
Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#4 of Detention

TRIGGER WARNING: this story depicts scenes of bullying.

Fourth part in the "Detention" series! Or is it the first part? You can actually read this story backwards, did you know? It's very interesting.

Meet Rory before he was the powerful hypnotist we know! And meet... Opal, too. This is also the longest story I've posted here so far, so beware.

I don't really like the number four, by the way...

It had all started as a game.

There wasn't much Rory could do in bed and days went by slowly as he stared at his ceiling. Rehabilitation was taking a few months more than expected and, even though he could already move most of his upper body, he still had some trouble trying to make his legs respond. "Take it easy," the doctor had said. "There's no rush". And Rory agreed. He wasn't particularly looking forward to going back to high school, but the boredom was beginning to be just as excruciating. He spent most of his time reading books he'd ordered from the public library - apparently, his condition allowed him to do that - and navigating all kinds of apps on his mobile phone, installing and uninstalling them mostly to keep himself entertained.

At some point he got bored of books and decided to try dating apps. It wasn't as if he was going to go on a date for a few months, but at least he wanted to take a peek. The black cat had never been in a relationship before and, even though he didn't want to admit it, the idea that he might find that special someone during those hard days gave him all kinds of soft and dreamy feelings.

So he began searching.

It was actually a much more automated process than he'd expected. After feeding the app a few basic details (some of them required a confirmation e-mail, but Rory was getting used to visiting his spam folder by now), it showed him several icons of people that supposedly lived nearby and met his criteria. Some of them were hot, the black cat thought, and some others looked almost a bit desperate, just like himself. But even the ones who look hot must be desperate to use these apps, he told himself, grinning. Or maybe they weren't actually that hot, for starters.

After a while liking or ignoring different profiles depending on whether they turned him on or not, he grew curious. How many people that he knew used the app? He was pretty sure most of them would have fake profiles, but he still wanted to know if he could spot any familiar faces. He deactivated all his filters and sorted the results by proximity, already feeling a bit excited.

He realized his excitement was justified mere seconds after the screen had loaded.

One of the first profiles he came across showed him a face - and body - that he knew pretty well. It belonged to a rather muscular grey wolf whose handsome features and amber eyes sent a shiver down Rory's spine. In the picture, he was doing push-downs at the gym and looking back at the camera, winking an eye with one of those cocky, half grins that might have seemed too cheesy under other circumstances... but the black cat was just in the right mood for those shenanigans. Those thick, trained arms were bulging with strength and he could feel his cheeks getting hotter only by imagining their caress on his back, holding him in a tight embrace. The wolf's broad chest looked just like the right place to rest his head and purr as he did all kind of... naughty things with...

Rory tried to control himself.

That wolf was Bryan. He'd known him for a long time now, although he wasn't quite sure for how long exactly. The grey wolf had moved from a different city and started attending his classes on high-school some years ago, building up a terrible reputation in the process. He was loud, he was feisty and, over all those, he was mean. After just a few months in that new high-school, they grey wolf had gotten used to bullying most other students, who couldn't compete with the physical strength that his species gave him. He mostly picked on those who were already outcasts - he seemed to enjoy making their lives worse and receiving the praise by some other students who were either too afraid to speak up, too unsympathetic to even care or just as mean as he was. Teachers didn't know what to do, either. They were probably afraid of the wolf, too, but didn't want to admit it.

In conclusion, Bryan was a terrible person. A terrible person who had been Rory's crush for a long, long time.

And as he explored the wolf's gallery of pictures, he could feel that crush only getting more and more intense. Bryan appeared in all kinds of situations: drinking a smoothie, playing basketball, taking a pic in front of his mirror in his underwear - Rory actually stayed at this picture for longer than he would have liked to admit - or even just smiling at the camera. He had such a beautiful smile. The black cat had never seen him smile before.

How did the wolf manage to look so nice in that app? Would the people that messaged him there know that he was ruining people's lives at school? The implications of that made Rory feel a bit dizzy. Maybe they could only find out whenever they met Bryan. Or maybe he didn't pretend to be nicer. Maybe he just...

Well, why don't you find out?

The thought initially scared him. Why would he even consider that? It was a bad idea. And more importantly, it was wrong. He couldn't just make up a fake account in order to see what the wolf was like when he was flirting... right?

But he's a jerk.

He was. He really was. Rory had suffered a lot because of him. The wolf probably deserved it. And still, there was a part of him that didn't want to do it.

Another glance at the picture of the wolf in his underwear washed away that part and banished it to oblivion. It was clear that Bryan didn't deserve any better and, in the meantime, Rory could have a really good afternoon finding out how the bully tried to be "nice" when there was nobody watching. And most importantly, he could discover what it was like to have Bryan be nice to him. That prospect actually filled him with joy.

It only took him a few minutes to set up his fake account. He chose the picture of a particularly attractive cheetah - or at least Rory thought she was attractive, he wasn't completely sure about it - that he found in a remote enough forum so that Bryan wouldn't discover it with just a quick search. He named her Opal and tried to give her all the qualities he thought the wolf could find attractive. Those included "looking for a real man" and "just wanting to have fun". The only men she was interested in were between 18 and 26 years old. She was 19, of course. Rory also made sure her profile would clearly indicate he needed a real alpha canine in his life - the idea of going for a wolf directly seemed way too obvious.

When the profile was already created, Rory hesitated a bit. Then, as memories from his past experiences with Bryan came back to him, he finally made up his mind and touched the "Like" button. He had supposed he'd have to wait for a few days in order to get the wolf's response, but less than an hour later, the app's notification suddenly flashed on his screen and he rushed to check it out.

It seemed Bryan had sent had already sent him - or her - a message and the cat's heart beat a bit faster when he realized it was happening after all. He rushed to the message section and...

It was a dick pic. Bryan's first message had been a dick pic.

No words, no greeting, no anything. Just a picture of his own cock, erect and already leaking with pre. It wasn't even a nice pic and it wasn't taken carefully. It was slightly blurry and the angle was terrible. Even though the sight of the wolf's hard member already ignited some of his fantasies, Rory had to resist the urge to complain. He had to make a huge effort, but in the end he managed to do it. Complaining was not what Opal would do.

