Extra Cream: The Test

Story by kiwiBB on SoFurry

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#2 of Extra Cream

Oh hey, a sequel to Extra Cream!! It's about damn time.

Some of you may have read Standardized Testes, my story about silver dragon males and very intense, very short-term orgasm denial. This is basically the same idea, but explored with NotGlacier's characters Aedric and Zel (who make a VERY fun pair for edging shenaningans, if I do say so myself). Aedric has no idea how much Zel is going to make his balls ache over the coming days, weeks, and months...

Aedric + Zel are characters by notglacier (https://twitter.com/notglacier), used with permission. Enjoy!

"Just take off your clothes and the test administrator will be with you shortly."

The dragon nodded. "Thanks."

The door clicked shut, and then Aedric was alone.

Silver dragons were a curious species, in more ways than one. They were tall, for one thing -- often 7 feet or more, regardless of gender. A silver dragon's palms could generate enough heat to warm up a cup of coffee. And a silver dragon's testicles...well, a silver dragon's balls churned up several gallons of fresh spunk per day. The average guy could only last a few hours before his nuts grew uncomfortably heavy with pent-up cum demanding to be released. Going 8 hours without an orgasm was a struggle. Going a full 24 hours was virtually impossible.

Silver dragon society had taken this reality in stride, of course. Ejaculation breaks were a standard part of any male's schedule, with the expectation that most guys would need to drain their balls at least three or four times a day. In most situations, it wasn't a big deal to duck out for a few minutes, blow a thick load, and then return to your duties.

Still, there were some situations that required uninterrupted focus for long periods of time -- like performing surgery, where stepping away from a patient in critical condition could cost a life. Many of these jobs were held by dragonesses, who could reliably work longer shifts...but the positions were open to males too, as long as you had some kind of credentials to prove your stamina.

And thus, the Test had been born. A standardized way for silver dragon males to prove that they could keep the cum in their balls, even after hours of denial and hardship.

Aedric exhaled slowly, trying to steady his nerves as he waited tensely in the examination room. Already his balls ached -- no surprise, given that his last orgasm had been more than 8 hours ago. The dragon had jerked off four times in a row this morning, doing his very best to empty his nuts, but the mandatory waiting period before the Test had given his overproductive 'nads plenty of time to fill back up. He could feel the weight of them between his thighs, heavy with their unspent load.

It was not an exaggeration to say that Aedric had been training for this day for years. The Test was a bit of a legend among silver dragons: the kind of thing that many males bragged about but few ever actually accomplished. For someone like Aedric, there wasn't really any practical reason that he NEEDED to pass the Test -- his job at Sinclair's gave him plenty of opportunities to sneak off to the employee bathroom and bust a nut -- but it was still a point of pride. For the past few months, he had been training himself and working on his endurance, trying to survive his entire work shift without emptying his nuts. The male had gotten quite good at holding back his load until he could stagger home with aching balls and blast his pent-up spunk across the bathroom wall.

Which is not to say that it wasn't a struggle. Aedric was unusually horny even for a silver dragon, and his testicles never let him forget it. Surviving the last few hours of the workday was agony, especially when a cute customer came by the coffee shop (like that gorgeous dragoness Zel, who always managed to make his blue balls even bluer). More than once, the dragon had wondered if it was possible for his pent-up nuts to literally explode from the pressure. Still, Aedric was stubborn and determined. He had subjected himself to day after day, week after week, and month after month of churning, cum-stuffed nuts, fighting through the leaden ache, trying to build his stamina - all in the hopes of surviving for just a few short minutes at the testing facility on this Saturday afternoon.

His hormones were already making it difficult, though. Even before he undressed, Aedric's dick was as hard as a rock, pulsing eagerly down the length of one pant leg. Carefully the male peeled off his pants and boxers, shivering as the fabric slid past his sensitive cocktip. When his erection flopped out into the open, it gave an especially needy throb, as though begging to be touched...but the dragon knew better. Aedric grit his teeth, trying not to let his libido cloud his thoughts. His fat nuts already ached with need. The last thing he needed was to accidentally ramp up his arousal any further.

