Making A Horse - 3

Story by Cambions on SoFurry

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#11 of Making A [?] Out Of You

There was a time in your life when you didn't understand how great it felt to have another man's hand run down your back... How perfect it made you feel to hear him praise you. If you had not met your husband, you never would have known these joys. Now, you are whole... More complete than you ever thought possible. This is your journey to that discovery.

This is the third part in a series. You will find the beginning of this tale in the description.

The Back And Forth

It's hard to keep from shifting. You hadn't expected it to be like this at all. In media, werewolves were often portrayed as tragic souls. Forced into a starved and monstrous life due to some full moon or overly-specific curse. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. There was no outside force demanding your change, nor external clock demanding you keep to a transformative curfew. In truth, the need was a near-constant desire. It wasn't that there was some animal-half monster in you, no. You'd simply had a taste of what it felt like, to be the beast. Tall, muscular, toned and free. The release you feel when you finally stop holding back is near addictive in nature, your whole body relaxing as you embrace the desires coursing through you. Of course, that need to shirk off your clothes and let your body fill out was a dangerous one. After your change, you could barely last an hour without ripping the seams of your pants. Each time you let yourself cave to the desire, only seemed to prove more embarrassing than the last. You knew better than to let it get to you, and yet, it always seemed to find a way.

He was always nice about it. Never frustrated, to see your tail push free from your pants. Always there to catch you when you trip out of your shoes, hooves clumsily forming. He'd just hold you, and reassure you that you were always making progress. Sometimes it didn't feel like that at all. You still had to go places. Live your life. You were grateful that he chose to share this gift with you during summer break, but your fourth year was starting up soon. Time was ticking down, and eventually you'd need to be able to get to campus and calmly sit through a lecture without tearing out of your clothes.

You felt so embarrassed the day you asked him to get your stuff from the dorm. There was no reason for you to pay for the place if you weren't living there, and it's not like you could easily explain your situation to your resident advisor. Still, asking your boyfriend to move all your stuff into his place without your help was a rather pathetic display on your part. Tail tucked between your legs, equine ears pressed atop your head, you did your best to explain your reasoning. He stopped your blubbering quickly, placing a hooved hand against your bare chest. He just smiled at you, and told you that he'd been waiting a while to hear exactly this.

Gosh, he was good. He'd always been that way. And now that you had changed, your appreciation for him had blossomed tenfold. If he hadn't shown so much restraint over the years, you would have considered it impossible to enter society again. But he's always held back. Even now, your heart flutters as you realize how hard it must have been for him. Those first visits as strangers in a stall. The rigid requests to cuddle. You can't help but smile when you think back to those earlier days. You always admired him for his strength and kindness. Now, it was his willpower that you found yourself doting over.

You ask him for help on how to get through these changes, to turn back, and he always gives you advice. It's never the thing you want to hear, either. Often vague, the equine speaks of patience. You've never been great at delaying your own satisfaction, but you try it. For him.

Some days it works. You can end up walking about the place without nearly as much fur, or stop your ears from tapering. Other days, you're a snorting mess of frustration and pent up need, body fully equine. He keeps on telling you about the 'push and pull' of it all, but you can't wrap your head around the concept when you're snorting and needy.

As fun as it had been to bend over for the man, you'd been trying to hold back as much as possible. One night, you find it next to impossible. You'd been reduced to a snorting mess, panting as you grind atop him. He just kisses at your neck as you vent your frustration, equine hands rubbing and squeezing at your bare form. Beautiful eyes looking into yours, he gives you the best explanation you'd yet to hear.

"As great as it would be, to let your hide push in, or to stretch your hooves, it will feel even better when you hold it off. Pull at your restraints. Harder. For longer. Only then can you push yourself further, in the other direction. With each tug, back and forth, you'll find a rhythm. Soon, those restraints won't feel so tight. You'll get there, you just have to keep pushing."

You take his words to heart. He's earned your trust, over the years, so you offer an idea of your own to the man.

"What if I only let myself fully change with some sort of... condition?" You ask of him, the following week.

He turns to you, standing in the kitchen. Half changed and barrel-chested, he lets out a small nicker you now recognize as laughter. One hand still washing the lettuce for your salad, he looks at you with piqued curiosity.

