We Will See About That

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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It was still early in the morning and Corie was just finishing up with her morning exercise routine before washing up. She had woken up a little late and was rushing a bit, but she thought she still had plenty of time before she needed to get to work. That was why she did not bother to rush herself as she cleaned up. She needed to look good for her job too. They probably would have taken the time to prettier her up a bit even if she did not have the time to clean up properly before heading in. Corie knew they would not have liked the delay all that much, but what was more important was keeping her body in shape. That was not something they could easily pretty up with just some makeup and that was why Corie had not skipped her morning workout.

Before Corie left the house she took a good look at herself in the mirror. Corie was a Doberman pinscher anthro with a lush healthy coat of black and brown fur. Due to her workouts and a healthy diet, she had a nice athletic body, not like a lot of those other sticks at her job. Corie was lightly muscled and had the faint outline of abs going down what she thought was a very nice looking belly. Her hourglass figure was something many women would die for. And then there was Corie's pride and joy. Her breasts were about as big and voluptuous as they came. They were like twin mountains that were real eye catchers for men when Corie walked by.

After taking a few seconds to admire her form in the mirror Corie finally decided to head off to work. Her work place was not that far off. She had recently purchased a new apartment that was only a few minutes away from her job. It had been a real lucky find and she had just barely been able to get the last apartment in the building. Since the apartment had been in such a highly sought after location that had made the apartment a bit expensive for Corie, but with her job she could afford it.

By the time Corie arrived on the job there were already plenty of people bustling about. It was a little warm in the building, as always. With all the lights that were usually on it tended to get a little hot awfully fast. The lights were necessary though. Corie worked as a model and the proper lighting for pictures was very important. The photographers were already busy snapping pictures on various different sets even as Corie walked in. It was not that she was late, it was just that she was not scheduled to come in for the earlier photo shoots on that day.

Before Corie could even settle in she heard her boss calling for her, "Hey Corie, could you talk with me in my office real quick?" Her boss was a middle aged slightly plump horse that usually wore shirts that Corie thought were about a size to small for him.

"Sure," she answered as if her boss calling her into his office was something that she could refuse. "I'll be right in."

Corie did not know what he wanted. Maybe there was a schedule change that he had to tell her about. But, as she walked into her boss' office there was something about the expression on his face that said what he had to discuss was a bit more serious. After he told Corie to take a seat he said, "Corie, I know you've been with us for a while, but I think it's time to let you go."

That was something Corie had not been expecting to hear when she came in to work today. She was a bit stunned and it took her a few seconds to recover before she could even begin to think of a response. "But, why? Is the company having some financial difficulties?" Corie asked.

"No, it's nothing like that," he said. "It's just, well, I don't think that you are the type of model we are looking for here."

"What do you mean not the type of model you are looking for?" Corie asked incredulously. "I work hard to look this good. I eat healthy, I workout, and I have the best set of boobs here."

"Yes, your boobs are very impressive, but you're just too fat for this modeling agency," her boss said.

"Fat," Corie said, stunned, "I'm not the least bit fat. Look closely boss, this is what people call an athletic build."

"Maybe some people call it that, but here we call it fat," Corie's boss said dismissively.

Corie was starting to get angry now. She knew she had an athletic build. A solid washboard stomach like hers were not easy to come by and required she put a good deal of work into it. And now this plump little horse was daring to call her fat. "I may not be as stick thin as some of the models that have themselves on starvation diets, but I am far from fat boss," Corie said while trying to keep the anger out of her tone.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there Croie," her boss said sternly, "Maybe you should have taken some tips from the other models on how to slim down, but it's too late for that now. Maybe you can find some other modeling agency more interested in plus sized girls like yourself."

Corie was grinding her teeth in anger at this point as she said, "Is that all sir?"

"That will be all Corie. Good luck finding work somewhere else," he said.

Corie rushed out without saying another word. It was hard enough not to punch the horse in his fat jaw. In the end it might have been better if she had just hit her former boss. Instead, she walked out of the modeling agency, stewing in her own anger. That was never a good thing to do for anyone really, but for someone of Corie's abilities that could be especially bad. The walk home did not make her feel any better since all she was reminded of at her apartment was how she would no longer be able to afford it. That just made her even angrier and she could not stand to remain in the apartment for that long.

In the end she decided to go out for a walk to see if she could calm down. Corie wandered around the city for about an hour, before her anger finally started to die down just a little bit. And then she ran into one of the other models from her former place of employ. She was a thin, almost to the point of skeletally so, cat named Samantha that was about half a foot shorter than Corie was.

"Hey Corie, I heard they finally fired you," the cat said with a smile as she walked up to Corie.

Corie frowned at the way Samantha phrased that as she said, "What do you mean by 'finally'?"

"Don't tell me you didn't see this coming Corie," Samantha said with a slight smirk on her face. "I mean, it's not like you're modeling material. You just don't have the looks for this anymore. Those oversized boobs of yours aren't as great as you think they are either, even if they're real."

Insulting Corie's figure was one thing, but a direct shot at her boobs was something else entirely. Corie was boiling with fury. She was too angry to respond to Samantha at the moment and that just seemed to amuse the cat. Samantha walked off giggling a bit, amused that her words seemed to have gotten through to Corie. The cat could not have possibly known just how fatal a mistake she had made.