Once he had finished removing the rest of his clothing, Aedric sat down in the testing chair. He tried to ignore the pole of needy flesh jutting out from his groin, and the way that it gently pulsed with each heartbeat. He tried not to think about the several gallons of cum packed into his massive spunk tanks, and the lonely drop of thickened precum that glistened on the tip of his dick. He tried not to think about the ordeal to come, and the toe-curling pleasure that he would have to endure. Instead, he tried to just keep his mind blank until--

Click. The door opened once more, and the test administrator walked in.

"Hi there," the dragoness began, checking her clipboard. She swept the hair out of her eyes and looked up. "I'll be your test administrator today -- my name is--"

"Zel?" Aedric gasped in disbelief.

Sure enough, it was her: the tall, built, curvy silver dragoness who had been the object of his affection for months now. Almost every day, he served her at the coffee shop, and almost every day, she made his balls boil so fiercely that they threatened to boil over. He was used to seeing her in skin-tight exercise gear -- spandex tops that exposed her midriff; black yoga pants that hugged her hips -- and while her administrator's outfit was a bit more modest, it still managed to show off plenty of her body. The crisp white collar of her uniform cut across the gray and blue of her exposed collarbone, with the neckline low enough to show just an inch or two of cleavage. Her pants wrapped snugly around her thick thighs, and even from the front it was clear that her ass must have looked amazing squeezed into such a form-fitting outfit...

Aedric's jaw practically hit the floor -- and his dick gave a mighty THROB of desire. The male bit his lip, fighting to keep his load contained as pent-up semen surged into the base of his shaft. How many times had he soaked his boxers with precum while Zel flirted with him at the register? How many evenings had he staggered home after a long workday and jerked himself dry imagining Zel's naked curves? He had often fantasized about glazing her in gallon after gallon of his sticky spunk...and now he was supposed to sit here, let the dragoness stroke his raging dick, and specifically NOT cum?

As though on cue, several more drops of thickened pre oozed from the tip of the dragon's quivering dick, falling to the floor with a quiet plop.

The female's eyes widened ever-so-slightly as she recognized Aedric, but just as quickly, the moment passed. "My name is Dr. Alkera," she continued, with a professional coolness. Was there a hint of a grin in her voice? "Welcome to your stroke test, Mr. Azarun. Shall we get started?"

"Uh." Aedric's dick gave another hard throb. "S-sure."

The Test itself was a fairly simple procedure. Aedric would sit naked in his chair, and Zel would kneel in front of him, wrap one hand around his dick, and start to stroke him off -- firmly, from tip to base, at a practiced rate of 100 strokes per minute. Aedric's goal was to resist orgasm for as long as he could. To earn a "passing" grade, a stroke count of 250 was the standard to beat -- two-and-a-half minutes of toe-curling, ball-churning orgasm denial.

To most other species, the Test didn't sound all that intimidating -- but even putting aside the unique biology of silver dragon males, there was a lot to overcome. Test administrators were highly skilled at their work, with years of training and thousands of hours of experience at making men blow their loads in as little time as possible. At one point, the Department of Testing had tried replacing live administrators with automated machines, hoping to standardize the process and cut costs, but as it turned out, nothing beat the expertise of a well-trained dragoness. Sex, unsurprisingly, required a more hands-on approach.

Aedric's mind raced as Zel set aside her clipboard and knelt down between his spread thighs. Good lord, had she been a Test administrator this entire time?? In past conversations, she had dropped hints about some kind of government job, but never in his wildest dreams would Aedric have guessed that she was so...talented. Suddenly, all of his sexual fantasies about the voluptuous female took on a whole different light. The male bit back a moan, trying to ignore the building pressure in his cum-packed nuts.

Zel settled into her position with a practiced ease, then looked up at the dazed male. "Ready to begin?" the dragoness asked. In one hand, she held a stopwatch. With her other hand, she reached out carefully, wrapping her fingers around the middle of the male's impressive length--


Both dragons gasped in unison -- one in pleasure, one in surprise -- as a short spurt erupted from the tip of Aedric's dick. The sticky fluid coated the length of Zel's forearm, dripping down onto her thighs and quickly soaking into the white fabric.

