Zeak's small failing

Story by Zeneak on SoFurry

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#9 of Zeak

It's been a long time, I received a lot of people hoping to see more from Zeak. I appreciate all the encouragement guys. I hope the continuing misadventures of our protagonist satisfy you.

Mud squelched between Zeak's bare toes. Another step brought her closer to salvation. She was rambling down a freeway shoulder as the occasional car zipped past. Feeling in her arms and legs had disappeared hours ago. Zeak just watched her breath plumb in front of her lips from the cold and did everything in her power not to fall to the ground. She was pretty sure that if she fell over, she wouldn't get up again. She had tried giving the hitch hiker's thumb a go, when she first reached the side of the freeway. She had already been tired and winded from the muddy dirt road of the Peterson estate.

Ahead five moderately large towers marked the skyline of a small but bustling city Zeak had never heard of. A blue sign on the right of the road read "Buckley 5". Little residential offshoots began cropping up on the sides of the freeway. Thank what ever kind of god was out there, because she made it! Taking the next exit Zeak slowed to a reasonable walk. There was a Gas-n-Go gas station just around the bend, and the idea of a greasy thick gas station hotdog sounded like deliverance.

It was mid-day though Zeak hadn't a clue what day of the week it might be. The neon signs were already lit for the coming night which was only a few hours away. The doors opened invitingly as Zeak stepped through. A twenty something year old man was standing behind the register with a painfully bored look on his face. Zeak stepped between the aisles of canned food and chips. The hot food was in the back near the coffee. The canine girl was elated to find three hotdogs rotating in the warmer. "Thank you. Oh, thank you." She reached a hand forward but had to stop herself. Her paw was matted and needed to be washed, but worse. She didn't have any money. Zeak fretted a moment as she touched her collar. It was the only thing she was wearing. So, she undid the loop and turned to the gas station attendant. "Hey, would you be willing to consider a trade?"

The man looked up from his phone and noticed the woman in front of him. Zeak raised the paw holding the leather collar. "Whoa! Oh, hell a stray. No, I'm not buying it man. Get out. I want nothing to do with you or the fetch squad." He pointed towards the door as Zeak flinched back from his outburst.

"I just need some food, please. I'll give you the collar. It's good leather. If you've got a dog at home..." Zeak pleaded, but it didn't matter. She looked rather haggard in that moment, with her ears splayed back and her tail tucked between her legs. The clerk's nostrils flared, and he jabbed his finger towards the door again "OUT!" Zeak flinched once more and fled. Her eyes burned with tears as she ran around the corner eliciting two rather surprised stares from those people filling their cars outside. Along the back side of the Gas-N-Go was an exterior bathroom, and a small cope of trees dividing the station from the freeway she'd walked in on.

With bone chilled fingers Zeak tried the door. It opened without a key and even more stunning was that the bathroom was heated. The tiles of the room were a blend of yellow, blue, and accented with a red divider line. Gas-N-Go colors were really loud. Zeak used a waist high storage cabinet across from the toilet as a small bench, pulling her knees up to her chest. Tears welled up, blurring her vision. Everything hurt as the heat slowly thawed the canine girl's shivering muscles. Her tears were flowing freely now, but she didn't dare cry out. It was only a matter of time before someone came to take this away from her too.

Hours passed as Zeal slept fitfully in her warm makeshift den. She didn't remember exactly when she'd fallen asleep, but the sound of the bathroom key jangling clumsily into the door she'd locked snapped her to attention. "I'm sorry sir, sometimes the neighborhood kids play pranks and lock the door when they leave." Said the clerk in an exasperated tone. Zeak looked around for an avenue of escape or a tool she could defend herself with, but only found a plunger easily available. The door opened and she threw herself against the doorframe. The unlocked door lashed out against the gas station clerk's chest. Surprised more than hurt he staggered back. It gave Zeak a chance to run past the other surprised man who looked about ready for a fishing trip.

Zeak might be rather small these days, but she was fast. Taking a straight line towards the cope of trees, she leapt over a railing and into the foliage. The clerk was cursing up a storm as he regained himself, but no one followed her. The bitter cold was quick to drain the accumulated warmth held in Zeak's short fur. Frustrated from having to flee but glad to have slept somewhere warm, Zeak crossed her arms over her belly and began the next four mile walk along the freeway in the dark.

The change from suburban offshoots to downtown urban businesses was abrupt here. Only a some seven or so exits on the freeway she was coming in from. Zeak cursed herself for not taking the time to consider her orientation earlier when the sun was in the sky. Had she been walking North to get here, or was it West? That she never had to deal with boy scouts when she was a young man had felt like a boon at the time. Night life was raging in Buckley city, and people were out in droves. Restaurants glowed with life and sweet scents of food. Zeak felt terribly exposed even with her fur covered body. The important bits just poked through the fine fur.