Corie had been trying to hold herself back for a while. Now she did not see the need to do so. She needed to blow off some steam. Actually, she needed to blow off a lot of steam and there was only one way she could think of that would allow her to do that now. It had been a while since Corie had felt a need to do what she was about to do since things had been going well for her. She knew she was probably going to cause a lot of property damage, but it was not like she had to worry about that now that she was going to lose her own apartment.

Most people on the street were already giving Corie some room. It was easy to tell that she was pretty angry, but something started to happen to Corie that made them want to give her room for another reason besides her obvious anger. What was happening to her was not all that obvious at first, but it was not long before Corie started to stand out in the crowd. It was hard not for her to stand out when she had grown more than a foot in height in a matter of seconds. People tended to notice things like that even if Corie still was not the tallest person in the crowd, but a few more seconds of growth fixed that.

Now that she could see over the crowd again it was easy enough for Corie to spot Samantha walking off in the crowded streets, totally oblivious to what was going on behind her. Corie started stalking after the cat, growing all the way. Everyone who noticed her got out of her way immediately and anyone that did not ended up getting knocked out of her way without even slowing the now streetlamp sized Doberman. Even though she was trying to sneak up on Samantha by not stomping over to her she already weighed enough to leave little cracks in the sidewalk and was making slight thudding noises as she walked. Fortunately, there were so many other things around making noise in the city that the sound of Corie's own footsteps were being drowned out.

It also helped that Samantha was the type that was lost to the world when she was talking on her cell, like she was at the moment. The cat did not even notice it when Corie's huge shadow was cast over her. Samantha just kept walking on like there was not a problem in the world. Seeing that, Corie decided to have a little fun with Samantha and managed to walk right in front of her without her noticing. Just as the cat was finally starting to realize that the street around her had emptied out she walked right into Corie's pillar like, and still expanding, leg.

Even though she was only walking, Samantha still bounced off Corie's leg and fell backwards onto her rear. The cat rubbed her rear for a bit, wincing a little in pain as she wondered what she had run into. Of course, when she did bother to look up her jaw dropped. A look of awe was on her face at first, soon followed by a look of horror as she recognized just who she was looking at. Samantha wanted to back away from Corie's massive and still growing form but found herself frozen in place as she looked up at the Doberman. Corie's clothes were still somewhat intact even though quite a few tears had formed and her shirt looked like it could be a total loss at any moment.

"It's nice to see I could catch up with you Samantha. I wanted to continue with our conversation," Corie said in an obviously false friendly tone. Samantha tried to say something in response. She did manage to move her mouth, but she just could not form any words. Corie just smirked down at her as she continued to talk. "When you walked off I believe you had questioned whether my boobs were real. So, I wanted to let you take a closer look and see if I could change your mind."

Corie leaned down, letting her sizable bosoms hang over Samantha. As if on cue, that motion caused her shirt to finally tear in two and fall to the ground. That sight was enough to make a few other people that had been fleeing the scene pause for a second to get a good look. Some of them started running again after a few seconds, but a few others decided they would stick around to see what was going to happen, from a safe distance of course.

"I thought that if I let you get a closer look at them you would understand that these are all natural," Corie said as she leaned down even closer to Samantha.

"No, no, that's alright," Samantha managed to stammer, "I believe you, really. That comment about your breasts not being real was a joke, just a joke."

"I don't know if I believe you," Corie responded with a mischievous smile. "You just don't sound that sincere to me. Here, get a good feel of them and maybe you will be truly convinced." The still growing Doberman leaned down so that her breasts rested lightly on top of the seemingly small cat. As Corie's size continued to increase, so did the weight on top of Samantha. The cat tried to hold up the ever increasing weight. Her tiny hands were not able to do much to hold up the firm mountains of flesh resting atop her that just kept on growing.

It was a losing battle for Samantha as the fleshy mountain pinned her to the ground. Corie smiled as she listened to the muffled cries of Samantha as she was overwhelmed and smothered by Corie's sizable assets. Samantha tried to pull herself from beneath Corie, but the increasing weight on top of her made that impossible. Eventually, she found it impossible to move so much as a finger. Corie just kept on growing, enjoying the feeling of the little cat trying to struggle, remembering how fun it was to do things like this. Then Corie felt a little popping sensation beneath her breast and she knew Samantha would not be giving her any more trouble.

"There, I hope those felt real enough for you Samantha," Corie said as she stood up and peeled what was left of Samantha off her boob. The Doberman looked around her to see that the people that had stopped to watch were now fleeing in panic. That put a smile on her face. It felt good to vent and she was happy that there was still so much city left to vent in. A small part of her did think about just shrinking back down to her normal size and letting the city go, but that would have been just plain inconvenient. There had been plenty of people that had seen her crush Samantha and that would cause her some problems with the authorities. Plus, her clothes were in ruins. Her pants were literally hanging by a string and her shirt and bra were just gone. While going around on a naked rampage could be fun, going around the city in the nude at her normal size just seemed a bit embarrassing. No, shrinking back down would just be too much trouble. Corie thought it would just be easier to go on a rampage, easier for herself at least.

She looked around the area briefly to see just how large she had gotten while toying with Samantha. Some other people in the ninth story of a building she was standing next to were surprised to see her staring into their building at eye level. Quite a few of those people were wise enough to try and get away from the windows, but there were still those that could not help but freeze up and stare at the seemingly impossible sight before them. Corie just winked at them and started walking off. She would be back to play with them later, as she would with the rest of the city.

