laughed fully, his paw riding further up the dog's thigh and getting dangerously close to his crotch. Asher didn't even notice, too busy blushing and ducking his head like an embarrassed pup. The wolf couldn't help but smile wider, it looks like his chances with the Husky were just getting higher and higher as time went on.

"Well, so we're on an even playing field, my name is Ezekiel, but most furs call me Zeek. And, I can definitely help with your second problem if you want." Zeek said, rubbing circles into the dog's hip, right next to his quickly hardening cock. Asher shivered at the sudden sexual move, a small moan escaping his lips before he grabbed the wolf's paw. His blush got a thousand times brighter and he stared wide eyed at Zeek. Despite his surprise, he didn't move the paw from his hip.

"I-I, umm... I'm sorry, Zeek, but I'm not, uh, gay. I'm straight." Asher said, not as uncomfortable as he thought he should be. He couldn't help but notice how muscular the wolf was now, and how his purple eyes were one of the most beautiful colors he'd ever seen. Those same eyes seemed to darken and his smile dropped as he was shot down point blank. Asher almost wanted to cry when he saw how downtrodden Zeek seemed, knowing that he had caused this. Then, the wolf seemed to pop back up, smiling again and acting as if nothing happened. But, the Husky couldn't help but notice how his smile didn't reach his non-sparkling eyes.

"That's fine. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable and came onto you. I'll just get out of you fur then, let you calm down and everything. If you want, I can get your friend or call you a ride." Zeek said, going to stand up. He was honestly a bit heartbroken that the Husky rejected him. He'd never seen such a beautiful dog in his entire life, and could tell they would have been great for each other after talking for only a minute or two. Asher actually let out a quiet whine when the wolf made to leave, and couldn't help but hold onto the paw at his hip. Zeek was surprised that the Husky stopped him. He could easily break the hold on his paw, but he slowly sat back down instead, staring at the conflicted dog.

"I don't want you to leave, I just... I don't know. I've never liked guys before, but, what you did before felt so good, and I've never been with any other furs. I just..." Asher trailed off again. He was looking at the paw still in his lap and couldn't help but hold onto it in hopes of grounding his confusing thoughts. Zeek could see what was happening now, he was looking at a dog in the throes of a sexuality crisis. The Husky obviously had tried to get with girls before but never could, and had never tried to get with a guy since he thought he was straight. Moving again, Zeek took up a kneeling position in front of the Husky while keeping his paw on the dog's hip.

"What do you want me to do, puppy? Do you want me to keep petting you? Or do you want something else?" Zeek asked, leaning forward until they were practically kissing. Kneeling on the step below the dog, the Dire Wolf was still an inch or two taller than the Husky. Asher whined as he stared into Zeek's eyes, he'd never been as turned on as he was now and he had no idea what he wanted. Zeek took his silence as an invitation to explore and slowly ran his free paw up the Husky's other thigh. With a little pull, he got his other paw free and started to rub circles and other shapes into the dog's hips and thighs. Finally, keeping his eyes locked with Asher, Zeek leaned down until his face was inches from the dog's crotch.

Slowly, the Dire Wolf leaned forward and nuzzled into Asher's cock, making the dog moan and shiver. Asher raised his paws and grabbed onto the wolf's head, trying to ground himself as he experienced new forms of pleasure. Nudging the hard and clothed cock a bit more, Zeek maneuvered his muzzled and grabbed the zipper to the dog's pants with his teeth. He pulled it down slowly, making the pup whine in anticipation. Pulling it all the way down, the Dire Wolf popped the button out with a practiced move, and took a look at the now exposed bulge in the Husky's underwear. It was reasonably big, nowhere near his size though, and was already leaking pre. Zeek pulled on Asher's pants and the dog shuffled to help him pull them down beyond his knees. Using his nose, the Dire Wolf nudged the opening in the Husky's underwear until the dog's cock made an appearance. Using one paw, Zeek pulled the under back until both the dog's sheath and his balls popped out as well.

