The Mating of Alpha and Omega

Story by ijp290 on SoFurry

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I decided to write a story based around Manipulator mating processes. It was rather difficult including all the aspects of the species I wanted to. But I think I did a good job :)

Justin Davier slunk through the bushes, purposely keeping low. He'd branched off from his four remaining squad members to come to Bio for an "important side mission." He'd left them with the Titan multicraft, while he took the Commander multicraft. Right now he was stalking closer to his objective, almost crawling through a thick bramble that hid the target--another, and clearly more advanced Titan--quite well. The interior lights on the huge, black craft were all dark except for those at the entrance, which hung open at the front of the Titan.

Justin is an Alpha manipulator; stark white down covers his body, with dark grey teardrop shaped patches in the feathers under his eyes. His crest of rigid, white feathers lay flattened to his head and neck as he crawled, his long ears poking up in accord. His long, white-feathered tail trailed behind him, poking up in the air slightly, to keep the mammary opening just below the tip clean. The claws on both his hands and feet dug into the clay-like topsoil. Justin was wearing a tight, elastic jumpsuit, yellow in color. It had short sleeves, only covered the floofy base of his tail, and had long legs with attached boots. It was military standard; he would have worn something fancier but for his squad.

'This is a bad idea,' he was telling himself. 'What if she doesn't like you? You saw what she did to those nipulators!' He gulped slightly, pausing to poke his breathing tentacles out from beneath his crest. He retracted them after a second and continued on.

His squad didn't know it, but reason the Alpha manipulator was approaching this particular multicraft wasn't really a side mission. It was much more personal. It had to do with a certain Omega girl that they had encountered just a few days prior. Justin remembered it vividly, but his mind didn't want to stray to the gory details of their meeting. It was focused on her. She was brave. She was powerful. She was, well, gorgeous! Her black down matched the color of Justin's tear-shaped patches, which she also had, only hers were stark white, like Justin's body feathers! That one moment where their eyes met, as the dust was settling after her battle with the nipulator horde... She was too much for Justin. He couldn't help it!

He clucked at her.

Her reaction then was, regrettably, not very good. At least, that's how Justin saw it. At first, it looked like he'd scored big time. She'd jumped, crying out softly, covering her mouth and staring at him timidly. But then she changed. With a feral snarl, the beautiful Omega had turned and bounded away, making an impressive leap up to her hovering Titan, closely followed by her little wyvern pet, and flew away. Why? Justin had no idea! He'd never heard of such a reaction! Had his timing been off? It was just after an intense battle. Maybe she was teasing him? Perhaps she knew that he would come after her if he liked her enough. It was a strange tactic for a meighnen, but he was OK with it if that's what it was. He was going to find out tonight, though. He was going to cluck at the girl again.

Justin stood. He was out of the bushes and at the very edge of the clearing, still in the shadow of the trees. It was night time, but reflected light from Volcadia and it's neighbor Magnum gave the area a dim light, enough to make the metal skin of the Titan several yards in front of him glint. It's figure was quite imposing, as it was bulkier than the Titan his squad had. 'Could it be one of those heavy-duty War models?' Justin wondered. He shrugged. Might as well get on with it.

"Hey, Titan." He cooed from the shadows. The machine activated instantly, a red beam of light blinking on at the tip of the vehicles pointed nose and focusing on him like an eye. Red was bad; it thought he was an enemy. A ring of yellow light burst into existence on either side of the crafts body. The two rings began to spin quickly, the whir of gathering energy resounded through the clearing as the Titans lasers prepared to fire. Justin stepped back with one foot, ready to run should the craft fire.

Suddenly, it stopped. The red light flicked to green, and the rings stopped spinning, slowly fading to black, the sound going with it. The machine hummed to itself; a very low, rumbling, electronic hum. It seemed confused. The green light turned blue, focusing into a line which ran up and down Justin's body a few times. It was scanning him. The beam disappeared for a moment, resolving into a blinking dot on the crafts nose.

The Titan hummed again. "Identify," it requested in EchoX. Justin sighed, relaxing. It must have realized that he wasn't a nipulator. Justin obliged, flicking open his wrist console and flashing his ISO for the craft to analyse.; the green lines of his data stream flickered in his ears as he did so. The machine grumbled as it processed his identification. "Justin Davier... Alpha manipulator; Tri Brained; commanding officer in the Extremists Squad." The ship hummed some to itself; it was obviously searching through the ENIC for information on the Extremists Squad. "Extremists Squad: no data found..." Justin quickly flashed another packet to the Titan, to which it replied, "Identity confirmed. State the nature of your business."