At this moment, there was something else she was thinking about that she just had to deal with. Corie started walking down the street, her long strides letting her easily catch up with some of the people that had started running away from her earlier. She was pretty intent on her target and was not really paying attention to those people as she walked. If they happened to get in her way while she walked, well, that was their own fault. They should have tried to move faster. It was not like Corie was complaining though. She rather liked the way those people crunched beneath her paws as she walked.

The smaller denizens of the city were not the only things she was stepping on either. There were plenty of vehicles in the streets and Corie was far too large to walk in just the sidewalk. It did not help that when people noticed a giant Doberman walking through the street they tended to get distracted from what they were doing. That in turn was leading to accidents that were causing huge traffic backups in every direction. Corie's large heavy paws were able to crush those cars just as easily as the pedestrians on the sidewalk. If there happened to be drivers in those cars it just made the crunching sensation beneath Corie's paws all the more interesting to her.

All in all, it was a nice little stroll for Corie as she made her way back to her former place of employ. Corie took a quick look around the parking lot to see if anyone had tried to speed off yet. She was happy to see that her ex-boss' car was still there. It was possible that he might be on foot and running off somewhere, but if he were he would not be that hard to catch up to. It would not take long to figure out if he was still in the modeling agency or not. Sure, it was located on the twentieth floor of the building Corie was now standing in front of, but she had more than doubled in height since she set out on her walk. It would only take a few more seconds before she could look through his office window and see if he was there.

What she did see when she grew tall enough to look into the modeling agency made her chuckle a bit. Most of the models were still there and they were running around in panic. A few of them actually fainted upon seeing Corie peering in at them. There were also a couple that got so distracted looking at Corie that they ran into walls or each other, often ending up in them getting knocked out. What Corie did not see right away was that plump little horse that used to be her boss. It took a little while, but she eventually spotted his tail sticking out from his hiding place under his desk in his office.

Corie smirked as she reached into the building, tearing right through its walls with no effort at all. She ignored the other models running around, which was a little difficult to do. Some of them were panicking so badly that they practically ran right into her grasp instead of away from it. There was one model that broke down right in the path of her hand and just sat there sobbing, begging for Corie to let her go. Corie just sighed in exasperation before gently flicking the girl out of her way and continuing on towards her true target.

Her former boss stayed right under that desk all the while as her hand reached out for him. It was as if he were too scared to try and flee or he actually hoped that his desk would protect him somehow. Corie did not even waste time knocking the desk out of her way, grabbing both it and her old boss. She pulled her arm out of the building, holding the desk in her open palm and gazed down at her little captive still hiding beneath the desk.

"Boss, I would like to have a word with you," Corie practically cooed to the tiny horse in her hands. Instead of responding to her she saw the horse try to tuck himself into an even tighter ball beneath his desk. Corie laughed lightly as she plucked the desk up with her other hand and let it fall to the ground far below. "Karl, I'm going to have to insist that we have a word or two."

The horse tried to stay tucked up in a little ball for a few seconds longer before a poke in the rear with a clawed finger was able to get his attention. Corie gave the frightened looking horse a few moments to stand up and try to pull himself together. Eventually, Karl did try to say something that just came out as incoherent rambling at first before he paused and gave a more coherent response, "Uh, Corie, I was not expecting to see my favorite model back here again so soon."

"Your favorite model, huh?" Corie said with an amused smirk on her face. "Then may I ask just why you fired me?"

"Well, I, er, uh," Karl struggled to come up with a response and Corie had to restrain herself from laughing as he floundered. "That was just a, uh, joke. Yeah, no, it was the other models. They made me do it. It's that they were all so jealous of you that they all threatened to quit if I didn't fire you."

"Oh, is that what really happened," Corie asked with mock sincerity.

Karl shook his head vigorously, saying, "Sure, that's what was really going on. I swear I would have never fired you without all that pressure being placed on me."

"I'm sure it must be rough for you sometimes," Corie said while giving the horse a gentle pat on the head with a finger. "And here I was, mad at you for firing me and breaking holes in your wall. Here, let me see if I can make this up to you." Corie started moving her hand lower on her body and it took Karl a second to realize just where he was being moved to.

"Uh, Corie, I don't think this is such a good idea. Besides, you don't need to make up for anything," Karl whined.

A very wide smile spread across Corie's face as she said, "Of course I need to make up for what has happened so far. And I think this seems like the best way to do it to me. It's not like you don't have to deal with more pressure where you are going than what all the other models placed on you." Karl mustered up a few weak protests as Corie moved him closer to his destination. All he could do was try to talk his way out of the situation since Corie proved to be far too strong for him to resist physically.

As Karl was moved ever closer to Corie's more feminine regions his struggles continued to increase. Corie had to give him a little squeeze in admonishment, saying to him, "Now don't tire yourself out too early. I want you to have a lot of energy left in order to make this apology enjoyable." That little squeeze was enough to temporarily settle Karl down. At the moment he was afraid of being squeezed to death if he angered Corie further, which she could easily do. Still, he did not want to go where Corie planned to put him, but he could not figure out a way to talk himself out of this situation.