Instead, he just sent a few heart emojis. It felt terrible.

<i bet ur speechless now hm?>was the wolf's next message. <theres more where that came from>.

Does he really think I liked that?, Rory thought, astonished. Is he really trying to get me to bed... already?

Straight men were weird, Rory thought.

<Hm I'm not sure I can take all of that> he wrote, resisting the urge to laugh.

<do u think I care?> the wolf retorted. A real gentleman.

Rory had to think for a few seconds in order to find an appropriate answer. Given the circumstances, it seemed everything he thought was inappropriate would be a good option.

<That's just the way I like it> he wrote. Man, Opal is horny, he told himself.

He completed his message with an eggplant emoji.

<good. Knew u werent like the other girls> Bryan wrote back, after a few seconds.

New dick pic. This one was even worse. Is he jerking off right now?,Rory thought, a bit worried. It definitely looked like it.

<Hm I like that>he answered to the pic. And then, he added. <What are the other girls like>.

<their a bunch of whores. Are u?>

Rory thought about his answer carefully this time. He wanted to do something risky, but he wasn't sure if it would turn out well.

<I am a professional whore baby unlike all those sluts>.

It hurt just to write that, but the black cat was willing to push it much further in case it was necessary. Now that the game had begun, he wanted to make sure he got good results. And so far, deceiving Bryan had been extremely easy. Rory wasn't sure how he was going to take that last message, though. It seemed the wolf was taking his time to answer.

<i like you>he wrote, after a few seconds.

Had Bryan cum already? The wolf's messages got slower and slightly less horny from that point, so the black cat thought he had.

Their conversation kept going, mostly in the same tone. Bryan would send Opal more pics of himself - and Rory noticed that the pictures focusing on his body were way better than those improvised dick pics he'd sent before. Opal would answer to that display of manhood by telling him how much he was turning her on. It wasn't difficult to feign that feeling because, to be honest, at that point Rory was feeling slightly pent up. When the night came it seemed as if Bryan had gotten all horny again and he sent a few dick pics more than necessary. The dialogue there got pretty messy and Rory had to find a few pictures of female cheetahs showing a bit more of their body than the cat thought was advisable to do in open forums.

He hoped the wolf wouldn't reverse search them.

But it didn't look like it. Next morning, Rory woke up with a message from the wolf flashing on his screen.

<i want 2 meet u>.

He'd already planned an answer for this, but he still felt a bit nervous. They had reached that point way too soon - he had thought the wolf wouldn't ask that until a few days later, probably.

<I'm staying at my parents' beach house now> he wrote, shamelessly. <We'll be getting back in 2 weeks>.

Bryan's answer consisted of a single word - and it was exactly what the wolf was not getting to do:


He didn't speak much for the rest of the day and Rory guessed he was angry or frustrated. The cat was a bit afraid their conversation might die there, but he had thought that two weeks weren't too bad and that even the wolf would wait for that. He seemed to really like Opal and the idea of the cheetah having a beach house should make Bryan even more interested in her. At least, that's what he was hoping for.

That night he received another message.

<are u really gonna make me wait that long>.

Fortunately, Rory had already thought of an answer to turn things around a little.

<It's not easy for me... I really want that big wolf cock in my mouth>.

It took Bryan a short while to answer, but the cat couldn't help but smile when he read his message.

<then be patient slut>.

Days went by just like that. The black cat would wake up and assume his fake identity as Opal, sending a few provocative messages to Bryan. The wolf was easy to toy with and Rory loved it, even though he couldn't help but feeling a bit guilty every now and then. His biggest worry, though, was finding something to do when those two weeks he had asked him to wait were over. He had thought he would come up with something during the first week, but he still hadn't. Maybe this proves I should just stop responding and forget about it, the cat thought.

However, the perfect solution came to him by chance.

Whenever someone liked Opal's profile in the app, Rory used to take a peek, just out of curiosity. Most of them were basically jocks like Bryan - and some of them were pretty hot, too - but one day he received a notification from someone that didn't look like the others. The mysterious guy didn't even have a profile pic, to begin with. Just the picture of a pair of handcuffs. Kinky, the cat thought. Once he read the profile's description, he realized that was an understatement. That man, apparently named DarkMasterX, was into a lot of weird stuff and Rory went through the list with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. And then he saw it.


The idea struck him as odd at first. He wasn't even sure if hypnosis was real to begin with - the cat thought it might be, but he wasn't too familiar with the subject. Someone just snapping their fingers and making another person go into a deep sleep sounded really unbelievable, but Rory could understand why DarkMasterX would like the power trip. And it seemed he wasn't the only one, judging by how many profiles he could spot once he filtered his search with the word 'hypnosis'. It was amazing that so many people seemed to enjoy that.

Rory decided to read up on the subject a bit. At that point, the cat didn't know if he was doing so pushed by his curiosity or because he was actually considering the option. He visited a few forums, watched a few videos and found a few explanations of the process. It was also then when he realized the community built around that kink was way, way bigger than he'd expected it to be. He was actually surprised he'd never come across that stuff before.

Unfortunately, the cat also noticed that many explanations were contradictory. He wished he could just find a reliable source of information - or at least something that wouldn't make him raise an eyebrow in disbelief. He thought he might order a book or two from the library, in case they had any. He quickly went to their website and tried to find something interesting. There was one long title that caught his attention. The power of sound: binaurals, hypnotic suggestions and their effect on the brain. Rory had never read the fifth word before, but he made an effort not to look it up on the internet: he guessed he'd know what it was soon enough.

After a few days receiving messages of a very horny wolf who couldn't stop himself from talking about how good his pounding was going to feel, he finally got the book.

It wasn't as interesting as he'd thought it would be.

Still, he managed to read a few chapters and found them pretty reassuring. The book included a few references of cases in which binaurals - Rory knew now those were a special kind of sound waves that could cause altered states of mind - had been successful. Apparently, those things worked! The black cat wasn't really sure about how exactly, but after trying in vain to read the lengthy, boring beginning of chapter 5 (Neuronal activity during hypnotic trance) a few times, he decided he already knew enough. The rest of the chapters in the book only seemed to explain the elements necessary for one of those files, in case he wanted to create one himself.