"Depends. Associating change with something like that can be risky, but I won't deny it's a trick others utilize." The equine begins, tail flicking about as he moves through his kitchen. "But you've got to be careful not to connect it to something that could get you in trouble, out in public. Don't want to be forced to pick up my stud from a bathroom because the guy next to him said some magic phrase on accident."

"But what about clothes?" You ask, leaning over the counter to steal a handful of chopped carrots. He responds quickly, swatting your hand away with a heavy snort.

"Clothes are better. But you'd need it to be a specific article. Familiarity works wonders." The equine answers, picking up the pile of carrots and tossing it into the bowl.

You can feel the changes coming to your own body as the leafy greens rustle about. Ears twitching atop your head, itching, you quickly backpedal out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going, stud?" Your boyfriend calls out, leaning over the counter to watch you slip into the 'workout' room. "Meal's just about done. No time for exercise."

You return on shaky legs, your feet cracking and popping as they shift into hooves. Each step, feeling more assured than the last, you blush as you adjust the straps around your head. You blush as you come to a stop in the kitchen, your favorite harness now fitted loosely around your head.

"See, if I wear this in public, I'm already in trouble." You explain, pausing to let out a soft snort.

You roll your tongue across thickening teeth as you watch him smile at you. You like that smile a lot. It makes your whole body shudder when you're changing, spine popping and tingling as a wave of satisfaction rolls through you.

"So when you're shifting, I'm to tack you up?" He asks, moving towards the kitchen table with two large bowls in his hands.

You swallow tightly as you watch him set down your lunch on the table, ears perking as he moves the silverware away. He's been trying to teach you manners when grazing, since you've been struggling to keep a solid grip on forks.

"Just the headpiece and noseband, please. Then I'll know I can change." You offer, taking a few tentative steps atop your hooves. Tail swishing, you gently make your way over to the table, sitting down opposite your boyfriend.

"Hah. Well. I won't say no to getting the chance to see you like this more often." He says, mixing his salad one last time. "You'll make a fine horse, soon enough."

Your tail twitches as you let out a happy snort. Licking at your rubbery lips, you feel the noseband slowly begin to tighten around your muzzle. Swallowing tightly, a soft kicker escaping your lips, you begin to lower your head to graze.

"Thanks for the meal." You say, blushing as you try to keep your hands away from the bowl. Neck craning, you set to eating, letting out a few more happy snorts as you chew.

The harness helped tremendously, though the association came with a few unforeseen side effects. One day, when your boyfriend offered to fully tack you up, your whole body let out an unexpected spasm of anticipation in response. If just putting on the harness was a signal for you to let go and change, then your brain had just drawn the conclusion that fully tacking would push you further than you'd been before.

Of course you let him. Watching his actions as he slowly adjusts the straps on your chest. You can't help but nicker in excitement, practically shaking as he tugs at your reigns. You can feel your body creaking, eager to fill out your harness. You look up at him as you feel your hips twitch, thighs tingling as you try to adjust. Spine popping, tail swishing, you let out a huff as your vision begins to blur. Colors, fading for just a moment, as you look at your friesian with need.

"It's alright." He cooes, stepping forward as he keeps his grip on your reigns. Reaching out, he gives a few assured tugs on your straps, before patting at the side of your neck. "Remember what I said? About pushing yourself?"

You nod, watching as the colors in the room mute to greens and blues. Your ears twitch as you take a deep breath, listening to the sound of your chest crack and pop. You're changing. Even more. You take a deep breath again, shuddering as your chest suddenly widens. A series of pops run down the base of your spine, before your hips suddenly shift. You feel your balance slip out from under you, your whole body leaning forward.

He catches you, still mostly human. His warm smile reassures you, body trembling as you feel his hand run through your hair. He kisses you, letting you snort and lick to your heart's content. You can feel your thighs tense and thicken, muscles bulking as your hips turn to haunches. Taking a few steps back, your arms inductively begin to move towards the floor. The room creaks beneath your weight as you blush. Embarrassed, but not willing to interrupt these sensations, you let out a flustered whinny.

Didn't... didn't he warn you, about what it meant to see another horse on all fours? Something about trust, and love. But gods, do you love him. You look down at your boyfriend as you pull away from the kiss. You're taller than him now, his straining arms barely able to hold you up any more.

