Wild Pair - A Turn in Gains

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#4 of Wild Pair

An equine merc and her companions help oversee a semi-illicit trade deal at the outskirts of civilization. The meeting goes in unexpected directions, and then so does the rest of her day.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of armed combat, injury, death, molestation, incarceration and M/F rape.

Here's yet another story of the two, this time with a side of the regular ol' death and violence you'd expect from a lawless wasteland.

Stuff's been kind of hectic with the current pandemic, leaving me with less time to get some writing done. This one actually just needed some finishing up and still I barely had the time. Hope things improve soon.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

Under a sun sweltering and bright, upon a clearing at the outskirts of an old city forgotten to time, the five of them stood in wait with their cargo. Slothweed, a smokeable relaxant that dulled the senses, not illegal in most places these days, but taxed heavily where their employer sought to sell it, so much so that he preferred to make the trade via a third party well beyond city limits. This way of doing things was somewhat less legal, but far more lucrative, if risky. For that reason, they were not unarmed.

Liris the brown and white mare took a puff of her blunt, hoping the time would pass by more pleasantly. With a sweep of her black mane from before her right eye, she looked out into the distance in anticipation. Their contact was running late, which was hardly reassuring, and she really wanted to get out of this heat. Her tank top and tight shorts were getting damp with sweat, and she hardly liked to imagine what that made her look like. 'Should've worn pants', she thought. This kind of crap almost made her miss her more legitimate city guard job. There she got to sit in the shade, at least. And her co-workers were slightly more even-minded.

"Fuggin' dregs can't even show on time.", grumbled Biggun, his aptly sized lizardine bulk shifting as he crossed his arms.

"You smoke this shit all day and you ain't gettin on time any either.", Liris commented, holding up the blunt as she exhaled.

"We sure they even showing?", asked Kalah the lioness. She was leaned against their car and looking ready to drop dead from the heat almost as much as Liris.

"They'll show. Junkies always want more of this.", said Grin, their coyote patron, presently sat upon one of the crates, smoke sifting from beneath his beige cap.

"If you're feeling hot, you could always undress.", suggested Innuk, the eternal horndog of a cat, eyeing the lioness from beneath his ragged bandana.

"Hmpf.", Kalah said with a roll of her eyes, then turned towards Inn and unceremoniously lifted her tank top, flashing her tits.

"Woah!", Innuk responded with a grin, clearly surprised the suggestion worked to any extent.

"Savour it, that's all you're getting.", Kalah said with a cocky smile, then let her top drop back down.

"I will! Could die happy now, haha!", Innuk said with a laugh. "How about you, Lir? Yours look ready to jump out.", he asked towards the equine.

Liris merely shook her head dismissively. As much as her choice of attire was often called whorish or just barely there, it wasn't because she felt like showing off to simpletons like Innuk.

"Quiet you two! You see that?", Biggun suddenly called out, pointing towards a cloud of dust in the distance. They could hear the whirring of an engine as well.

"That them?", Liris asked, gazing into the distance.

"Seems it?", Grin said, looking through his binoculars. "Bit many of them.", he noted as he handed the binoculars over to Biggun.

"This could be bad.", Biggun noted as he himself took a look.

"Alright, places.", Kalah said and moved over to form a line in front of the crates, leaving Grin in the middle.

As the big rickety open-topped vehicle rode up, they spotted the blotchy face of their usual contact - Asher, a dog of some mixed breed.

"Hey!", Ash called out as he jumped out of the car, followed shortly after by a number of others, 8 besides him, 3 of which were women, and forming a line of their own. Though they were nearly double in number, they weren't as well-armed. Liris gripped the handle on her SMG in the hopes that it wouldn't prove necessary to use.

"Need all these hands to carry a couple crates?", Grin asked.

"Need a show of hands for leverage. We're renegotiating.", Ash announced.

"What do you have in mind?", Grin asked on, his hand visibly gripping the holster of his auto-pistol inside his duster.