But Rory already knew he didn't need to. Besides, it wasn't as if he had time. Opal was returning to the city in just a few days and Bryan wouldn't wait any longer.

If Rory had learned something from his past experiences, it was that someone could steal another person's homework and nobody would notice.

He began a quick search through the same forums he had visited before. Now that he added the word "binaural" to his search, he realized that there were many posts and threads about those that had simply gone unnoticed to him before. His main objective was to find something that wasn't too powerful but still would work on the wolf.

He wasn't even sure what he should be looking for until he found himself in a thread titled "This file worked for my girlfriend !!! Very recommended". It wasn't the best opening line Rory had even seen, but in the thread, a random hypno kinkster explained that he had come across a file that had helped his girlfriend reached the suggestive state they "both had always craved". The black cat thought if that was true, if it had really been both that had wanted that to happen - then he thought it was extremely unlikely anyone could just boss around other people just by making them listen to a file, but wasn't that what he was trying to do?

There were other people in the thread that said it had worked for them, too. It all looked quite simple and convincing, actually. The black cat just downloaded the file, which was about one hour long, and played it on his laptop out of curiosity.

He had to pause it mere seconds afterwards and remove his headphones. His fur was standing on end and his tail had risen within the very first seconds, maybe because of how excited and tense he was, or maybe because there had been something... weird about the sound. If Rory had to describe it in a few words, he would have said that it was like feeling his whole brain throbbing, as if someone was hammering his head with an invisible mace. Perhaps he was simply too sensitive to noise.

After all, that was what it sounded like. Noise. Maybe someone could have mistaken it for techno music, the black cat supposed - he really didn't know much about that genre, anyway - but there was no melody, no lyrics, no voice, nothing that could help the listener tell the very first second in the file apart from the last. Which was, probably, the intention of whoever had created it.

He decided he didn't lose anything for trying, so that night, as soon as he made sure Bryan was in bed, the cat began a new conversation with the wolf.

<Hey I'm curious> he wrote. <What kind of music do you like?>

It took Bryan twelve minutes to reply.

<i dont really care about music>.

For some reason, the cat had already been expecting an answer like that.

<So what do you listen when you're pumping iron in the gym?> Dumbbell emoji. Flexing arm emoji. Sweat emoji.

<just a spawtify playlist for gym>. Flexing arm emoji. Twice.

Rory took a deep breath in. It was the moment of truth.

<This track is awesome for that you should use it>. And without giving the wolf a chance to refuse, he sent the file. He had renamed it "Iron_Wolf.mp4" in an attempt to get Bryan interested, but now the cat was worried it might have been a bit excessive.

<oh u hit the gym too?> was Bryan's answer. He didn't seem to find the file's name too suspicious.

<Sometimes. Have to keep myself in shape for a real alpha wolf> the cat wrote, feeling embarrassed.

<damn right u do> he agreed. And then, <wow this shits long>.

<That way you don't need to change the song> Rory replied. Wink emoji.

Bryan didn't answer immediately. Then, he didn't answer for five minutes. After that, it was twenty.

Half an hour later, the black cat decided it was time to check if it had worked. If that was the case, he'd be very surprised. Up until that point, he hadn't really expected the file to be nothing more than noise.

<Did you play the file?> he asked, first. He needed to make sure.

The wolf was typing for a few seconds. They felt like an eternity to Rory.

<yes>was his answer.

<Do you like it?>

Again, it took Bryan a short while to write back.


Rory felt a shiver go down his spine. Had it... had it actually worked? It looked like it had, judging by those last, brief messages, but he couldn't be completely certain. After all, it wasn't as if Bryan usually wrote full paragraphs when they were talking.

<How do you feel?> he asked.

<dizzy> he said. Then, <dunno>. Then, <floaty>.

Rory felt a new shiver go down his spine and he gasped. It had worked! He couldn't believe it. In fact, he was still a bit skeptical, but the wolf's reaction was there and, at least to the black cat, he looked pretty hypnotized. He decided he would push Bryan a bit further and see how he reacted. The worst thing that could happen was that the wolf realized what was going on... in which case, Rory supposed he would block Opal forever. But that was exactly what he'd do if, after those two weeks of waiting, she had simply vanished.

He had nothing to lose. Still, his paws were shaking a bit as he wrote:

<You don't feel like asking when I'm coming back from my parents' beach house, right?>

That had been his goal from the very beginning, he remembered. It was difficult not to hold his breath as he waited for the wolf's response.


That seemed pretty clear, but Rory still wanted to make sure.

<You will never ask me when I'm coming back from my parent's beach house, right?>


<And you'll keep talking to me even if we never get to meet, right?>


The black cat let out a long sigh, relieved.

Then, he frowned. He hadn't thought about that until that point, but he had suddenly realized he was making a huge effort to keep Bryan talking to him. Why was he doing that? Well, he was your crush back then, he thought. And he's pretty hot. Those answers were alright but... hypnotizing someone into talking to him? Maybe that was a bit extreme.

This is just a game, he told himself. If I wanted him to really like me, I could just command him to do that.

And he could. So why hadn't he done that?

He was thinking about that when, apparently, Bryan snapped out of that weird trance and began a new conversation about how much he wanted to fuck Opal's ass. The black cat had to push those worries aside in order to focus on the horny conversation, which requested all of his attention. Over the next few days, he realized that his suggestions had been accepted by the wolf without as much as a second thought. Both kept chatting as if nothing had ever happened and the question of whether Opal would ever return from her parents' beach house was never raised again.

Weeks passed by and things were just the same. Rory would write to the wolf and Bryan would write back to the cheetah. There wasn't any progression, just the two of them sending horny messages over and over. Even though their weird "relationship" had felt nice at the beginning, the black cat soon grew bored of those interactions. He actually thought it was a miracle Bryan had managed to have a girlfriend in the past - the wolf's conversation was so limited he barely could speak about anything other than sex, gym, his body or Opal's.

