The Sleepover Part 1

Story by KaenEmbertail on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Youthful Exploration

A young caracal male is dragged into an embarrassing exposure during his twin sisters' sleepover with his crush, only to find it ending much better for him than he could have hoped.

The next month of Riley's life passed by slowly, but thankfully fairly uneventful as well. After he'd been conned by his twin sisters into doing their chores for the month under threat of further abuse to his kitten makers, he reluctantly agreed, but that didn't mean he had to like it. A few times he'd tried to act defiant, only for his sisters to get mischievous grins and remind him of the exact terms of their agreement. River, the nicer of the two, would often get her point across simply by waggling her foot near his groin and brushing her toes against his unguarded testicles. Skye, however, would usually grab him by the balls and, while smiling wickedly, ask him if he was sure he wanted to go that route, often accompanied by a slight tightening of her grip. In both cases, the young caracal male would freeze up, his ears pinning against his head, and hurriedly submit to their whims. He felt rather pathetic about it, but he really didn't want to be submitted to another session of the pair gleefully kicking_his_ pair.

Eventually it sank in that as long as he continued to do their chores and behaved himself, he was relatively safe from their torment.Relatively. But as the month wore on, he became increasingly aware of the fact that rather than being completely safe, he was in the middle of a timed truce, and when the time ran out, his balls were fair game. He'd asked the twins what the odds were of them prolonging their deal, and the two of them had just exchanged devious looks and laughed before walking off. Apparently they already had something in mind, and whatever that was, it seemed they would derive more enjoyment from that than even having him do their chores for them. Next month was going to suck.

The month finally wound down, and before he knew it the dreaded day had arrived. Luckily for him (or what he thought was lucky) the twins had a friend over for a sleepover, which he figured meant they would be too busy entertaining their guest to even think about bothering with him. He thought wrong. The first signs of this came as he walked upstairs heading toward his bedroom and saw one of the twins standing outside his bedroom door. Both twins had a unique style of markings on their face that served to differentiate them; rather than both eyes being encircled in white fur like his, Skye's was only around her left eye while River's was around her right. A distinctive feature which let him know that the one standing before him was Skye, the meaner of the two.

"What's up, little brother?" she asked, a sly smile crossing her muzzle.

Riley instinctively covered his crotch with his paws, eyeing her warily. "I haven't done anything but do your chores all month!" he said defensively. "Surely you could just...let me pass?"

Skye only blinked, watching his hands, and burst into laughter. "Relax, Riles, I'm not going to kick you in the balls."

"R-Really...?" He narrowed his eyes and cautiously got closer to her, his hands remaining locked to his groin like they were guarding the world's most valuable treasure. Hell, to him, they were.

"You wound me, little brother." She folded her arms under her breasts, muzzle scrunching into a mock pout. "Can't a sister just check in on her little brother without being suspected of foul play?"

"River? Maybe. You? No. And today, of all days? Definitely not, for either of you."

Skye chuckled. "I see someone's been keeping an eye on the calendar. Just hear me out, though! I promise not to kick you."

Riley glanced towards either side of the hallway, curious if River was hiding in one of the corners waiting to surprise him. He didn't see her anywhere, so he decided to trust his older sister, approaching her slowly and putting his hands at his sides. "So...what did you want?"

Skye smiled brightly, putting on her best impression of an angel who could do no wrong...and then quickly reached out and grabbed a hold of his balls through the thin fabric of his pants. Riley's eyes went wide, his body hunching forward with both paws grabbing onto her wrist to steady himself as his knees went weak.


"No...I promised I wouldn't kick you. I have done no such thing, as you can see." She giggled and gave him a light squeeze, causing him to groan in pain. "I originally wasn't going to do anything, but...seeing you so on guard made me want to. You've gotta trust us a little more, Riles!" She burst into a fit of giggles.

"Says the one who...just tricked me...!" He groaned and looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Let go, please...!"

Skye put on a thoughtful look as though she were considering it, rolling his balls around in her hand and watching his face as he whimpered. After a moment of enjoying his suffering, she gave him one last squeeze and released her grip. She watched him drop to his knees, cradling his aching balls and smiled. "You look cute like that. And honestly, it feels good to grab your balls. They're very...squishy."

Riley whimpered. "Please don't use the word squish in relation to my balls..."