"You've been scalping us with your prices. We get it past the walls and resell, but you charge us the normal rates like you were doing it all.", Ash announced. "What we expect is this - a quarter off the previous price, and we take this shipment as refurbishment.", he said.

"Bullshit.", Grin said plainly. "We can go down in price, but you're paying for this one or getting nothing.", he said. "You got what you negotiated, and you agreed to that price.", he added.

"You seem to overlook the numbers. There's twice as many of us as you.", Ash said warningly.

Liris felt herself sweat more and more profusely. This was going to end poorly, and assuming they even lived, it'd prove difficult to find help in the middle of nowhere like this. She could only hope that if anyone got shot, it wouldn't be her.

"I don't see any machineguns among yours.", Grin noted.

"Heh. And can your machineguns stop a bullet?", Ash asked. In that instant, he flicked his hand in the air, at which one of his men abruptly took aim and fired.


"Thought so!", Ash said.

Liris looked on in disbelief. He'd been aiming at her, of all people. It took her a moment to fully register that his round had met its mark. She looked down to find red steadily spreading over her abdomen.

"Why me?", she mouthed as she began to topple backwards. Without much aim, she pulled the trigger, dumping a diagonal burst at the opposing side.


Only once she hit the dirt did she begin to realize she'd hit two of them. One in the neck, and one in the-




In an instant, the world around became deafened with gunfire and the screams of the injured. Lir's victim in particular seemed to shriek past the noise, until suddenly she didn't, quite abruptly finished no doubt. Engulfed in her own pains, Lir barely thought to do anything but lay still, perhaps limit the bleeding that way. She did not want to die there, not on some podunk mound of dirt. Yet she then considered that if she did nothing, she may die all the same. These dregs were unlikely to show compassion once it was all done and over.

Straining herself as much as she could, she rolled onto her side, facing their enemies. They were scattered about, still shooting and seeking cover behind the crates and their vehicle, only for a stray round to occasionally fly right through and put them in the dirt. Lir targeted the closest she could find and pulled the trigger.


She fired haphazardly, wasting more ammo than ever before. It seemed to have netted a result, as one among them collapsed, then another, although she couldn't be certain whether those were her shots. Nonetheless, they took notice of her and began to fire back, kicking up dirt with each missed shot. They couldn't aim for shit, thankfully.


Shit. She'd emptied her mag. Groping around for her spare, she soon found she couldn't even take hold of it properly, her grip weak and slick with her own blood. Attempting to get it in her gun would be next to impossible.

"Ahah-... heh...", she laughed to herself, rolling onto her back. All she could do now was lie still and hope whoever survived would decide to aid her. Holding up the barrel of her SMG, she noted how it smoked and made the very air around distort with heat. She then turned it on herself and stuck it in her wound. "Nghhuuugh...!", she groaned as her injury sizzled.

Her eyes rolling in delirium, she barely noticed the silence that suddenly came over the scene. The gunfire had stopped. She heard only the quiet groans of others.

"Kalah? Grin?", Lir called out, feeling too weak to rise and look around. But no answer came. "Anyone?", she called out again, only to be met with more silence. "Fuck.", she muttered, the realization that she would most likely in fact die here coming over her. There was nothing she could do, other than perhaps make sure she lived as long as possible.

She was bleeding from the back and to a lesser extent from the front. Soon she would be unable to stem the bleeding herself. Groping around, she found a big enough rock and slid it under her lower back.

"Fffuuuuuck.", she groaned, her new position maddeningly uncomfortable, yet the only way she could maintain pressure. And with that, all that was left was to hold onto her front and wait for a miracle.

The sun continued to mercilessly glare upon her fallen form, its heat paired with the agony she experienced steadily soaking her in sweat. She couldn't help but wonder whether the blood loss or dehydration would get her first.

