Breaking Him In

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Kemper meets a woman unlike anyone he's ever met before, and to his shock and delight finds her as drawn to himself as he is to her.

This story was written for Kemper. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults. :3

Breaking Him In

It started entirely by accident.

Kemper didn't mean to see what he saw. He wasn't seeking it out, not that he had even considered a situation in which someone could have actively tried to seek out something like what he found himself observing. The reason he was up so early, the reason he was walking through the city park near the college campus on which he lived was a simple one. He was stressed out. He couldn't sleep because of... well, frankly a dozen dumb little reasons that had combined and formed one colossal knot of anxiety within the feline male's heart. Project deadlines, classes that clashed with social engagements his friends wanted him to attend, other social engagements he wanted to attend but couldn't because he had to work on meeting the looming project deadlines, and other social engagements that he didn't want to attend which he was still considering attending just to procrastinate on those projects a little longer. Add on top of that the standard student died of not enough good food and far too much soda and caffeine, and you were left with a cat whose nights' sleep were thoroughly disrupted, and whose mornings often began with a dawn-lit walk through the park just to try and coax his mind into letting go of a couple of those strings of anxiety, so that he could have some brain power left for actually going about the day ahead.

When Kemper saw what he saw however, or rather, when he first heard the approaching announcement of what he was about to see, his stress melted away. His worries, his concerns about his future, all of that faded into the background as the feline male heard a sound that every fibre of his being was immediately drawn towards.

The sound of moaning. Not pained, anguished moaning. Not whining or complaining. But, the sounds of pleasure stricken excitement.

At first, Kemper reacted with embarrassment. He reached for his phone in his pocket and hurriedly fished it out, glancing around in horror as he considered the most likely explanation that one of the porn clips saved on his own device had somehow begun to auto-play. The screen was dark however, and the speakers inactive. Even after Kemper held the phone to his ear and ensured twice over that there wasn't a single mote of sound escaping it, the moaning continued, and as his sharp ears perked up skyward he realised it definitely wasn't coming from him or anything immediately around him. Instead, it was coming from just up ahead on the curving path through the park.

Quietly, not wishing to be some sort of perverse voyeur but simply wanting to avoid disturbing whatever the source of the noise might have been, Kemper crept forward upon his soft padded paws. He rounded the corner to which he had been approaching, and pressed a hand over his muzzle to keep himself from exclaiming in shock at the sight that greeted him. He hadn't known honestly what to expect, and now he thought about where his mind had immediately gone the feline male felt embarrassed at his initial judgements. A prostitute perhaps, some sort of sex worker busy with a client in the park at this early, near deserted hour of the morning. Someone down on their luck and homeless making the most of a brief moment of self-pleasure to try and bring them some small degree of physical joy. Some early morning jogger who got their heart-rate up listening to recordings of sex noises, but who didn't realise their earphones were plugged into the wrong jack and that they were broadcasting their phone's moans to all who could hear them?

The reality was none of those things. It was, in many respects, even more strange, yet even more mundane in others.

A woman.

Kemper turned the corner, and there, sitting upon a park bench, was a woman.

A feline, like himself. Indeed like himself to the degree that she too had sharp protruding canine teeth, a sabretoothed cat of some description just like Kemper. Where his fur was speckled black and white however, hers had a bluish hue to parts and a pale golden cream to others, and the black rosettes which coated the blue fur were large like those of a jaguar. How she looked however, undeniably beautiful in her own right, was not nearly as shocking as what she was doing. Dressed in smart business attire, a suit jacket still buttoned with a blouse beneath, she had hiked up her skirt around her waist. A pair of high heeled shoes rested on the ground nearby, and her legs were spread, bent at the knee and resting upon the edge of the bench to grant herself supreme access to what lay between them.

She was masturbating. But, not just masturbating. This woman wasn't content to merely stop off in the park and rub herself through her underwear. She wasn't content to pull her panties aside and rub her clit to a satisfying release. No. Peering out beyond the bench towards the eastern sky, towards the sunrise breaking over the park's beautiful greenery, this woman was plunging a large dildo in and out of herself at rapid speed, its body visibly glistening even despite the blur of speed with which it was being observed.