"Oh relax. Mom would kill me if I actually broke anything. Not that I would anyways." She squatted down in front of him and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too much for that, little brother. I just like busting your balls." She grinned. "We've got something planned that might make up for it though!"

He met her eyes, unsure if he should trust her again after what she'd just pulled. "What kind of 'something'...? Wait, don't you have a sleepover going on right now...?"

"Correct! Do you wanna guess what one thing has to do with the other?"

"Do I have a choice...?"

"Nope! Hey River, I've got him!"

Before Riley had fully registered what she'd said, the door to his sisters' bedroom opened behind him and a pair of paws he knew to be River's had grasped him under his arms and begun dragging him backwards. He reached out desperately to try and grab the door frame, but Skye caught his hand before it made contact and helped her sister haul him back into their room, shutting the door behind her and locking it, sealing the young male's fate for the rest of the evening.

Skye kept hold of Riley's hand and grabbed the other, preventing him from using either of them to fight back while River released his torso and took hold of his legs. With their combined effort, they managed to maneuver him onto his back with Skye holding him against her with his arms over both their heads. Riley squeezed his eyes shut, expecting River to go in for the stomp, but instead she let go of him.

"Open your eyes, Riles," she said, giggling and ruffling the fur between his ears.

Reluctantly, he did so and found himself staring at River's face. He blinked slowly. As the room came more into focus, his gaze shifted behind his sister to a wolf girl who was sitting on the twins' bottom bunk, gazing at him with amused curiosity. Riley knew this girl. Her name was Eisla, and she'd been friends with his sisters since before he could remember. She was covered head to toe in white fur, with beautiful black markings that curved outward from the top corner of each eye. She was presently wearing a black shirt with the some rock band's logo on it, which seemed to be a size or two too big for her, and a matching pair of black pajama pants. Admittedly, Riley had always kind of liked Eisla, though she was far from being any kinder to his balls than his sisters were, which only made him more apprehensive about what was to come.

"Um...hello, Eisla..." he said, swallowing hard.

"Hello, Riles," she giggled, waggling her fingers in a playful wave. "Lookin' pretty comfy down there." She stood up from the bed and sat down next to River, who moved over to sit next to his left leg while Eisla sat between his ankles. "So, I heard an interesting story from Thanksgiving..."

Riley's heart sank into his stomach. The twins _told_her about that!?

"So I've gotta ask, Riles. Do you always_go commando in your pajamas? Are you..._right now?" She reached out and pushed his shirt up, running a finger down his belly fur and stopping at the waistband of his pajama pants. Her bright, silvery eyes locked onto his, searching them for an answer to her question.

Riley swallowed hard, so hard that everyone in the room probably heard it. What would happen if he lied to her? Hell, what would happen if he told her the truth? "I don't always do it...but..." He averted his gaze. "Yes, I am right now..."

All three girls burst into laughter. Riley pinned his ears back, his face growing hot with embarrassment. Eisla struggled to catch her breath, wiping a tear from her eye and smirking at the adorably ashamed feline. "It's alright, really. No need to be ashamed. It's just kind of funny is all. Honestly, I kinda like it. But..." She grinned and placed both hands on the waist of his pants, causing him to freeze up as he guessed what was coming next. "I'd like to verify that for myself...just for fun." She winked and tugged his pants down in one swift motion, pulling them all the way off and tossing them aside. Skye reached under his arms and pulled his shirt up to his chin, out of the way of his privates and locking his arms in place. Mortified, his first instinct was to close his legs, but River and Eisla both grabbed one and held them apart while all three of them examined his most intimate place.

"Cute," said Eisla. "Looks like you really were. Naturally, I'd have done the same if you'd lied...just...with a penalty."

"Penalty...?" he asked. The moment the words had left his mouth, he regretted them.

"Yeah. Like...this." She reached out and slapped his balls, causing him to groan and reflexively try to curl up, though he was prevented from doing so by the three pairs of hands keeping him locked in a vulnerable position. "That was a merciful one, to answer your curiosity. If you'd actually lied...I'd have punched you there." Riley wasn't sure how it was possible for one girl to fit so much devilish glee into one short sentence.

" balls...thank you for your mercy..." He scrunched up his muzzle, his eyes starting to roll back slightly.

"Wow, his face really is cute when you smack his balls around!"

"See!?" said River, way too energetically. "I told you it was! Kinda makes you wanna bully him even more..."

Riley whimpered. Surely, she was kidding.