Not wanting to lose her only bargaining chip and being unable to put the collar into any sort of pocket meant that she'd re-strapped the elegant leather band back around her neck. Much like at the Peterson estate Zeak was feeling the burning needs of her body flushing the skin under her fur and her exposed sex became acutely cold as the wind pulled her heat away from the moist netherlips. At least it wasn't drooling down her thighs as she walked. Determination and dread were Zeak's tools to fight the honestly insane need to have sex in the middle of the street. These urges burned her self-hatred deeper for a body not her own.

Pointing fingers, hushed whispers, and occasionally the scream of surprise from every human Zeak passed on the emphasized how mad the world had become since she was first incarcerated. They all seemed to think Zeak was an unstable or dangerous mad woman. Several individuals pulled out their cell phones to either take pictures or make a desperate call to 911. She couldn't seem to get a reprieve until finally running into a back-alley straddle by two brick buildings about five stories or so tall. Zeak passed a dumpster and a corrugated fence to an open-air parking lot.

Two dozen cars littered the space to near capacity, and a group of six teens were loitering in it. Hesitance bloomed deep in Zeak's chest. She didn't want to be yelled at again or be harassed by a bunch of miscreants. Farther off to the side she could see the silhouette of a seventh person nestled into a stair alcove. Hope rippled through up from Zeak's uneasy chest. The outline was different from a human's! who ever was in there had fur! Feeling a rush of unreasonable kinship with who ever that was made the small canine girl's nerves stand on end. Impulsively she dropped to all fours and scampered low around cars. She kept the group of loitering chatty cathies on the far side of the lot as she stopped near the alcove.

A swirl of scents lingered in the doorway when Zeak approached. Musky damp fabric, fur, cigarette smoke, day old sandwich, and a distinct tang that marked the bundled form as a male. Zeak hesitated for only a moment before sticking her head around the corner while maintaining her low crouch. Sitting against the wall was a blanket wrapped racoon! He was sitting uncomfortably against the brick staring out at the parking lot when he noticed her. The two remained quiet for a moment as they met eyes. Zeak's emerald greens clashed against his dark black orbs. "umm. Hey." She nervously waved to him. Unraveling to expose his hands a bit from the blanket the racoon waved back. He then looked back and forth in the parking lot. "Quick, get in here. All the way into the back." The racoon hushed at Zeak, a small bit of panic sparking in his eyes.

Zeak looked back out into the parking lot, but they didn't seem to be noticed by anyone. She felt her arm get grabbed and she was pulled into the alcove. Startled Zeak was about to shout when his hand covered her mouth. He held her and watched out into the night for signs of movement "You weren't followed, were you? Did anyone see you come back here?!" He whispered intensely beside Zeak's ear. Zeak felt her heart raging all the way up to the tips of her ears as she shook her head slowly. He might have been a small species, but it seemed that didn't translate to their new forms all that much.

The Racoon male must have been about five foot seven, and a good fifty pounds heavier than Zeak. He pressed her against the alcove wall and slowly removed his hand from her muzzle "Okay, shhh. We're okay." He said more reassuring himself than the startled canine. "If the fetch squad shows up, we're both fucked. I haven't seen another... is that. A collar?" He seemed derailed by the girl's appearance the more he looked at Zeak. Then his eyes slid down her naked body and back up. "Are you some kind of pet? What the hell are you doing out here?" He asked.

Zeak slid against the brick till she was fully sitting against it as far away from the agitated racoon as she could get in the tiny alcove. "I'm no one's pet!" Zeak huffed back. "I'm out here trying to figure out how to get home. Then I saw you. I don't know why I even came over here." She tried to seem as frustrated as she could muster while the tang of fear made her heart pound. There was a live wire tension growing in the man, and Zeak was wanted to flee but he held her arm with his claw tipped hands.

"There is no more home. For any of us. They've been snatching people up. Dragging them kicking and screaming out to The Pens. The president even declared a state of emergency, after last week's Everglade incident. Several hundred canisters detonated in the city at once. Nearly eighty percent of the population was changed." He glanced away from the alcove to check again for anyone paying the two attention from outside. The racoon was huffing under the strain of his panic. Wild eyes twisting back to Zeak made her shrink. He looked hungry in a feral kind of way. "You know what they decided to do to their own citizens? They sent in the army to quarantine the city. The people resisted. Neighbors, family, friends. Why do they treat us this way?" He whisper-shouted at the canine girl.