Kemper knew he should leave. Turn around and walk away, leave the lady to her self-pleasure and forget that he'd ever seen her. Even if she was probably breaking some laws by exposing and pleasuring herself in public, she was doing no-one any harm. She was on one of the less travelled paths of the park, and doing her business so early in the morning even the pre-work dog walkers and joggers hadn't arrived yet. As far as she knew, she was probably the only person awake in the whole city with any desire to walk or do anything else in the park that early in the morning. And Kemper saw no reason to embarrass her, no reason to humiliate her and spoil her fun, by causing her to believe otherwise.

He turned away.

Or, at least, in his head he saw himself turning away. He saw himself walking back to his dorm room, closing the door and spending a good twenty minutes indulging in the memory of what he had seen, the sounds, the sight of that large and brightly coloured fake cock sliding in and out of the sabretoothed woman's depths. In reality though, Kemper was still standing there. Still watching. Still feeling his cock strain against the front of his slacks, and one hand drifting across his right thigh ever closer to that twitching, throbbing bulge while he took in just one more second of this beautiful lady's shameless public masturbation. Just one more second. Just one more. And another, and one more... and one last final second, just for luck.

Then, she saw him.

Of course she saw him. Kemper was standing right there, out in the open and gawping like a total idiot. She couldn't not have seen him, no matter how distracted she might have been.

The feline male tensed, readying himself for any number of possible outcomes. A shrill scream of humiliation followed by the woman running away as fast as her legs could carry her. Anger, screaming not in shame but in fury, throwing rocks and her shoes at the pervert who had dared to spy on her. Shame, begging him not to tell, not to ever tell anyone what a terrible person she knew she was, promising never to do this again, never to touch herself ever, ever again like the horrific, sinful act she knew it to be. All things that were the last that Kemper wanted. All outcomes he would hate to be a part of creating, when all he had felt up until now was excitement, even a degree of simple happiness at the sight of this woman's seemingly unabashed, eager public self-stimulation.

"W-watch me..."

When he heard those words, more whimpered, gurgled in bliss than simply spoken to him, Kemper's eyes bulged.

"Oh. O-ohh, it feels so... so good. I... ah. Watch. Watch me, please. I'm g-gonna... I'm... oh. Oh. Oh! Oh y-yes... yes , I'm...!"

He did as he was being asked, trembling, gasping, unable to do anything else at that moment in time. Kemper stared at the woman as she reached down with her remaining free hand and joined the first, working the toy harder and faster than ever in and out of herself with both paws. Her toes curled, claws digging into the wood of the bench upon which she was poised. Her head flung back, looking away from Kemper and up at the brightening morning sky. Her cries grew louder. Louder still. They rang out around what seemed to be the whole park from end to end, growing not only more loud and potent, but more shrill, savage and desperate. Then, all of a sudden in the midst of a particularly wild, strangled cry of pleasure, the sabretoothed woman froze.

Mid-way through tossing her head back, with the toy buried deep inside herself and her back arching, thrusting her hips up as her feet pushed off from the bed, thighs trembling visibly, the woman froze before Kemper. A second or so later, a grunt of such fierce intensity escaped her lips that for a second, Kemper was convinced she had done something to hurt herself. It was like she had been shot, her eyes bulging, her face falling slack and glazed over. Another moment after that though, she whined softly under her breath, just loud enough for Kemper to catch her in the relative calm and quiet of the deserted park.


She looked towards Kemper. She stared right at him, muzzle hanging open now, tongue lolling out, her whole body starting to shake. In wild, jerky motions both rapid and simultaneously slow, the other feline drove the dildo deep into herself, then pulled it back out, before shoving it back in again. Each time she did so it seemed like the most effortful thing that Kemper had ever seen, and each occasion was accompanied by a lewd, wet squishing that while not entirely absent from the frantic fucking she had been granting herself before suddenly seemed far more pronounced and potent in its wetness.


She grunted to Kemper with what seemed like a phenomenal amount of effort for that one word alone.


Her legs spread wider and wider, and in doing so she exposed to Kemper the truth a moment before she spoke it. He could see now how soaking wet her thighs were, but beyond that he could also see what was happening right then. Glistening streams of liquid running out of her beautifully flushed pussy, running down her soft fur and down the length of the toy before dripping off the hands clutching at it. Gushing out of her as she came, as she began to ejaculate. But from what he was seeing, what he was hearing, Kemper knew that as intense and unfathomably hot a sight as this already was, it was only the beginning. This was only the build-up. And the release... the actual release, was just about to happen.