Maybe that was why the black cat decided to try the file again. He told himself it was just to make things more interesting. He wouldn't do anything harmful to the wolf, of course! He just wanted to make him nicer. More attractive. One of the first suggestions he gave the wolf, once he'd managed to sneakily make him listen to the file again, was that he should try to be more nice and romantic with her... him. This isn't a bad thing, Rory thought. I might actually turn him into a better person if I really want to.

That idea was really appealing, and the black cat even made a plan. First, he'd give the wolf a... well, a quicker way to return to trance, so that he wouldn't need to use the file every single time. Then, he'd give him a few suggestions to make him more sociable and sympathetic. Rory even grabbed a notebook and wrote down a few things he thought would make the huge wolf a better person. He made a list. He underlined them. He even used a few different colored markers so that he could read it easily.

But then he got stuck in the first step. He managed to make Bryan go back into trance easily, but whenever he did that, he'd find himself getting really horny and ask the wolf to do all kinds of things that had nothing to do with being a better person... and a lot to do with pleasing the black cat. He managed to get a few good pics of the wolf that way. Under Rory's command, Bryan even seemed capable of taking better dick pics.

It almost became a daily activity, toying with the wolf. The cat was so absorbed in his game that he didn't even notice months were passing fast. When he finally managed to move one of his legs after months of trying in vain, everyone praised him and congratulated him because of the quick recovery, but he didn't feel like it was such a big deal. There was some sort of distance between him and that, now. And he didn't really think he'd done the good job everyone insisted he'd done - he'd only had to be there, waiting, trying every day, until everything had clicked right into place and he'd managed to slightly raise his footpaw.

However, being able to move his legs again was useful. He could walk around his room from time to time and go to the library in case he wanted to get new books. The cat definitely needed to deliver some of those back, especially the one about binaurals, unless he wanted to get a fine.

But of course, the fact that he could walk again meant the subject of whether he should return to high school or not was on the table.

His parents insisted that he should go. Restoring his routine and trying to build social relationships again would be better for him, they said. It was obvious they didn't notice the gleam of terror in the cat's eye when they mentioned the words "social relationships", but Rory could hardly blame them at that point. Still, he couldn't fight many reasons to oppose his parents' arguments: he'd been trapped at home for two years and even though going out might seem scary, he needed to give it a try. Besides, after so much time, it was very likely that most of his classmates had already graduated and were working on their respective careers. At least, Rory hoped that.

It wasn't as if he wanted to make acquaintances, either. He just needed to be left alone so that he could keep playing with Bryan for a bit longer. The cat had already decided that was only a temporary thing and he was going to stop at some point - he just didn't know when.

The day he finally went back to school came sooner than he expected, and even though Rory was feeling jittery, he wasn't as nervous as he would have probably felt in any regular day before the accident. The fact that he wasn't going to see any old faces calmed him down a bit, and he just wanted to get over that academic year as fast as possible to find something to do with his life in the near future.

So when he spotted Bryan sitting in the last row, he was about to faint right there.

He lost his balance momentarily and had to lean on a desk nearby, which attracted a few nosy looks from his new classmates. The cat was pretty sure he had suddenly turned very pale, or at least that was how he felt, so he was well aware that he wasn't giving a good first impression. Trying not to pay attention to the frantic thoughts moving back and forth in his mind, he walked towards the empty desk in the corner.

Which meant, of course, he'd have to walk right past Bryan.

He wasn't immune to the general murmuring either, and he could only feel his heart rate getting faster and faster as his paws began to sweat, body trembling slightly with every step. Suddenly he felt as if he'd forgotten how to walk properly and he was painfully aware that he was attracting more and more looks with every of his clumsy steps. He hated, he hated, he hated that situation. So much.

But unlike his chats with Bryan, there wasn't much he could do about it.

Mere seconds before he reached his desk and right after he walked past the huge grey wolf, he wondered if his hypnotic suggestions would have somehow made the wolf more sympathetic. But when he heard a loud racket behind him and he turned to find out all his books had fallen from his backpack to the floor, he knew the answer. Bryan never said anything, but he gave him a wolfish grin so that it was obvious he had opened the zipper. Some other students were giggling, and even the teacher seemed to find that funny, somehow. Suddenly, the whole weight of reality fell on the cat's shoulders.

It was going to be another long and tough year.

Rory tried not to think about it during the whole six hours he had to stay there. In fact, he tried not to think about anything at all. He did his best to disappear, since that was the safest choice, and he tried not to attract attention to himself. He sat alone, he spent the breaks between periods alone, he had lunch alone. When teachers asked the students to work in activities together, he did it alone. When he felt bad, he did it alone. And when he finally heard the bell ring and the time to go back home finally came, he walked through the main door alone.

The black cat felt like crying for the first time in two years, but he wouldn't allow himself that pleasure. He swallowed his sorrow whole as he walked back home and tried to go back to thinking again, snapping out of his own self-provoked trance. That wasn't what he wanted. That wasn't how things were supposed to be. And for a few wonderful months it had seemed as if they could be exactly like that, as if he held the power to make things the way he wanted in his paw. Now the dream was over and he felt disenchanted.

Nothing was ever going to change.

The long path back home felt longer than ever and his backpack, heavier. The cat stopped at a zebra crossing and tried to get rid of those pessimistic thoughts when he saw something out of the corner of his eye and froze. After the initial shock, he took a few steps back, trying to remain hidden.

It was Bryan.

The wolf was standing close to the road and apparently he hadn't seen Rory yet. It was then that the black cat remembered that his classmate used to live near him - he'd seen the grey wolf in his neighborhood a few times, but they'd never exchanged words. In fact, whenever Rory saw him, he'd walk in the opposite direction. It had been so long since the last time he'd been out in the streets that he had almost forgotten.

When the red light turned green and Bryan began walking again, the black cat followed him cautiously. He didn't want the wolf to see him, but at the same time, he was feeling a bit... curious. It had been very long since the last time he'd been able to watch Bryan walking alone and he had to admit his classmate almost looked like a completely different person. The contained anger he usually seemed to carry around was nowhere to be seen. He was wearing a pair of big sturdy red headphones and the cat thought they looked good on him. He also wondered what kind of music Bryan liked since, even though he'd told Opal he didn't care about music, he seemed to be enjoying whatever he was listening to at that moment.