Karl did not really start putting up a real fight again until Corie held his head up against the lips of her pussy. As Corie started inserting him into her pussy she could feel his tiny hands trying to halt what was happening to him. Of course, that did him no good. Corie was able to push Karl into her just as quickly or slowly as she wanted to. It felt rather nice for Corie to slip the little horse into her and she did purr in pleasure. Karl did do his part in the process as his arms slipped into her and he tried to do his best to escape. She did pause for a little while when he was waist deep within her. It was amusing for her to watch his tiny legs kicking in the air just before using a finger to push him the rest of the way in.

Within Corie her former boss exerted himself far more than he had in a long time. Corie was thankful for that, at least for a little while. It did not take long before Karl managed to tire himself out. When Corie noticed that Karl was not struggling nearly as much as she wanted him to all she could do was sigh, "I swear Karl, you manage to be disappointing until the very end. Let me see if I can get you some help."

Corie looked back into the modeling agency she used to work at and was pleased to see that there were still quite a few of her former coworkers still running around inside. While she was certain that Karl had been lying about firing her because of the other models she was also confident in the fact that the other models had been happy to see her go. Samantha had not been the only other model in the agency to have a problem with Corie.

Reaching into the agency and pulling out a couple handfuls of models was not all that difficult to do. Most of them still did not seem to realize that there were a couple of emergency exits that they probably should have been using while she had been busy concentrating on Karl. But, that was their problem, not hers. In fact, it was far from a problem for her as she started slipping her captured models into her pussy along with Karl. All those added little bodies proved to be just what she needed. They all had a lot more energy than Karl did. With so many struggling little limbs trying to get out of her and brushing into oh so many nice sensitive areas within her it was like bliss for Corie.

There was pandemonium within Corie at the moment. Within her femme there was just a mass of flailing limbs struggling to get free. Even early on it was already moist and humid and those conditions just got worse as time went on. Tiny people were left coated in feminine juices as they welled up within the tight confines of Corie's pussy. Everyone knew what would be coming soon and that only made those within Corie struggle all the harder. Corie just let them do what they were doing for a little while longer before inserting a couple of fingers into her femme along with all those squirming little bodies. That act frightened the models even more, making them wriggle around even more as they tried to get away from those tree trunk thick fingers. Even Karl found his second wind as he tried to avoid Corie's fingers.

Corie just toyed around with those within her, shifting groups of them around to areas where their struggles felt the best against her sensitive insides. It felt so nice that Corie wondered why she did not do this more often. This was certainly better than having to worry about paying rent. Then a group of flailing bodies happened to hit an especially nice spot within her femme and all thoughts of things like jobs and rents flew right out of her mind. Instead, she concentrated on this moment of pleasure, letting herself get lost in ecstasy. After that what happened was inevitable.

No one managed to escape, but everyone managed to contribute to Corie's eventual orgasm. When it did come the already tight confines of Corie's pussy rapidly lost what little free space there was. Corie did not even notice the crunching noise that came from within her as powerful muscles effortlessly crushed all those within her. She just let the orgasm come and reveled in the waves of pleasure coursing through her body as a steady stream of feminine juices flowed out of her. All good things had to come to an end, though, and when they did Corie was left panting in pleasure. She wanted more and as she looked at the city around her she knew she could get more. It was not like she liked the place that much to begin with she thought to herself.

Corie thought that the first thing to go might as well be her modeling agency, along with the rest of the building for that matter. It probably would not have taken too much effort to just push the building over, but she wanted to make sure that it was good and crushed. Corie wrapped her arms around the building, which was now just barely taller than she was. At first it was just a tender embrace, but as she kept growing she tightened her grip on the building. Her firm breasts were already making nice sized dents in the building and cracks could be seen forming around where her arms were wrapped.

"If anyone wants out you had better do it soon," Corie said to the models she could still see in the agency. She gave them a playful wink as she tightened her grip once more, causing the building to shriek in protest. This time Corie's co-workers really did start flowing down the exit stairs. Corie did not think that would do them much good this late in the game. With the cracks she was already seeing in the building she was pretty sure that the stairwells and the elevator shafts were not in all that good a condition. They certainly did not get any better as Corie continued to grow and kept on tightening her grip.

Corie was in excellent shape. Her body was the result of fine crafting on her part to make sure she looked good for her photo shoots. When she was at her normal size that just made her the type of woman that could turn heads as she walked down the street. At her current giant size that meant that her firm and very well toned body could easily overcome something like a mere building. It was crumbling against her and she was not even exerting a fraction of her strength at the moment. The building was creaking so much that it sounded almost as if the building itself was wailing in pain. Then that noise suddenly changed as the top portion of the structure was sheared off by Corie's sizable assets.

Losing the top portion of the building to Corie's breasts was like a signal for the rest of the building. The little cracks that had already formed in it started to grow larger at an explosive rate. Windows shattered and the building shuddered one last time as Corie gave it one more good squeeze. Within moments, what had once been a nice sized building crumbled as if it were nothing more than a house of cards. As Corie watched the building crumble, smiling all the time, she said to herself, "I suppose I really should learn how to take getting fired better than this, but, then again, this is more fun if you ask me."

Destroying that building had definitely helped to improve Corie's mood a bit, but she was still felt like it could be further improved. There was an entire city left to have her way with, but she wanted to take a moment to think about what she would do. Going on these rampages was not something she planned on doing very often and she did not want to waste this one. The chances were good that if she forgot to do something this time she would just be tempted to go on yet another one of these rampages later and that would mean another troublesome move.

