Newka Chapter 3 ( Forgetting Todd)

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#3 of Newka Series

Axel went looking for Newka all around the campus, he wasn't in his room, or with Sabre or Benji, so he started searching the grounds and found Newka sitting under the tree that they first met.


Newka looked up slowly with tears streaming down his face.

"Aww Newka." Axel kneeled down next to the white Husky and dried his tears with his thumb. Newka sniffled and leaned into Axel and nuzzled him. Axel smiled slightly and held Newka close.

"It's ok hun, it's all alright."

"He's right though Axel, I got hard and I came whilst they did what they did to me."

"Oh Newka, remember what the doctors said, arousal during a sexual experience even during rape is normal, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I just feel so...dirty and like I've let you down."

"No Newka, never." Axel nuzzled Newka softly and licked his nose.

"Really, you mean it?"

"Oh course I do Newka, I love you after all." Newka smiled slightly and wiped his eyes with the back of his paws.

"Come on, I'll take back to your room." Axel helped Newka to stand up and walked him back to their room and sat him down. Newka looked around his room thoughtfully and his tail wagged occasionally being in the knowledge that Axel loved him and that he didn't hate him for what had happened to him.

Axel pottered around the room and went into the kitchen where he spotted Sabre and Benji muzzle locked and embraced in each others arms and naked as the day they were born grinding up against one another against the kitchen counters. Axel stopped at the partially closed door and peered through to get a better look.

Sabre was quite muscular being a bit of a Jock himself although he was more in the swimming team than out on the football fields. He had Benji pinned to the counter by his hips and was licking up and down his neck as his paw travelled down to wrap around Benji's member and slowly stroke it as it throbbed in his paw. Sabre smiled and nibbled on Benji's neck making the other canine whine and whimper at the sensations he was getting.

Axel was finding it hard to take his gaze away and felt a growth in his own trousers and began to rub it through the cloth as he watched.

Sabre turned Benji around and parted his soft butt cheeks and dove between them licking and probing at Benji's tail hole making the other squirm and writhe around in pleasure as his head rolled back and forth from shoulder to shoulder. Benji reached down and grasped his own member and began stroking away at it as Sabre ate out his tail hole and slowly but surely slid his tongue up inside him. Benji yelped at the intrusion but quickly relaxed against it and soon felt sabre's fingers also pushing against his tight rump.

Hearing the yelp, Newka came out of his room to investigate and saw Axel on his knees in full stroke of his member through his clothing at the scene he was watching. Feeling a little left out and a little devilish he slowly crept forwards and took a look in the hallway mirror which showed him the reflection of Benji and Sabre in the middle of their "Happy hour"

Feeling a stirring in his own loins Newka looked down at Axel whom hadn't noticed his presence yet. Newka smirked a little and noticed that the fox wasn't wearing any shoes. Dropping down into his stomach Newka got as close as he dared to Axel's foot paws and sniffed them lightly.

As he sniffed Newka felt shivers down his spine. 'Ho yeah this is the good stuff' Newka thought to himself as his cock jumped inside his boxers. Axel's foot paws smelt of fresh cut grass, a little sweaty and totally of Axel.

Axel moaned softly and at the same time bit his lip so Sabre and Benji wouldn't hear hi as pre soaked the front of his trousers. Benji was now panting with lust, pre was hanging like a thread from the tip of his cock as Sabre continued to lick him out before finally getting up and lining his cock up with Benji's tail hole. Axel watched in great anticipation as slowly inch by inch Sabre's cock vanished up inside Benji.

Just as Axel felt like he was about to cum a sudden shock brought him out of his trance when he felt a warm and wet something sliding up and down his foot paw. He quickly turned his head only to see Newka taking his foot paw into his own paws and lapping at it and moaning as he id so.

Axel smiled and subsequently turned over which surprised Newka.

"Oh ehm, sorry, it's just well, they were there and I..."

Sitting up Axel shut Newka up with a firm and gentle kiss and stood the pair of them up without breaking it and walked them both back through into the bedroom. Newka and Axel broke their kiss there and looked at one another with burning lust.

Axel felt himself give off a dominant growl and Newka growled too but in more of a challenging kind of way. Soon both bodies smashed against one another, they nipped each other's neck carefully but intently ran their claws down one another's back as they tore the remains of one another's clothes off.

Newka was the first to get pinned on the floor once they were naked and Axel proceeded to lick and suckle on Newka's nipples making the Husky yip and murr beneath him.

However it wasn't long before Newka had a hold of Axel's balls and was squeezing and tugging at them allowing him to straddle Axel's hips and continue to play around with his balls as he stroked his own hard cock. But Axel quickly turned the tables again by somehow gathering up the strength to sit up and nip at Newka's neck. Newka quickly laid back as his back arched up grinding his hard cock against Axel's.