Was it his file? Rory highly doubted that.

All in all and even though his imposing physique might have still intimidated him, Rory was pretty sure that if he had approached him at that time, the wolf might have been nicer to him. Probably because there was no one else around.

As the cat followed him from a safe distance, he began having other kinds of thoughts that had less to do with how good Bryan looked from behind and more with... how much he hated him. Everything that had happened that day, the rough start that he was being forced to re-experience once again - all of that was the wolf's fault. Why hadn't he graduated like a normal person? If only he hadn't been there, that day had been as boring as Rory had wanted it to be.

As he saw the wolf ahead turning a corner to the left, Rory kept on blaming him. And why did he have to be such a jerk? He knew that Bryan felt untouchable because of that state of terror he had installed in the school, but how far did he think he could push things? Had he ever considered being a better person? Or had he even-

Suddenly, two big paws grabbed the cat's collar and pulled from him, lifting him up from the ground. Rory barely had time to let a surprised yelp before someone pushed him up against the wall and he felt a bolt of pain going through his back. When he looked up, startled, his worst fears had come true.

"Well, well," Bryan said, his yellow eyes never leaving the cat's. He looked really annoyed for some reason. "If it isn't the pussycat. Are you following me home or what?"

Rory tried to think. He could just tell the wolf the truth, right? After all, he'd been walking towards his own home all that time, but would Bryan believe that? Probably not. He needed to find a convincing answer, he needed to say something, but the wolf had taken him by surprise and his mind was working slowly, so he just couldn't figure out how to react, and the more he thought about it, the more nervous he felt, and he didn't seem to be able to find a solution, and...

"Cat got your tongue?" The wolf asked, visibly cross. Oh, come on, Rory thought. "I asked you a question!!"

As he pronounced that last word, he pushed him up to the wall once again. The black cat groaned when the hard bricks hit his back and suddenly his nerves decided for him.

"S... Sleep!"

Rory regretted it the very instant that word left his lips. He had no way to know if it'd work. In fact, and as far as he knew, the wolf might have even been playing dumb all that time and pretending to accept Opal's suggestions because he was secretly turned on by the idea. And what if he didn't react to the spoken word just as well as he did to the written thing? What would happen now if the wolf suddenly realized he'd been toying with him for so long? The black cat had taken an absurd risk and he could feel the adrenaline rushing like poison through his veins. He closed his eyes, too scared to see the consequences.

They opened again when he felt his footpaws touching the ground. Bryan was there, looking back at him, but there was a distant look in his face and he seemed to be... hesitating.

"What..." he asked, not as violently as before. It looked like he was about to lose his balance. "Shit, I'm... I'm dizzy..."

Had it worked? It had to have worked. There was no way that was a coincidence. Meanwhile, the wolf's paws hadn't left Rory's collar, but his grip felt less strong than before.

"Uuugh..." the wolf moaned, closing his eyes for just a second.

"Maybe you..." Rory gulped. What was he doing? "Maybe you should get some sleep."

This time, the black cat could see the effect the word had. Bryan's shoulders seemed to relax instantly, arms falling limp. His paws were still hanging from the cat's clothes, but barely - Rory could practically foresee that once those fingers were relaxed enough, they'd let go. And the wolf's mind would follow.

"You..." the wolf muttered. His voice had a delightful sleepy sound, and his eyes were glassy as he looked back at the cat, confused. "What... uuuh..."


This time there was no hesitation in Rory's words.

They were a command. Simple as that.

And, maybe not so unexpectedly, Bryan followed. His arms dropped limply to his sides as if they had suddenly gotten ten times heavier and his eyes practically fell shut, or at least it looked as if the wolf was struggling to keep them open. Rory could tell he was still fighting against it, but there was no way he could win the battle. His muscular body was swaying, legs probably too weak now to keep his balance. Watching him so relaxed and groggy was almost... cute.

Would he follow his commands now? The cat couldn't help but try.

"Stay still," he said. It was a very simple thing to ask and, even if Bryan was still conscious, it wouldn't strike him as odd.

But it soon became clear that Rory's concern was unnecessary: the wolf did just as he'd been told and, after a few seconds, he didn't look as if he was a weak tree in the middle of a storm anymore. The glassy look in his eyes was still there and it almost looked as if his mouth was about to hang open.

For some reason, the black cat thought he'd like that.

It was at that point when he realized where they were and what was going on. He looked around nervously, trying to make sure nobody had seen them. It didn't look like that but, of course, he couldn't know. And what if someone was just about to turn the corner? You should have thought about this before putting him under, Rory reprimanded himself, as he tried to find a solution.

His house wasn't far, he thought. And his mother wasn't supposed to arrive until a few hours later. Maybe he could just...

Rory shook his head. The idea of taking the huge wolf home didn't appeal to him as much as he'd thought it would, but under the circumstances, it seemed like the best option. He definitely couldn't leave him like that, in the middle of the street... and besides, a part of him wanted to explore the state he had put his classmate in. After a few seconds of hesitation, the cat sighed and turned to Bryan, who still looked as if someone had been messing with his brain.

Which was, probably, not very far from what had really happened.

"Okay," Rory said, not very convinced. "Follow me."

He really hoped they wouldn't come across any nosy neighbors.


Fortunately, most people in Rory's building seemed to be working at that time, so no one saw the black cat walk into the elevator followed by a very zonked, almost zombie-like wolf. Bryan still hadn't spoken a single word since he had received his last suggestion, and although Rory was a bit scared that he might snap out of the trance at any moment, it didn't look as if the state he was in was going to fade too soon.

However, when the cat finally managed to guide Bryan into his room and ordered him to lie in his bed, he felt slightly relieved. There was something else he had to do, though.

"Listen to me, Bryan," he began. He was talking to the wolf as he picked up a few clothes he'd left thrown on the floor - his room had been a mess for a long while. "If for any reason you wake up or snap out of the trance, you'll think that you've come to my house because we had to work on an assignment together. Do you understand?"

He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn the wolf had nodded. That made him feel a bit calmer.