She half wailed, half sobbed that last word, and dragged the toy out of herself at the exact same instant. For a split-second her pussy gaped, open and exposed in all its glory to Kemper's bulging eyes. Then it winked shut, clenching tightly, and from a smaller, almost imperceptible hole just above the convulsing opening of the female's intimate depths, a torrent of liquid erupted forth. It sprayed out at least four feet from the bench, across the stone path, darkening the dry grey matter upon which it rained down as the woman responsible for her own ecstasy began to thrash, to strain and kick and whimper and snarl in frantic, overwhelmed, all consuming pleasure. For nearly twenty seconds she was lost to her pleasure, and yet while she might not have been truly aware of Kemper's presence any more than she was aware of the rest of the world it didn't stop her from gasping and whimpering what sounded like pleas to him. Begging, gasping to the male all in the name of enhancing and extending her own pleasure.

"Watch me squirt. W-watch me cum. Ohh... ohhh I'm c-cumming. So... so good. So hard, I... ah! Aahhhhyesss!"

And of course, Kemper did watch. He couldn't stop. He wouldn't have for anything in the world. Indeed, had anyone else tried to stop him watching, or to keep the beautiful woman before him from enjoying herself in those moments, he felt like he would have moved mountains to stop them. Not just so he could continue to enjoy the sight of her supreme ecstasy, but because she looked so happy, so absolutely free from any worries or frustrations or stresses in those moments. And knowing full well what it was like to be laden down with such feeling, there was nothing Kemper wanted more than to be able to wish freedom from such feelings onto others.

It was only when the woman began to come down from the high of her orgasmic pleasure that Kemper started to look around once more. Only then that he began to be more aware of his crimson flushed cheeks as he stared at the female feline's beautiful, still trembling body and the long, dark streak of her ejaculate running out across the park. The wood of the bench directly beneath her bare rump was still dripping with residual runoff from her thighs and nether regions themselves, and the expression upon her face as she gingerly, slightly shakily pulled herself up into a more natural sitting position on a more dried out portion of the bench was one of the purest satisfaction. She expressed none of the embarrassment, the worries of being seen and caught by anyone else that Kemper was feeling seemingly on her behalf. And indeed, it soon occurred to the male cat that she showed very little embarrassment at having been caught by him, even now that the blinding high of pleasure had passed.

All that Kemper could do was stand there as she smiled over at him, and trot forward, still acutely aware of the straining bulge and the now visible dark spot on the front of his slacks, when she beckoned for him.

She rose to her feet as Kemper approached, smoothing her skirt out and finally removing her wet pussy and sodden thighs from view. Even without her heels on, the sabretoothed female outmatched Kemper in height by several inches, and as she stepped back into them Kemper swallowed thickly at how she now loomed over him with a toothy, gleaming-eyed smile.

"Enjoyed the show, I see?"

She pointed with her glistening dildo, still holding it in one hand as she fumbled at the clasp of her purse with the other. The dripping tip of the toy flicked a droplet of her ejaculate towards Kemper's crotch, missing by a few inches but still landing upon his clothing. The bulge in the male's slacks throbbed at the attention being paid to it, and Kemper whined bashfully.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I just..."

His voice trailed off as he saw the woman regarding him with a cocked eyebrow and a curious smile.

"What's your name, cutie?"

His eyes bulged, and he cleared his throat as for a few moments the feline male's identity entirely escaped him.

"Kemper. It's... I'm... Kemper."

She purred, and after slipping the dildo back into her purse without even wiping it down first she extended the same, slightly damp hand that had been holding it. Kemper took it without even thinking, and shuddered violently as he felt the wetness, suddenly remembering what that wetness was born of. Before his mind could become even more consumed by such thoughts however, the handshake was over and the woman before him was speaking once more.

"Kemper. Hi, I'm Kylani. And... if I hadn't wanted to get caught, or at least give myself the chance of being caught, don't you think there are places other than the middle of a public path in the middle of a public park where I could have gone to masturbate?"

Kemper's mouth opened to respond, and just kinda... stayed there as his brain spiralled with dozens upon dozens of questions he could have asked in that moment, but which were all without exception far too intimate, far too personal for him to ask a complete stranger, even one whom he had just watched ejaculate and who seemed quite content to know that he had done so. It therefore fell to the sabretoothed woman, to Kylani, to continue this burgeoning conversation. She smiled, she tilted her head to one side, and she nodded towards Kemper's crotch once again.

"I know how your body feels, but... do you mind that you caught me? I mean, are you glad, or... indifferent, or... kinda pissed off about what I did?"