You let out an apologetic snort as you drop down, your front hooves hitting the carpet before you have time to process the motion.

Snort. Snort.

You look at your husband with wide eyes, ears twitching as you pick up the sounds of bones popping and tendons shifting. You press your muzzle against his face as you kiss at him, lipping and snorting.

You love him. You love him so much.

Your heart swells with fondness, groin responding in kind. Heavy balls knock between your legs as you let out a snort. Maleness spilling out, throbbing in the open air, you drag a hoof along the carpet.

You watch him change in front of you now. Slowly. He leans in towards your ear, whispering those strange and arcane words, that you've barely even begun to comprehend. The shifter's language is still new to you, but your eyes flutter open and closed as you try to listen to the meaning behind them.

There's warmth. And kindness. A sense of belonging.


You huff, as you let out a soft snort of your own. You can smell the change on him. His lower half shifting, hips widening as he drags a heavy hand through your mane.

Tonight is special. You can feel it in your bones. Body swaying with each step you take, you slowly pull back from your lover. Turning towards the bedding, you try to clamber into it. Laying down, as best you can, you twist your body onto its side. Neck craning, you look back at him. Hindquarters jutting outward, thick haunches still pushed off the bed, you raise your tail for him.

You let out another snort, as you feel your balls tense. Your pucker clenches, as it pushes larger. Ready, and waiting.

You feel like a mare, exposing yourself to a stud. Desires to mate coursing through you. You needed this. Needed to breed.

The stud's lower half was fully shifted now, a smile on his lips as he steps forward. You watch him slowly size you up, a steady hand slowly caressing your flank. You arch for him as best you can, flashing and winking your tailhole as a soft whinny escapes your throat.

You want him. You chose him, and you need him. Now and forever. Your whole body shudders as you feel these thoughts course through your head, the desire threatening to overwhelm you.

You let out another snort, as he brings a shifting hand towards your pucker.

"Easy there, boy." He whispers, voice soft.

Gods, you want him. Clenching around his probing finger, nickering, you push back against your mate.

Fuck me! Take me!

Your instincts are raging as you neigh, loudly. Tail hiking, heavy body pushing back against your stallion. Ears flicking atop your head, harness tight around your frame, you take a deep and shuddering breath.

Your boyfriend slowly reaches forward, rubbing at your equine pucker. The friesian nickers as he pushes a hooved thumb against your clenching sphincter, cock bobbing as he arches forward. He guides himself home, shaft smearing against your tail hole. His hand pulls away as he grips at your hindquarters, slowly pushing forward with all of his weight. The bed groans beneath you as you toss your head, mane falling over your eyes. You clench around his shaft as your own arousal twitches against the bedding. Chest rising and falling, you try to steady your breathing. The man inside you is changing, fur spreading along his torso. Snorting, he thrusts forward, medial ring thrumming against your pucker.

Broad hands rubbing at your flanks, he gently rolls his hips back and forth. You keep your eyes on him as his shoulders broaden, muscles rounding as he stands a little taller. Easing forward, pushing deeper, the man leans over your backside.

"Gonna breed you now. Understand?" He says, voice low and breathless.

You let out a soft nicker, clenching around his cock, feeling it flare inside you. You're ready. Gods, you've been ready.

Your stallion's hands drag along your side, fingers running through your fur. Powerful hips, pushing up against your haunches, in a slow and steady rhythm. He's fucked you plenty of times, but often slowly, pausing to allow you to adjust to his girth. But now, there's no waiting. The urgency coursing through you is met with the stallion's own thrusts, his balls slapping against your haunches with each roll of his hips.

He's holding onto you now, his muzzle cracking as it pushes outwards. Chest broadening, he lets out a labored snort. He's changing. Pushing himself closer to the edge. You've never seen him go this far, his torso slowly pushing into a barrel-chested frame. Your eyes widen as he neighs, hips thrusting into you with wanton abandon. The bed is rocking with intensity now, straining to hold up your weight. You clench around your horse, pushing him further. Daring him to join you.

Nickering, your cock flexes, still pinned beneath you. Warm seed trickles out onto the bedding as you feel yourself draw close. You grind back against your lover, tail hiking as you look into his eyes. The need, overwhelming, as you watch his whole body thicken. He falls over you, hoof-like hands pressing against your back for support. His thrusts are erratic now, cock surging deep within you, twitching against your shuddering passage.