Corie took a seat on a nearby building while she thought about her plans for the rest of the day. The roof of the building immediately formed into the shape of Corie's rear while the rest of the building seemed to shudder in pain at having such a large figure place all its weight on top of it. As Corie thought, she continued growing and small cracks in the building quickly became much larger cracks. People came streaming out of the building as it seemed like it was coming apart all around them. The ones that were thinking and not just panicking exited through the rear doors. There was a good reason for that too. Corie's now extremely large paws were right in front of the main entrance to the building and she was idly popping people beneath her toes as they attempted to stream out of the building.

As Corie continued to grow she really had not been paying attention to just how large she was getting compared to the building she had decided to sit down on. While at first it had been about the height a regular sized chair would have been to her, she was not starting to look like an especially tall adult sitting in a child sized chair. The building beneath her was creaking ominously beneath her weight. To any onlookers it really did look like a miracle that the building was lasting as long as it was. But, with Corie continuing to grow it was obvious that the building would not be able to last for much longer.

When Corie did finish planning for the rest of the day she looked almost comical sitting atop the undersized building. Corie stood up just as the building started to collapse. It was already too late to prevent the destruction of the building. Even without the weight of the giant Doberman on top of it the building fell apart in a cloud of dust. Corie barely even noticed all that as the far less than knee high building really was not worth her attention anymore. The only reaction the collapsed building could get out of Corie was for her to dust some of the debris off her lower legs. For the people in the streets it was a bit more of a significant event. A huge dust cloud quickly spread throughout the street, causing many people to cough uncontrollably and, even more importantly, impairing their vision.

As Corie started walking off to her next destination she could see the little people in the dust cloud beneath her about as well as they could see her, which was not all that good. That was not the least bit of a problem for Corie, but a fairly big one for everyone else. Corie kind of liked it as she walked around, being pleasantly surprised when her paws happened to trod upon someone lost in the dust. All those little people crunched in such a delightful fashion. Those little people probably would not have liked it as much themselves, but by the time they noticed Corie's mammoth paw descending upon them they normally only had just enough time to be surprised about it before getting squashed like bugs.

Just because Corie stepped out of the dust cloud did not mean she stopped stepping on anyone. Her paws were not exactly getting any smaller and after seeing her destroy a couple of buildings, people were not exactly staying inside of their own buildings anymore. People were flooding into the streets even if that meant being out in them with Corie stomping down them. Corie's growing paws were not making things any easier for the people in the street easier. At Corie's present size it would have been difficult for her to avoid stepping on anyone even if she wanted to. And she really did want to. All those little crunching noises they made and the way they felt when they went squish was a big part of the fun of walking down the street at her enhanced size.

Eventually, some people did get the idea that she liked stepping on the people in the streets and those people started staying inside. Unfortunately for those people Corie noticed the flow of people fleeing into the streets was slowing down. That was something she was able to solve very easily. Corie was now well beyond the size of simple apartment complexes and small office buildings. Now she had reached the size of a medium sized skyscraper. The lesser buildings that surrounded her looked like simple toys. Corie chose to show just how easily she could break her toys.

A couple of buildings met the same fate as her office building, accept they did not last nearly as long. At her size even a gentle hug could be devastating to just about anything but a large skyscraper. Still, Corie tried to hold back destroying those buildings too quickly in order to let some of the people within those buildings escape into the streets.

Hugging buildings into dust was not the only means of destruction that Corie employed either. Due to Corie's size just about everything about her was a weapon. Just taking a step could cause the earth to shake violently enough that some smaller buildings and homes nearly toppled over. But, Corie's weapons of choice happened to be her own sizable bosoms. Sometimes Corie decided to just lean down on top of a building, looking as if she were just resting her boobs on them, but their impressive weight proved to be far too much for the tiny buildings surrounding her. Corie was rather proud of her favorite features for being able to destroy those buildings like that. Sometimes she got so lost in the fun of smooshing buildings with her boobs that she forgot to take her time, crushing them in a matter of seconds and not giving many people a chance to escape. There were still quite a few people that did manage to get out into the streets, though, as most buildings had their inhabitants flooding out of them even before Corie got around to them. Since Corie could see that the streets were filling up with people she decided to that crushing as many buildings as she wanted would not be much of a problem. With that decision made, Corie did quite a bit of damage to the part of the city she was in, crushing three or four buildings at a time with just a single boob.

With Corie destroying so many buildings, leaving the streets chocked with debris, and all the people clogging up the roads and sidewalks, the flow of people trying to get away from her had really slowed down. As Corie continued to walk around she could not have avoided stepping on anyone even if she wanted to, not without shrinking back down which was something she definitely was not interested in. Corie just kept on growing and enjoyed the way her paws felt when they fell on top of the smaller people crowding the streets. All the crunching and wet squelching sensations were kind of relaxing to her.

Stepping on all of the tinies would have been a waste in Corie's mind. She had something else planned for them. Getting them all out of those buildings just made things more convenient for those plans. With all those people in the streets it made them really easy to scoop up in her hands. Corie knew they probably thought they were going to get eaten when she picked them up. That was the type of thing giant monsters did after all. Corie snickered at the thought that it might be argued that she did plan to eat them, but just not in the way that they were all thinking about.