Again Kemper's mouth just goldfished for a few moments, and Kylani giggled and shook her head.

"Wow. You, uh... you really don't talk about sex much with folks, do you?"

At that, Kemper couldn't help but chuckle. He shook his head, cheeks still scarlet beneath his dark fur.

"No. No I really don't."

A moment later, he saw something in Kylani's gaze shift a little. Her eyes widened, just for the briefest of moments, and then they softened. Her smile became less passionate and teasing, more warm and friendly.

"Well, Kemper, I'm gonna need to head off now so I can get some breakfast in the city before work. If you'd like, this can just be a one off. A fun or bizarre or sexy experience, however you want to remember it, with a woman you met once then probably never ran into again. Or..."

She paused for a moment, just long enough to gauge Kemper's reaction, and to smile as she saw him tense up in desperate, perhaps vain hope of what would follow that 'or'. Needless to say, she didn't let him down.

"Or... you can give me your number, and maybe we could hang out sometime. I promise, I don't say this to every person who catches me in the act. But if you don't want to for whatever reason, I totally..."

Her voice trailed off, and she giggled as all of a sudden Kemper's phone was being thrust out towards her. She took it. She typed her number into his phone, then his into hers, before handing the phone back to the male and ensuring that their fingers brushed tenderly against one another as she did so.

With a smile, a warm, playful smile, she leaned in towards the male cat. She purred deeply, and whispered to him as he found himself unable to keep from breathing without inhaling her scent, the faint smell of sex unmistakably present alongside a perfume or body wash that smelled like... clementines.

"You're cute, Kemper. Really cute. I'm glad you caught me. But next time... if there is a next time?"

Kemper tensed, trembling as Kylani let slip a ragged, purring breath into his ear.

"I'm gonna want to see more than a tent, so you're not the only one with some fantasies to go home and masturbate to."

She giggled as he groaned audibly in desire, and before Kemper knew what was happening there were lips upon his. Soft, warm, tender lips kissing him briefly but with immense care and affection upon the muzzle.

Then she was gone. Turning, walking away, looking back over her shoulder and smiling, waving as she padded off towards the park's northern gate.

When she was out of sight, after standing and just staring off after her for about thirty seconds, Kemper turned and began to walk too. To the park's southern gate from which he had first entered. Away from Kylani and the incredible scenes he had witness with her, yet carrying them with him too. Carrying every last moment of that encounter home in crystal clear detail, repeating it over and over and over again in his head while simultaneously fighting the urge to remain hard the whole walk home.

Soon, though not nearly soon enough, he was back on campus.

Soon after that, he was back in his dorm building.

Then in his room.

The door closed. Locked.

He whimpered, already peeling off his clothes as he tumbled to his bed.

Did she know? Did Kylani know what she had just shared with him? Did she have any idea how much that casual encounter had impacted upon Kemper?

Did she understand just how wild it drove him as he lay back in his bed and finally grasped at his already throbbing, dripping cock, pumping it for barely thirty seconds before he felt his whole body tensing up, shaking violently as he bucked against his hand in a frenzy of desire.

Could a woman like her really like a guy like him? Could a shameless, unabashedly sexual creature like that really feel anything, really have any interest whatsoever in a bashful virgin like him?

Kemper didn't know. He couldn't even begin to guess. But as he stifled a howl and began to paint his chest with ribbons of cum barely a minute after his masturbation had begun, he wanted to believe it. He wanted so desperately to believe it, and he had a whole host of memories, impossible and fantastical as they seemed even barely an hour after the fact, to back those beliefs up.

One way or another though, however things turned out from that point onward, one thing was absolutely clear.

For the remainder of that day at least, Kemper wasn't stressed or worried about anything else any more. All he thought about, all he was capable of thinking about, was her.


The most beautiful, most unashamed and free-spirited creature he had ever met.

And the woman, the sabretoothed cat whose number was now burning a hole in his phone with every minute it spent there, waiting to be called.


For the hundredth time, Kemper checked his phone. The last message was still the same as it had been a minute ago. And thirty seconds before that, and twenty before that. He checked it again, one last time, just to be sure. And yes, indeed, it still told him when he was meant to meet Kylani here. 10.30am on Saturday.