The cat ended up giving up and deciding tidying his room would make no difference, so he threw the clothes he was carrying to the floor. He was obviously too nervous, but he managed to get closer to his bed and examine the grey wolf. His eyes were barely open now as he lay there, motionless except for his slow, heavy breathing that made his broad chest rise and fall rhythmically. The black cat observed him for a few minutes, still trying to process what was going on.

Bryan was in his bed. The grey wolf he'd always felt attracted to, the bully who had been his crush for most of his younger days, was now exactly where he'd imagined him so many times.

It still seemed too good to be real. Rory had to make sure that wasn't some kind of joke the wolf was playing on him.

"Stand up, Bryan," he commanded.

Then, swift as if he was still completely in control of his body, the wolf's body tensed and moved, doing exactly what he'd told him to do. It happened in a matter of seconds, but Rory still needed a few instants to digest it.

He sat on bed, astonished.

"Raise your left arm," he said. Just to check.

Bryan's thick arm stretched upwards as if moved by some kind of invisible string.

"Okay. Lower it down. Now raise your right arm."

Same effect. No hesitation on Bryan's side.

"Salute. Like a soldier, I mean."

It was a silly idea, but the wolf carried it out easily. That pose suited him well, Rory thought. Maybe he should have joined the army, the cat thought, smiling mischievously. He gets the whole following-commands-without-hesitation thing pretty well.

Anyway, none of those things really proved whether Bryan was in trance or not. The wolf was obeying - Rory could certainly see that - but he needed to give him a suggestion that the awake Bryan would never follow in order to convince himself.

He decided to go for the wolf's pride.

"Listen, Bryan. I want you to repeat these words. I obey Rory."

Silence only lasted for a split second.

"I... obey Rory..."

"I will do whatever Rory commands me to do."

"... I will do whatever Rory commands me to... do..."

"I belong to Rory."

"I... belong... to Rory..."

The black cat paused right there. Maybe he was escalating too fast, but he really wanted to prove that was real. He decided, however, that he wouldn't gain anything by getting ahead of himself.

"Repeat those three sentences again. Come on," he suggested, instead.

"I obey Rory... I will do whatever Rory commands me to do... I belong to Rory..."

His voice was so drowsy and his words so slurred that, in his current state, it almost looked as if the wolf's brain was about to drip out of his ears. Rory liked that, for some reason. It made his classmate look adorable... and at the same time, it made Rory himself feel kind of powerful.

How far could he push it? The black cat wasn't sure, but so far it looked as if there were no limits. It was time to put that possibility to the test.

"Take off your clothes."

Rory didn't know what he was expecting. He'd probably imagined he would see some signs of hesitation, a weak manifestation of resistance coming from the wolf's mind or body - anything. But Bryan simply carried out that command as he'd carried out the others, pulling up his shirt slowly but resolutely. Soon, his grey-furred torso was on full display and the black cat felt his cheeks turning red at the sight.

There was nothing. Nothing stopping him.

"Good boy," he found himself saying, and the words felt right.

He could have stopped Bryan at any point. He could have told the wolf to put his clothes back on once he was completely naked in front of him. He could have left it at that, at a simple experiment to see if his little game with hypnosis and binaurals had really worked.

But instead, he stood up from his bed and, maybe too carefully, placed one of his black paws on Bryan's grey fur. It was soft. Softer than he'd imagined it'd be, coming from such a relentless bully. The cat also noticed there was a nice scent coming from him - some kind of deodorant, maybe - that smelled clean and fresh. The idea of Bryan worrying about his body odor was something that had never even crossed his mind, but it seemed there were many things he didn't know about the wolf and that now he had access to.

The possibility sent a shiver down his spine.

He felt bold all of a sudden and nuzzled Bryan's chest, purring softly. He felt the raw strength underneath the silky fur, the warmth under his skin. But the wolf didn't move an inch. The cat's paws moved to those firm shoulders and caressed them too, feeling every single spot and then slowly running down his claws - retracted - through the muscles of his back, until they stopped on Bryan's hips.

It was then when Rory noticed he'd begun panting at some point. That's not going to wake him up, he tried to reassure himself.

His gaze moved down and came across the wolf's member, which hung between his legs, unbothered. The cat's smile sharpened a bit as he thought of a way to solve that situation.

"Listen to me, Bryan." Hadn't he said that too many times already? Maybe he should look for another way to catch the wolf's attention. "You're beginning to feel aroused. Very aroused. The fact that I'm touching you is making you really horny."

Rory was actually curious. He knew that Bryan could obey his commands, but one couldn't just _choose_to be horny, right? Would he still be able to control that part of him? After a few minutes moving his paws all over the wolf's back and keeping his eyes on the previously soft dick, he found the answer.

He could.

"Goooood boy," he said again. It felt so nice to say those words out loud. "Getting hornier and hornier now."

And it simply happened. Bryan's cock was beginning to tense, slowly rising like a mast in a ship under construction. Rory brought his paw down and caressed the wolf's length carefully - he could have sworn Bryan shivered at this, but that was the only reaction he had. For some reason, he loved watching him so calm and compliant under his command. In fact...

"Bryan, I want you to jerk off now," he commanded, as he moved away from the wolf's body and sit back on bed. He took that chance to rub his own member idly, too, while he witnessed how Bryan followed his command with as little hesitation as usual. After stroking and enjoying the touch of his classmate's body for so long, the cat also felt a bit... lewd.

The sight of the wolf completely naked in front of him wasn't that alluring - after all, he'd already seen his pics through their conversations in the dating app. It was the fact that Bryan was there, in his own room, masturbating only because he'd told him to do so, that was pushing all his buttons. He was loving it far more than he'd expected.

And Bryan looked as if he was enjoying it too. His body was shaking slightly, almost as if the pleasure was too much, as if he was too weak to keep standing. But Rory liked that sight, he wanted him to be in that position, masturbating as he stood in the middle of his room, and he knew that the wolf wouldn't sit down or kneel or lie or crouch or whatever - not until he commanded him to do that or his body simply stopped responding.

He knew that much now. For the first time since he had started that game, he was aware of his own power.