"Identify," Justin replied, including an indication in Parallel that he would properly answer the request once he knew the ship.

"Identity classified." The Titan began. There was a pause. "I will make an exception, for the sake of my master." Justin's projected display showed that he was receiving the crafts ISO. He opened it for processing.

"Experimental N.S.S. Titan model 4; codename: Aether; designed for interdimensional travel; current master: Sidoma Davier." Justin wondered briefly if it was coincidence that he and the Omega meighnen shared the same last name. 'Hmm... Was Nano Star planning on traversing the walls of the microverse?' Was his next thought. 'Interesting...'

"State the nature of your business." Aether hummed insistently.

"I'm searching for your master," Justin chattered. The ship hummed for a moment; the channel was encrypted. Then it was silent.

Justin heard footsteps to his left and turned. There stood the Omega, the bloody carcass of a grendler slung over her shoulder. She just stood there, looking at him, her head tilted to the side. Justin switched on his night scanner to see her better. God, she was beautiful. She had spectacular curves, and the feathery flair at the base of her tail was full and healthy looking. The pink interior of her long ears stood out against her black down. Accenting her black feathers was an apron-like dress which wrapped snugly around her torso, but hung down like a loincloth to cover only her crotch, allowing her tail to move freely behind her. The dress was green in color, like that of the forests on Power. It was, like much of her feathers, covered in brown splotches of grendler blood at the moment.

Justin was suddenly very nervous as he gazed at her. Not because of the blood, but because of her eyes. There was a lot sitting in her yellow "W"-shaped pupils. Sorrow, anger, confusion. To name a few. What stood out the most was how wild and feral her eyes were. Justin had seen the same thing in them when they first met, but he'd thought it was from the battle. Yet there it was, that hard, cautious look in her eyes. Like that of a wild beast.

"Hello?" She peeped, blinking and tilting her head the other way. Even her voice was heavenly! Justin jumped, brought back to reality.

'This is it,' Justin thought. He rubbed his hands together nervously, deciding to just go for it. Steeling himself, he opened his air slits, and clucked at her. "Bok."

Her reaction was instant. She jumped up, dropping the grendler, and yelped loudly. Justin could see a burst of white semen shoot from her tose before she clamped her mouth shut, and legs together. Her hands flew to cover her crotch, her tail base dropping to cover the back in an effort to hide it, but Justin could still see a dribble of milky fluid making it's way from her cloaca and down her thighs to drip onto the ground. She began gulping quickly, swallowing her semen.

This was promising.

She stopped gulping and her whole body began to quiver slightly. She started whimpering. It was just the reaction Justin was looking for. She was begging him to cluck at her again!

* * * * *

There is was again! That cute little sound the white creature, which looked like a male version of herself, had made when Dave had first met it. She didn't know why she thought it was so cute, why it sent such an intense rush of pleasure surging through her body. Dave only knew that it did. It frightened her. The first time she had run away, thinking that it might be some kind of attack by this strange creature. But Sidoma Davier didn't want to run this time. Her Titan, Aether, had said that he was a visitor; one that Dave should take interest in. So she stayed.

"Please... Do that again?" She whimpered to him with EchoX. The surge of pleasure had been especially strong this time. She'd actually had an orgasm from it! The proof of that was dribbling from her cunny down her inner thighs and tail base, and leaking from her tose into her mouth as she whimpered.

"Braaaawk brawk brawk..." The white creature clucked, tilting his head to the side cutely. This sound was different. It still sent a surge of pleasure through Dave's body, but it also made her want the male. Want him with a passion! The sound made her want to take control of this strange, white lookalike. But she was still quite frightened by what was happening.

Regaining her composure, she addressed Aether, disguising her communique as a twitter of relief. "Aether! What is this thing!? What's going on here!?" The Parallel channel was encrypted, so the creature wouldn't know what she was saying.

"He is Justin Davier; a manipulator, like you. He's safe, talk to him." The machine grumbled. 'Justin' was still looking a her. His head returned from it's tilt, and he grinned at her slightly. Dave gulped. She didn't know how to interact with others of her species! The only other manipulator she'd ever know was Vorbis Rei, who'd practically raised her. But he'd died when she was 10 years old, almost 92 years ago! Aether's teaching could hardly be considered social interaction, and Beta couldn't talk. Where was the little wyvern, anyway? Probably asleep.