It was Saturday. He'd checked and triple checked. It was... 10.28am. And of course, he was at the right location. A gym and leisure centre attached in part to the college which he attended, but also open to members of the public. That was good, because as Kemper had suspected from her attire and more confident demeanour, Kylani was not in fact a college student like him. He knew this and a great many more things about her thanks to the conversations they'd had. Thanks to the texting back and forth that had occurred over the last five days, and the phone calls, and the pictures, and the videos, and...

Kemper shuddered, fighting to keep from scrolling up to the latest image that Kylani had sent him just that morning. A picture of her freshly woken up, hair tousled, face grinning wearily, one breast half-caught in the shot too.

Over the last five days, this woman had made Kemper feel more alive than anything else he could recall not just from his time in college, but practically the entirety of his life. She had shared things with him that no person, never mind a woman whom Kemper found intensely attractive, had ever shown the slightest interest in sharing with him before. He, in turn, had shared things with her. Things he had never dared dream of. Not just pictures, not just clips of himself in exposed and intimate positions, but... fantasies, too. Secrets. Insecurities. If she had asked him to meet her here today on Monday, he probably would have said no. He would have been too overwhelmed, too embarrassed, too... far too many different things to count, to possibly feel capable of agreeing to meet with her for what Kylani had been very clear was absolutely a date, leaving no wiggle room for Kemper to possibly think of it as anything else. But, after this week? After phone calls where they had whispered to one another, giggled, moaned, and mewled one another's names in simultaneous climax, and after recorded video messages, pictures and texts that had left them both red in the face countless times apiece, how could he say no to more time with her in person? How the hell was Kemper meant to say no to absolutely anything that this woman asked of him?

Not because he felt bound to of course, not because he felt that he owed her anything... though, truth be told he did feel that way. But, quite simply because Kemper didn't feel as though there was anything that Kylani would attempt to ask of him that he wouldn't revel in the chance to share with her.


Turning on the spot, Kemper's face flushed brighter still as he saw Kylani walking towards him, dressed in a loose t-shirt and the shortest pair of denim shorts he had ever seen. Several other people in the entrance of the leisure centre turned to look at the sabretooth cat as she smiled and waved to Kemper, and the male swore he could see the surprise, and indeed a few flickers of jealousy upon some male faces in the surrounding area as she raced over to him, opened her arms up and flung them around his shoulders in a tight hug. When her lips sought out his though, Kemper having not even considered the fact that this being a date might mean kissing anywhere, never mind in public places where they could be seen doing so, any thought of other people flew from Kemper's mind. There were no other people. There was no world. There was nothing, just himself and Kylani, nose to nose, lips to lips, smooching gently for about ten seconds stretched out into an eternity before she giggled and pulled back a little, just enough to peer into Kemper's somewhat glazed, giddily fixed eyes.

"Ready to have some fun?"

She murmured to him, arms still wrapped around him and eyes sparkling as she gently rocked her hips forward, grinding them against his own in a manner that couldn't be taken as anything other than precisely what it was.

Kemper whined bashfully, but nodded, and a moment later he felt one of Kylani's hands slip into his own as though it was the most natural thing in the world, and begin to lead him out of the leisure centre's entrance hall, and towards the attached public swimming pool.

More specifically of course, it was the changing rooms they headed for, and upon arriving within them it didn't take Kemper more than a few seconds to figure out why Kylani had been so firm in her suggestions that they visit this pool. Why she had guided them here rather than one of the larger pools within the city limits, possessing more high quality and varied facilities the likes of which might have in theory improved a date. Perhaps, however, those pools lacked something which this pool did not. Co-ed locker facilities, with individual cubicles for people of any gender to change in.

Swiftly, not waiting till they were alone and not showing the slightest hesitation or embarrassment, Kylani walked over to one of the larger corner cubicles present within the room, pushed the door open, and guided both herself and Kemper inside. She clicked the door closed, and slid the metal bolt along to lock it behind them. Then, with such speed and passion that it almost shocked, if not outright scared Kemper, she darted over to where he was now standing and trembling in excitement, pressed her hands to the shirt wrapped around his torso, and purred loudly as she leaned down just enough to rub their noses together as she whispered to him.

"First dates can be so awkward. So filled with tension. How far can we go. What should I do or say. How can I know how much they like me. So many questions, so many reasons to be nervous..."

Kemper trembled against her touch, and nodded in full agreement. Those questions had been burning in his mind all day, even after all that he and Kylani had already shared.