Zeak shook her head meekly at his aggressive rhetorical questioning. He was so close now hovering over her. The canine girl's body felt flush with adrenaline. Her nipples stood on end out of her fine fur, while her nether region tensed and ached in a terribly needy fashion. Fuck her new body! This wasn't the time to be feeling needy. The racoon pressed a hand against her chest and kissed her muzzle. Pulling away with a bitter look on his own face "Why do you smell so good? Oh, fuck you're a bitch in heat." He pressed her harder against the wall as if to keep her there as far from himself as possible. "I heard about this. Fucks with guys heads." It was obvious the racoon was considering leaving quickly.

With jerk of effort Zeak tried to pull free of the male and scamper away herself. Muscles flexed and twisted to propel her, but the force applied to her chest intensified threefold. "agh! Let me go damn it!" she shouted at him as she was pinned back against the wall. Something had shifted in the racoon's demeanor as he moved his muzzle into the crook of her neck. His movement having opened the blanket the man had somehow acquired. Zeak kicked weakly out at the male but was dragged to the side and down onto her back. The bite on her neck made her gasp, flail, and moan. The deep blush at her own exhalation burned in her cheeks. This felt so undignified.

With jerky needy motions the man between her legs tugged down dirty sweatpants. Zeak froze realizing that there wasn't anything between his shaft and her exposed pussy lips. She kicked off to the sides trying to wiggle away but ran into the brick above her head. "Please... please don't." she begged quietly under the teeth sinking in near her collar bone. His body coiled above her, and she felt the tip of his shaft press against the warmth nestled between her thighs. "Stop." She sounded weak willed in the matter even to herself. Not that it made this right.

The nameless racoon male pressed her down and slid in the first little bit. The action spread her around his cock head. Zeak felt the bitter tang of resentment as her body welcomed the intrusion. She snarled and dug claws into the racoons back but when he pushed forward, and her velvet passage took him in the fight drained from Zeak. She moaned and clung to the stranger... Zeak felt her need exploding in her mind making her euphoric and lustful. For his part the racoon jerked and huffed against her throat. Obviously unused to the mating practice himself he pressed his weight atop her to keep her held down as he sheathed the full length of himself inside her body.

Zeak's legs twitched and coiled around her suitor as she panted small moans for every inch that had slid into her body. Pressure began to build in her groin as the clitoral hood withdrew. Arousal beginning to awaken her own erection. It pressed out against the male's pubic mound and ran the length of his belly button as he pistoned himself in and out of Zeak's pussy. The lewd wet slapping sounds folded the canine girl's ears back with embarrassment. The fight had so quickly run out of her that she cursed herself for the failing.

"Fuck, what am I doing?" The racoon questioned after removing his fangs from her. The introspection didn't diminish the pressure Zeak was under, or his rough thrusting motions. He seemed to take notice of the canine cock for the first time reaching its erect state pressed against his naval. That made him pause in confusion. The furrowed brows and grimace showed the racoon's revulsion. Yet he rolled his hips and made Zeak shudder with him fully inside her. "We need to stop." He stated which burned Zeak's ears with more indignation "You fucking started it!" Zeak spat fury building amid the swirling confusion of her intense arousal.

The concussive thump of a gas-powered rifle shattered their befuddled circumstances. The racoon jerked and whipped his head over his shoulder. A three-inch dart protruded from the other shoulder as it twisted into Zeak's view. "Oh no, No..." He pulled out of Zeak roughly and tried to stand up to run. He failed about halfway through and collapsed to the concrete base of the alcove. Zeak could see now without his body impeding her view, that four humans were lined across the hoods of parked cars. Two holding rifles aimed at her. She didn't have much time to react as one fired. The projectile syringe slapped into her thigh with vicious efficiency. Zeak screamed and scooted back as the human's all stood up and began approaching. They all wore a single navy-blue uniform that looked a lot like a beat cop's set up, but the insignias were all wrong.

Not again! God no, not again! "I won't go back! Fuck all of you!" Zeak screamed but she already couldn't operate her legs. Her ability to focus her eyes was beginning to go as well. Turning from her captures she dragged herself up three rungs of the steps deeper in the alcove. They grabbed the racoon first. Tunnel vision closed around her. The door at the top of those twelve steps her only focal point left. Two more stairs passed with terrible effort. Zeak felt so incredibly slow. Each motion taking ten times as long to complete as she could normally manage. With relief she began to lift and then float! She was going to make it. Except that she was moving farther away, floating away from her goal. "No... up." She muttered in a slur. The tunnel collapsed around her and she was taken by unconsciousness.