The screaming group of people in Corie's hand only paused briefly in their yelling when she did not lift them up past her waste. When they saw what Corie was moving them towards they resumed struggling and screaming even more than they had before. A few did manage to slip out between Corie's fingers as she continued with her growth and that gave them the little extra space that they needed to escape. Unfortunately, it was a long drop back to the ground and if they could not get a hold of Corie's fingers they had a very unpleasant experience ahead of them.

Corie barely even noticed those few escapees as she held open the lips of her pussy to admit her captives. She tried to be careful and not drop anyone as she slowly slipped everyone inside of her. A few people did fall, especially the ones that had been clinging to her fingers, but Corie did manage to get most of them where she intended for them to go. There was a rush of pleasure for Corie the moment she set all those squirming little people free within her. She inserted a couple fingers into her to toy with those people for a while and to make sure that they stayed active. When they were squirming around enough to satisfy her, Corie reached down to get another handful of people for her amusement.

With so many people running around on the ground that was not all that difficult to do. Every time she dipped her hand through the crowd she was guaranteed to come up with a few dozen people to put to work pleasuring her femme. It was actually a bit of a game for her, trying to fill herself with all those tiny people faster than she could grow herself. It was a game that those people did not care to participate in all that much, but it was not like they had much of a choice. Handful after handful of tiny squirming people were added to Corie's pleasure.

With all those people doing their best to escape Corie they were getting in each other's way more often than not. They were a big ball of flailing screaming limbs that were rubbing pleasantly against the massive walls of flesh surrounding them. Corie was panting with pleasure and had to resist pausing in gathering her little toys to start fingering herself. That pleasure did serve to distract Corie though. Instead of just gathering up people, she was also gathering whatever else happened to be in her hands path. Cars, streetlamps, phone booths, and other such things all managed to find their way within the massive Doberman.

Corie did not care much about gathering things beside the smaller denizens of the city. Toys were toys to her and she was really more concerned about filling herself at the moment. It was a bit of work keeping herself filled with the way she was growing, but she was just barely managing to do it. That helped keep the pleasure at a constant high for Corie. Her insides were already welling up with her pleasure. People and whatever else was in Corie were getting soaked in her juices and she had yet to come just yet. Powerful scents whirled around those people, overwhelming the senses of some and making others feel heady with pleasure despite the situation they were in.

When Corie did sense she was moments away from her orgasm she finally stopped gathering the terrified people still fleeing before her. It was impossible to ignore her body anymore. One hand went to a breast to stroke and fondle it while the other got to work fingering her pussy. Corie marveled at how frail all the littles stuck within her felt as her fingers brushed against them, occasionally crushing one of them when she pressed too hard against the fleshy walls of her femme. She did not have long to play with herself, though, as seconds later her orgasm finally hit. For Corie it was absolute pleasure, but for those inside of her it was something completely different as powerful muscles closed in around them. Corie could feel the little bodies popping and things like cars getting crushed as if they were nothing more than tinfoil. Beneath Corie, heavy drops of her juices were assaulting everything in their path. People were washed away and one drop that managed to fall on a building managed to blow a hole straight through the roof of that building.

As Corie came down from her pleasure high she took a moment to recover and survey what she had done to the area around her. There were plenty of tiny people drowning in her milky juices as they slowly drained from the streets, a building next to her had collapsed when she had bumped into it without even noticing, and there were still plenty of other people doing their best to flee down overcrowded streets. Corie decided to see where everyone was fleeing to. She did not want everyone leaving the city too quickly after all. After living in the city for as long as she had she did know the major roads leading out of the city, but she doubted everyone would be sticking to those roads.

Corie followed the path of people as they fled. Despite having multiple directions to try and escape the city, the vast majority of the people seemed to be moving in one direction. It was more than likely some people had started to head in that direction and then a sort of herd mentality had kicked in where everybody else followed the people that looked like they knew where they were going. However, Corie was doing a pretty good job of breaking that herd up as she walked. Since she was walking through the crowd instead of next to it her paws almost always landed directly atop a dense group of people, turning them into pulp almost instantly. Corie rather enjoyed that wet crunching as she continued with her walk.

Eventually, she did come close to the head of the crowd. Some people had already fled the city, but not enough to be worth pursuing. All Corie had to do to slow the number of people fleeing down to a trickle was knock a few buildings down along the road and it was effectively blockaded. With the escape route cut off and Corie right in front of them the crowd did not seem to know what to do. Of course there were other escape routes, but fear gripped the crowd and many of them were not thinking coherently at the moment. The few people that did know what to do were having a hard enough time keeping themselves from getting trampled. They stood little chance of getting the crowd organized and, as a result, the crowd became little more than a disorganized mob that was not going anywhere.

With that problem handled Corie felt she was free to have her fun with the city without having to worry about too many of her toys getting away. And speaking of toys, it was time to move on to her next bit of fun. Playing directly with all the little people around her would be a bit difficult now. Since she was still growing they were starting to look like ants to her. Sure, they were still fun to step on, but not much else. But, all the buildings around her were looking awfully fun to play with. With Corie walking around and ignoring the buildings for a while the people had seemed to quickly forget all the fun she had crushing buildings against her earlier. Now many of the tinies around her were trying to get into any building they could find to avoid her mammoth paws.