"So, I thought why don't we do something that takes the pressure off, and answers those questions. We're gonna go swimming, Kemper. Just like I said. But first... first, we're going to take our clothes off. And we aren't going to put them, or a stitch of swimwear on again, until there's no tension, no awkwardness left. If that's okay with you, of course."

The male sabretooth nearly choked as he attempted to breath in a few moments later, having not realised that he'd been holding his breath for the entire duration of time that Kylani had been talking. Somehow he managed to catch his breath again, and a few moments later felt his head bowing up and down, nodding in agreement as once again he found himself painfully aware of just how hard his cock was within the jeans he was wearing today. He closed his eyes for a moment, and tried to remind himself that through videos and pictures Kylani had already seen him naked. That she had heard him moaning her name live as he climaxed and coated himself with cum, and she had heard him shrieking his name as she hammered a pair of fingers into her g-spot. Of course, that did little to make him less nervous. All it really succeeded in doing was making him even more horny, and just as nervous as ever about how to deal with it.

He opened his eyes again, and realised that Kylani was no longer standing right in front of him. Indeed now he was simply staring at the closed cubicle door, and it was only when he turned around, aware of slight sound and movement behind him that he saw her once again. His eyes widened as he watched Kylani pulling off her t-shirt, not a shred of fabric, no swimwear nor any bra hidden beneath it. Similarly, just moments later he could only stare in heart-racing, cock-twitching awe as she plucked open the button of her denim shorts, and scooted them down her thighs leaving no trace of panties in their wake. In a matter of seconds she was utterly nude, and standing boldly, unabashedly before Kemper with her legs slightly parted and a warm, encouraging smile upon her face.

"So, Kemper? Tell me... what do you want to do right now? What do you want to do here that will help you relax, help you be able to spend the afternoon swimming and talking with me without your mind being constantly distracted by what you might want to do after. What, if we were to simply forget about swimming and share some much more private, intimate time together, would you do with me right now, if you could?"

Trembling from head to toe, Kemper tried to think about his answer. About what of the countless things he wanted to do with Kylani would be possible here, about which of those things she might like, if any, and which he might want to save for later, in a more private and intimate setting. He thought about the upsides and downsides of each possible action he could take, he thought about how to word what he was considering saying in answer, and...

The other sabretoothed cat snapped her fingers in front of his face, smirking and raising an eyebrow as the male jumped slightly, and his face burned scarlet with embarrassment.


Kylani murmured, her naked body stepping closer to his, close enough that her perky nipples were practically brushing against the fabric near the collar of the shorter male's shirt.

"Hey, Kemper? This isn't a trick question. I'm not trying to figure you out, I'm not trying to get you to give me the right answer. Look, I know you've probably grown up all your life thinking that sex and romance and love have to be this super complex and scary thing, with a million pitfalls and a hundred million ways to ruin every possible good thing that might just come out of it if you're lucky. And, for a whole bunch of people? That might be true. But... not for me. And, if you'll trust me, not for you, either. Not for us."

She wasn't whispering. Kylani wasn't concealing or hiding any of what she was saying right now, talking to Kemper just as she would if they were in a private room together, rather than a rather busy changing room within an equally busy public swimming pool. And yet, as ever, there was no shame in her words. No embarrassment, and not the slightest hint that she considered anything she was saying in any way taboo or rude or inappropriate to speak of. The feline female took another step towards Kemper, running her hands up and down his arms, then reaching up and stroking his face, tilting it up towards hers and peering down into his eyes.

"We talk. That's the deal, if you want to be... friends, lovers, whatever you want with me. The deal is, we talk about stuff. About consent, what we like and don't like, what we want to do and what not to do. About respect, about the secrets we feel we need to keep and the white lies we feel the need to tell. We walk about everything. That way, things stay simple. Or they end. If we can't talk about something, or if something we do talk about leads to us not wanting to do stuff anymore? That's fine. At least then we'll know. And, it'll be so much quicker, so much simpler than dragging it out over a bunch of fights, or lies that eventually get spooled out into bigger and bigger ones. Sex and love can get complicated, and sometimes that's fine for people. They make do with it. They even claim to enjoy it, and some might even mean it when they say it. But, me? Us, I hope... I don't want to have to deal with complicated."

Kylani leaned in and kissed Kemper on the lips, just briefly, just for a moment.