"There'll be time for that later!" said Eisla. "I want to ask him some more questions! So, Riley..." Her eyes took on a wicked glimmer. "Have you ever masturbated to thoughts of me?"

"WHAT!?" he shouted, sputtering in disbelief at what he'd just heard. "O-Of course not...!"

"Really...?" Eisla narrowed her eyes, looking him over. "Seems kinda suspicious to me. You wouldn't happen to be lying, would you?"

Riley shook his head rapidly. No way in hell was he ever going to admit to_that_, even if they did torture him.

"Not even once?" She put on the same sad expression Skye had used on him earlier. "You don't find me attractive at all?" She leaned forward, coming mere inches from his muzzle. With her shirt being a size or two too big, Riley couldn't help glancing down its neck, catching a glimpse of lovely, snowy white breasts in the shadows of the garment. Was she even wearing a bra? Without warning, she suddenly dropped the back of her fist into his sack, causing him to go cross-eyed as she nailed both of his furry orbs.

"Uggghhh...! What was...that for!?"

"Lying." She smirked. "I can see it in your the way you couldn't help yourself just've totally done it. And that's okay. Honestly, I've done it to you too. Just wish you coulda been honest with me, Riles." She sighed and shook her head, sitting back and raising her arms in a shrug. Wait...what had she just said to him?

"You''ve_what_? You've masturbated to_me_?" The shock of that revelation almost took his mind completely off the pain. Almost.

"Yep. But, since you're clearly too ashamed to admit you've done the same..." Her ears flattened against her head and she gave him the sad puppy dog eyes. "I guess I might be better off with your sisters instead."

River and Skye both giggled wickedly amongst themselves, their ears perking up like the horns of the devils they were.

"W-Wait, wait...! I...I have done it...but please don't hit me again! You already hit me for lying!"

Eisla smirked and giggled. "True, I did..." Without warning, she reached out and playfully slapped his sheath, causing him to yelp. "But I never said the penalty was restricted to only once. I gave you a soft one for coming clean."

Riley groaned. He just couldn't win against any of them. He was starting to wonder if she secretly just wanted to abuse him, regardless of whether he told the truth or not. Before he could speak up in complaint, though, River's hand shot forth and grasped his aching balls. Riley yelped in surprise, his eyes going wide. "R-River, what...what are you doing...!?"

"Skye fondled them last time!" she said, pouting. "And she fondled them before we brought you in here! I haven't gotten to..." She rolled them around in her hand gently, sending small ripples of pleasure up the male's body. Of all the things to be jealous of her sister for! "They feel...interesting." She ran her fingertips over them gently, feeling their texture and staring in awe.

"Skye didn't...fondle them..." Riley complained, fighting back soft moans. "She squeezed the hell out of them..."

"Do you want me to squeeze them?" River grinned mischievously, tightening her grip slightly and causing Riley's voice to go up an octave.

"N-No! That's okay, fondling them is fine!"

All three girls burst into another fit of giggles. "Thought so."

"Let me get in on that too!" Eisla said. As she reached out, River focused her attention on the left ball while Eisla took hold of the right. They both playfully rolled them around in their fingers, feeling their shape and testing their weight. They tugged them gently, feeling the point that they started to show resistance but careful enough to not cause pain. Much as they enjoyed busting him, they were currently more immersed in exploration for the moment. Much to Riley's horror, their attention was not unpleasant and he began to feel a tingling thickness growing in his sheath.

"Oh my..." Skye said, looking over his shoulder. "Someone's starting to feel pretty happy."

"Hm?" Eisla looked up slightly to see hints of red beginning to slide from Riley's sheath, her eyes widening slightly as a grin spread across her muzzle. "Are you getting a boner from us playing with your balls, Riles?"

He flattened his ears against his head, mortified. As if his humiliation wasn't bad enough already, his own body was betraying him and revealing his most private of places to the girl he liked and his sisters, against his own will. To make matters worse, Eisla reached one hand up to trace a finger from the tip down to his sheath, sending a shiver up his spine while her other hand continued to roll his ball around between her fingers.

"Y-Yes..." he said shamefully, not wanting to suffer the penalty for lying.