He's cumming. Warmth filling you. An immense satisfaction rolls across your body as you feel your stallion empty inside you. Your own shaft throbs, thick ropes of cum seeping into the sheets. You clench, listening to him neigh. His snout, burying against your back, as he slowly licks at your fur. Clenching. Filled. You take a deep breath, as the colors of your surroundings begin to return.

If changing was like a rubber band... then you'd just stretched it farther than you'd ever deemed possible. Blushing, you stare back at the horse atop you, mane in your eyes. He's still licking, grinding into you. You can feel his affection, even still, as he sniffs and lips at you. You suddenly feel like you just skipped a few steps, heat rushing to your cheeks as you stare at your boyfriend. With your thoughts slowly unraveled, you think back to his conversation about seeing another horse on all fours.

Your ears twitch, folding back for just a moment, as you take in the weight of your actions.

Did... Did you just propose to him?

To Fully Understand

It had been something casual, to start. A few tugs in the bathroom, your mouth around his impressive member. After that, it was just a fling. The guy'd been nice enough, willing to host you for the night here and there. Admittedly, you just saw him as a guy willing to help you scratch that itch in between course loads. Looking back, you didn't really think it necessary to show much affection. He was helping get you off, and he... well. He was the one who mandated the cuddling.

It had been different for him from the start. The willpower it must have required to not spill out of his jeans, and flare up with his cock down your throat. The nights he chose to spend with you in his arms, only to quickly revert into a more bestial form once you'd left out the door. Your scent, clinging to his home. How long, he'd yearned to take you in. Show you who he truly was.

These first steps, you'd just assumed him to be into some kinky horseplay stuff. You hadn't the ability to fathom how far that 'play' went. A part of you wanted to prove that you could understand his desires, where the rest of you just wanted to experiment and fool around. You definitely learned a lot. And quickly, too.

The nature of his locked room and odd habits suddenly clicked, and you found yourself dating a horse. You watched him closely, curiosity burning, as you slowly began to fall for him. Soon enough, you were the one reaching out to him in bed. Pushing back against the equine. Listening to his snort-filled breaths with rapt fixation.

You'd learned so much from him over the years, and not just about shifters. You'd learned how to live with a lover. How to care, and pay attention to their needs. And even more, when to let him do the same for you. What had started as just a few meetups here and there had slowly been shaping into something else, and before you knew it, you were falling for him.

It wasn't just the way he held you. Or the secrets. It was the way he cared for you. The way he let you take lead, never pushing. Never impatient. He listened, and was easy to talk to. He made you laugh. He was your friend.

And now, he was your world.

You'd signed the papers and let him change you, still unsure if this was his end goal with you from the start. A part of you is confident that he just wanted someone in his life who could understand him fully, while another side of you was simply too shy to ask such a personal question. In the end you knew that it had been your choice to take this step with him, and you were glad to have taken it.

It was rocky for a bit. Frustrating. Your nerves felt heightened, the shifts uneven and unpredictable. It felt like a rug had been swept up from under you, your own body betraying you on a day to day basis. You craved the stability that you lost, and were grateful that you had him there to guide you. He made what could have been a disastrous experience exciting and heart-warming. He set the pace for your milestones, helped you re-evaluate your expectations, and pushed you to control your shifts.

By the time school began again, you were ready.

And... technically... engaged to the man.

According to old horse laws, at least. Apparently, the sight of shifting fully was to be saved for immediate family, or your partner in life. A sign of trust and respect, only to be given to the ones closest to you. You were essentially inviting him in to be your kin, but you hadn't known that at the time!

He explained to you, rather calmly, that most shifters don't follow such draconian guidelines anymore. When you asked if he followed them, he simply shrugged.

"I think we all pick and choose, at this point."

The answer leaves you a bit miffed, though now that the question lingers in the air, you do find yourself hanging on the thought. You often let yourself imagine what it might be like, being with him fully.

Discarding your clothes as you slowly shift, falling onto all fours as you nuzzle up close to your husband. Snorting, happy and content. The two of you alone in a field, enjoying one another's company. Breathing steadily, nickering and lazing about. Letting him mount you, nipping at your hide. Instincts taking control.