Asher couldn't help but watch everything the Dire Wolf was doing with wide eyes and a gaping muzzle. He was a full virgin and despite all of the porn he'd watched as a tween, he'd never seen something as hot as this. Then, Zeek looked back up at him and Asher felt like he was locked in place. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the Dire Wolf's tongue lolled out and licked a stripe from the bottom of the Husky's balls all the way to the tip of his leaking and twitching dick. Asher whind, his grip on Zeek's ears getting tighter as his legs started to close in. Zeek fixed the problem by shoving his shoulders between the dog's legs and giving him something to squeeze on. He gave the dog's cock a few more kitten licks before opening his maw and slowly sinking down onto Asher's cock. The dog was whining and moaning, having totally forgotten they were exposed as much as they were. But, his eyes were still locked onto the wolf's, who was putting as much lust and want as he could into his eyes.

Bringing his muzzle back up, Zeek made sure to tease the bottom of the Husky's cock with his tongue, especially around his tip. Asher let out a loud moan, finally throwing his head back and letting his eyes fall closed. Now that the Husky was staring at him, Zeek took his pace from slow to bruisingly fast. His tongue was flying over the cock in his mouth and slipping under the sheath to tease the quickly forming knot. He kept his teeth up and brought a paw up to tease the Husky's balls while his other rubbed circles into his hip. Asher's eyes went wide and he let out a quiet howl as he went through the throes of pleasure. His stomach was tensing and his legs were tightening. The Husky's knot was forming the fastest it had ever done in his life, and he was totally unprepared for the orgasm that was coming.

Zeek could tell what was coming, the paws on his ears tightened along with the legs on his shoulder, the cock in his mouth was twitching and throbbing. And if that wasn't enough, said dog was whimpering and panting so hard it sounded like he had just run a marathon. But, none of that made him stop, it only made him go faster and tease harder. He easily sucked the pup's knot into his mouth when it came out of his sheath and wrapped his tongue around it before squeezing. Asher whimpered as his back started to arch and his tail went ramrod straight. Finally, Zeek went fully down, engulfing all of the pup's cock and tugged on his balls firmly while squeezing his hip. Asher gasped and let out a silent howl as his balls pulled up and his dick started twitching hard. Zeek let out a growl and the puppy came into his mouth, the Husky let out short broken barks every time his balls pulled up and throbbed. The Dire Wolf hummed, swallowing the slightly salty dog cum and practically loving it.

After a few more throbs of Asher's cock, he stopped cumming, whining as he came down from his orgasm. Zeek pulled back while keeping his lips sealed, coming off of the pup's cock with a wet pop and a satisfied groan. He came back up while pulling the pup's pants with him. Asher was practically boneless, using all of his energy to keep himself sitting up. Seeing this, Zeek picked the pup up and shifted behind him and, holding the dog by the hips, sat down while guiding the pup to sit right on his clothed cock. He groaned and the Husky let out another broken bark as he felt the bulge against his ass. The Dire wolf reached around the pup and started to jerk his still hard cock. Asher let out a whimper and grabbed the wolf's arm as he started to work his painfully hard dick.

"What do you want now, puppy? I thought you would like my muzzle on your cock, and it seems you did from all the cum you gave me, but I know you still have some more in there. And, I can't keep guessing for you, puppy." Zeek said, still stroking the Husky's cock. Asher could barely focus enough to speak, let alone think of anything that he wanted, but there was one thing that kept going through his mind: He wanted to feel Zeek's cock up his ass. Asher had never experimented back there, but he couldn't help but think of what it would feel like. The Husky started whining especially hard, and the Dire Wolf just squeezed his knot in response and moved his other paw over to start playing with his balls. "C'mon, puppy. If you want something, you have to tell me." Zeek said into the Husky's ear before starting to lick and nibble at his neck.

"I-I want y-you to fuck me. I want to feel you cock- ngh, inside me. Please!" Asher said, tilting his head to the side to give the Dire Wolf more skin and fur to mual. Zeek growled at the Husky's begging tone, thrusting up against the pup's ass. Moving quickly, he shoved the dog's pants and underwear all the way down and off the pup. Asher whimpered, half of his mind finally realizing that he was in public while the other half was focusing on the pleasure he was in. Unbuttoning his own pants, Zeek moved them down just enough to take his cock out. He couldn't help it as his growl got louder, his wolf cock pressing against the soft fur and cloth of Asher's ass and shirt.