"...-and this one?", Lir heard a male voice seemingly from beyond consciousness. She'd blacked out during her wait, she realized, and this could be her one chance for rescue.

"Yeah, searched her already.", a female voice answered. "Let's just get the crates and guns on the wheels and go.", she said impatiently.

"I still need to see if either of these starts. They're shot to shit.", the male voice noted. "Give 'em one last look around while I check these out.", he said.

"A'ight!", the female voice answered.

Liris began to try and look around herself, even give some sign that she was still alive. Her throat was dry as a desert, and she felt like attempting to speak would lead to agony.

"What are you doing?", she suddenly heard the male voice ask.

"This one got shot in the cunt.", the female voice noted curiously. "God, that must've hurt.", she said with some cheer.

"Yeah. Probably.", the male said with disinterest.

Liris still couldn't see where they were nor what they were doing, the location of the one she'd shot first quite forgotten. If only they spared a glance towards her wobbling body. "H-... hee...!", she tried to speak.

"Huh?", the female then said, hopefully having noticed the mare. "Oh, hey, a live one!", she announced and began to approach.

Lir breathed a sigh of relief. She had a chance of living through this. At that point a face came into her view, hyenid, wearing a red bandana and some wraps over her tits.

"Eh? Let me see.", the male then said and approached as well.

"Looking bad.", the female said. "Can you hear me?", she asked.

Lir nodded weakly.

"Not too bad, actually.", the male noted as he came into view. Another hyena, this one wearing desert goggles and a tanktop, as well as some wraps around his hands. "Big girl. In more ways than one", he commented with a smile.

"So what now?", the female hyena asked.

"Let's patch her up, bring her with.", the male decided.

"I dunno. Seems like it might be a waste of good meds.", the female noted.

"H-... help...", Lir gasped out, desperate to show she was not a lost cause.

"You go see if either of the cars run. I'll handle her.", the male said.

"Fine.", the female said and moved out of sight.

As the male leaned in and prepared to treat the mare, Lir momentarily closed her eyes in relief. She wasn't out of the woods yet, but at least they'd try. That was when she felt her top pulled up to her neck. She looked up at the hyena questioningly.

"Relax. Gotta get the clothes out of the way.", he assured with a toothy grin.

Liris felt too weak to protest, but she began to fear the worst. She wished the other hyena had stayed with her instead, but she could hardly voice such preferences now. She then felt a sudden piercing pain at her neck.

"This oughta dull the pain.", the male hyena said.

Lir indeed felt a sense of relief, and with it a drowsiness come over her, her eyelids growing heavy. Yet in those final moments of consciousness, she felt the front of her shorts pulled forward.

"Hey, trimmed.", the hyena commented with a smile.

Lir's heart leapt up to her throat, but calmed back down quickly after, her thoughts no longer able to focus on what seemed like danger mere seconds ago.

Her consciousness returned to the feeling of heavy vibrations, and the noise of screaming engines. She was laid out in the back of a vehicle, she soon realized. The pain was still sweat-inducing.

"God damn, you almost hit that rock!", the female hyena's voice yelled.

"Nah!", the male said with audible cheer in his voice.

"If you can't drive normal, then let me! I want a go!", the female hyena said.

"Fuck no, women can't drive!", the male said with a laugh.

"Asshole!", the female shouted.

"Ow! Ahaha! Stop, you're gonna make us crash!", the male shouted back with unwaning cheer.

"Just get us home alive.", the female said in resignation.

"So don't punch me.", the male said.

"Then quit talkin' shit!", the female said.

"Driver can say what he wants in his car.", the male argued.

"Fuggiiin'...", the female trailed off.

Not particularly happy with the level of conversation she'd just heard, Liris took the moment of silence to look herself over. Her injury had been covered over with bandage and gauze, though she hardly expected it'd been sutured shut. But at the very least, the bleeding seemed to have slowed.

"Y'know what? What's a drive without something extra?", she then heard the male say.