It's tangents like those that lead to you dipping out of class early, briskly trotting back home to your man. You'd cling to him, kissing and lipping as he helps you out of your clothes. He likes to hold you by the waist, furred ass filling out in his cupped palm.

"You're awfully needy today, aren't you?" He'd ask, before spreading your cheeks.

You just lick at his neck, tongue dragging as you let his fingers curl inside your darkening pucker. Nickering as he opens you, feeling you relax with each clench.

These fantasies were some of the only times you didn't shift without your harness, asides from a handful of times your boyfriend had accidentally pushed you over the edge. The equine seemed to overestimate your capabilities to stay human at times, or maybe it was just his way of testing your limits, in the safety of your own home? Regardless of how you'd accidentally shifted, he would always be there for you. Arms slung around your waist, kissing and lipping as he shifts for you.

You like pacing your changes against his, and have come to consider it a form of practice. You admire how his muscles tense, without spasming. How the changes seem to come in steady waves, which you've learned are measured by his own deep breaths. When he does it, there's this sense of control and measured pacing that you just can't match. When you do it, excited little nickers escape from your lips, legs twitching and kicking as they bulk with newfound heft. He's got years of practice and patience, yet you still do your best to follow his lead.

"Deep breaths." He would often say, naked body pressed close against yours. "Don't lose focus now. C'mon, handsome."

Handsome. You like when he calls you that. Your ear always twitches when he says it, even betraying you in public on a few occasions with the smallest of shifts.

As the months go on, and as the end of your time at this college draws to a close, you realize just how far you've come. The acknowledgment occurs one night alone, your boyfriend having taken a bus on an emergency call. You've never asked much about his job, mostly out of personal hesitation. A part of you hopes that someday he'll come forward and explain what he does. It's obviously agriculture related, what with how much he seems to know on the subject. That, and no one stays in a town like this without being connected to the college, or ag sci. Still, to be called off like this was always a sudden and jarring experience. Being left alone was a new and unexpectedly jarring scenario. You'd done it for so long, but now it felt... Alien.

You kept to your normal routine as best you could. Cleaning. Studying. Getting bored of both, and eventually laying splayed out on your bed. By this time tonight, he'd end up finding you here, only to make a big show of crawling atop you. Greedy hands caressing at your sides, gently taking off your clothes as he asks if his favorite stallion needed a harness. Eventually, he'd go retrieve it for you. You take a deep breath and close your eyes that night. Keeping your eyes firmly shut, you imagine him shifting in front of you. Nostrils flaring as you lick at the scent clinging to your pillows, you imagine his body expanding. Stretching and shifting, muscles bulging before your very eyes. Hands reaching out to grab at you, palms running along your back as he helps smooth out your spasms. Feeling as your fur comes in, hoof-like fingers brushing through your mane. He'd call you handsome, and your whole body would get giddy. Pushing back against him, your budding tail lifting high, you'd quickly find yourself posing for the man.

Except tonight... he wasn't here. You open your eyes, heart racing, as you gently pull yourself out of your thoughts. Looking down at your body, you let out a snort of surprise. You'd already fully shifted. In just five minutes? No spasms. No panicked breaths. No harness. You shake your mane out of your eyes as you let out a few snorts of surprise. Getting up, soft thighs sliding along your sheets, you make your way over to the mirror. The figure looking back doesn't look like a stranger anymore. Your equine form shapely, a bit more heft to your hips than your fiancé's. Your ears flick as you let yourself use the word once more. Blushing, a smirk on your snout as you look yourself over. If you were engaged, would it really be so bad? Turning around, you glance over your shoulder at the mirror.

No wonder he likes this view so much. Your gainly haunches arched forward, tail raised as you clench your shiny pucker. Reaching back, you let your finger tease at your backside. Fingers curling, as you imagine your man slowly loosen you up. A small nicker escapes from your throat as your cock throbs in the open air.

This really was your life now, wasn't it? You blush at the thought, keeping your eyes on the mirror as you finger your pliable ring. The fact that you have to remind yourself, a testament to how far you've come. Changing on your own. No harness required. No panic, or confusion. You blush as you imagine climbing atop your fiancé's lap. Shifting for him, pressing back against his warm groin.