"I know that you can't take me dry, but I don't have any lube on me right now. But, you can solve that can't you, puppy?" Zeek said, quickly going back to jerking the pup off. Asher whined and shook his head, sparks of both pain and overwhelming pleasure shooting up his spine as the Dire Wolf jerked his cock and tugged on his balls. "Oh, you can do it puppy. All you have to do is cum. Cum right into my paw and give me something to stretch your virgin ass with. C'mon, puppy. Cum, now." The wolf ordered, making sure Asher took it as a comman. Before the Husky could even process what was demanded of him, his balls pulled up and his cock throbbed. He came in the next second, a broken howl escaping his muzzle as shot after shot of hot dog cum was pulled from him.

Zeek gathered all of it into his right paw and spread it around, stroking the pup's cock a few more times before pulling his paw back and diving under the dog's tail. Since Asher was still whimpering and whining as he came off his orgasmic high, his entire body was relaxed. Meaning that the first cum covered claw went in without any trouble and rammed right into the Husky's prostate. Asher yelped, before his eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled out. There was a bit of burning, stretching pain, but it was just a bit of spice on the overwhelming pleasure from his prostate and just his anus. Unlike other times, Zeek didn't give the pup any time to get used to the feeling, going straight for a fast and hard pace, practically hammering his claw into the Husky's asshole. Asher let out broken barks and moans practically constantly and his paws grabbed onto the wolf's arm that was still fondling his balls. He gripped the arm hard as he experienced the best pleasure he'd ever felt, and could only imagine what it would feel like when he had the wolf's cock up his ass.

On the next thrust into the pup's ass, Zeek managed to fit another claw into the Husky's hole. He started scissoring Asher's ring to force it open more, and the dog was absolutely loving it. Asher was panting whenever he was barking and moaning, not able to keep as quiet as he was before. Zeek knew for sure that they had furs watching them, but he wasn't going to stop for anything, not even if the police showed up and told them to stop. Finally, after another minute or so of thrusting, Zeek was able to fit in a third cum covered claw into Asher's asshole, focusing all of them onto the dog's prostate. Asher was still going crazy and could feel himself getting closer and closer to his third orgasm. Another few thrusts later, and Zeek deemed the pup stretched and lubed enough to take his dick and pulled his paw out of the dog's asshole. Asher whined and whimper, begging for the claws back, but the Dire Wolf was busy lubing up his own cock.

Asher stopped his begging whines when he felt the tip of Zeek's cock start pushing at his tight ring. Moaning, Asher's eyes went wide when the Dire Wolf's cum covered paw suddenly shot into his open maw. The taste of his own cum surprised him, the salty taste was actually pretty good and he thought he might have found a new favorite food. But, before he could get to cleaning the paw with his tongue, the Dire Wolf's cock backed up and dived straight into his ass. Howling suddenly, Asher understood why Zeek had filled his mouth. He felt like he was being split in half from both the pain and the pleasure as the wolf's cock went past his prostate and deep into his guts. Zeek was in heaven, too. He'd never felt something as tight and warm as the puppy's asshole, and if he had his way, he'd never have to deal with anything less. The thing is though, Zeek was only about half way into the dog's ass.

Setting up a slow but powerful pace, Zeek focused on getting farther and farther under the dog's tail instead of the pleasure he was getting from it. He even moved his left paw away from Asher's balls to grab the pup's hip agains so he could lift him up and pull him down when he thrust up into the dog. Asher was busy moaning and sucking on the paw in his muzzle at the same time. Plus, Zeek was still licking and biting on the pup's neck, getting close to drawing blood but never passing that line. Finally, after a few minutes of thrusting, the Dire Wolf pulled the dog all the way off of his cock and pulled him down while thrusting up. Asher howled and came for the third time as the Dire Wolf bottomed out inside him. He felt like Zeek's cock was touching his stomach and he couldn't breath. Zeek growled as Asher tightened around him and watched the pup paint the steps with his cum. He could feel his own knot start to form at the sight and knew that he wouldn't last much longer.