Zel eyed the emission suspiciously. She was far too experienced to mistake it for a cumshot -- especially since the male's heavy balls were still visibly twitching and churning in his sac, clearly still stuffed to the brim with unspent semen. No, this was obviously pre...an impressive amount of pre, to be sure, but just pre.

Nonetheless, professional protocol required her to double-check. Setting down her stopwatch, the dragoness dragged one fingertip through the mess on her thigh, then lifted it to her lips. She gave the gooey sample a quick sniff, then stuck her finger in her mouth, closing her eyes for a moment as she evaluated the flavor. It was thick, to be sure -- probably thick enough to make a girl pregnant -- but it still had a certain silky smoothness on the tongue. There was no question: it was definitely pre.

Zel opened her eyes again, licking her lips. "Don't worry," she reassured Aedric, her hand still wrapped snugly around his drooling length. "I know that was just precum -- you haven't failed yet. Now: ready to start for real?"

It took several long seconds for Aedric to process the female's words. Just feeling her hand around his cock had taken his breath away -- and watching her slurp down his pre had nearly stopped his heart. Zel had tasted his precum. ZEL HAD TASTED HIS PRECUM. Maybe someday, the dragoness would be kind enough to let him blast a full load down her throat...

His cock twitched desperately in her grip, and for a moment, the dragon felt himself about to teeter over the edge of orgasm...but then his muscle memory kicked in, his groin muscles clenching tight in order to hold back several gallons of pressurized spunk. Aedric took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to regain some small amount of control over his libido. His poor testicles ached more fiercely than he had ever thought possible, and his dick was harder than a bar of iron...but at least for now, he managed to keep his cum in check.

Which was good, because he still had a Test to pass.

"...I-I'm ready," Aedric croaked, feeling not-at-all ready.

The corner of Zel's mouth curled upward in a smile. She grabbed her stopwatch once more. "Then let's begin."


A shudder ran through Aedric from head to tail, his entire body tensing as Zel's hand slid down the length of his shaft. As she reached the base of his cock, his dick shot off another spurt of precum, this time firing with enough force that it splattered across the chest of Zel's uniform.

Aedric couldn't help but fixate on the splash of pre that landed on the female's collarbone, glistening against her bare skin and dribbling down into the valley between her breasts. Instantly, his brain conjured up a fantasy of the dragoness wrapping her tits around his straining member, licking up the precum that bubbled from the tip of his dick, coaxing him closer and closer to climax...

As Zel slid her fingers back up his shaft, Aedric let out an agonized groan, his swollen balls boiling with need.

Pump, pump, pump.

Zel watched her test subject with an amused interest. Honestly, she liked Aedric quite a bit -- there was a reason she always stopped by Sinclair's for a post-workout treat -- but in this moment she had a job to do, and as a professional, it was 100% clear that the dragon male was going to fail his Test. The only question was when.

Over the past five years, Zel had stroked thousands of different dragons to orgasm -- and having spent her entire career making men blow massive, pent-up loads, she had quickly learned to read the signs of an imminent eruption. The most reliable indicator was the way a male's cock throbbed between her fingers, hot and needy, but there were plenty of other things to look for as well. The tightened ballsac. The tensed inner thighs. The curling toeclaws. The subtle swelling at the base of a male's dick. The almost-invisible vibration of an over-stuffed testicle struggling to hold back its contents.

Aedric was showing every single one of those signs already. If he was lucky, maybe he'd make it all the way to the 30 second mark.

Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump.

"15 seconds," the dragoness reported, glancing down at her stopwatch.

Aedric let out a ragged moan, his hips bucking in place. Each stroke felt like an eternity: the dragoness sliding her fingers down inch by maddening inch until she bumped against his aching nuts, then sliding back up until her thumb just lightly brushed the underside of his cocktip. His balls felt like boulders -- or maybe more like lead weights, impossibly solid and heavy, burdened with an unbearable load. As the cum-laden orbs bounced gently with each stroke, Aedric could feel the gallons of spunk sloshing around inside his swollen spunk tanks, straining to escape. If not for his months of practice -- literal months spent working on his sexual stamina, trying to last a little longer each day -- there was no doubt he would have already drenched Zel in his seed.