You stomp down atop the carpet as you feel your fingers sink deeper. Turning away from the mirror before crawling onto the bedding, you press your nostrils against the pillows once more. Ass hiked into the air, fingers buried to the knuckle, you let out snort after snort. Biting at the pillow, flattened teeth chewing tenderly, your hips thrust as you squeeze around your shaft. Thick ropes of cum splatter across your sheets as you exhale, eyes bleary as you aching fingers from your own tailhole.

Splayed out, cock throbbing as you come down from your orgasm, there's a moment of clarity. Alone in this dimly lit home, you find yourself... comfortable. Both in body and mind, without his help in guiding you through the shift. You'd never considered that before.

Being alone.

The only one who knows. Shifting in secret, no one to share it with. The thoughts make you feel small, but beyond that, there's an overwhelming realization.

That's how he felt, huh? This entire time. You wonder if there are other shifters he keeps in contact with. Family? Friends? He's quiet about that kind of stuff. Keeps to himself. Your thoughts press on as you slowly clean up, comfortable to do so in your equine form.

He chose you. Whether you were aware or not, he slowly eased you into this life. Was that his plan from the beginning? After he invited you over, it was clear he was looking for something more than just sex. It had always been out there, but you'd never given it much thought before.

He chose you, slowly easing you into what you are now, because he wanted a partner. Someone to help make quiet nights like this, not so quiet.


He eventually returns, late into the night. But you're still up. Waiting for him.

"Hey handsome." He says to you, making your ear flick as he crawls into the bedding beside you. "Where's your harness?"

Hands sliding along your form. Pulling you close against him. You reach out, hugging your lover tightly.

"I don't need it anymore." You mutter, nuzzling close against him. Strange smells cling to him, your nostrils huffing as you root against his neck. "But I think we need to talk."

He tensed at the use of the phrase, making you laugh. Did he feel bad about leaving you here? Was he expecting some big lecture?

"No, calm down." You whisper, pulling back to look him in the eyes. "It's just. I love you. Really, I do. And I know that after I graduate, I don't really know what I'm going to do, but."

He reaches out, fingers running through your mane as he starts to shift. You smile, nickering softly as you watch his ears lengthen.

"I hope that what we have doesn't end. Ever." You continue, fumbling over your words. "I just... Really care about you. And you've done so much for me, that-"

"Hey." He interrupts, pressing close. A soft snort, and a lip at your snout is all it takes to get you to quiet down.

"I just really, really like you." You huff, tail tucking between your legs. "And I want to prove it somehow."

He just smiles back, body slowly shifting beneath the sheets as he draws you close.

"I love you. You know that right?" He asks, voice low. "After you graduate, I'll take some time off work. We'll travel somewhere. Remote. Just the two of us."

"Yeah?" You ask, looking up at him.

He smiles, nodding back. You hug him close, listening to him snort as your bodies gently grind together.

The Summer After Graduation

The car door slams shut, making your boyfriend's ears flick in surprise. You laugh, feeling a twinge of guilt for doing so. The imagery of your proud stallion getting spooked by his own car door had always felt a bit much.

Apparently, you're still fine driving. Your boyfriend was born like this, and raised with quite a different pallet of sensitivities. You're grateful for this to be the case, as you're not quite as accustomed to a life without owning a car. You walk over to him, boots crunching atop gravel. It's warm out, huge pillowy clouds roaming the sky.

"How many days has it been, six? Eight?" You ask, reaching up to nudge at his tapering ears. "And yet you're still not used to cars?"

"They're unsettling. And loud." He mutters, ears quickly reverting as he lets out a huff of annoyance. The equine tugs at your jacket, pulling you towards the back of your overstuffed car.

"You just need to spend a little more time in cities." You offer, popping open your trunk.

The camping gear within threatens to topple over, but your boyfriend's quick reflexes are there in an instant. He grips the trunk, forcefully shutting it closed once more.

"That's not happening." He mutters, taking a step back from the awfully-stacked temporary lodgings.

"You're right. But we've got plenty of time." You say with a sigh, turning to look out at the canopy of tall trees. The dirt road you've taken here isn't on any map, though you remember the layout fondly from your time spent here five or so years back.

The plains in front of you sit nestled against a bend in the river, uninhabited mountaintops cresting on either side of the valley. You take a deep breath, before glancing back at your boyfriend.