"You caught me by chance. It could have been anyone, and unless they gave me creepo vibes I'd have let them watch me. I'd have cum for them, squirted for them too. But... it wasn't just anyone. It was you. And when I saw the way you looked at me after I came? How horny you were, but how much more happy you were to have seen me enjoy myself so much? I wanted to see you again. I wanted to learn about you, and from you, and share things I know with you. Did I know for sure that you were a virgin? No. Did I care, hell no. But... do I think it's kinda hot, getting to maybe be your first? Absolutely. I love sex. I love having it. Sharing it. I don't think I'm an addict, but... a high drive wielding aficionado of sex? Absolutely. So, did I spend the last five days getting you worked up in the hopes that you'd come here with me so desperate to experience the real thing that all your years of holding back would just melt away? Yeah, kinda. But... do I mind having to spell this out to you, and do I mind if after hearing me say all this out loud you'd rather cool things off, or just walk away completely? Well, I'll be sad, sure. But... I'll accept your decision. Whatever you want. Whatever you decide to do, I'm here if you want me, Kemper."

They stood in silence, closely connected, bodies touching, trembling for almost half a minute.

Then, with a ragged gasp, Kemper spoke.

"I... I wanted to wait until we were somewhere private for my first time. At my place, or... yours, or... s-somewhere more intimate than this."

He looked around at the small cubicle, and listened to the sounds of bare paws slapping against damp tile beyond as other individuals came back from or moved towards the swimming pool itself.

"I was thinking of asking if you'd let me try to eat you out. Or... to use my fingers to make you cum, you guiding me all the way. I even thought about... a-about... asking for a blowjob. I'm afraid that if I tried to do anything else, I... I'd cum too fast. Way, way too fast, just because of how beautiful you are, a-and how turned on you make me."

The feline male was whispering, but not because he was ashamed. Not because he was embarrassed. He was whispering because he had never been so vulnerable, so exposed in all his life even though Kylani was the one naked as a jaybird in front of him. He blushed, but smiled too as Kylani giggled at him and pecked him on the lips once again.

"I'd do any of those things. Let you do any of them with me. I've imagined all those things myself. Cum thinking of your lips on my clit. Your fingers against my g-spot. Your cock in my mouth... my pussy... my ass."

Kemper's eyes bulged. That one hadn't occurred to him for even a second, at least not until right now. He groaned softly, happily.

"But after hearing what you just said, Ky... I don't think I want to do any of that any more."

His eyes widened, worried that the feline female might take his comment the wrong way. She was still smiling though, still blushing and still cupping his face close to hers with joy and hunger and longing in her gaze.

"I don't want to wait. I don't want to waste another second, n-no matter where we are... or how quickly it's over. What I want? I-if... if it's okay with you too? I want to be inside you. My cock, i-in your pussy. I want to lose my virginity to you, Kylani. And, I don't want to wait another hour... another minute, to do it."

Kylani stepped away from Kemper, giggling as he watched her back away, saw her beautiful naked body reveal itself to him in all its glory once more. She purred as she stepped to the rear wall of the cubicle, and settled herself down upon the small wooden bench that lined its edge. She spread her legs, raised her knees, and planted her feet on the edge of the bench just as she had done in the park, exposing the flushed, dark fleshed lips of her nether regions for the male to see.

Only then did she speak, giggling, moaning, beckoning Kemper forward with one hand before that same paw reached down between her legs and spread her lips open, inviting him in.

"Then... don't wait."

She coaxed, shivering happily as Kemper groaned and hurriedly began to unbutton his shirt.

"Don't wait an hour..."

She moaned as he cast his shirt aside and feverishly reached for his belt.

"Don't wait a minute..."

Her thumb grazed her swollen clit, the sabretooth's eyes bulging and a ragged grunt of desire escaping her as a trickle of moisture escaped her nether regions while Kemper hopped and kicked his way out of his jeans.

"You could have fucked me right there in the park on the day we met Kemper, if you'd only asked. So please... p-please, don't wait any longer. And please... don't ever feel like you need to hold anything back around me. Not ever."

She whimpered, whispered as Kemper kicked off his boxer-briefs and revealed his body, his erect and throbbing, drooling cock in all its glory, then stumbled towards Kylani as fast as his giddily drunken legs would carry him.

"Don't hold back..."

Kylani echoed as Kemper embraced her. As his eyes bulged at the sensation of her hand upon his cock, guiding it, aiming it, teasing it to her outermost lips before letting him do the rest of the work. He thrust, instinctively but with desperate, eager purpose, and his heart skipped a beat, his whole body surged as he felt warmth, wetness, and a clutching embrace like nothing he had ever imagined, nothing he could imagine wrap around his cock. It felt so good. She felt so, so good.