"Huh?... Gah! Put that away!", the female shrieked.

"Come on, Sig. Do the driver a favour and lean in.", the male said, for the first time identifying the other by name.

"I'm not sucking your cock!", Sigi shouted.

"Oh come on, just give it a kiss.", the male said.

"Fucking hell, Ferk, what's gotten into you?", Sigi asked critically.

"Haha, just really happy.", the one known as Ferk said. "How about at least a handy?", he then asked.

"Fuck off. I'm not touching my brother's dick.", Sigi said adamantly.

Liris raised a brow at that moment. What kind of people had she just been rescued by?

"You touched it in your sleep.", Ferk said.

"I did not!", Sigi insisted. "Or at least I didn't know it was yours.", she added bitterly.

"Pfhah!", Ferk chortled.

"Just put it away already!", Sigi whined.

"Alright, alright.", Ferk said reassuringly.

Lir felt herself dozing back into unconsciousness, the realization of whom she was in the custody of leaving her with much worry.

The next thing Lir knew, she was laid out upon a hard stone surface, with only some lumpy cloth for comfort. She couldn't move her arms, as they were bound somewhere over her head, and feeling somewhat numb. Worse than that, she was presently naked and slightly chilly. It was dark, with only a strand of light leaking in through the only doorway.

"Kh-... hee-... heeelp!", Lir choked out, still finding it difficult to speak.

"Hm?", Sigi answered and peered into the smaller room. "Oh hey, you're alive.", she noted and walked in.

"Wa-... water...!", Lir pleaded.

"Oh, right.", Sigi said and wandered back out for a moment, before returning with a canteen. "Say 'Aaaaah need water', please.", she said before pouring the liquid into Lir's eagerly awaiting mouth. Though she struggled to drink it down and nearly choked, it tasted sweeter than caramel, and brought much needed relief. "Right, so... guess I'll go get my brother.", she then announced after a couple more mouthfuls of water.

"W-wait...", Lir then said, hoping to gain some answers from a face potentially more friendly.

"Hm?", Sigi asked, staying in place.

"Why am I bound?", Lir asked.

"Oh, well, we don't know you.", Sigi said with a shrug. "Can't be giving free reign no matter how injured you are... and one through the abdomen doesn't seem a whole lot.", she noted, scratching her cheek.

Lir wasn't sure she agreed with that assessment. It still hurt like all hell. One thing other than pain kept running through her mind, however.

"Was there anyone else alive?", Lir asked.

"You were the only one we found.", Sigi said. "You guys had quite a shoot-up.", she noted with a smile.

"How many?", Lir asked, hoping to learn someone else had avoided death.

"Uh. Like 12 or 13 in total?", Sigi said, looking at her fingers for support in counting. "Couldn't say who was sided with who.", she added.

That left a chance of one other living. Though given they hadn't stuck around to help, Lir suspected it wasn't one of theirs. She only hoped it wasn't Ash. Else she'd be having to make sure he was dead... assuming she ever got to leave this place.

"What do you plan to do with me?", Lir asked.

"Well, my brother's gonna have some fun with you.", Sigi said, scratching her chin in disinterest. That particular revelation made the mare's heart skip a beat.

"Just let me go.", Lir began to plead. "We could run away together... before he hurts you too.", she said, trying to find a reason the hyena might turn on her brother.

"Hurts me?", Sigi asked with a tilted brow.

"I heard how he tried to get with you in the car. I know the type. One of these days, he won't take 'no' for an answer.", Lir assured. Though in truth, she did not know that, nor had she ever before encountered anyone quite like them. She just really hoped the hyena would buy into it.

"You talk some shit.", Sigi said with a frown. "He's my brother, he wouldn't do that to me.", she insisted.

"I've heard that before.", Lir lied.

"Could say the same.", Sigi then said with a toothy grin, then went out the doorway.