"Come inside." Dave chittered softly, picking up the grendler she's just killed. She started across the clearing towards Aether, only to be stopped by the ship and reminded that she should 'say please.' "Please." Dave added awkwardly, looking over her shoulder. Justin bounded after her, quickly catching up.

"So your name is Sidoma?" Justin cheeped. Dave paused for a second, whimpering as butterflies filled her stomach.

"Yes." She cooed, leading the meighn inside. With a whine from the hydraulics, the ramp drew up behind them, sealing the hull. Justin didn't seem phased by it, which surprised Dave, considering how terrified she'd been when she first came onto Aether. 'He must have been on a Titan before.' She thought. They were on the first of Aether's 4 decks. This deck, designed to mimic a park, was bright and open, a spread of grass on either side of the winding walkway that led to the pools at the other end. Beside the pools were the stairs that led to the other decks.

"Nice to finally talk with you, Sidoma," Justin clucked timidly, stopping to make a strange, bowing gesture. Again, that strange feeling welled up in her stomach. Dave looked at Justin. He looked almost beautiful! Looking at his lithe, athletic figure, with his soft white down and the dark teardrops under his eyes made the feeling in Dave's belly stronger. She knew that she had to have him. She knew that she could have him. She just wanted to wait a bit before she took him.

"Erm..." Dave stared at him, wondering if she should return the gesture. "Call me Dave, please." She hissed. Her ears pinned back. How was he making her feel like this, with just his voice?

"OK... Dave." He frowned slightly for some reason, and straightened up. "I'm Justin. It's nice to meet you!" He said, suddenly bouncing. Dave glared at him in silence, and he stopped bouncing, pinning his ears and whimpering. Dave grinned. Something about his timidness, his frightened expression. Dave couldn't help but get like him.

"Would you like to join me for dinner, Justin?" Dave inquired sweetly, holding up the dead grendler.

"Sure!" He crowed enthusiastically, bouncing again. Dave jumped slightly, her tail stiffening as a small wave of pleasure jolting her body. Her action caused Justin to shy away a bit. She smiled, trying to reassure him, and was about to break off a chunk of meat for Justin, but stopped herself. Maybe she should treat her guest to a nice meal?

"Aether, can you prepare us a nice meal?" Dave squawked, using EchoX to tell the machine to take the grendler. Aether complied without a word, a smoke-like swarm of Illusion cells coming from a vent on the ceiling, taking the beast, and carting it up to the kitchen on the fourth deck.

Dave was beginning to accept these feelings of dominance that coursed through her. She realized that, like Aether had said, Justin was safe. He was nothing to be afraid of. In fact, it seemed that if anything, he was afraid of her! 'Maybe it's because I'm caked with coagulating blood?' Dave thought, looking down at herself and flicking her tongue out to smell herself. She looked disastrous, smelled rank, and felt like shit. She needed a bath. She could have just used telekinetix to remove the blood, but she wouldn't really feel clean until she'd soaked in some hot water. The thought crossed her mind that maybe she should invite Justin into the tub with her, but she trashed it quickly.

"Uhg..." She growled, "Look at me, I'm a mess!" Justin quickly agreed. "I'll be back before Aether finishes making dinner. Feel free to explore!" She twiddled her fingers at him and ran up to the master suite on the third deck. She sighed with relief as the door slid shut behind her; quickly throwing off her dress, she filled the bath with steaming hot water, and sat down in it with a sigh of pleasure. She slid below the surface, belching up the air remaining in her air tubes.

* * * * *

Justin waited until he couldn't hear Dave's footsteps any longer before he leaped up in the air, flailing his arms and crowing his success loudly. She hadn't killed him! Better yet, she seemed to like him! Justin could hardly contain his joy as he landed and eagerly set out up the stairs to have a look around, a giddy spring in his step, his tail whipping back and forth behind him.

'This doesn't seem like a War model,' he thought to himself as he came out onto the second deck. It was an entertainment area! At end of the long, dim room there was a large frame for anchoring ones projected display on for others to see. Around that was a semicircle of plush seating. Between Justin and the screen was a number of anchored tables, all partially surrounded by the same sofa-like benches. There were also a few actual sofas, and chairs with fancy end- and coffee tables. This wasn't a ship made specifically for battle, it was made for luxury also! "Aether, how did Dave ever get mastership of you?" He asked the ships computer.