"No ones going to be stopping by this place anytime soon." You say, stepping closer. "And, more importantly, we're in no rush to set up any sort of camp."

"That's because you decided to stick with the motel last night." He says, hands reaching to grip at your sides. He's never been one to be touchy in public, though you hardly consider this woodsy area inhabited. There were no thoroughfares. No shortcuts. Just forgotten roads.

Giddy, you take his hand, pulling him away from the end of the road. Overgrown path dissolving into nothing, you crunch through the woodland area.

"I stuck with the motel because I wanted to get here early." You begin, grinning as you turn back to him. You can feel your ears twitch as they push along your head. "I didn't think it fair to let you see me shift in the dark."

He blinks in surprise as you move towards the plains, kicking off your boots with each step.

"W-Woah now, stud." He says, pulling at your hand. "It's daylight. We can't just go-"

"Screw all of that." You huff, letting out a snort as your nostrils flare. Reaching down, you tug at a sock, watching as your toes begin to fuse together. The snapping of twigs beneath your feet mix wonderfully with the soft sound of your heels reshaping, ears twitching as you pull closer towards the woods. "It's our vacation."

"But..." He begins, letting out a snort of his own as you unzip your pants. You didn't bother with underwear today. They'd only get in the way.

His nostrils flare as he stares at your jostling groin, hand slowly letting go of your arm as you tug at your pants. Furred haunches glistening in the sunlight, you step out of your pants.

"I'm ready." You huff, looking deep into his eyes. "Change with me. Fully."

"Are... Are you sure?" He asks, watching you shudder as fur crawls up your hips. He lets out a snort of his own as you stomp at the ground, tail sprouting from your backside.

"Yes. Please, yes. Do this."

He kisses you, clutching you tightly as he begins to shift. He doesn't hold back. You can hear his shirt ripping at its seams, tugging it free from his snorting form as he unzips his pants. Pushing forward, kneeling down in the woods, he buries his face against your groin. Lipping, tongue sliding against your jostling balls, you watch as his muzzle stretches longer. The bestial maw licking at your fur covered haunches only spurs you forward. You can feel your back stiffen, spine tingling as gravity begins to pull you down.

You turn away from that wonderful tongue as you lean against a nearby tree, panting as you feel your hips jutt outwards. Hoof-like fingers scrabbling at the bark of the tree, you strugge to catch a firm grip. Glancing back, you stare down at your lower half. Fully equine, a hefty rump jutting outwards for the man behind you. You blush, lifting your budding tail, showing him just how ready you are.

"Screw the tent." You huff, his heavy snorts near inches away from your rear. "S-Sleep with me out here, tonight."

He presses his face forwards, tongue sliding against your darkened taint. The thick organ slides across your plump ass, before pressing forcefully against your shuddering pucker. He pushes you open with just his tongue, sloppy kisses sending you into a fit of snorts and whinnies.

Your body is trembling with need, your shift spurred forward as a hundred desires course through you.

Eat me out. Raw me. Take me, here and now.

The words don't leave your throat. A series of strained neighs erupt from your throat, as you feel your neck broaden. Your forearms continue to shift, shoulders rounding as your body demands a more comfortable position. Hooves scrabbling against the bark of the tree, you drop down with a heavy thud, quickly digging into the ground in front of you as you toss your mane.

The sound of his tongue dragging across your rear was only increasing in fervor. You push back against his shifting muzzle, letting him bask in your presence. Your own cock slaps between your thickened haunches, dribbling precum onto the forest floor.

The colors around you are draining, the vibrance of hues around you narrowing to a simpler spectrum. Where nerves and confusion had overtaken you the first time, you now found yourself scanning the horizon with wide eyes. It was like seeing a whole new world, the colors blending together to create something new. Something beautiful.

You nicker loudly as you feel his teeth slide against your equine pucker. The slightest of nips, your body quickly going into overdrive in response. Tail hiking high, your nostrils flaring, you present yourself for him. It was time. Gods, you needed him. Now.