Since some of the buildings were filling up again Corie was once again interested in their use as toys. Despite being filled with fear, people were at least trying to find the sturdiest looking buildings around. Those were the buildings that Corie was looking for as well. It actually was not the newest looking buildings in the city that looked the sturdiest. The ones most fitting of that title were actually some of the older ones, the ones that had been taken care of at least. They were not the prettiest ones around, but some of them did look like they were pretty much made of little more than steel, bricks, and concrete. Corie thought that most of them looked like factories and warehouses. But, it did not really matter what they had been used for in the past. They now belonged to Corie and they would be put to whatever use she wanted.

At Corie's size she did not have much trouble tearing something like a warehouse right out of the ground. She actually had to be more careful about not accidentally crushing them while she was handling them. What looked like huge warehoused to everyone else really were not all that big to Corie. They did not even amount to children's toys to her. But, even if they were small it was still possible for Corie to have her fun with them.

What she did decide to do with those buildings was stuff them in her ample cleavage. Warehouses, which were relatively large, were completely engulfed in Corie's bosoms. People inside those warehouses could hear metal shrieking ominously as it bent, could hear the distressing sound of brick and concrete cracking, and could only stare helplessly at windows that were completely blocked off by Corie's boobs as they shattered under immeasurable pressure. Those people did have a little hope though. Despite all the bending and creaking, the buildings they were sheltering in were holding up against Corie's breasts.

When Corie had enough buildings stuffed down her cleavage to satisfy her tastes she decided to demonstrate just how fragile those buildings really were. Corie started pressing her breasts together a little more with every passing second. The already immeasurable pressure on the buildings ratcheted up. People in the buildings could hear the structures surrounding them screaming in protest. It was only a matter of time before the buildings started buckling. One after another, the buildings were crushed. Corie giggled as this was going on. The way the buildings felt as they were crushed by her breasts kind of tickled. It was more difficult for her to feel all the tinies in those buildings, but there was a difference between an empty building and one filled with tinies. There was just something about a building full of tinies that made for a much more satisfying crunch.

Unfortunately, the buildings just never lasted long enough to satisfy her. It only took a few seconds to crush every last building in her breasts into dust. Fortunately, this was a big city and it had plenty of other buildings to have fun with. Corie just walked around, looking for any building that happened to look full and stuffing them between her breasts. No one but Corie was pleased by the fact that her growth was allowing her to stuff ever more buildings between those mountainous breasts of hers. By the time Corie had enough buildings stuffed within her cleavage to make her happy this time she had pretty much cleared out the industrial section of the city.

Corie did not bother squeezing her breasts together to crush the buildings this time. There really was not need to. Corie just let her growth overwhelm the buildings this time. As her breasts grew larger, the pressure on the buildings increased. The stronger the building was, the longer it could last. But, no building was designed well enough to survive under the type of pressure Corie's boobs were placing on them forever. Buildings popped one by one, causing Corie to giggle along with their destruction. Those giggles also caused her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly to her, but in ways that were absolutely devastating to the buildings trapped within her voluptuous prison. Each destroyed building would cause her to laugh just a little harder, causing the destruction of even more buildings and even more laughter. It was a vicious cycle that ended up destroying everything trapped within Corie's breast in what amounted to nothing more than a giggle fit to Corie.

With that bit of fun over, it was time to move on once more. To say Corie was huge would have been an understatement at this point. Corie was considerably larger than a skyscraper and showing no signs that she would stop growing. Her paws were so large that they could not fit into even the largest streets of the city. It was impossible for her to move around without crushing entire buildings and dozens of tiny people at the same time. Corie was not concerned about what was getting crushed under her paws, though, as she headed for the downtown part of the city.

It was only in that part of the city that anything was even slightly comparable to her in height. But, even the tallest of structures, which happened to be the world's fourth tallest skyscraper, only seemed to be about a foot tall to Corie. When Corie plucked that building right out of the ground with only one hand people in the city had to wonder whether they were dealing with a goddess. Corie gave the skyscraper a bit of an inspection before moving it down to her femme and proceeded to use it like a dildo.

That was quite a sight for the survivors left in the city. To see something that could hold thousands of people and weighed more tons than most people would care to imagine being reduced to nothing more than a pleasure toy was something like out of a terrible dream. It was nothing special to Corie though. As tall as she was, it was really hard to think about something that was barely more than 1000-feet tall as something deserving of awe. Something as puny as that seemed like it was almost made to be a dildo from her perspective.

As she pumped the building in and out of her pussy it managed to hold together admirably. It might have been better for the city if the building had fallen apart. If that had happened Corie would not have grown wet with pleasure. Instead, the building held, Corie got her enjoyment from it, and drops of her juices started raining down on the city. Those huge drops were devastating. When they hit something that it looked like it had been hit by an artillery shell, maybe worse. A single drop was enough to decimate lesser buildings and wash away people in the streets. When those drops fell on other skyscrapers huge rents were torn into them. One unfortunate skyscraper managed to take three drops of Corie's feminine juices before it could not handle anymore. The huge building simply collapsed without Corie even noticing.

What Corie did notice was the skyscraper getting smaller in her grasp. She had to get what joy she could from it very quickly because it certainly would not remain large enough to pleasure her for long. Corie pumped the building in and out of her, working herself toward climax as quickly as she could while giving the people in the building the ride of their lives. Corie was moving the building so quickly that people, furniture, and whatever else was not nailed down were bouncing around off of walls. Even though Corie was rushing, the rush actually excited her. It was hard to tell whether she would outgrow the building before she could climax and that just made things more interesting for her.