While he watched the pup cum though, he also saw that Asher had a bulge in his stomach, one that was showing through his loose t-shirt. Grabbing the edge of the dog's shirt he quickly pulled it off, removing his paw from Asher's mouth. The dog whined, both from the loss of the wolf's paw and since he was still coming down from his orgasmic high. That all stopped though when Zeek grabbed his paws and led them to the massive bulge in his stomach. Asher looked down and could make out the full details of the Dire Wolf's cock through his skin and fur. He threw his head back again and just started to rub at the bulge, enjoying that and the feeling of Zeek growling into his shoulder. Then, the Dire Wolf grabbed his ass with both paws and lifted him before starting a faster and even harder pace. The wolf's ball lapped into his ass cheeks on every thrust and Asher could feel the quickly forming knot pop in and out of his tight ring. His own dick was slapping the bottom of his stomach as he felt the bulge in his stomach come and go. The Dire Wolf was absolutely destroying his guts and he knew that he was being ruined for any other fur both in terms of the shape of his guts and the size of their cocks. He would get on his knees and beg Seek if only to feel this monster of a cock up his ass again.

Getting faster and faster, Zeek could feel his knot getting fuller and fuller. It even started to catch onto the pup's tight ass once it got about a third of the way full. Asher was practically massaging the tip of his dick whenever he thrust into him, bringing the wolf closer and closer to his orgasm. But, he wasn't going to cum until he was tied with the Husky because he wanted to see how bloated the small dog would get since just his cock caused such a massive bulge in his stomach. Plus, the feeling of the pup's guts were far too welcoming to cum anywhere else that wasn't the Husky's throat and he doubted the dog could take him in there right now. Growling harder, Zeek clamped down on the dog's neck and started to just hammer his cock into the Husky's ass. The sound of wet slapping came from where they were connected and Asher's cock was still painfully hard after three orgasms with a fully inflated knot. Said pup was howling and barking like an overworked machine, panting with his tongue out and his head thrown back. Finally, Zeek's knot fully inflated and started knocking against Asher's ring, slowly stretching the dog.

Biting down hard enough to taste blood, Zeek started going faster and harder, getting more desperate with every thrust. Asher's voice had finally given out on him and left him howling silently as his asshole was violated by the monster cock and massive knot. His own cock had stopped leaking long ago and his balls were as tight as they had been in his whole life, it even felt like they were trying to reatreate back into his body. The Husky's paws were practically glued to his stomach, rubbing and massaging his distended stomach every time Zeek thrust into him. With a few more hard thrusts, Zeek knew he was about to finish and he wasn't about to settle with not having his knot buried in the pup's guts.

He pulled the Husky all the way off of his cock and lifted him until he was almost above his head, and let gravity take effect as he thrust up. The tip of his cock easily slipped into the dog and paved the road for the massive cock behind him. Zeek latched back onto Asher's shoulder and let out a howl as the pup fell onto his knot. Asher's eyes went wide and a tiny whimper escaped him as he felt the knot invade his ass. One wet pop later and the wolf was knot deep in the dog. Asher's cock throbbed once, twice, and came without pumping out any cum. The tightening of the asshole around his cock set Zeek off for good and his dick didn't even throb before starting to squirt shot after shot of fertile wolf cum into the pup's ass.

Asher could feel the warm cum shooting into him both with his guts and the paws position right on Zeek's tip. Each of the wolf's shots was easily twice the size of his entire orgasm, and he could feel himself quickly filling up with wolf cum. He was still going through the throes of a dry orgasm, but not a sound came out of his mouth as the warm sticky feeling inside him actually seemed to draw out his orgasm. Zeek was too busy enjoying his own orgasmic bliss and loving the taste of the dog's spilt blood. His paws were still gripping the Husky's hips and were probably going to leave bruises, but the thought of leaving his mark on Asher only made him cum harder.

Finally, a few minutes later, Zeek had stopped cumming. Asher's stomach was the size of a beach ball and both canines were rubbing the swollen stomach. Zeek was also lapping at the bite mark on the Husky's shoulder, confirming to both of them that they were bonded in a rather primal way. His knot was still holding strong, not one drop of cum made it past their bond and the wolf honestly wanted to keep it that way. Asher had gone through another dry orgasm in the process, whining and whimpering his way through it as it made the wolf pump him even fuller. His cock had finally softened, leaving him to finally realize that he was fully naked, stuck on a Dire Wolf's knot, and very well fucked, in the middle of a very public area. After they calmed down, both furs looked around only to find that no one was watching, despite all the comotion. They didn't know whether to be thankful, disappointed, or confused. But, Zeek quickly threw it out of both of their minds when he stood up with the puppy still on his cock and walked them over to his truck. It was going to be a while before they untied, and he wanted a good place to relax, and maybe go for round two.