"Wow..." Eisla seemed genuinely fascinated as she continued to brush the soft paw pads of her fingers up and down his length, glancing up at his face as she did so. Her tail wagged rapidly back and forth behind her, proving to the young male just how genuinely excited she was. As more and more red spilled free, she watched with bated breath as he quickly reached full mast. She leaned closer to him, purposely letting her shirt brush across his sensitive flesh. She licked his muzzle playfully and nuzzled his ear, her voice taking on a soft, sultry tone as she spoke. "Pretty that all for me, Riles?"

Riley blushed, the skin inside his ears turning so red one might've thought he was overheating. Truthfully, in some ways they wouldn't be too far off. With Eisla so close to him and clearly enjoying it, he worked up a little confidence to try and flirt with her. "Y-Yeah...all for you...practically has your name on it..." Wow, that was lame.

Eisla blinked for a moment, then burst into a fit of giggles. "Silly kitten. I won't hold that one against you since you're so nervous." She slid further a bit more, positioning herself over his legs so she could straddle his lap. As she pressed close to him, Riley felt his boner pressed between his belly fur and her pajamas, sending small shivers up his spine every time she moved even slightly. To make things even worse (or better) for him, she lifted up the bottom of her shirt and draped it over his swollen member, causing the most sensitive parts to brush up against her belly fur instead.

"I-If you're not careful..." Riley said, shivers and soft moans breaking up his attempts to speak. "You're gonna...make me cum..."

Eisla chuckled and licked his throat softly, nuzzling under his muzzle in such a way that she forced him to look up toward the ceiling. "" She spoke every part of the sentence slowly and deliberately, licking the bottom of his muzzle between each word. After a few more moments of brushing and nuzzling against him, she slowly stood up and moved away from him. Before he could complain about her absence, his vision went dark as Skye placed a blindfold over his eyes.

"W-What's going on...?"

In the pitch darkness, he focused intently on his other senses, his heart racing a mile per minute. He heard the sound of rustling clothing. Was someone undressing? It wasn't Skye, as she was still behind him holding onto him. And River was still fondling his balls like they were her new favorite toys. So, was Eisla...getting naked...? As if to confirm his suspicions, he felt her sit back down between his legs, slightly closer to him this time. And all he could feel was the fur of her legs.

"E-Eisla..." he said, wondering if she'd answer him.

"Yes?" she replied softly, a hint of a purr in her voice.

"A-Are you...naked...?"

"Yes." No hesitation. No shame.

"W-Why do I have to be blindfolded...?"

"It's more fun this way." She giggled and stroked his belly fur in a teasing manner, drifting lower at an excruciatingly slow pace. "You're probably thinking it's not fair we all get to see you naked and you don't get to see me. But if you're a really good kitten?" Her hand drifted lower and wrapped around his length, giving him a firm, slow stroke. "We can play this game again some other time...without the blindfold."

Riley swallowed hard, a soft moan slipping from his lips. Eisla slowly worked her hand up and down his length with more slow, deliberate strokes. River released his balls and sat back to watch the show, while Eisla moved her free hand to pick up where she left off. She rolled the sensitive orbs gently between her fingers, soothing whatever aching pain remained from the various punishments they'd taken throughout the evening.

"Does that feel good?" she asked, continuing at a steady pace.

"Y-Yes...very good..."

"Good." She leaned her head forward and licked his muzzle playfully, velvety paw pads stroking up and down his length and coating it generously in the pre that dribbled from his tip. Her fingers worked his balls as though giving him a very intimate massage, and the feline's head lolled to one side as the waves of pleasure drifted through him.

After a while, Riley felt the hand fondling his balls move away from him, and amidst his own moans of pleasure he began to hear hers as well. His ears twitched at the sound, unsure for a moment what to make of it. After a few more slow strokes, he felt her move closer and straddle his lap again, pressing up against him and overwhelming his senses with each sensation that transferred between their bodies. His member was sandwiched between their groins and belly fur, and he could feel a slight wetness and burning heat where her own privates touched him. The soft flesh of her breasts rubbed against his chest, and he was acutely aware of her nipples, small hard and hot nubs of flesh, sticking out against him as well.

"You are...definitely naked..." Riley said, swallowing hard.

Eisla giggled. "I'm going to remember you said that. I'm hurt that you thought I was lying." She licked his muzzle and rolled her hips, grinding his throbbing maleness between their bodies and causing him to shiver with delight. He felt one of her hands brush against him briefly as her fingers explored her own arousal, drawing soft moans from her that tickled Riley's ears. Blindfolded as he was, he could feel each time she alternated between touching herself and rubbing her exposed privates against his. The sheer intimacy of the situation overwhelmed the poor feline, and he remembered what Skye had said before they'd captured him. 'We've got something planned that might make up for it though!' Had they really been planning this entire thing? And for how long? As his mind began to blur with pleasure, he decided that was something to keep in mind for later.