The building grew slick with Corie's pleasure juices and as it continued to get smaller to Corie that made it more difficult to hold on to. In a few moments that building actually slipped from her grasp. It did not fall to the ground, though. Instead, the building actually started to get sucked into her pussy and within less than a second the seemingly titanic skyscraper was completely devoured by Corie's womanhood. Corie tried to get it back out, but all she managed to do was jostle it around inside of her. That did have some good results. Even without her pumping the building in and out of her it was still rubbing up against some fairly sensitive areas.

Corie started moaning in pleasure while the skyscraper was moaning due to the beating it was taking. It was a miracle that the building was holding up as well as it did, but cracks were forming all throughout its structure and windows were shattering in quick succession. That would not have been so bad if it were not for all the feminine juices welling up within Corie. Those very juices sought out any opening in the building and flooded right into them. Even without Corie hitting her climax there was still enough warm milky liquid to flood many floors in the building. The people in the building tried to escape their fate, tried to find floors that had yet to flood or tried to find ways to escape the building itself, but either of those things would only hold off the inevitable for but so long.

In the end, Corie got what she wanted. She came before the building became too small for her to get any pleasure out of it. The massive walls of flesh surrounding the skyscraper came together with unimaginable force. Within the blink of an eye, the building within Corie was crushed. Corie had the briefest of moments to enjoy the way the building felt as it crunched within her before her climax hit with full force. That would also be felt by the city beneath Corie as a destructive wave of hot foamy juices poured out of Corie.

Just the drops of her pleasure had caused enough damage to the city, but the torrent of pleasure now coming out of her was something on a completely different level. Anything directly beneath that tidal wave of juices was completely wiped out. Even skyscrapers were washed away under the punishment that they received, almost seeming to melt beneath the force of Corie's climax. Any furs that happened to be in those buildings or in the streets simply disappeared within all those milky fluids pouring down on them. And with Corie still growing in size, the amount of liquids cascading into the city only increased over time.

By the time Corie's climax had finally ceased there was not much left of the downtown area of the city. It was taking the city's overwhelmed sewer system a while to allow all those juices to drain and that meant quite a few people still drowning in those liquids did not have much hope left. Those juices were not the only problem for the people in the city either. Corie's growing paws were now overgrowing buildings by the second. Even without moving Corie was devastating the city. But, she did not want to completely destroy the city with just her paws, even if all those buildings getting crushed as her paws overgrew them did feel nice.

Corie stepped outside of the city, which only took a couple of steps for her. Then she just looked down at what was left of the city, which happened to be quite a bit. Even without the downtown area it was still a pretty big city, to the tinies at least. To Corie it was starting to look pretty insignificant. Even if there were still any skyscrapers left they would not have been much taller than Corie's toes. Corie was enjoying looking at her handiwork, tracing back her steps through her rampage. She had left a nice little path of destruction through the city and it was fun thinking back on all that she had done that day, but thinking back also made her think of why she had started the rampage to begin with. That further motivated her to go through with what she had planned to end the rampage with.

Corie let herself continue with her growth for just a little while longer. The buildings left in the city were barely worth her notice and the people in the city were hard to see unless they were in very large groups. There was nothing those people could do to stop what Corie had planned as she started to bend over the city. Some within the city wondered what Corie was doing as they got a spectacular look at her boobs right above the city. But, as those boobs started to lower on the city they understood what she was doing perfectly well. People ran in every direction in a futile attempt at escape.

It was difficult for Corie to notice, but as she lowered herself onto the city her boobs took out a few helicopters that had been hovering around covering her rampage. They tickled just enough to make her snicker a bit as she continued to lower her boobs onto the city. When her tits came in contact with the first buildings in the city they crumpled almost immediately. There was no resistance at all to Corie. The massive weight of her city sized boobs was far more than any structure could handle. Corie's boobs crushed buildings with startling ease and she laughed at the popping and crunching noises many of them made. With the buildings being crushed with such ease, the tinies within the city did not stand much of a chance. Corie could not even feel them popping beneath her mammoth boobs unless they were in huge groups and when she did feel them she just enjoyed that wet squelching sensation they made when they were crushed.

Even when her boobs touched the ground the very earth beneath them gave way. The city was more than flattened, it was driven into the ground by the immeasurable weight of Corie's breasts or deep into her cleavage. Corie did not stop lowering herself until she had left two deep twin craters were the city had formerly been. Then she finally stood back up to admire her work. She thought she had done an impressive job. In time those craters just might fill up with enough water to become a pair of lakes. They might even become a tourist attraction one day thought Corie. She also gave her breasts a little squeeze, just to make sure that the parts of the city stuck between her boobs were good and crushed. She felt a few more structures getting crushed, but not many. Corie was certain that she had fairly thoroughly taken care of that city.

"Well, that was fun," Corie said with a smile, "I probably should find a better way of dealing with getting fired though. But I doubt I will. Guess I should at least find a new place to live though." And with that thought, Corie enjoyed an apocalyptic walk through the country in search of a nice looking new city, not bothering to shrink down yet. This was Corie's way of leaving a memorable impression on the world. It would probably be a while before anyone got on the wrong side of any Doberman women. She might even have enough time to settle down in a new place for a while before she got the urge to rampage again.