After pinning Newka down Axel grabbed a tie and bound Newka's front paws together above his head and tied them to the top of the bed. Newka whimpered a little turned on and a little worried but he trusted Axel. Axel then got some more bits and pieces and put Newka's foot paws into a spreader bar and placed another just above his knees. Newka smiled knowing what they were for and Axel's most likely intended use. Anything to get Todd out of his mind by having Axel fuck him out of his brain.

After a few more minutes Axel was content with his work, Newka was tied up by his paws to the top and bottom of the bed, he was blind folded, spread and horny as hell. Getting down between Newka's knees Axel licked at Newka's cock and ran his tongue up and down the shaft before taking the head into his mouth and sucking hard to take as much of it into his muzzle as possible.

Newka moaned and murred as his cock slid into Axel's warm, wet mouth. Axel started bobbing his head up and down using his paws to stroke Newka's cock and rolls his balls around in his other paw as he sucked away on Newka's amazing cock.

Newka could hear Axel's moans and slurps from sucking him off and it made his cock twitch inside Axel's mouth. What made it all the more hot though was the fact that he couldn't see a thing.

Finished with Newka's cock Axel then moved around so that that tip of his own cock hovered over Newka's lips, smelling Axel's length Newka opened his muzzle and willingly accepted the treat as Axel bent over and stuck his head between Newka's legs again and began licking at his tail hole.

Newka almost screamed at the new sensation and murred and sucked happily as Axel licked with his tongue and softly probed around with his fingers against Newka's tail hole.

After a while Axel got an idea and took his cock from Newka's muzzle and went all the way down to Newka's foot paws.

"Well you seemed to like doing this to me, so I wonder what happens when I do it to you." Axel smirked as he lifted up one of Newka's foot paws in his paw and licked the sole of it. Newka whined and tried to pull his foot paw away as his cock spasmed and shot pre over his chest.

"Ah so that's what it does to you?"

"Axel please, no more, don't tease me anymore, please just put it inside me."

"Is that a request?"

"Yes Axel please..."

"Oh but I'm not quite finished just yet." Axel smirked as he lubed up a dildo in his paws and pressed the tip against Newka's tail hole and laughed as Newka tried to push down onto it.

"Ah ah ah, not till I say so." Axel teased.

Newka humphed unimpressed but was soon writhing around again when Axel started rubbing his cock against Newka's foot paws.

"Please Axel I beg you, I cant take this much more."

"What is it that you want baby, come on you can tell me." Axel smiled.

"Oh god, fuck me Axel, please, take your huge cock and fuck me hard.!"

Axel cringed a bit at how loud Newka had said that and wondered if Benji and Sabre had head them.

"See Sabre...Axel knows how to tease someone."

Axel face pawed but smiled again and moved Newka around a bit to make things a bit easier. Soon Newka had his legs over Axel's shoulders and Axel's cock tip pressed firmly against his tail hole.


"Can I see you?"

"Oh...yeah sorry." Axel pulled the blindfold off and Newka wrapped his arms tightly around Axel which in turn buried Axel's cock into his tail hole.

"Oh god Axel....It's much bigger than last time."

"You ok?"

"Shut up and fuck me big boy."

Axel smirked and did as he was asked and began pushing in and out of Newka. Newka sighed in delight and let his head roll back and forth across the pillows as Axel pounded his tail hole.

"Oh god Newka, I love you so much."

"Me too...Axel...I love ...too...ugh..huh...more...more..more."

Axel pushed deeper into Newka and felt his knot slip up inside his lover which made it all the more exhilarating.

"Not long now baby." Axel panted

"Please...cum..insi...inside me, blow Todd out of my mind, claim me, make me totally yours." Newka begged between screams and pants of pleasure.

All of Newka's dirty talk and horny pleads was all too much for Axel, hilting himself hard and deep against Newka he leaned forward and bit down into Newka's neck claiming him for his own.

Newka yelped at the bit but welcomed it. Within seconds Axel was shooting his seed into Newka, just as Newka shot his load all over his chest and stomach.

Axel smiled and panted trying to get his breath as he untied Newka and flopped against him.

"Tha...that...was...perfect..." Newka mumbled sleepily.

"I love you Newka." Axel whispered as the pair drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too Axel." Newka whispered back.

"Come move in with me, to my place in New York." Axel yawned.

Newka quickly sat up.

"Wait a minute....New York..You...and together?"

Axel nodded which promptly earned him a Newka flying at him and embracing him in a hug which resulted in the pair hitting the floor with the covers draped around them.

The pair looked up when they heard the bedroom door open and Sabre and Benji pop their heads in.

"Do you mind, some people like to sleep after sex."

((Like it, let me know. Maybe more will come))

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