"Beta brought her to me." The machine answered flatly.

"Beta? Who's Beta?" Justin asked, taking a seat on one of the sofas, which turned out to be quite comfy.

"Beta is Sidoma's wyvern pet." Aether answered. Justin remembered seeing the wyvern at the battle where he first met Dave. "Sidoma has trained Beta to use his extreme power. He helps her in combating the nipulators." Aether added.

"Interesting," chirped Justin. "Where did Dave come from? I thought me and my squad was the first sent to repel the nipulators from Eastlasoruna?"

"Sidoma was abandoned here when she was only a hatchling. From the memories she's related to me, I have gleaned that she doesn't have any memories of her people beyond those she gained from her nine years with Vorbis. She woke up in the hospital after going through an automated Tri Brained diagnostic, and nobody was there." As Aether said this, the machine also transmitted scraps of memory using EchoX. Justin's ears pinned back; it was horrific. A hatchling fending for herself in a dark, run-down hospital. Afraid to go outside because of the nipulator menace. At least she was happy with this 'Vorbis' character, who appeared to be a very old Power manipulator from Dave's memories of him.

She really was a sad figure, it seemed. He wondered what happened to Vorbis. "That is something you will have to discuss with Sidoma. It's a very delicate subject with her." The Titan responded after a pause. Another flash of memory slipped through. A horde of nipulators, their cores glowing bright red in the night. Vorbis slumped against a rock, his data stream shattered, blood streaming from his mouth, eyes, and a gaping wound in his side. The bony hands of the nipulators gripping at Dave, pulling her screaming, sobbing figure away from the bloody corpse of her guardian.

Justin couldn't stand it any longer. He cut the EchoX script short, his ears still pinned back. He now understood the look in Dave's eyes. The sorrow, the pain. He understood the feral, wild look also. She'd lived here, alone, being near constantly hunted for all those years!

"Dinner will be ready momentarily," Aether hummed. It grumbled something else also, but it was encrypted. Justin heard footsteps upstairs, and quickly put Dave's traumatic past out of his mind, determined to give her a pleasant future.

* * * * *

Dave bounded down the stairs to the second deck. Her bath had been wonderful; she could have stayed submerged like that for hours. She had a guest to entertain, however, so she resolved to continue the bath later on. With or without Justin. Her feathers were still damp as she strolled over to the Alpha manipulator. She wasn't wearing any clothes, not having the civil decency to care if the meighn saw her nude.

Justin jumped up excitedly as she approached, a silly, open mouth grin on his muzzle. His grin turned into an intrigued 'Ooh' face as he saw that Dave was naked. His eyes drifted down her curvy body. He cooed softly as his eyes settled on her nethers, and Dave blushed hotly under her feathers. The butterflies had returned. Dave took a seat on the bench of the nearest table, Justin sitting on the other side of the semicircle from her, still cooing cutely. Dave could barely hold herself! The sound turned her on so much! 'If only he weren't wearing that jumpsuit,' she thought to herself as her eyes met his across the table. She vowed to try and get him out of it as they ate.

"Dinner is served." Aether stated. Two plates containing some delicious smelling grendler strips with a dipping sauce that, from the smell of it, contained the creatures blood. There was also a jelly-like substance which Dave identified as fruit-rock meat.

"Oh boy!" Dave chirped. "I haven't had fruit-rock in forever!" It was true. She didn't usually have Aether prepare her meals, as she mostly ate just raw meat and never cared enough to have anything else, so fruit was a rare thing for her.

Justin didn't seem as enthusiastic about the delight. He poked at it with his claws tentatively. "What the hell is a 'fruit-rock,'" He asked, looking up to see Dave shoveling the gunk in hungrily. She paused at his comment, her fingers in her mouth.

"What planet are you from, meighn?" She asked accusingly. "Fruit-rock is only the best thing since ecoña semen!"

"Ecoña semen?" Justin asked in shock, his ears pinning back. Dave gaped back at him, sputtering.

"How could you not have ever drunken ecoña cum!?" She roared. "Seriously, where did you come from that you wouldn't have ever had that!?" Dave banged her fist on the table, and Justin flinched. She couldn't believe it! How could this guy have never drunk the most heavenly substance ever produced by a living creature? Drinking the cum of an ecoña, especially straight from the male, was like orgasming twenty times in an instant, for every gulp! And the afterglow lasted for hours on end!