It didn't take long before the wolf's hard cock began leaking some pre-cum, and Rory guessed he was close to reaching climax. Could he delay it? He probably could. Would he like that? Hmmm... maybe. For how long would the wolf be able to resist the impulse to cum helplessly after masturbating like that? The idea that he might keep him from orgasming for days filled the cat with a sinister satisfaction.

But the problem of fantasizing about it was that the cat had lost track of reality for a second and, before he could fix the situation, Bryan let out a low growl as he went over the edge, cumming all over his stomach and chest with no one to stop him. Rory was too far from orgasm himself, but he still deeply enjoyed watching the wolf's body tense for a brief second before he unloaded his seed right there - and then, relax as if he'd just finished a very demanding workout.

After that, Bryan simply stood there. Breathing heavily and looking a bit flustered, but still in trance and completely motionless otherwise. Rory left his bed again and gave him a long look, still unable to believe his grip on that huge beast was so absolute. He grinned, then looked for a pack of tissues he'd kept somewhere during his time at home, and turned to the wolf.

It was then when he heard the noise of keys turning on the entrance and his heart forgot to beat for a second. Someone was coming. The shock made him snap out of his weird dreamlike state.

What was he doing!?

There was... there was a naked wolf in his room, covered in cum and completely hypnotized!!

"Clean yourself and... and get in bed!" he managed to say, as he forced the pack of tissues into Bryan's sticky paws. "Quick!!"

The wolf obeyed instantly, but Rory didn't stay there to check. Instead, he left the room and closed the door at his back, before turning to the hall. Just like he had imagined, his mother had come back home early. Today of all days, he thought, cursing his luck. If he stopped to think about it, however, it made perfect sense that his mother wanted to arrive home a bit sooner that day. It had been his first day out after two years. He should have known that something like this would happen.

Still, the cat couldn't shake off the feeling that the odds were against him in what was destined to be, probably, the worst, or at least the weirdest day of his life.

"Hi, honey," his mother greeted him, with a warm smile. "We weren't really busy at the salon and Christina can handle our last appointments by herself so I thought I'd come back earlier to see how you were."

"Uh... thank you," Rory answered, trying to give her his best smile.

But he knew moms were difficult to fool, and his wasn't an exception.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and placing the bags she was carrying on the floor. "Did anything bad happen?"

"N-no! You know, it was just a... regular first day, I guess. Still need to get familiar with the people," he answered, trying to play it cool.

His mother gave him a long look. Even before she talked again, Rory already knew she was aware that something was afoot, even though she - understandably - couldn't guess what it was.

"Why don't you want me to come into your room? What are you hiding?"

The black cat opened his mouth to answer, but he wasn't sure what he was going to say. Oh, it's nothing, mom, he thought. I just hypnotized one of my classmates and now he's naked in my room. Wanna see?

"Rory, you're scaring me," his mother insisted.

"It's... nothing! It's just that I brought a friend home," he explained, putting some distance between the door and him, as if he didn't really mind his mother checking. That was supposed to be an attempt to make her feel calmer.

It backfired.

"Oh, why didn't you mention it? Let me say hi then!" she exclaimed, taking a few quick steps towards him and reaching for the doorknob.

Rory wanted to stop her, block the door, anything - but it was too late and before he could react, his mother was already entering the room. He felt a scream climbing up his throat but it froze right there once he saw what was inside.

"Oh..." his mother whispered, slightly surprised. "I think he's fallen asleep."

Relief, again. The only parts of the wolf that could be seen were his head, poking out from under the blankets, and a limp arm resting on one of Rory's cushions.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't want you to come in," the cat whispered, trying to sound slightly annoyed. "He's had a bad day and I told him he could take a nap if he wanted."

"I see." His mother still seemed a bit reluctant to believe that, but probably not because of the reasons that would have worried Rory. She closed the door carefully. "I'm glad you made new friends."

"He was in my year," the cat answered. When his mother turned to him with a questioning look, he clarified. "He's repeated grades twice, apparently."

"Oh." The older cat didn't say anything, but Rory could see the disapproving gleam in her eyes. "Anyway, I'm going to store a few things in the fridge. You should have tidied your room a bit more, by the way, all your clothes are lying around!"


"I know, I know! But please, pick them up so I can wash them, that's the only thing I'm asking you to do."

The black cat sighed, pretending to look slightly bothered. As a matter of fact, he was elated! He hadn't expected the wolf to follow his commands so quickly and, so far, he had the satisfying feeling that he was overcoming every obstacle life was throwing in his way. As he went back into his room and began picking up his clothes again, he thought that maybe it wasn't so easy to get caught after all.

In fact, he was beginning to think that it'd be very difficult for anyone to realize what was going on at that point. He liked that idea. As he watched the sleeping wolf, he wondered... for how long could he keep that situation going? Months? Years? Forever? The cat didn't think he'd make it last so long, but the realization that he could made him feel much calmer.

But it wasn't very wise to keep Bryan at that state, he thought. His previous suggestion would make the wolf think he'd come to his home to work on an assignment with him, but it wouldn't explain why he was naked. And Rory didn't want to explain that to an awake, angry wolf.

"Listen, Bryan," he said, slowly. "I want you to get dressed again. Once you're dressed, you'll make my bed." He couldn't resist this. "And then, you'll sit there and wake up, waiting until I return. Do you understand?"

There was a slow, almost unnoticeable nod near the cat's pillow. A sly grin played on his lips.

He definitely had everything under control.

When Rory delivered the clothes to his mother, he couldn't help but realize she was glancing at him indiscreetly.

"What?" he asked, when it became very obvious.

"I think he's really cute."

Rory snorted.

"He's not," he heard himself say. Not because he really thought so but because, like many other young adults, he had a weird impulse to contradict his parents. "That's... not what's happening, anyway."

"Well, maybe not for you," his mother argued. "But I wouldn't just sleep at anybody's house."

"You would if you were tired enough," Rory replied.

He left the kitchen with a smile, however. The fact that his mother thought there was something between him and Bryan made him feel good, for some reason.