Zel. Just the thought of her tore another gasp from Aedric's lips, and another spurt of precum from his twitching length. So far, he had pointedly averted his gaze from the gorgeous dragoness kneeling between his legs...but honestly, that just gave his imagination even more room to run wild. He tried to keep his mind blank, but images of Zel kept popping into his brain unbidden. Some were real memories, like watching the dragoness bend over to pick up a dropped pen at Sinclair's, her round ass filling her yoga pants and almost making him cream his work uniform. Others were purely fantasy, like Zel naked on her knees, her mouth wrapped around his throbbing erection as she guzzled down an entire day's sticky load...

"NGGgghh!" The male shook his head, trying to think of something else, but the task grew more difficult with each persistent pump of the female's fist. How long could he really resist? Besides, given how many nights he had spent imagining the female in this exact position, he HAD to take a good look at SOME point -- if only for the future masturbation material. Trembling, he let his gaze drift downward towards his curvy crush, catching her eye for just a moment--


Another shot of precum leapt from the male's cock -- the largest one yet, thoroughly soaking the chest of Zel's uniform. The dragoness continued her steady stroking, suppressing the urge to chuckle. BOY was this boy productive! Honestly, she had known about Aedric's overactive libido for a while now, given how much he struggled to keep his arousal in check every time she visited the coffee shop he worked at, but it was even more impressive up close. Now that she had a good look at his testicles -- a pair of orbs so fat and plump they barely fit between his quivering thighs, clearly packed to capacity with pent-up semen -- it was no wonder that the dragon male always seemed a little distracted by her body. His nuts probably weighed several pounds each.

Pump, pump, pump.

And then there was his dick. The cock between her fingers was a living thing: twitching, drooling, begging for attention, and BURNING UP with lust. Aedric was one of the most well-hung males that Zel had ever had the pleasure to test: long, thick, and harder than stone. His dick was hot in her grip, and every inch trembled with the desperate need to orgasm. With each stroke, his pre continued to flow: sometimes in dribbles, sometimes in ropes, coating her claws and contributing to an ever-growing puddle of not-quite-cum on the floor.

It was rare for Zel to feel any kind of arousal at work, given the monotony of jerking off a dozen dudes a day - but Aedric wasn't just another guy, and it was hard to ignore the raw erotic energy pouring off of his body. The dragon was gifted, and this was clearly going to be a cumshot to remember. As Aedric throbbed in her grip once more and fired another spurt of precum onto her breasts, she squeezed her thighs together, enjoying her own heat building between her legs.

"F-fuck!" moaned Aedric, his voice tight with strain. Sweat glistened on the dragon's nude body, and every muscle in his groin was tensed as he tried to hold back his impending eruption. His balls ached to their very core, churning up even more fresh dragon batter by the second. A tidal wave of semen pounded at the base of his dick, trying to break through. The dragon clutched the armrests of his chair with white-knuckled fingers, his claws tearing into the wood as he tried to maintain his grip on sanity.

Pump, pump, pump.

Zel smirked to herself a bit, continuing to enjoy the male's theatrics. Was he a screamer? She suspected she was about to find out. The dragoness watched the seconds tick by on her stopwatch. 28...then 29...then--

"30 seconds," she reported, her eyes flicking back upwards to the gasping, writhing dragon. She gave a tiny nod of approval, honestly impressed that the male had been able to restrain himself for so long given the amount of distress that he was in. Still, the poor guy's balls were clearly about to burst from the pressure. She tightened her grip ever-so-slightly, then gave his length another aggressive pump.

"OHHhhh_hhhHHh!_" warbled Aedric, his hips bucking off the chair. Any other day, the dragon would have let a stroke like that push him over the edge -- but not today. His balls clenched mightily, as though to blast their sticky contents across the testing room wall, but the male managed to resist and hold back the multiple gallons of dragon seed that were straining to escape. Instead, his cock spat out several more long ropes of denied precum, thickened and viscous, like a fire hose starting to spring a leak.

The biggest spurt struck Zel across the snout, hot against her bare skin. The shot was hard enough to make her flinch, and for a moment she assumed it was the start of the male's backed-up cumshot...but as soon as she licked her lips, it became clear that it was still just pre. The female narrowed her eyes in confusion, surprised at her test subject's stamina. The dick between her fingers was throbbing HARD, clearly TRYING to pump out a gallon or two of pent-up spunk, but Aedric seemed to be holding back the flood through sheer force of will.