"I-i-i..." Justin stammered. "I came from Aether! Where the rest of us are!" He whimpered, frightened by Dave's rage.

"Aether?" Dave warked, taken aback. She looked around, scowling, her ears pinned back.

"He means the planet Aether, Sidoma. It is where your people fled to when the nipulators attacked." Aether informed her. Dave cocked her head to the side. Her people? There were more manipulators than the five with Justin, and her? By sending Justin here, did they intend to come back? They must be! They can't just let the nipulators take their home without retaliating!

Justin started eating, avoiding the fruit-rock. "This is pretty good," he cooed, gulping down a piece of grendler. Dave gulped also, but for a different reason. Every time Justin said anything to her, he seemed to be pushing her closer to an edge. His little coos, peeps, and squawks aroused her to no end, and Dave couldn't take it anymore! She just had to take action. Had to get the pleasure his teasing noises were taunting her with!

"Well, Aether is a pretty good cook. For a machine," Dave trilled, scooting around the semicircular bench to sit next to the Alpha. She pulled her plate along with her using telekinetix. Justin glanced at her nervously, recoiling a bit as she started to nuzzle at him, purring. It was a light, affectionate sound.

"W-what are you doing?" Justin asked. Dave answered by wrapping an arm around Justin's waist and pulling him closer. The meighn tried to protest, to push her away, but his voice only spurred her on. She reached up and took a hold of his collar, drawing her thumb down the front of Justin's jumpsuit, using the claw thereof to cut the light fabric. "D-dave! Stop, please!" He was panicking.

"You know you want this, Justin. It's why you came here tonight." Dave purred in his ear as she pushed off the torso of the meighns jumpsuit. Her tongue flicked out, licking over the panicking and struggling Alpha's feathered muzzle, leaving a trail of something that wasn't just saliva from her tose.

"No! No, I don't want it! G-get off!" Justin screamed, his tail thrashing up to strike Dave on the back as he felt her begin pushing his jumpsuit the rest of the way off. She caught it easily with telekinetix, wrapping her own tail around his to hold it down.

"So you wanna get rough, do you!?" Dave roared. She snarled, sinking her teeth into Justin's neck. Justin shrieked and writhed in pain. Yet, beneath it all, a certain pleasure began rising. His struggling dwindled, and his pleas for Dave to stop quieted. He sat there, still. The only sounds were Dave's growling and his own gasping whimpers of pain.

Dave loosened the grip her jaws had on Justin's neck, releasing his tail. The fun could start now that the meighn had calmed down. She released his neck fully, his blood beginning to seep out onto the bench. She pulled her head back, looking the meighn straight in the face, growling. It was a growl of dominance, and the Parallel made that quite clear. Justin had submitted to her; he belonged to Dave now. The thought brought so much pleasure to both of them that Justin's whimpers changed to impatient whines! He shifted below her, getting into what he instinctively knew to be the right position: his body completely straight, the feathered lips and bare opening of his cloaca on almost the same level as his stomach.

Dave lowered her hips to his, swinging the base of her tail back and forth, grinding her sex on his. She groaned in pleasure, bowing her head and closing her eyes. Dave's clitori were already were already poking out of her labia, fully engorged with blood, their electromagnetic circuits ready to lock into Justin's slowly flaring cups.

Below her, Justin was also utter bliss. The feeling of Dave's sex sliding over his was heavenly. Her clits grinding into him hard as they waited to engage his cups went wave after wave of pleasure through his loins. The petals of the meighnens inner labia brushed lightly over his feathered slit with each swish of Dave's tail. He laid his head back and moaned, a smile spreading across his lips as he did. His cups were finally erect and flared and he could feel them magnetize, pulling gently at Dave's clitori until, finally, they locked together. Both of the new lovers moaned heavily as their bodies connected. Shortly following the first locking, Justin's labia spread to allow Dave's petals to grip onto his own. With a soft tingling of electricity, the second lock was made.

Dave stopped swinging her tail, bringing it down to wrap around Justin's once again. She chittered and cooed softly, kissing her cloaca against Justin's, and then teasingly pulling it away. The final lock consisted of their openings sucking onto each other tightly to form a seal, allowing the males eggs to be laid into the female without any problems. Once inside, they'd finish developing their shells, and be laid into a nest after that.

Right now, Dave was tantalizing her and Justin's libidos by allowing that seal to partially form, but then denying the connection by pulling away. Each time she pulled away, a loud, wet slurp emanated from between them, followed by a chitter or a trill of pleasure from the two of them. Finally, Justin couldn't take the teasing anymore.

