The Sleepover: Part 2 (New Ending)

I had a lot of fun writing this, and some of it honestly gave me some pretty good feelings inside, so I hope it can do the same for you! As to why this is being posted, see my [recent journal entry]( where I go into...

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Paying The Price

After over a year on the backburner and lots of revisions, I'm proud to finally bring this story to you! This has turned into the longest entry in the series so far by a fair amount, and overall I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. I'm looking...

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The Sleepover: Part 2

When evening rolled around, the twins and Eisla had invited Riley to watch a movie with them, much to his surprise. In his mind, aside from as a toy for their amusement, he didn't think the girls really wanted him around. Feeling somewhat touched by...

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The Sleepover: Interlude

This came to me right after I posted the previous entry, and it flowed a lot easier than I expected, so I decided to post it as well! Enjoy this small bonus while I work on the next continuation! * * * The morning after Riley had his first...

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The Sleepover Part 1

The next month of Riley's life passed by slowly, but thankfully fairly uneventful as well. After he'd been conned by his twin sisters into doing their chores for the month under threat of further abuse to his kitten makers, he reluctantly agreed, but...

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A Thanksgiving Challenge Accepted

This is a silly little story I wrote for my friend, [Coyote Time](, in response to the challenge presented in [this story](! This story is purely all in good fun and no caracals were...

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