Even so, it was obvious that the dragon was on the absolute edge of orgasm. Aedric's heavy balls visibly twitched and churned in his sac, burdened with hours and hours of built-up semen, seeking an escape from their teasing torment and finding none. His cock wept precum with every stroke, trying to relieve at least SOME of the pressure in his impossibly over-stuffed testicles. His whole body shook with exhaustion as the gorgeous dragoness continued to stoke his arousal, one maddening pump at a time.

Pump, pump, pump, pump.

"FUCK!" mewled Aedric, plaintively and desperately. His hips were bucking more and more wildly now, his body instinctively trying to thrust into the female's hand with each stroke, seeking any extra stimulation that might push him over the edge even as his boiling balls tried to keep it contained. The male cried out raggedly he fired another lengthy spurt of precum over the female's shoulder, some of it splashing across the dragoness's tail. "Z-Zel!"

The heat between Zel's thighs flared hotter. Sure, she was used to teasing males until they were begging to nut...but how often did she get to hear those males moan her name? As the seconds ticked on, the dragoness found herself more and more impressed by Aedric's performance. The poor guy clearly needed to cum SO BADLY -- she had never seen a male push his body so far. What on earth was he still holding on for? And how was he doing it? How much cum could one dragon's balls hold??

Her hand continued moving at the same steady pace, endlessly pistoning up and down:

Pump, pump, pump.

"...45 seconds," she reported, eying the male's dick like a bomb about to go off.

"Hhnnnaaagh!" Aedric trembled in his chair, steam rising from his body as he thrashed in place. His eyes had gone wide and unfocused, his every thought focused on resisting his inevitable orgasm. Every instinct demanded that the dragon empty his balls, but the male was too stubborn to give in just yet, even as the pressure in his groin grew to unbearable levels. The male had never felt such intense nutache in his life, his orbs so fat and swollen with cum that they barely fit between his trembling thighs.

And Zel -- dear fucking god, ZEL. He was doing his best not to stare down at the curvy female as she skillfully jerked him off, but her image was burned into his retinas. In his imagination, it was SO easy to picture her naked: bouncing on his dick; squeezing him between her tits; begging him for the titanic load locked in his balls. There was nothing he wanted more than to blast gallons down the dragoness's throat, or to glaze her gorgeous body with his churning, pent-up semen. His nuts were so, SO full. The need to orgasm was overwhelming. And yet...

Zel watched with a mix of arousal and alarm as Aedric's involuntary thrusting grew even more forceful and frantic, his hips bucking off of his chair. The male's self-control continued to disintegrate with each stroke, and his dick had fired off so many spurts of hot precum that Zel's entire uniform was now thoroughly soaked. The dragoness tried her best to keep her stroking steady, but even with years of practice, it was getting harder and harder to match Aedric's erratic rhythm. She had never quite encountered a situation like this before, as most males painted the ceiling with their spunk LONG before they reached this level of desperation.

The female looked down at her stopwatch, her eyes widening as it ticked past 50 seconds. Was the poor boy going to hold out for an entire MINUTE? His balls had been packed full since the very beginning -- by all rights, he should have blasted his load across the testing room wall the second she started stroking. How in the WORLD was he still holding on? And how was she supposed to keep jerking him off if she couldn't even hold him still?

Unusual times called for unusual measures. The female set down her stopwatch, and with her left hand now free, reached out to wrap her fingers around the neck of Aedric's heavy ballsac.

"Hhh!" That seemed to cut through the dragon's haze of arousal for a moment. He managed to suppress the violent jerking of his hips just a bit, his entire body taut with unreleased tension. His dick gave another mighty THROB. The wooden armrests of his chair began to splinter between his claws.

Zel tugged gently on the male's dragon-makers, her other hand continuing to piston up and down the angry length of his shaft. Aedric's nuts were HOT -- boiling, in both the metaphorical sense and the literal one. The male's testicles felt like a pair of cum-packed time bombs, rigged to explode at any moment. How many gallons of semen were compressed inside those two fat spheres? The sheer pressure in his balls must have been ENORMOUS.