"Eisla...urrrggghhh...I'm getting close..." he said, whimpering softly through his moans at the overwhelming pleasure that surged through his body with each rub against him.

"Go...ahead..." Eisla purred softly, leaning in to softly bite his ear. The soft panting between her words told Riley that she probably wasn't that far off herself. "Cum with me, Riles..." She licked at his ear and nuzzled into his neck. He couldn't see it himself, but felt the brushing of fur against his legs as her tail swished back and forth. In his mind, he could almost picture her, bare naked and whining with lust, ears splayed as she nuzzled into him and rubbed against him. That image alone pushed the inexperienced male over the edge as he felt his seed erupt from his tip, splashing across both of their upper bodies as his member remained pinned between them. With a few final strokes to squeeze the every single drop out of him, Eisla's grip around him tightened and a noticeable shiver ran through her body as she moaned loudly and passionately into his ear. Below, he could clearly feel the spreading damp warmth of her own arousal spilling forth and soaking his fur. Basking in the afterglow, she nuzzled into his neck, murring softly in his ear. After a few moments of simply cuddling up to him, she reluctantly started to pull away from him. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did."

Already missing the feel of her body, Riley nodded to her. "I enjoyed it...very, very much..."

Behind him, Skye chuckled. "Wow, he sure came a lot, didn't he?" There was a sense of awe in her voice as she peered over his shoulder and examined the white, sticky mess that now coated the wolf and her little brother. "River, you should get a towel to clean this up so Eisla can get dressed and we can take this blindfold off him."

Riley heard River respond in the affirmative and heard all sorts of movement and rustling, but he was too out of it to really register what all was going on. His mind was stuck on the fact that he'd just gotten off with, and on, the girl he had a major crush on, while his sisters watched. It left him feeling a mixture of happiness and confusion, unsure of what exactly it meant for him and Eisla. Did she reciprocate his feelings, or had she just been doing him a favor for her own amusement and pleasure? While he was lost in thought, he felt the blindfold come off and he was suddenly blinded by the lights of the room suddenly entering his view. To his disappointment, once his eyes adjusted he saw that Eisla had indeed dressed herself again and had returned to sitting on the twins' bottom bunk, her muzzle resting in one of her paws as she gazed at him with a satisfied smile.

"Feel better?" she asked.

"Huh?" Riley just blinked at her, unsure of what she meant.

"Hm, kind of slow, aren't you?" She giggled. "When the twins told me about Thanksgiving, they admitted they felt somewhat bad about how far they'd gone. Not that you didn't have it coming, mind you. So I suggested, if you managed to follow through on doing their chores for the month, I'd help them reward you. Plus, I really wanted to check out your equipment up close for myself..." She licked her nose, a satisfied and rather lewd grin crossing her muzzle as her eyes fell upon his quickly retreating erection. "So I hope you feel better about the whole thing. And hopefully...see how much your sisters love you and stop being a little dick. You're much cuter when you're being an obedient kitten for me."

Riley's ears pinned against his head. "Does that mean...would you really consider doing this again? Without the blindfold...?" His heart thumped in his chest, feeling hopeful.

"Maybe. We can work something out...just keep in mind you might be required to take some naked kicks to the balls from me in exchange." She gave him a wicked smile that chilled his bones. The twins giggled mischievously. Skye let Riley go and got up to open the door for him while River handed him the towel that Eisla had used to wipe herself off. Once he'd stood and begun to wipe himself off as well, the twins pushed him out into the hallway, still giggling.

"Hey, wait," he said in protest. "What about my pants?"

Eisla reached down into her lap and pulled the familiar garment up so he could see them. "I'm going to keep them as a memento of this wonderful evening. See you tomorrow, Riles. And remember that you're not off the hook for doubting me." She raised a white-furred footpaw and wiggled her toes suggestively at him, almost in a mocking sort of goodbye as his sisters closed the door, leaving him stunned in the hallway. With his junk hanging out. Somehow, he began to think, if it meant he might get to experience more pleasures with Eisla and even possibly get to see her naked body for himself, he almost didn't mind taking a kick or two to the kitten makers in exchange. Almost.