"P-please, Dave," he crooned. "Just do it. Lock me!" He begged, wrapping his tail tighter around hers in an attempt to keep her from pulling away, his ears pinned and crest flared. Dave conceded with a grunt, pressing her vent hard down onto Justin's. The muscles openings spasmed and clenched against each other, making a slight sucking noise as the seal was completed. Justin let out a cry of pleasure, throwing his head back and writhing. His cry was quickly muffled as Dave's muzzle met his, locking their lips in a passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around him as her tongue quickly sought out and pushed into Justin's siphon, the tight opening at the base of his tongue. They moaned and shivered in unison, their sealed sexes quivering against one another as Dave slowly pushed deep into Justin's virgin siphon, exposing her equally virgin tose to the electrified cilia of the meighns tunnel. The little fingers twitched and rubbed softly at Dave's tongue, sending incredibly pleasurable tingles of electricity up the long, tapered organ to her brain. She rubbed her tongue around in Justin's hot, moist and tingly depths to increase her contact with the little hair-like fingers, murring softly into the kiss she still held. The pleasure she was experiencing was simply unbelievable!

The sensation was equally intense for Justin as well. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt Dave's tose delve deep into him, where soon he knew it would be shooting her sperm-filled load to fertilize his eggs. He knew he couldn't let her have all the fun with impregnation, though he knew that neither he nor Dave would lay fertile eggs, for it wasn't the right time of year for Justin, and he had deactivated his DNA transmission circuits years ago (to avoid certain consequences of masturbation). He reached up, wrapping his arms around his partner tightly, pulling her close. He rubbed over her back, searching for the rougher, denser feathers that covered her contact pads. He found the stripes easily enough, stroking up and down the pads as he began charging up his contact circuits to shock her. They were quickly ready, and Justin unleashed.

It was the coupe de grace.

"Aaaahhh!!!" Dave screeched around Justin's maw as sudden, intense pleasure wracked every part of her body. She writhed and spasmed wildly above Justin, pinning her ears, and clutching him tightly to her in the throes of ecstasy! Her tose seized up inside Justin and began filling his depths with Dave's sticky, white cum, which was quickly carried down to Justin's at-the-time infertile egg chamber by the cilia. Juices flooded from the depths of her cloaca, quickly filling both hers and Justin's passage with the slimy fluid in preparation for transferring the meighns egg into her body.

Justin shivered, groaning; the feeling of Dave's nectar flooding into him was rather... Interesting. At first it was a warm, relieving feeling. Like he was urinating, or milking himself. Then it changed. He felt something pressing at his cervix. The egg! He was laying! He hadn't realized it was so fast!

"D-dave?" He murred, blushing hotly and trying to free his mouth from hers. She pulled back, freeing her tongue from his siphon, and looked at him through half-lidded eyes, smiling giddily.

"Yes?" She crooned softly. Her tongue dangled from her mouth, still dripping semen despite her orgasm having ended.

"I... Um... I-i think..." He stammered. He couldn't finish, though. "Oooohh.." The egg had shifted again, causing Justin to climax as it stretched his cervix around it's girth. His wasn't an explosion of pleasure like Dave's had been (and what Justin had expected), but more of a smooth wave of ecstasy flowing over his body. His cloaca contracted rapidly, pushing the wide egg down towards it's destination: Dave's egg chamber. The meighnen must have realized what was happening, for she started murmuring encouragement to Justin as he moaned and shivered beneath her.

"D-dave..." Justin clucked lovingly. The egg was about to transition from his body to hers. As the leathery ovum pressed into her, Dave's vent began to clutch at it, drawing it into her.

"Yes, Justin?" She moaned, wincing a little as the egg spread her vent.

"I-I love you.." Justin squeaked. His vent contracted hard, pushing the egg fully into hers. She crowed loudly as the huge, oval egg was quickly drawn up into her belly, making it distend slightly. She crooned and shivered above Justin, and then collapsed on top of him with a sigh. One of her breathing tentacles extended from beneath her flared crest and reached around to caress Justin's shoulder affectionately.

Justin returned the gesture tenderly, squeezing Dave around the middle with his arms, feeling the egg sitting in her chamber. She was his mate now. Or rather, he was hers.

He sighed. Mated...

Little did he know that his new mate was also his twin sister... Aether knew this, but kept that tidbit to itself.