The dragoness could feel her own heartbeat thumping in her chest -- almost as strong as the heartbeat thundering through Aedric's engorged and desperate cock. Zel took even breaths, trying to keep herself steady even as she pushed her poor overwhelmed test subject further than she had ever pushed a test subject before. Between her thighs, a drop of her own wetness joined the puddle of precum that Aedric had already spurted across the floor.

"Fuck, FUCK, FUCK!!" Aedric's cries were more like pleas for mercy at this point. Thick cum bubbled at the base of his cock, fighting to escape. His iron erection twitched and spat a blast of pre across Zel's shoulder, leaving fresh splatter trails dripping down her back. His nuts legitimately felt like they might burst.

"55...," Zel muttered nervously to herself, her eyes flitting back and forth between the stopwatch on the floor and the throbbing monster of a dick right in front of her face. She could feel it building now -- feel his balls physically vibrating under the strain of their massive, pent-up load. His cock wept and spluttered, spraying pre with every stroke. The sticky puddle at Aedric's feet grew larger and larger. "56..."

"AAAaaaaaaAAaaa!!!" Aedric was on an entirely different planet now, clearly edging out of his mind. His entire body shook with barely-contained lust. His mouth was open in a continuous, wordless cry of ecstasy and torment. Short bursts of flame escaped between his gasping, trembling breaths. His dick felt impossibly hard, and his balls felt impossibly heavy.

Only two thoughts remained in the male's mind:

You CAN'T cum. You MUST cum.

"58..." Zel slid her hand up the length of the male's cock, her precum-slicked fingers tracing every engorged vein. Her other hand cradled the dragon's massive testicles, feeling them quiver in her claws. The tortured orbs were clearly begging for permission to expel their sticky contents. Ever so gently, the dragoness ran her thumbclaw along the surface of Aedric's fat right nut, feeling the swollen orb churn...


Deep, deep inside Aedric's groin, something shifted.

"FUCK!" the male barked, involuntarily kicking his legs out to either side of Zel. He could feel it starting -- the thick, pure cum finally escaping from his overloaded balls. And yet still he resisted, every muscle in his groin clenched, sweat and steam pouring off his nude body as he tried to hold back the inevitable--

"59..." Zel's voice was an awed whisper. SHE could feel it too -- feel the dragon's pent-up load flowing forth from between her fingers, starting to force its way up the male's shaft one agonizing inch at a time. An orgasm could only be held back for so long...and time was running out.

"ZEL!!" Aedric was hysterical: a writhing mess of sweat and heat and desire. For one last moment, his balls strained to hold back their pressurized contents...and then the poor orbs gave up entirely. The pressure in the dragon's groin immediately tripled as his testicles began pumping out every last drop of cum that they could. The base of his cock visibly bulged as a wave of semen slammed up against his last remaining floodgate, fighting to get through. Then came another wave. And another.

Zel's breath caught in her throat. The dragon's balls were pulled up tight in her grip, and his cock was like hot iron between her fingers. She was staring down the barrel of a fully-loaded gun...and Aedric was clearly on a hair-trigger.

"...60," she said firmly, pumping her fist down the length of the male's diamond-hard dick.

"ZELLL!!!!" roared Aedric. The armrest snapped in two in his claws.


Zel flinched backwards as the dragon went off like a bomb. Aedric's first cumshot hit the ceiling with an audible thud, so thick and forceful that it cracked the cheap ceiling tile. His second and third shots reached the ceiling too, leaving behind stalactites of pure cum that dripped down wetly onto the kneeling dragoness below. Rope after rope of pent-up spunk erupted from the male's cock, his balls clenching and churning as they finally surrendered a full day's worth of silver dragon semen to the world.

Zel watched the first few shots in awe, surprised at just how HOT the dragon's orgasm was -- literally, HOT. The dragoness shivered as the first few ultra-thick globs of cum struck her skin, uncomfortably hot and yet strangely soothing, almost like sinking into a hot tub. Poor Aedric's testicles really HAD been boiling.