"Wait...! Ah, shit.", Lir conceded, slumping back down. She tested her bindings, hoping to find they'd underestimated her strength, but it proved a futile effort. She was fully at their mercy, and she could only hope they would eventually grow bored and let her go, rather than try and sell her off to slavers. Still, she got to live another day, and that was more than could be said for just about anyone else at that fucked meet up.

The hyenas' return seemed to be taking a while, giving Lir much time to contemplate what would come next.

"Hey! Wake up!", she heard Sigi's voice pull her from sleep, followed shortly by a slap to her face that quite effectively brought her to. Standing over her were the two hyenas.

"You sure she was up?", Ferk asked.

"Well, I didn't dream it.", Sigi said and moved aside, granting her brother more room at Lir's front.

The mare merely stared up at him groggily, dreading what awaited, yet seeing little point in attempting to struggle. Not with her arms bound. What she did do was curl up her legs, futile as it may've been in that situation. Her dignity had already been stomped into the dirt by now, and doing so only gave voice to her shame.

"Shy, huh?", Ferk asked with a gleeful smile and crouched down. As her knees were forcefully spread and her groin bared, Lir felt herself go red in more places than one. "With a set like that, you could prance naked into the Hole with pride.", he commented, his eyes prying over her form.

Liris considered whether to try and kick him off, but she knew all too well that would end poorly for her as well. Bound in place, there was little she could do to evade retaliation.

"Um!", Lir gasped as Ferk took a handful of her left tit and began to knead it gently. "S-stop!", she pleaded.

"Calm down. It's not like this is a first for either of us.", Ferk said dismissively.

"I... actually, I'm a virgin.", Lir then said, desperate to say anything that might change his mind.

"No, you're not.", Ferk said with a furrowed brow. "And you weren't when we found you either.", he noted.

"Huh? You-... you already...?", Lir stammered in stark nauseating realization. At this point, it wasn't even a first defilement she hoped to avoid.

"Oh yeah.", Ferk said with a toothy smile. "You're pretty tight for someone your size.", he noted as his hand went down, trailing along her abdomen towards parts most private.

"Uh!", Lir squealed as her lower lips were teased, then pried open.

"You'll make a good mother.", Ferk said. His other hand then undid his belt and slid his pants down, revealing his already eager manhood.

Lir looked down at the approaching veiny length of flesh with apprehension. Though she'd never been raped, at least conscious, in her lifetime she'd been beaten, cut, stabbed and shot - things she considered worse. Yet the idea of having this dreg's dirty dick enter her made her recoil internally.

But rather than get down to it immediately, Ferk instead laid himself on top of her. She'd expected the sudden contact to hurt more on account of her injury, yet did not. They must've given her something for the pain while she was out.

"Cushy.", Ferk commented, his face nestled in between Lir's tits and dangerously close to her nose. His smell wasn't exactly pleasant - smoke, sweat and bad breath - though Lir couldn't say she smelled much better at that moment. "Feeling better, by the by?", he asked, giving her injured side a light tap. She hardly felt it, thankfully enough. Though she was still currently naked with a dreg pressing up against her.

"Just get this over with.", Lir said with a resigned frown.

"Just making sure you're fit to fuck.", Ferk said, then raised himself a little. "Let's check your temperature.", he then announced, before sticking a finger between Lir's folds and inside her hole.

"Unh!", Lir yelped in surprise.

"Feels good.", Ferk commented.

"C'mon, quit fucking around and just fuck her already. I've got better shit to do.", Sigi then hastened, apparently growing impatient waiting for... something. Lir wasn't sure what the female hyena even expected out of this.

"Ey, you needn't stick around, let me have my fun. It's been a while.", Ferk said.

"All of five days since the last one.", Sigi muttered unhappily and went out of the room, only to sit heavily in a nearby couch. "Call me when you're done!", she added.

"Someone's jealous.", Ferk noted with a smile. "And someone's enjoying this.", he then said, looking down at his pulled out digits.

Lir merely blushed and fumed at the hyena. He likely knew all too well her bodily reaction said nothing of the sort. Yet he also likely got just the reaction he wanted out of her.

The hyena then took hold of his manhood and began to rub the tip along Lir's slit, poking and prodding at everything from her entrance up to her clit. Despite her own wishes, this kind of teasing was having a not entirely unpleasant effect on her. Then, quite suddenly, he pushed himself in with remarkable ease.

"Ooh.", Ferk cooed as his pubic mound made contact with the mare's clit. "God, you feel good.", he said, to which Lir could only respond by looking off to the side, her face as burning red as it could get.

The hyena then began to move in and out, every thrust accompanied by an audible schlick and slap that nauseated and excited alike. Their smells soon gave way to that of sex and musk, filling the room with a heat that robbed of breath. Lir herself felt a growing sense of pleasure at their motions, somehow unable to see this simply for what it was.

Then, abruptly, the hyena shuddered and paused, his efforts turning erratic as he struggled to continue amid the throes of orgasm. Within a couple thrusts more, he'd dumped his load in the mare and just like that, it was over.

"Hah. Ah. That was good.", Ferk said, his gaze plastered onto Lir's eyes. "Sigi!", he then called.

"Right, coming.", Sigi said and scrambled off the couch.

As Ferk pulled out and moved aside with his dick still shamelessly hanging out, his sister came towards Lir with... a roll of duct tape?

"Huh?", Lir uttered in confusion as her slit got taped shut.

"Making sure it stays in.", Sigi explained.

Liris felt puzzled at this, and couldn't find the words to express it.

"We hooking her up?", Sigi asked.

"Nah. Don't wanna do weird stuff to someone's been shot.", Ferk said.

"Uh. Hooking up?", Lir asked.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go clean up a bit.", Ferk announced as he picked up his fallen pants and began to walk out.

"Woah-agh! You prick!", Sigi screamed as Ferk nudged her arm with his semi.

"Sorry!", Ferk said with the most disingenuous smile, then went out.

"Blegh! Got jizz on my elbow!", Sigi shouted.

"Ahaha, calm down, I wiped it.", Ferk assured.

"You'd better have.", Sigi said and went out the doorway.

"Hold on!", Lir called, feeling somewhat forgotten.

"What?", Ferk asked as he peered back in.

"How long are you going to hold me here?", Lir asked.

"Until that heals and you can get home yourself.", Ferk said with a shrug.

Lir felt at a loss once again. She had little idea why they did what they did. Though she hardly felt like thanking them for saving her, given the violation she'd just endured, she was relieved to hear they planned to let her go, rather than sell her, keep her as a sex slave, or simply kill her. It seemed better than how her companions had ended up, at least.

"Alright, off you go.", Ferk said, commiting her back to the wilderness. "Need directions?", he asked.

"I'll manage.", Lir said bitterly. After the week of repeat fucking she'd suffered, she was tempted to turn around and kick him where it hurt. But given how flimsy she felt, that might've backfired pretty quickly.

She was granted her clothes back, red-stained bullet hole and all, as well as a pack of some basic supplies. A weapon would've been welcome as well, but they knew better than to grant her one.

She had to wonder what her fortunes would look like after her return. For all she knew, she might've been presumed dead by now, what few worldly possessions she had likely scattered and redistributed. Or passed on to her deadbeat relatives.

"Take care of our kid!", Ferk called after her with a laugh as she began her march.

God, she really hoped she wouldn't end up pregnant from this.

Sat upon a rickety chair, overlooking the entrance to a bar she couldn't even enjoy in her present state, Liris sighed to herself. She was lucky to have gotten her old job back when she did. It was boring as all hell, but it afforded her and her future child a chance at keeping themselves fed. Most likely she'd still end up having to put work on hold for a while once she got really heavy, but for now her belly bulge remained rather subtle. Perhaps it was thanks to this that she even managed to get work at all.