He whimpered. The sabretoothed male whimpered loudly, desperately.

Too good. She felt too good. Too irresistibly warm and wet and... god, the way she was squeezing him, stroking, milking. It was too good.

"Don't hold back. Don't try to hold back."

Kylani begged him, peppering his face with tender kisses as she shuddered, as she felt him throb and flex within her, sending shocks of intense pleasure crashing through her own body.

"Trust me, Kemper. You can't hold back. Not this time. So... don't even try. Just let it happen. Let yourself want it to happen right now. And please... o-ohh Kemper, please, be happy. Be so, so happy the moment you give me your virginity. Don't be embarrassed. Don't regret it. Don't think you could have done more. Because, I'm so happy to have you with me right now. Right here, i-in this moment. And... the only thing that would make me happier? Is knowing that when I asked you to trust me, the first ever time we had sex? You were able to give me that trust... and start off this new relationship of ours exactly the way we both want it."

Kemper whimpered, and his hips bucked uncontrollably. Once, then again almost immediately after. Then again, and again, and...


He gasped as he realised what was happening.

"Oh. Oh, Ky, I... I'm..."

He gurgled as his head span, not even realising that he was doing exactly what the beautiful woman within whom his cock was currently buried was asking of him until he had already begun to do so. His trust of her came so easily, so swiftly, he'd barely even had to consciously think about it. And then, a few instants later, consciousness didn't really hold any sway over him any longer.


Not whimpering, not gasping but shrieking in a voice that echoed all around the changing rooms, Kylani cried out as she felt the first violent jerk of Kemper's cock, and the first spurt of his first ever orgasm at the direct, physical behest of another living person.

"Oh Kemper. Ohhh... ohhh yes, Kemper..."

She moaned happily to him at a more sensible volume, stroking his face, his chest, touching him all over as she stared up into his bliss-stricken, wide eyed face and nuzzled it, kissed it, licked at him in sheer adoration. The male sabretooth came long and hard inside her, throbbing for almost twenty full seconds before his cum ceased flowing, and continuing to twitch, the spasm and thrust for another ten at least before his body lost its vigour and became too sensitive to continue. Only then, Kemper leaning hunched over where Kylani was seated on the bench, did he speak again, his moans and gasps throughout his peak having been quiet and wordless. Not mindless of course, but so overwhelmed that coherent speech had been impossible.

"Thank you..."

He whispered, the throbbing knot of his canid member not having slipped into Kylani entirely, but pressed up against her in such a way that as he rocked against her once again her body shook in ecstasy, the girth of that knot grinding against her clit.

"Oh, Ky... thank you so, so much."

He kissed her face. Her lips, longer and deeper than any kiss they'd shared thus far. And then, as he pulled back and slipped out of her before his member could even begin to soften, he slumped to his knees in apparent exhaustion. In desperate, trembling fatigue. Still though his lips continued to work, kissing down Kylani's neck, over her chest and then down her fluffy stomach. She purred, murmuring and leaning her head, her shoulders back against the wall as she felt the male's tender devotion continue. As she felt him nibble at her thighs, teasing and nip at them. Only then, blushing as she felt his tongue flick out and taste the juices that had run out of her and onto her thighs, did her gaze drift back to his face.

A face grinning, and one which while still wracked with exhaustion, was far more potently dominated by desire.


Kemper nibbled at her thigh a little more, kissing closer and closer to the apex of that limb, to the exposed, dripping opening of her pussy, a glistening trickle of white pooling and spilling out from where his cum was beginning to leak from her.

"...please, Kylani, let me return the favour. Tell me how to make you cum. How to make you squirt, just like you did at the park the day we met."

Kylani's body quaked in excitement, and a ragged groan escaped the back of her throat in sheer delight. Her face flushed, but with eagerness rather than any shame. She beamed, and nodded to Kemper as he peered determinedly up at her, face still glowing with the joy of someone freshly rid of the perceived weight of their virginity.

"Okay, Kemper. I will. T-the... the first thing you need to do?"

She paused for a moment, giggling as she watched Kemper hold his breath in anticipation.

"The first thing you need to do... is crawl over to the door, and pull back the bolt. I always cum harder... I always squirt more... when I know I might get caught doing it. Then, I want you to crawl back over to me, take your sweet, rough tongue, and..."

By Jeeves

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