But his smile didn't last for too long. Once he opened his room's door again, the cat realized that Bryan hadn't taken the meaning of "waiting until he returned" quite literally. Instead, the wolf seemed to have explored his room for a bit, and there were a few things - videogames, CDs, books - scattered on Rory's bed. His classmate's usual self seemed to have taken control once again and now Bryan was staring at the cat with a cocky smile, as ready to make fun of him as always. He was holding a book.

Rory suddenly had a bad feeling again.

"The power of sound," Bryan read out loud, making sure to inject a big dose of mockery in every single word. "Binaurals, hypnotic suggestions and their effect on the brain. Hah! This stuff is stupid, so it's perfect for you, I guess."

Then, something weird happened. Rory should have felt nervous, should have asked himself why he kept on finding obstacles like that one, but instead... Instead he only felt calm. His worries evaporated easily as he fixed his gaze on the wolf in front of him and suddenly realized... he wasn't that big. He wasn't that strong. He wasn't even that important.

There was nothing to be scared about.

"So you're a skeptic?" he asked, taking a few steps closer.

"Like everyone, as long as they're not mononeural idiots," Bryan retorted, chuckling a bit.

Rory chuckled too. He didn't have to pretend this time.

"So you don't think it'd work on you?"

"Wha... Didn't you hear me? Of course not! Hypnosis is bullshit, pussycat."

The wolf seemed so sure of that. If he had any doubts, they weren't showing. Those words were his real thoughts. And Rory wanted to play.

He wanted to play so bad.

"Wanna bet?" he asked, trying to contain his own enthusiasm. "We can try."

Bryan laughed. Then, he realized the cat was being serious and he looked surprised for a second, but it didn't look long for his usual cocky grin to return to his face. Now, the cat thought, now he was going to try and make fun of him. Like he always did.

"Sure, pussycat," Bryan answered, apparently calmer. Waiting. Rory could see it now. He was putting on hold the mocking until it was the right time. "What about this? If you can't hypnotize me, you'll owe me fifty bucks."

"And what do I gain if I hypnotize you?" Rory asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bryan's grin seemed to sharpen. He wasn't believing any of this, was he?

"I mean, if you do hypnotize me, you will be able to make me do anything you want, right? I will be... bound to your will or whatever. So I bet you can come up with something you'd like."

Oh, Bryan, Rory thought. You shouldn't have said that.

"Good! I guess we have a deal," the cat said, with a smile.

"You're so going to regret this," Bryan warned him, sitting up on his classmate's bed.

Rory really had to make an effort not to laugh this time. The whole situation... If he'd only known a few years ago that he'd live something like that.

"Okay. Ready?"

"Sure. Whenever you want," the wolf answered, still with that snide tone.

"Alright. Take a nice deep breath in for me."


"Now let it out."


"Breathe in, nice and deeply once again."

"Yeah... still not feeling anything."

"Now let it out."

"You know no one's ever going to believe this when I tell them, right?"

"Breathe in."

"I'd always known you were weird, but this is too much even for your standards, pussycat."

"And out."

"Not working. And the funny thing is that you agreed to this. It's too good."

Rory took a step closer. Bryan was grinning.

"Now, look into my eyes."

The wolf did so. His big, yellow eyes met the cat's emerald gaze. Both froze for a few seconds, as if there was a bridge between them. Only the bridge had nothing to do with hypnosis or love or classes or lust and, at the same time, it was all those things. Power.

"Opal says goodbye," Rory said, then.

Now it was the cat's time to grin. Bryan squirmed a bit.



It worked so much better this time. The wolf's head fell on his chest like a bowling ball, limp and heavy. Those eyes closed down almost immediately, preventing Rory from enjoying that delicious glassy look. Bryan's whole body seemed to weigh down, tensions melting like wax near a fire, and Rory...

Rory knew it was his time to grin.

"Good. I want you to go deeper into trance now. There's no need to wake up just yet. You're going to sink nice and easily into that wonderful state, remembering how good it feels to slip into the warm, overwhelming relaxation. Maybe you'll start hearing a file playing in your head now. If that's the case, you're going to focus. You're going to focus in it so deeply that you're going to feel your thoughts fading away, lost in the noise. Your mind is being shattered, piece by piece, until there's nothing left - but it feels good because you're sinking deeper and deeper and you're letting the noise take over everything until the only thing that remains in your head is the noise... and my voice. Nothing else. You're empty now."

The black cat stopped there.

In spite of feeling confident, he had to admit he hadn't expected all those words to come so easily to him. Meanwhile, the wolf in front of him looked as if someone had found his power switch and turned him off. Drool was trickling from his mouth and dampening the fur on his chest. Rory was pretty sure if his jaw hadn't been resting against his chest, his tongue would have lolled out.

But the cat had things to do, commands to give.

"You're going to forget about Opal. Next time you enter to the app, you will delete her from your contact list. And as you do so, the memories of her will also disappear from your mind. Do you understand?"

A compliant nod. Rory felt even glad they had already gotten rid of the cheetah. He had never really liked Opal that much. And she was unnecessary, anyway.

"Good. Saying the word 'sleep' might be too complicated under given circumstances, so from now on I want you to fall into trance whenever I snap my fingers. You will reach this state just as easily as before, but you will only need a snap. Do you understand?"

There was another slow nod and Rory paused for a second.

He had a few ideas. His mother had actually given him something to fantasize about, but he wasn't ready to admit it just yet. What command could he give him now? Thinking about it for too long seemed a bit of a waste of time. And after all, there was no hurry.

Rory had nothing to worry about.

"Okay," the cat said, grinning. "This is what we're gonna do."


"Hey. Is that...?" "Hmmm? Who do you mean?" "That cat over there! In the corner of the room..." "... I can't hear you, dude. Speak louder. Or point fingers, if you... Oooooh, yeah... Yeah, he's the one!" Class B usually finished their P.E. hour...

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Upside down

It was one of the hottest summer nights Nathan remembered having lived. During the past few days, he had been walking around at home with no shirt, trying to escape the merciless heat that seemed to have taken over everything. Whenever night came and...

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A (?????) cup of coffee with the therapist

"I must say," Fosk admitted, once he took a seat on his couch "that you got me pretty excited last week with that whole 'next session will be a blast' thing. I've been wondering what you meant for days." Kenneth gave him a wide grin, his tail...

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