All that was left was to stew in contempt for the wastrel that'd knocked her up, and maybe fantasize of getting revenge some day. That'd have to wait, however, and for the moment she got to sit in the shade and observe-... Grin?

There he was, cap and duster and all, venturing out of the bar quite alone.

"Hey!", Liris called out, nearly falling off her chair as she jumped up to approach. "You!", she called again, finally grabbing the coyote's attention.

"Huh? Oh, shit. You're alive?", Grin asked in disbelief.

"I could ask the same! The fuck happened? How'd you get out of there?", Lir asked.

"Took one in the hand and arm, then ran without looking back.", Grin said, holding up his left to show he was missing two thirds of his middle finger. "You?", he asked with a tilt of his head, seemingly still in disbelief.

"Just got shot in the side and couldn't get up.", Lir said and lifted up her top, displaying the now pinkish dot on her abdomen where the bullet went in. "Got picked up by some wastrels. Say they found everyone else dead.", she then said.

"Everyone?", Grin asked wide-eyed.

"Yeah, would you believe it? These other dregs came in and looted it all.", Lir said glumly.

"Fuck.", Grin cussed, grasping his head in dismay. "So I just left it all for nothing.", he said.

"Yeah? Serves you right for running.", Lir said.

"What about you? How'd you get out?", Grin then asked.

"Those same dregs decided to patch me up. Not without looting everything I owned and then some.", Lir said. "Two of 'em, by the way. Some hyena siblings.", she said.

"Oh. Think I heard of them...", Grin trailed off, thinking of something.

"Don't suppose you'd have my end of the pay for that day?", Lir asked tentatively.

"Bit of a tough spot right now. I did get shot and lose my cargo and car, after all.", Grin said, looking rather apprehensive. He knew all too well getting on the bad side of a town guard was bad news.

"Figures. Just come up with something once you're doing better.", Lir said.

"Wouldn't be interested in another job, would you?", Grin then asked.

Lir wanted to say only if the pay was better than last time, but in actuality there was no way she was going. "Nawh. Had enough getting shot at. And this belly ain't just me getting fat.", she said as she gave her stomach a pat for emphasis.

"Oh. Them dregs knocked you up, huh?", Grin asked.

"Yeah.", Lir said glumly.

"I hear they do that. Couple other girls here had similar experiences, including this one bounty hunter.", Grin said.

"Really?", Lir asked with a raised brow.

"Seems it.", Grin said with a shrug. "Catch me in a couple months and I'll buy you a drink.", he said and turned to leave.

"Pfheh, yeah.", Lir snorted with a smile, but quickly turned morose when she thought of how she would have to go through labour for this brat. She heard it was excruciatingly long, painful, and she could even die as a result. She was not looking forward to it.

"On second thought...", Grin then began as he turned back. "Since you're not doing guard work and you're already knocked up, how about I paid you for a little something different?", he suggested his namesake smile glimmering beneath his cap.

Lir frowned at this. "Thought you were in a tight spot.", she said.

"Man's gotta find a fuck somewhere.", Grin said.

Lir sighed. She now had to consider whether to press the issue of payment due or just have him leave, and she didn't particularly feel like doing either.

"Your choice on how we'd go about it. Bare or rubbered up. Though I'd pay more for bare.", Grin added.

At that moment Lir considered whether it would actually be a bad thing. Get some and then get paid for it? Maybe even do it in a way that didn't tire her out. Grin wasn't exactly the worst clientele either. He did bathe, after all. She didn't exactly like the idea of becoming a whore, but perhaps this one time wouldn't hurt.

"Fine.", Lir said. "Come on, my place is nearby.", she said and made her way towards her shack.

"I'd be fine with an alley, but lead on.", Grin said.

Lir still wasn't sure she knew what she was doing, but she could definitely use the money. She only hoped she'd manage to keep this a one-time thing.