Mercifully, the female tightened her grip around the male's shaft and quickened her pace, stroking him firmly and doing her best to help the dragon fully drain his aching balls. With her other hand, she gently rubbed and kneaded his nutsac, coaxing out as much cum as she could from the overworked orbs. Aedric had clearly failed the test, but she could at least make his failure a little more enjoyable -- especially after he had given her such an impressive show. The dragoness angled his shaft down at her chest and continued to pump, murmuring contentedly as hot cum coated her breasts and dripped down onto her thighs.

Aedric continued to warble some wordless exclamation of ecstasy, his naked body shaking violently from the sheer intensity of his ejaculation. The dragon had never felt such agony and such relief at the same time, and his brain struggled to process the flood of sensations. The pressure in his balls had been so immense that he could still feel the lingering ache of an overstuffed nut, even as his balls dutifully pumped themselves dry. Every nerve ending in his dick sang out in overwhelmed pleasure. It felt like he had been holding back his orgasm for weeks, or months, or years -- an endless quantity of pent-up dragon seed, finally freed after an impossible ordeal. Each fresh blast of semen was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced. Each stroke of Zel's fist made his eyes roll back even further into his head.

It took the better part of a minute -- nearly as long as his actual Test -- but eventually, Aedric's mighty orgasm DID come to an end. His cumshots grew weaker with each new spurt, eventually tapering off into a trickle. His spent cock continued to twitch weakly between the female's fingers, still thick with desire but no longer an iron rod. His balls, lightened of their load, began to relax once more in his sac.

Zel took a long, slow breath, her heart still pounding in her chest. The dragoness was absolutely DRENCHED in Aedric's seed -- glazed from tits to tail in hot, sticky dragon batter. Over the course of her career, she had jerked off thousands of men, and yet never in her life had she seen a single silver dragon produce so much cum. It was fascinating, and confusing, and...

...and, well, VERY arousing. The warmth between Zel's thighs had grown into persistent, smouldering heat. She looked forward to taking care of her OWN needs in a moment...but for now, her own orgasm would have to wait just a little longer. After al, she still had a job to do.

"That's...not a passing score, I'm afraid," the dragoness informed Aedric, relinquishing her grip on his junk. Her tone was part sympathy and part amusement.

Aedric was too drained to even respond. Every muscle in his body ached -- especially the muscles in his pelvis, weak from the effort of holding back such a mighty flood for even 60 seconds. The male felt like he had just run a marathon. A low, deep ache radiated outwards from between his thighs. Was THIS what empty balls felt like? He had honestly forgotten.

Exhaustedly, he opened his eyes to look down at Zel--


--and was met with an image that he would remember for the rest of his life. The dragon gave a throaty moan, unprepared for the sight of his cum-covered crush smiling up at him. Beneath all that semen, he could almost imagine that Zel was naked. His tired cock twitched several times, clearly trying to summon another spurt of spunk as tribute to the gorgeous dragoness.

The female bit her lip, squeezing her thighs together as she rose to her feet. "That said, uh...this was a very impressive attempt. So...nice work?" Strings of semen dripped from her curves, hanging in the air for a moment before falling into the puddle below with a quiet plop.

"...Th-thanks," Aedric warbled, barely able to get the words out. God, she was beautiful. And GOD did she make his nuts ache, even now.

Zel looked down at him, a bit of affection creeping into her smile. "You can rest up here for a minute. When you're ready, there's a shower in the room to your right, and then you'll check out at the front desk. Same way you came in."

"Mmm," the male agreed, nodding weakly. It was a miracle that he could manage even that much, after all his body had been through.

Zel smiled again. "Alright then, Mr. Azarun...I think we're done here." The dragoness bent to fetch her clipboard, wiping the cum from its laminated sheets. "It's been a pleasure."

"Th-the pleasure's all mine," he croaked -- his eyes falling to the female's rear as she turned to leave. God, even her BACKSIDE was coated...

"Heh." Zel stopped at the door, looking back over her shoulder. "Oh, and uh..." Her eyes fell to the male's groin and his still-twitching erection. "...I'll see you at the coffee shop, Aedric."

"Guhh," groaned Aedric, his balls clenching. His eyes rolled back into his head as his dick fired one final spurt of dragon batter across the testing room floor.

Zel grinned, and let the door close behind her.