Stomping at the ground impatiently, craning your head back to look at your fiancé, you cry out in need. The friesian behind you rears up, his shiny coat glinting in the morning sun. You brace for his heft, feeling him press down atop you. His snorting increasing in volume, as you feel his cock bob and smack against your legs. Thrust after thrust, the equine's hips move with wild abandon as he tries to drive his member home. You let out another whinny as he finally presses up against your pucker. Your whole body is relaxed. Ready for him. He slips in with ease, letting out a cry of joy, as he takes you. You feel his shaft throb within you, your stallion's snorts echoing through the forest. You toss your mane as he leans in, bodies rocking in tandem. Reckless passion, your desires flaring. You feel him crane down, gently nipping at your hide.

The press of his body against your back, the sensation of his medial ring slipping deep inside you. You shudder as you cum right then and there. Cock slapping against your body, sending thick ropes splattering across the forest floor. Clenching around your lover's shaft, as you feel his flare widen within you.

Fill me. Breed me. Make me yours, forever.

He neighs loudly as he cums, hot seed gushing deep within you. An overwhelming sense of satisfaction comes crashing down atop you as you clench around his member. Milking him gingerly, as he licks at your hide.

You blink slowly, breathing heavily as you come down from your high. Spent seed dribbles from your cock as you take a few steps forward. His flare is stuck in you, plugging you up. Keeping you full, and warm. The equine atop senses your desire to move, tugging backwards. He pulls out with a pop, seed splattering to the forest floor as it dribbles down your taint.

You feel your fiancé crane forward, lapping at the mess still drooling from your pucker. Turning your head, you watch him bob his head, snorting happily as he laps away.

His eyes eventually turn to yours, stepping away from your tingling haunches. There's a confidence in his stare that you haven't seen before, his low snorts filling you with newfound pride. He lips at your ear, snorting once more. You don't need words to share in the sentiment.

Pride. Family. Love.

You gently begin moving towards the plains in front of you, tail swishing as you flash him another glance of your clenching pucker. He follows after, nickering softly as he steps out of the shade.

You graze. Stroll about. Mate. Again and again. The sun begins to set, and your human forms slowly begin to return to you. Panting, tongue lolling from your mouth as your lover pulls out of you for the fifth time today, you glance back at the woods from whence you came.

"We should probably get the tent set up." You offer, splayed out in the grass before your lover. "And... maybe talk about those Shifter Traditions."

"It's up to interpretation." He huffs, leaning forward. He reaches out, grabbing at your hand with half-hooved fingers. "Right?"

You just smile, reaching out to kiss at his half-formed knuckles.

"It's just... I already made up my mind a long time ago." You say, ears flicking atop your head as his eyes widen.

"So then... you really want to?" He asks, voice barely audible within the meadow.

You grin, pulling yourself out of the tall grass. You stretch for a moment, half-posing for your fiancé as you stare out at the canopy before you.

"How about we sign a document first. Then set a window between now and four years from now." You huff, rolling a shoulder as you try to loosen the stiffest of your muscles. "When you're ready, that is."

He stands up beside you, pulling you close. The sun at your back, as his hands slide across your naked form. The sight of your fiancé, standing in this field of grass, etched permanently in your memory.

Your patient, caring partner.

Your husband.


"And to think, all of this happened because I gave you good head." You blurt out, watching his ears swivel in annoyance.

"Oh really?" He huffs, turning away from you to begin the long trek back to the car. "That's why you think I kept you around?"

"What else could it have been?" You ask, following after your stallion.

"Obviously it was your ability to completely and utterly ruin the mood." He huffs, picking up the pace.

You laugh, following after him. Mane blowing in the wind, as you bound towards your car.

Your life had been upended in the strangest way. Tossed upside down, by a man with the weirdest of habits. How had you not seen it sooner? It was obvious to you now. Of course, the biggest oversight of all would take years for you to realize. It comes the day he finally earns his driver's license, your eyes widening as you read his name aloud.

"Your legal name is Charlie?"


"Is that why you go by Charles?"

"Shh. Give me back my license."

"How did you get away with hiding this from me for so long?"

"I didn't. I told you my real name when we first met."


Well met! At last, these stories are coming to a close. Making A Horse was my first story written on Cambions, and it only seemed fair to close it first. Rest assured, the drafts of many more stories are already done. To those who have read all three parts, I thank you for your time and patience. Making Of has proved to be a wonderful learning excercise, and Horse is no exception.

See you next time.


Furaffinity: Sofurry: Twitter: